2005 08 22

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Optimist the


August 22, 2005

Vol. 94, No. 1 1 section, 16 pages www.acuoptimist.com

Setting up for success

Summer showers

Campaign countdown

Michelle Bernhardt was selected preseason South Division Player of the Year, page 16

Heavy August rains helped the city’s water supply but brought more mosquitoes, page 11

Almost two-thirds of the $150 million Centennial Campaign is raised, page 6

Letting their lights shine

Theatre chooses ‘Seussical’ as musical n Community concerns about the casting of Aida bring about a late switch of the productions. By JONATHAN SMITH Editor in Chief

Brian Schmidt/Chief Photographer

Cecilia Clowdus, freshman undeclared major from Hurst, worships alongside incoming freshmen and transfer students in Beauchamp Amphitheater on Tuesday during the Candlelight Devo, which included singing and a message from Mike Cope, preacher for Highland Church of Christ.

n More than 1,000 new students came together last week for Welcome Week to become acquainted with the university, college life and each other. Features Editor

About one thousand freshmen and transfer students attended events and mentor group meetings during this year’s Welcome Week, a fiveand-a-half day event before classes began, organized to help students make the transition to college life. “We work to provide a balance between large group activities to get the entire entering class together for events, small group times with the mentor groups and down time where new students can rest and prepare for the beginning of classes,” said Eric Gumm, assistant director of the First-Year Program and director of orientation in an e-mail. Students once again attended veteran events, such as a giant Twister game and a movie at the Paramount Theatre, in large numbers. The photo scavenger hunt was also a success in its second year in the Welcome Week lineup, Gumm said. The only new addition to the schedule this year was a trip to Frontier Texas.

For a video report on Thursday morning’s sunrise devo at Welcome Week, visit: http://pricklypear.acu.edu/videos

“They can have a chance to learn the history and background of the community they’re going to be living in these next few years,” said Kristina Anderson, Welcome Week co-chair and senior communication major from Canton. Frontier Texas was the biggest change to the week, but coordinators also made some small changes to the Friday service project. Instead of walking door to door asking local residents for canned food, as in past years, students responded to the needs of neighborhoods surrounding the university by volunteering to do odd jobs. Because every mentor group participated, Gumm said an estimated 1,000 students spent part of the day helping residents. Through daily mentor group meetings and events, Anderson said she hopes See WELCOME page 14

See MUSICAL page 14

University operating with surplus

On the Web


After days of uncertainty, the Theatre Department on Wednesday announced Seussical would replace Aida as this year’s Homecoming Musical. The late change occurred after Adam Hester, chair of the Theatre Department, pulled Aida on Aug. 8 because of concerns in the community that a white actress was cast to play a lead role as a Nubian princess. With the first rehearsal Saturday, the cast and crew will now have about two months—as opposed to six months for Aida—to prepare for Seussical before its Oct. 14-16 showings. “Every production has its challenges,” Hester said in an e-mail. “Time will be ours. “There will probably be several rehearsals taking place at the same time. There may be one group working on choreography while another is in blocking rehearsals and a third will be working on learning

n Administrators dedicate $4.5 million for a three-year plan toward increasing faculty salaries. By JONATHAN SMITH Editor in Chief

Emerald McGowan/Staff Photographer

Freshmen Krissy Heavin, business and broadcasting major from Lexington, Ky., and Brian Mitchell, pre-architecture major from Garland, play Twister in Moody Coliseum during Welcome Week on Tuesday.

The university’s operating budget saw about a $6 million positive swing last year to end the year with more than a $1 million surplus, said Phil Schubert, vice president of finance. Total net worth, which also takes into account investment earnings and gifts to the university, also climbed $18 million during last year to $234 Schubert million—one of the stronger years on record in the past 15 years, Schubert said. Two years ago, projections showed that the budget deficit would continue to grow, reaching about $4.5 to $5 million. Acting quickly in response to the projecSee FINANCES page 14

Barret Hall opens to sophomore women just in time n Heavy rains slowed the completion of the residence hall and almost forced residents to find alternate living arrangements for the first week of classes. By Jaci Schneider Copy Editor

Sophomore women began moving into Barret Hall Friday after much suspense about whether their new home would be ready

for occupation. Although the inside of the building had been finished for more than two weeks, heavy rainfall caused concern because it stalled workers from pouring concrete, a task that had to be finished before the city would approve the building for occupancy, said Howard Deerman, superintendent of the Barret

“It’s all absolutely beautiful. It’s even better than I thought it would be.” Dr. Mimi Barnard, director of Residence Life Education and Housing

Hall project. “We should have been through last Friday,” Deerman said. “But the rain killed us on that.” Rain also kept workers from laying brick on

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

schedule last spring, Deerman said. In the end, the rain only delayed the project by one week because of rain days built into the schedule. Women who had planned

to move into the hall before Welcome Week stayed in Sikes Hall or with their friends for the week, said Dr. Mimi Barnard, director of Residence Life Education and Housing. Although the hall was completed before the beginning of classes, Barnard was prepared for the chance that it wouldn’t. She sent e-mails to the 162

Abilene Christian University

residents, letting them know that the chance existed they would not be able to move until after classes began. She asked them to stay at home if they lived in Abilene, find friends to stay with or let her know if they would need somewhere else to stay. Barnard See BARRET page 14

Serving the ACU community since 1912

Campus Monday, August 22, 2005

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Calendar & Events Monday

First day of classes.


Pledging information meeting, 6 p.m. for men and 7 p.m. for women, Hart Auditorium.

Professional Development Day for student teachers, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Hilton Room.




2005 Fall Dinner Theatre: A Grand Night For Singing, Fulks Theatre.


Meet the Churches, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Campus Center.

Dallas Morning News, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Campus Center.



Last day to register for classes. Last day to withdraw from classes with 100 percent refund. Students’ Association petitions due, 4 p.m., SA office.

Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers are needed to help with the March of Dimes golf tournament fundraiser from September 20-25 at the Fairway Oaks Country Club. There are many different jobs and flexible time slots during these days. For more information, contact the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center in the Bean Sprout.

2005 Fall Dinner Theatre: A Grand Night For Singing, Fulks Theatre.



2005 Fall Dinner Theatre: A Grand Night For Singing, Fulks Theatre. Higher Ground Student Leadership Conference, 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m., Highland Church of Christ.

Parents of Children with Down Syndrome is seeking volunteers to help with childcare during support group meetings. Meetings are 6:45-8:15 p.m. Wednesdays at the Women`s Center of Abilene Regional Medical Center. For more information, contact the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center in the Bean Sprout.

Announcements The women’s Synchronized Swimming club is looking for members. No previous experience is needed if the student can swim 200 yards. Members will be swimming a routine to music. For more information, contact clm02e@ acu.edu. The Family Fun Event will take place Tuesday, Aug. 30 from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Teague Special Events Center. Those interested in attending should call Ext. 4808.

About This Page The Optimist maintains this calendar for the ACU community to keep track of local social, academic and service opportunities. Groups may send announcements directly to optimist@acu.edu or to the Page 2 Editor, ACU Box 27892, Abilene, TX 79699.

