Bloedel Reserve Summer Bulletin 2012

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Nature and Well-being

Prentice Bloedel was a pioneer. Not only was he far ahead of his peers in environmental practices – using sawdust rather than fuel oil to power his sawmills, replanting in clearcut areas, and marketing fireplace logs made from sawdust – he also was fascinated with the relationship between people and plants. From 1977 to 1979, he carried on long correspondences and held meetings with academics and horticultural professionals on this little understood relationship. Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, professors of psychology at the University of Michigan; Charles Lewis, horticulturist at the Morton Arboretum near Chicago; and Patrick Horsbrugh, professor of architecture at Notre Dame University, were members of this group. Arthur Kruckeberg, professor of botany at the University of Washington, and Jay Appleton, professor of geography at Hull University in England, joined the conversation. Together, they and others explored the possibility of creating a multi-disciplinary “PeoplePlant” program at the University of Washington. Unfortunately, their dream was never realized. But Prentice Bloedel continued to write eloquently about his ideas. He often spoke of The Reserve as “a garden to stimulate the emotions and spirit, rather than the intellect; a garden designed to present numerous experiences.” “Out of these experiences,” he wrote, “comes an unexpected insight. Respect for trees and plants replaces indifference; one feels the existence of a divine order. Man is not set apart from the rest of nature – he is just a member of that incredibly diverse population of the universe, a member that nature can do without but who cannot do without nature.” Thirty-five years later, the relationship between people and plants, and the importance of nature to human well-being, is more accepted. But it is still a concept that does not fit easily into one particular field of study. We have gathered experts from many fields to explore this topic and share their knowledge. We know that many of our visitors experience a deeply emotional connection to The Reserve, and find it a place for peaceful contemplation, sanctuary and respite from the pressures of the world and their lives. A place of inspiration. Please join in the conversation in June, as we continue to explore the relationship between nature and well-being.

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Nature Contact and Human Health: Is the Evidence In? Saturday, June 2 at 12:00 pm Speaker: Howard Frumkin, Dean, School of Public Health, University of Washington Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members, $15 non-members

In a recent speech, Dr. Frumkin asked the audience to imagine that they were zookeepers who were about to receive a shipment of butterflies. As responsible zookeepers, their first thought would be how they could create a healthy habitat in which those butterflies could thrive. He then pointed out how seldom we think of creating human habitats to meet basic needs that humans need to thrive and be healthy, such as: Clean water; natural light; fresh nutritious uncontaminated food; not too much noise; not too much heat, dryness or humidity; some privacy; social interaction; safety from injury, from toxic chemicals and from crime; protection from disaster; social equity; contact with nature; beauty and inspiration; and hope for the future. This simple list sums up Dr. Frumkin’s years of research and work in medicine, administration, and academia. Specifically, his interests include the public health aspects of urban sprawl and the built environment; air pollution; metal and PCB toxicity; climate change; and environmental and occupational health policy. His talk will focus mainly on his research on the importance of human contact with nature.

Prentice Bloedel’s Quest Tuesday, June 5 at 10:00 am Speaker: Sally Schauman, FASLA, Professor, Landscape Architecture, Duke University, and former Bloedel Reserve Trustee Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members, $15 non-members

Today dozens and dozens of healing gardens are everywhere. Some bring spiritual or physical wellness, others are merely green, pretty and pleasant. Sally Schauman will share why and how she thinks Prentice Bloedel’s quest to truly unravel the connection between humans and nature produced the best healing garden in America.

Dr. Howard Frumkin is the dean of the UW School of Public Health at the University of Washington. He is an internist, environmental and occupational medicine specialist, epidemiologist, and was Director of the National Center for Environmental Health/ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry at the Centers for Disease Control from 2005 until 2010. He was at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health from 1990 to 2005, rising to full professor and chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. At Emory he founded and directed the Environmental and Occupational Medicine Consultation Clinic, the Occupational Medicine Residency training program, and the Southeast Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. From 1988 to 1990 he was assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Howard was on the board of directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and has served as chair of the science board of the American Public Health Association, and was a member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee. He received his A.B. from Brown University in 1977, his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1982, a master’s in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1982, and a doctorate in public health in 1993 from Harvard.

