Sacred Heart Academy COVID-19 Procedures

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Adjusted Start Schedule Following Kentucky and Archdiocesan recommendations, we have readjusted our timeline for reopening. We will now follow the adjusted timeline outlined below.

August 12, 13, 14 – F reshman iPad distribution and technology training sessions (Students will be welcomed in groups of 10-15 for each session) August 12 – Transfer student orientation and iPad distribution and training session August 17/18 – Freshman Orientation and Be the Heart Day August 19 – Sophomore Orientation and Be the Heart Day August 20 – Junior Orientation and Be the Heart Day August 21 – Senior Orientation and Be the Heart Day August 24 – F irst FULL day of classes: White day Group 1 A-K in-person Group 2: L-Z on-line



SIDE-BY-SIDE Hybrid Model of Learning We had hoped that we would be able to bring all students together for face-to-face instruction, but the current reality of the pandemic is not what we had anticipated. Our campus and school reopening task forces have determined that a slower start will be in everyone’s best interest. As we have said, the safety of the students and faculty must be prioritized, so we believe that returning at 50% capacity is the most prudent decision. We will be adopting a full-week SIDE-BY-SIDE Hybrid model of learning where students will be learning simultaneously, but half will be at home and half will be in the building. This is what it looks like:


Students A-K (Group 1) Students L-Z (Group 2)

WEDNESDAY 8:00-2:15

Resource Day – required extended learning opportunities (a mix of in-person and digital)


Students L-Z (Group 2) Students A-K (Group 1)

In person Digital

In person


* Families have the option to choose a digital-only learning model for their daughters. The form to request that can be found in this “Back-to-School” packet.

Our hope is that we will be able to use the Side-by-Side Hybrid model as a transition, and that we will resume our regular schedule soon. We will continually evaluate the model, make adjustments as needed, and hopefully be back to “normal” early in the semester. Since March 13, the adversities faced have been many. From professional to personal, everyone has been challenged by this pandemic, but we are Sacred Heart, and we stand united as Valkyries – strong women and men of great faith. I certainly have faith that the quality, value, and excellence of a Sacred Heart education is unchanging, even in this ever-changing and challenging environment. Thank you for entrusting your daughter to us. We are blessed to be able to begin another school year. We are committed to offering an excellent and holistic hybrid experience for our students. We feel that by limiting building capacity to 50%, we will ensure not only a safe but a sustainable beginning to the school year. We will continually reflect and evaluate this model and make adaptations as needed. We are hopeful that this is something that will serve as the transition into full capacity – hopefully sooner than later.

Sacred Heart is committed to excellence, so know that we will be spending the first two weeks of August in faculty professional development and planning to ensure that everyone is well prepared to welcome students back to the new school year. We will also provide the students with higher standards for digital engagement, including the use of cameras, the requirement of participating at a desk or table rather than in bed, and the regulation of appropriate attire for digital learning. We will hold each other to the highest standards to ensure the highest results.

If you feel that internet access, transportation or other concerns may present a challenge for your daughter, we ask you to email her counselor. Freshmen: Sophomores: Juniors: Seniors A-J: Seniors K-Z:

Betsy Kramer Kelly Shanks Fran Dotson Erin Burke Ron Padgett



Current Health and Safety Measures Below please find the current (as of July 13, 2020) overview of the health and safety measures Sacred Heart Academy will be implementing for the safe reopening of school, addressing how we will protect our students, staff, families, and personnel from the spread of Covid-19. These procedures are fluid and based on guidance from the Archdiocese of Louisville, city, and state officials and the medical community at large.

Arrival • Doors will open at 7:15 am. • All students will have temperatures taken upon arrival. • We are hoping to have a thermal imaging system in place so that temperatures can be taken efficiently inside each entrance. • No-touch thermometers will be available for temperature scanning as well. • If a student’s temperature is 100.4 or higher, she will not be allowed to attend classes and will be sent home right away. • A doctor’s note will be required prior to coming back to school. • Random temperature checks may be done throughout the school day. • Anyone with a temperature or feeling ill should stay home to help us maintain a healthy school campus. o See sick policy in the 2020-2021 handbook for further instructions.

