The Vol. 95, No. 20
1 section, 12 pages
Student search
The student directory is available for purchase for $10 and can be charged to an account, page 4
Students have the opportunity to gain six extra Chapel credits this semester through forums and an online survey, page 3
The chair of ACU’s Political Science Department did not begin his career as an educator but as a petroleum land man. Dr. Mel Hailey said while the career was lucrative, the strain of doing the exact same thing day after day began to wear on him. “In the back of my mind I had always wanted to teach,” Hailey said. “I soon found that every day in the classroom was different than the one before it.” Despite teaching countless students the intricacies of the governmental system and assisting various politicians with their campaigns, Hailey said he never really considered running for office. That changed when some friends approached him after Dr.
Susan King is no stranger to hectic environments. King has worked for years as a registered nurse. From her time in Houston heading one of the largest surgical suites in the world to her current position as co-owner and director of nursing at the Elm Place Ambulatory Surgical Center, King has long been acquainted with the long hours of running to and fro to hold things together. It should be no surprise then that she thrives on the stress and action of running her campaign for the District 71 state representative seat. Even so, King said it does require more time than she had expected. “My days are starting around 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning, which I never would have believed,” she said. Before beginning her campaign, King had already served
Student Reporter
Election debate
District 71 candidates Mel Hailey and Vanessa Harris debated in the Hilton Room on Thursday, page 9
Making a difference
Sweet dreams
‘Science of sleep’ creates a dreamlike world through the stop-motion animation but lacks quality characters, page 7
Hailey vs. King
Extra credit
The race to Austin
ACU students change several Abilene children’s lives through Big Brothers Big Sisters, page 6
November 3, 2006
Student Reporter
HAILEY page 8
District race boasts of campus campaign leaders n ACU alumni, faculty guide the two main candidates in the District 71 race that will fill Rep. Bob Hunter’s position. By MALLORY SCHLABACH Editor in Chief
The phone rings and interrupts a conversation the group of women is having about which list of supporters to call next. Robyn Wertheim answers because she’s closest. “Hello, Susan King’s headquarters.” A minute later another phone rings. Wertheim apologizes and puts the first caller on hold as she reaches across the desk to grab the second phone. Wertheim, King’s coordinator for signage and events, smiles before
grabbing the phone and asks if she can call back. On the other side of town, volunteers for her opponent, Dr. Mel Hailey, step up the competition a notch as students arrive to call supporters. Dr. David Dillman, associate professor of political science and Hailey’s campaign manager, searches the piles on papers on his desk for the updated list. Students pop in and out of his office, some wanting to talk about a paper due, some wanting to sign up to help in the final days of the campaign. The flow through his office slows enough that he can shut the door as he explains the most important thing he contributes is keeping Hailey and the
campaign team focused. “We can’t get distracted in this race, so I keep him focused and he keeps me focused,” he says with a smile. Five days remain in the campaign to send a representative to Austin and the pressure is building as support pours in for both King, the Republican candidate and her main opponent, Dr. Mel Hailey, chair of the Political Science Department and Democrat candidate. Although the nature of campaigns is unusual in itself, this race is unique in that several main staff members on each King and Hailey’s campaigns have strong ties to ACU, not including Hailey. See
KING page 8
Voters to decide on two key issues Dillman
n Voters can influence the City Council’s decision to implement a city-wide smoking ban in Tuesday’s election, or vote to freeze taxes for seniors and the disabled. By KELSI PEACE Features Editor
The City of Abilene Special Election section will ask voters to vote on two issues Tuesday: the smoking ban and the disabled or senior tax freeze. If implemented, the tax freeze will limit taxes imposed on disabled people and people older than 65, “even if the tax freeze raises the tax rate for other tax payers or reduces services in the City of Abilene,” according to official ballot wording at www. The Web site also project-
ed the impact the tax freeze would have, estimating an increase of half of one cent per $100 in property value for those who are not affected by the tax freeze. Dr. Neal Coates, professor of political science, said the impact of the tax freeze “is negligible” for those younger than 65. Coates said most students probably aren’t considering the issue because “most college students don’t think forward 50 years.” In his Oct. 1 column in the Abilene Reporter-News, Ken Ellsworth argued the freeze “would cap the taxes based on property values of the elderly and disabled who are upper middle class or wealthy—those who can See
ISSUES page 8
ACU’s third FilmFest premieres Friday downtown Weekend play
The Wildcat volleyball team will play in the Lone Star Conference Tournament this weekend, page 12
n In its third year, FilmFest will incorporate changes such as a red carpet pre-show before the main event where film producers, directors are interviewed. By LAUREN SUTTON Opinion Editor
ONLINE Whole new ball game The men’s basketball team began its season Thursday, view how the team prepared at www.
While students can show up at the Paramount Theater Friday night and view independent short films submitted by their peers, FilmFest continues to evolve into a beneficial event for all who are involved. “It’s still a new process we
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
are trying to develop,” said Doug Darby, FilmFest founder and executive director. “We’re trying to accommodate everybody, but we are still developing at this point.” A major change that has been made to FilmFest is the 6:30 p.m. pre-show where students can attend a red-carpet event in front of the theater. All those involved with FilmFest will be featured as Kendall Massey, director of student productions, spotlights filmmakers and actors through interviews. Matt Maxwell, FilmFest student director, said
this event is geared to bring importance to students. “It’s about what the students want,” Maxwell said. “They are taking this on.” The FilmFest premiere will take place as it has the past two years. At 7 p.m., the top three films in the four designated categories: entertainment, information, experimental and music video, will be showcased. Nine judges, all of whom work with digital media in some capacity, will award filmmakers, and this year, a new award will be given to best actor and actress.
Darby said the judges add an interesting dynamic to FilmFest. “We’ve got this weird, eclectic group which adds value,” Darby said. Students can meet with the judges at the symposium on Saturday at 10 a.m. in the Living Room of the Campus Center. During the symposium, judges will talk about the entered films as well as lead an open discussion about media and the film industry. A second viewing of the films will take place Saturday
Abilene Christian University
at 1 p.m. in the Living Room. All 21 of the entered films will be shown, and this event is an opportunity for all filmmakers to present their work to family and friends. Students can preview the films on Channel 14. Darby said the events involved with FilmFest have been a plan all along and part of developing this event. “The changes we have made are reflected in the quality of the films,” Darby said. “It is solidifying this event. E-mail Sutton at:
Serving the ACU community since 1912
Chapel Checkup Credited Chapels to date:
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 Friday, November 3, 2006
Calendar & Events Friday
7 p.m. FilmFest - unReel Downtown at the Paramount Theater. Tickets are on sale for $5 in the Campus Center. Purple Friday
1 p.m. FilmFest second showing in Living Room of Campus Center.
No events scheduled for today.
Zane Williams concert - more details to be announced.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Flu and meningitis vaccines available in the Living Room of the Campus Center for $20 (flu) and $14 (meningitis).
Credited Chapels remaining:
48 22
About This Page The Optimist maintains this calendar for the ACU community to keep track of local social, academic and service opportunities. Groups may send announcements directly to or to the Page 2 Editor at
To ensure that an item will appear on time, the announcement should be sent at least 10 days before. The Optimist may edit items for space and style. Corrections and clarifications of published news articles will be printed in this space in a timely manner.
ACU Police Tip of the Week Announcements
Halo 2 Tournament to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Abilene it will take place Nov. 10 and 11 at Planet Land in the Mall of Abilene. Half the proceeds will go to BBBS and half will go to the bracket winners. To register or get more information, contact Citibank or Planet Land. What do Tupac Shakur, Lauryn Hill and Kanye West have to do with Jesus? Come find out Thursday evenings. “Jesus and the Hip-Hop Prophets” will take place at 8:30 p.m. in the Onstead-Packer Biblical Studies Building Room 128. For more information, contact Matt Worthington at Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to deliver lunch to those in need. This is a great way to serve in the Abilene community, and you can get credit if your delivery time conflicts with Chapel. For more information, stop by the Volunteer Center in the Bean Sprout. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) meets Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in COBA Room 315 for those interested in sharpening business skills, entrepreneurial, leadership skills and service to the community. Habitat for Humanity will bring an ice skating rink to Abilene for the holidays. Volunteers are needed to work the front gate, ice skate rentals and concessions. Also, anyone who would like to help build a house front with a fence to be used as the entrance, contact organizers. The ice skating rink will be open from Nov. 17 to Jan. 13. For more information, contact Karen Mendoza at 201-0250. Girl Scout Troop #1550 needs young women who want to make a difference in young girls’ lives
through Girl Scouting. The girls are from underprivileged homes, and they need positive Christian influences in their lives. Meetings are every Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. This program will end in May. For more information, please contact Diltzie Andrews at 673-6379. Big Brothers Big Sisters, in conjunction with Communities in Schools, is starting an after-school program at Ortiz Elementary for students who need to improve their grades and have at least one incarcerated parent. Volunteers will meet with their student weekly at Ortiz Elementary for fun and educational games or activities. Nov. 10 through Dec. 19, Tuesdays at 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Ortiz Elementary. For more information, contact Erin McMullen at 677-7839. The International Students Association presents the 2006 Culture Show Ethnos: Twilight. The show will be hosted in Cullen Auditorium Nov. 17 and 18. Tickets will be sold in the Campus Center’s Ticket Window and at the door. Email any comments or questions to Rolando Gutierrez at rxg04g@acu. edu. WorldWide Witness is now accepting applications for over 40 summer internships around the world. All majors are welcome. Apply online at For additional information, contact Gary Green or Wimon Walker at Carmichael-Walling Lectures: “Shaping American Culture in a Strictly Biblical Image?” with professor Margaret M. Mitchell, from the University of Chicago on Thursday. Lectures are at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the Onstead-Packer Biblical
Volunteer Opportunities The Salvation Army needs volunteers to interview clients for Christmas assistance, verify proper documentation and determine qualification. Until Nov. 10, volunteers are needed Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The Salvation Army is located at 1226 Butternut St. For more information, contact Cecilia Barahona at 677-1408. Lee Elementary needs volunteers to play Scrabble with third, fourth and fifth graders every Thursday from 3:15 to 4 p.m. in the cafeteria. For more information, contact Jennifer Clapp or Andy Blessing at 671-4895. Junior League of Abilene Christmas Carousel needs volunteers to help with the Christmas Carousel Style Show. The main task will be entertaining children models and helping them get dressed. The show is Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Abilene Civic Center. For more information, contact Holly Cowan at 823-3791. Wesley Court needs volunteers to work in their gift shop and assist with inventory. Volunteers are needed Nov. 1, Monday through Friday, anytime from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Two hour shifts would be very helpful. For more information, contact Susan Conwell at 437-1184. Ortiz Elementary needs volunteers for their Fall Festival. Volunteers would work the booths and give prizes to the children. For more information, contact Angela Rodriquez at 673-8794. Volunteers are needed to work on the Habitat for Humanity House that was started during Lectureship. The days volunteers
are needed are Nov. 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 and Dec. 1, 2, 8, and 9. For more information, contact Missy Jones at 281-796-6692. YW-Care needs students with talent in athletics (all, especially football), the performing arts (dance, singing, acting, etc.), and any other special talent are needed to come and perform/ present their talent before elementary school aged children. Tuesdays and Thursdays through Dec. 15, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. at elementary school campuses. For more information, contact Janelle Sands at 677-5321. Communities in Schools (Fannin Elementary) Volunteers are needed to sit with a child at lunchtime to talk, give encouragement, and mentor. Nov. 5 through May 18, Monday through Wednesday and Friday, from 10:50 to 12:50 p.m. at Fannin Elementary. For more information, contact Sheila Ashford at 675-8659. Operation Thanksgiving needs volunteers for lunch being served on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, at the Abilene Civic Center. This event is hosted by the Veteran`s Service Office. If you can help, be at the north side of the Civic Center by 10:30 a.m., serving will begin at 11 a.m. For more information, contact Gary Pogrant at 674-1328, but contact ahead of time is not necessary. Ice Skating Coming to Abilene. Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways with the outdoor ice skating rink that will be coming to Abilene Nov. 17 through Jan. 13, which will benefit Habitat for Humanity. If you are interested in helping, contact the Volunteer Center in the Bean Sprout.
