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FRIDAY January 14, 2004

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Abilene Christian University

Vol. 93, No. 29 1 section, 12 pages www.acuoptimist.com

Serving the ACU community since 1912

At the box office:

Survey says:

Odessa Gaines an AD:

Arts editor Sarah Carlson looks back at her favorite movies of 2004. Page 7

More than 60 percent of faculty and staff participated in a survey that measured their satisfaction with working at the university. Page 8

Former head football coach Gary Gaines turned in his resignation last week. Page 12

KRBC pulls its NBC programs from Cox cable Local NBC affiliate wants 30 cents per subscriber per month By JACI SCHNEIDER OPINION EDITOR

Students who live on campus will not be able to watch Saturday Night Live on Saturday or West Wing next Wednesday. And they might not ever be able to watch those shows or many others on campus or in Abilene without purchasing antennas. Cox Communications, the cable provider in Abilene, and KRBC-TV, the NBC affiliate in the area, are at a stalemate in negotiations over whether Cox can transmit KRBC to its subscribers. “There is a very real possibility that we’ll never be on Cox cable,” said Gayle Kiger, vice president and general manager of Nexstar Broadcasting Group in Abilene, which owns KRBC and KTABTV, the CBS affiliate. Cox could no longer air KRBC beginning Jan. 1 because the cable company would not pay a requested 30

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Bonnie Buchanan, junior fine art studio major from Lubbock, prays while listening to Brent Pennington, missionary in Thailand, speak via phone about the Dec. 26 tsunami during Chapel on Wednesday. Students raised more than $4,000 to send as tsunami relief.

Students give more than $4,000 Relief funds will be sent with Healing Hands, missionaries By JACI SCHNEIDER and LORI BREDEMEYER STAFF WRITERS

The effects of the earthquake and tsunami Dec. 26 in South Asia that devastated a dozen countries and killed more than 150,000 have reached around the world to ACU. Students have donated more than $4,000 since Chapel on Wednesday to aid

victims Chapel “People have been reminded that life is very fragile.” of the that being tsunami. Larry Henderson, missions coordinator in the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry in ThaiD r . land and Wayne working Barnard, dean of Campus help with the relief efforts. to help the people there has Life, said during Chapel that “We felt it was appropriate been a “sobering experience.” the money will go to Healing to have an actual time in our “Most of the people are Hands International in Chapel schedule where we still talking about it,” he said. Abilene and missionaries respond to this disaster,” “My students don’t know working with local churches. Barnard said. “There are peo- what to think about it; there’s The service included a live ple who don’t have a connec- just a heaviness.” phone interview with Brent tion — their churches aren’t ACU also has connections Pennington, an ACU alum- doing anything like taking with missionaries in Phuket, nus who works as a mission- collections — and they just Thailand, a city hit heavily by ary and English teacher and don’t have a place to give the waves. Loren and Penny lives with his family in their money, so we wanted to Hollingsworth are the grandBangkok, Thailand. He trav- provide that.” eled to southern Thailand to Pennington said during See TSUNAMI Page 10

cents per subscriber per month to KRBC. Cable companies pay fees of up to $3 for stations like ESPN and MTV, but few pay for local broadcast stations. According to federal law, a cable company must have permission from a broadcast network in order to offer it to subscribers. Broadcast networks including NBC, ABC and CBS, air for free over public airwaves. In each market, the network can have a local affiliate. KRBC is NBC’s affiliate station. The dispute began when KRBC’s contract expired with Cox at the end of 2004. KRBC wants to be paid for its programming. “We do not pay for programming that is free, overthe-air broadcasting,” said Morris Wilkes, vice president and general manager of the West Texas division of Cox. “They don’t pay to use the airwaves that the public owns,” he said. “Yet they’re demanding that Cox customers pay for what non-Cox customers pay for free. See DISPUTE Page 10

Arrington moves to Campus Life as associate dean Former associate dean of Arts and Sciences chosen for new position By JONATHAN SMITH EDITOR IN CHIEF

Dr. Jeff Arrington was appointed associate dean of Campus Life last week — a new position that will oversee four areas of the office. The director of each area in Campus Life — La Shae Sloan in Student Services, Mark Lewis in Student Life, Dr. Jan Meyer in Student Leadership and Dr. Mimi Barnard in Residence Life Education and Housing — will report directly to Arrington. Arrington, who had served eight years as the associate dean of the College of Arts and Science, will be the first to have the position, which Dr.

Wayne Barnard, dean of Campus Life, said he has thought about creating for more than two years. “I was just needing some help overseeing Campus Life,” Barnard said. “There’s the daily view and the long-rangeplanning view, and Jeff will be responsible for the long-range planning.” Moving from a role that dealt mostly Arrington with academic curriculum to one that oversees learning outside of the classroom, Arrington said he hopes to create a “closer partnership for student learning” in and outside the classroom. “I hope to accomplish an See ARRINGTON Page 10

University begins planting pecan grove Administrators say trees will improve entrance to campus By SARAH CARLSON ARTS EDITOR

Construction on a new pecan grove along Judge Ely Boulevard, across from the main entrance of the university, began during the winter break, and the trees will be planted in the fall, said Kevin Watson, associate vice president for administrative services, in an e-mail.

“This will improve the look and feel of campus as you drive up,” Watson said. “Long term, we want to improve the campus at the main entrance.” Plans to improve the campus landscape have been in development for some time, he said, and potentially 60,000 to 65,000 cubic yards of soil will be brought in from the WalMart Supercenter construction site at the intersection of Highway 351 and Interstate 20 to build a berm enclosure, or a mound of earth, on the east side of Judge Ely. Bob Nevill, director of

Physical Resources, said in an e-mail that the soil, 13,000 cubic yards of which is already at the grove site, is surplus material from the Wal-Mart site and comes at no cost to the university. He said irrigation and turf grasses will be placed in the area during the spring and summer before the trees will be planted in the late fall during ACU’s centennial. “The orchard is not a direct part of the Centennial Celebration,” Nevill said, “but we hope that it can be a significant feature of the celebration.”

Watson also said that construction on the new A.B. Barret residence hall on Campus Court is going well, and the middle section of concrete was poured Wednesday. The hall is still scheduled to be finished Aug. 1, which means the construction crew will work weekends and long hours, he said, adding that it wouldn’t hurt if the weather helped out. “With the weather turning colder this week and next, it could delay us some,” Watson See WORK Page 10

EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Work on the foundation of the new A.B. Barret Hall, being built across from Brown Library, continues this week.

CAMPUS Friday, January 14, 2005


Calendar&Events Friday

Last day to change classes. Freshman class sign-up for Sing Song ushers, after Chapel until 1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

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No events scheduled.


Deadline for signing up for five-on- Martin Luther King Jr. Day; univerfive basketball, 5 p.m., Intramural sity holiday. Sports Office. Dallas Morning News student subLarry Franklin, chairman of Harte- scriptions sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Hanks, Inc. will speak at COBA Campus Center tables. luncheon, 12 p.m., Hilton Room

Abilene Reporter-News student subscriptions sale, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Official ACU rings on sale, 9 a.m.-5 Campus Center tables. p.m., Campus Store.



Official ACU rings on sale, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Campus Store.


SA welcome back party, 1:30 p.m., bowling alley.



Shades of Hope bowling, 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Recreation Center.

Women’s Club Soccer interest meeting, 7:00 p.m., Living Room.

ISA bowling party, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., Recreation Center.

Intramural basketball, 5:30 p.m., Gibson gym and Bennett gym.

About This Page The Optimist maintains this calendar for the ACU community to keep track of local social, academic and service opportunities. Groups may send announcements directly to optimist@jmc.acu.edu or to the Page 2 Editor, ACU Box 27892, Abilene, TX 79699.

To ensure that an item will appear on time, the announcement should be sent at least 10 days before. The Optimist may edit items for space and style. Corrections and clarifications of published news articles will be printed in this space in a timely manner.

Spring pledging information meeting for Frater Sodalis, Trojans and Delta Chi Rho, 5:15 p.m., Living Room Dallas Morning News student subscriptions sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Campus Center tables. Abilene Reporter-News student subscriptions sale, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Campus Center tables. Official ACU ring on sale, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Campus Store.



Official ACU rings on sale, 9 a.m.-5 a.m., Campus Center.



Intramural basketball, 5:30 p.m., Gibson gym and Bennett gym Official ACU rings on sale, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Campus Center.

