WEDNESDAY March 23, 2005
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Abilene Christian University
Vol. 93, No. 44 1 section, 10 pages
Serving the ACU community since 1912
All in a day’s work:
Organizers push bash back:
Softball team scores:
The features page focuses on the job of Eddie McFadden in Physical Resources. Page 8
The Tri-University Bash, originally scheduled for March 18, has been rescheduled for April 15 to give planners more time to organize the event. Page 5
The Wildcats won three of four games against TAMUKingsville last weekend. Page 10
School requests land rezoning Area near campus entrance would turn to single-family zone By SARAH CARLSON ARTS EDITOR
The university has requested that the city rezone the area across from its entrance on Judge Ely Boulevard from a College/University zone to a Residential Single-Family zone. The university made the request to the Planning and Zoning Commission, a recommending body of the City Council, and the item was discussed at a public hearing March 7. It was passed by the commission with recommendation to the council, which will not vote to formally approve the proposal until April. Lots 16 through 33 on Pemelton Drive in University Hills have been owned by the university and been for sale for some time, said Kevin Watson, associate vice president for administrative services, in an e-mail. “We have not been in a hurry to sell them because they sit at our front door,” Watson said, “and so we
wanted to be careful about how this area would build out.” A developer approached the university about buying the remaining lots on Pemelton Drive, and Watson said once the university was able to gain assurances from him of the type and quality of homes that would be built on the site, they were willing to sell the lots to him. They have asked the city for a Patio Home Overlay, which would allow for the same types of homes to be built along Pemelton Drive that are in areas such as Country Meadows south of Abilene Christian Schools. “We believe it will help maintain a good strong residential area,” Watson said. Residents in the University Hills area “will have new neighbors as the houses go up, and [it] should help them maintain their property values.” The university also requested to rezone the house used as the Alumni Relations office on the corner of Washington Boulevard and East North 16th Street, as well as the house next to it, from a
Weather proves unpredictable
Upcoming Optimist dates
History shows April in Abilene can range from dry to wet, snowy
Because of the school holiday, the Optimist will not be printed Friday. No newspaper will be printed April 8 while most of the staff attends the annual Texas Intercollegiate Press Association conference in Dallas.
what the weather will be like this season. Michael Decker, meteorologist at the National Weather Service in San Angelo, said, “Abilene is somewhat caught in between variable weather predicaments. “We receive a lot of cold fronts that travel from Canada down through the Central Plains to Abilene,” he said,
Spring in Abilene is a time of unpredictable weather, and with tornado season on the way, it is difficult to predict
A chilling effect
Thompson, Childers named to three-year endowed positions By SARAH CARLSON ARTS EDITOR
store employees are already showing concern for the community. On Saturday, 30 percent of all proceeds went to the Children’s Miracle Network at Meeks Children’s Hospital in Abilene. The restaurant raised more than $1,300 throughout the day for CMN, said Trent McCann, owner of the Abilene Cold Stone Creamery.
Dr. James Thompson, professor and associate dean of the Graduate School of Theology, will replace Dr. David Wray as the Robert and Kay Onstead chair of Undergraduate Bible, and Dr. Jeff Childers, associate professor of Bible, ministry and missions, will be the new Carmichael-Walling Chair in the Graduate School of Theology beginning this fall. T h e e n d o w e d chairs have a three-year rotating basis, which allows time for research to be conducted. The Onstead Thompson and Carmichael-Walling chairs are academic chairs, which are different from a department chair. Wray recently stepped down as the chair of the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry, and Dr. Jack Reese, dean of the College of Biblical Studies, said the department is a long way from filling Wray’s department chair position. The chairs are allowed time to travel and to complete research in their area of interest, and Reese said Thompson is probably one of the most distinguished faculty members in the college. “He is one of our finest scholars,” Reese said. “His work on the book of Hebrews is among the most important on the study of Hebrews anywhere. In a variety of ways, he is ideally suited for [the
See CHAIRS Page 9
See ZONING Page 7
Seven members of the National Broadcast Society won top prizes at the national convention in Burbank, Calif. over spring break. Four student broadcast majors won grand prizes, the highest and only prize given for each student category. Twelve student finalists and two adult finalists attended the convention, and all representatives from the university made top three honors in at least one category — a record for ACU — said J.R. Kessler, instructor of journalism and mass communication and sponsor of NBS. Faculty members also received recognition. Dr. Vernon Williams, professor of history, and Kessler won first and second place, respectively, in the documentary category. Suzanne Kessler, J.R. Kessler’s wife, won Regional Director of
the Year. Sarah Reid, senior electronic media major from Abilene, won the grand prize in the documentary competition for her documentary on WWII war brides, finally winning after being a finalist in the category last year. Students came out on top in three categories other than documentary. Blake Farmer won a grand prize for his radio feature segment named Earth and Sky. Casey Cooper won a grand prize for a television commercial for Gary’s Pizza. Dominique Anderson won a grand prize for an instructional video about drunk driving titled Consequences. Students enter almost every broadcast category, sometimes competing against up to 60 other people in popular categories such as commercials, Kessler said. He said he thinks the competition benefits the students. “It lets [students] see how they compare to other students around the country, who See ZONING Page 7
See WEATHER Page 9
Chairs selected for Bible programs
Seven win top broadcast awards Twelve students, two adult finalists attend national conference
“and we also receive warm moisture pushed our way toward the Gulf of Mexico”, Decker said. “One day it's hot enough to wear shorts, and the next day it’s cold enough to wear long johns. “The weather here is crazy; it makes people in this region
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Kyle Sandrit, sophomore at Cooper High School, tosses up a scoop of Chocolate Devotion before putting it in a chocolate-dipped waffle bowl Monday at Cold Stone Creamery. The ice cream shop opened this weekend and is located at 4249 Southwest Drive.
Cold Stone Creamery opens Ice cream shop offers 30 percent of opening profits to local charity By DANIELLE LINTHICUM STAFF WRITER
People crowd inside and out of the store. Sweaty soccer players, still in uniforms and dirt-caked cleats, stand with their moms and dads, holding ice cream cones and sweatshirts. College students
stand outside, chatting and tasting each other’s ice cream concoctions. The scene could come from an old-fashioned ice cream parlor, and that is what Cold Stone Creamery is attempting to create in Abilene. The ice cream shop is a place to spend time with friends, laugh and eat ice cream. Cold Stone Creamery’s grand opening ceremony happened Saturday, and the
Money, freshman trade places for day President attends classes; student meets with administrators By CIANA HARDWICK STUDENT REPORTER
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Tatia Close, freshman psychology major from Ottawa, Kan., talks to Dr. John Tyson, vice president for development and alumni relations, in Tyson’s office as part of an event in which she switched places with Dr. Royce Money, president of the university, for a day.
He positioned himself in the front row of the classroom, focusing intently on the professor’s teaching. He diligently scribbled down notes. But Dr. Royce Money still only managed to get a 70 on the pop quiz at the end of class. It seems that being the
president of ACU doesn’t even exempt him from the need to study the textbook to make an A on this chapter quiz. On Monday, Money switched places with a freshman for the day. The reading quiz took place in Dr. Jeff Wherry’s developmental psychology class, where Money was experiencing life as student Tatia Close usually does. Close, freshman psychology major from Dallas, said she is happy with the 70 and hopes Wherry will let her keep the grade. After all, the class average was only two
points higher. While Money was busy taking notes and quizzes, Close was discovering what is involved in running a university. The Students’ Association organized the president swap and had freshmen fill out applicaMoney tions to compete for the chance to switch places with Money for a day. The swap was arranged
because SA wanted students to interact more with Money, said Sarah Woodroof, executive secretary of SA. SA wanted to make Money more of an “accessible character,” said Woodroof, junior history major from Nashville, Tenn. Another goal of the swap was to allow a student to see how the school operates. This event has happened in the past but not in six or seven years, said Layne Rouse, executive president of SA. He said he proposed that See SWITCH Page 9
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Calendar&Events Wednesday
Mission bake sale, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Campus Center. Weekend Campaign sign-ups, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows. Craft Fair sign-ups, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Campus Center ticket windows. Shane & Shane ticket sales, 11:50 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.
Craft Fair sign-ups, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Campus Center ticket windows. Weekend Campaign sign-ups, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.
Passport Campus Partners meeting, 3-4 p.m., Living Room. Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting, 9-10:45 p.m., Living Room.
Easter holiday. Shane & Shane ticket sales, 11:50 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows. Blackboard courses unavailable, 810 a.m.
26 27
No events scheduled.
Shane & Shane ticket sales, 11:50 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.
Pioneer Drive Baptist Church service, 10 a.m., Civic Center.
About This Page The Optimist maintains this calendar for the ACU community to keep track of local, social, academic and service opportunities. Groups may send announcements directly to or to the Page 2 Editor, ACU Box 27892, Abilene, TX 79699.
To ensure that an item will appear on time, the announcement should be sent at least 10 days before. The Optimist may edit items for space and style. Corrections and clarifications of published news articles will be printed in this space in a timely manner.