If you have any information related to the attempted robbery/assault which occurred Friday 10-27-06 at 1 a.m. between Moody Coliseum and the Campus Center, please contact the ACU Police Department at 674-2305. Suspects were two white males who had been seen loitering near the south doors of Moody Coliseum just prior to the assault. A reward will be paid for information which results in the identification of these suspects.
Students enjoy devo, eat tortillas nStudents learned how to make tortillas as they joined biology professor Patricia Hernandez for the annual Tortilla Devo, sponsored by Hispanos Unidos. By PATRICK YGNACIO STUDENT REPORTER
On any given week, Patricia Hernandez, professor of biology, opens her office to students that need a little extra help in fulfilling their biology studies. But Hernandez opened her kitchen to give students the chance to learn tortilla making, and several students took part in the annual Tortilla Devo organized by Hispanos Unidos. Among those in attendance were this year’s officers of Hispanos Unidos and worship leaders for the group. Hispanos Unidos hosts small group Chapel in Room 129 of the OnsteadPacker Biblical Studies Building every Thursday. The Tortilla Devo offered another opportunity for members to enjoy the fellowship and devotional time that they experience in small group Chapel. This is the first year that the Tortilla Devo has taken place at a faculty member’s house. Jessica White, freshman psychology major from Knox City, participated in this year’s devotional and found it to be a rewarding experience. White has attended Hispanos Unidos small group Chapel and taken part in the weekly Latin dance classes organized by the group.
“What Hispanos Unidos is trying to do by sponsoring ethnic activities is awesome,” White said in e-mail. “It educates those who are eager to learn and encourages those who are willing to take part. The Tortilla Devo was such a great opportunity for me to try something I’d never done before and get to know people I might not have gotten to know” Members spent much of the evening kneading dough and taking turns flipping tortillas on the stove. With the first batch of readied tortillas, members gathered for a brief prayer and lined up to enjoy tortillas with their favorite toppings like butter and honey. Hernandez said she enjoyed hearing students share stories of past experiences in making tortillas. She said that while they worked, she saw students passing on that previous knowledge to others. Hernandez said she recognized how the passing of cooking preparations between generations as one of those traditions that is inherent to Hispanic culture, and the Tortilla Devo provided an opportunity for students to become involved in that kind of community. “When you work together you get to know each other,” Hernandez said. “When you share faith, you share the same spirit.”
E-mail the Ygnacio at:
Friday, November 3, 2006
Page 3
‘Essence’ sells snacks for skating
Stink bait
n Essence of Ebony is selling snacks after Chapel on Fridays to fund raise for events. All snacks are less than $.50 and are sold outside Moody Coliseum. By JOHNNY BAUTISTA Student Reporter
Aaron Bell, senior communication major from Van, doused himself in stink bait to dress as shark bait for the Night Riders’ Halloween ride Tuesday.
Even after Halloween, students and faculty can still enjoy some candy. Members of Essence of Ebony will continue selling snacks Fridays after Chapel as part of a fundraiser to help raise money for the organization’s skate night and other events. All snacks are sold for less than $.50. Erica Ray, junior social work major from Euless, said they have sold snacks the past two Fridays and have raised about $50. “Our idea was to have
a lot of different candy that people used to eat when they were younger,” Ray said. “I think it’s a really good way to get our name out there as well. This is the first time that we’ve done something like this and we’ve had success with it so far.” Merrell Cotton III, senior criminal justice major from Forest City, Iowa, said he recommends students carry loose change in their pockets on Fridays so they can buy some candy. “It is really good that we are doing this,” Cotton said. “I am also glad that we are getting an early start on raising money for our Spring Break Campaign to Oklahoma City. The more
money we can raise doing this, the less money people will have to pay to go.” One of the events that this fund-raiser has helped raise money for has been a skate night, which will take place on Friday from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. at The Skatin’ Place. All students are invited to participate in the Hollywood-themed skate night. Students with the best costume will win prizes. Cotton said he would like to let all students and faculty know that there is some really good candy at a cheap price waiting for them outside of Moody after Chapel every Friday. E-mail Bautista at:
Chapel forums give students chance to earn credits n The final two Chapel forums this semester will be offered. Lauren Winner will speak Nov. 9 at Moody Coliseum, then Steve Haas on Nov. 30 in Hart Auditorium. By ASHLEY ROBINSON Student Reporter
Students will have the opportunity to earn six extra Chapel credits before the end of the semester. Various Chapel forums will offer extra credits to students to help them meet their semester Chapel credit requirement. Four of the extra Chapel credits being offered to students will come from Chapel forums scheduled for November, and the last two will be available
through an online survey. Students have different views about Chapel forums. Chris Washington, junior business management major from Houston, said he won’t attend any of the forums. “I don’t want to go because I don’t like them. They punish you for not getting your Chapel credits by making you sit through this long boring thing,” Washington said. “Plus, I will already have all my credits, but if I didn’t I still probably wouldn’t go, although I will do the online survey at the end of the semester.” Cortney Armstrong, se-
nior integrated marketing communication major, said he plans to attend the forums. “Chapel forums are beneficial; they are more related to students,” Armstrong said. “I would go to Chapel forums if they didn’t offer extra credit because they are interesting and some of them are open discussion or panel discussion.” Lauren Winner, author of Girl Meets God, Mudhouse Sabbath and Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity; and Steve Haas, World Vision’s vice president of church relations, will speak at two of the forums planned dur-
ing the semester as part of the Fall Tour promoting the Acting on Aids campaign. Winner will present on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. in Moody Coliseum and Haas will present on Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. in Hart Auditorium. Each forum will give students the opportunity to earn two Chapel credits, although some professors may require students to attend or offer extra credit. There have already been five Chapel forums offered this semester, all in one week during Lectureship. The last opportunity to earn two more Chapel credits will be available online
by filling out a Chapel assessment during the final week of the semester. “Serious answers to this survey help us to continually improve Chapel,” said Dr. Wayne Barnard, dean of spiritual formation and Chapel planner. “My role is to provide direction and leadership for the spiritual nurturing and development of students and to expand opportunities by which students, staff and faculty might more intentionally develop as followers of Jesus,” Barnard said. Barnard was appointed to this new position this fall. “Chapel is one aspect of my work, and this se-
Forums and speakers Two chapel forums remain. Below are the dates and information for them. n Lauren Winner will speak Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. in Moody Coliseum. n Steve Haas will speak Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. in Hart Auditorium.
mester I have created the curriculum and themes, scheduled the speakers, worship leaders and others who participate and have worked with others across the university to program Chapel Forums,” Barnard said. E-mail Robinson at:
Page 4
Friday, November 3, 2006
Habitat seeks funds and volunteers to finish project n ACU’s Habitat for Humanities chapter encourages students and faculty members to donate funds and volunteer to complete a house for an Abilene family. By BLESSED MATAI Student Reporter
Sixty-three days, weekend volunteers and $23,000 are what ACU’s Habitat for Humanity chapter needs to finish its project house.
More than a month after the groundbreaking of the project, the university organization still needs volunteers and funds to complete the project, which will provide a home for a poor Abilene family. “Volunteers are what we need the most,” said Missy Jones, junior elementary education major from Katy and vice
president of the chapter. “We need about 15 volunteers because we are having problems filling up on Fridays and Saturday mornings,” she said. Planners know that although the house has shown progress, to finish the house by December, volunteers need to step up and help with money and manpower. “We need about
$23,000 to finish the house,” Jones said. The organization often takes contributions during Chapel, and the group is planning an art show to benefit the project. Planners said they hope faculty members, students and the ACU community will make an extra effort to attend the art show and help the project. The chapter, which was
Hello Books available for purchase n More than 1,000 faculty members and students have ordered new Hello Books, an on-campus directory, and it will be mailed to them Monday. By MEGAN LOWE Student Reporter
Students, faculty, staff and administrators will have an easier way to look up information about people on campus with the 2006-2007 Hello Book. Hello Books contain information for all students registered for the current year, including hometown address, email address, major and telephone number. Faculty and staff information is also listed. Maps of the ACU campus and Abilene are also included in the books, along with theater productions and athletics schedules. “They are an excellent tool to have,” said Celia Deeds, administrative assistant for Creative Services. “I use it five to 10 times a day. It saves me so much time. I would have to call the operator and probably be put on
hold while searching for people’s numbers or addresses. I save at least an hour each day by having the Hello Book.” Deeds also said keeping old Hello Books around is a good idea, even after new ones come out. “If you need information for graduated students or retired faculty, it is quicker to look in the Hello Book than a phone book,” she said. More than 1,000 people have purchased the new edition, and students will have from Monday to Thursday to purchase books for $10. Hello Books will be mailed Monday to students who have already purchased theirs. ACU’s chapter of Society of Professional Journalists, a national organization for journalists that promotes free, ethical press, organizes the distribution and creation of Hello Books each year. Each year, proceeds from book sales send students to the SPJ National Convention, an
event during which journalism majors meet with professionals and attend journalism seminars. “So far, more departments have bought books, but we hope to get more students to purchase them when we sell them in the Campus Center,” said Brian Schmidt, senior photojournalism major from Austin and ACU’s SPJ president. The Campus Store bought the front cover of this year’s Hello Books in the form of an advertisement, and it took about three weeks for the 3,000 Hello Books to be printed. Purchase forms were put into passport packets for incoming students to order Hello Books. Other students had the opportunity to purchase their books through the ticket windows in the Campus Center about three weeks ago. “Students can really be benefited by the information Hello Books contain,” Schmidt said. E-mail Lowe at:
founded in January 1991, began in cooperation with Abilene’s Habitat for Humanity chapter. Students, faculty and staff of the university are welcome to join the group, said Dr. David Dillman, professor of political science and adviser for ACU’s Habitat chapter. “Some students graduate and move on, and there is a need for new
board members every year,” Jones said. “That’s the reason that we encourage people to join us, especially freshmen and sophomores. The president and the vice president are juniors, and in two more years they will be moving on, and we need people to fill those positions.” E-mail Matai at:
Halloween riders ride
Jonathan Clark from Dallas and Daniel Thomas Hall from Dallas, in Twin Tower costumes, ride bicycles with Daniel Wheeler, graduate student from Van, during the Night Riders’ Halloween ride Tuesday.