Volunteer Opportunities ‘A Day On, Not a Day Off’ is the theme for the MLK Service Day on Monday. Signups will continue through Friday from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Campus Center ticket windows. The Abilene High Speech Team is in need of volunteers to serve as judges Friday night and Saturday, for its speech and debate tournament. Contact the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center in the Bean Sprout for more information. Volunteers are needed for the annual West Texas Rehab Phonathon on Friday night, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. Volunteers will be served dinner. If you can help with this effort, contact the Volunteer and ServiceLearning Center. Hospice of the Big Country needs volunteers to work at its Hearts Remembered display at the Mall of Abilene from Feb. 1 through Feb. 14. Workers will be

selling Valentine hearts for the hospice fund-raiser and will work two hour shifts from 10:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. For more information , visit the Volunteer and ServiceLearning Center located in the Bean Sprout. The Portland, Oregon Spring break campaign has spots open. Students will be working with the Portland Urban Ministry Project Church of Christ and its children’s ministry. For more information, please contact Emily Vaughn at eev00a@acu.edu or at 672-7530. The West Texas Girl Scout Council is looking for volunteers to help with its after school program. For more information, please contact Lauren Smith at 670-0432 or las02b@acu.edu. Meals on Wheels needs drivers to deliver meals to those in need. Volunteers deliver meals one day a week for approximately an hour. contact the Volunteer Center located in the Bean Sprout.

Chapel Check-Up Credited Chapels to date: Credited Chapels remaining: (including forums)

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Friday, January 14, 2005


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Friday, January 14, 2005

Study Abroad students depart Students to take classes, travel for spring semester

“The thing I am looking forward to the most about Oxford is not being a tourist.” Alaina Bearden, freshman political science major from Orange County, Calif.


Forty-two students left Wednesday for their home for the next semester. Twenty-eight students left for Oxford, England, and 14 students set out for Montevideo, Uruguay, at 9 a.m. Wednesday from the Big Purple Band parking lot. The students and sponsors took charter buses to DFW airport, where they boarded planes to their final destination. “The thing I am looking forward to the most about Oxford is not being a tourist,” said Alaina Bearden, freshman political science major from Orange County, Calif. “Traveling abroad will widen my viewpoints on

things, and I am looking forward to that challenge.” Both Oxford and Montevideo offer general education core classes, and Oxford will offer extra English classes with Dr. Kyle Dickson, assistant professor of English. In addition to taking classes, students will also spend time traveling around their temporary home. The professors will facilitate trips around the cities to add to lessons taught in the classroom. Before departing for their destinations, the students attended seminars and meetings to help prepare for the next semester. Faculty also informed the travelers about

information such as suitcase limits. Annie Nichols, study abroad coordinator, said the numbers for the study abroad program this semester are consistent with the past couple of semesters. “Our programs are steadily growing,” Nichols said, “but the numbers are pretty average this semester.” In early May, the students will return to America and will have completed a semester in a culturally diverse environment. E-mail Hanneken at: vlh03a@acu.edu

RACHEL LAU/Contributing Photographer

Jessica Patterson, junior theatre major from Winchester, Va., takes pictures while saying goodbye to Jeremy Cox, freshman management major from Columbia, S.C., and Cristina del Pinal, freshman management major from Azle, as they leave to study abroad Wednesday. They are two of 42 students who left to go to either Montevideo, Uruguay, or Oxford, England, for the spring semester.


Friday, January 14, 2005

Campus Center receives repairs Hilton, Living rooms renovated during Christmas holidays By VALERIE HANNEKEN STAFF WRITER

As the new semester begins, students and faculty might observe new renovations in the Campus Center. During the Christmas break, carpenters, electricians, carpet layers and painters worked to improve and update the appearance of the Hilton Room and the Living Room. Work began Dec. 13 and continued throughout the holiday break. Since the completion of the Living Room, the only remaining work to be done is the electrical wiring in the Hilton Room. The wiring details are scheduled to be complete by Jan. 14. “We wanted to update the

E-mail Hanneken at: vlh03a@acu.edu


This semester, three men’s social clubs are conducting spring pledging: Delta Chi Rho, Frater Sodalis and Trojans. An interest meeting will take place in the Living Room of the Campus Center on January 15 at 5:15 p.m., said Mike Spell, social club adviser. The meeting is for any eligible male interested in joining any of the three clubs during the spring pledging season. Delta Chi Rho president Chris Smith said the club’s policies differ from other social clubs on campus. “All of Delta Chi Rho’s active members repledge every time

pledging occurs, so spring pledging is not usually as intensive as fall pledging,” Smith said. “This avoids making unreasonable demands on the members’ time and energy, and new members will have a chance to catch up on any experiences they may have missed during the fall.” Will Smith, president of Frater Sodalis, said although spring pledging is smaller in participation, members give this pledge class as much attention as the fall class. “Spring pledging for Frater Sodalis is a big deal,” Smith said. “We take a great deal of pride in offering spring pledging; therefore, we put the same time and effort into the process, beginning with rushes all the way through.” E-mail Holt at: mah02f@acu.edu

Supercenter project progressing on time Wal-Mart construction to be complete, store open by next autumn

rooms; most of the décor was original to the building, which was built in 1968,” said Joel Swedlund, Campus Center manager. “It was time for an update.” Remodeling for both rooms included new carpet, wall paneling and oak baseboards. The Hilton Room has newly installed dimming lights, and the Living Room now contains track lighting that will illuminate art on the walls. Swedlund said he feels the renovation process went smoothly. Aside from a minor error with the wrong carpet shipment, he said the work was timely and successful. “I am very pleased with the results of the rooms,” Swedlund said. “The outcome has exceeded my expectations.”

Pledging commences Three men’s social clubs to participate in spring initiation

A paint in the neck

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The North Abilene Wal-Mart Supercenter, to be located at the intersection of Interstate 20 and Highway 351, is expected to open next fall, said Jeff Armstrong, development services manager for the City of Abilene. Although Wal-Mart has not announced an exact opening date, it obtained a permit last November and is in construction, Armstrong said. “This store will be slightly larger than the Supercenter on Southwest Drive,” Armstrong said. “Also, the facade will look quite a bit different.” BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Katy Rowan (left), senior theatre and electronic media major from Arlington, and Lara Seibert, junior theatre major from Grapevine, paint the stage for the Winter Dinner Theatre show The Mousetrap in Fulks Theatre in the Williams Performing Arts Center on Thursday.

Armstrong said many chains change their look and layout periodically to meet the needs or desires of their location. Armstrong, who didn’t know the specific changes, added that Wal-Mart has improved the look of its building. Along with the new WalMart Supercenter, seven outparcels, or lots around the store for fast-food chains to build on, will be built surrounding the store, Armstrong said. Construction is progressing with no problems or holdups, Armstrong said. North Abilene’s current WalMart, located on Judge Ely Boulevard, will close when the new Supercenter opens, according to an online Abilene market retail report. E-mail Stork at: las00f@acu.edu


Page 6 The issue: Cox and KRBC have been unable to reach an agreement about subscriber fees, and KRBC has refused to let Cox broadcast its programming.

Our view: The issue is a complex one, which will never be solved if the two parties refuse to negotiate.

The solution: Cox and KRBC need to work together to solve the problem, even if it means compromising before negotiations begin.