Sally Schauman, FASLA, is professor emeritus in the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Washington and currently an adjunct professor in the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. She served on the Bloedel Reserve Board of Trustees from 1982 to 1996, becoming well acquainted with Prentice Bloedel. Sally retired in August 2000 from the University of Washington after 21 years of service, where she established the Master of Landscape Architecture Program and served as Chair of the Department for 12 years. She holds a liberal arts degree from Duke University, a professional landscape architecture degree from North Carolina State University, and a master of science in Resource Management from the University of Michigan. A registered landscape architect, she was a Loeb Fellow in Advanced Environmental Studies at Harvard University and is a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects. In 1999, she was named National Outstanding Educator of the Year by the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.

Summer Bulletin 2012 Dr. Gordon Bradley’s teaching and research interests include environmental policy, planning, urban ecology and urban forest landscapes. He teaches specific courses on forest land use planning, environmental impact assessment, urban forest issues, conservation area planning, and urban ecology. The focus of his research is on human response to land use change along the urban to wildland gradient, and the relationship between forestlands and the built environment. His extensive research and consulting also revolves around forest practices in visually sensitive areas. An ongoing study involves the visual preferences of various interest groups to different timber harvest patterns. His research and consulting clients include public agencies at the federal, state and local level and numerous private natural resource management companies. He serves on several state and local advisory panels, and served two terms on the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, a 15-member panel appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Dr. Bradley earned a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from California State Polytechnic University; a Master of Landscape Architecture in Environmental Planning from the University of California at Berkeley; and a Doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Michigan.

Carolyn Scott Kortge jokes that walking saved her marriage, her self-image, and her life. She’s only partly kidding. An award-winning journalist, popular public speaker, cancer survivor and former competitive racewalker, Carolyn credits daily walks with restoring balance, renewal, and spiritual connection in a busy life. Carolyn discovered fitness walking in her 40s while writing about an international track meet for senior athletes. In The Spirited Walker: Fitness Walking for Clarity, Balance, and Spiritual Connection, she chronicles her transition from physical “klutz” to “athlete,” and introduces mindfulness tools shared by athletes and meditators. A diagnosis of breast cancer two years after publication of that book propelled her onto another life-changing path as she transitioned from walking for fitness to walking for health and clarity. In her second book, Healing Walks for Hard Times, she outlines an 8-week program of walks that taps the healing benefits of keeping your feet on the ground when life is bumpy. A resident of Eugene, Oregon, she speaks at medical centers, wellness events, survivor conferences, and health resorts and spas across the United States. Learn more about Carolyn at her website,

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Designing Forest Settings with Human Preferences and Well-Being in Mind Wednesday, June 6 at 7:30pm Speaker: Gordon Bradley, Ph.D., School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

One of Bloedel Reserve’s primary missions is to be a responsible steward of a significant tract of native Pacific Northwest forest. Many of us live in or near forested areas, and wish to be good stewards of our own green environments. Dr. Bradley will explore the relationship between humans and nature; why forest settings are important to us and what we can do to create environments that are supportive of our inclinations and wellbeing. Forest environments provide a variety of environmental, social and economic benefits to individuals and society. The intent of his talk is to focus on the social aspects of creating and designing forest settings that meet our general expectations for a positive experience of nature. Examples and applications will be drawn from both large, expansive forest landscapes, as well as relatively small parcels that reflect the interest of family forest landowners.

Lecture & Guided Walk:

Every Step, A Healing Step

Friday, June 8 at 4:30 pm

Speaker: Carolyn Scott Kortge

Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Can you mend a nasty mood with a walk around the block? Climb a trail and outpace a cold? Could a stroll in the park improve a faulty memory, or a power walk heal the pain of a slammed door? Carolyn Scott Kortge considers every walk a healing walk and modern research backs her up. Author of The Spirited Walker and Healing Walks for Hard Times, Carolyn’s resilient enthusiasm for life spills through her stories, her writing, her talks, and her walks. Join Carolyn as she shares personal experiences and practical tips that transform fitness walks into an active meditation with the power to carry you, step by step, on an exploration of trails both internal and external. Whether it’s a broken heart, a wounded ego, a medical crisis, or a case of the doldrums, a walk can restore momentum and speed recovery when life slips out of balance. Immediately following her talk, Carolyn will lead a 30-minute mindful walk on the tranquil paths of Bloedel Reserve. This teaching walk will introduce mindfulness tools of breath awareness, self-talk, and visual imagery that enhance relaxation and activate the body’s innate healing mechanisms. The pace will be gentle, with frequent stops for reflection and instruction, allowing walkers of all fitness levels to participate.