Physical resources waits for cold weather n Physical resources is waiting for consistent cold weather before the air conditioning is switched to heat. The switch will take about 24 hours. By PATRICK YGNACIO Student Reporter
This week’s weather forecast calls for consistently cooler temperatures than in recent weeks. With this comes an opportunity for staff in ACU physical resources to turn on the heat. For most of the buildings on campus, the transition from air conditioning to heat is a process that takes about 24 hours. Bob Nevill, physical resources director, said the campus has two different types of air conditioning. One system, found in newer buildings like Barret Residence Hall, can run hot and cold air at the same time; the other type of system, found in most of the buildings on
campus, is controlled by boilers and chillers and can circulate only one type of air. For the older buildings, day-to-day alternating temperatures are an important factor in deciding when to switch over to heat. “Our dilemma is this time of year when we have a 75 degree day or an 80 degree day and a 50 degree night,” Nevill said. Aubrey Weldon, sophomore education major from Plano, lived in Gardner Residence Hall and attended a class in the Hardin Administration building, both of which are equipped with older air conditioning. Weldon said she found the environment in the administration building to be uncomfortable on days when it was especially cold. She said this made it hard for her to concentrate.
“I took sociology in the admin[istration] building, and it was too cold to focus,” Weldon said. Weldon currently lives in Barret, and she said she is impressed with the temperature of the living environment. Weldon said she appreciates living in Barret Hall more than in Gardner. Nevill said the central plant for physical resources houses boilers that heat the water circulated throughout campus air delivery systems. These boilers serve those buildings with older systems. Once turned on, Nevill said, these boilers stay on for the rest of the winter. “It’s trying to balance the two so we’re efficient with our university’s money and still meeting the needs of the people,” Nevill said. E-mail Ygnacio at:
Page 5
Friday, November 3, 2006
Smoking ban infringes on individual choice
The Issue:
Tuesday the public will have more than state government elections on which to vote. The public smoking ban will also be on the ballot. This non-binding vote gives voters a chance to voice their concern to the City Council. The public votes, but the City Council gets to make the final decision. The ban will be placed on all public places, even outside areas. The City Council also decides what a public area is. The ban was tabled in 2004 because allowing exemptions seemed to create unfair advantages to
The City Council has proposed a ban on smoking in the majority of public places in Abilene.
Our view:
Personal businesses should elimate smoking if they so decide, but local government should not dictate this decision.
The solution:
Depending on your opinion, exercise your rights as an Abilene citizen and vote against this ban.
Well, I guess this is growing up Girls pretty much always By now I felt like we were have a way of making life giving Charlie Brown rocks interesting, so it shouldn’t or something, so I hollered surprise me that one was for McKade not to give it to r e s p o n s i - her. Meanwhile, the princess ble for my retreated as we apologized. most recent After that fiasco we deepiphany— cided to remedy the situespecially ation. Off to United I went because she for candy and light bulbs. was a prin- Within 20 minutes the light cess. was shining nearly as bright So Tues- as the Tower of Light; it was Four Word day night, almost as enticing to kids my room- as the theme to Spongebob Lettter Pt. II mates and I Squarepants. Denton were finishWe didn’t get too many Josey ing dinner kids the rest of the night, and delay- maybe 10. Sadly, I had to ing the start of our home- eat the rest of the candy. work when we realized we But as Justin and I delicately weren’t ready. Trick-or- dropped the candy in all the treaters would be coming bags our visitors brought, soon and we we noticed had no candy. something: We didn’t even are After the fiasco, we we have a porch grown-ups. decided to remedy light. We probthe situation. Off I figured ably should no one would have seen to United I went come because it before: for candy and our porch light there we light bulbs. was out, the were in universal sign a house, that candy is with a dog, not offered passing out there. But here in Abilene candy to kids on Halloween there are some stalwart and commenting on how kids. There was a humble cool the costumes were. little knock at the door and Maybe we’re not completely we all ran out of the room, adults yet, but sometimes it except McKade, so he had to feels like it. I know I felt like answer the door. Justin and one today when all the bills I peeked around the corner left my wallet as empty as and as the door opened, the candy bags are now. It there stood a beautiful little seems like as an adult there princess. We panicked. is a lot more expected of McKade started to apolo- you, a lot more giving, but gize and I started to cringe at maybe that isn’t so bad. the thought of turning away I did my time as a kid and a little princess (c’mon, prin- mostly wanted to get older, cesses have a hard enough so now that I’m on the brink time, living trapped in castle of adulthood and I have a towers, waiting to be res- picture of what happens as I cued and whatnot; they de- get even older, I’m thinking serve a decent Halloween) I’ll slow it down and enjoy when Justin yelled from the where I am right now. Even fridge, “Wait!” if it means I have to be a litJustin pulled out and tle grown up sometimes. threw to McKade what had to be a month-old lime. And E-mail Josey at:, the princess stood watching.
compethave the Disallowing all smoking from public places is a ing busiright to serve decision that should be made by nesses. patrons the the individual businesses. The City way it wants, Council is not how a loconsidercal governing allowing exemptions to mer saying that no level ment wants. certain businesses, but the of second-hand smoke is There is no law that wording still reads “all pub- “risk-free.” says an individual has the lic places,” and it doesn’t However, disallowing all right to smoke where they tell a difference between smoking from public plac- want nor that a business bars and restaurants. The es is a decision that should can do whatever it wants. ban also says that offend- be made by the individual However, if this same logers could be fined up to businesses. Smoking is a ic is followed, there is no $500, the same as any oth- personal choice, and if busi- limit to what government er city ordinance. nesses don’t want a smoky can tell businesses and inThe smoking ban was environment, they should dividuals to do. raised again in response to make the choice for a nonThe choice to smoke is a warning released by the smoking establishment. that of an individual. Othsurgeon general this sumThe business should er than in a place where
smoking is prohibited, no other restrictions should be made to what someone chooses to do. Similarly, businesses should choose the clientele they want to serve. Customers have the option to visit businesses based on smoking or non-smoking. The choice will work itself out for businesses. Limiting businesses to only serving non-smokers violates humans’ and businesses’ right to make their own choices. E-mail the Optimist at:
Alex York
The untold story about diamonds The older I get, the more talk of engagement I hear about. As stereotypical as they may be, the who’s-dating-whom, is-he-a-goodguy and howdid-he-propose-to-her questions frequent my A State house of four women. of Mind The other Lauren night, my roommate Sutton walked into our home with a wide smile and a story of her friend’s recent engagement. In great detail, she told me about the boy, the relationship, the engagement story, and of course—the ring. That’s right; the coveted diamond ring is often the subject of seemingly endless conversation among females. Diamonds have become a symbol of love and commitment in our culture; I can’t fathom the profits that DeBeers’ “a diamond is
In 1991, a Sierra Leone rebel group began seeking control of its country’s immense wealth in diamond mines. forever” slogan has brought the company. But step outside your desire to give or receive such a ring, outside your consumerdriven culture that not only hopes but expects this stone to be given upon engagement, and look into a part of the world that is suffering terror, war and death as a result of one thing: a greed for diamonds. In 1991, a Sierra Leone rebel group, the Revolutionary United Front, began seeking control of its county’s immense wealth in diamond mines. This want of control has led to a horrific military campaign within Sierra Leone as well as neighboring countries. Amnesty International’s Web site said the goal of the RUF is to terrorize the population and enjoy uncontested control over the diamond fields. Throughout the country’s decade-long war, 50,000
to 75,000 people have been killed as a result of the RUF’s desire for control. Another 20,000 have been injured by the rebels’ favorite means of torture—using machetes and axes to chop off the limbs of civilians. For years, the West turned a blind eye to these human rights violations as the international diamond industry funded the RUF by buying $125 million worth of “bloody diamonds” per year, the U.N. estimates. Consequently, money gained from the trade has been used to buy weapons for RUF military, ensuring their control through brutal force. And as if that weren’t enough, investigation show that Al Qaeda has networked with the RUF and pocketed millions of dollars in untraceable diamonds. The Washington Post reported that several members of Al Qaeda were found in Sierre
Leone, overseeing diamond production. But positive action is beginning to take place. Last November, an international organization began a process which regulates cross-border requirements for diamond transactions, indicating when and where every imported stone was discovered. Also, A legilation that was passed to combat blood diamond trade by the House of Representatives and is awaiting a vote from the Senate. So to you who are looking to buy a diamond for your loved one, research and make sure you are not buying a blood diamond. And remember, the same obect that symbolizes your undying love for another is promoting the deaths of thousands more across the world. Don’t forget these suffering people in the midst of your excitement because the slogan isn’t true. Diamonds aren’t forever.
E-mail Sutton at:,
English professor suggests abolition of student fees As a faculty sponsor for two clubs on campus, I see a pretty big problem that I feel is easy to articulate: each semester, ACU students pay a substantial amount of money under the heading “Student Activity Fee,” then are placed in a position to plead and grovel to SA to
prove the merits of their various campus groups’ budgets. My experience has shown that during no semester has this been a fruitful process—not just because a particular student group doesn’t get all it want, but because no group receives an amount that corresponds to the
number of its members multiplied by the amount each member pay for Student Activity Fees. I would argue that this is an absurd method by which ACU clubs should operate financially; the solution is just as simple to articulate as the problem. First, remove the Student Activity
fee from every student’s bill. Second, empower each club’s leader to determine what it needs financially to achieve its goals, whether social, academic or spiritual. Then, allow each club to charge whatever dues it needs to each member to function for the semester. Clubs who charge too lit-
tle and run out of funds will know to charge more during the next semester; clubs who charge too much will see a drop in membership, and will thus pare back on activities to gain membership with a more reasonable fee. But in no case will any club’s members have to negotiate to a third party—
Editorial and letter policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors or to refuse to print letters containing personal
attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or fewer. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79699 E-mail letters to:
especially a governmental one who is not as invested in their mission as they are—to justify needs and wants in order to receive back their own money. Cole Bennet assistant professor of English
Editorial and Management Board Mallory Schlabach
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Page 6
Cox and Johnson prepare to smash pumpkins off a bridge.
Maria del Pinal and Angelica, met through Wildcat Kids two years ago.
Cox and Johnson run a swift race in Rose Park.