January 14, 2005

Cox and KRBC need to grow up With Cox Communications and KRBC-TV still at a standoff in negotiations, students and Abilene residents have been unable to watch NBC on Cox cable without purchasing rabbit ears. Although the issue is one of mere annoyance for television viewers, the end result of the dispute could set a precedent for the way cable companies deal with broadcast networks. KRBC and its owner, Nexstar, have refused to let Cox broadcast its programming in the Abilene area unless Cox pays KRBC $0.30 per Cox sub-

From the Editor Three weeks from now, I will receive a letter: “Dear Editor, whoever wrote the article at the top of Friday’s opinion page should think about having the courage to sign his name. Is this really a Christian university’s stance on that matter? Also, the Ask the articles on this Question page so freJonathan quently conSmith tain the author’s opinion and bias, that they can hardly be considered just-the-facts journalism.” It takes no act of clairvoyance to know; this letter, in some form or fashion, always comes. And each time, I have to shake my head and wish all our readers read the policies in small text at the bottom of this page. So even if you’ve never read Optimist policies, you can always know one thing about this page. The opinion page will contain opinions. At the top of each opinion page will be an unsigned editorial. No single person signs his name to it because the editorial is the opinion of the Editorial Board. Not the opinion of the university’s administrators. Not even necessarily the opinion of each person on the board. Simply our general consensus. That makes everything else on this page the opinion of a single person, whether that person is a staff member or letter writer. Take their words for what you will. Just remember: Not everything you read here is guaranteed to be fact. But we hope this will be the only page in our newspaper where that is the case. I hope you enjoy what you read here this semester or at least appreciate the words you see for what they are — our opinions. Respond to Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu or optimist@acu.edu

uct. When they work together, everyone benefits, including viewers. This is not the first time a local network has dueled with Cox. Two years ago KTAB-TV and Cox fought a similar argument. Viewers can still watch KTAB on Cox — obviously a solution exists. However, problems cannot be solved without communication between the parties involved. Cox and KRBC need to take a timeout in the corner, apologize to each other and their viewers, and begin trying to figure this mess out.

scriber per O b v i o u s l y, As the two companies pout and tattle on each month. the lines of comother over the airwaves, viewers pay the price. Cox is holdmunication have ing fast to its become twisted policy of not and convoluted paying for free over-the-air have to pay fees to all the free throughout the dispute. broadcasts. Meanwhile, as the two comnetwork stations. The Optimist understands The issue will not be an easy panies sit and pout and tattle the arguments of both parties: one to solve, but the two com- on each other over the airSome Cox subscribers pay for panies have made it even more waves, TV viewers pay the cable to receive better recep- difficult by acting like stubborn price of their folly. Although tion of the free over-the-air toddlers. A Cox representative both companies claim their broadcast networks, which are said KRBC was refusing to audience has remained relativethe most watched networks; negotiate unless all its demands ly steady, viewers will soon however, if Cox agrees to pay are met, while a KRBC repre- stop waiting for the companies the fee, the networks in sentative said it would not to settle their argument. Both Abilene and other cities will meet with Cox unless the com- companies face a lose-lose situmost likely follow KRBC’s pany agrees to some form of ation because both receive viewers from the other’s prodroute, and Cox would likely compensation.

Daniel Barcroft

In My Words

In Your Words What’s your opinion of the Cox-KRBC dispute? “I don’t have cable at home, so I don’t really care that much, but I think it’s a bad move on the cable company’s part.”

Megan Jackson senior English and psychology major from Dallas

I think Abilene already has a limited number of channels as it is; for them not to want to show a basic channel is unfair.”

Emanuel White junior graphic design major from Fort Worth

“I don’t know about it, but I don’t like it because that’s where Conan is.”

Tsunami tragedy won’t end when we forget The tragedy of the tsunami that devastated South Asia after Christmas can be difficult to comprehend. After a few days of watching the news coverage on TV and seeing the headlines online, I dreaded learning the daily totals of Much Ado the number of About people killed Something by the giant wave. I can’t Jaci imagine most Schneider of my town being wiped out in a few seconds with no notice. One minute a child might have been cleaning his room, and the next minute his room, his home, his family, his friends and everything he knew might have disappeared into the sea. He is now one of millions of orphans, left with nothing but a refugee camp for a home and a future full of questions. The tsunami has drawn

normalcy throughout the chaos by teaching school, playing sports and spending time with them. We find it easy now to have compassion for the children and victims of the tsunami, but in the coming months and years, we will forget. More disasters will demand our attention and money, but the children in South Asia will still be orphans. They will still be vulnerable to sex trafficking and forced labor. Please find a way to help, and don’t forget. One thing you can do now is type “children” and “tsunami” in Google, and find many charities helping the children. You can also get involved by coming to International Justice Mission Chapel next Thursday in Administration building Room 219. IJM is a national organization that seeks justice throughout the world through raising awareness, money, and by praying.

We will forget, but the children will still be vulnerable to sex trafficking and forced labor. compassion from around the world; countries donated millions of dollars as soon as the scope and enormity of the tsunami was reported. Individuals and businesses also gave their own money to help. As of Tuesday, the United Nations had received $717 million from countries around the world for the relief effort, according to cnn.com. The amount of money donated is almost as unimaginable as the more than 150,000 deaths accounted for so far. However, this tragedy will soon fade from people’s minds. New stories have already replaced it on the front pages. The shock of photos of the countless white body bags lined up along the bare beaches has diminished. People will forget about the children left with nothing in

a world that is cruel to penniless children. The region of South Asia, including Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, was already known for the trafficking of children for forced slavery and prostitution and has become even more susceptible to those atrocities. In just one region of Indonesia, at least 13,000 children might have become orphans. Even if their parents are alive, they have been separated, and it may take weeks to be reunited with their families. Luckily, people are aware of the dangers the orphans face; relief workers have set up refugee camps with special, guarded sections for children, they have made it illegal in several countries for anyone to leave the country with a child under the age of 16, and they are working to give the children a sense of

Zach Laughlin junior business accounting major from The Colony

“I think KRBC is pushing for too much.”

Eric Henson senior management major from Bozeman , Mont.

“It doesn’t bother me than much. I can live without.”

Laura Sanders Respond to Schneider at: optimist@acu.edu or jrs02a@acu.edu

sophomore biochemistry major from Flower Mound

2005 Optimist Editorial Board The people behind the opinions

Jonathan Smith • Junior journalism major from Tyler • Editor in Chief • Conservative views • Church of Christ

Sarah Carlson • Junior journalism major from San Antonio • Arts Editor • Moderate to liberal views • Church of Christ

Lori Bredemeyer • Senior journalism major from Winters • Managing Editor • Moderate to liberal views • Lutheran

Editorial and letter policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist Editorial Board and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist, its Editorial Board or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors

or to refuse to print letters containing personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or less. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79699 E-mail letters to: optimist@acu.edu

Jaci Schneider • Junior journalism major from Central Point, Ore. • Opinion Editor • Moderate to conservative views • Nondenominational


Brian Schmidt • Sophomore photojournalism major from Austin • Chief Photographer • Moderate views • Baptist

Tiffany Williams • Senior journalism major from Temple • Copy Editor • Liberal • Church of Christ

The Optimist Editorial Board

Published by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Abilene Christian University

Editor in Chief

Opinion Editor

Arts Editor

Faculty Adviser

Jonathan Smith

Jaci Schneider

Sarah Carlson

Dr. Cheryl Bacon

Managing Editor

Copy Editor

Chief Photographer

Ad Manager

Lori Bredemeyer

Tiffany Williams

Brian Schmidt

Christi Stark

Optimist contact information Newsroom: (325) 674-2439

Sports desk: (325) 674-2684

Photo department: (325) 674-2499

Advertising office: (325) 674-2463

Subscriptions ($45/academic year): (325) 674-2296

Online: www.acuoptimist.com


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Today’s Movies

‘Neverland,’ ‘Sunshine’ top films of the year By SARAH CARLSON

In Good Company—starring Topher Grace, Dennis Quaid and Scarlett Johanssen; directed by Paul Weitz A middle-aged advertising boss (Quaid) becomes second fiddle to a new hire half his age (Grace), who eventually dates his daughter (Johanssen). Coach Carter—starring Samuel L. Jackson, Rob Brown, Ashanti; directed by Thomas Carter True-life story of a basketball coach who benches the entire undefeated team until they improve academically. Elektra— starring Jennifer Garner, Goran Visnjic; directed by Rob Bowman Garner stars as Elektra, an attractive and strong super heroine straight from the pages of Marvel Comics. After a near death experience, she is released from the hospital and becomes an assassin.