To ensure that an item will appear on time, the announcement should be sent at least 10 days before. The Optimist may edit items for space and style. Corrections and clarifications of published news articles will be printed in this space in a timely manner.

Monday, August 22, 2005


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Monday, August 22, 2005

‘Truth Set Free,’ Gospel of John are themes for Chapel n Chapel offers students a time to reflect and worship together daily with a new series on John, and in intimate small group meetings that begin this semester. By MITCH HOLT Opinion Editor

Chapel directors say they are optimistic about Cha­ pel for the fall semester, which will include several changes and new themes. This semester’s Chapel will take on a more contem­ plative and reflective wor­ ship style, so students can come, slow down and find God in a quieter atmosphere,

said Shane Hughes, director of Chapel programs. “The theme this semester is ‘Truth Set Free: Looking at Jesus through the Eyes of John,’” H u­g­h­ e s said. “John is about i­­ den­tity, and it seems like every time Jesus opens his mouth Hughes to speak, he reveals not only who he is but who God is, too.” Instead of class Chapel, this semester will bring a

new series called “Reel to Real.” “[This series] is a look at how the Gospel and culture interact,” Hughes said. “Sometimes, the sto­ ries we hear and see in the world are congruent with the message of the cross but other times they clash.” Another new Chapel addition will be on Thurs­ days in the Chapel on the Hill. Jeremiah Gibson, senior music and Bible interdisciplinary major, will be leading a time of worship called “Come as You Are.”

“Worship is a big thing here on campus,” Gibson said. “I look forward to this Chapel experience to worship and get away from the normal distractions of everyday Chapel. We’d like to create an atmosphere in which people can come and be quiet and present before God.” Hughes said many dif­ ferent people present ideas and make decisions about Chapel. “The biggest voice is the students,” Hughes said. “From casual conversa­ tions with me over a cup of

coffee to the Chapel sur­ vey we conduct at the end of the semester, students have the best perception of how Chapel should be.” People on campus care deeply for students and help with Chapel, Hughes said. Hughes said people ranging from Dr. Money, president of the univer­ sity, Dr. Mark Love, direc­ tor of Ministry Events and Wayne Barnard, dean of Campus Life to the people who set up chairs every day make Chapel a daily possibility.

“Chapel is a unique op­ portunity for the ACU community to connect through worship,” said Barnard. “This semester’s theme is an honest look at the identity of Jesus, and the Gospel’s call that we imitate Him.” Barnard said that he expects that Chapel this semester will contribute greatly to students’ jour­ neys as Christians and will encourage them to be formed more into Christ’s image. E-mail Holt at: mah02f@acu.edu

ACU on track to reach its goal n Alumni and friends of the university are encouraged to continue donating funds towards the Centennial Campaign which ends December 2006. By MITCH HOLT Opinion Editor

The university is on track to reach its $150 mil­ lion goal for the Centen­ nial Campaign by the end of the fundraiser on Dec. 31, 2006, said Phil Boone, director of the Centennial Campaign. The campaign, which was announced in Febru­ ary, is a fundraiser that is a part of the celebration of the university’s 100th year. The money raised in the Centennial Campaign will be used in three outlets on campus: $95 million will be invested and used for cam­ pus programs and various scholarships, $17 million will be used toward annual expenses and alleviating some of the cost to receive an education and $38 mil­ lion will be used for capi­ tal projects, such as reno­

vations and construction of new buildings around campus. Boone said that along with raising money for the university, the campaign is also a beneficial means to build stronger relation­ ships between the univer­ sity and its alumni and friends. “When alumni and friends do­nate money to ACU, it strengthens their relationships with the uni­ versity because they are interested in seeing how their donations are ben­ efiting their alma mater,” Boone said. Boone announced last weekend that $93 mil­ lion of the campaign has been raised. As of Sept. 1, the university will have 16 months to raise the re­ maining $57 million. The university had hoped to announce by Monday that $100 million had been raised, but even without this goal met, the fundrais­ er is still on target to reach its goal by the campaign deadline, Boone said.

The ACU Calling Center has also been a major con­ tributor to the campaign. “The Calling Center employs students who work hard to call alumni and friends and ask them to give back to the uni­ versity as a part of the Centennial Campaign,” said Lexi Foster, supervi­ sor at the Calling Center and senior marketing and management major from Ulysses, Kan. Overall, Boone said he is happy with the response alumni and friends have given the Centennial Cam­ paign; however, the univer­ sity would like to see more alumni giving back to their alma mater. “We know that the mon­ ey is out there and that God will move people’s hearts to give,” Boone said. “We not only give him the credit for the money that’s been raised, but we also recog­ nize that we’re dependent upon his blessings to meet the desired goal.” E-mail Holt at: mah02f@acu.edu


Monday, August 22, 2005

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Moroccan colors spice up Gardner Hall room

Large freshman class begins its first semester

n Family friend and TLC’s “Trading Spaces” designer, Christi Proctor, helps two freshmen decorate their room as a graduation gift.

n Welcome Week plays an important role because firstyear students often decide to stay or leave a campus based on the first few weeks of school.



Christi Proctor had less than $1,000 and only one day to complete her most recent challenge. Her task: to transform an ordinary residence hall room for two freshman women, who would be calling the room “home” for the next eight months, into a luxurious home away from home. Proctor, a designer on The Learning Channel’s “Trading Spaces,” helped two freshman women turn a typical residence hall room into a modern Moroccan suite on Aug. 13, when they began moving into Gardner Residence Hall. Ashton Bellville, freshman biology major from Cleburne, has known Proctor since she was four years old. “She’s always been a friend of my mom’s and our family since I can remember,” Bellville said. Bellville said that she, along with Proctor and roommate Ashton Lloyd, a freshman graphic design major also from Cleburne, began shopping for fabric for their room in January. “My mom was like, ‘We should have Christi help us,’ all year, but it wasn’t until January that we went shopping with Christi to

About 1,000 freshmen arrived on campus last week to begin their college career by participating in Welcome Week, said Ro­­ber­t Heil, director of Admis­ sions and Enroll­ men­t Man­ age­ment. A l though m a n y Heil first­-year students often change their mind about remaining at the university during the first few weeks of the semester because college life wasn’t what they expected, or they want to move closer to home; however, students also make the decision to come to the university late based on those same reasons, Heil said in an e-mail. “There is some natural transition throughout the first couple weeks of the semester,” he said. “The numbers and reasons vary.”