“We are big heroes to a little kid; it’s weird to think about that. It makes you think, ‘What did I do?’ Nothing spectacular, yet she thinks I am someone special.” Maria del Pinal, senior communication major from Fort Worth
Impacting Littles in a Big Way T
he seven-week-old puppy named Lucky yips from behind a scooter on the porch as Maria del Pinal knocks on the door of a white house. A young girl opens the door and squeals are heard as her sister runs to her room to get dressed. “Oh, my goodness, I forgot you were coming today; Angelica is so excited you’re here,” says the girl’s mom as she clears the dinner dishes from the kitchen table and yells down the hall, “Hurry up Angelica, your Big Sister is here.” It’s just around dinnertime, but Angelica, already dressed in her pajamas, quickly dresses to meet her “Big Sister.” The 10-year old shyly leaves her room and a smile creeps across her face when she sees Maria sitting on the couch across from her older sister. Maria and Angelica became friends two years ago when they were matched through Wildcat Kids, a program through Big Brothers Big Sisters for ACU students that matches two Bigs to a Little. Maria’s sister, Cristina, is Angelica’s other match. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nationwide, non-profit organization with a branch in Abilene, involved in the one-on-one mentoring of children between the ages of 6 to 18. Tim Yandell, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters since last August said last year alone more than 1,200 children were served through one of Big Brother Big Sisters’ seven mentoring programs. Maria was one of those matches. “I wanted to get involved with the community when I came to ACU, so my sister Cristina and I joined Wildcat Kids because we love working with kids,” said Maria, senior communication major from Fort Worth. Yandell, an ACU alumni, said research from both Abilene’s branch and the nationwide Big Brothers Big Sisters, shows that when a child is matched with a mentor, everyone involved benefits. “The child makes better grades, is less disruptive in class, his attendance improves, and for young ladies, they are less likely to become pregnant,” he said. Children enroll in Big Brothers Big Sisters for many reasons. Often a parent or guardian will enroll a child in a specific program. Other times educators and administrators in the Abilene Independent School District refer a child. Angelica joined Big Brothers Big Sisters so she would do something besides watch TV after school, said Monica, her mom. “I wanted someone to hang out with and have fun with,” Angelica says quietly, as she twists her fingers in circles and drops her eyes to the fly flitting across the wooden floorboards. Children want to be matched up with
someone older than them because they think its cool to have a “Big;” they enjoy hanging out and just being with someone other than their parents or guardian, Yandell said. Maria said many of the things the trio does are events that Wildcat Kids sponsors, like the Costume Skate Night they went to last week. It’s the first thing Angelica mentions when she talks about all the fun things she does with the college-aged girls. Angelica dressed as a witch with neon green eye shadow and red lipstick, while Maria and Cristina, junior international EMILY SMITH STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER business major from Fort Worth, wore 12-year-old Xavier Johnson climbs a tree with his Big Brother, Jeremy Cox, his friend of two years. poodle skirts, Maria said. “That was such a fun night; I actually remembered how to skate.” weird to think about that. It makes you tors can teach them something that maybe “That girl loves to run and she loves to think, ‘What did I do?’ Nothing spectacular, I can’t teach, or reinforce something I’m skate,” says her mom with a laugh as she yet she thinks I am someone special.” trying to teach,” Monica said. “You know listens from across the room. Maria said she and Cristina have talked all kids think their parents don’t know anyAngelica shows Maria the plastic pink to Angelica about boys and being strong, thing, and mine are no different.” shoe attached to her tennis shoes that even at age 10. Having someone mentor a child gives represents her achievements in physical “We’ve explained what the purity rings the parent or guardian a support system. education class at her school where she’s are that Cristy and I wear, and how im- It allows them to get things done or have a a fifth-grader. portant it is to tell boys no and mean it,” quiet time to themselves, Yandell said. Lucky barks from outside just as Angel- she said. “We’ve also taken her to ACU and “I hear it can even make the difference in ica explains that when she grows up she’ll talked about doing well in school and that them making it or not in life, when they can be a veterinarian. Puppies are her favorite she can go to college one day like us.” depend on someone else to care for and animals, she says. For Maria, being a mentor means being a love on their child. The mentor becomes “Both of these girls,” Monica says of friend and having fun. like family to the child and her family.” Angelica and her sister Brianna, “are good Angelica’s favorite memory that she’s While Angelica and her older sister live with pets. When Angelica was just four or had with Maria and Cristina is when they with their mom, her husband, their grandfive years old, she found a baby blue jay rode together on the Big Brothers Big Sis- ma and great grandma, most of the children and took care of it because its mother ters float in the West Texas Fair and Rodeo enrolled in the Big Brothers Big Sisters proabandoned it. Parade in September. gram come from single parent or guardian “I thought it would die because it need“We all dressed as cowgirls and wore homes, Yandell said. One-third come from ed worms and stuff, but Angelica and her cowgirl hats that Big Brothers Big Sisters families with a parent in prison. sister actually went out and dug up worms gave us. We even taught Angelica how to Boys to Men to feed that bird. When it got old enough wave like a princess to all the people we it flew to the tree where she found it, but passed,” she says with a laugh as Maria and Jeremy Cox, senior family studies major it came back every now and then to our Angelica demonstrate the wave to Angeli- from Houston, joined Big Brothers Big Sisporch. Man, they hated to see it fly away.” ca’s mom and sister across the room. ters two years ago and was matched with Angelica simply smiles and nods her “We’re not exactly alike, but Angelica Xavier Johnson, who is now a 12-year-old. head, her cheeks flushing pink with what reminds Cristina and I to value the little Jeremy wanted to meet young people; Xaviher mom is saying and a small dimple things in life and to have fun,” Maria said. er needed to stay out of trouble. appears on her right cheek. “She reminds me a lot of when I was her Jeremy said when he first met Xavier, “My favorite thing about her is her smile,” age; it’s important to take time to be a that he was incredibly shy. Today, he has Maria says, watching Angelica scrunch up kid again.” loosened up a bit, but grows quiet if he her face and plug her ears, so as not to Yandell said this is common for “bigs” to doesn’t know someone. hear. “She is so genuine and smiles because come to this realization. “When I first met Xavier, he would clam she truly means it.” “Often the “little” ends up teaching you up when we would hang out and so I worked Although Angelica is often shy and a whole lot about life too, not just the “Big” to bring him out of his shell,” Jeremy said. doesn’t say a lot at once, Maria said they’ve teaching the child,” he said. “He is still shy today, but he is comfortable had good talks about girl things and life. Angelica’s mom said it’s nice to have around me and will speak up and goof off “Angelica someone else some.” absorbs us like teaching her child When the two sit side by side they seem a sponge, in the and being an like polar opposites. Story by way we walk, talk influence. Xavier quietly sits in an iron chair sipand act around “The program ping a strawberry latte. He thinks hard each other,” Mahas been really about how he and Jeremy are similar. ria said. “We are good for both of Stumped, he shrugs his shoulder and Design by big heroes to my girls, I’d like a little kid; it’s to think the menSee BIG BROTHERS page 10
Mallory Schlabach Kelsi Peace
November 3, 2006
Page 7
‘Science of Sleep’ awakens consciousness n The lines between dreams and reality interchange as Stephane tries to grope reality after he moves to France and works for a non-creative calendar company. By DEE TRAVIS Contributing Writer
A dream truly is a remarkable phenomenon. For all of our scientific advances, we still can’t explain away the mystery and power of our own dreams. Imagination can take us wherever we want, but dreams come upon us differently—when we’re unconscious and at our most vulnerable, our mind makes a journey without our permission. At times our dreams seem random, calling on people and events that have no discernible correlation or relevance. They can be frightening, funny, erotic, or perhaps a bizarre combination of all three. All dreams are different, but the common thread running throughout our dreams is an element of fantasy. Dreams occupy worlds that are entirely their own. In The Science of Sleep, Stéphane (Gael Garciá Bernal) seems unable to distinguish between the various realms of his own mind. He returns to France after his father’s death and quickly forms a friendship with his next-door neighbor, Stéphanie (Charlotte Gainsbourg). Besides the obvious connection between their names, they both share an interest in imaginative fantasy and the mystery of dreams. Stéphane’s fantasies are contrasted by his incredibly boring job with a company that makes calendars. He
has trouble deciding how to handle a potential romance with Stéphanie, but he has even more trouble deciding how to handle himself, and he never seems as comfortable with the outside world as with the world of his own dreams. The film does indeed feel very dreamlike. For starters, the screenplay drifts in and out of multiple languages, a choice that few films make. Many scenes take place in Stéphane’s mind, which is visualized as a television studio made entirely of cardboard. Stéphane hosts his own imaginary show in which he shares whatever is on his mind. I enjoyed these moments in the studio; the cardboard surroundings immediately conjure childhood fantasies in which ordinary cardboard boxes became spacecrafts or giant fortresses. These scenes are fun, and the film really shines in these dream sequences. Most of the dream elements are achieved with stop-motion animation, an old visual effects technique that has also found a home in animated films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas and Chicken Run. Writer/Director Michel Gondry is onto something with his use of stop-motion to convey dreams; there has always been something dreamlike and otherworldly about this particular artistic method. It’s refreshing to see this technique amid today’s onslaught of computer-generated animation, which has opened every visual door. No story, however imaginative, escapes the cinema’s reach, yet the effects in today’s films don’t have
Contributing Writer
Everyone eats, but not everyone dines. Dining is a state of mind; the body relaxes, conversation flows and the food fills not only the stomach, but the soul. My recent dining experience at Rancho Loma took me to another place where life is slower. You watch cows roam while the sun sets, you converse with your date by candlelight, you watch the chef prepare the cuisine in the warm kitchen, you enjoy the soft melodic music, you linger between courses sipping Pellegrino, and you finish your meal
with coffee on the porch. Three hours is all this extravaganza will take and what a blessed three hours it is. During my visit to the ranch, my palette was enlivened by fresh mussels steamed in dry white wine and warm baguettes; frisee salad topped by applesmoked bacon; warm goat cheese croutons; and honey shallot vinaigrette; caramelized garlic butter on top of a choice prime rib steak next to perfect pommes frites; and silky chocolate moose with strong Latin coffee. The meal was exquisite. Rancho Loma was established in 2003 by Robert and Laurie Williamson. They live on the beautiful renovated 1800s ranch and offer exclusive dinner service beginning at 6:30 p.m. by reservation. Once you’ve reserved a table, it is yours for
Newly released movies and gross rates for Oct. 27-29. Total gross in parenthesis. n Saw III: $33,610,391 ($33,610,391) n The Departed: $9,848,258 ($91,098,431) n The Prestige: $9,573,215 ($28,780,742) n Flags of Our Fathers: $6,346,856 ($19,923,069) n Open Season: $5,862,674 ($77,120,167)
Coming Soon Movies opening Friday:
Within the imaginary confines of sleep, Stéphane, played by Gael Garcia Bernal, creates fantasies of he and Stéphanie, played by Charlotte Gainsbourg. quite the same intrigue as the old stop-motion visuals. In King Kong, for instance, the gorilla’s movements appear odd and jerky, and at times you can even see fingerprints from the animator’s hands appear in his fur. It’s a very dated visual effect, yet it still holds a unique air of mystery, and continues to captivate audiences more than 70 years after the film’s release. The dream sequences in The Science of Sleep remind me of these early effects achievements: the scenes are jerky, outdated, and absolutely wonderful. There’s a real beauty and power behind them, and I can’t think of any other film that incorporates animation in the same way this one does.
Rancho Loma: dining in beauty n Rancho Loma offers exquisite dinning for a high price. The restaurant is located 10 miles south of Coleman about an hour from campus.
Box Office Stats
the evening and the courses are served at leisure. If you are looking for the perfect spot to celebrate special milestones in life or if you need to slow down, Rancho Loma is your place. It is expensive and not for everyone, but I believe there are readers out there who are longing for something new, something to be passionate about and Rancho Loma is for them. If anything, check out its Web site at and see if it moves you. It moved me, I went and I am changed. It is amazing the different gastronomic pleasures the Big Country has to offer, the resolve is get out there and eat! Bon Appetit!
