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WEDNESDAY April 27, 2005


Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Abilene Christian University

Vol. 93, No. 52 1 section, 10 pages www.acuoptimist.com

Serving the ACU community since 1912

Jamming for justice:

Officials make plans for library addition:

Titles for tennis teams:

International Justice Mission raised money last week by sponsoring a concert. Page 3

A group of students is conducting research to gather faculty opinion about how best to renovate Brown Library and expand its resources. Page 4

The men and women were victorious in the Lone Star Conference Championships. Page 10

Former student acknowledges past plagiarism Townsel alleges U.N. ambassador nominee behaved ‘like madman’

now stands at the center of a national controversy over allegations she made against the nominee for United Nations ambassador, John Bolton. Melody Townsel, now a Dallas public relations executive, sent a letter to members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in early April asking it to block Bolton’s nom-


A former ACU student who once was removed from the Optimist staff for plagiarism

ination for U.N. ambassador. In her letter, Townsel accuses Bolton of chasing her through her Moscow hotel halls in 1994 and “behaving like a madman.” Townsel, who worked with U.S. Agency for International Development at the time, came to Moscow to complain about a company USAID had contracted — a

company Bolton then represented as private attorney. Ever since President Bush nominated Bolton to represent the United States in the United Nations in early March, Bolton’s temperament has come under attack by those who believe he is not fit to represent the United States in the United Nations. The Senate Foreign Rela-

tions Committee looked prepared to vote on Bolton’s nomination April 19. Some speculated Bolton would be approved 10-8 along a party-line vote, with Republicans supporting Bolton. However, after the committee heard Townsel’s allegations, Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, said he wanted more time to

Shaved ice helps beat spring heat

further investigate the allegations. This prompted Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. and chair of the committee, to postpone the vote until next month. “Townsel will be among the many people that the committee will interview before the vote on Bolton, which is schedSee TOWNSEL Page 5

Sexuality discussed in Chapel Faculty member, student address struggles with same-sex attraction By LORI BREDEMEYER MANAGING EDITOR

Two members of the ACU community are addressing homosexuality and relating their own experiences with same-sex attraction during the last two Thursday Chapels of the year. This Thursday, Dr. Sally Gary, assistant professor of communication, and Darren Curry, senior marketing major from Oklahoma City, will continue their discussion from last week about same-sex attraction and how they have struggled with and overcome it. Dr. Wayne Barnard, dean of Campus Life, said this is an issue that the Christian community no longer can ignore. See HOMOSEXUALITY Page 5

Job market Blogs offer students way to stay connected to benefit graduates EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Seth Tatom, senior at Abilene High School and employee at Cajun Cones on Judge Ely Boulevard, uses the ice machine to make a snowcone Tuesday afternoon.

Technology helps friends to stay in touch, news to travel around world By DANIELLE LINTHICUM STAFF WRITER

“I think this is my prime time, two in the morning. I’m often up, writing in something, my journal, this Xanga, or a paper that I’ve been putting off for weeks.” So begins a recent post on Brent Hines’ Web log or “blog.” “I really enjoy writing on my blog,” said Hines, sophomore international relations major from Belton. “I use it to talk to people, share plans or just spill my guts.” Blogs are online journals or

forums in which modern poets, philosophers, political commentators or bored college students are finding their voice and sharing it with the world. According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, univer-

blogs as a way to easily communicate with friends back home. Anyone can begin a blog on a Web site such as Xanga, Myspace, Blogspot or countless others. People use online journals for many things, from keeping in

“You don’t have someone staring at you while you reveal your innermost feelings, which makes it a lot easier to do.” Brian Bah, sophomore undecided major from McKinney

sity students are among the top users of blogs in the country, and ACU students are no exception. Many out-of-state students use

touch to expressing opinions, from inside jokes to poetry. At ACU, faculty and students alike use blogs regularly.

New SA officers appointed Development, financial, communication officers selected this week By JACI SCHNEIDER OPINION EDITOR

Students’ Association executive officers chose their administrative officers last Wednesday. Erin Dimas will be chief development officer, Valerie Hanneken will be chief communication officer, and Austin Brennen will be chief financial officer. Justin Scott, president of SA, said the executive officers looked at three factors when deciding whom to appoint. “You look at peoples’ skills for the position and their back-

grounds,” Scott said. “And how they would interact in the office, personality wise. “We also look at peoples’ schedules,” he said. Scott said he looks forward to working with the three new officers next semester. “They’re all very energetic people and really enthusiastic,” he said. Brennen, previously the representative for the College of Business Administration, ran unopposed for chief financial officer, and he said he looks forward to working with Tyler Cosgrove, executive treasure, Melanie Booker, executive vice president and Scott. He said he applied for the position because he wanted to be more involved in SA.

“I saw the ways SA could be improved and saw great things it was doing and wanted to be a part of that,” Brennen said. “Tyler and Justin have some great ideas about getting word out about student organization and events,” he said. “Lots of student groups need money, and I help them find different ways of getting that money.” Brennen said he hopes that student leaders can attend a conference in August that will teach how to write research grants to receive money. Dimas, former representative for the Zona Luce Building, said she also became interested in the position of chief development officer because of See SA Page 7

Keep in touch

“It’s a way for me to keep in touch,” said Bethany Stavros, freshman English major from San Diego, Calif. “You can e-mail everyone, but then you have to type in all the e-mail addresses, and it's pretty hard to get everyone together at the same time to instant message.” Kathryn Short, freshman psychology major from Ojai, Calif., uses livejournal.com, because her friends in California use it. Short and her friends keep each other updated on what is going on in their lives through Livejournal. “Mostly I write about how my college experience is going and what I like and don’t like about

Students graduating this year who dread what comes after the next two weeks of school can begin to look on the bright side. Statistics show that ACU students are finding jobs at the fastest rate in the past four years. “This is the best job market we have seen since Sept. 11,” said Matt Boisvert, director of Career and Academic Development. He said he can tell the market has grown

See BLOGS Page 7

See JOBS Page 7

Seniors can look forward to more opportunities for advancement By MALLORY SHERWOOD FEATURES EDITOR

Senior’s moment

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Landon Speights, senior management major from Missouri City, addresses the audience during Chapel featuring senior speakers on Monday.



Chapel Check-Up Credited Chapels to date: Credited Chapels remaining:

69 02

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Calendar&Events Wednesday

Chess Club game, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Campus Center. Freshman Formal sign-ups, 11 a.m.2 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows. Keeping your Computer a WellOiled Machine PC training for ACU employees, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Zellner Hall. Dedication of Administration Building Room 103 to honor the late Dr. Charles Trevathan, immediately after Chapel. Faculty/Staff Encouragement Cards, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Campus Center.



Faculty/Staff Encouragement Cards, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Campus Center.

Freshman Formal sign-ups, 11 a.m.2 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Shorts: The 2005 Studio Premiere Festival of 10-minute plays, 8 p.m., Culp Theatre

Faculty/Staff Encouragement Cards, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Campus Center.

Black Tulip open microphone poetry reading, 8 p.m., Shore Art Gallery.

Mac General Maintenance computer training class, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Zellner Hall.

AIDS ministry organizational meeting, 9 p.m., Bean Sprout.

International Spring Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Abilene Country Club.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes party, 9-10:45 p.m., Living Room.

Ocean’s Twelve showing, 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., Cullen Auditorium.


Shorts: The 2005 Studio Premiere Festival of 10-minute plays, 8 p.m., Culp Theatre.


Hello Book photo contest submission deadline. Purple Friday, 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Living Room.

Survival Kits pick-up, 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Survival Kits pick-up, 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Freshman Formal sign-ups, 11 a.m.2 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Shinnery Review sale, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Campus Center.

About This Page The Optimist maintains this calendar for the ACU community to keep track of local, social, academic and service opportunities. Groups may send announcements directly to optimist@jmc.acu.edu or to the Page 2 Editor, ACU Box 27892, Abilene, TX 79699.

To ensure that an item will appear on time, the announcement should be sent at least 10 days before. The Optimist may edit items for space and style. Corrections and clarifications of published news articles will be printed in this space in a timely manner.

ISA to celebrate end of year with banquet International student event will highlight graduating seniors By LAUREN WARE STUDENT REPORTER

International students can attend an end-of-the-year banquet Friday at the Abilene Country Club. International Student Services annually sponsors the International Spring Banquet. “It’s just kind of a year-end celebration,” said Laura Blake, coordinator for International Student Services. “It’s a neat opportunity for students to get dressed up, and it’s also a farewell to the graduating seniors. “Everyone is welcome not just international students.” Students will perform at the banquet, and new International Students’ Association officers will begin their terms

after the Changing of the Guard. “It’s one of the last chances we can all come together,” said Rachel Lau, sophomore photojournalism major from Penang, Malaysia. “We take lots and lots of pictures.” Blake said she expects about 200 students to attend as well as a few teachers and members of the community. “Dr. Money will be there,” Lau said. “It’s cool because not only international students go. People from other student groups go. It’s cool to get together all at once as an association.” Tickets are $15 and available in Room 128 in McKinzie Hall. Graduating international students can attend for free, and students who are performing get in for half price. E-mail Ware at: optimist@acu.edu

Freshman class formal, Civic Center.



Survival Kits pick-up, 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Shorts: The 2005 Studio Premiere Festival of 10-minute plays, 2 and 8 p.m., Culp Theatre.



Survival Kits pick-up, 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Campus Center ticket windows.

Announcements AWAKE 318, a new AIDS awareness and action ministry, will have an organizational meeting Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Bean Sprout, just to the right of the stage. For more information, contact Amanda Stough at ars03c@acu.edu, David Altuna at dma03d@acu.edu or Rachel Klick at rek00a@acu.edu. Students can nominate their parents for ACU’s Wildcat Parent(s) of the Year. ACU`s Parent(s) of the Year are recognized for the time and support given to ACU and their children. To nominate parents, students must complete the online form and write, in two pages or less, why he or she thinks his or her parent(s) should be ACU`s Parent(s) of the Year. All nominations must be received by May 6 at 5 p.m. University Events is beginning to organize students interested in participating in the 2005 Centennial Parade of Flags. Flags are assigned on firstcome basis. Reply to the office of University Events at Ext. 2632 or email universityevents@acu.edu.