Copy Editor

Managing Editor

Emerald McGowan/Staff photographer

Katie Morrison, freshman graphic design and advertising major from Franklin, Tenn., sits with Ashton Bellville, freshman biology major from Cleburne, in her room in Gardner Hall on Saturday. pick out fabric for our room,” Bellville said. The two roommates, best friends since Bellville’s move to Cleburne her freshman year of high school, chose the colors burnt orange, olive green, eggplant purple and gold to pull off their Moroccan theme. Lloyd said their mothers began sewing the comforters, dust ruffles, curtains and pillows for the room once they purchased the fabric from Childress Fabric and Furniture in Dallas and were working on finishing everything up until the night before they left to come to school. Proctor, a Waco resident, helped the girls purchase other items needed to complete their room and helped arrange the room to be space efficient and still feel like home, Bellville said. The beds, arranged in the shape of an “L,” are

decorated with pillows in shapes of circles, cylinders, squares and rectangles that are trimmed with beads. The room also contains curtains that cover the wall of windows, an entertainment center, a couch and a floor rug. “Christi was so ecstatic to help us because she just has boys, and this year her son just went out and bought a Bed in a Bag for his room,” Bellville said. “We were a lot more fun.” Enthusiasm was contagious through­out Gardner Hall as other freshman women came to view the room, often returning with more friends. “The girls just come in groups at all hours to see our room,” Bellville said. “We just invite them to come in, even if it is at 1:30 in the morning, like yesterday when we already asleep.” Even interruption of sleep doesn’t deter these

women from continuing to invite more to come in when they stop by. “It’s been a lot of fun for us to get to meet so many new people who just arrive at our door,” Lloyd said. Both women said they love their room Proctor designed and would only add one thing: paint, if they could. Although they said they love having people stop by to see their room, both women said they hope people don’t get the wrong impression. “Some people might think that we’re special and stuck up for having a designer come in to decorate, but it’s not like that,” Bellville said. “I don’t want people to get the impression that we’re rich and know-it-alls, because we really aren’t. We’re goofy and love to have fun. We’re normal.” E-mail Sherwood at: mes02e@acu.edu

Although 1,003 students graduated last year, Heil said this year’s freshman class is one of the largest in recent history. “Overall enrollment should be comparable to last year,” Heil said, although official enrollment numbers aren’t taken until the 12th class day of the semester. “ACU’s current enrollment positions us as one of the largest private universities in the Southwest,” Heil said. He said he thinks the university will continue it’s high enrollment numbers, which have ranged from 4675 ­­­ to 4780 in the past few years. Heil said that the university’s high enrollment numbers and consistently large freshman classes show the demand for the kind of education the university offers. “We have outstanding undergraduate and graduate programs,” Heil said. “ACU is a great option for students who are looking for an exceptional education in an environment that encourages students to put Christ first in everything they do.” E-mail Schneider at: jrs02a@acu.edu


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Monday, August 22, 2005

SA creates financial programs, looks to increase participation n Students’ Association reviews ways to increase student involvement, handle the fall budget and keep Congress out of debt in the future. By TIFFANY TAYLOR Features Editor

With petitions available Monday for Congress positions, Students’ Association executive officers say they are looking to start the year by emphasizing the importance of student involvement. Besides speaking at Higher Ground this weekend, a day devoted to equipping student leaders, vice president Melanie Booker said she worked during the summer on an initiative to bolster attendance at sporting events. “The biggest thing we talked about on our cabinet retreat was that, first of all, it’s very difficult to change a culture of students not going,” said Booker, senior political science major from Sugar

Land. “Secondly, we can’t expect students to go out if we’re not there ourselves.” As he mentioned during his campaign, president Justin Scott, senior political science major from Tyler, talked to Dr. Wayne Barnard, dean of Campus Life, about meal plans and decided the plan the university has chosen actually is the best plan for the largest number of people. Scott believes students would benefit from the same type of question and answer format he experienced with Barnard and hopes to plan forums during the upcoming semester where students can discuss issues with the administration. “I think there are a lot of questions that students have that they just haven’t had answered, and I think they want to hear those answers from someone,” Scott said.

Executive officers have also used their summer to prepare several projects for SA. Scott’s idea, introduced during his campaign for the presidency, of a Spring Break CamScott paign endowment has changed during the summer because SBC organizers felt it wasn’t the Booker right move for them, Scott said. However, Scott said the idea was not completely discarded, as SA officers decided to propose an SA endowment instead. “The endowment is going to be one of our larger expenses,” said treasurer Tyler Cosgrove, senior fi-

nance major from Amarillo. Although Cosgrove is currently looking at a $10,000 endowment, he said he does not think the amount will “cripple” any student organizations. Every new administration in Congress may determine how to use money received from the endowment, Cosgrove said. He said he hopes this Cosgrove will create extra funding to support projects, student groups and fees for speakers, allowing SA to be less dependent on student activity fees, which now make up it’s entire income. “Part of the hope is that the endowment will make us much more flexible and much more effective,” Cosgrove said. If the fundraising plan succeeds, most of the

money will be either donated from former members of SA or received through grants, Cosgrove said. He said he isn’t, however, downplaying the endowment’s effect on the budget. Taking into consideration the plans for the endowment and the approximate $7,000 that SA will pay this semester toward erasing its debt, Cosgrove said he will try his best to meet last year’s amount given to student organizations. “This first semester is not going to be a record breaker [for student groups], just because of some expenses that are out there,” Cosgrove said. “Next semester’s going to be better.” Although the endowment wouldn’t be made official until Homecoming, the executive officers will continue to work on their other main financial goal—a five-year plan.

During the upcoming year, the three will create a budget of more than $1 million that will take SA through its next five years. In the future, SA will be treated more like a university department rather than a club, which means that all future budgets will have to be approved by the Board of Trustees after being approved by Congress. SA was not required to complete a plan, but Scott said Barnard told him the process would allow the student government to accomplish larger projects. Booker said the three will be completing the task themselves to speed up the process. “Congress is a wonderfully efficient body, but if we leave something that big and obscure to Congress, it would take the entire year,” she said.

E-mail Taylor at: tat04a@acu.edu


Monday, August 22, 2005

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Available parking spots diminished, not depleted n Although construction projects are eating up parking spaces, about 2,500 spaces will still be available for students to use throughout campus. By MALLORY SHERWOOD Managing Editor

The current car-length row of dirt and destroyed concrete will no longer be the diagonal parking spaces that off-campus students and men living in Mabee and Edwards residence halls use to park in every day. Instead, a new exercise trail, expected to be complete by Oct. 1, is be­ing

built around campus. This new construction, along with the construction of Barret Hall across the street, has many students worried that they will no longer have anywhere to park when they drive to class. Bob Nevill, director of Physical Resources, said in an e-mail that parking may be lost because of construction of the exercise trail and residence hall but that students will still have parking. “The reconstruction of Campus Court will affect

“Parking will be tight for a little while, but students will have still have places to park.” Dr. Royce Money, president of the university

some parking along Campus Court,” Nevill said, “but the lots at University Church [of Christ], in the area near Edwards Hall, along the area near Elmer Gray [Stadium], Powell [Fitness Center], and from Morris Hall to Crutcher Scott [Field] will be used more than they have in the past.” Nevill said he hasn’t

Library renovations delayed n The project to add a commons area to Brown Library was supposed to be finished by the start of the semester; however, construction has not yet begun. By Mitch Holt Opinion Editor