Presidential Scholars interviews, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Hilton Room. Society of African American Brotherhood, 9-10:30 p.m., Hilton Room. Sing Song interest meeting, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Faculty/Staff Dining Room. U.S. Army recruiting, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Campus Center. Weekend Campaign sign-ups, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.
Shane & Shane ticket sales, 11:50 a.m.-1 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.
Women’s History Month luncheon, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Hilton Room. Leadership Camps staff training, 47:30 p.m., Hilton Room.
Campus Activities Board blood drive, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Hilton Room.
Volunteer Opportunities KGNZ, Abilene’s Christian radio station, needs volunteers to answer phones during Sharathon 2005, taking place April 4-7. For more information, contact Doug Harris at . Healing Hands International
is in need of volunteers to help repair donated bicycles before they are shipped to Zambia. Tools and parts are furnished. For more information, please contact the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center in the Bean Sprout.
Announcements The spring dinner theatre is Pride’s Crossing, a memory play written by Tina Howe and directed by Adam Hester. The play is about 90-year-old Mabel Tidings Bigelow who, in 1928, swam the English Channel from Dover, England to Calais, France. Shows are April 7-9, 15-16 and 22-23 in Fulks Theatre. Shane & Shane is coming to ACU on April 7 in Cullen Auditorium with Amy Stroup opening. Tickets are $10 each and are sold in the
Campus Center ticket window from 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. weekdays or in the Campus Activities Board office.. For more information call Ext. 2772. The Ministry presents the Give My All Concert Part Two Sunday, April 17 at 8 p.m. The concert will take place in Chapel on the Hill. Tickets will be $3 presale and $4 at the door. Proceeds will help give teenage mothers the opportunity to attend Young Life Camp this summer.
Chapel Check-Up Credited Chapels to date: Credited Chapels remaining:
43 28
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
CAB organizes blood drive ‘National Treasure’ scheduled as next free movie in Cullen By RACHEL LAU PAGE DESIGNER
The Campus Activities Board continues to provide students with venues to connect socially throughout the rest of this semester. Upcoming CAB events include a blood drive on March 30 and a movie — National Treasure—in Cullen Auditorium on April 1. CAB plans a number of campus events every semester, including movie nights, Friday night concerts in the Bean Sprout, Free Night Out and Sadie Hawkins Week. “I think [CAB] is important because we plan activities that students can usually come to for a very good price or for free,” said Jenni Kripner, senior elementary education major from San Antonio. “It’s good especially for freshmen and sophomores who don’t have a place to gather. It provides a good environment for all of
them to get together.” Kripner is one of four student workers for CAB and is in charge of movie nights in Cullen Auditorium. The blood drive on March 30 is the second blood drive of the semester. The last blood drive, held about eight weeks ago, brought about 40 to 50 donors from ACU, said Kayla Anderson, sophomore English major from Waco. Anderson is the CAB intern in charge of Free Night Out, an event that gives students the opportunity to spend a night in Abilene for free. The event takes place three times a semester. Movie nights attract a large crowd of students to Cullen Auditorium because students can purchase candy and drinks for 25 cents each and also have a chance to win various door prizes. The latest movie night CAB arranged was Napoleon Dynamite at the Paramount Theatre on Thursday. Students participated in a look-alike contest, but because of the change of day and location, the night did not go as well as
planned, said Candace Williams, sophomore social work major from Garland and CAB intern in charge of special events. CAB receives funding from Campus Life, enabling organizers to offer affordable activities to students. In addition to National Treasurer, students will also have chances to attend a Shane & Shane concert on April 7, participate in a spades tournament on April 9 and enjoy the final movie night of the semester on April 29, featuring the movie Ocean’s Twelve. The success of past events has encouraged the student interns. “I’m very school spirited,” Williams said. “I like it when students are doing something together, and it’s fun.” “We’re a small enough school that a pretty large percentage of the students can come and do one thing,” Anderson said. “It’s with so many people, not just your own group of friends.” E-mail Lau at:
Honors students solve mystery Students attend dinner, discover murder culprit By LACI ARMSTRONG STUDENT REPORTER
Someone died during the minestrone soup course. No one knew who did it until after the crepes were served. The murder took place at the Honors Students Association’s third annual murder-mystery dinner. The dinner was Tuesday night at Briarstone Manor. Students from the Theatre Department acted in the drama Don’t Eat the Soup, directed by Peter Nolte, sophomore theatre major from Seattle. The dinner was divided into three parts. During the first part, the students from the Theatre Department performed, introducing the murder mystery and giving the audience the opportunity to
listen for clues and solve the crime. Then, for the second portion, students ate the actual dinner while discussing with the people at their table predictions about who committed the murder. Finally, during the third part, the identity of the criminal was revealed. “What’s new this year is there is more of an acting focus,” said Bethany Scroggins, president of HSA and junior psychology and English major from Hallsville. “Normally [Honors Students Association] students perform the drama, but this year actual theatre students are acting.” Kaela Latimer, secretary of HSA and senior elementary education major from Amarillo, said originally the dinners were conducted to help get HSA off the ground. “Now they’ve also become a good way to provide fellowship and fun for students,” Latimer said.
Scroggins said one of the things she enjoys most is solving the mystery. “I like the fact it is a murder, and you get to try and figure it out,” she said. “I like to watch people guess.” The next event on HSA’s calendar is a kite day at the end of April in Nelson Park. Organizers are purchasing kite-making kits for students to compete in a kite-making contest. Snow cones and cotton candy will be available. “I enjoy events like the mystery dinners and kite day because it offers a time to build community doing fun things with other students, and every event we sponsor offers a chance for students to use their brains,” Scroggins said. “Honors students aren’t just nerds. We like to have fun too.” E-mail Armstrong at:
Class uses break for diving expedition Exercise science course provides opportunity to travel By LAURA STORK STAFF WRITER
Fourteen students completed an exercise science course while diving in Roatan, Honduras, during spring break. Students can also receive credit on trips to the Bahamas and Australia’s Great Barrier Reefs if they travel during the three upcoming weekend trips. Students can earn one or more certifications on most trips, said Dr. Lorraine Wilson, associate professor in exercise science and aquatics director. Divers must complete four dives to receive an entry-level open water diver certification, while the adventure diver certification requires three dives and the specialty certification requires two to four dives. The weeklong trips allow time for students to visit exotic places and experience the culture of the island, Wilson said. Weekend trips are mostly
spent completing dives, but students do have time to socialize and relax in the evenings. Wilson said during spring break the divers experienced the best weather a group from the university has seen in years. “The diving was nice and two students got advanced diving certificates,” Wilson said. “One student learned underwater photography, while two others earned a deep diver certificate.” Amy Russell, senior biology major from Denison, earned an advanced diving certificate and underwater photography certificate. “I had a great time,” Russell said. “We dove three times a day and saw so much. It was great to see all of the beautiful fish and different sea life.” Russell also said she dove twice at night, which allowed her to see different creatures that mostly come out after sunset. Entry-level scuba classes, which began in 1988, usually fill up fast, but because some
students are unable to meet the medical or swim prerequisite, many drop during the first week, Wilson said. The advanced classes have smaller numbers, which allows them to gain more diving experience. Both groups travel with students from The Dive Spot. “Learning to dive requires meeting certain academic and performance standards,” Wilson said. “Some students do enough for credit but don’t go on for certification. I’m glad they at least get to experience something new and wonderful.” Wilson said students who successfully completed their dives gained more than just an A. “Students who complete certification have the opportunity to earn additional activity class credit, dive while on a honeymoon or family trip or join us during a special trip,” Wilson said. “They know they have a special lifelong activity.” E-mail Stork at:
Page 3
Food for thought
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Brandon Craddock, sophomore graphic design major from Atlanta, and Chase Webb, sophomore psychology major from Nashville, Tenn., talk with Phyllis Trevathan while eating chili at the Charles Trevathan Chili Cook-off on Saturday. All proceeds raised will go to the scholarship fund in his name.
Chili cook-off honors Trevathan About 50 attend event; more than $450 raised
“[Dr. Trevathan] would have loved it. I believe it would be a great tradition to start.” Glenda Weatherford, administrative coordinator in the Music Department
Members of Pi Kappa hosted a chili cook-off Saturday to honor a former professor; the event raised more than $450. The cook-off honored the life of Dr. Charles Trevathan, avid chili consumer and professor of sociology and social work, who died Oct. 12 of last year. The event took place near the GATA fountain and attracted about 50 guests. Students, faculty and members of the Abilene community attended the event. “We were pleased with the results,” said Matt Hurley, president of Pi Kappa and social work graduate student from Abilene. “We didn’t know how it was going to turn out.” Hurley said the club was able to raise such a large amount of money because of the sheer generosity of those
who attended. Phyllis Trevathan, widow of Dr. Trevathan, was at the event to taste each chili recipe, and she had many nice things to say about the event, Hurley said. Participants in the cook-off submitted their chili recipe and plenty of chili to feed the spectators present, and guests who wanted to taste chili recipes were asked to contribute $3. All of the funds collected at the event were put toward the Charles Trevathan Endowed Scholarship Fund. The winner of the cook-off was Glenda Weatherford, administrative coordinator in the Music Department, with her Kampfire chili, which is a combination of several popular chili recipes tweaked to her own specialty. Weatherford said 50 attendees was a decent turnout for the first year of the event, but
she would have liked to see more students and faculty in attendance and more people submitting chili recipes. “I believe this would be a wonderful tradition,” she said. “Matt Hurley is to be commended along with the other Pi Kappa students who helped. “I believe it might be better attended during the fall after the weather cools down and things are not quite so busy.” Hurley said even though the decision to hold the chili cookoff won’t be up to him every year, he plans to encourage future presidents of Pi Kappa to hold the event. “[Dr. Trevathan] would have loved it,” Weatherford said. “I believe it would be a great tradition to start.” E-mail Holt at:
Page 4
Chocolate makes everything better
Distance education grows on campus Technology advances continue to move ACU into 21st Century By LAURA STORK STAFF WRITER
EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer
Joe Spano from Spano's Trattoria dips Italian ladyfingers in chocolate while employee Chris Gonzales watches during the chocolate festival at the Mall of Abilene on Saturday.