E-mail Swim at:
Unfortunately, few of the film’s characters are as interesting as its visuals. Stéphane works as the story’s centerpiece, though the romance between he and Stépahnie is ultimately lacking. Gondry’s screenplay has some clever exchanges and is surprisingly funny at times, though, as its title suggests, the film’s strength comes in its dreamlike visions. There are some explorations of scientific information about dreams, but the film is mostly a celebration of all the things we can’t explain. Early in the film, we’re able to distinguish between the sequences occurring in the “real” world and those occurring in Stéphane’s sub-
conscious, but around the film’s halfway mark all lines begin to blur, until ultimately we have to decide for ourselves which elements represent reality and which occur only in dreams. When the dust settles, I think you’ll find that it doesn’t matter. Whether Stéphane’s memories were dreamt or played out while he was awake, he allows them to actively reflect and shape who he is. Leaving the theater, I was reminded of a line from Dead Poets Society: “Only in our dreams can men be truly free. ‘Twas always thus, and always thus will be.”
E-mail Travis at:
n The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, starring Tim Allen, Peter Boyle, Spencer Breslin. In the third installment of the popular Santa Claus movies, Scott Calvin battles with the mischievous Jack Frost who is trying to take over Christmas. n Borat, starring Sacha Baron Cohen, Pamela Anderson, Ken Davitian. Borat Sagdiyev, famous journalist from Kazakhstan, travels to America to create a documentary of all the people he encounters. On his journey he falls in love with Pamela Anderson and tries to make her his bride. n Flushed Away, starring the voices of Simon Callow, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen. The animated story of a London rat that discovers the underground metropolis after accidentally being flushed down the “whirlpool.” n The Flock, starring Richard Gere, Claire Danes, KaDee Strickland. A department of public safety official trains a young female replacement while trying to find a missing girl who he believes is connected to a paroled sex offender.
Friday, November 3, 2006
Issues: Ban, tax freeze Continued from page 1 well afford to pay additional taxes as their property values increase.” Ellsworth also said city services may be reduced, and young families who may also need a tax break might have heavier tax burdens. Voters will also vote on a smoking ban, which is a nonbinding vote intended to give the City Council an accurate idea of whether citizens support or oppose the ban. The ballot, according to, will ask voters if they “support the City Council adopting an ordinance prohibiting smoking in all public places and places of employment.” Coates said the smoking ban is a clear issue.
Page 8
“If enacted, it will affect the people who smoke,” Coates said. “And more importantly, it will affect all of us because the air will be cleaner.” Five propositions to amend the City Charter of the City of Abilene will also appear on the ballot. If passed, the amendments will require vacant seats on City Council to be filled; election dates to comply with state laws; election returns to be canvassed, or examined, on the date required by state election law; run-off elections to be held on the date required by state law; and Council, board and commission meetings comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act. E-mail Peace at:
PROPOSITIONS Five propositions to amend the City Charter of the City of Abilene will also appear on the ballot: n Proposition No. 1 requires vacant seats on City Council to be filled n Proposition No. 2 requires election dates to comply with states laws n Proposition No. 3 requires election returns to be examined on the date required by state law n Proposition No. 4 requires run-off elections to be held on the date required by state law n Proposition No. 5 requires Council, board and commissions meetings to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act
King: Taking service to next level Continued from page 1 eight years on the Abilene Independent School District’s Board of Trustees. She said this campaign provided the chance to take public service to another level. “I’d always thought I’d like to run for public office beyond Abilene, but didn’t know if I’d get the chance,” King said. “When Dr. Hunter announced his retirement, it was an opportunity that I was going to either take or not. The rest is history.” King’s history in health care and education has understandably bred a deep concern for these issues. In the myriad of issues surrounding education, King said her primary concerns are seeing teachers come in
to the profession and taking care of them once they are there. “You don’t teach for the salary,” King said. “I believe educating students is a calling. At the same time, teachers have to pay electricity bills, too.” Similarly, King has two main concerns for health care. One is how to maintain current tort reforms to protect physicians against frivolous malpractice suits, and the other being how to make health care accessible to as many people as possible, especially those that have fallen into a coverage crack. “There are people that are working hard but simply can’t make the premiums of the private insurance,” King
said. “At the same time, they’re making too much money to qualify for government assistance.” King’s work in the community has left an impression on those she has worked with. Anthony Williams, Abilene City Councilman and vice chair of the Taylor County Republican Party, said King’s values are exactly what is needed in Austin. “She’s a strong, independent thinker,” Williams said. “Her values reflect those of the Big Country, and I think she’ll do a great job in Austin.”
E-mail Pond at:
Campaigns: Faculty, students aid both parties in campaign Continued from page 1 “Campaigns are unusual,” Wertheim, class of ’89, said with a smile. After 10 months of campaigning in three different Abilene campaigns, King’s volunteers have a system down and know what to do to be effective. “When you work a campaign, everyone stuffs letters, staples signs and answers the phone. We all also answer policy questions, meet with dignitaries and talk to the media. It’s really a broad range job,” she said. Wertheim is no stranger to campaign tactics. She first began working on campaigns in junior high, she said, when she was sorting mail for Reagan’s campaign. Through high school she worked in campaign offices in town for extra credit for classes, and since has volunteered in local races in North Carolina, California and Texas as campaign manager and consultant. She first met King six years ago when she was on the
school board. Wertheim was speaking at a public forum about closing schools, limiting libraries and removing RNs from school campuses. “I was impressed with her activism, and we developed a friendship,” she said. “As I continued to learn about her, I thought she would be an excellent candidate and an advocate for my children.” Dr. Jon Ashby, professor of communication sciences and disorders and King’s campaign treasurer, said he joined the King campaign because he cares about her a lot. Ashby, class of ’64, has worked with her husband, Dr. Austin King, at the Voice Institute of West Texas for more than 20 years, and since has become friends with Susan King. “She’s just had a tremendous career in health care services, the Abilene Independent School Board; that has brought her to this place,” he said. “She’s mature, seasoned and capable; she’s not going to be able to be overlooked in Austin.”
Although Ashby said he’s worked on other campaigns in the past, King’s is the first he’s worked on so extensively, he said. “My job is to assure that all the funds are properly accounted for and documented,” he said. “I document where it went and who donated; we don’t hold anything back here.” Wertheim and Ashby said King’s honesty is a value West Texans support. “To win and represent Abilene, a candidate has to listen to its constituents, be a true conservative, be budget conscious and understand the unique landscape of West Texas,” Wertheim said. “It’s been an honor to watch a woman so beautifully balance her family’s needs while serving her community and working to ensure continued quality of the public school system.”
The other side of the coin When Hailey decided to join the race December 2005,
his campaign team knew they were entering a unique race with a daunting task: promoting a conservative Democrat in a race that historically the majority votes Republican. But after 22 years of friendship, Dillman, who has taught in the Political Science Department since 1984, said he is confident in who Hailey is and believes in his ability to run an effective, morally decent campaign. “Mel is a good fit with the district,” Dillman said. “He brings traditional conservative values, if you will, to the table such as family, pro-life, and at the same time is compassionate for the low-income residents, those who have become marginal in society, and he’s sensitive to children.” Dillman, who oversees the fundraising, media, scheduling and advising on political matters, said the hardest part of the campaign has been letting people know that Mel is first a person, then a Democrat. “Given the history of this district, our obstacle has been
to say that Mel is a Democrat because of the historic roots of the party; that government can be a force for good,” he said. “In fact, it’s the party that brought electricity to West Texas and the party that helped use government resources for good to help West Texans out of the depression. “Mel is labeled as a Democrat with the national party’s values. Those aren’t his values; he holds values of West Texans.” Spending hours after duties at ACU are complete, Hailey, Dillman, and Dr. Neal Coates, associate professor of political science and Hailey’s campaign treasurer, work hard to let people know who Hailey is. “I’m an accountant-type person first, but because of my proximity to Mel, I consult on his campaign strategies too,” Coates, class of ‘87 said. Coates said he first became acquainted with Hailey when he was a junior political science major and Hailey was his professor. Dillman was his professor as well, he said.
“Late last year, when he was contemplating entering the race, several people told him they would help in whatever way he needed if he joined,” he said. “I was one of those people. He is qualified for this position because he teaches about his subject and goes out in the community; he knows what makes the legislature tick. It was easy to jump on his bandwagon.” When both sides think about what values best represent Abilene, they both agree. “A candidate supporting Abilene needs to be conservative, pro-life, pro-education, keep the budget balanced and ensure that free enterprise works well,” Coates said. The public decides which candidate best represents the area. Until Tuesday, the campaigns continue, the phones ring and neither side will rest until one individual is chosen to represent District 71 in the Texas House of Representatives. E-mail Schlabach at:
Hailey: Ready for bipartisan work Continued from page 1 Bob Hunter, longtime state representative for District 71, announced his retirement. “They said, ‘Mel, would you consider running for office?’” At first, Hailey’s answer was “no,” but his friends convinced him to run as an extension of his already vigorous community service. “I told them I would run and we would see how we could use government to enhance life in the community,” he said. Hailey’s passion for education has given rise to numerous concerns about how public education is being handled. One of those concerns is what Hailey feels is the undue emphasis placed on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. “We have fourth-graders going home becoming anxiety prone because of one
test,” Hailey said. “It’s time to let our teachers be teachers and not tutors.” Hailey is also concerned with education funding in Texas. While this question has been plaguing Austin legislators, Hailey said Hailey the solution is simple. “We have a multi-billion dollar surplus that is just sitting there,” he said. “Yet important and necessary programs just aren’t receiving the funding they need. It’s time we readdress our priorities.” Hailey said frustration with current politics in Austin was another factor that convinced him to run for the seat. “I’m tired of the partisan bickering in Austin,” he said. “I’m tired of it getting in the
way of things getting done, and I’m tired of the fact that we can’t even seem to have a civil discourse anymore.” Hailey said he wants to see Texas’ leadership return to the kind of cooperation that existed between Republican Governor George W. Bush and Democratic Speaker of the House Pete Laney. “These men put their differences aside and worked together, and under their watch, the state was flourishing,” he said. For Hailey, this race is about the people of Texas beginning to work out their differences. “The bottom line is that we can do better. Let’s stop the partisan bickering and work together to move Texas forward,” he said.