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The Restorative Power of Plants Sunday, June 10 at 2:00pm Speaker: Patty Cassidy, Registered Horticultural Therapist Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Plants, gardens and gardening have played an important role throughout human history. In recent years, research has shown that people receive specific benefits from involvement with plants, and nature in general, in periods of stress and illness and recovery, and as they age. What can we do to tap into this power for our general wellbeing and health? Patty’s talk will offer a review of the history of our interaction with plants and some reasons we find them so powerful. This visual presentation will show some ways that horticultural therapists apply their training to a variety of populations. And we will take a look at ways we can keep ourselves involved in gardening, even if our mature years come with a few challenges. The presentation will include time for questions and to share ideas.

Patty Cassidy, who holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and a BS in Elementary Education, has over 35 years of experience as a teacher and mental health counselor in both the public and private sector. In 2005, she embarked on a new career path in horticultural therapy, allowing her to combine her broad knowledge of human development with an understanding of how nature and horticulture can affect people’s well-being. She currently works with frail and high-functioning elders, as well as with those who have memory impairment. Being familiar with gardening practices and a wide variety of plant materials enables Patty to tailor activities to the individual needs of her clients and to help caregivers weave horticulture and the use of natural materials into their day-to-day activities with memory-impaired elders. Patty is a registered horticultural therapist through the American Horticultural Therapy Association and sits on its national board. For the past three years, she has presided as president of the Friends of the Portland Memory Garden, a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of individuals with memory disorders and their caregivers by maintaining the Portland Memory Garden and providing therapeutic and educational activities. Patty’s first book, The Practical Illustrated Guide to Gardening for Seniors, was just released in November and was chosen by The Oregonian writer Kym Pokorny as one of the top five garden books of the year.

Healing Garden Designs Wednesday, June 13 at 10:00am Speaker: Dan Winterbottom, RLA, FASLA Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Dan Winterbottom is passionately interested in the sociology of space, how urban pocket gardens can save a neighborhood, how a tree outside a hospital window can cheer a patient. His commitment was formed from his own experience. When his mother was battling cancer, he spent far more time than he’d care to remember beneath harsh fluorescent lights in pea-green hospital waiting rooms. He noticed how his mother was relaxed by a ride in the country, or even a glimpse of grass outside, and realized that nature’s beauty and constancy is comforting to those whose world has been dramatically changed by serious illness. In 2006, Dan developed the Healing Garden Certificate program at the University of Washington. In his talk, he will describe the many design/build projects he and his students have created together which address the social and ecological concerns of communities. He has completed projects in Seattle, New York City, Mexico, Guatemala, Bosnia/Herzegovina and Croatia.

Dan Winterbottom is a landscape architect and Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tufts University, and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. His firm, Winterbottom Design Inc., focuses on healing/ restorative gardens. His research interests include the landscape as a cultural expression, ecological urban design and the role of restorative/healing landscapes in the built environment. He has been published widely in Northwest Public Health, Places, the New York Times, Seattle Times, and Landscape Architecture Magazine. He authored “Wood in the Landscape” and has contributed to several books on sustainable design, community gardens, therapeutic landscapes and community service learning.

Summer Bulletin 2012 Marty Wingate is a Seattle-based writer and speaker on gardens and travel. She is the author of three other books: The Bellevue Botanical Garden: Celebrating 15 Years; Big Ideas for Northwest Small Gardens; and The Big Book of Northwest Perennials. Marty writes for Landscape Architecture magazine and contributes to other national publications including Fine Gardening, American Gardener, Country Gardens, and Gardening How-to. She volunteers on the editorial board of the Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin, and is a weekly guest on the “Greendays” segment on KUOW, Seattle’s National Public Radio station, for which she won a 2010 Silver Trowel award from the Garden Writers Association for on-air talent. She has a master’s degree in urban horticulture from the University of Washington, and is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, as well as the Arboretum Foundation, Northwest Horticultural Society, and the Royal Horticultural Society. She leads garden tours to England, Scotland and Ireland, and North American destinations.