Students should include name, email address and the flag he or she would like to carry. Students are invited to attend the International Spring Banquet at 6:30 p.m. April 29 at the Abilene Country Club. Tickets are $15 per person and should be purchased as soon as possible. For more information, please contact Laura Blake at laura.blake@acu.edu or Ext. 2821. Deadline for submissions to the Hello Book photo contest is April 29. All students may submit a vertical photo with the theme Triumphant. The winning photo will be published on the cover of the 2005-06 Hello Book. Photos may be dropped off at Don Morris Room 301, mailed to ACU Box 27892 or e-mailed as a .tiff or .jpeg file to christi. stark@acu.edu. For more information, call Ext. 2463. The Freshman class formal will take place April 29 at the Civic Center in downtown Abilene. The attendance fee is $25, which pays for a T-shirt, pictures, dinner and two games of putt-putt golf.

Police Log Monday 04/18/2005 9:30 a.m. Placed boot on vehicle in Williams Performing Arts Center lot for numerous citations and unable to identify owner. 10:15 a.m. Vehicle accident at Teague Special Events Center lot. 3:40 p.m. Alarm at Williams Performing Arts Center lot, all OK false alarm. 3:50 p.m. Fingerprint student at the station. 6:45 p.m. Assisted student with vehicle problem at East North 16th Street and Judge Ely Boulevard. Tuesday 4/19/2005 12:19 a.m. Escorted student from University Park Apartments to Campus Court. 12:45 a.m. Assisted motorist on Campus Center Road. 12:40 p.m. Criminal mischief report to vehicle at the station. 3:14 p.m. Criminal trespass warning given at McKinzie Residence Hall. 7:15 p.m. Vehicle accident in front of Powell Fitness Center. 8:30 a.m. Incomplete 911 at Zellner Hall; all OK, misdial. 9:50 p.m. Unlocked room at Zellner Hall; worker locked in. Wednesday 04/20/2005 1:28 a.m. Fire alarm at McKinzie Hall, all OK false alarm. Thursday 04/21/2005 1 a.m. Suspicious subject at Morris Hall lot; all OK. 3:15 p.m. Report of harassment at the station. 5:50 p.m. Theft report at Brown Library. 8:25 p.m. Report of elevator not

working at Campus Center. 911 at 8:56 p.m. Incomplete Zellner Hall Room 218; all OK, misdial. 9 p.m. Suspicious subject at Nelson Hall lot; checked, all OK. 11:45 p.m. Report of two students fighting at Edwards Hall, all OK. Friday 04/22/2005 3 a.m. Suspicious subject at Nelson Lot, took student back to Mabee Hall. 3:30 a.m. Contacted two Mabee Hall students on Campus Center Road, they were taken back to Mabee Hall. 10:35 a.m. Placed boot on vehicle in Brown Library lot for numerous citations and unable to identify owner. 12:50 p.m. Released property to student at the station. 7:30 p.m. Gave directions to visitor. 10 p.m. Traffic stop on Nelson Hall lot, for vehicle driving wrong way Saturday 04/23/2005 3:30 a.m. Noise violation at 600 Smith; all OK. 11 a.m. Special on Special Olympics at Elmer Gray Stadium. 10:10 p.m. Delivered emergency message at Williams Performing Arts Center. Sunday 04/24/2005 12:08 a.m. Report of loud party at 700 East North 12th Street; contacted resident. 12:50 a.m. Assisted motorist at East North 16th & Cedar Crest Center. 11:55 p.m. Checked welfare on student at Morris Hall, was located at computer lab.

Corrections • In Wednesday’s Page 4 story “ACU recognized worldwide for film,” the story included several inaccuracies regarding the awards. The Office of University and Alumni Relations and Creative Services won nine regional CASE awards in 2005. Later this year, it will receive two international CASE Circle of Excellence awards—a silver medal for “The Mission” Centennial film and a bronze medal for David Leeson’s

photography of the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana. ACU’s only other Circle of Excellence recognition in the past 20 years was for fundraising improvement and performance in 1999 and 2004. • In April 15th’s issue, the record of former head men’s basketball coach Klint Pleasant was incorrectly reported. He finished his career 33-48. The Optimist regrets the error.

Professors to attend Ohio conference Schedule includes lectures, tour of area’s agriculture By LAUREN WARE STUDENT REPORTER

Four professors from the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department will attend a national conference on agriculture in Ohio in June. The North American College Teachers of Agriculture annually organizes the conference, which was designed to encourage the highest level of teaching excellence, said Dr. Foy Mills, chair of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department and profes-

sor of agribusiness. “It just challenges you to think about teaching differently, so it’s been a great opportunity for us,” Mills said. Mills and three other professors — Dr. Bryan Brokaw, Dr. Jim Cooke and Dr. Kent Gallaher — of the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department will attend the conference. The professors will see lectures and presentations about new technology. The conference also includes a tour designed to familiarize the professors with the agriculture in the area. “It’s refreshing and reinvigorating and re-energizing to me,” Mills said. “It encourages me. The organization emphasis is on university

teaching so I learn something every time I go that I can bring back to a class.” Professors from ACU have presented research at the conference in the past, although Mills said none of the professors who are going will present this year. The organization has recognized ACU professors as fellow teachers and has also recognized the entire department, Mills said. “It is great recognition from a national organization of what is accomplished in the department,” Mills said. Brokaw, Bray Cook, professor of animal science, and Dr. Keith Justice, former chair of department, were involved in the creation of the organization 51 years ago. Today, about

150 public and private universities are members of the organization. “It’s a place where you get stimulated and new ideas for use in the class room,” Brokaw said. The conference is held in a different location each year, and next year will be in Victoria, British Colombia. “We live in a rapidly changing world, and the disciplines we teach here are changing just as rapidly as everything else,” Brokaw said. “There are things we do now we wouldn’t have thought of twenty years ago.” E-mail Ware at: optimist@acu.edu


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Page 3

Students jam for justice Hundreds attend concert during IJM Awareness Week

“When I first found out about IJM, I felt compelled to do something.” Andrea Gallman, junior social studies and education major from Sugar Land


BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Members of the blues band Smoky and the Second Set perform at Jam for Justice on Thursday in the Hilton Room. The concert was during International Justice Mission’s Awareness Week.

Galaxy remembers Goodwin Club raises more than $1,500 from 21st annual memorial run By SHELBI WATTEN STUDENT REPORTER

He greets the runners with a smile and discusses the weather with a complete stranger. Don Goodwin has been coming to the Kirk Goodwin Fun Run for 21 years. Kirk Goodwin, who passed away after a car accident in 1984, was his son. The men of Galaxy raised more than $1,500 at the Kirk Goodwin 5k run Saturday, said Justin Kincaid, junior sociology major from Falls Church, Va. Kincaid is a member of Galaxy and co-directed the run. Don and Peggy Goodwin were present this year, just as they have been every year since the run was established. The run originated to honor the death of their son Kirk, who was pledging Galaxy when he died. Though the Goodwins live 370 miles from Abilene in Conroe, the distance has not prevented them from attending

the race. “By coming here, it helps Peggy and I bear the tragedy of our son’s death,” Don Goodwin said. The money raised from the run benefits families of students who have been hospitalized by paying their medical bills, said Clark Chance, junior communication major from San Antonio and co-director of the race. “The purpose for having this is not only to honor Kirk but also to help other students,” said Don Goodwin. “We applaud the men of Galaxy.” Though about 70 people actually ran in the race, more than 200 shirts were sold at $10 to support the cause, Kincaid said. Registration for the run began at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning in front of the Administration Building. The actual run began at 9 a.m. The course began and ended in front of the Administration Building. Alumnus Derek Riedel and David Chandler, men’s and women’s cross country and distance track coach at McMurry University, won the race by completing in 17 minutes.

Riedel and Chandler ran together in college at McMurry University and also finished first together in the run last year. Jena Grimsley, junior social work major from Friona, finished first for the women with a time of 22:45. Members of Galaxy were stationed throughout the course wearing orange vests in order to direct runners and traffic. “This year, there were more people on the course,” Riedel said. “Last year we had trouble knowing where to go.” After the last runner crossed the finish line at 10:05 a.m., participants entered a drawing to win prizes like packages of Starbucks coffee, CDs and books. Though the race is over, the donation opportunity is not. Tshirts can be purchased in the ticket windows of the Campus Center or by contacting Kincaid at jrk02a@acu.edu or Chance at wcc02a@acu.edu.

E-mail Watten at: optimist@acu.edu

The International Justice Mission’s Awareness Week rocked last Thursday during the Jam For Justice fundraiser, which showcased seven bands. Members of the campus chapter of IJM sold refreshments and T-shirts and allowed students to donate money. Andrea Gallman, IJM cochair, said she didn’t count how many students attended but guessed about 200 people came and went throughout the event. “We expected people to be coming and going,” said Gallman, junior social studies and education major from Sugar Land. “Though, more people came than I expected.” Attendees could purchase 25-cent candy and refreshments. The students also sold IJM T-shirts during the concert, selling out within the first hour. “Shirt sales were huge,” Gallman said. “Between shirts and refreshments, we raised a lot of money.” More than $800 was raised from T-shirt and snack sales, as well as from donations. She said few people chose to write a donation check to IJM, but many donated in other ways, like giving $10 bills to buy a $5 T-shirt or a $1 when purchasing a less expensive candy bar. Clad in Scarlett, Winner’s Blues, Smoky & The Second

Set, Jennifer Fuentes, Death by Space Laser, At Fever Pitch and Homer Hiccolm & The Rocket Boys performed at the event. “It was good because we had a variety of styles represented,” Gallman said. “Not all one sound.” While many students stayed to listen to several bands, many expressed their interest in the final band— Homer Hiccolm & The Rocket Boys. Brandon Kinder, lead singer and guitarist for Homer Hiccolm, said they agreed to play at the event because it was for a good cause. “We wanted to bring in a lot of people to donate money,” said Kinder, senior history major from Memphis, Tenn. And they did. Vikki Chaffin, senior family consumer science major from Haslet, said she came to see Homer Hiccolm because her friends perform in the band. “I support the cause, but I’m here tonight to support my friends,” said Chaffin, who thought it was a fun event. Kim Craddock, freshman electronic media major from Atlanta, also said she attended the concert to see a friend play in Homer Hiccolm. Craddock said while the event didn’t raise her awareness about injustice, she did buy an IJM T-shirt.