The Box Office Figures are for the weekend of January 7-9 and are in millions. Total grosses in parenthesis. 1 Meet the Fockers—$28.5 ($204.3) 2 White Noise—$24.1 (new) 3 The Aviator—$7.5 ($42.8) 4 Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events—$7.4 ($105.6) 5 Fat Albert—$5.7 ($41) 6 Ocean’s Twelve—$5.3 ($115.3) 7 Spanglish—$4.3 ($37.5) 8 National Treasure—$4.3 ($160.5) 9 Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera—$3.4 ($21.5) 10 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou—$2.7 ($19.4)

January 14, 2005


Last year’s box office was filled with overblown and failed historical action movies (Troy, Alexander), countless sequels (Spider-Man 2, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason), the highest grossing documentary of alltime (Fahrenheit 9/11), and a violent depiction of the last hours of Christ (The Passion of the Christ) that attracted millions to the theater, stunning the mainstream media. Plus, it just didn’t seem like Christmas break without part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to watch. Nevertheless, 2004 had its moments and here are 10 of my favorites. 1. Finding Neverland Johnny Depp is flawless as Scottish playwright J.M. Barrie, who meets Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (Kate Winslet) and her four boys while walking his dog in London’s Kensington Park. One of her sons, Peter (Freddy Highmore), still reeling from the death of his father, will become the inspiration for Barrie’s Peter Pan. Director Marc Forster (Monster’s Ball) weaves the romanticism of the idealized youth and the key of imagination to endure adulthood into the film brilliantly. PPPP 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Jim Carrey, at his best when not doing slapstick comedy, and Kate Winslet, outside of a period piece and a corset, come together as Joel and Clementine with excellent yet odd chemistry. The concept of erasing a person out of one’s memory in hopes of changing a situation, only to repeat the same steps that led one to that situation, is fascinating and the editing and effects only add to the originality of the plot. PPPP 3. Garden State

Writer, director and actor Zach Braff (TV’s Scrubs) details the dilemma of the dangerously transitional stage known as your 20s: You don’t have a home. Your parents’ house isn’t your home, and you don’t have a family to have your own home with; you’re stuck in the middle. The films speaks to a certain time in life where the most important conclusion one can come to is to just live, and accept life for what it is, not what you think it should be. PPP 1/2 4. Sideways Two old college friends, Miles (Paul Giamatti) and Jack (Thomas Haden Church), take a week-long excursion through California’s wine country as a prelude to Jack’s forthcoming wedding. Both are nearing middle age; Miles is recently divorced but clearly not over it, and Jack is fearing the final commitment of matrimony. The poignant analogy of life to a bottle of wine helps make this one of the more honest films as of late. PPP 1/2 5. Before Sunset A compelling sequel to 1995’s Before Sunrise, Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy return as Jesse and Celine, two people brought together on a train to Vienna and then separated after spending 14 hours together, only to be reunited nine years later. Jesse, now a writer, is in Paris promoting his book and Celine, who lives there, shows up at one of the book tour stops. Jesse is scheduled to leave Paris that night and the two spend the rest of the day catching up with compelling and surprisingly natural dialogue, soon realizing they are still connected. Rent both movies and watch them back-to-back. PPP 6. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Not the best of director Wes Anderson’s films (Bottle Rocket,


J.M. Barrie (Johnny Depp) and Peter Llewelyn Davies (Freddy Highmore) sit on a bench in London’s Kensington Park in ‘Finding Neverland,’ one of the best films of 2004. Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums) and probably the least coherent, The Life Aquatic nevertheless showcases Bill Murray’s unbelievable deadpan and knack of persuading the audience to care for his character no matter how flawed he is. PPP 7. Kinsey Liam Neeson stars as Alfred Kinsey, author of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male released in 1948. Laura Linney stars as his wife, Clara, and both give excellent performances in this blunt telling of Kinsey’s life, loves and desire to educate the population on sex. The one glitch, however, comes from the lack of a middle ground represented in the sexual culture of the ’40s and ’50s, as well as today. Kinsey’s interviewees and friends either hold no sexual inhibitions and social mores of marriage, or condemn the very mention of sex. The role of love in human intimacy comes into play only briefly. Despite this, Kinsey gives a thought-provok-

ing look at our culture’s views on sex. PPP 1/2 8. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera The plot is shaky and the Phantom in the stage production is not nearly this goodlooking. At times, you might even want to bring in a CD and headphones with the voices of Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, the headliners of the original London cast. Ultimately, though, Phantom is spectacular to look at, playing to the audience’s emotions, and viewers do not already have to be fans of the stage production to enjoy the film. If you are a fan of musicals, you will be thoroughly entertained. PPP 9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Easily the best of the three Potter movies so far, director Alfonso Cuaron’s (Y Tu Mama Tambien) eye for detail and stylistic approach to the material made the film darker and more

believable than director Chris Columbus’ take on the first two books. While die-hard fans like myself moan over the nonexistant explanations about things like the Marauders Map, the Marauders’ identities and the significance of the Patronus, the magical white stag that dispells the evil Dementors at the end, Cuaron takes Rowling’s material and runs with it, achieving more than just a “children’s movie.”PPP 10. I Heart Huckabees Existential comedies are rare and hard to sell, but this film combines just enough oddity, humor and philosophy to engage the audience’s minds and have them questioning the meaning of life. It’s good to see Jason Schwartzman (Rushmore) again, and Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin are superb. PPP

E-mail Carlson at: skc02a@acu.edu


Friday, January 14, 2005

Page 8

Survey shows most employees happy at university Faculty, staff’s opinions evaluated after last spring’s budget cuts By MALLORY SHERWOOD FEATURES EDITOR

Faculty and staff members might find more reason to smile in the future. Change is on its way. Results released from a survey completed by the faculty and staff in the 2004 fall semester indicate that some of ACU’s policies might need to change to lift employees’ spirits after a year of difficult financial decisions. The survey, taken by nearly 500 faculty and staff members, raised questions about the quality of life on campus, salaries, workload, trust and meaningful relationships at the university. The high number of participants, more than 60 percent of faculty and staff members, is an incredible response, said Dr. Nancy Shankle, chair of the English Department and cochair of the Quality of Life committee.

She said many more participated than she had expected and that the faculty and staff wrote positive responses that will be useful in the future. “The overall feeling is that the majority of people are very happy to be at ACU,” Shankle said. “Many Shankle people started their written response as, ‘I think ACU is the place the Lord wants me to be, but these are the problems keeping me from being as effective as I Halstead can be in my area.’” She said employees’ concerns are the things the Quality of Life committee needs to know about. “If anything is keeping an employee from being effective, we want to know what kind of

problem-solvers we can be to fix it,” Shankle said. Dr. Royce Money, president of the university, assembled the Quality of Life committee last fall when budget problems caused faculty and staff members to not receive a pay raise. The university offered a onetime bonus in December instead, Shankle said. The committee asked faculty and staff about their opinions in three categories in order to measure the morale on campus, and it wants to develop a plan to improve the environment faculty and staff work in, Shankle said. Results show that respondents strongly agree that departments work together as a team, that they understand ACU’s mission statement, that they are valued as an employee at ACU and that they have confidence in ACU’s leadership. Eighty-two percent also believe they have the tools and resources needed to do their work well. However, the majority of respondents also believe the pay is unsatisfactory, that they have more work than they can do

“With hierarchy there is our staff,” she said. “It’s a matter well, that the pay disparity across the institution is a major often a separation between fac- of stewardship: caring for peoissue, and that the senior ulty and staff; this causes a level ple the way the Bible commands us to care for one another. Dr. administrators are unapproach- of distrust,” she said. She added that the commit- Money has been convicted that able to a degree. Furthermore, 57 percent of respondents said tee hasn’t had time to fully stewardship of our employees is they might consider leaving respond to this issue yet and one of the most important things because they are our ACU if a comparable job at the that it is still studying the data. most valuable s a m e resource.” level or Faculty and slightly “Dr. (Royce) Money has been convicted that stewardship staff are not the higher of our employees is one of the most important things.” only ones who pay level will be affected. became Nancy Shankle, chair of the English Department and Quality of Life committee Students will available also feel a difat anference on camother orAs for the underpaid faculty pus in the near future. ganization. “When you improve working “We didn’t find any surprises and staff, Halstead said that is a conditions for faculty and staff, with our questions,” Shankle challenging situation. “I can speak personally to the that is going to improve interacsaid. “Some of the questions we anticipated showing negative faculty side in that it’s a difficult tion with students,” Shankle balance with wanting to pour said. “Everybody on campus, no responses were true.” With this information, the ourselves out into the students, matter what their role is from committee is working to devel- provide good education and still groundskeeper to maintenance, op proposals to give to Money stay on top of cutting-edge administration to faculty, is committed to their job in terms research,” Halstead said. later in the spring. The committee’s purpose of, ‘How can I better serve the The issue of trust is common on campuses across the country, remains clear as results are con- students.’” said Jackie Halstead, associate tinuing to be released, Shankle professor of marriage and family said. “We want to maintain the therapy and an analyst for the E-mail Sherwood at: mes02e@acu.edu best working environment for survey.