Mark Epstein is a Registered Landscape Architect, and a principal of HafsEpstein Landscape Architecture, a design firm located in downtown Seattle. Mark offers therapeutic design and consulting services for health care and senior care facilities. He was co-chair of the American Society of Landscape Architects’ Committee on Therapeutic Garden Design for eight years. Mark was an instructor of therapeutic garden design at the University of Washington from 20072011, and has taught healthcare garden design at the Chicago Botanic Garden since 2001.

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Landscaping for Privacy: Innovative Ways to Turn Your Outdoor Space into a Peaceful Retreat Thursday, June 14 at 2:00pm Speaker: Marty Wingate, author Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Your garden and the area around your home is your own private space – your haven, your sanctuary. It is your refuge from the noise and irritation of traffic, eyesores, and nosy neighbors. Or it could be if there was some sort of barrier between your front yard and the sidewalk, or if you didn’t have to stare at the back of the neighbors’ garage when you want to relax on your patio. Marty Wingate’s new book, Landscaping for Privacy, is full of creative and practical ideas for minimizing or eliminating the nuisances that intrude on your personal outdoor space. Scores of real-world examples show you how to keep the outside world at bay by strategically placing buffers (berms or groups of small trees), barriers (fences or walls), and screens (arbors or hedges) around your property. Her book includes helpful plant lists to guide you in choosing varieties that will enhance your sense of seclusion. If you’ve ever felt frustrated by the lack of privacy whenever you step outside your home, this inspiring book will steer you toward an achievable solution. And make your garden a place where you can feel secure and peaceful.

Therapeutic Design Adaptations for the Home Garden Saturday, June 16 at 4:30pm Speaker: Mark Epstein, RLA Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Therapeutic design in a garden refers to creating a place where the environment is adapted to the activities or anticipated behavior of the user. We often shape our environment based on an unconscious internal desire or on a vision of what is beautiful given to us through external sources such as magazines or garden designers. Another way to design gardens – especially effective for garden users that may have a physical or cognitive limitation – is to employ principles that accommodate the garden user. This type of design is based on research of human psychology and physiology, and is especially relevant in the home garden where the design can be personalized and tailored to the garden users. Mark will present specific design adjustments that can made in the home garden to make the outdoor space more useful, easier to maintain, and more humane.

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Art in Nature: The Therapeutic Effects of Nature Photography – A Personal Story Sunday, June 17 at 4:30pm Speaker: Charles Needle Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

A professional fine art and editorial nature photographer and writer since 1998, Charles Needle specializes in capturing nature’s essence with heart, sensitivity and unique vision. His award-winning images evoke a spiritual, almost meditative state. He is deeply aware of the inherent order in all of nature, and he aims to capture this order by portraying each subject’s inner beauty from even the smallest of details. Nature photography proved to be a very healing practice for Charles, because it was instrumental in his 12-year recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The camera became an extension of self and a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Many of Charles’ photographs were taken in the quiet stillness of his own backyard, while other subjects were photographed in locations throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and the West Indies.

Charles Needle holds a Bachelor’s degree in English (Kenyon College, Ohio) and a Master’s degree in Journalism (University of Missouri-Columbia). His articles and photos appear in many magazines and newspapers nationwide. His award-winning fine art nature photographs are on permanent display in numerous hospitals, homes and offices nationwide. In addition, he has produced a videotape featuring his photography, called The Healing Power of Nature, which plays currently in more than 40 hospital and physicians’ waiting rooms across the country and on closed-circuit television in numerous hospitals, including Emory University Hospital in Atlanta and The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.

To help others experience this same “healing” from nature, Charles founded Nature Comforts, Inc. in 1996, offering healthcare professionals and consumers a wide array of specially designed products and services that enhance wellness, healing and inner strength through reconnecting with nature. Join Charles to hear his personal story of the therapeutic influence that photography has had on his life.

Leave No Child Inside: The New Movement to Reconnect Children and Nature Tuesday, June 19 at 10:00am Speaker: Martin LeBlanc, Senior Vice President, IslandWood; founder Children & Nature Network Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Do you remember building a tree house? Do you remember the bike ride to nowhere as a child? The time is now to work together to connect generations of adults and children back to nature. With the average American teenager engaging in over fifty hours of electronic interaction every week, we must highlight the role a special place in nature can play in helping our children become more educated and develop the tools to become innovative community leaders. Martin LeBlanc of IslandWood and a founding board member of the Children and Nature Network will highlight the issue and resources available for you to become involved in your own community.