The delayed construction of the student commons area in Brown Library will begin shortly after the beginning of the semester. Construction was supposed to begin and be finished by the end of the summer, but financial matters kept contractors from even beginning the process, said Kitty Wasemiller, Interior Design Program director in the Department of Art and Design. “We have been waiting on plans to be formalized and final financial bids to be taken,” Wasemiller said. The desired result is an area where students can work easily in groups in a relaxed, technologically advanced setting. The area will include a coffee

shop, the help desk, group educational accommodations, the Writing Center and maybe the Team 55 office. “All of these and more will be on the main floor of the Brown Library,” Wasemiller said. “The main floor will be rearranged and the current check-out desk has been moved to the library atrium on the Campus Court side of the library while renovations Wasemiller are taking place.” This new addition is intended to encourage new styles of learning, Wasemiller said. “Recently, student surveys have shown that individuals learn better in a group setting. Through this commons area, we are hoping to reinforce this way of learning by providing a comfortable, relaxing

commons area that has exceptional technology and accommodations.” Mark Tucker, Dean of Library and Information Re­­sources, said this renovation reflects the changes that are taking place in the way professors teach and students learn. “If students learn better in groups, we are glad to provide them with the means to meet in groups in a technologically intensive environment,” Tucker said. Tucker also said that student library attendance has been decreasing in the past years and this commons area will be an effective way to spark a new interest in the Library. “Over the last six to eight years, students are less likely than they used to come into the building,” Tucker said. “We plan to bring in more students because we hope to help and encourage them to complete their academic work.” E-mail Holt at: mah02f@acu.edu

heard any complaints yet about a lack of parking and doesn’t think there will be a shortage this year. Dr. Royce Money, president of the university, said he agreed. “Parking will be tight for a little while, but students will still have places to park; they just may have to walk a little farther,” Money said. Soon, students will be

able to park adjacent to Barret Hall and parallel to Ed­­­ wards and Mabee halls, once construction is complete. Not all students agree about the parking situation though. “There definitely isn’t enough of it,” said Chris Bayer, freshman business major from Houston. “All I hear from my friends is, ‘Aww, man. Someone took my spot.’ The problem is they don’t even have room for expansion of parking lots with all of the buildings surrounding them.” However, more than

2,500 parking spots are available on campus just for students, not including more than 400 parking spots available for faculty that students can use in the evenings and on weekends. Although parking may seem tighter than in the past, students concerned can look for parking spots in the Big Purple Parking Lot, in the parking lot near Williams Performing Arts Center and behind the Campus Center. E-mail Sherwood at: mes02e@acu.edu

His banner over me

Anna Carroll/staff Photographer

A worker of Bardin Electric Co. hangs a centennial banner on a light post on Judge Ely Boulevard on Friday. The banners are just one aspect of the many renovations additions on campus.


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Monday, August 22, 2005

On-campus housing finds new faces in new places n Community is a focus at the start of a semester that delivers several residence hall changes— from new residents, to new directors, to a whole new hall. By TIFFANY TAYLOR Features Editor

The Office of Residence Life Education and Housing hired four new residence directors after changes in residence hall living arrangements, the construction of Barret Hall and the departure of two residence directors. “You never plan to have to hire this many people because it really is exhausting,” said Dr. Mimi Barnard, director of Residence Life Education and Housing. Changes are made based on “fit and building,” Barnard said. However, she said changes like this are to be expected. “Given the nature of this role, I expect we’ll probably replace two or three people this summer

because it’s not something that you want to do forever,” Barnard said. “It’s something that’s for the right season of your life. It’s a good educational time for you.” The first director of the newly constructed Barret Hall is Callie Peacher, who moved from University Park Apartments. “I love students,” Peacher said on the residence life Web site. “Working in Res-life gives me the opportunity to see lives impacted on a daily basis.” Other changes included the decision to move sophomore and freshmen men from the colleges of Business and Biblical Studies to Morris Hall, which caused Bob Booth, former director of McDonald Hall, to follow his residents to Morris. To enforce curfew for the freshmen residents, Morris desk workers will only allow sophomores to sign out after 11:30 p.m.

Booth left McDonald Hall, which now houses freshmen women from the colleges of Business and Biblical Studies, and Katherine Gould is the new residence director. Steve Sargent moved from McKinzie Hall to Edwards Hall, which houses sophomore men, because its former director moved away. Sargent moved because he knew he was needed in Edwards but said he had to plan for the differences between Edwards and McKinzie, which had lobbies on each floor that helped foster friendship among residents. “How do we form community in this place where community doesn’t happen?” Sargent said, asking his resident assistants to be prayerful about that question. Barnard said she didn’t want a new director to begin in a sophomore dorm,

where the lack of curfew can pose problems when trying to create community. “I wanted to move Steve from McKinzie, where he had a great year, to a building where he could stretch even further,” Barnard said. Barnard said she felt hiring a new director for McKinzie, a freshmen men’s hall, rather than hiring someone new to undertake a sophomore men’s hall was the better option. She chose Andy Zimmerman to replace Sargent in McKinzie. Charla Farrell, the new Gardner Hall director, said she took the position because she “really enjoys the opportunity to influence the lives of others.” Although the resignation of the previous director happened during the summer, Farrell said she didn’t feel rushed to prepare for her residents. Barnard said she knew

Katherine flanary/Staff Photographer

New Gardner residence director Charla Farrell, right, visits with resident Carmen Stewart, freshman elementary education major from Grand Rapids, Mich., in her room Friday. Farrell is one of four residence directors new to the position at ACU. she would have to replace directors during the summer, so she started searching for new directors during late February and March by posting the job openings and descriptions on the Internet. “Does this person have

the skill set, experience and education where they can set a culture that is reflective of ACU values?” is a question Barnard said she asked when considering candidates. E-mail Taylor at: tat04a@acu.edu


Monday, August 22, 2005

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Pesky insects plague campus, Abilene community n Mosquitoes and crickets enjoy rapid growth rates after Abilene received enough rain in two weeks to leave pools of standing water and muggy weather. By JACI SCHNEIDER Copy Editor

While the West Nile vi­ rus has been confirmed in Abilene, students shouldn’t have to worry about be­ coming infected. On Aug. 11, the city of Abilene an­ nounced that a female mosquito from the Potosi area tested positive for the virus. However, Glen Bailey, the environmental health director for the city, said that there have been

no other reports of the vi­ rus in humans, horses or bugs. He also said that stu­ dents probably wouldn’t even know if they were in­ fected. “Our bodies fight it,” he said. “Anybody with a good immune system probably wouldn’t even know they had it.” Symptoms of the virus are like those of the flu, Bailey said, and include fever, muscle ache and fa­ tigue. As a result of the finding earlier this month, the city offered to spray neighbor­ hoods to get rid of mos­ quitoes, and because of a

Part child, part wildcat

large number of requests from residents, most of the city was sprayed. Be­ cause of the rain in the past few weeks and the hot weather, mosquitoes have been hatching more quick­ ly than normal, making the pesky bug an even larger nuisance. Bailey said the city first treats standing water be­ ginning in February, when the mos­quito larvae hatch. But by this time of year, the city sprays for adult mosquitoes. The neigh­ borhoods around campus were also included in the spray. Bob Nevill, director of

By JONATHAN SMITH Editor in Chief

emerald mcgowan/Staff Photographer

laxing stroll. “We treat for the elimi­ nation of crickets,” Nevill said. “But the population regenerates very rapidly during certain times of year making total pest control very difficult to attain.” Nevill said Physical Re­ sources has not yet received any complaints about the insects, but does “expect to hear about areas where the numbers of pests, like crickets, are creating a qual­ ity of life issue.” “We will deal with these as they come to our atten­ tion,” he said.