E-mail Pond at:
Friday, November 3, 2006
Page 9
Men of Sub T-16 make effort for early reactivation n Members of Sub T-16, men’s social club, which has been suspended since last fall, decided to start doing more volunteer activities for improvement. By SHELBY COATES Student Reporter
Men’s social club Sub T16 was suspended fall 2005 on hazing allegations. In fall 2006, the club began meetings with a review committee to see if the suspension could be lifted early. The men of Sub T-16 spent the past summer working on a self-study of the social club as part of the reactivation process. The group reviewed problems within the club that may have caused the group to be removed from campus. Members also researched club history, said Britton New, junior business major from Ft. Worth. New and other Sub-T members discovered a lack of service projects
as an area for improvement after completing the self-study. “We had to play more of an active part at Abilene Christian University since ACU has given us so much,” New said. The club decided they could lend a hand to the 2006 Homecoming Steering Committee during Homecoming weekend. The members of Sub-T contacted Jama Cadle, Coordinator of Alumni Events. “They had great attitudes,” Cadle said. “They were interested in helping with anything we needed.” The club was given a list of ways it could aid the Steering Committee. Twenty of the 26 club members took on the task, New said. Friday of Homecoming, Sub-T members met to set up inflatables, jumping houses and PA systems for the Homecoming carnival. When the event was fin-
ished, they met again to take everything down. The club broke up into groups of four and took shifts to get work accomplished. “Almost the whole club was involved in some way or another,” New said. The club was also responsible for taking down purple bows, streamers and other Homecoming decorations. Members headed out as far as Shotwell Stadium to cut down and throw away the purple and silver streamers that lined the streets. Members also took down the purple bows that were on numerous trees around campus. “Some volunteers can be unpredictable,” Cadle said. When it comes to Homecoming volunteers, everyone is not reliable. However, the club’s members showed up and did their work, she said. Members of Sub T-16
brian schmidt FILE PHOTO
Men’s social club, Sub T-16 gather for last year’s Homecoming Parade near Edwards Residence Hall. have also joined with the Adopt-A-Highway program. Several times per year the members clean up Highway 351 as a club service project, New said. Along with the recent service project, the club has also researched their club history and original purpose
of the club. During the summer, surveys were sent to past members, asking what the social club meant to them. The results were compiled into a report that was reviewed last month. Sub T-16 meets with Jeff Arrington, associate dean of Campus Life, and Tim Win-
ters, associate provost, to discuss the club, its suspension and a possible date of reactivation. “We’re working as hard as we can. As soon we can be back on campus, the better,” New said. E-mail Coates at:
Living-learning bake sale to benefit Abilene children n Eight students of Barret Residence Hall created a bake sale to support the Taylor County Child Advocacy Center on Oct. 24-26. By TIFFANY GAUNTT Student Reporter
Like the nursery rhyme, the women of the Triple-OThree pod of Barret Residence Hall baked cakes as fast as they could and marked them with love for their bake sale. As a part of the new Living-Learning Communities of Barret Hall, last
week the eight women living in the Triple-O-Three pod sold $214.31 in baked goods to help support the Taylor County Child Advocacy Center. Triple-O-Three, which stands for the three zeros at the beginning of the girls banner ID numbers, wanted to give back to the community and decided that the education of child abuse in the Abilene community was important, said Rachel Campbell, sophomore psychology major from Sherman.
“We wanted to volunteer at first, but because it’s difficult to volunteer at the center, we thought of doing several different things like a benefit concert and even a toy drive however, we settled on the idea of a bake sale,” Campbell said. Advertisements were placed around the school the week before the bake sale took place in the Campus Center between Oct. 24 and 26. The social club Sigma Theta Chi also helped. “We had so many good foods like a caramel fudge
cake, pumpkin bread and all sorts of cookies, and the Siggies also baked a lot goodies for us,” Campbell said. “I think we did really well selling all of the cookies and reaching our goal of raising money for the center.” As required by the university, students living in Barret must pick a sponsor, put together a service project and complete it by the end of the school year. The Triple-O-Three pod chose Dr. Jeffrey Wherry, professor of psychology,
as its sponsor to help guide and advise them during the school year. “The girls have been a blessing in my life and I’ve been encouraged by their generosity with their time and enthusiasm,” Wherry said. “They are taking full loads, working part-time and involved in extra-curricular activities, and I find it an incredible testament of the quality of our students at ACU, particularly of these eight girls.” The Living-Learning Communities build and
strengthen relationships among participating students and benefit students directly as well as calling them to serve others in the community like Christians should, Wherry said. “Right now the girls and I are in the middle of planning a second bake sale in the spring semester because we want to continue to educate students about child abuse,” Wherry said.
E-mail Gauntt at:
Nelson Hall terrace to provide commons area for residents to enjoy n Residents of Nelson Hall celebrated a new addition to the building with an outdoor grilling Monday. Sikes Hall will also add a terrace in the summer. By COURTNEE HEMBREE Student Reporter
More than 100 girls living in Nelson Residence Hall gathered Monday to break in the residence
hall’s new terrace. Dr. Mimi Barnard, director of residence life education and housing, said in an e-mail that Nelson’s terrace is just one of Residence Life’s many projects to create space for students to gather. During the summer, an awning was placed over the back patio at Barret Resi-
dence Hall, and Mabee and Edwards residence halls also have patios and grills. Residence Life has been talking to McKinzie Residence Hall staff about a patio area that could provide for an outdoor gathering and grilling area, and when Sikes Residence Hall is renovated this summer, it too
will have an outdoor gathering area. “We know that students want places to hang out and that they appreciate purposeful programming, and these new areas help to provide that,” Barnard said. The terrace at Nelson is not quite complete. It still lacks landscaping and furniture, but Kelly Sargent,
residence director of Nelson and graduate student from Mesquite, is already making plans for its future use. “It was such a positive turnout with so many girls enjoying themselves that I know all the hard work that the administrative went through was worth it,” Sargent said. Sargent said she is already
making plans to use the terrace, but she will wait until it is completely finished. “I want to put up Christmas lights and have a Christmas party,” she said. “And maybe once a month have hot chocolate and donuts for the girls on their way to class.” E-mail Hembree at:
District 71 debate held on campus five days before polls open n District 71 candidates, Democrat Mel Hailey and Libertarian Vanessa Harris, debate in the Hilton Room of the ACU Campus Center on Thursday. By KELSI PEACE Features Editor
Only two candidates for State Representative debated in the Hilton Room of the McGlothlin Campus Center on Thursday night. Republican candidate Susan King was not present, despite several weeks’ notice. Democratic candidate Mel Hailey, Political Science Department chair, and Libertarian candidate Vanessa Harris answered questions from a panel composed of Dr. Mark Cullum, professor of history and advisor of the College Republicans, and Kristina Campos-Wallace, advisor of the College Democrats. The candidates discussed education, agreeing that the TAKS test should be improved, but disagreeing on whether or not Texas should use vouchers. “When it comes to education and funding, I’m for exploring new avenues that haven’t been explored in this district,” Harris said. Harris offered profits from state-owned casinos as one possible avenue and vouchers as another. Hailey opposed vouchers on the basis that the
Libertarian candidate Vanessa Harris and Democratic candidate Mel Hailey debate in the Hilton Room of the Campus Center on Thursday. Republican candidate Susan King was not present. Texas Constitution offers free public education. Hailey said the message he would like to bring to Congress in regards to education is to “learn to listen and listen to learn”—and representatives need to listen to children, educators and parents, he said. Both candidates opposed the TAKS test because the test forces teachers to teach students only to pass a test. “I would like to go to Austin and get this thing annihilated,” Harris said. Hailey agreed, “We can do better than the TAKS
test.” Views between the candidates split as discussion turned to health care. Democratic candidate Hailey called past legislature in Austin a “dismal record,” citing the 176,000 children who were cut out of the Children’s Insurance Program (CIPS) as an example of poor public policy. “Government has to take care of the most vulnerable among us, and if it doesn’t, we haven’t accomplished much,” Hailey said. Libertarian candidate Harris said the state ought to “slowly step down” from
the welfare program and replace it with private charities. Harris said privatized charity has several benefits: the public knows who is getting the money, can select where the money goes and will have more money left for charity. Harris also said she opposes welfare, but does not wish to “yank programs from beneath children and parents.” While the candidates’ solutions for dealing with illegal immigration differed, both agreed on one method that will not work. “One person believes in
a fence,” Hailey said. “It’s not Vanessa, it’s not me.” Harris said vouchers would privatize schools and discourage illegal immigrants from putting their children in the system. Hailey said he supports a guest-worker program that would allow immigrants to “participate legally in the American dream.” “Let’s remember that we are a nation of immigrants,” Hailey said. He also said he thinks a better economic environment in immigrants’ countries will help them to succeed at home. Congress should be working harder to find solutions, Harris said, and Hailey said the national government has failed to protect the borders, comparing it to a “dead-beat dad.” When the debate moved to economic development, the candidates’ views differed. “I am in favor of the legalization of illegal drugs,” Harris said. She said revenue generated from the drugs could also be used to increase funding for education. Hailey said wind energy offers potential for creating jobs on several levels. He also spoke against tax dollars being spent to bring companies into Texas that directly compete with small
business. Hailey said government ought to play the role of helper, by working as a neighbor rather than a nanny. “We need the help of government,” Hailey said. Both candidates supported the Second Amendment, which gives citizens the right to bear arms. Hailey said taxes—sales and property—cannot be raised anymore. Instead, he said a non-partisan commission needs to examine the tax system. Harris opposed singling out any group of people for taxes, including wealthy citizens. The debate concluded with Harris urging voters not to vote a straight ticket, but instead to base decisions on their consciences and knowledge. Hailey promised voters he would discuss issues in Austin in a “civil manner,” and then gave examples of poor leaders who “were more concerned about amassing their own personal power than they were about getting the job done.” The winner of the election will fill a seat Rep. Bob Hunter is vacating after 20 years of service.
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Page 10
Friday, November 3, 2006
Undergrad student wins graduate psychology contest n Abby Loe, senior psychology major from Canyon, won an award at Student Poster Research, a psychology competition, for her research about obesity in students. By SHARON RAPELJE Student Reporter
ACU had its first undergraduate winner in a graduate level psychology competition. “I didn’t even realize it was a competition until I got there,” said Abby Loe, senior psychology major from Canyon. “I just thought I was presenting it at the conference; that
was an exciting surprise.” The competition, called Student Poster Research, took place at the annual Texas Association convention. Before the competition, students from a number of Texas universities submit proposals to present their research. If they are accepted, their work is displayed in poster format to guests and judges. Loe’s research was about obesity in students and how that correlates with self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Loe
said she discovered that obesity does not correlate with these things. Loe said she plans to present this poster again at the national conference and will submit it in essay form for other competitions, which offer cash prizes. Loe said she thinks part of the reason other undergraduates have not entered the competition is because “it takes a lot of work and you have to be self-motivated.” Loe began taking steps toward this competition
when she started helping a psychology professor with research. Jennifer W. Shewmaker, director of the School of Psychology Training, is a school psychologist and does research about gifted children. Loe joined Shewmaker’s research team and presented the findings with Shewmaker at a convention for the National Association of School Psychologists. Shewmaker said Loe was the first undergraduate to present with her at the national convention.
Shewmaker said Loe was looking for ways to make herself unique when applying to a graduate school. Because Loe gained experience researching before the convention, Shewmaker encouraged her to enter a proposal to display her work at the state convention. “It’s very unusual to have somebody who is an undergraduate [student] do this kind of research, this level of research on their own, and then actually go out and present it and win awards for it,”
Shoemaker said. At first they did not know whether Loe would be eligible to display her work at the state convention because of her collegiate level, Shoemaker said. However, the association did accept Loe and said they had never received an undergraduate proposal. “The judges said, ‘We can’t believe this girl is an undergraduate; she’s amazing,’” Shewmaker said.