Martin LeBlanc is a leading voice in the movement to reconnect children and nature. As a teenager, Martin’s life was turned around by an outdoor experience. His education and experience in government and the non-profit sector as an adult have been focused on creating partnerships with many organizations with the goal of giving every child an outdoor experience. He is a founding board member and vice president of the Children and Nature Network, taking inspiration from Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods and The Nature Principle. Martin worked for ten years with the Sierra Club, most recently as its National Youth Director. He recently joined the staff of Islandwood as senior vice president. He has built relationships with the Obama administration, including the Department of Interior’s Office of Youth, and the First Lady’s Let’s Move Initiative. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from American University in Washington, DC, and a master’s in Environment, Culture and Society from Lancaster University in England.

Summer Bulletin 2012


Creating Great Photographs in a Great Garden

Instructor: Charles Needle

Monday, June 18, 8:00am-5:15pm Class Fee: $150 Bloedel Members, $170 non-members

As one of the world’s most intriguing gardens, Bloedel Reserve offers infinite “photo opportunities,” from striking vistas to intimate close-ups of flowers. The instructor for this inspirational class, Charles Needle, is a professional fine art and editorial nature photographer and writer. Charles understands that making great pictures of flowers and gardens requires not only skill and patience, but also creative vision. He will help you learn how to craft a truly great garden photograph using a digital camera — teaching tips for proper exposure, composition and lighting. He also will discuss the concept of “intimate landscape,” and ways to capture the essence or “spirit” of the garden. To take your creativity to a new level, Charles will guide you as you explore several methods of making painterly, non-literal images “in-camera,” using techniques of camera movement, multipleexposure montaging, Lensbaby, long exposures, and shooting reflections. This fun and informative class includes a lecture, field demonstrations, and personalized hands-on instruction. Bring your camera and instruction manual, lenses and tripod (if you have them), memory cards, spare batteries, knee-pads, and a sack lunch. All skill levels are welcome.

Class fee: $150 for Bloedel Reserve members, $170 non-members, which includes admission to the Reserve. Class hours: 8:00 am to 5:15 pm. Due to the early start time of this class or for those who also want to attend Charles’ lecture on Sunday afternoon, participants may wish to stay in nearby accommodations. Special room rates (subject to availability) are available at the Best Western Bainbridge PLUS Island Suites (206-855-9666) and the Poulsbo Inn (360-779-3921). Room reservations must be made with these hotels by May 31, 2012. To register for this class, please contact Bloedel Reserve at 206-842-7631. All credit cards accepted. Registration deadline: May 31, 2012.

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Video & Talk: Echoes of Creation Friday, June 29 at 7:30pm Presenter: Jan Nickman Admission fee: $10

Join Emmy award-winning director and videographer Jan Nickman for a special screening of “Echoes of Creation,” a 40-minute journey through Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, featuring stunning visual images and a brilliant soundtrack by Grammy-nominated composer David Arkenstone. Not the typical “nature film,” “Echoes of Creation” is a unique experience that allows you to feel nature, rather than think about it, and hear its wisdom, rather than talk about it. One reviewer wrote that the film was “a visual feast of natural wonders. It tells us that we cannot reach that sense of the sacred through our intellect, but that our contact with nature helps us find it over and over in countless, awe-inspiring ways.”

Lecture and Walk: Restoration and Celebration — The Created World Around Us Saturday, June 30, 4:00-6:30pm Speaker/Leader: Christie Lynk, M.A., professor, Seattle School of Theology & Psychology and Seattle University Admission fee: $10 Bloedel Reserve members; $15 non-members

Join psychology professor Christie Lynk for a lecture and a co-created walk on the Reserve. Stop. Look. Close your eyes. Look again. Awaken your senses; feel the ground and moss underfoot; smell the scent of the forest; listen to the silence and the sounds; and let the rhythm of your body sync with your surroundings. Breathe. Be still. Be astonished. The beauty of Bloedel Reserve invites us to enter without the necessity of words and with grateful anticipation of the life that is in motion above us, around us and below us. Through group walks and solitary wanderings, we will explore our well-being in relationship to the whole of creation and celebrate the gifts that await us. Bring a journal and a pen (optional) and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Jan Nickman is a film and television director, producer, cinematographer and writer. As the cofounder of Miramar Images, Inc. and Sacred Earth Pictures, his career in film and television spans three decades. He is the recipient of two Emmy Awards, and numerous other awards for both film and television productions. About the mission of his company, Sacred Earth Pictures, Jan says, “We feel that the earth and its inhabitants should be regarded as sacred—that is—regarded with reverence. Our films address spiritual matters in the strictest sense of the word, as it pertains to matters of the human spirit. We believe that nature is the only teacher that has absolute truth in it. We believe that capturing its beauty is to capture the essence of truth.”