D’s of West Nile Prevention From the City of Abilene press release • Avoid outdoor activities around mosquito feeding times of Dusk and Dawn • Dress is long sleeves and pants if out at dusk or dawn • Drain all standing water from containers that will hold it for more than 3-5 days • Use an insect repellent containing at least 35% DEET

E-mail Schneider at: jrs02a@acu.edu

August downpour still leaves some in drought n An unusual season of rain at the beginning of August gives local residents hope, yet isn’t enough to lift the restrictive watering programs.

Shelbi Watten, junior broadcast journalism major from Coppell, teaches Emily Gumm, 1, how to be a wildcat at the pep rally Friday. Gumm is the daughter of Eric Gumm, assistant director of the First Year Program and assistant director of the office for academic advising.

Physical Resources said the university also treats standing water and sprays for the insect when need­ ed. Nevill said the univer­ sity employs a pesticide com­pany to treat reported problems on campus every week. Around this time of year, students may notice a surprising increase in the number of crickets on cam­ pus. The black insects tend to congregate near build­ ings on campus, and dur­ ing dusk and early evening, make walking through campus more like a dance around crickets than a re­

Heavy rains during Aug­ ust helped reverse a nega­ tive trend for Abilene lakes and reservoirs and made campus grass and plants greener, but they also slowed campus construc­ tion projects. Bob Nev­ ill, director of Physical Resources, said the rains de­ layed the completion Nevill of Barret Hall until last week—just a day before sophomore women were supposed to move in—and the construction of the jog­ ging path around campus has also been delayed.

However, Nevill also said the rains left plant life on campus green as stu­ dents returned to Abilene —a time when much of the grass around campus has dried up because of the hot summers. Nevill said a combination of the rains and a new fertiliz­ ing program im­plemented by Phy­s­ical Resources has contributed to the greener landscape. At 4.42 inches, rain­ fall during the first half of August in Abilene has already eclipsed the com­ bined totals for June and July by more than one inch, said Scott Overpeck, general forecaster for the National Weather Service in San Angelo. Compared to an Au­ gust average of 2.63 inch­ es of rain, this month’s rain has helped this area of Texas that has seen below average rainfall most years since 1996, Overpeck said. Although

Overpeck said the Climate Prediction Center no lon­ ger lists Abilene as being in a drought, Rodney Tay­ lor, assistant water direc­ tor of Abilene, said resi­ dents will continue to see more restrictive water us­ age rules until the lakes and reservoirs around town reach the spill-over point. Taylor said Lake Fort Phantom was close to the spillway at the begin­ ning of the year but it had since dropped more than four feet. Even though the lake’s water level rose 1.3 feet during the last few weeks, Taylor said it still sits 3.4 feet below the spillway. “Coming out of the summer time, using that [lake] as our main source, that’s pretty good,” Taylor said. Although the rain helped water levels of lakes and reservoirs, Taylor said it was not significant enough

for the city to ease its wa­ ter usage restrictions. Res­ idents are currently on a twice-a-week watering pro­ gram—a more restrictive usage program than if the lakes were full. Heavy rains in Abilene sometimes lead to wide­ spread flooding in certain areas of Abilene, but Tay­ lor said other than a few streets flooding, the rains caused very little problems for the city. And even though Au­ gust’s rain was a welcome sign to many, Taylor said it is still too early to tell if Abilene is in store for more significant rains in the coming weeks and months. “We could be in a wet spell in the middle of a long drought,” Taylor said. “We could re-encounter those same dry conditions at any time, and it could go for several more years.” E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu

ViewsMonday Optimist

Page 12

August 22, 2005

Theatre Department delivers act of peace

The issue:

In ACU’s originally planned Homecoming musical Aida, a white actress was cast as a Nubian princess, which upset some members of the community. The department decided to change the musical to Seussical.

The Theatre Department lost four months of preparation time two weeks ago when controversy caused it to change its Homecoming Musical from Aida to Seussical. The decision came after members of the community expressed concern that a lead role, a Nubian princess, was given to a white actress. Adam Hester, chair of the Theatre Department, said he made the decision, not because he felt the casting was improper, but out of a desire to be “instruments of peace” and encourage reconciliation with those in the community who were offended by the

Our view:

The Theatre Department’s decision to change to a different play was a smart decision; however the Optimist agrees with the way Aida was originally cast, and the department would have been justified to continue with the show.

The solution:

The community and university should now focus on reconciliation instead of dragging out this issue until Homecoming.

casting. Department The Theatre Department made the proper decision of folThe Optimist and univerlowing its standard colorblind casting policy. agrees with sity to move Hester that the ahead withoriginal casting was the right In recent history, the The- out a dark cloud hanging decision for a musical that atre Department’s casting over their heads until Homeportrays no characters of has allowed a black actress coming, the musical had to be Caucasian descent. to play Calpurnia in the play changed. Had the department As Hester has said, Aida’s Julius Caesar, and two white moved ahead with Aida, by script does not mention skin actors played the role of ser- mid-October, the controversy color, and the production’s vants in You Can’t Take It would likely be a bigger story licensing company, Music With You, when the roles were in the news than the producTheatre International, said no written as two black charac- tion itself, which would have ethnic restrictions existed for ters, among other examples. been just as unfair to the cast casting. If any anyone on campus and crew as the current situaThe Theatre Department has proven the ability to look tion they’re in. made the proper decision of past skin color, the Theatre By weathering this situafollowing its standard color- Department has, and moving tion, the Optimist hopes that blind casting policy, which ahead with Aida would have reconciliation has occurred bases casting on talent rather been justifiable. and the problems don’t have than ethnicity. However, for the Theatre to arise again; however, no

Optimist staff will be honest and fair

What is the best thing about being back in Abilene?

Many events planned in centennial year Welcome, students, to one of the most exciting times in ACU’s history— our centennial year! I can’t think of a better place for you to be right now than at ACU as we begin our 100th year of educating A word from the president students for Christian Dr. Royce service and Money leadership throughout the world. About this time 100 years ago, 26-year-old A.B. Barret was beginning the school year as a faculty member at Southwestern Christian College in Denton. Halfway through the year, he left Southwestern to pursue a dream of starting a school in West Texas. One year later, with a campus about the size of a city block, five trustees,

“All the newly imported girls that could one day be my girlfriend.”