“Whatever gets people there, “ Gallman said. “I hope they were interested enough to seek out more information. Now they know we exist. That’s how you get people involved.” IJM was developed in 1997 to respond to millions of instances of injustice and abuse around the world. The members help people who are suffering injustice and oppression but cannot rely on local authorities for relief. Jam For Justice was one of the many activities IJM sponsored during Awareness Week. IJM members set up a table in the Campus Center, giving out information and selling T-shirts and another in the Campus Store, highlighting books about justice issues. Concluding the week, IJM conducted the second annual Run For Justice on Saturday, using the donation and registration money to purchase legal assistance for victims of injustices. Gallman said she is involved with IJM because she is passionate about justice. “When I first found out about IJM, I felt compelled to do something,” said Gallman, who has been involved for three years. “I wanted to do whatever I could.” E-mail Stork at: las00f@acu.edu


Page 4

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Marketing group helps library officials in renovation plans Students research to prepare for addition of Library Commons By MARY TAN STAFF WRITER

The administration plans to remodel the first floor of Brown Library during the summer to open Library Commons by fall. Plans for the remodeled area include a coffee shop, a new reference desk, a writing center, a Team 55 station, a copy center and an area where students can meet in groups. “We wanted students to be able to get everything done in one place,” said Mark Tucker, dean of the library and information resources. Tucker is overseeing the project. “It could be an academic place that also builds relationships and community,” he said. Other plans for the library

include extending the operating hours and allowing food and drinks. Two different floor plans are being considered — the first retains the same floor space, but the second plan will cost more because the entrance doors to the library would be changed, and the entrance to the Adams Center for Teaching Excellence would be used instead, Tucker said. “We have to do some research and find out whether there are more students coming in from the parking lot behind the library or from the Campus Center,” he said. “Then we can decide which plan will be more suitable.” Students from a marketing and research class have been helping research before the decision can be made. Tiffany West, senior marketing major from Denver; Aaron Forehand, senior marketing

Streak-free with a squeegee

major from Ozona; and Allison Wright, senior marketing major from Spring Hill, Tenn., formed a marketing research group. They will survey a focus group of eight to 10 members of the faculty to find out what they want to see added to the library. The students work as part of a class taught by Ed

education and what would enhance their students’ academic experience.” Group members have written a marketing research proposal; they will present the information to Timmerman and Tucker for approval at the end of the semester. West said they decided to research the Library

“We want it to look lively and energetic; it feels flat right now.” Kitty Wasemiller, professor of art and design

Timmerman, professor of marketing. “Our goal is to figure out what the faculty likes,” West said. “People usually ask the students what they would like, but it’s the faculty who know what resources their students need in order to have a better

Commons because they liked the idea of doing something with a purpose. “If we’re going to put this much time and effort into the project, we want something useful to come out of it,” she said. The new area will be added

because administrators noticed a decline in the use of the library. “Other universities that have added the Library Commons noticed a spike in library attendance and have received a lot of positive feedback,” West said. During a meeting with other faculty members, Tucker said he wanted the area to “feel like home.” “It has to be warm and inviting, like a living room,” he said. Kitty Wasemiller, professor of art and design, highlighted some changes that could be made to the library. She mentioned new flooring and lighting that would encourage “destination places” for students who like sitting at their favorite spot. “We want it to look lively and energetic; it feels flat right now,” Wasemiller said. West, who will graduate in December, said she wishes the


BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

E-mail Tan at: mtt04b@acu.edu

Students’ focus to shift next semester “Focus is trying to preserve the family in America, Applicants await and that is something I feel strongly about.” acceptance into Focus on the Family Institute Jeremy Pond, sophomore journalism major from Wichita Falls

Jason White, sophomore biochemistry major from Abernathy and student worker for Physical Resources, washes the windows of the Campus Center on Tuesday.

Library Commons had been built earlier so she could enjoy it more. She and her group are looking forward to the completion of the project as the research has been more challenging than she expected. “It’s taken a lot more time than we thought it would take,” West said. “We all have big projects and things due as students, and trying to find time to get together and take on a project of this size isn’t easy.” However, West said she does not regret working on the project because it has proven to be a wealth of experience. “If I ever worked for a company, and they wanted me to go research something,” West said, “now I know how to do it because I’ve actually done it in real life.”

He registered for classes for the fall semester, but he does not want to take them. Jeremy Pond, sophomore journalism major from Wichita Falls, is anticipating his acceptance into the Focus on the Family Institute in Colorado Springs, Colo. If he is accepted, he will spend next fall at Focus on the Family, a program in which he has been anxious to participate since before he began college. “The family in America is dying,” Pond said. “Focus is trying to preserve the family in America, and that is something I feel really strongly about.” ACU recommends two students a semester to the Focus on the Family Institute and has

recommended Pond for the 2005 fall semester along with Anne Marie Cappadonna, sophomore elementary education major from Helotes. Pond said he has been interested in attending the instituted since he visited ACU as a prospective student. Before he was considered for the program, he had to go through the application process that required students to fill out an admission form as well as send references and a transcript. A panel of selected faculty at ACU interviewed the students who applied. After the panel chose which students to recommend, the students’ applications were forwarded to Focus on the Family. “Focus on the Family has

been complimentary of ACU students,” said Dr. Gary McCaleb, vice president of ACU. “The students we send don’t just meet the minimum requirements.” Eighty-eight students from universities around the country are selected to be a part of Focus on the Family for a semester. At the end of the semester, each student receives 15 credit hours from classes ranging in marriage and child affairs to a practicum, such as radio broadcasting, that may complement a student’s major. Brandi Magee, senior accounting and finance major from Abilene, and Crystal Garner, junior elementary education major from Plano, are spending this spring semester

at Focus on the Family. Both women said the experience has influenced their education. “Focus takes you very deep, very fast,” Magee said. “I am very thankful for the education that I am getting at ACU. I am thankful for the biblical foundations in the classes at ACU. What Focus has done is taught me how to actually use that knowledge.” Geoff Carroll, graduate student from Abilene, attended the program in the spring of 2003 and said he enjoyed the experience that might not have been possible in Abilene. “There is something to be said about getting out and experiencing a different city and different people,” Carroll said. “There is only so much you can get in a classroom in Abilene. Focus was so important to my spiritual formation and education.” E-mail Watten at: optimist@acu.edu

Employee gifts to organization grow Summer jobs available Campus departments recruiting students to work during break By EVAN BLACK STUDENT REPORTER

For most, summer is a time of relaxation and time away from ACU; for others, summer is a time of work. And for the students who will be spending their summer in Abilene, many on-campus job opportunities are available. Finding on-campus jobs will be much easier during the summer, said Dan Cramer, freshman management major from Arlington. Cramer, a student worker for Human Resources, said students have multiple ways to find available on-campus jobs. Students who are interested should pick up applications from Human Resources and deliver the completed application to the specific department, Cramer said. He also said there are more advantages of on-campus employment than disadvantages. “Experience is a major advantage,” Cramer said. “My position gives me a lot of first-hand experience for my management major.”

Positions are open at the Brown Library, said Elaine Huckabee, administrative coordinator for the Brown Library. She said students should explore their options based on more than just the size of the paycheck, which often begins at minimum wage. “There are some advantages that outweigh a little more pay,” she said. “The jobs in the library are easier to be flexible with schedules because we are open so many hours a week.” Kaela Latimer, senior elementary education major from Amarillo, is a student worker in the Honors Program Office, but she will be working off-campus at a children’s day care during the summer because the Honors Program Office does not have summer student workers. “I would definitely recommend on-campus jobs to anyone who can get them,” Latimer said. “The jobs are easy to fit in to your schedule. The only problem is that there just aren’t enough jobs to go around.” Students can view available jobs online at www.acu.edu/hr or visit Human Resources in the Administration Building. E-mail Black at: optimist@acu.edu

Faculty, staff contribute $38,000 to community through United Way By EMERALD MCGOWAN STUDENT REPORTER

Two hundred fifteen faculty and staff members contributed more than $38,000 to be invested in the Abilene community through the United Way of Abilene. Last fall, ACU participated in the United Way employee campaign. Each year, the money raised is distributed to nonprofit human service organizations in the Abilene area. Last fall showed a 13 percent increase in giving from employee donations, said Slade Sullivan, ACU Foundation attorney and United Way loan executive. Sullivan facilitated the United Way campaigns at ACU and several other local organizations, including Abilene Christian Schools and the West Texas Rehabilitation Center. On campus, he was aided by Kevin Roberts, who served as ACU employee campaign coordinator for United Way, John Tyson, who

serves on the United Way Board of Directors, and Jim Holmans, assistant to the president. “We worked hard to get the word out to faculty and staff about the campaign, and we encouraged them to make an investment in the community through United Way,” Sullivan said. “We’re really thankful for the response we received.” Donations were taken on campus and presented to

nesses, and also through contributions made by individuals, we are able to invest $1.2 million in the Abilene community in 2005,” Weathers said. “We have currently granted money to 41 different programs serving the Abilene area.” Organizations currently receiving funding from United Way include: the Salvation Army, the YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the American Red Cross. At the beginning of they

“I’m not sure why donations increased, but I’m really glad that they did.” Stephanie Weathers, United Way campaign director

United Way in December. “I’m not sure why donations increased, but I’m really glad that they did,” said Stephanie Weathers, United Way campaign director. “I know ACU is very community-minded and employs a large number of people who live in the community and want it to be the best place that it can be. “Through employee pledges from ACU and other area busi-

year, United Way forms five panels of community investment volunteers, who decide how to spend the money raised, said Amy Gerhardt, United Way community impact director. Volunteers make these decisions by participating in on-site visits to each of the applying programs, observing first-hand how the program works and what needs the program meets in the

Abilene community. They also attend presentations given by the agency in charge of each program where they can ask specific questions of representatives for that program. They meet together several times throughout the year to discuss the programs and decide where the money will go. In December, community investment volunteers make decisions on which programs United Way will sponsor in the following year. “We like to have the contributors help make the decisions about what is done with the money they raise,” said Gerhardt. “ACU is a large contributor to United Way, and we encourage their participation. This is their money at work.” United Way funds are granted to human-service programs on a yearly basis. At the end of the year, programs can reapply but are not guaranteed to receive funding. Anyone interested in United Way can call 677-1841 or go to their Web site at www. unitedwayabilene.org. E-mail McGowan at: optimist@acu.edu


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Page 5

Homosexuality: Taboo topic to be discussed further on campus Continued from Page 1 “I think for our students, for our university, for our churches, this is a very misunderstood topic about which people have very little education and very little awareness,” he said. “I think education about this topic is extremely important because it is skewed and out of perspective with other topics that are very similar.” Last Thursday was the first time Curry had openly talked about his struggles to such a large audience, and he said he wanted to be candid about his past to help others who have dealt or are dealing with the same feelings and isolation he felt. “I know that there are a lot of students here on campus who struggle with same-sex attraction,” he said. “It’s really been an issue that’s been taboo in the church—I felt so much condemnation all throughout junior high and high school because I knew that I couldn’t tell anybody in the church. That’s really backwards of how it should be—the church should be a place where people can go for healing.” Gary, who has spoken previously in Chapel about her

struggles, said much has changed since she was a student at the university 25 years ago, and she wants to help make it more of a place where all students can feel they have someone to talk to. “We have to remove the stigma that this is a sin above all sins because it’s not—it’s just a sin among sins,” she said. “Until we remove the stigma and make this a safe place, we will continue to have people say, ‘why are we talking about this.’ “As long as we keep it in the dark, keep it where the truth cannot shed light on that sin, we will continue to lose the battle. So that’s why we’ll talk about it.” This week in Chapel, Gary and Curry will talk about how Christians should reach out and react to those struggling with same-sex attraction, and from 7:30-9 p.m. in the lobby of Smith and Adams halls, they’ll lead a coffeehouse discussion and take students’ questions. Dr. Royce Money, president of the university, said he’s glad students are discussing homosexuality, regardless of those who think ACU as a Christian university should avoid the topic.