Saturday spent serving near-campus community Students pick up trash, prepare food as part of SALT activity By MARY TAN STAFF WRITER
About 75 students spent Saturday morning cleaning up the neighborhoods around campus, conducting an Easter egg hunt and preparing Mexican food as part of Service Saturday. The Service Action Leadership Team organized the event in conjunction with “Don’t Mess with Texas,” a litter prevention campaign. Service Saturday took place from 9 a.m. to noon, and students were assigned to work on different projects. “We had fewer venues than normal because our main focus was the neighborhood cleanup,” said Erin Martin, junior youth and family ministry major from Houston and chair of the Service Saturday committee. Volunteers divided into 12 groups of about six people. Tara Studer, senior biology major from Seymour and cochair of SALT, was grouped with students who visited an elderly man. “We helped him cut down and haul off a lot of broken tree limbs and a large tree trunk, and we picked up trash along his street,” she said. “He was really appreciative of the work we did for him.” Although committee members aimed to have 100 volunteers, Studer said she was pleased with the turnout, and Martin said she was grateful for volunteers’ eager attitudes. “They were all really hard workers and put 110 percent effort into what they were doing,” she said.
But the Service Saturday committee faced chaos while they prepared for the event, she said. “It took a lot of hard work, but it got done; I think we all feel rewarded now,” she said. “I got to see first hand how people were touched when they saw ACU students caring for their neighbors.” Studer said SALT wanted to establish a relationship with those living in the neighborhoods around ACU, and she felt the project had gotten off to a great start. “This event was important, particularly because it will have long-term effects on the community,” she said. “This is a project that we hope will continue five, 10, 14 years from now or even longer.” The next step will be ACU for Abilene, the biggest service project of the year for SALT, on April 16. Volunteers will help people they were unable to reach on Saturday, Studer said. Martin said SALT needs many volunteers for ACU for Abilene, and the committee is trying to involve the whole campus—faculty and staff included. “There’s always a constant need anywhere in the community,” Studer said. SALT plans to publicize more and personally invite more people to sign up and get involved. “It is so much more than raking leaves, singing a song, playing bingo, serving a meal or playing with kids,” Studer said. “Through these activities, we are able to share the love of God to others and bring them closer to him.”
E-mail Tan at:
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Dr. Gary Tucker’s goals are high. As the new director of distance education, he wants to help move ACU into the 21st century. Tucker, who became the director because of his expertise and online experience, plans to further develop ACU’s current distance education program. Distance education means the student and teacher are not interacting on campus, although they may interact during a weekend class in Dallas or somewhere else, said Dr. Carol Williams, assistant provost for research and service. Online courses and videoconference classes also fall in the distance education category. Tucker believes distance education will become a vital part of the university. “As ACU grows, distance education will grow,” Tucker said. “It’s not suddenly going to be separate from ACU. We
are a part of ACU that is starting to grow because of the world we live in.” Tucker sees the program growing but not disproportionately to the university. “We are not going to become the University of Phoenix,” said Tucker, referring to an online university. “That’s not our goal. We’ll
said. “Distance education has always been here, but it hasn’t been a priority. “Because of modern times, distance education is growing here at ACU. We want to be sure we maintain quality in all of our courses and any degrees we offer.” Tucker’s experience will help him achieve his goals,
“The No. 1 priority is to provide quality ACU experiences to students no matter where they are.” Gary Tucker, director of distance education
grow with the world, and distance education will play a vital role in that.” Williams, who oversees Tucker, said having someone who can devote time to distance education like he can is a significant step to expand the program. The existing program will move in a more planned direction because of Tucker, she said. “It’s at a point where we need someone to direct that process to make sure we end up with ACU quality,” Tucker
Williams said. While receiving his doctorate in science and technology education from Texas A&M University, Tucker became involved in distance education and went on to Northern Arizona University as a professor in the college of education. Tucker came to ACU with online experience, Williams said. He had also developed distance education programs and taught courses on this subject. “He brought a lot of expe-
rience,” Williams said. “He is growing distance education.” The program currently consists of four summer online courses and several graduate courses, and videoconferencing courses are offered mainly for education, nursing, Bible and applied studies programs. Tucker said more courses are expected be added in the future after the program’s capabilities are expanded. “The primary focus is to establish our policies and structures so that when we do move, we will move in a way that will be consistent with ACU’s mission,” Tucker said. “I’m excited about this. It’s an area that ACU has held back from until we made sure we were ready to move. Now that we are, we are making sure we move in a way that is consistent with who we are. The No. 1 priority is to provide quality ACU experiences to students no matter where they are.”
E-mail Stork at:
Tax assistance provided for senior citizens Abilene AARP chapter offers services until April 14 By SARAH SCHAEFER STUDENT REPORTER
Free tax assistance is available for senior citizens and people who receive a low income. The service will be provided until April 14, the day before taxes are due. The Abilene chapter of the American Association of Retired People has three locations. Volunteers work from noon until 4 p.m. in the auditorium of the Abilene Public Library. At another location, the Rose Park Center, volunteers assist from Wednesday through
Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the Mall of Abilene, volunteers work Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The program was designed to assist lowincome people and the elder-
tance,” said librarian Maria Skufka, who is officiating the program. “Because the older population doesn’t get around so much, it is a nice idea to help them.” The program, which is “first come, first serve,” has been effective in Abilene for
“Because the older population doesn’t get around so much, it is a nice idea to help them.” Maria Skufka, Abilene Public Library librarian
ly, which is why the mall has later hours — to cater to people who might have to work during the day. “The library is a nice, central location for tax assis-
26 years, and volunteers see about 16 tax returns a day, said Ken Rosewell, director of the Abilene chapter of the AARP. The Internal Revenue
Service provides the training for this nationwide program. Currently, 26 volunteers are involved. One volunteer from each county participates in a special three-day training session conducted by the IRS in Lubbock. The volunteer then trains everyone involved in the community area. In order to perform this service, the volunteers must pass an exam. The AARP is always looking for volunteers to assist with the program, especially accounting majors. Those interested can visit the Web site
E-mail Schaefer at:
No fooling: ISA chooses April 1 as date for carnival Sickness delayed event; organizers hope for large turnout By NATHAN STRAUS STUDENT REPORTER
The International Students Association has several events planned for upcoming weeks. Leaders from ISA scheduled a carnival for Saturday. However, because many participants became sick with the flu, it was delayed. Now the carnival is scheduled for April 1. Diana Gutierrez, senior marketing and management major from Honduras and
president of ISA, said students can participate in a masquerade, bowling, skating and other sport events at the carnival.
tional students. Students on ISA participate in activities to encourage integration with the student body. “It is rewarding to give
“It is rewarding to give back to ISA. It’s a good way to serve.” Diana Gutierrez, senior marketing and management major from Honduras
Although it was postponed, Gutierrez said the carnival will still take place at the planned location — the First Baptist Church Family Life Center. Gutierrez said ISA is a service organization for interna-
back to ISA,” she said. “It’s a good way to serve. You never know the impact you can have in people’s lives.” On Friday, ISA will travel to Six Flags in Arlington. They will meet at the parking lot north of the Onstead-
Packer Biblical Studies Building from 6 to 7 a.m. and drive to the amusement park from there. The cost to attend is $15, which will cover transportation and admission into the park. The trip will probably take the whole day, Gutierrez said. ISA students and their friends are invited, but any additional person who wants to attend should, Gutierrez said. Currently, 60 students have signed up, and Gutierrez said 20 more students can go. E-mail Straus at:
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Page 5
Tri-University Bash changed to give planners more time Party will focus on multiculturalism, community worship By MARY TAN STAFF WRITER
The Tri-University Bash will be April 15 from 8:30 to 11 p.m. in the Bean Sprout, instead of last Friday as originally scheduled. The change came after organizers from ACU, HardinSimmons University and McMurry University met March 3 and discovered that each had different plans for the bash. The organizers’ purposes turned out to be different, said
Kanako Ishimaru, senior business marketing major from Japan. She is one of three student organizers from the Office of Student Multicultural Enrichment, who is sponsoring the bash. Another organizer, Ben Lazcano, senior youth and family ministry major from The Colony, said that along with OSME, Hispanos Unidos and a Spanish organization from McMurry helped plan the event. He said McMurry’s focus was on the Spanish culture, whereas ACU’s focus was multicultural. Organizers from all three universities met to work out the final details and decided on the theme “Three Universities,
One God.” “It’s more of a sense of purpose than a theme,” Lazcano said. “One of our focuses is ecumenicalism, which is when different denominations all come together for the same purpose—community and fellowship.” He said he hopes through this event, students will cultivate a respect for other denominations. Student speakers will address other topics such as Hispanic leadership and multicultural enrichment at the event. Each speaker will represent different groups but have the same goal of unity through diversity in mind, Lazcano said. “We want to make students
Camp positions filled for summer
aware of multicultural diversity,” he said. “We want to appeal to everyone and focus on trying to get every group represented.” Ishimaru agreed and said the event offered a place for students from three different universities to get to know each other. “Talking to people of different backgrounds can be very significant. It gives you the chance to learn about other cultures,” she said. Activities for the bash include bowling, pool and Xbox and will also feature Burgundy Road, a Christian alternative band from McMurry. Attendees can also enjoy free pizza and drinks.