Winter weather just warming up Campaigns make plans for trips Forecaster says colder temperatures in future for Abilene area

“We can expect more of the same: stretches of unseasonably warm weather punctuated by dramatically cold weather.” Nate Johnson, chief meteorologist for KTXS-TV


Throughout this season, the United States has seen quite a variety of weather patterns, both wintry and warm. The New Jersey area, which is familiar with snow, has experienced a mild, sunny winter so far. “Winter in New Jersey can be very unpredictable,” said Deborah Howe, sophomore music major from Colts Neck, N.J. “This winter has been uneventful so far. It has been sunny—temperatures averaging between 30 and 40 (degrees). There have been no snowstorms, sleet or rain.” The mid-South was hit considerably hard by snow. Tennesseans and many cities in the Southern states received their first white

Christmas in years. New Orleans was blanketed by a couple of inches of snow, making it the city’s first snow in more fifty years. Nate Johnson, chief meteorologist for Abilene’s KTXSTV, said the United States is facing a mild El Niño, the warming of the waters in the eastern Equatorial Pacific. The change causes topsy-turvy weather. “With that in mind,” Johnson said, “we can expect more of the same: stretches of unseasonably warm weather punctuated by dramatically cold weather.” Fortunately, weather hasn’t been much of a hindrance to returning ACU students as the area has experienced warm temperatures the past

week, but more winter weather is in store for Abilene before spring. “Jayme Smith is the only student who was delayed” by the weather and didn’t return to school on time, said Wayne Barnard, dean of students. “She was involved in an accident and needed a little more time to recover.” Although the weather is currently rather mild, winter weather is a possibility in the remaining months of winter. “With these particular patterns in place, my gut tells me that winter is far from over,” Johnson said. “We may see a round or two more of wintry weather.” E-mail Holt at: mah02f@acu.edu

SBC leaders continue to make arrangements for spring break By TIFFANY TAYLOR PAGE 2 EDITOR

With only two months until Spring Break Campaigns embark on their missions, the leaders are working out the final details. “It’s in full gear, and campaign leaders are making final decisions,” said Clay Rich, senior accounting and finance major from Abilene. Rich, chair of Spring Break Rich Campaigns and leader of the Alaska campaign, described this point in the year as the “time for [leaders] to really take control.” “Leaders are doing a great job getting their campaigns ready to go,” Rich said. Leaders are currently coordinating with the contact in their cities and collecting the participation fees from students; the first fee was collected Thursday. Several group leaders expressed a desire to be more than

just prepared. “I’m hoping to spend some more time with my group,” said Tracy Harper, senior elementary education major from Midland, Mich. Harper said she wants to find her group’s personality. Heather Hobson, junior social work major from Kaufman, said she wants her Seek and Follow group to start “bonding about serving God together.” Although Harper, who is leading a group to Brevard, N.C., is working on an itinerary for the trip and planning the group’s transportation upon arrival, she admitted the group is “still in the process of recruiting.” Harper’s goal is to have 10 participants, though she currently has only five. She said she believes the North Carolina campaign, which includes activities like working at a soup kitchen, has suffered because the town is not well known to students. Rich mentioned the North Carolina campaign as having the greatest need for additional members, but he also said openings might be available in other campaigns. “There are some campaigns that after the Christmas holiday

someone found out they couldn’t come,” Rich said. Campaign leaders should know by next week whether spots have opened. The leader makes decisions concerning when to allow another person into a campaign. Hobson said she doesn’t have any more room in the vans the group will use for traveling. “We’ll potentially pick up hitchhikers, so we have to leave room for that,” Hobson said. Students interested in campaigns requiring plane tickets should show interest before early February, when the travel coordinator disposes of excess tickets, Rich said. He said the only campaign setback happened when a Pennsylvania campaign had to change its destination because the sponsor church was going through a transitional period. Now the group, led by Casey Frazier, freshman elementary education major from Arlington, is headed to Columbus, Ga. “I’m sad that I’m not getting to go to Pennsylvania,” Frazier said, “but I think our group will do really well in Georgia.”

E-mail Taylor at: tat04a@acu.edu


Friday, January 14, 2005

Page 9

Lectureship looms ahead Coordinators make some changes to Lectureship. By MONICA SMITH STAFF WRITER

Some things never change. When the weather turns sour and the sky rains balls of ice, ACU students know it is that time of year: Lectureship. The 87th annual Bible Lectureship will be Feb. 20 through 23. The theme for this year will be “Since you have been raised with Christ: Messages from Colossians.” Dr. Mark Love, director of ministry events for the College of Biblical Studies, said he is changing things up for this year’s conference. “Lectureship changes every year because of the change in classes offered,” Love said. “I think the thing that a lot of people will notice will be the coliseum setup. The stage will not look like what we’re used to seeing in Chapel.” The stage will be constructed in section L or A in an amphitheater style with the expectation that the setup will create a friendlier environment for preaching

and worship. In addition, an element also has been added to the program titled Marketplace Faith. This section of the program will address issues at the workplace and provide classes at 3:15 p.m. Forums will be available with Bible professors, business professors and those who work in the business world to discuss how to work better together in the workplace. Speakers will also present at breakfasts at area churches. “We will have breakfast at area churches not only for pastors but to attract area business people,” Love said. According to the Lectureship Web site, those who will not be able to make it to Lectureship can listen to live audio streams of the speakers’ presentations. This is a new feature this year found at www.totallyacapella.com. Speakers include: Billy Wilson from Glasgow, Scotland; David Holmes from Malibu, Calif.; Harold Shank from Memphis, Tenn.; Prentice Meador from Dallas; Billy Curl from Los Angeles, Calif.; Phil Ware, instructor of Bible ministry and missions and Randy Harris, instructor of Bible, ministry and missions.

Love said he finds difficulty determining the number of people who attend Lectureship because there is no incentive to register without a registration fee. Planners spread the news about Lectureship through a mailing brochure sent to those on the Lectureship mailing list and various churches. Locally, planners create and disperse posters and bulletin inserts. Alumni also receive advertisements through e-mail, and publicity in ACU Today is also used. “Every week from now until Lectureship, an e-mail will be sent out to those on our e-mail list,” Love said, “but we get guests who come every year and just plan to make it to Lectureship.” The ACU Web site is another source of information about Lectureship and events. The Web site shows class schedules, schedule highlights and exhibits, and it gives other ministry resources and Lectureship information. The Lectureship Web site is http://www.acu.edu/events/lectureship.html. E-mail Smith at: mxs02a@acu.edu

Crystal clear

EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Jason White, freshman biochemistry major from Abernathy, washes the windows in the Living Room of the Campus Center as renovations near completion on Tuesday afternoon.

Abilene shopping to expand Several restaurants, stores nearing completion in city By TIFFANY TAYLOR PAGE 2 EDITOR

KACU brings national concert KACU to provide live, taped young musician concert at Paramount By LAURA STORK STAFF WRITER

Five musicians between the ages of nine and 18 will perform at the Paramount Theatre on Feb. 1 for a live taping of the nationally broadcasted show From the Top. From the Top, which began in 2000, is a multi-media organization with a mission to encourage and celebrate youth development through music, according to the From the Top Web site. The musicians include the Revolution Fiddle Ensemble, which consists of 14 violinists from Abilene and Cooper high schools under the direction of Darcy Radcliffe; Shannon Lee, a 12-year-old violinist from Plano; Natalie Zeldin, a 15-year-old flutist from Boca Raton, Fla.; and 16-year-old pianist Michael Ye from Austin, according to the From the Top press release. The young musicians will first work with Chris O’Riley in master class format the night before the concert and then will be accompanied by

him on stage, according to the press release. John Best, general manager for KACU-fm, said it’s been his goal for the past three years to bring From the Top to Abilene. “The opportunity to bring From the Top and do a live show takes us to another level,” Best said, referring to the KACU radio station. “This is a major national concert. KACU is blessed to bring it to Abilene.” Best also said one of the station’s goals has been to provide more cultural events for the KACU community. From the Top will not only provide that cultural aspect but will also provide educational programming. Another benefit of having a live concert is that other students can see that these are young, normal teenagers, Best said. “They have the same desires — they like to shop and hang out — they just practice more than others. They show that it’s cool to be involved in classical music,” he said. The young musicians went through a national audition to be selected to perform in one of the many From the Top shows. “There are national audi-

tions for every show,” said Kim Siedman, development director for KACU. “KACU has no part in picking the musicians. From the Top selects musicians for its shows.” The day after the show, From the Top will host three workshops at Hardin-Simmons School of Music. The workshops are open to school teachers, education majors and others. and will teach how to promote classical music to young people, Best said. One of the workshops, Cultural Leadership in the Classroom, will first teach the participants and then take them to Abilene High School to work in a classroom, Best said. Tickets went on sale Jan. 3 and will continue to sell until the remaining 450 tickets are sold. Adult tickets are $20, students are $10 and KACU members are $15. Tickets can be purchased at the Paramount between 1 and 5 p.m. weekdays or by calling 6760648. Children under the age of seven are not allowed because of the live taping.