“They’re a bit out of touch with reality because this is a universal human struggle, and not ACU students are immune,” he said. “It is essential that we get in the discussion. … I think it is a great opportunity to present a compassionate but firm biblical view of homosexuality.” Mark Lewis, director of

sion not only has focused on same-sex attraction but also on other struggles in people’s lives. “It’s very easy for people to become judgmental and focus on folks who may have this struggle, and in the midst of that, overlook their own brokenness,” he said. “One of the things we’re wanting to help people realize is not only do we

“We have to remove the stigma that this is a sin above all sins because it’s not.” Sally Gary, assistant professor of communication

Spiritual Life and Student Ministries, and Kurt Boyland, counselor at the University Counseling Center, served as moderators during the Chapel discussion. Lewis is also adviser of the Spiritual Life Core that helps plan Thursday Chapels in Moody Coliseum, called 18:38 after John 18:38 where Pilate asks ‘What is truth?’ He said many students suggested the topic when they were surveyed in Chapel before spring break, and they also said they wanted real people representing the viewpoints. He said this discus-

want to talk about the issue of homosexuality, but we also want to talk about the brokenness and how all of us are broken, and all of us have our issues.” Gary said she had to work through her own brokenness to overcome her struggle. “I know for myself, the pain stemmed from the brokenness, and when the brokenness healed, then the same-sex attraction went away,” Gary said. “I would encourage people to examine the brokenness in their lives, and I know that I sure feel a whole lot better now

than I did 10 years ago. There’s a peace that I literally can’t put into words.” Gary and Boyland have led a support group for ACU students who are struggling with same-sex attraction for a couple of years, and Steve Rowlands, director of the counseling center, said he hopes students will know the counseling center is always open to them to discuss topics such as this. He said most universities have support groups for students who admit they’re homosexual, but he doesn’t know of any in Texas that offer support for those who want to overcome those feelings. He also said the counseling center doesn’t try to force those struggling to change but instead works with them in a professional and confidential setting. “We’re kind of different in that we don’t want to try to convert anybody,” he said, “but if as a Christian you’re struggling, and you don’t want this to be a part of your life, there’s a support group to help you. I think that’s totally different from most schools.” Addressing homosexuality on a Christian campus and embracing those who seek help can be difficult, Money said,

but he hopes the ACU community will continue the discussion. “Topics that people struggle with in their Christian walk should be discussed periodically rather than relegated to one particular time or place,” he said. “… It is difficult to know how to treat an individual in a situation like this—compassionately but firmly—but I think that’s what God calls us to do. We’re all sinners doing the best we can to follow God’s will.” Curry said ultimately, the goal of these discussions is to make students aware and show them it’s all about a relationship with God. “He longs for a relationship with us,” Curry said. “He’s not such a bad father that he would want to see his kids in bondage. He wants to see us walking in the abundant life that he has ordained for us to walk in. He’s got plans to prosper us and not to harm us and to give us a hope and future. Once we realize who we are, we can really start living the abundant life.”

E-mail Bredemeyer at: lmb00g@acu.edu

Townsel: Former student confesses Kiwanis to serve up pancakes Continued from Page 1 uled for May 12,” Andy Fisher, press secretary for Lugar, said in an e-mail. During her time at ACU in 1985, Townsel served as Tuesday News Editor of the Optimist. She plagiarized two columns word-for-word from the Dallas Morning News on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, 1985. Dr. Charles Marler, professor emeritus of journalism and mass communication and adviser of the Optimist in 1985, said Townsel Marler offered her resignation after being confronted with and confirming the charges. Her resignation included a letter in the Optimist apologizing for her actions. Townsel declined to comment to Optimist questions Monday night regarding the accounts of plagiarism. After the Optimist contacted Townsel on Monday night, a letter signed by Townsel was posted on a political Web log, the Daily Kos, late Monday

“I’ve worked hard my entire professional ... life to put my incredibly poor decisions ... behind me.” Melody Townsel, former student

night admitting to plagiarizing columns at one university. The letter also tells that months later, a review she wrote for another college newspaper closely followed the format of another writer. The letter said the review was not plagiarized, but Townsel and her editors mutually decided she would no longer write for the paper. Although the authenticity of the letter has not been determined, the letter appears to be written in response to her conversation with the Optimist on Monday night. “I’m deeply ashamed to be forced to revisit these events so publicly,” Townsel wrote in her letter. “As you judge me, please keep in mind that I was 21 years old when this happened. Today, at 42, I can state emphatically that I’ve worked hard my entire professional and personal life to put my incredibly poor decisions and actions behind me.” Townsel left ACU soon after

being removed from the Optimist to continue her undergraduate degree at the University of Texas at Arlington, where she worked for the student newspaper, the Shorthorn. Marler said he received a call from UT-Arlington several months after Townsel left ACU regarding another situation of plagiarism with Townsel. John Dycus, former adviser of the Shorthorn, recalled the event. “I remember Melody as being very bright,” said John Dycus, former adviser of the UT-Arlington Shorthorn when Townsel worked for the paper. “I remember thinking she didn’t have to do this. She was bright enough; her mechanics were good enough; her research skills were good enough. This wasn’t necessary.” E-mail Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu

Local group to raise money for community organizations

pate in a silent auction, a feature added four years ago. The club already has received about $7,000 worth of merchandise for the auction, including a barbecue grill that was custommade for the event, Brown said. “There are all kinds of items up for bid,” she said. “Local businesses generously donated items like gift certificates, jewelry and art.” A variety of professional

organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. She added the club expected to make about $25,000 to $30,000. “All the funds we make will go right back into the community,” Brown said. “Pancake Day is By MARY TAN STAFF WRITER our primary fundraiser.” The club began planning the Students can enjoy pancakes event in February and looks for and sausage, grab some coffee, ways to improve each year, listen to live music and bid for Brown said. They meet at noon novelty items, all in the name of every Wednesday at Briarstone charity. Manor, and A global fundBrown said raising organizaanyone can “There are people of all ages in the club. ... tion, the Kiwanis join. Club of Abilene “ T h e re Everybody should have the chance to serve.” will be conductare people Ricki Brown, publicity director of the Kiwanis Club Pancake Day ing its 56th annuof all ages al Pancake Day in the on Saturday at the c l u b , ” Abilene Civic Center from 8 musicians will also perform Brown said. “We have Circle K a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. country, gospel and jazz music clubs at the collegiate level that Tickets are $5 in advance or $6 at the event, Brown said. teaches community service and at the door. Children under the The club is expecting about leadership skills to college stuage of five accompanied by a 4,000 to 5,000 people to attend dents. Everybody should have paying adult enter for free. Pancake Day, which Brown calls the chance to serve.” The club’s 150 members will a “big social event.” Tickets for Pancake Day are be cooking the pancakes from “Our aim is primarily service available at the Abilene Civic scratch using batter donated to the community,” Brown said. Center, Abilene High School, from the International House of The club supports many Cooper High School, Wylie Pancakes, said Ricki Brown, a child-oriented clubs, such as Big High School or from any member of the Kiwanis Club Brothers Big Sisters, the Boys Kiwanis Club member. who handles Pancake Day pub- and Girls Club and the Daycare licity. Nursery of Abilene, but funds E-mail Tan at: Attendees also can partici- will also be donated to other mtt04b@acu.edu


Page 6

April 27, 2005

‘Optimist’ knows its place: reporting the news Relations Committee that contained allegations against the nominee for U.N. ambassador, John Bolton. Townsel alleged that in 1994, Bolton chased her through the halls of her hotel in Moscow, banged on her door and was “behaving like a madman.” As a college newspaper, the Optimist’s job is to report on important national issues and any local ties to the community. What better local tie than the fact that Townsel attended ACU in the mid-80s and worked for the Optimist staff? But it would have been irresponsible to ignore the fact that she was removed from the Optimist staff after it was discovered that she plagiarized two columns from the Dallas Morning News. Townsel’s letter — although its authenticity has not yet been confirmed — blames the Optimist’s and my political motives

As a news reporter, I have always maintained that my job should be about relaying pertinent news to the readers, not becoming part of the news. Then Monday, this line appeared in a letter posted on a politically liberal blog, the Daily Kos: “I have just Ask the received a phone Question call from a Jonathan Christian newsSmith paper reporter.” I was that reporter, and those words were written by Melody Townsel, who was confessing her past with plagiarism before my story could ever go public. Earlier this month Townsel, now a public relations executive in Dallas, wrote a letter to members of the Senate Foreign

me to ask if she would confirm events of plagiarism in her past and for her to say no comment—is unrealistic. Townsel’s story about her encounter with Bolton in 1994 deserves to be investigated fully. Her allegations certainly call into question Bolton’s temperament, which definitely would be tested as U.N. ambassador. The Optimist’s story regarding Townsel’s past record of dishonesty deserves to be considered as well. When a source, even a well-meaning whistle-blower, brings allegations that might or might not be able to be confirmed, that source puts her credibility on the line, and her credibility deserves to be tested. In researching this article, I have read both sides of the case on Bolton and opinions on Townsel’s allegations. I have read Townsel’s plagiarized columns in the Optimist, her resignation let-

If the Optimist is part of the Bush camp, our track record during this past election year betrays us. for pursuing this story. Townsel said she wanted to announce her past with plagiarism “before the Bush camp works its special brand of magic,” and “the Bush team is working overtime to destroy my life and business, telling and retelling the things I’m writing here.” If the Optimist is part of the Bush camp, our track record during this past election year betrays us. Not once did the Optimist editorial board endorse Bush’s re-election. Never have we endorsed John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. We have endorsed a Democrat for the U.S. House of Representatives and tackled some issues that might make the Bush administration cringe.