E-mail Rapelje at:
College takes new approach to evaluations Grad school open house offers info n A compilation of comments from student evaluations confirmed that professors are performing well, said Dr. Colleen Durrington, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. By SHELBI WATTEN Student Reporter
Every student expects it; some teachers dread it. It is the one day in the semester when even the sternest of professors crack a smile. On this day students give teachers the grade. It is student evaluations day. Every college on ACU’s campus distributes standardized evaluations to students at the end of each fall, spring and summer semester. This year, the College of Arts and Sciences tried a new technique to assess student evaluations as a whole. The college compiled a sample of the comments students write on the back of their evaluation sheets and organized those comments into several general categories. Dr. Colleen Durrington,
dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was not surprised with the results. “It only confirmed things we already knew about the very good job our faculty members are doing and how much they care about students,” Durrington said. Durrington said evaluations make the department aware of problems as well as reaffirm what a teacher or department is doing correctly. Durrington “I want students to know we do pay attention to student evaluations,” Durrington said. “Faculty members look at those evaluations and realize ways they are doing things well and see places they can continue to grow professionally as a teacher.” Many students question the effectiveness of student evaluations. “They are only effective if the teacher takes them
seriously,” said Preston Rampy, senior psychology major from Austin. “Teachers should make their own evaluations specific to their class so they can focus on their own strengths and weaknesses.” The evaluations ask students questions based on everything from how the class was taught to the spirituality of the teacher. Brittany Moore, senior interdisciplinary major from Farmers Branch, said she does not understand how evaluations could be taken seriously if students never see progress. “Since some students do not take the same classes or teachers again, how would they know whether they had improved?” Moore said. Student evaluations are actually only one part of a complete teacher evaluation individual departments complete every spring. In either the spring or summer, faculty members devise goals they want to accomplish
for the next year. Before March 1 of the following year, the faculty member and his or her department chair review and reflect on whether or not the professor completed his or her goals. Durrington said faculty members have to look at the big picture when reviewing their evaluations. Eventually, faculty members receive a one page summary of the Scantron results and the actual student evaluations ,plus any comments from the department chair. Durrington encourages students to continue to express their honest opinions about their professors. “We really want students to write what they think and give input to professors,” Durrington said. “They are an important part of a teacher continuing to grow as an effective faculty member.”
E-mail Watten at:
n Students attending the graduate school open house will receive an application packet, get information about the program and have a chance to win a $500 scholarship. By ATSUMI SHIBATA Page Designer
A Graduate School open house will take place Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Living Room of the Campus Center to help students learn more about the school. Faculty and graduate students from several programs will attend to explain and answer questions. Participants will also have a chance to win a door prize of two $500 scholarships for ACU Graduate School. “It’s a good way to come out and get information,” said William Horn, director of graduate recruiting. The open house will provide application packets and information about programs and financial aid. The event is beneficial
even if students are going to other graduate schools, said Kacey Higgins, assistant to the dean of the graduate school. “It’s a great opportunity to talk to professionals,” Higgins said. This open house takes place every fall, and about 75 students participated last year. Horn and Higgins said they encourage students to join and start preparing for a graduate school as soon as possible. About 631 students are enrolled in ACU graduate school, including 294 new students. About 60 percent of them are from ACU or Abilene. The graduate school offers 18 programs, and Horn said it provides a high quality education and personal contacts with faculty in a Christian environment. For more information, e-mail E-mail the Shibata at:
Big Brothers: Students relive childhood through littles Continued from page 6
gives Jeremy a look from the corner of his eye, signaling him to answer. “Well,” Jeremy begins slowly, laughing at Xavier’s quietness. “We’re both good with the ladies,” he jokes. “Ha. And, we are both tall for our ages, I mean I was as tall as him when I was 12 and that wasn’t normal compared to the other kids.” At five-foot-eight, Xavier stands above the other sixth-graders at Clack Elementary. His height, he hopes, will help him make it to the NFL one day. Xavier said his dream is to play professional football. “Any team’s OK; it don’t matter who I play for,” he says earnestly, although he did say the Indianapolis Colts is his favorite team. On a serious note, Jeremy said he and Xavier are alike because they were both raised by single mothers and come from similar family backgrounds. “We share core characteristics and are different in enough ways and with interests that we balance and challenge each other,” Jeremy said. “But one difference is I’m a lot goofier than he is; I think I embarrass him a lot, even when we drive around Abilene.” Xavier nods his head emphatically while grinning, his giant smile appearing before he chews on his straw again. “We can be in the car driving by ourselves and he gives me this look, like I’m crazy for dancing and singing in the car,” Jeremy laughs. “There’s no
one to notice, but he still shakes his head at me and laughs.” Xavier starts to laugh again but covers his face when Jeremy begins to tell a story about him acting goofy. “Oh, man; don’t tell her that,” he laughs. “I came to pick Xavier up and knocked on the door but no one answered so I walked in. Xavier was standing in the living room with a stereo to his ear dancing and signing with his eyes closed,” Jeremy laughs. “I think I’m rubbing off on him.” The joking is good for Xavier. He said it’s the thing he likes most about Jeremy. “Xavier and I have a relationship that is fun; I am there to be another consistent person in his life.” He said sometimes he worries because he doesn’t always know what to do when he arrives at Xavier’s house. “I worry that he won’t like what we do or won’t want to go somewhere,” Jeremy said, “but as soon as he gets in the car he reassures me that I’m doing OK; I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.” The pair goes to concerts and plays, eat out sometimes and likes to race each other. Xavier runs track at school and has placed first several times in the 50 and 100-meter races. “I’m really proud of him for running; he’s pretty fast though,” Jeremy said.
Giving Back Yandell joined Big Brothers Big Sisters because he knew the orga-
nization had a good program. “I know what we do at Big Brothers Big Sisters makes a positive impact for good on the lives of children. We’re making a difference in the kids in the community,” he said. In addition to joining the staff, he also became a “big” because he wanted to give back to a child.
less your father,” he said. “Today it is so prevalent to be raised in single parent homes; mentoring relationships make all the difference in the world.” He said that while the majority of “bigs” come from college-aged students, high school students and retired adults or grandparents, many come from parents and
Maria del Pinal sits with her little, 10-year-old Angelica. “Children matter so much. We owe it to kids to help them make right decisions in life,” he said. “I know what it’s like to be raised by a single parent; and I know the grief a child suffers. It’s hard to be a kid.” Yandell’s mother abandoned his father, brother and him before he turned 2 years old. “Back in the 60s it was unheard of to be raised by a single parent, much
middle-age adults in the community like him. Yandell’s “little brother” is an 8-year-old named Colton who is being raised by his grandmother after his mother was killed in a drunk driving accident last year. Yandell recalls the first time he brought Colton to ACU. As the pair walked through the Campus Center after school, Colton looked around at all the
people moving through and pulled on Yandell’s sleeve. “What is this place?” he asked. Smiling, Yandell responded, “Well, what do you think it is Colton?” After much deliberation, Colton said, “Well it’s way too big to be a high school, so I don’t know.” Yandell said that was the first of many conversations the two have had about college, and that he told Colton he wants to see him attend ACU when he graduates one day. Yandell and Colton are a community-based match; the most popular program Big Brothers Big Sisters offers is the lunch buddy program, though, he said. He said people feel they can commit to 30 minutes a week, easier than several hours a month. Some don’t join Big Brothers Big Sisters though because they feel they are too busy or don’t have money. Yandell said there are no excuses. “When you talk about having no time, every person in Abilene can spend 30 minutes a week to be a lunch buddy,” he said. “We also have match activities available in the community for very cheap and to be honest, the most meaningful times you spend doing things are the ones where it doesn’t cost a thing, like taking a “little” to campus or going to a park. “It doesn’t cost any money to go to campus, to skip rocks in a stream or to play in the GATA fountain,” he says with a laugh. Walking through cam-
pus, Yandell said Colton ran towards the GATA fountain when he saw it for the first time. “He sprinted out to it and immediately began taking of his shoes and socks and rolling up his pants,” he recalled. “Both of us were walking around in the fountain splashing each other because you know, once you stick your big toe on one of those spickets in the fountain, you can spray water everywhere,” he laughed. Sopping wet and bare foot, the two began to play catch in the grass with Colton’s dirty socks rolled up, he said. “I called his grandma and said I think Colton and I are in trouble,” he said. “She laughed and asked why. When I explained it was because we were soaking wet, she laughed again and said Colton wasn’t in trouble, but that she couldn’t speak for my wife.” Yandell said he tells people about his experiences with Colton because he wants others to see they can do it too. Because students begin school in the fall and college students return to Abilene in August, Yandell said the fall is the busiest time for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Despite a flood of responses from students, several hundred children in Abilene still await matches. “To give to a child,” Yandell said. “All you have to remember is that you were once a kid.”
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Page 11
Kingsville: Undefeated road record on the line Continued from page 12 must overcome the first of two remaining obstacles this weekend as its hunt for the playoffs goes on the road to take on the last place Texas A&M-Kingsville Javelinas on Saturday. “We just have to play at our highest level,” Thomsen said. Unlike the Wildcats, the Javelinas are out of the playoff picture and assured their first losing season since 2000 after starting conference with a 0-4 record. The Javelinas’ latest loss was a 37-14 rout from Eastern New Mexico on Oct. 28. Although the Wildcats must travel more than 400 miles to take on the Javelinas, offensive lineman Nathan Young said he prefers playing on the road. “It’s easier to focus on the road,” Young said. “Being away from all the distractions at home and thinking about nothing but football helps you focus.” ACU has been nothing but focused on the road this season, as the Wildcats are undefeated at 3-0, with their latest victory being a 49-33 rout of No. 12 West Texas A&M in front of in front of 13,641 fans. Kingsville, who lost to ACU 19-3 the last time the two teams met, struggles this season because of youth and injury and will look to get their first win over the Wildcats.