E-mail Stork at: las00f@acu.edu

Abilene shoppers might have more choices than ever before. Shops at Abilene, the shopping center that includes Bed Bath & Beyond and PETsMART, will expand this year by adding new stores such as LifeWay Christian Store, Rue 21 and Goody’s. In addition, Lane Bryant and Old Navy plan to relocate from The Mall of Abilene to Shops of Abilene. Even with several shops relocating, the Mall of Abilene should not have vacancies for long. Sandra Minnick, marketing manager for the mall, said Best Buy will open Feb. 25. The mall is already beginning construction on new stores to fill the

void, however, Minnick could not release the names of the stores because agreements have not been finalized. Minnick said she believes Best Buy will be a huge draw for college students, increasing male demographics. In addition to new merchandise, Minnick said that Best Buy can also mean job opportunities for college students. Employees for Best Buy are planning a job fair to recruit workers and train them for a job at the store. Registration to take part in the job fair is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and Friday, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday in an unused shop next to the Best Buy under construction. The growth doesn’t stop with Shops at Abilene and the mall. Jason’s Deli is opening a store across the street from Shops at Abilene, and Chick-fil-A has tentatively scheduled the opening for a freestanding restaurant

for this June on South Clack Street and Southwest drive. “It’s scheduled to open in June of this year, but that date may slide a little,” said Jerry Johnson, public relations senior manager for Chick-fil-A. Johnson said he thinks ACU students will find the new Chick-fil-A useful, even though the restaurant is already located on campus. “Many times our freestanding restaurants are open longer,” said Johnson. The new Chick-fil-A will open at 6:30 a.m., serving breakfast, and stay open until 10 p.m. He encouraged students to take advantage of job openings when the new fast food store opens. About 45 days before the opening of the new Chick-fil-A, a trailer will be set up on the site with a sign broadcasting the need for workers. E-mail Taylor at: tat04a@acu.edu


Page 10

Friday, January 14, 2005

Arrington: New position to present new challenges for dean Continued from Page 1 even better bridge between the Campus Life division and the academic division,” Arrington said. Arrington admits he will spend time on a learning curve. “I’m moving from something I have experience with and moving to something I believe strongly in but have less experience,” Arrington said. “I’ll be learning and leading at the same time.”

After eight years with the College of Arts and Sciences, Arrington said he was looking for new challenges but wanted to stay at ACU at the same time. He began talking with Barnard about the possibility of working in Campus Life Durrington throughout last semester. Barnard said he selected

Besides his new role in ments. He will also teach one Arrington because of the academic perspective he could Campus Life, Arrington will course in the Physics Department. bring to CamHe will pus Life. “He has a “Dr. Arrington has been a vital part of our office the also spend some time keen underlast eight years. Our loss is the university’s gain.” throughout standing of January how students Dr. Colleen Durrington, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences still worklearn outside ing with the the classroom,” College of Barnard said. “He will help us see things we continue in his role on the Arts and Sciences while its [Campus Life personnel] can’t General Education Review personnel transitions. Dr. Colleen Durrington, see, which is true whenever steering committee, which is you bring someone from out- looking at the university’s dean of CAS, said the college side Campus Life inside.” core curriculum require- would not make any staffing

changes this semester to fill Arrington’s role; instead, she said she would look at the needs of the college this semester and determine what changes need to be made next year. “Dr. Arrington has been a vital part to our office the last eight years,” Durrington said. “Our loss is the university’s gain.” E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu

Tsunami: Donations exceed $4,000 Continued from Page 1 parents of ACU students Brennen and Brandon Broyles. Larry Henderson, missions coordinator in the Department of Bible, Missions and M i n i s t r y, worked as a missionary for 35 years in Thailand and is in contact with the Barnard Hollingsworths. He said the couple has been helping with the relief efforts since day one. “First they were dealing with life-and-death situations and translating for foreigners,” Henderson said. “Now they’re dealing with longerterm recovery — trying to clean up.” They’ve been collecting school supplies for children, raising money for scholarships for the newly orphaned children and working to get homes and businesses back together, Henderson said. They’re also providing spiritual counseling.

“It was very clear to me that God was moving to help these people.” Brent Pennington, missionary helping with relief efforts in Thailand

“People have been reminded that life is very fragile,” Henderson said. “We feel like this is a great opportunity to reach out. … It’s a great opportunity for laying groundwork.” Henderson, who is also an avid skydiver, said he is also working with the Royal Air Force in Thailand to put together a project to rebuild 200 Thai homes. He plans to raise the money from skydivers. “My prayer is that our efforts will be spread out,” Henderson said. Barnard said that he and Dr. Mimi Barnard, director of Residence Life Education, and Henderson are talking about the possibility of a Spring Break Campaign to Thailand next year. “This will easily be a five to 10 year rebuilding process,” Dr. Wayne Barnard said. “They may not be prepared

for us to come right now.” Henderson said about 70 students from ACU also will be going to Thailand for a 10week program through World Wide Witness this summer. Brent Pennington said although the weeks since the tragedy have been demanding, he has seen positive aspects through the despair. “”It was very clear to me that God was moving to help these people,” he said. “These people have very little hope in their lives … and I can see through the work of these missionaries that God is moving and doing things to cry out to these people to tell them, there is a God who cares for you, and you matter. “It’s encouraging to see God working to give these people hope.”

EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Workers continue construction on the new A.B. Barret Hall on Campus Court across from Brown Library on Thursday. Officials said the project is progressing on schedule.

Work: Weather might delay plans Continued from Page 1

E-mail the reporters at: optimist@acu.edu

said. “We will have to make that call day-by-day.” Workers have to connect the new hall with the central plant, piping hot and cold water into the building to provide air conditioning and heating. The area in front of the Brown Library was chosen as the location to tie the

hall to the central plant circulation system, Watson said. Central plant crew workers began working at the beginning of winter break to dig up Campus Court before classes began, finishing Jan. 8. They now are trenching through the grass along Library Court toward the street, Watson said.

Nevill said traffic on Campus Court will not be disrupted again until late March or early April, and the project will be finished no later than early July, when the area around the new hall is repaved and landscaped. E-mail Carlson at: skc02a@acu.edu

Dispute: KRBC, Cox in gridlock Continued from Page 1

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Larry Henderson, missions coordinator in the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry, explained to Chapel attendants on Wednesday where the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean and where people from the ACU community live and work in the affected areas.

KRBC argues in an advertisement in the Abilene Reporter-News that the original purpose of cable was to improve the reception of local signals. “There is value in the programming we offer on our television station,” Kiger said, “If there was no value, Cox wouldn’t be so intent on getting us on their lineup.” Kiger also argued that satellite companies pay local networks for their programming, so cable companies should also have to pay. Although the companies tried to reach an agreement

before Jan. 1, they have come to a standoff in negotiations. “We have tried and tried to resolve the issue, but Nexstar has refused to meet,” Wilkes said. “The broadcaster is required by federal law to negotiate in good faith, but Nexstar has refused to meet unless all demands are met.” However, Kiger said Nexstar and KRBC would meet with Cox if the company would agree to some form of compensation. Both companies claim that their audience has not declined since Cox stopped airing KRBC. “I truly feel that our signal

we provide to the viewers brings more value to local viewers than say the Food Network does, or the Speed Network does,” Kiger said. “The most watched programs are the broadcast networks.” He did say that some advertisers have pulled or changed their spots, but some companies, particularly satellite dish companies have added advertising. Wilkes said that Cox has not been affected beyond normal business ups and downs. E-mail Schneider at: jrs02a@acu.edu


Friday, January 14, 2005

Page 11

Gaines: Committee searching for replacement Continued from Page 12 be made up of Dr. Royce Money, president of the university; Dr. Gary McCaleb, vice president of the university; and Mosley. They want to have the new coach by high school signing day on Feb. 2, and Mosley stressed that the committee

would be looking for a successful coach who has good character. “The timing isn’t ideal,” Mosley said. “Signing day is right around the corner; it’s real important that we try to get someone in by then to put people’s mind at ease.” Junior defensive end Clay-

ton Farrell and sophomore defensive back Danieal Manning were present for coach Gaines’ press conference and for interviews, and both said they were shocked at the news. However, the defensive leaders both said it is essential that the team pull through the time of transition.