“It will be different from the Tri-University Bash last semester,” Lazcano said. “This semester, we’ll have a mixer where students are placed in a group with other students they don’t know and get a chance to interact, play games and win prizes.” About 50 students attended the last bash, but Ishimaru said advertising is one of their priorities this semester. “The more publicity there is, the more people will attend,” she said. “Reaching the community is important.” Lazcano said with increased advertising efforts, especially at the other two universities, he hopes for a larger crowd. “We’d be pleased if we had
100 people,” Lazcano said. “We plan to have it at least once a year, probably twice depending on how well we do this semester. “It is our hope that from this bash, there will be more events where multicultural and multidenominational groups come together,” he said. “It cooperates with ACU’s mission, which is to change the world. If we want to do that, we have to start here.” For more information, students may call OSME at Ext. 2802 or visit its Web site at E-mail Tan at:
Is that really what I look like?
Students must go through training before campers arrive
included an application, reference check, interviews and group interviews. Jordan Swim, second-year counselor and sophomore Christian Ministry major from By MITCH HOLT Richardson, said this job is a STAFF WRITER chance to touch the kingdom. “Christ is the focus, and he The Office of Student Leadership Development is works through these camps at preparing for this summer’s ACU,” Swim said. Meyer said training to be Leadership Camps and has selected 47 student staff mem- part of the camp staff is a hard bers to lead the young process. “We want each person who campers. “Leadership Camps are represents ACU and LeadACU-sponsored summer ership Camps to have a clear camps designed to challenge understanding of the responand develop spiritual growth sibility they have in their job,” in youth ages 6 to 18,” said Meyer said. Now that the student leadJan Meyer, director of Student Leadership Development and ers have been selected, every associate director of Lead- staff member will attend a Tuesday meetership Camps. ing, particiLeadership “We want each person pate in a Camps bring and more than who represents ACU retreat arrive on 2,000 campers and 350 adult and Leadership Camps campus one week before volunteers to to have a clear the arrival of campus each summer and understanding of the the campers for Prep offer five difresponsibility.” Week, Meyer ferent camps said. for children of Jan Meyer, director of Student Before the various age Leadership Development beginning of levels: Kadesh Leadership for high Camps, each school students, MPulse for junior high staff member will have comstudents, Learning to Lead for pleted more than 60 hours of fourth to sixth graders, training. Along with the 47 students KidQuest Day Camp for first to third graders and Cross who will serve as camp counTraining, which takes place in selors, students will fill more Sipapu, N.M., for students than 10 other Leadership entering 10th, 11th and 12th Camp positions. Students will be assistant directors, teamgrades. The camps will take place building facilitators and medJune 5 through Aug. 6, and ical care and office staff. “This year our staff seleceach camp session will last tion was difficult,” Meyer one week. Meyer said the staff selec- said. “We had an overwhelmtion process was completed ing number of qualified appliFeb. 25, and the chosen stu- cants and had to turn down dents had until the following many capable and talented Monday to decide. A large stu- students, but we are confident dent staff is needed each sum- that those we hired will do an mer to host students of all exceptional job.” ages during Leadership Camps, she said. E-mail Holt at: The staff selection process
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Ben Farris, junior graphic design major from Gresham, Ore., draws a caricature of Zach Sheets (class of 2004), and Kara Sheets, who graduated in December, during the Charles Trevathan Chili Cook-off on Saturday afternoon in the mall area.
Visiting Committees approve departments Chairs of physics, math and computer science receive feedback By JEREMY L. POND STUDENT REPORTER
About the time students were checking Banner for their midterm grades, several academic departments received a report card of sorts from Visiting Committees composed of practitioners in the fields of mathematics, computer science and physics. The committees were part of the university’s Visiting Committee program, which invites people who teach, work and employ in a specific field to as-
sess the facilities, curriculum and teaching methods of the departments of their expertise. Dr. David Isenhower, chair of the Department of Physics, said he was pleased with the Visiting Committee’s evaluation of his department. “They are always very impressed with our program,” he said. “Sometimes it’s hard to get them to find things that we need to work harder on.” The committee did find one problem with the department, Isenhower said. “The main thing they recognized was that we are severely understaffed,” he said. Although the current university studentfaculty ratio is 17-to-1, the student-faculty ratio in the Depart-
ment of Physics is 24.5-to-1. Isenhower said the administration is aware of the issue and is working to correct it, and the Department of Physics is near the top of the list to receive an additional faculty member when funding is available. Dr. David Hughes, chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, said he also was pleased with the assessments of his department, which had one committee evaluate mathematics and one committee evaluate computer science. “I have not yet seen the committees’ reports, but they were very positive about our department while they were here,” Hughes said. “We’re proud of [the pro-
gram],” said Dr. Tom Milholland, assistant provost and head of the Visiting Committee program. The program tries to bring in impressive people for every committee, Milholland said. “Every now and again we get a few turndowns, but for the most part, people are excited and willing to help,” he said. The program has reached a plateau, and Milholland said he does not expect there to be much more growth. “As it is now, this is a great program,” he said. “I think it is a real mark of excellence for the university.” E-mail Pond at:
Page 6
Congress should not be involved
The issue: Congress and President Bush have become involved in a family battle about whether to keep alive Terri Schiavo, who has been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years.
Our view: Congress and Bush should not have interfered with the state’s jurisdiction in the case.
The solution: The decision should be made by the family and state, not the national government.
March 23, 2005
In an unprecedented sequence of events last weekend, Congress voted 20358 in favor of a bill to allow a federal judge to review a controversial case involving a Florida woman whose feeding tube was removed Friday, and President Bush signed it into law. Terri Schiavo has been kept alive on the feeding tube for 15 years, and doctors say she is in a persistent vegetative state, meaning she “cannot think, speak or respond to commands and [is] not aware of [her] surroundings,” according to the National Institutes of Health.
Face it, Facebook fun way to procrastinate A new black hole has been lege students. We post our picdiscovered, and it has made its tures (only picking ones that appearance on campus. No one makes us look good, of knows the name of its creator course), list our favorite books or where it and movies (but not the dorky came from, ones we don’t want people to but it appears know we like), and tell our that it’s here to interests and favorite quotes. stay. This new After we’ve finished constructblack hole has ing the profile we want people a seemingly to see, we wait for our friends innocent, and to accept us. Even though on some levels even friendlyMuch Ado s o u n d i n g the ACU Facebook is putting name, but us back through the horrors of About names can be middle school, students are Something d e c e i v i n g . gravitating toward it like bees Jaci Schneider The ACU to honey. I think the main thing about Facebook is anything but innocent. Soon it will engulf all of the Web site that draws us all campus into a vacuum of in is the procrastination possibilities of it. If you wanted to, unproductivity. For those who have not yet you could spend hours searchhad the opportunity to be ing all 1,300 students and seesucked in, the ACU Facebook ing who likes the same movies is a Web site that allows ACU and books as you. ACU Facebook is one students and more thing to alumni to post i n f o r m a t i o n The ACU Facebook check, along with each eabout themis anything but mail account, selves, such as Xanga, AIM AIM screen innocent. Soon it when you log names, addresonto your comses, majors, will engulf all of puter. It’s just favorite books, campus into a one more way movies, etc. to put off writAfter creating a vacuum of ing that paper profile, users unproductivity. on a topic you then have the know nothing opportunity to about, and one invite their friends to join the ACU more thing to do before reading Facebook. If you don’t want to that long chapter in that dry go through the trouble of send- textbook. I’m sure that ACU Facebook ing invitations by e-mail, you can go directly to the “people” will fade out of the forefront of page and browse all 1,300-plus students’ minds within the next people listed and simply click week or so, but I suppose that it on the names you want to add could be a nice tool in keeping in touch with people after gradto your profile. However, the people you uation. So, professors, please cut us want to add must first confirm that they are, in fact, your a little slack in grading our friends, before being listed on papers and quizzes these next your page. I suppose this pre- few weeks. Just remember, we’ll vents people from arbitrarily be tired of Facebook soon and choosing people they don’t return to our studies, at least until a new black hole appears. know as their friends. So, basically, what all this ends up being is a nostalgic trip Respond to Schneider at: back to middle school for col- or “I think it’s fun, and I enjoy it, but I don’t understand why we can’t be on the real Facebook.”