Tripp Page

Senior electronic media major from Whitney

Editorial and letter policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors or to refuse to print letters containing personal

Cole Williams

Let Loose

Sometimes I think the to be accurate and fair, and people who say nothing if the staff fails to provide happens in Abilene don’t that in its news coverage, live in the same city I’ve readers are encouraged to c a l l e d bring that to the staff’s ath o m e tention. for three However, our readers years. should expect to turn to In the this page each issue and past 10 see opinions—often bim o n t h s ased ones. I don’t pretend a l o n e , all readers will always like we’ve had or agree with what they Ask the West Tex- see on the opinion page— Question as native that is perhaps one of the Jonathan Bill Bur- main reasons for the opinSmith kett faxing ion page. But its content forged doc- should always be fair. uments about President Through our staff colBush’s National Guard umns and editorials and service from an Abilene your letters to the editor, Kinko’s, and former stu- even if we never agree with dent and Optimist report- each other, we can spend er Melody this historTownsel ic year for Something will always be the univerappearing in national sity underhappening in Abilene to news with read about in the Optimist. s t a n d i n g her alleand learngations ing from against the nominee for each other. U.S. ambassador to the If the staff does not United Nations. hear feedback from the And Optimist report- community, the newspaers were there each time, per cannot gage its acwhether staking out Bur- countability or trust it has kett’s house with the likes with readers. of New York Times reportWithout trust and acers or breaking a story on countability from readers, Townsel’s past history of staff members essentially plagiarism, which made write for themselves— the rounds on political something to which I blogs across the Internet. would never commit 40 The Optimist may not hours a week. get those same kinds of This year should include opportunities this year. exciting times for the uniBut whether the story has versity, between the thick national significance, is packet of scheduled cenabout the next centennial tennial events occurring event or informs what the throughout the year, reguStudents’ Association did larly scheduled events and with the students’ money whatever national news at its latest meeting, the Abilene finds itself in the Optimist pledges to cover middle of again. each with diligence. After three years, I can On the news pages of the guarantee one thing: Somenewspaper, the staff will thing will always be hapstrive to bring readers the pening in Abilene to read complete, unbiased facts of about in the Optimist. campus, local and national news. Readers should be E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu, optimist@acu.edu able to trust what they read

In Your Words

one can learn or change from this if everyone simply moves on in hopes of forgetting the controversy. True reconciliation can’t take place until all issues from all sides have been aired out; problems don’t disappear until they’re dealt with. The Theatre Department has reached out in an effort for reconciliation—at the cost of months of planning and effort put into Aida. The cast and crew now deserve to move ahead with its preparation for Suessical. Only time will tell if others involved in this controversy will allow true reconciliation to take place.

attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or fewer. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79699 E-mail letters to: optimist@acu.edu

Our vision every year is to recruit future alumni who will remain connected to ACU throughout their lives. seven faculty members, one 4,600 square-foot building and 25 registered students, Childers Classical Institute began its first year. It’s likely that no one in those early years would have imagined what might develop out of that fledgling school in 1906—a campus of nearly 200 acres, 92 trustees, more than 200 faculty members, and more than 4,700 students from nearly every state and about 60 nations. But what is perhaps more impressive is what has not changed—the commitment to Christ as the center of our work and plans and our commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience. We are called to faith and excellence at this place, and we believe the distinctive way we integrate faith and learning helps

transform lives. This past year, we sent out 1,003 new alumni into the world as Christian teachers, journalists, accountants, designers, min­­isters, counselors, scientists, future doctors, lawyers, dentists and veterinarians. They joined the 86,000 former ACU students living in every state and about 100 countries around the globe—our powerful Alumni Network. Our vision every year is to recruit future alumni who will remain connected to one another and to ACU throughout their lives. As we celebrate our centennial together, I pray that we can engage all our students, faculty, staff and alumni around the world in activities and in service. We have a year filled with speakers, conferences, art exhibits, musical events,

“It’s great to be a part of the 100 year anniversary, and I’m looking forward to learning about ACU’s heritage.”

Emily Savage

Published by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Newsroom: (325) 674-2439

Sports desk: (325) 674-2684

“I’m excited about starting college and the new journey ahead of me.”

Candi Trevino

Junior theatre major from Keller

Junior music major from Amarillo


Royce Money is the president of Abilene Christian University. Contact his office at moneyr@acu.edu.

“The best thing about being back in Abilene is not having parents around to control you.”

Chris Pillsbury


theatrical performances, a birthday celebration, exhibits, receptions and much more. During spring break in March of 2006, we will have a Wildcat Week of Service during which we hope our alumni and friends will join us in providing community service around the globe. You can find out more about the Week of Service, our nationally-known speakers and all the other Centennial news at our Web site at www.acu.edu/centennial. It’s going to be a great year, and I am thrilled to be here for the close of one century and the planning for the start of the next one. May God continue to shower His blessings on all of you and on this great university, my alma mater.

Freshman business major from Ft. Worth

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Managing Editor

Chief Photographer

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Page 13

FocusMonday Optimist

August 22, 2005

Welcoming Freedom New students celebrate being ‘free at last’ during Welcome Week

Freshmen Molly McDonald, business major from Sugar Land, and Anna Sherrard, English with teaching certification major from Weatherford, participate in the world’s largest game of Twister, one of the Welcome Week activities Tuesday. Sherrard calls out to Welcome Week workers who were announcing the moves to tell them to stop stalling and call out the next move.

Ashley Martindale, freshman accounting major from Keller, and Chelsea Spurgin, freshman accounting major from Grand Prairie, race on the Bungee Run inflatable games during Welcome Week’s Friday Frenzy.

Aaron Bell, junior communication major from Van, and Shannon Lair, sophomore elementary education major from Apple Valley, Minn., attract the attention of group members during the Welcome Week opening ceremonies Tuesday.

Mentor group leader Hayley Jones, junior integrated marketing communication major from Abilene; mentor group leader Clay Stansell, sophomore undeclared major from Abilene; and Thomas Winn, freshman psychology major from Houston, load a tarp into a truck during the Welcome Week service project Friday. Two Welcome Week groups combined to help clean up Alice Penn’s yard. Katie Barrow, freshman special education major from Fort Worth, stretches to get the flag off opponent Aubrey Weldon, freshman nutrition major from Plano, during the Welcome Week flag football tournament Thursday.