“You just have to have a good attitude and don’t forget what [Gaines] started here,” Manning said. “I’m just going to keep my head up and do my best to help the team keep moving.” E-mail Robarts at: kdr00c@acu.edu

Men: Team to finish LSC crossover schedule Continued from Page 12

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Senior forward Stephanie Riles goes in for a layup over junior center Jamie Boles during practice Tuesday in Moody Coliseum.

Women: Cats to take on SW Oklahoma State Continued from Page 12 Coliseum. They played Cameron on Thursday and will take on Southwest Oklahoma State on Saturday. Here’s a game-by-game look at ACU’s past six games: Dec. 2 - ACU 68, Tarleton State 58 The Wildcats held the TexAnns to 29.6 percent shooting to help overcome 21 ACU turnovers. King led the Wildcats in scoring with 19 points and five 3-pointers. Stephanie Riles pitched in 14 points and 10 rebounds. Dec. 11 - Central Oklahoma 84, ACU 81 The Wildcats’ defense had more trouble against Central Oklahoma as UCO’s Meghan Craig scored 29 points in the win. ACU was again led in the points column by King, who put in 17 points but made just five of 15 shots. For the game the Wildcats shot the ball better than Central Oklahoma but committed 20 turnovers and were outscored by 11 at the free throw line. Dec. 13 - ACU 85, Northeastern State 84 (OT) ACU freshman point guard Alex Guiton played a game-high 42 minutes and hit many big shots including two 3-pointers down the stretch on her way to an 18-point, five-assist performance in the overtime thriller. But it was another freshman, Ashlee Barr, who hit the biggest shot of the night—a 3-pointer

with her team down by two to win the game. Dec. 20 - ACU 86, St. Edwards’s 64 ACU got great post play once again, this time from Jamie Boles. Boles scored 25 points and pulled down 12 rebounds. The Wildcats got doubledigit scoring performances from at least one of Boles and Riles in each of the six games, and one of the two led the team in rebounding in five of the six games. Jan. 6 - ACU 93, Southeastern Oklahoma State 60 Boles posted her second straight double-double with 22 points and 11 rebounds in the win, and the Wildcats shot a blistering 54.4 percent from the field despite making only five of 15 3-point attempts. King played 17 minutes in a reserve role in her first game back from the injury and led the team with seven assists. Jan. 8 - ACU 79, East Central 52 After hitting eight 3-pointers last season against ECU, King hit them for six long-range buckets this time around in a 20-point effort. The Wildcats once again posted great offensive numbers, shooting 45.9 percent and dishing out 21 assists as a team. Boles and Riles continued their work down low, combining for 26 points, eight rebounds and three blocks. E-mail Gray at: weg02a@acu.edu

If we can clean up those two things, I think we’re going to be a basketball team that continues to improve all the way through February.” The Wildcats will take to the road this week to wrap up the LSC crossover schedule, playing in Lawton, Okla., against Cameron on Thursday and then going to Weatherford, Okla., Saturday to face Southwestern Oklahoma State, a team currently ranked first in the Southwest Regional poll with an 11-0 record. The Wildcats fell to Cameron at home earlier this season with an 88-75 loss on Nov. 19. Below is a recap of ACU’s contests over the holidays.

and four assists. Dec. 4 - ACU 79 Southwestern Assemblies of God 57 Hakim Rasul’s double-double that included 21 points and 11 rebounds, and Baxter’s 22 points and six assists were too much for the visitors, and the Wildcats out-rebounded the opponent 52-36 on the way to their fourth win of the season.

Dec. 13 – Northeastern State 80 ACU 69 Baxter scored 26 points, and Rasul added 22, but the Wildcats sent Northeastern to the line 25 times in the second half and dropped their second straight game on the road. Dec. 17 – ACU 88 St. Edward’s 74

Dec. 9 - ACU 110 Dallas Christian 79 Six Wildcats scored in double figures, and ACU dominated the paint, out-scoring Dallas Christian 68-18. Rasul led all scores with 38, while Baxter and Adrian Scott added 14 points apiece.

Dec. 2 - Tarleton State 76 ACU 68 The Wildcats shook off a sluggish start as they trailed 3314 at the half, but couldn’t overcome the first-half hole even though they outscored Tarleton 54-43 in the final half. David Baxter led ACU with 20 points

field. Rasul led the Wildcats with 24 points.

Matthias Kreig and Rasul recorded double-doubles, and Baxter had 18 points and 8 assists as the Wildcats defeated regional-opponent St. Edward’s for the second time this season. Rasul led the Wildcats with 25 points, while Kreig pitched in with his season-high 16 points and 12 rebounds.

Dec. 11 - Central Oklahoma 105 ACU 89

Dec. 18 – ACU 91 Grace 66

ACU trailed by only five points at the half, but couldn’t overcome the shooting effort of the Bronchos, who finished shooting 60.3 percent from the

ACU led by two points at half time, exploding for a 51-28 domination of Grace University in the second half. Rasul recorded his second-straight double-

double with 27 points and 12 rebounds, and Baxter added 17 points and five assists. Jan. 6 – SE Oklahoma State 67 ACU 66 Former Wildcat Jeremy Brown made a lay-up with 1:13 remaining to put Southeastern up by one point. ACU’s Joe Carr had an opportunity to put the game away in the final seconds, but his lay up in traffic didn’t fall, snapping ACU’s four-gamehome winning streak. Jan. 8 – East Central 84 ACU 82 Carr’s 3-pointer with 3.3 seconds remaining to put the Wildcats up one was countered as East Central’s Brandon Hawkins threw up a prayer from half-court at the buzzer that sank as time expired to give East Central the win. Rasul had 35 points and 15 rebounds, Baxter had 20 points and Carr had 14 points and six assists. E-mail Robarts at: kdr00c@acu.edu

Robarts: Consolidation needed for support Continued from Page 12 ways and would be an inspiration that would create a sea of students in purple shirts yelling and screaming for the Wildcats at the next home event. The article never ran. For one, it was too late in the semester, and most of the events for the year were finished, with the exception of a handful of baseball and softball games. So I decided to calm down, swallowed a couple of Prozac and decided to do something about it next year when I was officially on staff. I spent an entire semester as the sports editor in the fall and did nothing. Partly because the fall semester brings football, which draws the largest support group among students, and partly

because the volleyball team enjoyed a substantial increase in student fan support mainly among the dozens of students who gathered together and were known for yelling “BOOM!” before every Wildcat serve. Then I went to Fayetteville, Ark., on Nov. 12, and my emotions were stirred up all over again. The men’s basketball team had an incredible opportunity to face the Arkansas Razorbacks, an NCAA Division I powerhouse and a member of the Southeastern Conference. For our men’s program, it meant the world to be able to play a team of that caliber. For their program — a team that won the national championship in 1994 — it was merely an exhibition game. Even still, Arkansas had more student support in a

game that didn’t matter than our team will probably get in all of our home games combined this season. I was all ready to dust off the article and take it straight to the press, but again I calmed down. I had a change of heart after attending our first few home games this season. Of course I realize that we aren’t a Division I school, and I also realize that schools like Arkansas are sometimes three, four and five times the size of ACU. The fact that I think that at a school of 4,700-plus students we should have a stronger fan base than we do is irrelevant. I’m not going to write something that points a finger at students who don’t come. The ones that want to be there are there. I’m now content with the numbers that

we do have, but I still think a change can be made this basketball season if those who attend the games are willing. It’s time for students to come together and wreak havoc on opposing teams and show our support for the students who represent us on the floor. Though more numbers would be welcome, you don’t necessarily need it; what you need is consolidation. Pick a section. Bring back section F — where the students sat in the ’70s and ’80s — if you want, or sit in section Z; it doesn’t matter just as long as it’s together. Right now there are enough at each of the games that if you sat together, you might be surprised at the influence you would have. Respond to Robarts at: optimist@acu.edu or kdr00c@acu.edu


Page 12

LSC South Standings current through 01-12-05

Men’s Basketball Team Midwestern State A&M-Kingsville ACU Angelo State E. New Mexico West Texas A&M A&M-Commerce

Div. 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1

Tot. 8-6 9-5 7-6 7-6 6-7 5-8 12-3

Women’s Basketball Team Texas Woman’s West Texas A&M Midwestern State A&M-Commerce Angelo State ACU E. New Mexico A&M-Kingsville