In Your Words What do you think of the ACU Facebook?
Ife Adekokum senior management and marketing major from Katy
“I think it’s really cool, but I don’t know what to do with it once I add my friends.”
“ I don’t know what it is.”
Erin Wilson
Roland Freeland
sophomore English education major from Austin
freshman mechanical engineering major from Tucson, Ariz.
Daniel Barcroft
In My Words
Take time to stop and smell the savior As I sat in the office one day, tapping the Jesus Bobblehead on my desk with my pen while I wore my favorite “Mary is My Homegirl” T-shirt, along with my official Passion of the Christ nail pendant necklace, I received an eI am the mail notifying me of a recent Enemy Sarah Carlson M S N B C . c o m article about the latest Christian merchandise. Christians always have had the dilemma of learning how to trust in a God we cannot see or hear. But now, thanks to a couple in South Dakota, we might just be able to smell his son.
The merchandising of our savior for commercial gain is a disturbing trend. “His Essence” candles were created by Bob and Karen Tosterud and were inspired by Psalm 45:8: “All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia,” apparently referring to the return of Jesus. The candles are made using the ingredients of myrrh, aloe and cassia, which form a cinnamon smell, and “the result is a fragrance which serves as a reminder of his presence,” according the Web site The candle comes in a 14ounce jar, burns for 80 to 100 hours and can be yours for $17.95, all a product of what the Tosteruds call a ministry. The couple has sold more than
10,000 candles so far nationwide. Coming soon from the company is a 40-day devotional, written by Karen Tosterud, which will be intended for use with the candle “to help us deepen our faith and get to know Jesus better.” Jewelry, hand cream, perfume and potpourri are on the way as well. Other Web sites are also amusing, such as, which offers the previously mentioned Jesus Bobblehead as well as a Jesus action figure, a dashboard Jesus and Jesus wrapping paper. The action figure has movable arms that “reach toward the heavens and
wheels in his base for smooth gliding action.” At least the intentions of the site are made honest with the title “Official Jesus Merchandise (aka Shameless Commerce).” Underneath the title is Ecclesiastes 10:19: “Wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” Apparently Christians got the memo, along with nonChristians, who can find believers to exploit. Regardless of whether it is merchandise bought in jest or a tool used as a ministry, people should be careful where they send their money. The merchandising of our savior for commercial gain is a disturbing trend. God bless capitalism. Respond to Carlson at: or
Chapel speech discriminates against rich Until March 15th, I was unaware that ACU allowed Chapel speakers to express socialist opinions disguised as piety. The speaker could’ve saved himself and everybody else much time had he simply said in one sentence what he obviously thinks: Rich people are money-hungry, selfish sinners. The speaker said it is wrong to live in a gated community, own a new car or build a house. He said that if you own a Hummer, “you better not go to church.” Who is he to tell hard-working people what they should or should not buy? As Americans, we live in a capitalist society where people have the freedom to make money and spend it. I can’t find a passage in
Editorial and letter policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist Editorial Board and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist, its Editorial Board or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors
her fate. On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge James Whittemore denied a request by the Schindlers to reinsert Terri’s feeding tube, and the case went on to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. At press time Tuesday, no decision had been made. Now that Congress has involved itself in this matter, it will open the floodgates for others to follow suit. Instead of taking it upon itself to rule on such issues as the Schiavo case, in future situations like this, Congress should refrain from choosing to pass laws on a caseby-case basis and leave the decision up to the family and the state.
All three of Her husband, All decisions regarding the case should have Abilene’s conMichael, and stayed within the state’s jurisdiction. gressional repparents, Bob and re s e n t a t i v e s , Mary Schindler, Rep. Randy have been locked in a bitter legal battle over Now the federal government Neugebauer, R-Lubbock, and whether Terri is responsive and has stepped into the conflict to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and if she should remain on the try to save the woman, but Sen. John Cornyn, voted in feeding tube. Michael Schiavo Congress and Bush should have favor of the bill. By choosing to contends that Terri never abstained from getting involved engage itself in this issue, wished to be kept alive artifi- and allowed the state courts to Congress has opened the door continue to preside over the for families in similar cases to cially, and her parents disagree. petition for and expect help The two sides have been case. Not only is this a private from the federal government through several courts and rounds of appeals, and the state family matter that never should instead of relying on the state courts have ordered Terri’s tube have caught the media’s and judicial systems. Now Terri Schiavo has been to be removed twice before, nation’s attention like it has, but only to order it be reinserted all decisions regarding the case without food or water for five again after her parents filed should have stayed within the days, and she could die before the courts make a decision about state’s jurisdiction. appeals.
or to refuse to print letters containing personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or less. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79699 E-mail letters to:
the Bible that says that’s wrong. I also thought it hypocritical of him to address the issue of prejudice when he is obviously prejudiced toward wealthy people. The speaker said never to pass by a person on the street without giving them money. He said they were probably “ripping you off,” and they might use the money to buy drugs, but to “do it anyway.” If he wants to help, perhaps he should buy them a meal, tell them of Jesus’ love, offer them a job, etc. Those things are more beneficial than throwing some money at them. The speaker “cleverly” alluded to Luke 18, saying that he would never say something as radical as “sell all you have, give
it to the poor, and follow me.” Unfortunately, he took that verse out of context. Jesus told that to one man because the man’s wealth was too important to him. He said that white people should apologize to black people for what their ancestors may or may not have done. Why stop there? Perhaps he should’ve told students of German descent to find a Jew and apologize to them. Why can’t we just be friends and stop bringing up issues that divide? Here’s a tip for Tuesday’s speaker: Disregard how much
YOUR VOICE Re: Chapel speech on March 15 by Damon Parker
or how little money people have. Love people, and stop judging them based on skin color or social strata. Abigail Payne junior music major from Abilene
The Optimist Editorial Board
Published by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Abilene Christian University
Editor in Chief
Opinion Editor
Arts Editor
Faculty Adviser
Jonathan Smith
Jaci Schneider
Sarah Carlson
Dr. Cheryl Bacon
Managing Editor
Copy Editor
Chief Photographer
Ad Manager
Lori Bredemeyer
Tiffany Williams
Brian Schmidt
Christi Stark
Optimist contact information Newsroom: (325) 674-2439
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Page 7
NBS: Students place at national conference Continued from Page 1 they’re going to have to compete with for jobs,” Kessler said. Success at the NBS national convention is encouraging to professors, Kessler said. “[Success] comes from the foundation of what we’re teaching, and obviously we’re teaching them the right thing,” Kessler said. Reid attributes her success to “learning what the judges
have said in the past and having the right topic.” Students can also attend lectures on topics like film, television and the Internet and the awards ceremony on the last evening of the convention. “This [competition] was in Hollywood, so there was a big emphasis on film,” Kessler said. The convention took place at the Hilton Hotel across the street from Universal Pictures. “They also have tours of studios and tapings. You can go to
the tapings of different TV programs,” Kessler said. Kessler said he also encourages students to network at the convention because many professionals who attend are willing to make connections with students. However, Reid puts more emphasis on creating relationships with college attendees because she will be working with them in the future. “I think the relationships with the students is more
important than the relationships with professionals,” Reid said. The last event of the semester for NBS is a career workshop in Austin, where students will learn how to compile a resume, create a demo reel with example work and possibly be hired by professionals who come to the workshop searching for talent, Kessler said. E-mail Taylor at:
Airport to add concession, gift shop Project also to include repair on airfield ramps at Abilene Regional By SHELBI WATTEN STUDENT REPORTER
It was about 5 a.m., and Adam Berres had a growling stomach. He was preparing for his flight at Abilene Regional Airport and had an hour and a half to wait until he boarded the plane. “I was stranded there, and all they had was this little stand with two pots of coffee,” said Berres, junior business marketing major from Lakeville, Minn. “I was starving, and it was frustrating.” As soon as construction at Abilene Regional Airport is
completed, travelers like Berres will finally have a place to eat. The project, called Phase III, has been in progress since 2000 and will be finished soon. Phase III will replace mechanical systems that need repair and create space for concessions and a news and gift shop. Abilene Regional Airport has one terminal, two airlines and ten daily flights. It has 73,000 passengers a year, compared to the same number at the DallasFort Worth International Airport in one day. Because of the smaller market, none of the flights out of Abilene Regional Airport serves food. Thus, concessions at the airport will benefit travelers with tight connections who do not have time to stop some-
‘I believe I can fly’
where for a bite to eat. “In order to develop the air service we need, we have to provide an entire package, and part of that package is to provide the amenities that travelers need,” said Dan Weber, director of aviation for the city of Abilene. “They need to eat on the go or buy something, whether it be a personal item or a new pen.” As soon as negotiations with a third party are completed, the constructed space will include the concession and gift shop. The news and retail shop will be a generic gift shop with various items, including merchandise from the three universities in Abilene. Weber said he hopes for the concession to serve hamburgers, sandwiches and drinks, but because Abilene Regional is a
EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer
E-mail Watten at:
Music group returns to Abilene in April Shane & Shane, Amy Stroup to perform in Cullen Auditorium
Logan Wade performs a trick on his skateboard during a skate competition on Saturday at Rosebud Park.
small market, he is not in a position to dictate to the third party how to operate and what to serve. However, as traffic grows, a full-service restaurant may be added. Phase III does not only consist of the terminal’s repair and additions. The airport also is beginning plans for a $5,000,000 project in reconstruction and a $45,000,000 project for the summer that will focus on airfield ramps. “I think it’s part of an overall package and in order to be a good competitive airport, we have to provide a better product,” Weber said, “and this is part of that process.”