Photos by: Brian Schmidt, Chief Photographer


Page 14

Monday, August 22, 2005

Finances: Faculty raises top priority for surplus Continued from page 1 tions, administrators implemented many cost-cutting strategies across the uni­versity, many of which became official last year, to help put the university in the operating surplus. “We feel great about where we are,” Schubert said. “It doesn’t mean we have enough resources to do everything we’d like to do. But it does mean we’ve

gotten past that immediate hurdle. “It’s where we need to be to seriously think about the future.” One addressed need was salaries for faculty, who did not receive raises last year as part of the cost-cutting strategies. Schubert said the university made a plan and commitment to raise faculty salaries closer to the averages of comparable universities

around the country. The university committed $4.5 million for three years to do just that, Schubert said. As part of the plan, the university dedicated an additional $500,000 this year to increase salaries closer to the average. Much of that was focused on faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences, whose salaries were farther from the average of comparable universities. “People are beginning

to see we are committed to that, and we’re going to continue to commit to the remaining two years of that plan,” Schubert said. Dr. Colleen Durrington, dean of CAS, said she has had comments from her faculty who have recognized that commitment. “I have had several faculty members who have commented they were very grateful for the raise they received and for the com-

mitment of the university to make salaries at ACU more equitable,” Durrington said. Durrington said the funds were spread around the college, focusing on departments that did not compare to similar departments. The next goal, Schubert said, was to meet with the Board of Trustees, which happened this weekend, to begin crafting a new vision for the university that will replace the cen-

tennial vision. “For the first time in a long time, we’re looking through a pretty clear lens at a future that doesn’t have a lot of known problems on the horizon,” Schubert said. “We’ve positioned the university to look forward to what we want to accomplish—not at overcoming problems or challenges before us.” E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu

Welcome: Activities help build community Barret: Residents Continued from page 1 Welcome Week helped build community among incoming students. “Community is such an important part of ACU. We want them to know that they’re part of something great,” Anderson said. Nick Hester, freshman youth and family ministry major from Coppell, said

Welcome Week was a success. “I think it really makes people come out of their comfort zones and go and introduce themselves to people,” Hester said. As the week progressed, students stopped attending as many events, Gumm said. However, he said this wasn’t due to lack of interest. Students may have al-

ready made plans to make a trip back home, while others had secured jobs and were already working. Some students stayed involved in Welcome Week activities because of the worship experiences and the chance to spend time with new friends. Spiritual experiences are one of the most important experiences incoming stu-

dents can have at Welcome Week, Gumm said “We provide things like a free movie to provide opportunities for new students to socialize and build friendships with each other, but we work to emphasize that there are much more important things that need to be focused upon,” Gumm said. E-mail Taylor at: tat04a@acu.edu

Musical: Desire for harmony drives decision Continued from page 1 music. Seussical allows for segmenting rehearsals in that way.” Hester said he does not believe any elements of the production will have to be sacrificed because of the time element. Hester said he selected Seussical, a contemporary re-imagining of Dr. Seuss’ most famous stories and characters, in part because it could be purchased from the same licensing company, Musical Theatre Internation, from which Aida was purchased. He said that the cost for Seussical would be comparable to Aida minus some return shipping costs

and cancellation charges. Hester said he selected Seussical also because it allowed the leads from Aida to receive comparably sized roles in the new production. Hester said he first became aware of the casting concerns for Aida in July after being contacted by a reporter from the Abilene Reporter-News. After discussions with administrators and initially deciding to move ahead with Aida, Hester said he realized that some groups would be “deeply affected” by any decision he made. “I felt strongly that changing the play would be a sacrifice that would bring about the most good,” he said.

Hester said the department uses a colorblind casting policy, which means talent—not ethnicity—is used to determine casting. This same policy has allowed Caucasian and minority students alike to play a variety of characters of other ethnicities. Although his research showed that Disney-supported productions cast non-black actresses as the lead role for Aida, and the licensing company said there were no ethnic restrictions on casting, Hester said the main factor into his decision was a desire for harmony in the community. “I wanted to reconcile with those in the commu-

nity who believed this was a choice that would cause deep wounds,” Hester said. “In this instance, I felt we were called to be instruments of peace.” Although Hester said he believes the department will continue to encounter issues of race and other sensitive subjects, he said he hopes the production of Seussical can be the main focus now—not a controversy. “We want the messages of the plays we produce to be heard and felt and reflected upon,” Hester said. “It’s important that the play is the focus, not external circumstances.” E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu

pleased with hall

Continued from page 1 also sent e-mails to faculty on campus, asking them to consider letting women from Barret stay in their homes. Temporary housing was unnecessary thanks to the long hours put in by the contracting company. Deerman said he worked at least 70 hours a week, and he, along with many of the crew members, worked seven days a week for the past three months. However, he said seeing the finished building is worth the hard work. For the past two weeks crews have been pouring concrete for sidewalks, striping the parking lot, installing hand rails and finishing the “punch list,” which is all the little jobs that need to be done before the job is officially finished—tasks like fixing leaky faucets, repairing scraped walls and cleaning everything. “There’s a lot of little things that people don’t see,” Deerman said. “Finishing up is the hard part.” The inside of the build-

ing—other than the coffee shop, study and residence director’s office, which will be finished later in the semester—has been compete for several weeks. The rooms contain new furniture made of cherry wood and matte black steel. “It’s all absolutely beautiful,” Barnard said. “It’s even better than I thought it would be.” Several sophomore women agreed as they toured the buildBarnard ing before moving in, uttering phrases such as: “This is awesome,” and “I can’t wait to move in.” Rather than rooms lining a hallway, four rooms in Barret Hall cluster around one common room, with each “pod” having its own door to the outside. “Y’all got a good building,” said Johnny Neoms, a foreman on the project. “It’s really nice.” E-mail Schneider at: jrs02a@acu.edu


Monday, August 22, 2005

Page 15

Football: Team picked fourth in south division Continued from page 16 son team. Manning was selected as a first team all-America return specialist and third team safety. Farrell, the 2004 LSC South Division coDefensive Lineman of the Year was named to the all-America third

Brian Schmidt/Chief Photographer

Marvin Essor embraces Delt Cockrell in celebration after Cockrell anchored the men’s 4x400m relay victory, sealing the national championship victory for ACU during the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field National Championships at Elmer Gray Stadium on May 28.

Track: Men’s relay wins last race to clinch title Continued from page 16 to win the 200-meter dash a few events later. Freshman Nicodemus Naimadu won the men’s 5,000-meter run in 13:59.67, while teammate Laurant Ngirakamaro finished third

in 14:19.99. The men’s 4x400-meter relay team pulled off an unexpected win in the meet’s last event to secure the team championship, running the best time since 1997 in the process. Naimadu won a national

championship in the 3,000meter steeplechase earlier in the day. The Wildcat men have won the last four outdoor track and field national titles. E-mail Holt at: smh00a@acu.edu

Brian Schmidt/Chief Photographer

Adeh Mwamba leads the pack around the corner in the early stages of heat 2 of the preliminary women’s 1,500m run, in which Mwamba finished fifth with a finals qualifying time of 4:36.93 during the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field National Championship at Elmer Gray Stadium.

team. Farrell also led the LSC last year with 18.5 tackles for losses. First year head coach Chris Thomsen said the players’ awards speak for themselves. “Anytime you’re getting awards like that people know you can play,” Thomsen said.