Running back Taber Minner runs past a Tarleton State defender on Oct. 28. Minner only rushed for 24 yards against the Tarleton Texans but caught six passes for 50 yards and a touchdown. The inexperienced Javelinas have been offensively unsuccessful throughout the season and are led by freshman quarterback Jeremy Heatly, who has only completed about 50 percent of his passes and thrown 10 interceptions this season. The Kingsville defense
has struggled just as much as its offense this season as it allowed an average of 32.6 points-per-game, 11 rushing yards-per-game. “They’re a team that you want to kick them when they’re down,” Young said. “We need to beat up on them and get ready to play
our best.” Despite conceding their first loss of the season to Tarleton State and dropping in the national and regional rankings, the Wildcats continue to have one of the best offensive attacks in Division II football. Quarterback Billy Malone, who threw for
353 yards and four touchdowns in the loss, is fourth in the nation in passing efficiency and total offense and is fast approaching multiple university and conference passing records. Wide receiver Jerale Badon broke a record of his own against Tarleton, as
he had 14 catches for 147 yards. Badon is 11th in the nation for receptions-pergame and 16th for receiving yards-per-game. ACU and Kingsville will kick off Saturday at 2 p.m. in Kingsville. E-mail Johnson at:
Meet: Kryv’yak, Cheboi lead women Tourney: Cats’ began Thursday Continued from page 12 will lead the women into the meet. “We have to be aware of where we are at all times,” Hood said. “Like on the men’s side, Southwest Baptist and Missouri Southern will be the teams who we will have our eye on all day.” The women are coming off a LSC championship, where every member of their top five finished in the top 20, led by Cheboi, who
won the LSC title in the sixkilometer race, finishing in 21:38. “We hope to turn our top two girls loose at the start of the race and let the others react to their progress,” Hood said. The men will compete first at 10 a.m. and the women will follow at 11:15 a.m., competing for a chance at a trip to Pensacola, Florida for nationals.
conference times
E-mail Harris at:
n Venessa Whihttle, 23:01.0
Men n Nicodemus Naimadu, 24:33.0 n Serge Gasore, 24:34.0 n Philip Birgen, 24:36.0 n Julius Nyango, 24:46.0 Women n Loice Cheboi, 21:38.0 n Olha Kryv’yak, 22:53.0
Students take up rugby n Jeff Paxton started a Facebook group called “ACU Rugby” and now plays with several ACU students on Thursday nights at 5 p.m. The students began six weeks ago. By TODD PIERSALL Student Reporter
Several students on campus have taken up the game of rugby. They play every Tuesday at 5 p.m. on the Larry C. “Satch” Sanders Intramural Field. Jeff Paxton, sophomore exercise science major from Lubbock, created the Facebook group “ACU Rugby” and heads up the Tuesday games. Paxton, who recently be-
gan playing rugby, became interested in the sport when he started researching his upcoming mission trip to New Zealand. Paxton said that the New Zealand All Blacks are probably the best rugby team in the world right now. These rugby matches began six weeks ago when a group of guys decided rugby would be a fun sport to learn. “Only a few of us really know how to play so we are learning as we go along,” Paxton said. Although these guys are learning how to play rugby, they play very competitive and have had several injuries, Paxton said.
Jonathan Duguid, sophomore architecture major from San Antonio, said he knows exactly what it means to play competitively. While playing rugby several Tuesday nights ago, a player hit the side of his leg causing the tendons in his ankle to tear, “They actually had to call an ambulance,” Duguid said. However, Duguid said his injury won’t stop him or any of the other guys from playing rugby. In fact, he said he is considering forming an ACU rugby club, one that would compete against other colleges and universities in the area. E-mail Piersall at:
Continued from page 12 and contributes to the attack with 40 kills. The Wildcats return to the Lone Star Conference tournament, despite losing three all-American players and having a first-year
head coach. But Mock said all of the credit belongs to her players. “Unfortunately it’s out of my hands,” Mock said. ”These girls are ready to pull together.” ACU began the tournament on Thursday against
Texas Women’s and must win twice to reach the finals.
E-mail Johnson at:
Friday, November 3, 2006
ScoreBoard Standings FOOTBALL
Div. 4-0 4-1 3-1 2-2 1-3 1-4 0-4
Overall 5-3 8-1 7-1 7-2 2-6 2-6 3-6
VOLLEYBALL Div. 10-0 8-2 6-4 3-7 2-8 1-9
WTAMU ACU Tarleton St. TAMU-K Angelo St. ENMU
Overall 28-3 18-9 13-13 8-22 6-26 3-20
Upcoming Friday VOLLEYBALL ACU at Lone Star Conference Tournament, Lawton, Okla.
GSP ‘pulls off’ flag football championship n The Gamma Sigma Phi flag football team won the intramural flag football champ league after defeating the Cobras 20-6 on Tuesday. By PATRICK LOVELESS Sports Writer
The men of Gamma Sigma Phi defeated the Cobras 20-6 to become the ACU Intramural Football Champions on Tuesday night. After coming out on top against Frater Sodalis in the semi-finals Monday, GSP came into the game on fire and took the field, working like a well-oiled machine. In a one-sided game, the Kinsmen scored on a long pass to junior Trey Allen early in the first half and never looked back. The Cobras failed to score in the first half, turning the ball over on downs twice. The Cobras fared little better in the second half, after scoring only once. The star of the game was junior Clark Packer, who had a touchdown reception early and an interception, which he ran back for six more points near the end of the second half, putting the game in the
Flag-Football Champs
Flag Football
Men’s Champ League n GSP
bag for the Kinsmen. “Winning intramurals is a big part of club,” said GSP quarterback Hutton Harris, who had two touchdown passes in Tuesday night’s game. “To win with integrity, class and passion is what we are all about. This was a great opportunity for us to demonstrate what this club is all about, and it gives us something to take pride in and hold on to until next year.” Throughout the school year, the men’s social clubs compete in a vast array of intramural sports and are awarded points for winning the championship in each sport. At the end of the year, the club with the most intramural points is declared the overall intramural champion. Last year GSP won. By placing first in the championship league and second in the rec league, the Kinsmen received a big boost and head start in the point system this year, which is essential if they plan on repeating their success again this year.
Women’s Champ League n Second Wind Men’s Rec League n Dynasty Women’s Rec League n Wildcat Girls
Social club points Men n GSP - 140 n Galaxy - 70 n Frats - 55 Women n Kojies - 85 n Delta Theta - 25 n Siggies - 20 brian schmidt CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER
GSP quarterback Hutton Harris rushes a ball during the semifinals against Frater Sodalis.
E-mail Loveless at:
n The Wildcats are in Lawton, Okla., competing for the LSC Championship after finishing the season second in the LSC-South and fourth in their Region.
VOLLEYBALL ACU at Lone Star Conference Tournament, Lawton, Okla.
Sports Editor
ACU at NCAA II Regional, Warrensburg, Mo.
n Home games listed in Italics
Briefs Lowry named LSC South Player of the Year n Junior outside hitter Abbie Lowry was named Lone Star Conference South Division Player of the Year on Wednesday after finishing the season fifth in the LSC in kills and kills-per-game. Lowry is the second ACU player to win this honor and also made the all-conference first team.
Six Wildcats earn all-conference honors
Middle blocker Lauren Leone spikes a ball against Eastern New Mexico. Leone was named to the Lone Star Conference South Division all-Conference first team.
A three-peat. That is what the Wildcat volleyball team is after as it competes for the program’s third-straight Lone Star Conference Championship in Lawton, Okla., this weekend. “Their success is in their hands,” Mock said. “The success of the season is reflective of their character.” ACU is heading into the tournament after finishing second in conference with an 8-2 record. Before the tournament, the Wildcats dropped two spots to No. 4 in the South Central Region. In addition to the program’s eighth winning season in a row and a high regional ranking, the Wildcats had six players given all-conference awards. Leading the way is LSC South Player of the Year Abbie Lowry. The outside hitter was named Player of the Year on Wednesday after leading the Wildcats in the regular season with 454 kills and an average of 4.48 kills per game. “Abbie consistently puts away balls, and I think she is
the biggest offensive threat this entire season,” Mock said. Lowry was also named outside hitter for the LSC South first team and is joined on the first team by middle blocker Lauren Leone. In addition to Lowry and Leone, libero Liz Snoddy, defensive specialist Malia Plumlee, setter Erica Dickinson and outside hitter Erin Curry all received honorable mentions. “We’re in a situation right now where it is time to capitalize on everything we’ve been doing well and bring it all together,” Mock said. One of the things the Wildcats have been doing well is scoring from the outside. Mock said that both Lowry and Curry have answered the call numerous times when needed and she will rely on them in the LSC tournament. In addition to intensity on the outside lines, Mock said she is appreciative of the maturity level of freshman setter Erica Dickinson. “Erica has grown up so much and has really become our quarterback on the court,” Mock said. Dickinson is eighth in the LSC in assists with 960 and an averbrian schmidt CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER age of 9.41 assists-per-game, Outside hitter Erin Curry spikes a ball during the Wildcats’ win over Eastern New Mexico on Oct. 28. ACU is competing in the LSC Tournament in Lawton, Okla. See TOURNEY page 11
ACU runners race to regional meet n The nationally ranked ACU men’s and women’s cross country teams will compete in the regional championships after sweeping the conference meet on Oct. 21.
Intramural Round-up Upcoming WATERBALL Sign up deadline: Passed Season begins Monday Nov. 6
3-2 SOFTBALL Sign up deadline: Nov. 21 Cost: $35 Tournament dates: Nov. 30, Dec. 1, Dec. 2.
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View LSC Player of the Year and ACU outside hitter Abbie Lowry’s thoughts on the Wildcats’ season and upcoming LSC tournament at.
n Alpha Kai - 20
Wildcats after third-straight title
ACU at Texas A&M Kingsville, 2 p.m.
n Six Wildcat volleyball players were named to the all-Conference roster on Wednesday. Outside hitter Abbie Lowry and middle blocker Lauren Leone both made the first team in their respective positions, while libero Liz Snoddy, defensive specialist Malia Plumlee and outside hitter Erin Curry received honorable mention.
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By HUTTON HARRIS Sports Writer
Linebacker Brandon Henry tries to strip the ball from Tarleton running back Michael Sampson while his teammates wrestle him to the ground. The Wildcat defense is ranked third in the LSC in total defense.
ACU’s tackles test in Kingsville n The No. 19 Wildcats will travel to take on 0-4 Texas A&M-Kingsville after losing its first game of the season to Tarleton State on Oct. 28. By DANIEL JOHNSON Sports Editor
After two failed PAT’s opened the door for a game-winning Tarleton State field goal in the Wildcats’ first loss of the season, head coach Chris Thomsen doesn’t want to let the same thing happen again.
Football “We’ve made some personnel changes to try and fix some things,” Thomsen said. Among those personnel changes is the holder for field goals and extra points. Thomsen said quarterback John Brock, who currently punts for the Wildcats, will replace quarterback Nick Bird and take snaps for the Wildcats on special teams. “We’re just giving another guy a shot,” Thomsen said. The nationally ranked
ACU football team still has its shot at making the NCAA Division II playoffs for the first time in the program’s history, but the team must win its two remaining games to secure a spot. If the No. 19 Wildcats win their last two games, they will finish 9-1 and win the Lone Star Conference Championships for the first time since 1977. But before the Wildcats can celebrate, the team See
More than a week after capturing both respective conferences titles, the ACU cross country teams’ focus has quickly shifted to its next challenge: the Division II South Central Regional meet in Warrensburg, Mo., on Saturday. ACU qualified in both the men’s and women’s brackets on Oct. 21 in Stephenville by sweeping both categories with the women winning their sixth-consecutive LSC championship and the men winning their 16th. The men will take their No. 2 national ranking to compete against some the best talent the country has to offer in Southwest Baptist and Missouri Southern. ACU is ranked second behind Adams State and is led by senior Nicodemus Naimadu from Kenya, who has not lost an in-
Cross Country dividual meet since October of 2005 at the Chile Pepper Invitational. “Our goal from day one has been to have both our teams in position to qualify for the National ChampionKryv’yak ship in Pensacola,” said coach Derek Hood. The men will compete in a 10-kilometer race, led by LSC Champion Naimadu and joining him will be ACU team that had all five runners place in the top six overall at the Lone Star Conference Championship on Oct. 21. “[Naimadu is] simply amazing,” Hood said. “To be able to train with and gauge your performance with the best runner in the nation is so encouraging to our other top runners.” On the women’s side, Olha Kryv’yak from Ukraine and Loice Cheboi from Kenya See
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