The Christian musical duo Shane & Shane will return to Abilene for the second straight year to perform on April 7 in Cullen Auditorium, and Amy Stroup, formerly from Abilene, will open the concert. The Campus Activities Board is sponsoring the concert, which will begin at 7 p.m., and tickets are currently being sold at the Campus Center ticket windows for $10. Ticket prices are $15 at the door. Billy Smith, junior finance major from San Antonio and CAB intern, said CAB has been planning the concert since November, when Shane & Shane agreed to return to the university. Shane & Shane was a logical choice, and the booking process was not difficult, Smith said. “Shane & Shane was at the top of our list because their biggest fan base is college students,” he said. The duo from Dallas — Shane Barnard and Shane
Everett — began playing together six years ago. Their recently released fifth album, Clean, features 11 original songs and three remakes. Amy Stroup will perform songs from her new CD, Here I Am, during the opening act. Stroup, 21, lived in Abilene as a teenager. She is not touring with Shane & Shane and is only opening at ACU. Shane & Shane performed in concert last April at Beltway Park Baptist Church with opening acts Ginny Owens and Shaun Groves. Eric Johnson, sophomore finance major from Boerne, attended last year’s concert, and he said he is a fan of the duo. “They do an exceptional job at conveying a message that can really bring you closer to God through music,” Johnson said. Cullen Auditorium will probably provide a better atmosphere than Beltway Park Baptist Church because of the different stage setup and fewer numbers of seats, Johnson said. “Being there with them, you feel like you are a part of it,” Johnson said. “I’m excited to see what they are going to bring to the plate this year.” E-mail Black at:
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Cold Stone Creamery shift leader Zach Smith, junior communication major from Garland, and co-workers perform the “Banana Song” for customers Monday at the store at 4249 Southwest Drive.
Creamery: Ice cream shop opens to crowds Continued from Page 1 “We are a communitybased, community-funded organization,” said Courtney Kennedy, the coordinator for CMN in Abilene. “So this is an amazing gesture of support for us. I’m so excited about what Cold Stone is doing here.” Pets Enhanced Therapy Services also showed their support. The organization came to Cold Stone Creamery to further educate the community and encourage more people to volunteer, said Pat Smith, a volunteer with PETS. Cold Stone Creamery has plenty to offer students who didn’t participate in the grand opening festivities, said Deanne Schmidt, the store’s general manager. “We have great ice cream all the time,” she said. “It’s very unique and fun.” Cold Stone Creamery is cre-
ative with ice cream, boasting flavors from fudge to cotton candy, and mix-ins—toppings that are literally mixed in to the ice cream while you watch. Two of their popular combinations are Cheesecake Fantasy, which is cheesecakeflavored ice cream with bits of graham cracker pie crust, strawberries and blueberries mixed in, and Oreo Overload, which has sweet-cream-flavored ice cream with Oreos, chocolate chips and fudge mixed throughout. Cold Stone Creamery is open seven days a week, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and until 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. For information about products and job opportunities, visit www.coldstonecream E-mail Linthicum at:
Zoning: School asks council for change Continued from Page 1 residential zone to a College/University zone. This item was also approved to pass by the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation to the City Council. “This CU zoning is more appropriate given what is and will take place at the Alumni Center, and that is
why we requested it,” Watson said. For now, the university is still working on the Pecan Orchard across from the university’s entrance, and Watson said the trees will be installed in the fall.
E-mail Carlson at:
Page 8
March 23, 2005
An Unsung Hero During the next several weeks, the Optimist will feature stories about the daily lives of some of the most active but unseen members of the university’s staff.
Story by Lori Bredemeyer Photography by Emily Chastain Design by Mallory Sherwood
Eddie McFadden: the man behind the scenes that keeps ACU’s campus running smoothly McFadden stands in front of his desk at his office located off of Ambler Road.
he assorted possessions in Eddie McFadden’s office recall his past and describe the philosophy of his job. An aged metal and glass doorknob, several old sockets and light switches, and various other electrical devices line his shelves. Two bright yellow hard hats inscribed with ‘ACU Physical Resources’ lay on his table. The inspirational posters on his walls encourage leadership, brilliance, attitude and teamwork. As manager of building maintenance for the university’s Physical Resources Department since 2000, McFadden said he tries to use the qualities illustrated by the posters to help him be the best leader he can be for his staff. McFadden came to ACU after working on construction sites for several years and at Hendrick Medical Center for five years as an electrician and part of the maintenance staff. One thing McFadden does in the workplace to encourage brilliance is support a teaching and learning environment within his department. He emphasizes to the employees that each one of them is a teacher to the students who work for them. “We feel like we can give students some real-life, hands-on experience that typically is not learned in the classroom,” he said. “We want them (the staff) to know that they’re as valuable as the faculty in that we can teach the kids who work for us the same as someone who has a Ph.D. over in the buildings … and we try to provide a good, Christian environment to do that in.” cFadden encourages teaching in his department, but he’s also a student at the university. He had his associ-
ate’s degree before coming to ACU, but one of the reasons he chose to take the job was to finish his education. He should receive his bachelor of applied science degree with emphasis in communication and management next August and then begin working on a master’s degree in communication. He said his classes in communication and experience in his current job have changed him and made him a better person. “I’ve not always been the most patient person, but I’ve learned that communication helps dispel a lot of hard feelings,
desired or required are directly impacted by Eddie McFadden as he performs his job,” Nevill said. “What Eddie does can either add to or detract from the quality of life perceived by students at ACU: Lights work, residence halls and classrooms are functional and comfortable, the plumbing works, and special events are equipped as needed, when needed.” cFadden said through his job and education, he’s learned a great deal about how to be an example while working with people. “People really watch how you respond
“I’m more like the conductor of an orchestra; I’m more conducting them ... They’re the ones making the music out there.” Eddie McFadden, manager of building maintenance for the Physical Resources Department
rumors, and it keeps people informed,” he said. “It has made me become a better communicator. Compared to a lot of people, I’m still not that good, but I’ve improved a lot in my delivery of communication and being able to make sure people clearly understand what my goals or objectives are whenever I talk to them.” McFadden reports directly to Bob Nevill, director of Physical Resources, and Nevill said in an e-mail that in the few months he’s been director, he has seen how much McFadden’s role influences campus. “Every residence hall occupant that experiences a problem in their room, or office that must be repaired or remodeled, or structural changes or repairs that are
An old doorknob adorns a shelf in Eddie McFadden's office.
to whatever situation comes up,” he said, “and if you react negatively, that’s how they’re going to wind up reacting. I try to keep a calm composure. “I feel like my title says manager, but I strive to be a leader and not a manager,” he said. “I feel like to do that I need to be an example, so I try to provide the example of a good work ethic to the people that I’m with as well. He said to do this, he tries to get out of his office and do some of the work that his staff does. He’s done most of the jobs that they regularly perform, and he wants to show them that just because he’s the manager, he’s not too good to do the work, too. “When they’re in the trenches, I think it
makes them feel good to know that you don’t feel like you’re above them and above doing some of the things that they do,” McFadden said. Nevill said this type of leadership helps McFadden excel as manager. “Eddie is a good man with a heart for the work he does here at ACU,” Nevill said. “He is a highly skilled craftsman who has committed himself to improving the ACU campus and leading a fine group of professionals as they pursue a similar goal.” lthough the university might not run as smoothly without him, McFadden said because of teamwork and communication, he’s confident his staff could carry on without him. “I don’t hold anything proprietary; if anything happened to me, I want all these people that I work with to never miss a beat,” he said. “I don’t feel like I hold anything that would hinder the furtherance of the university or this department. I want them to be self-directed, self-motivated and self-reliant. … When I leave here, the only impact or legacy I want to leave is that I was a fair person, kind and caring.” He also said because of this, he doesn’t like to receive exclusive recognition because he’s only one part of the team. “I want to accomplish great things, but I’m not out to toot my own horn,” he said. “If there’s recognition to be given, I’d rather for all these guys … to get it because I don’t do the work, and they’re the ones that are making things happen, not me. “I’m more like the conductor of an orchestra; I’m more conducting them. … They’re the ones making the music out there.”