As a team, the Wildcats are picked to finish fourth in the South Division this year behind conference favorite Texas A&M-Kingsville. The Wildcats first game is 6 p.m. Sept. 3, at Shotwell Stadium. E-mail Fields at: jrf03b@acu.edu

Coach: Copeland adds new assistant, players wants to do with this year’s team but dwelling and we feel like the kids on last year is not one of coming in are happy to them. be here and understand “Playing hard is a must our program. We think to make our team better they [transfer students] and defending well,” Cowill be big parts in our peland said. “Our depth system with the things needs to be better too. they’ve I want to already have a betdone,” ter one “A good goal might be to get to the conference tournament, C o p e through but you can expect us to play hard.” l a n d 10 instead Jason Copeland, ACU men’s head basketball coach said. of a top Copeone or land said two playgetting the job in early Golding was a player ers like we’ve had in the June made him feel be- with the Wildcats for the past.” hind in recruiting but 1994-’98 seasons before “A good goal might be said his assistants did a becoming a coach in the to get to the conference great job bringing in re- high school and college tournament,” he said. cruits. ranks. Golding spent “But you can expect us “My assistants did a last year as an assistant to come out and play great job this offseason at Collin County Com- hard.” getting players,” Cope- munity College. land said. “They got kids Copeland said he has E-mail Fields at: jrf03b@acu.edu who were in winning some things in mind he

Continued from page 16

programs in high school and know what it takes to win.” Copeland brought more than just players to ACU during the offseason. He also hired former ACU player Joe Golding as an assistant.

SportsMonday Optimist

Page 16

August 22, 2005

Volleyball players receive LSC honors n Senior Michelle Bernhardt received eight first place votes to earn pre-season LSC Player of the Year and teammate Amanda Slate finished runner-up. By JARED FIELDS Sports Editor

Coaches and members of the media selected two ACU senior volleyball players for Lone Star Conference pre-season honors. Outside hitter Michelle Bernhardt received the South Division Player of the Year, and middle blocker Amanda Slate made the preseason first team. Bernhardt edged out Slate by receiving eight of 16 votes, as Slate received seven votes. Bernhardt

Volleyball led the Wildcats with 4.45 kills per game, and Slate was second on the team with an average of 3.41 kills. Both seniors say they like the expectations put on them this year. “The expectations come with the job,” Bernhardt said. “We’re excited, and I think both of us are ready to step up to the challenge.” The two seniors helped lead ACU to a 288 overall record, the LSC Championship, and the school’s first NCAA post season appearance. Head coach Brek Horn said she’s glad that her

two star seniors play for her. “It’s amazing that I have two players getting that kind of recognition,” Horn said. “Their leadership is what’s going to carry us.” ACU was also unanimously picked to win the LSC South Division this year receiving all 17 firstplace votes. This is the first time that ACU has began the season ranked No. 1 in the division. “Up until this year we’ve always been underdogs, and we’ve worked our way up,” Horn said. “It’s nice being No. 1 and having everyone trying to knock you off. We knew coming into the year that

it was going to be tough, and we’re ready for that challenge.” Even with all the hype, the players said their performance is all that matters. “You’re nothing unless you can prove it on the court,” Slate said. The Wildcats will be able to prove themselves this weekend at the Tampa Classic, in Florida. The team will play two top-10 nationally ranked teams and another tough regional foe. The Wildcats’ first game is Friday at 7 p.m. against Tampa University.

E-mail Fields at: jrf03b@acu.edu

BRIan Schmidt/File Photo

Senior outside hitter Michelle Bernhardt lunges for the ball Oct. 2, during the Wildcats’ match against Eastern New Mexico.

Football players receive awards n Danieal Manning begins the year as the South’s top defensive player, and senior Clayton Farrell was named to two all-America teams. By JARED FIELDS Sports Editor

Brian Schmidt/Chief Photographer

The men’s track and field team celebrates its 2005 Division II Outdoor Track & Field National Championship atop the awards stand of Elmer Gray Stadium on May 28.

Men win 15th outdoor championship n The ACU men won their 4th straight national outdoor title at Elmer Gray Stadium in May with 109 points and the women finished in third with 45.5 points. By STEVE HOLT Sports Writer

On July 24, 14-year head track and field coach Jon Murray announced that he would be resigning from his post at ACU and moving to Lubbock to coach

Track & Field the distance runners at Texas Tech University. Murray coached the Wildcat men’s cross country team to its best place ever the last four years. ACU finished in the top 10 at the Division II national meet in 1993, 1996, and 1998-2004, including five straight second-place finishes between 2000 and 2004.

Before he left the university, however, Murray had one last bit of business to tend to. The men’s track and field team did not serve as much of a gracious host for the NCAA Division II Track and Field National Championships in May, if one were judging by the Wildcats’ treatment of their competition. ACU absolutely put the

hammer down on its nearest competitors late in the last day of competition at Abilene’s Elmer Gray Stadium, overcoming onand-off rain to score 109 team points, well ahead of Adams State’s 84. St. Augustine’s placed third with 70 points, and Lincoln and Albany State rounded out the top five with 41 and 40 points, respectively. Lincoln University re-

peated as the women’s national champion (108), followed by Cal-State Bakersfield (53) and ACU (45.5). Wildcat senior Marvin Essor returned from a short rain delay to win the national title in the 400meter dash. Sophomore Marvin Bien-Aime shook off a sixth-place finish in the 100-meter dash (10.63) See TRACK page 15

The 2005 football season hasn’t started, but two ACU football players have already racked up pre-season honors. Junior safety Danieal Manning was voted the Lone Star Conference South Division pre-season Defensive Player of the Year. In 2004, Manning was named the LSC South Division Defensive Back of the Year and led the nation in punt return average with 22 yards per return with two touchdowns. Manning and senior defensive end Clayton Farrell have been named to Division II pre-season all-America teams. Don Hansen’s Football Gazette named the two to its all-America team last week. The Gazette selected Farrell as one of seven defensive ends in the nation, and Manning as a return specialist. College Sports Report. com also named the two to its Division II pre-seaSee FOOTBALL page 15

LCU assistant named new men’s basketball coach n Copeland assisted at LCU for seven years where he was in charge of recruiting and scheduling before accepting the ACU head coaching job. By JARED FIELDS Sports Editor

Former Lubbock Christian University assistant basketball coach Jason Copeland has been named the new head coach of the Wildcats after the resignation of former coach Klint Pleasant last spring. Copeland spent the past seven years as the assistant at LCU under his father, John Copeland.

Men’s Basketball Jason Copeland coached the Lubbock Christian High School team after graduating from LCU in 1997. He led the Eagles to a 41-18 record with two district titles in his two years at LCHS. In 1998 he returned to LCU to be the main assistant and was in charge of recruiting and scheduling. Copeland said he looks to bring hard work and a new attitude to a men’s squad that won only one conference game last year. Athletic Director Jared

Mosley said he is excited about what Copeland brings to the team. “He understands how to find quality studentathletes and has a good understanding of basketball from studying under people like his father and Bob Knight [Texas Tech University’s head basketball coach],” Mosley said. Copeland said he also looks to improve the team’s chemistry and build on new players coming into the system. “We need hard workers, See COACH page 15

Brian Schmidt/Chief Photographer

New head basketball coach Jason Copeland talks about his plans for the upcoming year during a press conference announcing his hiring May 4 in the Teague Special Events Center.

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