Entering the Building • All students must wear a mask when walking from their car to the building and while in the building. • SHA students will use one of the following entrances: front café doors, back café’ doors, connector door, back gym door (drivers only) • Students who arrive prior to 7:35 will be sent to first-floor rooms as holding spots until they are able to go to class. • Students arriving at or after 7:35 should go directly to their first period class following the one-way routes identified by directional floor signs. • Directional floor signs will identify one-way pathways for movement through hallways. • Students will not be allowed to use lockers, so a large purse is recommended. • Backpacks are not allowed.

Movement in Building Throughout the Day • Students will follow directional floor markings which indicate a pathway throughout the building. • Bathroom usage will be limited to a safe number of students in the room at one time. • Students may not loiter or gather in the restrooms or hallways. • Students may not loiter or gather in the front lobby, connector, or gym.

Dismissal • Dismissal times will be staggered. • Seniors 2:30 • Juniors 2:35 • Sophomores 2:40 • Freshmen 2:45 • One-way hallway routing must be followed. • Masks must remain on until students are in their cars. • Social distancing is required while on campus.

Leaving School for an Appointment • Leaving school for an appointment is strongly discouraged. If a student must leave and returns, she will have to have her temperature taken at the front desk/office before returning to class



PPE Requirements

• All students must wear an approved mask that covers their nose and mouth. Masks are a part of the school uniform and must meet uniform guidelines as outlined in the student handbook and must be in keeping with the Ursuline Core Values

• SHA will issue one mask to all students with the SHA logo on it. While we will furnish one mask, we suggest students have extra masks on hand in case they need a replacement.

• Masks that are not the SHA mask may have no writing, logos, pictures or symbols on them. It is preferred that they be a solid color.

• Masks should be washed on a regular basis. The student’s name should be written in the mask. • All teachers must wear an approved mask or face shield when they are with students.

• All staff members must wear an approved face mask or face shield any time they are interacting with others.

Cleaning and Sanitizing • Enhanced cleaning protocols have been established to disinfect the building on a regular basis. In addition to all of the high-touch points being cleaned throughout the day, each classroom and office will contain a bin with cleaning supplies, paper towels, etc. for students and teachers to access as needed. • There will be a housekeeping person in each building every school day. • Water fountains may only be used to fill up water bottles, so all students must bring their own SHA-approved water bottle daily. It is recommended that the water bottles be washed every evening. • Students must never share water bottles or food or drink. • Should a positive case of Covid-19 be reported, the entire building will receive a deep clean.

Social Distancing • Classroom seating will be arranged to maximize strategic social distancing and to limit face-to-face interaction. • Teachers will be encouraged to take classes outside as often as possible. • At this time, visitors, including parents, will not be allowed into the building. • If students forget items at home or in their car, they will have to do without the item(s). • If a student forgets a lunch, she can order a pre-packaged lunch from Flik that day. • All staff members and students will follow social distancing guidelines while on school grounds. • No field trips, extra events, or speakers will be allowed. More information regarding Mock Schedule Night, parent conferences, etc., will be communicated at a later date.

Lunches • Students must bring a lunch from home or purchase a pre-packaged lunch from FLIK. • No food can be shared at any point of the school day. • Students will eat in their classrooms (C & G blocks) or outside when weather permits.

*Parents may choose to have their child(ren)

participate with their class(es) in digital learning for the entirety of the academic school day;

however, those students may not participate in any SHA-sponsored event to protect their health and safety.



Sacred Heart Schools, a Catholic community rooted in the Ursuline tradition, inspires diverse learners to become globally minded, compassionate leaders.

Sacred Heart Schools 3115 Lexington Road • Louisville, KY 40206 • 502.896.3910 • Sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville • A proud partner of Compassionate Louisville 6


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