McFadden holds electrical fuses from the electrical room of the Physical Resources building.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Page 9
Tennis: Teams to play Tarleton, St. Ed’s Continued from Page 10 another Division I school against Arkansas on Feb. 13. “I’m not questioning our girls’ work effort because they gave a great effort, but we weren’t sharp,” Jones said of the women’s performance against Iowa. “It’s tough to spend so many days away from the arena and then be
able to jump back into competition.” On Saturday, ACU faced Ouachita Baptist and Incarnate Word and returned to the win column in both matches improving its record to 19-2. “We’re pushing towards going down in history as the school’s first 30-win team,” Jones said.
After hosting regional opponents Tarleton State and St. Edward’s on Thursday, the team will have a similar experience to the men’s team as it will get a chance to face some of the higher ranked women’s Division II schools in the country. The Wildcats will head to Ponoma, Calif. from April 1 through April 3 to participate in the Cal Poly-
Ponoma Invitational. “We’re going to have to beat teams ranked three or four spots ahead of us,” Jones said. “But I don’t think that is a big deal because I think we should have been ranked there in the first place.” E-mail Robarts at:
Switch: Freshman, president trade places Continued from Page 1
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Ruben Rivera, junior third baseman, fields a bouncing ground ball and throws out Savage designated hitter Dustin McKay to end the top of the fourth inning during ACU’s 13-1 victory over Southeastern Oklahoma State during game one of last Saturday’s doubleheader.
Baseball: Cats to play SE Oklahoma State Continued from Page 10 Kade Simmons came in to shut the door on the Savages for the second straight day. In Friday’s first game, Justin Whitlock had a second straight strong start before tiring in the fifth, and Simmons picked up the win in the second game as the Wildcats got contributions from many areas. Solid pitching, combined with stellar defensive plays and timely hitting, spurred the Wildcats to the sweep as Bonneau said the team benefited from a total team effort. “It’s hard enough to win games when you play together, but when you have one or
two phases of your game not working, it’s really difficult,” Bonneau said. “We were able to answer when the other team scored by putting runs on the board, and we got good pitching.” The Wildcats will play Southwest Oklahoma State this weekend in Weatherford, Okla., and will look for similar results. With that in mind, Bonneau said the same four starters that pitched last weekend — Ben Brockman, Whitlock, Maynard and Moore — should all start again as the team looks to stockpile wins. E-mail Gray at:
SA do it again this year. Close was “chosen for her intentionality of leadership” evident in her application, said Rouse, senior communication major f r o m Midland. Close and Money met at 7:30 a.m. to exchange schedules and switch places. He Rouse was dressed in jeans, while she wore a button-down shirt, dress capris and heels. She handed over her violet and black book bag, which he awkwardly slung over his shoulder. Then Money headed off for a day of classes, and Close plunged into a tight schedule filled with meetings. Money said he wasn’t too worried about being a student for a day. “I have had 11 years of college experience of taking notes, so I think I can handle this,” he said. He took three pages of notes in his first class — environmental science with assistant professor Emmett Miller. “Ask me anything about toxic risk assessment, and I can tell you,” Money said after the class. Next was developmental
Close also said she got a psychology, then biology day and said he was “fascihuman perspective with Dr. nated by the teaching styles” new perspective of Money. “I didn’t even recognize Debra Woodward, adjunct he saw. He also noticed that professor of biology. Money one-thirds of the students him today before he said 'hi' joked that he was able to pay had not been taking notes. to me because he was wearattention in this class be- When he was in school all he ing jeans,” she said, adding it cause the lesson was on the did was take notes, he said; means a lot to her that heart, and he could relate to he didn’t have alternate ways Money goes to Chapel when everything Woodward was to receive information like he is in town because it explaining. He also said he students do now because of means that he believes in the institution he’s running. really enjoyed Woodward’s the Internet. Another of Money’s traits Close ended her day in a unique approach to teaching. Close, meanwhile, was debriefing meeting with Jim that impressed Close was his busy interacting with people Holmans, executive assistant involvement with students. “I’m amazed, after I saw like the university’s execu- to the president, and SA tive vice president, the chief President Layne Rouse. She his schedule, how much I see financial officer and the dean admitted the day had been “a him around campus,” she said. of Campus Life in an effort to little overwhelming.” Holmans said he agreed. Money has to keep up understand all the aspects of with such a breadth of infor- Although Money is gone 50 Money’s job. percent of the time, when he One of Close’s afternoon mation, she said. Holmans reassured Close is at the university, he goes meetings was with Dr. Michelle Morris, assistant vice by explaining that what she out of his way to talk to students, Holmans president of said. university “I feel staand alumni “I have had 11 years of college experience of takble, knowing relations. ing notes, so I think I can handle this.” that every base Morris' job is covered," goals are to Dr. Royce Money, president of the university Close said find ways to about her draw stuexperience. dents into In this newfound stability, ACU, help them connect had to take in on a single day, once they’re here and stay Money has been perfecting Close was ready to go home and collapse. More than nine connected when they gradu- for years. “You got the fire hose hours had passed since she ate. After explaining this to Close, Morris asked for today,” he told her. "If you began her day as president, advice on how to reach these feel drenched, you have good and the time had finally come to change out of her goals. Close said that what reason to feel so.” Although tired, Close said high heels and slip her tired makes the difference about ACU is that “God is here, she believes the day was feet into something more and I could totally feel it informative and beneficial. comfortable. She said she learned a lot when I got here.” When Money and Close about leadership. “Leadership is about met at 4 p.m., they were who’s under you and who ready to trade lives again. E-mail Hardwick at: Money reflected on the you influence,” she said.
Chairs: Two named to endowed positions Weather: Spring often unpredictable Continued from Page 1
position].” Thompson will continue hold the position of associate dean of the Graduate School of Theology for at least the next year and said he is ready to be the O n s t e a d chair. “I’m looking forward to the chair very m u c h , ” Thompson said. “I’m looking forChilders ward to the extended research in other countries.” Thompson said he will work on several research projects while he is chair, one being the continuation of his research on the Epistle to the Hebrews — a book he has studied for most of his career. He said some of his favorite places to conduct research
are in libraries at Yale and be chair. The former chair begin in the summer when he Princeton universities. was Dr. Carroll Osburn, will attend a North American Thompson also has traveled whom Childers studied Patristic Society conference to Germany several summers, under, and Childers said he to present a paper of his. saying the “He University of w i l l Tübingen has one “It’s exciting to be in that ... position and to follow b r i n g of the greatest great in the footsteps of one of my teachers.” libraries in that vision country. He said and enDr. Jeff Childers, associate professor of Bible, ministry and missions he has not decidergy to ed whether he t h i s will travel overrole,” seas for his research, and he benefited from him while he said Reese in an e-mail analso will work on researching was chair. nouncement to employees of the history of preaching, “It’s exciting to be in that the College of Biblical something else he has spent same position,” Childers Studies. time on. said, “and to follow in the “We are excited about this In the meantime, as chair, footsteps of one of my teach- opportunity and believe it Thompson said he will con- ers.” best serves both Jeff and the tinue to focus on and fineChilders’ area of research entire Graduate School of tune the quality of education focuses on New Testament Theology. This role will allow in the College of Biblical textual criticism and study- Jeff to focus his work, both in Studies. ing ancient manuscripts. He his coursework assignments Childers was approached also researches early Christ- in the GST and in his by a committee of all tenured ianity and is currently work- research.” faculty in the Graduate ing on a biography of a 5th School of Theology to fill the Century missionary and Carmichael-Walling position translating Georgian texts. E-mail Carlson at: and said he is very excited to His research as the chair will
Continued from Page 1 have to dress accordingly,” said Marvin Bien-Aime, sophomore exercise science major from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. “It’s taken me some time to get use to it, but I’ve finally started to expect the unthinkable of the weather in Abilene.” History has proven that weather in Abilene can be unexpected, and at times, record breaking. In 1963 during the month of March, Abilene experienced a dry month with approximately 0.03 inches of rain. However, ten years later, Abilene saw 3.28 inches of rain — one of Abilene’s wettest months. According to the Web site, on April 5, 1996, it snowed 9.3 inches.
This broke past records of 8 inches of snow on Feb. 12, 1890, and another 8 inches fell 29 years later on Jan. 15 and 16, 1919. “It’s very hard to get snow in this region,” Decker said. “Snow is created through an equivalent of moisture and cold temperature. During winter months such as December and January, there is enough cold but not enough moisture, or during the spring, there is enough moisture, but not enough cold temperature to make snow.” To find out more about weather related issues go to
E-mail Cooks at:
Page 10
LSC South Standings current through 03-21-05
Baseball Team A&M-Kingsville ACU Angelo State E. New Mexico Tarleton State West Texas A&M
Div. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
Tot. 17-7 19-10 12-13 11-13 12-16 8-20
Softball Team Angelo State Texas Woman’s ACU A&M-Kingsville Tarleton State E. New Mexico
Div. 7-1 5-3 5-3 3-5 3-5 1-7
Tot. 25-7 17-9 19-12 22-16 13-17 14-17
March 23, 2005
Softball team slashes Lady Javelinas Wildcats win three of four games in weekend series By JARED FIELDS SPORTS WRITER
The Wildcat softball team was too much for the TAMUKingsville Javelinas this weekend. The Wildcat’s took three of four games and improved to 19-12 on the season, and 5-3 in conference play. Head Coach Chantiel Wilson was pleased with the
team’s weekend performance. “Anytime we can take three of four games from anyone in our conference is a good thing,” Wilson said. The Wildcats won both of the games Friday. In the first game, Jennifer Leal pitched a complete-game shutout, while allowing only four hits. The Wildcat offense scored two runs in the second inning to give the Wildcats the lead. Junior Heather Krumpols singled in a run in the fifth to add an extra run on the board for the Wildcats.