I chose to pursue the story after discussions with faculty members who saw Townsel’s allegations in the news and remembered her past with the university. Never once did we engage in conversations with anyone in the Bush administration, and to think that Bolton supporters would use a student newspaper in West Texas is paranoid at best. In her letter, Townsel seems to have forgotten that the Optimist is not a Christian newspaper, but a newspaper operating at a Christian university. There is a difference. To suggest she knows my motives for writing the story based on a twominute telephone interview— we talked only long enough for

Daniel Barcroft

In My Words

I’ve fallen in love with ABC’s keep me from becoming Extreme Makeover: Home Edi- involved in my church commution, a show that airs on Sunday nity. nights where a group of home I have let relationships slip designers select away—some that could have a family’s home been great and some that were to overhaul, or great at one time. I’ve spent countless dollars in in many cases, to rebuild from places and on things that are the ground up. irrelevant to life in the big The families scheme of things, and most of selected usual- all, I’ve put my relationship with ly have had God on the back burner. Kyle’s This is one of the last articles some pretty big obstacles to I will write for the Optimist. I Column overcome in don’t graduate until December, Kyle Robarts life. Whether it but my one-year requirement be illness, physical handicap or ends with the semester. Most of just poverty, the thing that sells my time has been spent covering the show to me is the individual and building relationships with stories of the families that are student athletes and coaches in about to have our athletics their lives programs, changed with a I’ve spent countless which I have thoroughly ennew home. dollars in places and joyed. More than I don’t write anything, howon things that are this piece as a ever, the show makes me irrelevant to life, and farewell to inthe stuthink about my I’ve put my relation- struct dent body the life. I don’t have millions of dol- ship with God on the dos and don’ts that my inlars to go out back burner. significant 22 and change the years of life have lives of needy families. I don’t taught me. I have the financial capabilities to write for me—as a reminder to set up college scholarship funds myself of what I should have for kids who wouldn’t go other- done during my time in school. wise, nor do I have the cash to For most of us, college is pay a lifetime’s supply of pre- where we break out from our scription drugs to a family con- parents’ household and live life stantly in and out of the hospital. on our own for the first time. It But even if I did, before I is our first test to explore the went out and tried to improve kinds of people we will become the lives of others, I feel like I in the future. need a transformation myself. I If I had to do it over again, I’d need an extreme makeover. try to do a better job of rememNo, I don’t need my modest bering who I was and how I was duplex off North 10th Street to raised. But more importantly, be torn down and built back up with every decision that I make, into something that conveys I remember whose I am and that what we see on MTV Cribs. he has risen. I need the Extreme MakeMy prayer is that in the next over: Soul Edition. few years, whatever life has in I’ve spent a lot of the past store for me, I will capitalize on four years being a poor steward the time, thoughts, money and of what I have been blessed efforts I have been blessed with, with. I’ve let a lot of unimpor- and use them in a way that glotant things get in the way of rifies him. what is pertinent. I’ve let laziness disturb schoolwork and Respond to Robarts at: class attendance. I’ve let pride kdr00c@acu.edu or optimist@acu.edu

between being responsible and being culpable.” God is definitely in charge of everything that happens to me, but I don’t think he has to be guilty, too. He can’t be culpable because he’s not doing anything wrong—it’s according to our rules and standards that we try to tell him what to do. Mostly, I’m mad because I do know that God has a plan, and the things that happen to me are not because God is glaring down at me from heaven saying, “There, take that!” Things just happen. It’s a part of life, whether I like it or not. Matthew 10:29 says, “Not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father knowing it.” I’m just mad that the sparrow has to fall.

Why is it that I still expect only good things and get upset when the bad things do come my way? once did I ask why. When I sat down to write this column, I didn’t want to depress anyone, and I didn’t want to make anyone upset. But a few paragraphs into writing, it all felt fake. Not that anything I was saying was untrue, but it wasn’t the thing I really wanted to say. What I want to say is I’m mad at God. I’m mad that the same God who creates all the good in the world doesn’t get credit for the bad. I’m mad that being a Christian doesn’t mean your blessings are handed to you on a silver platter. I’m mad that a God who sustains life also causes death. Maybe I’m giving God a little more credit than he deserves. Maybe, as Christians, we are all too willing to give God the

glory for the good things, when no one wants to thank him for the bad. Not once in the Bible does God say bad things will never happen to us. Why is it that I still expect only good things and become upset when the bad things do come my way? In serving God and living our lives for him, it’s often easy to think that God will somehow reciprocate and protect us from the evil of the world, which isn’t exactly true. We feel we deserve some sort of reward for being in tune with God and doing his will, when God never promises any such thing. God gives us rules to live by, and we unconsciously assign rules to him as well. A quote I once read in a book said, “There is a difference

Respond to Smith at: jvs02a@acu.edu or optimist@acu.edu

‘Extreme Makeover’ for college student

Graduation doesn’t give all answers When I first sat down to write this column, I wrote about the lack of preparation college gives me to handle the real world. I wrote about the things I wished someone had taught me in my last four years of education, and I wrote about how impractiSpecial Contributor cal it is to earn a degree withEmily out ever taking Chastain a class on the common sense part of life. All these things were true. All these things were humorous. And I wrote about them. What I didn’t write about were the issues I’m really struggling with. Nowhere did I write that I was angry, and nowhere did the word “death” appear. Nowhere did I address the issue of pain and suffering, and not

ter and the letter she just recently wrote to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Through all of that, an excerpt from one of the letters I’ve read sticks out in my mind above all else: “My ‘easy out’ cost me my job, and seriously damaged my reputation, my Christian influence, and possibly my future career. Not very ‘easy,’ was it? Remember this when you’re dealing with your own problems.” Remember those words, Melody. You should—you wrote them in your resignation letter to the editor in the Optimist on Oct. 5, 1985. I offer them to you now as your “easy out” again threatens your reputation. And in the end, when all the mud has been slung and all sides have been heard, we both should want the same thing: the truth.

Respond to Chastain at: optimist@acu.edu

In Your Words Are you going to have enough Chapel credits by the end of the semester? “Yes. I’m already there.”

John Walker junior Christian ministry major from Eugene, Ore.

“Yes. I only have to get 24 because I’m excused three days a week.”

“No. I stopped going to Chapel about two and half months ago. I hope my graduate school doesn’t care.”

Meredith Rothschild

Daniel Gambino

Joy Oelfke

Jud Howland

junior communication disorders major from Hendersonville, Tenn.

senior art education major from San Antonio

senior international studies and communication major from Houston

senior finance major from Amarillo

Editorial and letter policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Optimist Editorial Board and may not necessarily reflect the views of the university or its administration. Signed columns, cartoons and letters are the opinions of their creators and may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Optimist, its Editorial Board or the university. The Optimist encourages reader response through letters to the editor but reserves the right to limit frequent contributors

“Yes. I love Chapel.”

“Yes, but it’s going to be a close call.”

or to refuse to print letters containing personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, erroneous information or invasion of privacy. Please limit letters to 350 words or less. A name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published. Address letters to: ACU Box 27892 Abilene, TX 79699 E-mail letters to: optimist@acu.edu


The Optimist Editorial Board

Published by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Abilene Christian University

Editor in Chief

Opinion Editor

Arts Editor

Faculty Adviser

Jonathan Smith

Jaci Schneider

Sarah Carlson

Dr. Cheryl Bacon

Managing Editor

Copy Editor

Chief Photographer

Ad Manager

Lori Bredemeyer

Tiffany Williams

Brian Schmidt

Christi Stark

Optimist contact information Newsroom: (325) 674-2439

Sports desk: (325) 674-2684

Photo department: (325) 674-2499

Advertising office: (325) 674-2463

Subscriptions ($45/academic year): (325) 674-2296

Online: www.acuoptimist.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Page 7

Blogs: New technology trend keeps students in touch Continued from Page 1 Texas,” she said. Brian Bah, sophomore undecided major from McKinney, is currently studying abroad in Oxford, England; he posts updates and pictures to his journal on xanga.com regularly. “Xanga simplifies communication,” Bah said. “Instead of having a conversation with one person at a time through an email, instant messenger or even a telephone call, you are able to talk with as many people who visit your site.”

Old friends Many students begin writing online because of friends who blog, and it slowly grows into a network of friends and acquaintances. Bloggers often use a Web journal and find others who go to the same school, live in the same area or have the same interests through “blogrings” or “metros,” free services provided by the blog site to help people connect. “I think that blogs go a long way to keep people in touch with old friends,” said Valerie Morby, junior integrated marketing communication major from Katy. “We like to read about people’s lives.” Bloggers can often find old high school buddies and others through links in each other’s sites. Once a user subscribes to another’s site or joins a blogring or metro, other users can click

from that blog to another, along their way finding people they know or making new friends. “I’ve met five new people just this week through blogs,” Hines said. “There’s this guy across the hall from me, who I usually never talk to, but now through Xanga we talk all the time.”

Express yourself Many bloggers feel liberated by the anonymity of Web journals. “You can reveal as many personal tidbits about your life you want without a second thought because there is no direct communication with someone,” Bah said. “You don't have someone staring at you while you reveal your innermost feelings, which makes it a lot easier to do. Blogs are basically like a personal forum that allows more personal feelings and stories to take place.” David Chisholm, junior English major from Memphis, Tenn., uses his blog to share ideas and thoughts with friends. After a recent weekend trip to Ruidoso, N.M., he wrote: “Tonight I sat in a hot tub in the middle of the mountains in New Mexico and looked at the stars. I have decided that people do not look at the stars enough. And I think one of the main reasons is that you can't really see them in a city. But when you're in the mountains, they're amazing. “I really don't have a solution

to this problem. It would be extremely impractical to make people turn out all the lights in cities after a certain time at night. I think the best solution would be for people to go out in the country, the mountains or the ocean at least once a month, spend the night and look at the stars. I think that you will feel closer to God, nature and yourself.” Emily Vaughn, a senior elementary education major from North Richland Hills, said she mostly uses blogging as a fun diversion from serious work. “Honestly, I originally was

favorite songs onto their blogs.