Div. 2-0 1-0 1-1 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-2

Tot. 9-3 8-4 6-7 6-8 10-1 8-3 5-7 3-10

Briefs Tarleton State, A&MCommerce to swap divisions next year

Gaines accepts Odessa’s AD position Committee to conduct search for new coach throughout January By KYLE ROBARTS SPORTS WRITER

Many familiar faces will return to the ACU Wildcat football team for the 2005 season, but head coach Gary Gaines won’t be one of them. After five seasons with the team, Gaines accepted a job as the athletic director of the Ector County Independent School District in Odessa. His resignation at ACU was official Jan. 7. The Ector district includes Odessa and Permian high schools from District 3-5A, which Abilene and Cooper high schools are a part of. Gaines said that ECISD pursued him before Christmas, and initially he turned down the

position but later reconsidered. “It was an opportunity that probably at my age you don’t know if those chances will ever come open again,” Gaines said. Gaines spent time in Odessa from 1986-89 as the head football coach at Permian High School. He won a state championship in 1989 and had his 1988 season portrayed in the national best-selling book Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger. Actor Billy Bob Thornton played Gaines when the book made the big screen last October. Gaines’ start at the ACU football program was rough, as the team went 1-9 in the 2000 season followed by a slightly improved 3-8 2001 campaign. However, in his past three seasons, the team went a combined 17-13, shared the Lone Star Conference South Division title in 2002, and in his last season,

knocked off Tarleton State and Texas A&M-Kingsville on the road. Both teams were ranked in the top 10 in the nation at the time of defeat. “I think coach Gaines has done a tremendous amount for our program,” said ACU athletic director Jared Mosley. “He took us to where we’ve been able to compete the last three years for a conference championship. He did it the right way, and he didn’t feel like he needed to turn it around over night, and I think that’s going to help the next guy that comes in and help us to establish a little tradition and keep things moving up.” A search committee has been formed to replace Gaines. Mosley said there have been several calls and faxes since Gaines’ resignation. The committee will be See GAINES Page 11

Men’s basketball team goes 4-5 during break, pushes record to 7-6 By KYLE ROBARTS SPORTS WRITER

-Stan Wagnon LSC Web site

Upcoming events in Wildcat sports... (home events in italics) Thursday, January 13 WBB: at Cameron, 6 p.m. MBB: at Cameron, 8 p.m. Saturday, January 15 WBB: at SW Oklahoma State, 2 p.m. MBB: at SW Oklahoma State, 4 p.m. Tuesday, January 18 WBB: Angelo State, 7 p.m. MBB: at Angelo State, 8 p.m. Thursday, January 20 WBB: Texas Woman’s, 7 p.m. Saturday, January 22 WBB: A&M-Kingsville, 2 p.m. MBB: A&M-Kingsville, 4 p.m.

Last year, I went on a ranting rave just before school ended. I sat down and wrote 1,500 words without blinking an eye about how poor student attendance was at athletic events throughout the year. Kyle’s The straw Column that broke Kyle Robarts the camel’s back for me was when the women’s basketball team hosted their first-round game of the Lone Star Conference tournament and rolled over East Central University 99-67 — a game where at the most, 100 students showed up. Later, I gathered quotes from eight coaches, interviewed four players and a handful of students and combined it with the words I had written and prepared an article that I ignorantly thought would make students see the error of their See ROBARTS Page 11

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Former head football coach Gary Gaines officially resigned from the university Jan. 7 to accept a position as athletic director for Odessa Independent School District, where he formerly coached football.

Cats lose two games at buzzer

A&M-Commerce, which already competes as part of the North Division in volleyball, now will be affiliated with the North in all LSC sports that are split into divisions, including football and men’s and women’s basketball. Tarleton State University, which is in its third year participating in the Oklahomabased North Division, will make a permanent return to the South Division in all sports next fall.

Students should support sports

January 14, 2005

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Junior forward Mauro Matai, red-shirting sophomore forward Brody Lehman and senior center Matthias Krieg fight for a rebound Wednesday in practice in Moody Coliseum.

Last season, basketball head coach Klint Pleasant and the Wildcat basketball team might have found Moody Coliseum to be a heartbreaking place to play, and during the holiday break, the team experienced some of those same emotions. The Wildcats suffered three losses at home against conference opponents by four points or less last season, and more recently the team dropped two straight at home against Lone Star Conference North Division teams on last-second shots. On Jan. 6, ACU faced Lone Star Conference North Division foe Southeastern Oklahoma State and fell to the Savages 6766 when Wildcat junior guard Joe Carr’s layup in traffic bounced off the back of the rim and out as time expired. Carr had a chance at redemption two days later when ACU faced East Central on Saturday. He hit what could have been the game-winning 3-pointer, putting the Wildcats up by one with just more than three seconds remaining. However, miracles happen as East Central’s Brandon Hawkins’ heave from half-court swished through the net as time expired to give the Tigers an 8482 victory. The Wildcats have played nine games since the last week of the fall semester, going 4-5 during the break, and are currently 7-6 overall. Junior forward Hakim Rasul and junior guard

David Baxter have established themselves as a major part of the Wildcats’ offensive attack that ranks third in the conference at 80.6 points per game. Baxter, who continues to be ACU’s outside-shooting threat, averaged 18.9 points per contest during the break and is the LSC’s third-leading scorer at an even 18 points per game. His ability to move the ball has served him well, as he leads the entire conference in assists with 4.75 per game and also leads the conference in steals, averaging just more than two per game. Rasul has dominated defenses the entire season. He averaged 27.6 points per game during the nine-game span while students were gone on break and is currently fifth in the nation among NCAA Division II schools with an average of 24.4 points per contest. “I’m pretty pleased with our offensive shooting,” said Pleasant. “We’re averaging 17.3 assists a game, which I’m really happy with. We’re an unselfish team; we distribute the ball well.” The Wildcats’ struggles have come on the defensive end, however, as they rank last in the conference scoring defense, allowing opponents to score 75 points per game. Pleasant said he thinks the team can improve in this area if they improve in some other areas on the floor. “I think one reason our scoring defense isn’t very good is because of our allowing offensive boards and turnovers,” Pleasant said. “It’s not necessarily our initial defense … See MEN Page 11

Women trace success to newfound consistency Cats improve to 8-3 during Christmas break after shaky 3-2 start By WARREN GRAY SPORTS WRITER

The ACU women’s basketball team went into the Christmas break with a 3-2 record, playing inconsistently at both ends of the court. With the spring semester underway, the Wildcats find themselves at 8-3 after winning five of six during the holidays, and ACU coach Shawna Lavender said the team’s newfound consistent play has had as much to do with its success as anything. “I think that’s one of the biggest things,” Lavender said. “We’re much more disciplined offensively and defensively.” Lavender said with all the new players this year, it has taken some time for everyone to jell. But Lavender said she is optimistic that the team will come together at the right time as the Wildcats begin playing division opponents next week.

“They’re learning to play with each other,” Lavender said. “The girls are playing well and with a lot of confidence.” After a win over Tarleton just before students left for the winter break, the Wildcats suffered their only loss of the break, losing 84-81 to Central Oklahoma. Just two days later, on Dec. 13, they traveled to Tahlequah, Okla., to take on Northeastern State in the game Lavender described as the highlight of the team’s holiday season. The Wildcats appeared to be on shaky ground in the game after leading scorer Ashley King was forced out of the game with a shoulder injury late in the second half. Still, the Wildcats managed to send the game into overtime, and Ashlee Barr hit a game-winning 3-pointer just before the final buzzer. “Winning at Northeastern was huge and pivotal to our success,” Lavender said. “It’s a tough place to win and could have gone either way, but our players stepped up and hit some big shots.” The Wildcats went on to beat St. Edward’s, a team they had

beat by nine earlier in the season, by 22 points. Kierstan Barbee filled King’s starting spot with 16 points, seven rebounds and two steals. Lavender said King’s absence provided other players with both confidence and experience as the team heads to the most important part of the season. She said it also produced a hungrier King, who scored 20 points off the bench in her second game back from the injury. “It really killed her not to be playing or practicing, even for a week or two,” Lavender said. “She really looks revived.” King saw action in two games after returning from injury. ACU beat Southeastern Oklahoma State 93-60 in her first game back, then defeated Central 7952. In the Wildcats’ five wins during the break, they outscored their opponents by more than 24 points a game. The Wildcats will play two more Lone Star Conference crossover road games before beginning division play Tuesday against Angelo State in Moody See WOMEN Page 11

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Freshman guard Alex Guiton drives around sophomore guard Laura Smith during practice Tuesday in Moody Coliseum.

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