Christie Lynk graduated from Seattle University with a Master’s degree in Existential, Phenomenological, Therapeutic Psychology. She now teaches at Seattle University and at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Her writing and speaking explores the realms of personal development, sacred spaces and restoration in community. Christie frequently brings her college classes to Bloedel Reserve for silent meditative walks. She can often be found sitting on the shore of Lake Washington watching the clouds, reading poetry and enjoying the “art of doing nothing.”

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Movement Meditation in Nature Instructor: Dorotha Carl

Tuesdays (June 5,12,19,26) at 2:00pm Fee: $60 for 4 classes

Thursdays (June 7,14,21,28) at 10:00am Fee: $60 for 4 classes

Tuesdays & Thursdays Fee: $120 for 8 classes

Inspired by the ancient health and wellness practice of Qigong, the classes will include a variety of body movements, focused breathing and guided visualizations. The benefits include energy balance, stress reduction, immune system boost and improvement in flexibility, coordination and balance. These movement classes will be taught in the beautiful Guest House in the Japanese Garden, indoors or outdoors, weather permitting. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.

Walking Meditation Facilitator: Dorotha Carl

Sunday, June 24 at 2:00pm Admission fee: $5 Bloedel members; non-members pay regular entry fee to The Reserve plus $5 class fee

This 60-minute class, in the tradition of silent meditation walking, will include warm up movements and mindfulness walking at a moderate pace through the garden. Instructor provides various focus points and guided imagery during phases of the walk. The walk also will include “pause points� for reflection, stretching and enjoyment of the natural surroundings. Suitable for all ages.

To register for the classes on this page, please call 206-842-7631.

Dorotha Carl is certified by the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, and has been teaching mindbody fitness programs for more than 20 years.

Nature & Well-being Lectures & Guided Walks

To register for the events listed below, please go our website,, and use the link to Brown Paper Tickets, or call 206-842-7631.

Nature Contact & Human Health: Is the Evidence In? June 2 at 12:00pm Prentice Bloedel’s Quest June 5 at 10:00am Designing Forest Settings with Human Preferences in Mind June 6 at 7:30pm Every Step, A Healing Step June 8 at 4:30pm The Restorative Power of Plants June 10 at 2:00pm Healing Garden Designs June 13 at 10:00am Landscaping for Privacy June 14 at 2:00pm Therapeutic Design Adaptations for the Home Garden June 16 at 4:30pm

The Therapeutic Effects of Nature Photography June 17 at 4:30pm Leave No Child Inside: Reconnecting Children & Nature June 19 at 10:00am Walking Meditation June 24 at 2:00pm Echoes of Creation June 29 at 7:30pm Restoration and Celebration-The Created World Around Us June 30 at 4:00pm


To register for the classes listed below, please call 206-842-7631.

Movement Meditation in Nature

(see page 9 class description, dates and times)

Creating Great Photographs

(June 18, see page 7 for class description)

Presenting Sponsor Bloedel Reserve extends most grateful thanks to Peninsula Cancer Center, the presenting sponsor of the events described in this bulletin, for their generous support.

Photo credits: Kate Gormley-p.1,3,10; Richard A. Brown-p.2,6,7,8,9; Roseann Olson (of C. Kortge)-p.3; Dottie Tison-p.4,5,10; Charles Needle-p.7


THE BLOEDEL RESERVE SUMMER HOURS: (JUNE, JULY & AUGUST) 10am - 7pm, Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm, Tuesday & Wednesday


General Admission: Seniors 65+ and Military Age 13 - College Children under 13

$13 $9 $5 free

No appointments needed to visit.


Unlimited free visits with up to three guests Advanced notification and discounts on concerts and educational programs Program bulletins and newsletters 10% discount in our Shop

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© 2012 by The Bloedel Reserve

The Bloedel Reserve 7571 NE Dolphin Drive Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-1097

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