Bloggers nationwide More than eight million U.S. adults say they have created a blog or Web journal, according to data collected by the Pew Internet and American Life Project; 48 percent of those bloggers are younger than 30years-old, and 39 percent at least have college degrees. Even more people read blogs than write. According to Pew Internet, 58 percent of Internet users regularly visit and read online journals, to keep up with

“Now it’s kind of cool to look back at my old posts and see ... what I was doing a year ago.” Brent Hines, sophomore international relations major from Belton

one of those people who kind of thought blogging was nerdy,” Vaughn said. “I personally think that it shouldn't be used to spill your whole life story because you never know who is going to read it. I use it as a place to write about non-serious, random and fun stuff, and it is fun to read my friends’ pages as well.” Students are also attracted to Web sites like Xanga because they provide a chance to share some of their unique personality through the patterns, designs and colors on the site. Users can post pictures, links to favorite Web sites and even snippets of

friends or to read political or other commentary, such as that found on Little Green Footballs (www.littlegreenfootballs.com) or the Drudge Report. (www.drudgereport.com) Dr. Neal Coates, assistant professor of political science, said he believes blogging is a good thing, as long as it does not take up too much time. “It’s somewhat of a fad,” he said. “But I think that it’s a great thing because it allows people to freely express their First Amendment rights on any subject.” Coates said he enjoys reading reliable news and political blogs

based on the number of companies that want to interview on campus and from the volume of jobs they have received in the past few months. More than 300 jobs are listed on CareerLink, a program designed to connect students to alumni seeking graduates or interns. On the Web site, students can post their résumé, search through the jobs listed, search employer’s profiles and conduct research on potential employers, companies and positions on an online career resource library called Vault. Dr. Cheryl Bacon, chair of the Journalism and Mass Communication Department, agreed the market is growing. “What I have seen is good,” Bacon said. “I don’t know that every single person who is seeking employment has found it yet, but I know that one senior has had multiple offers, and that’s usually an indication that there are jobs out there.” Dr. David Wray, chair of the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry said the job market is expanding for students in his department. He said after the economy slowed, churches began to “tighten up their belts” and were not hiring for as many positions. Because the economy has improved, churches are beginning to call the university to pursue recent graduates. Wray said the undergraduates in his department generally seek either a youth and family ministry degree or go on to get a master’s degree so they can preach. This year the department will watch 60 students graduate.

Boisvert said students seeking employment after graduation are likely to find it. He said three months after graduation, 80 percent of graduates will have found a job, and after six months the percent will have risen to about 90 percent. After one year, at least 99 percent will have found a job. He said CareerLink allows students to find out how alumni are using their degree, and it also allows students to learn about their skills through researching their degree. CareerLink also teaches students how to write a résumé and a cover letter. One way to find jobs is through networking and preparing, which CareerLink helps with, Boisvert said. “The name Boisvert of the game is networking,” Boisvert said. “Close to 80 percent of all jobs come from knowing someone. Use the resources you have here at ACU, use your faculty resources, use your alumni resources, use your family contacts, church contacts, use your friends. ACU alumni are always willing to help out students.” Bacon agreed that networking is one of the most valuable resources. “The best resource is people you know,” Bacon said. “Not just people you know who have the ability to hire you either. Just let people know you are looking. There are lots of other resources online, but there is no substitute for talking to everyone you know.” Another form of networking students can use is

through internships. “All of our students are required to do internships between their junior and senior year, but most of our students do an internship between each summer,” Wray said. “I read the other day that 70-75 percent of all hires are because of internships.” Students who have interned somewhere they liked should apply for a job because often their name will rise to the top because employers are already familiar with the character of that person, Wray said. “I tell students not to assume that they have to go to Dallas to find a job,” Bacon said. “There are lots of other great places in the world to live. Think about all the things about where you want to live, think about proximity to your family and personal support, church and ministry options, a city with a culture you feel comfortable in or want to learn about and about commuting costs.” Students can also look to their mentors and professors as a resource. “At senior blessing in our department, we tell our graduates that we are no longer your teachers but your colleagues and your friends, and we are resources to you,” Wray said. “Once one graduates from here this partnership continues on.” “If you don’t have a job, and you’re in panic mode, we can help,” Boisvert said. “We can’t guarantee you a job right away, but we are here to serve the students. We’ll help you get connected to who can give you a job.”

E-mail Sherwood at: mes02e@acu.edu

International Blogs Janine Morgan, assistant professor of Bible, missions and ministry and assistant director of the Oxford Study Abroad Program, said she blogs to keep up with her daughters, who attend ACU, and other students. Morgan’s daughter agrees. “Sometimes I don’t have time

to e-mail, so it’s great to get to just leave a quick comment for her or vice versa,” said Lara Morgan, freshman English major from Fullerton, Calif. “Xanga is a great way to keep in touch with her.” Hines said he first began blogging when he went to New Zealand for an internship. “It was a great way to let people know what was going on and what I was doing,” Hines said. “And now it’s kind of cool to look back on my old posts and see where I was and what I was doing a year ago.” Blogging is an important communication tool, and ACU students make good use of it, even when it is just to tell friends about a good day, as Hines does in his blog entry. “Let me just tell you all that today is wonderful. I'm sitting here looking out the window on yet another incredibly beautiful day and listening to one of my favorite CDs of all time. I'm definitely having one of those days where you think about how great your life really is and great it's going to be. I mean, come on. I'm going to a university I love. I'm learning about things that I think are really, really cool. I have so many amazing opportunities all around me. And especially, I have amazing people around me every day. Life is good, and that's because God is good.” E-mail Linthicum at: del01a@acu.edu

Passing notes

Jobs: Students search for employment Continued from Page 1

because they offer a take on current events that cannot be found in the mass media. “Citizens should be concerned and involved in what’s going on in the world today,” he said. “Each of us has a little bit of a detective in us, and it’s good to use the tools that we have to find the truth.” Other professors use blogs as relational tools as well. Mike Cope, instructor of Bible, missions and ministry and preacher at Highland Church of Christ, keeps a blog that he updates almost daily; many of his students and colleagues read his blog. Cope said the support of people through his blog was overwhelming in the wake of the automobile accident that injured Cope’s son on Interstate 20 on Jan. 19; more than 200 friends and supporters left comments on his blog. “There is a community that gathers around the blog,” he said. “Within hours of the accident, there were notes posted from all over the United States and six continents.”

EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Meredith Rothschild, junior communication disorders major from Hendersonville, Tenn., writes a note of encouragement to one of her teachers in the Campus Center on Tuesday.

SA: New officers energetic about year Continued from Page 1 her involvement with SA this year. “I felt that I was qualified, and I wanted to take on more responsibility,” she said. As CDO, Dimas will be the liaison between Congress and the executive officers and will communicate between SA and

university administrators. “I’m looking forward to making senators and representatives as capable as possible in holding the positions they have run for,” Dimas said. Hanneken said because she is a public relations major, she wants to use her talents in SA as CCO. She said she would like to see more communication

open up between students and SA. “I’m looking forward to taking more of a leadership role,” Hanneken said, “and working with a great group of people who really want to help out the student body.” E-mail Schneider at: jrs02a@acu.edu


Page 8

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bible professor to go to summer seminar in Rome Dr. Wendell Willis one of 65 professors chosen to attend By RACHEL LAU PAGE DESIGNER

Dr. Wendell Willis, associate professor of Bible, missions and ministry, will attend a summer seminar in Rome on the topic of “Roman Religion in its Cultural Context” from June 27 to August 5 at the American Institute for Roman Culture. The seminar is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, a grantmaking organization in the

United States that supports research, education and public programs. Willis is one of 65 university professors who applied to attend and the only one who was chosen from ACU. Willis said he was surprised when he was notified the last week of March that he was chosen to attend the seminar because he was turned down four years ago. He said he is most excited about what he will learn about ancient Roman culture. “I love to travel, and I’ve read a lot about [these topics]; now I’ll actually get to see them,” he said. “I’ve only had an experiential knowledge about these things, not a spir-

Centennial year opens with early celebration Evening covenant service planned night before classes begin By TIFFANY WILLIAMS COPY EDITOR

Organizers on the Centennial Committee are planning a covenant service for the beginning of the centennial school year. The event will be a time for students, faculty and staff to re-establish the university’s purpose through praise and worship, said Dr. Cheryl Bacon, chair of the DeparBacon tment of Journalism and Mass Communication. “As we begin a year to celebrate the centennial, it is a time of looking back,” she said. “It will also be a time of looking forward. We want it to be a kick off for another couple of years. “It is designed to be a time of reconnecting with each other and reaffirming the university’s mission to the Lord.” She said the covenant service, which will be in Moody Coliseum, is probably

unlike any event at the university before. It will be the evening of Aug. 21, the Sunday before school begins. Bacon said faculty and staff on the Spiritual Reaffirmation Committee developed the idea for the covenant service. “We wanted to start the year with something more than just the opening Chapel as sort of a time for us to reconnect to some of the principles and values ACU was founded on,” said Sharon Rankin, instructor of English and member of the Centennial Committee. Rankin said she works on the Spiritual Reaffirmation Committee and helps advertise for events during the centennial year through the advertising subcommittee. She said the group has sent letters to faculty and staff letting them know about the event. Other advertising will take place in the summer months. The purpose of the event is to help students, faculty and staff “refocus on the next century and get our priorities back in our minds,” Rankin said.