In the nightcap, Allison Crouse threw for the victory lead by a strong offensive outing. Senior Katie Bryan and junior Daisy Barcena each had solo homeruns in the fifth as the Wildcats won 6-4 over the Javelinas. On Saturday, the Wildcats had another doubleheader. This time the teams split the two games. In the first Saturday game, the Wildcats were cruising with a 7-0 lead until the top of the seventh. The Javelinas put up six runs to trail by only a run.
However, the game was ended on a throw out at home plate that kept the Javelinas’ runner from scoring. Kristin Alvarado had three RBI and Katie Bryan hit a two-run homerun to lead the Wildcat scoring attack. The Wildcats were not as fortunate in the final game of the series. Offensively, the team couldn’t get anything to go their way, and lost 5-2. Katie Bryan hit a two-run homerun in the sixth, and the Wildcats had the bases loaded with one out later in the same inning, but it wasn’t enough to
get the win. Wilson said the last game is always the toughest to win. “I think that when they scored those runs at the end of the third game, they got the momentum carried into the last game,” Wilson said. The Wildcats travel to play Southeastern Oklahoma State for two games on Thursday. They then have a break before playing again April 1 against Eastern New Mexico. E-mail Fields at:
Scores Friday Baseball ACU 19, Southeastern Oklahoma St. 7, ACU 8, Southeastern Oklahoma St. 7 Softball ACU 3, Texas A&M Kingsville, 0 ACU 5, Texas A&M Kingsville 4
Saturday Baseball ACU 13, Southeastern Oklahoma St. 7 ACU 9, Southeastern Oklahoma St. 5 Softball ACU 7, Texas A&M Kingsville 6 Texas A&M Kingsville 5, ACU 2
Upcoming events in Wildcat sports... (home events in italics) Thursday, March 24 BSB: St. Edwards, 2 p.m. Southeastern Oklahoma State, 6 p.m. SB: Southeastern Oklahoma St., 2 p.m. MTN: St. Edward’s, 2 p.m. Southeastern Oklahoma St. 6 p.m. WTN: Tarleton St., 2 p.m. St. Edward’s, 7 p.m.
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Senior second baseman Kristin Alvarado dives for a grounder that passes just beyond her glove during game two of a doubleheader on Tuesday against Incarnate Word. Last weekend, the women won three of the four games played against Texas A&M Kingsville, improving their record to 5-3 in the LSC South Division, 19-12 overall.
Cats improve national rank
March 25, Friday BSB: Southwestern Oklahoma St., 1 p.m. TK: Stanford Invitational March 26, Saturday BSB: Southwestern Oklahoma St., noon. WTN: Rice University, 9 a.m. TK: Baylor/ Dr. Pepper Invitational
Tennis team advances during break, men No. 13, women No. 12
March 28, Monday GF: UCO/Kingbid Invitational March 29, Tuesday GF: UCO/Kingbid Invitational
March 30, Wednesday WTN: Pepperdine University, 3 p.m.
Briefs Junior forward Hakim Rasul named to Daktronics second team, earns all region honors Hakim Rasul has been named to the second team on the Daktronics NCAA Division II South Central Region team. Last week, Rasul was named first team all-Lone Star Conference South Division. Rasul is the first Wildcat to earn all-region recognition since Peter Kiganya was a first team selection in 1999-2000. —ACU Sports Information
BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer
Ryan Barker, senior first baseman, slides safely into second base as Savage shortstop Seleetka James leaps for an errant throw from catcher Cole Stokes in the bottom of the fourth inning of the Wildcats’ 9-5 victory over Southeastern Oklahoma State during game two of a doubleheader on Saturday.
ACU sweeps Savages last weekend Baseball team wins four games against SE Oklahoma State By WARREN GRAY SPORTS WRITER
Senior hitter Cody Cure receives LSC Player of the Week award in baseball Senior centerfielder Cody Cure, was 12 for 20 with five runs, eight RBI, four doubles, two triples and four stolen bases as ACU swept a four-game series from Southeastern Oklahoma. Cure was especially effective in Saturday’s doubleheader sweep, going six for nine with three runs scored, seven RBI, one double, two triples and one stolen base in the two games. In the final game of the series, he was three for four with two runs scored, four RBI, two triples and one stolen base. He had a bases-loaded triple in the third inning that broke the game open. —
For the ACU baseball team, two is good but four is better. After an extended stretch of playing .500 baseball, the Wildcats were able to take a four-game sweep against Southeastern Oklahoma State over the weekend at Crutcher Scott Field. ACU coach Britt Bonneau said the caliber of teams the Wildcats have faced has led to many series splits. But ACU caught fire against a southeastern team that came into the series 12-9 but left 12-13. “Splitting with those teams is good,” Bonneau said. “If you take any more from them, that’s icing on the cake.” The Wildcats began the weekend in grand fashion, with a 19-7 win over the Savages. ACU scored the first
11 runs of the game and held a 16-1 lead at one point. The Wildcats, now 19-10 on the season, pounded hit after hit in the game. The team reached 17 as no ACU batter went hitless. But the Wildcats were also able to capitalize on the Savages’ mistakes, including five errors, five wild pitches and four hit batters. The miscues only gave the ACU hitters extra outs to play with, which didn’t bode well for the opposition on Friday. “When you score 19 runs on 17 hits, a lot of things go into scoring those runs,” Bonneau said. “They didn’t help themselves out by any means. When you’re on fire at the plate…those passed balls and errors didn’t help them at all.” ACU centerfielder Cody Cure had four hits in the game and stayed hot all weekend. Cure finished the series with two doubles and two triples as part of his 13 hits, good for a .650 batting average, and eight RBI. He raised his season aver-
age to .355. The second game was the closest of the series as ACU scored all eight of its runs in the final three innings, including one in the bottom of the eighth to win the game 8-7. Cure singled, stole second and scored when Ryan Barker reached base on an error to seal the win. While Saturday’s spectators saw more ACU offense, as the Wildcats won 13-1 and 9-5 while registering 27 more hits in the two games, Bonneau said the pitching performances on Saturday were what impressed him. “I thought our two best performances (on the mound) were from Maynard and Moore,” Bonneau said. “They gave us the sweep; those were the big games.” Ben Maynard gave up one run and three hits in a complete-game win in the first game, then Brandon Moore pitched six solid innings before See BASEBALL Page 9
Both ACU Wildcat tennis teams are ranked in the top 13 in the country based upon its recent performances. The men’s team is ranked No. 13 in the nation with an 11-7 record, while the women’s team – at 19-2 – is ranked No. 12. During spring break, the men’s team traveled to Georgia where they had the opportunity to face three NCAA Division II schools ranked in the top 12 in the nation. The Wildcats entered the road trip ranked No. 22 in the nation. “Our goal was to show that we were in the national picture,” said head coach Hutton Jones. ACU took a great step toward that goal with the first match of the road trip when they defeated No. 10 Georgia State 6-3 on March 7. Jones said the team remained competitive when it faced the No. 2 Valdosta State squad the next day, but weren’t able to close on some matches that would have given them a win, and the Wildcats fell 7-2. However, on March 9, ACU faced No. 10 Armstrong Atlantic State and fell flat with an 8-1 loss. Artin Tafazoli — the men’s No. 1 player — was the only Wildcat to win a match on the singles court. “It was a little disappointing,” Jones said. “We didn’t finish off as well as we would have liked.” After dropping two straight games to tough Division II schools, the Wildcats got a
taste of Columbia University — a Division I school — who swept ACU 9-0 on March 15. However, the team rebounded with a 5-4 win over Incarnate Word on Saturday in a match where Jones said the team overcame adversity and an ankle injury Tafazoli’s suffered to win the match. Tafazoli, who was leading in his singles match, severely sprained his ankle. Jones said that Tafazoli’s effort to stay in the game was amazing, but he was unable to win the match. At the time of the injury, Casper Steenkamp was down losing the first set to his opponent 6-1. In the second set Steenkamp was down 4-1, but when he learned of his teammate’s injury – Jones said it was like a light went off in Steenkamp’s head. Steenkamp came back to win the match, which fueled ACU to a victory over Incarnate Word. Jones said that the match against Incarnate Word is what the team should expect for the remainder of the season as they head to the conference, regional and possibly national tournament. “The guys have to show up to every match expecting it to be close, expecting a struggle, but expecting to win,” Jones said. The women’s team didn’t have a match for the entire spring break, and after an 11day layoff, the Wildcats jumped right back into the fire with a match against the University of Iowa. Jones said that the team was competitive, but their efforts came up short, and they fell 9-0. The loss was only the team’s second of the season with its only other loss coming to See TENNIS Page 9