E-mail Williams at: tnt00b@acu.edu

Black Tulip Poetry reading Thursday ‘Shinnery Review,’ CAB sponsor event in Shore Art Gallery

many people participated. “Last year, I read a couple of my poems and some other famous people’s poems,” she said. “Even if you don’t think you are a poetry type of person, just come — it’s just a By DANIÈLE NTAHONKIRIYE STUDENT REPORTER neat experience.” Jackson said during the The Campus Activities event, poetry readings will be Board and the Shinnery based on the order on the Review are sponsoring this sign-up sheets. year’s Black Tulip Poetry Jonathan Wood, sophonight at 8 p.m. Thursday in more youth and family minthe Shore Art Gallery. No reg- istry major from Devine, said istration is he might required for attend the p e r f o r m e r s “Even if you don’t think Black Tulip before the Poetry night you are a poetry per- to listen to event. K a y l a son, just come—it’s just others’ readAnderson, ings. sophomore “When I a neat experience.” English major think of pofrom Waco Megan Jackson, senior English and etry, I think and coordinaabout rosociology major from Dallas tor of the mance,” Black Tulip Wood said. Poetry night, said the show “It is a type of literature that will have an open mic, and is associated with romance anyone can perform. the most. It also gives everyAt the poetry night, the body the same feelings as any 2005 Shinnery Review will be other piece of literature — it on sale for $4. makes them laugh, cry, angry, Megan Jackson, senior thankful, and so on.” English and sociology major He said he expects to hear from Dallas and coordinator a lot of insightful thoughts on of the Black Tulip Poetry the subject of life. night, invites students to “I’m looking forward to attend this fun night with free having an awesome time, cheesecake and coffee. hanging out with my friends “It’s just a fun time to and eating a whole bunch of come and read what other cheesecake,” Wood said. people have written or read yourself,” she said. “We’ll have a band that will be playing, so it will be a lot of fun.” Jackson performed at the E-mail Ntahonkiriye at: last poetry night, and said optimist@acu.edu

itual knowledge.” While in Rome, he plans to visit archaeological sites, including areas forbidden to tourists. He will also visit ancient buildings and the earliest churches, which he said

and an honors-level civilization class. At the seminar, each attendee will conduct a research project on a topic of their choice. Willis said he plans to conduct about how non-

“I love to travel, and I’ve read a lot about these topics; now I’ll actually see them.” Dr. Wendell Willis, associate professor of Bible, missions and ministry

were built in Rome. Willis said the knowledge he will gain from the seminar will enrich the classes he currently teaches at ACU— undergraduate Bible classes

Christians in the first century criticized Christians for making converts. “The Roman world sees religion as your culture,” he said. “They think you lose

your culture when you convert.” At the seminar, Willis will receive opportunities to communicate with and learn from the other professors who specialize in a broad variety of topics ranging from the arts and literature to political science and cultural anthropology. Each professor will organize discussions on their specialized fields throughout the seminar while conducting their research. Willis will be able to travel to various places on the weekends with his wife Sandra, who will be with him throughout the six-week seminar. Sandra Willis, adjunct pro-

fessor of art, said she is excited to see the artwork in Rome. “It’s always exciting to see the art I’ve always seen in pictures in person,” Sandra Willis said. The NEH offers opportunities like this one in Rome every year for teachers in different cities around the United States and the world. Those who apply and are chosen receive a scholarship to help them afford to attend the seminars. For more information, visit the NEH Web site at www.neh.fed.us/projects/index.h tml.

E-mail Lau at: rhl02a@acu.edu

Ninety-nine glasses from marketing class for sale

EMILY CHASTAIN/Staff Photographer

Rick Crain, junior management major from Fort Worth, and Blake Dozier, sophomore physics major from Buffalo Gap, sell ACU glasses in the Campus Center on Tuesday as part of their business project to raise money to benefit Wildcat Kids.

Resources available after graduation Students can use library, e-mail accounts for limited time By CIANA HARDWICK STUDENT REPORTER

Seniors will still have a year of free access to the Brown Library and at least six months to continue using their university e-mail accounts after they graduate. After this time, library access can be renewed, but e-mail access cannot. Once seniors graduate, their status in the computer system changes to become “no longer active students,” said Hannah Kemp, student worker for Team 55. However, they can continue using my.ACU, including e-mail and Banner, until their names and records are delet-

ed from the system, said Kemp, senior English major from Abilene. The process takes at least six months, she said. Many students want to continue using their e-mail accounts after graduation, and occasionally, a few complain after they are deleted, but the process is unavoidable, Kemp said. Kemp, who will graduate at the end of the semester, said she plans to stop using her ACU e-mail address quickly after graduation. She said she already has other email accounts, and she will make one of those her main account. Graduating seniors with further questions about their university e-mail accounts can contact Team 55 at Ext. 5555. Brown Library access for recent graduates is on a more

exact schedule. Alumni have one year of free access after graduation, said Amy O’Neal, student worker at the Brown Library circulation desk. During the year, alumni can check out books from any library in the Abilene Library Consortium, which includes the Abilene Public Library and the libraries of ACU, Hardin-Simmons University, McMurry University and Howard Payne University. After the year is finished, alumni can renew their subscriptions for $25 a year to use any library in the consortium, said O’Neal, senior social work major from Annville, Penn. For a less expensive option, alumni can renew their library subscriptions with the Abilene Public Library, which is free for Taylor county residents and only $10 a year for non-

Taylor county residents, according to the APL Web site. With this subscription, access is unlimited for books in the APL, but restrictions are placed on books at the universities, said a library assistant at the APL circulation desk. APL cardholders can check out a maximum of two books at a time from a university, the library assistant said. After the completion of the fall semester, graduates will not have access to any residence halls or buildings, said Scott McBryde, administrative coordinator of Residence Life Education and Housing Office.

E-mail Hardwick at: optimist@acu.edu

‘CSI: Abilene’ arrives on campus this fall Biology Department to offer new course for Honors students By SARAH SCHAEFER STUDENT REPORTER

Dr. Autumn Sutherlin will be teaching a new Honors Program colloquium, titled “CSI: Abilene,” next fall. Sutherlin, assistant professor of biochemistry, will teach the class for five weeks as a weekend course. In order to prepare for the class, Sutherlin, along with 15 other professors Sutherlin from around the nation, will take a weeklong course in June at Williams College in

Williamston, Mass. Sutherlin will learn how to process a crime scene, investigate DNA prints and DNA analysis, test for drugs, alcohol and trace evidence. Sutherlin will even take a trip to the New York City crime lab. In order to participate in

be redundant,” said Dr. Chris Willerton, head of the Honors Program. “This class is for people who naturally don’t know all the details but who have a curiosity to get out of their comfort zone. We are looking for students who are willing to take a risk.” Patrick Leech, sophomore

“We are looking for students who are willing to take a risk.” Dr. Chris Willerton, director of the Honors Program

the workshop, Sutherlin had to apply through the National Science Foundation, which is hosting the workshop. Although a science-based course, the colloquium is restricted to non-science majors only. “For most science majors, some of this information will

history major from Tuscola, is currently enrolled in the class. “I am fascinated by science and figuring out problems,” Leech said. “I am taking the class for educational edification.” The class will be similar to the CBS show, CSI: Crime

Scene Investigation. Many students may consider taking the class because of the show or one of the show’s many spinoffs, said Sutherlin, a fan of the television series.. “It is a popular subject,” she said. “Students are so interested because they watch the show.” Sutherlin said she considered pursuing forensics after graduate school but changed her mind because of the graphic nature of forensics. The class will not be too graphic and will mainly cover the logistics of crime scene investigation, Sutherlin said. “Most of the stuff we are doing is chemical-based, such as finger prints,” Sutherlin said. “I’m all about avoiding the dead things.”

E-mail Schaefer at: optimist@acu.edu


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Page 9

Track: More qualify for May nationals Continued from Page 10

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Sophomore pole vaulter Angie Aguilar clears the bar in the Lone Star Conference Championships in San Angelo on Saturday. Aguilar cleared a height of 12-5 to win the event. Her teammates Val Gorter and Katie Eckley won second and third places, respectively. Women’s track failed to grab the LSC title this year but took second place at the championship. A handful of track and field members will travel to Philadelphia this weekend to compete at the Penn Relay Carnival.

The 4x100-meter ran 40.55, an improved provisional time, while the 4x400-meter relay team won its race in 3:09.89. Freshman Vladyslav Gorbenko won the men’s triple jump with a provisional mark of 48-11, followed by Yevgen Pashchenko in second place (48-4 _). In the women’s 3,000meter steeplechase, freshman Trina Cox beat out teammate Olha Kryv’yak (10:45.48) to win the event in a conference and track Cox record time of 10:43.99. Cox and Kryv’yak already qualified automatically for the national meet in the event. Freshman D e n i s e Morgan placed Morgan first in the 800-meter run (2:15.25), followed by Kryv’yak in second place (2:16.27). Addeh Mwamba, who leads the nation in the 800-meter run, was disqualified for stepping out of her lane too early, but followed up the disappointment by leading an ACU sweep in the 3,000-meter run (10:11.85). Mwamba won the race, followed by Cox (10:13.16) and Kryv’yak (10:51.94). Cox also won the 5,000-meter run in 17:45.93, a provisional qualifying time. The Mwamba-Kryv’yak show continued in the 1,500-meter run, as the duo went 1-2 in the race (4:43.83 and 4:48.85, respectively). Jessica Hunt was a doublewinner for the women’s team, winning the 100- and 200meter dashes in 12.01 and 24.64, respectively. Keva

Tennis: Teams to host regional tournaments Continued from Page 10 ACU during doubles play with Holly Lindloff and Lana Pavlin teaming up for the only victory for ACU on court No. 2. Heading into singles play, the Wildcats needed to win four out of the Lindloff six singles matches to come back and win the conference title. Summer Beesley, Ashley Caperton, Holly Lindloff and Meagan Brown all answered the call with victories, and ACU took the match 5-3. The win gave the women

Wilkins won the 400-meter dash in 55.69. ACU once again swept the women’s pole vault, led by Angie Aguilar’s 12-5 performance. Senior Val Gorter also cleared 12-5 to finish second, followed by Katie Eckley’s 1111. The Wildcat trio will be a force at nationals if the women can remain healthy and vaulting well. Transfer Shawna-Kaye Thompson, who would have been a top contender for the 100-meter hurdles title, did not compete because of an injury she sustained last week.

ACU picked up points from the women’s relay teams, however, as the 4x100- and 4x400meter relay teams placed first and third, respectively. Friday and Saturday, Murray will take a handful of athletes to the prestigious Penn Relay Carnival in Philadelphia, while the rest of the team rests or lightly trains at home. “We’re really tired after this weekend,” he said. E-mail Holt at: smh00a@acu.edu

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Nicodemus Naimadu and Laurant Ngirakamaro run the 5,000-meter side-by-side in the Lone Star Conference Championships last weekend. Naimadu pulled away and won with a time of 14:29.56, while Ngirakamaro took second with a time of 14:50.53.

Baseball: Men prepare for final series of LSC

their fourth LSC title in the past six years and improved their season record to 29-5. Twenty-nine wins matches a school record, and one win in the Central Region final May 5-6 will give them a record 30 wins. Both the men and the Pavlin w o m e n should be in line to host their respective regional tournaments in an attempt to reach the national tournament May 11-14 in Orlando, Fla.

Continued from Page 10 up seven runs in the fifth inning to push past the Javelinas. Ben Maynard allowed just five hits in seven innings to improve to 9-1 on the year. After losing the second game, Moore the Wildcats got two more solid pitching performances from Brandon Moore (8-0) and Justin Whitlock (5-3). The Wildcats jumped out to an 8-0 lead in Saturday’s first game and held on from there. After Kingsville came

E-mail Robarts at: kdr00c@acu.edu

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Junior Casper Steenkamp slams the ball back to Midwestern Indian opponents in his doubles match with teammate Jason Ray on Friday. Steenkamp and Ray won the match against the Indians 9-8, helping the men’s team to a Lone Star Conference title.

back with five unanswered runs, ACU added four in the ninth inning to put the game away. In the final game of the series, the Wildcats once again put the game away late, this time with a three-run s e v e n t h inning. Whitlock T h e Wildcats begin their final series of the regular season on Friday against Eastern New Mexico. E-mail Gray at: weg02a@acu.edu


Page 10

ACU dominates LSC Championships

LSC South Standings current through 04-25-05

Baseball Team ACU Angelo State E. New Mexico A&M-Kingsville Tarleton State West Texas A&M

Div. 13-3 10-6 9-7 8-8 6-10 2-14

Tot. 38-13 28-22 25-23 31-19 22-30 14-37

Softball Team Angelo State ACU Tarleton State A&M-Kingsville Texas Woman’s E. New Mexico

Div. 15-5 13-7 12-8 11-9 6-14 3-17

April 27, 2005

Tot. 43-14 30-20 24-21 30-26 21-25 20-29

Scores Thursday SB: LSC: Southeastern Oklahoma 5, ACU 4 Friday SB: Midwestern 4, ACU 3 BSB: ACU 19, A&M Kingsville 7 A&M Kingsville 8, ACU 3 Saturday BSB: ACU 12, A&M Kingsville 5 ACU 8, A&M Kingsville 3

Upcoming events in Wildcat sports... (home events in italics) Friday, April 29 BSB: Eastern New Mexico, 3 p.m. TK: Penn Relays Carnival Saturday, April 30 BSB: Eastern New Mexico, noon TK: Penn Relays Carnival

Tennis teams beat Midwestern Indians to win LSC titles By KYLE ROBARTS SPORTS WRITER

On Friday, two groups of Wildcats and two sets of Indians took the courts at Eager Tennis Pavilion, and in the end, the Wildcats clawed their way to a pair of Lone Star Conference Championships. The men’s team’s 5-4 victory over Midwestern State gave them their fourthstraight title, while the women’s team captured their second conTafazoli s e c u t i v e crown with a 5-3 win over Midwestern. The men rolled over C e n t r a l Oklahoma 5-0 on Friday after a first round bye before Beedy taking on the Indians in the finals. On the doubles court, Kevin Beedy and Artin Tafazoli won on court three 86, while George Carstens and Evan Puglia fell on court two 8-2. Tied at 1-1, it was up to Jason Ray and Casper Steenkamp on the No. 1 doubles court to give the team a 2-1 edge going into singles play. Steenkamp and Ray edged the Indians 9-8 in a back-and-forth match that went on minutes after courts two and three were finished. Tafazoli picked up a singles victory, but Steenkamp,

Carstens and Puglia fell to their opponents giving Midwestern a 4-3 edge and needing just one win on the final two courts remaining to strip the defending champions. However, Beedy won 6-3, 7-6 to even the score at four, which left Ray all alone as the deciding factor. Ray answered, much like he did with the help of Steenkamp in doubles, winning in three sets 6-3, 6-7, 6-4. Head coach Hutton Jones said he was proud of the way Ray has progressed since suffering a wrist injury earlier in the season. “It was big that he was able to feel good about his game and playing in the deciding match will give him the confidence he needs to get ready to go for regionals,” Jones said. Jones was glad for the 5-4 victory, but felt that the team let it get a little too close. “I’d almost rather be down in doubles if it means that we’ll have six guys with their backs to the wall in singles,” Jones said. “We’ve got to play a little better when we’re up and have that same sense of urgency that we have when we’re down.” The women’s bracket didn’t allow for a bye as the No. 1 seed, so it took the Wildcats two matches before reaching the finals Friday. The women’s team also swept Central Oklahoma 5-0 in the quarterfinals before defeating Cameron 5-1. The Lady Indians were an underestimated team Jones said and beat Northeastern State who was ranked No. 2 in the Central Region 5-2. Midwestern then moved on BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer to take an early 2-1 lead on Senior Jason Ray hits the ball back to Midwestern players Gene Ligeon and Rohan Williams in his doubles match with teammate Casper Steenkamp at Eager Tennis Pavilion on Friday. Ray later became the See TENNIS Page 9 deciding factor of the men’s tournament victory and won his match to gain the men’s LSC title.

Baseball strengthens first-place lead in LSC

Track wins first, second in LSC Men win 12th straight title, women second behind Angelo State By STEVE HOLT SPORTS WRITER

For the second year in a row, ACU was unable to sweep the Lone Star Conference Track and Field titles, which were up for grabs Friday and Saturday in San Angelo. The men’s team won its 12th straight LSC title behind 12 first-place finishes, while the women’s team placed second to Angelo State, which finished with a dominating 243 points. Before finishing one point behind ASU at last year’s LSC meet, the ACU women had won 20 consecutive conference titles. Their 227 points were not enough to match ASU’s depth in the running events last weekend, however. “It’s a big disappointment to myself and the ladies,” head coach Jon Murray said. “We had a few injuries and a little bit of bad luck, and they got by us this year. I’d say it’s still the exception rather than the rule.” In total, 12 men and 8 women posted new or improved qualifying marks for the NCAA Division II Track and Field Meet, which will take place May 26-28 at ACU’s Elmer Gray Stadium. The men were dominant in the running events, picking up several wins in the field events as well. Murray said he was pleased with the team’s overall performance. “We had a really good meet for the men in a lot of different areas,” he said. “They did a good job competing, running well, and working hard.” In the men’s 3,000-meter steeplechase, freshman sensation Nicodemus Naimadu ran a meet and track record

8:47.37 to win easily and qualify automatically for nationals. Naimadu also easily won the 5,000-meter run on Saturday with a time of 14:29.56, and “trained through” a 1,500-meter race to finish second behind teammate Lucky Hadebe. Naimadu added the steeplechase to a growing list of events in which he has qualified, including the 5,000meter run and the 1,500meter run. Freshman Laurant Ngirakamaro cruised to a conference title in the men’s 10,000meter run, finishing in 30:42.37. N g i r a kamaro also placed secNgirakamaro ond in the 5,000-meter run with a time of 14:50.53. Sophom o r e M a r v i n Bien-Aime was another double winHadebe ner for the Wildcats, winning the 100- and 200meter dashes in 10.5 and 21.04, respectively. Teammate Marvin Essor qualified automatically in the 400-meter dash with a time of 46.23, one of the nation’s best. Hadebe became a double champion with his title in the 800-meter run (1:50.11), and teammate Cole McAllister placed second in 1:56.55. Cory Aguilar won the men’s pole vault by clearing 16-11, and also placed second in the 400-meter hurdles (53.07), which was a provisional qualifying time. Both men’s relays earned big points for ACU as well. See TRACK Page 9

Baseball team takes three of four games from Javelinas By WARREN GRAY SPORTS WRITER

BRIAN SCHMIDT/Chief Photographer

Junior shortstop Daisy Barcena fields a throw from junior catcher Ashley Whittenberg in a failed attempt to catch Indian catcher Kourtney Kemper stealing second in the first inning of the 4-3 Wildcat loss during the Lone Star Conference Tournament in Irving on Friday.

Women drop LSC tourney Softball team receives double elimination in conference tournament By JARED FIELDS SPORTS WRITER

The Wildcat softball team entered last weekend’s Lone Star Conference Tournament on the verge of making the NCAA II Regional Tournament. The Wildcats needed to make a strong showing in the tournament to ensure a spot in regionals. The women opened the double elimination tournament against Southeastern Oklahoma State. Junior pitcher Jennifer Leal threw seven innings and allowed four earned runs, but the Wildcats couldn’t pull out the victory and lost 5-4. The team needed a win to help maintain their rank in the regional polls in their next game against Midwestern State. After the Lady Indians scored two runs in the first inning, senior Katie Bryan hit a solo home run in

the bottom of the inning. Heading into the seventh inning, the women were down one run with a runner on second base and only one out. The Wildcats failed to get the tying run, lost 4-3 and were eliminated from the tournament. ACU had s u c c e s s against both teams in the regular season, but could not come up with the wins this Leal weekend. “We just got behind too early in both games and fell short on gaining e n o u g h ground,” head coach Bryan Chantiel Wilson said. The Wildcats’ early tournament departure won’t help with their bid, but the team might still have some hope in

making it to regionals. “There is still something that could happen in the next week,” Wilson said. “The RMAC conference tournament is this weekend, so depending on what happens there will determine a lot on who gets the six regional slots.” The Wildcats’ season was a great improvement from last year. The team’s record is 30-20, compared to 20-30 at the end of last season. Senior Katie Bryan batted over .400 with 15 home runs and pitcher Jennifer Leal had a 21-win season. The Wildcats also made the conference tournament for the first time since 2001. “I am proud of the players and how they fought this year,” Wilson said. Now all the team can do is wait until the regional tournament teams are announced.

E-mail Fields at: jrf03b@acu.edu

Four games to play and a four game lead in the Lone Star Conference South Division. The baseball team is in a good position for a division title. “It’s looking good right now,” coach Britt Bonneau said. “We’re feeling good, but we still have four games to go and a tough team coming in.” The Wildcats took three of four games from Texas A&MKingsville over the weekend to extend its lead over the Javelinas from three to five games. ACU won 19-7 in the first game before losing 8-3. The Wildcats won both games on Saturday, 12-5 and 8-3. The Javelinas dropped to third place in the division after the weekend, with Eastern New Mexico moving up into second place. ENMU comes to Abilene for a four-game set this weekend. As long as the Wildcats aren’t swept they’ll win the conference, but that doesn’t mean they’ll have nothing to play for. ACU is still trying to make a case to host the regional tournament. The Wildcats are ranked No. 5 in the nation but will need a strong finish to push past Delta State. “That’s why this weekend will be big for us,” Bonneau said. “It’s going to be tough, but we have a shot.” Taking three games at what Bonneau described as a tough place to play in Kingsville didn’t hurt the Wildcats chances. In the first game, ACU pounded out 23 hits and put See BASEBALL Page 9

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