The Optimist Print Edition: 10.8.14

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Ebola Is Here The Editorial Board speculates pending pandemics

vol. 103, no. 14

Wednesday, october 8, 2014

Opinion Page 4


what’s INSIDE NEWS Professor recognized nationally by American Physical Society Page 3

SPORTS Football loses third game of the seaon with fourth quarter meltdown

Page 6

OPINION Marissa Jones complies a glossary of terms every senior needs to know Page 4

INTRAMURALS Our Intramurals Editor prepares us for Champ Leauge Rivarly Week flag football



emily guajardo staff photographer

Chase Hamiltion (Top left), Courtney Spink (Top right) and Kevin Carrol (Bottom right) take a whack at Wallyball in the intramural tournament Friday night and Saturday morning. Wallyball is a sport similar in strategy to volleyball but played in a racquetball court, playing the ball off of surrounding walls.

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BSA, Wildcat Reign plan masquerade

FEATURE Layers of a Legacy: Dr. Robert Oglesby wins 2014 Teacher of the Year

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hannah little staff reporter The Black Students’ Association and Wildcat Reign are teaming up to celebrate ACU’s Homecoming with its first ever Homecoming dance. The dance will be from 8-11 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11 at the G.V. Daniels Recreation Center on N. 8th Street from 8-11 p.m. Food, drinks and music will be provided. Khamisie D. Green, presi-

dent of BSA, said the club wanted to bring together the ACU community with a new and exciting event. “We all desperately want to do something to be engaged and to build the ACU community and culture,” said Green, junior vocal performance major from Odessa. “Everybody is invited; all of ACU, if they want to come, come.” Green asked to pair up with Wildcat Reign president, Bryan Maier, in planning the event. The motive

behind Wildcat Reign has been aimed toward supporting athletic teams, but joining BSA to put on this event will bring together cultures and students at ACU. “I immediately wanted to jump on board,” said Maier, sophomore mathematicsteaching major from St. Louis. “Homecoming weekend and everything that goes into it serves to build up pride in our university, and I think this Homecoming dance will help to do that.” The theme of the dance is

“All White Masquerade” and everyone is asked to wear white to the dance. “We wanted to get the university’s attention, but at the same time, it is also our aim to educate students about our African-American culture,” Green said, “which is why we are having the white party. That is extremely popular in our culture.” Tickets and T-shirts will be on sale for $5. The shirts will have the year 2014 on them to represent the first year ACU had a Homecoming dance.

As for future planning, the event is set to be a new tradition at ACU that focuses on the student body and spirit of ACU. “This idea is something that BSA and Wildcat Reign want to put on for many years to come,” Maier said. “This is a great opportunity for students to have fun and for Homecoming to be about them.” contact little at

Library laptop kiosk to open by finals SPORTS Women’s cross country places 11th at Chili Pepper Festival in Arkansas Page 6

NEWS Griggs Center plans fall break trip to Silicon Valley

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what’s online VIDEO Zeta Rho builds the club’s first float for Homecoming parade


haley remenar staff reporter Team 55 will soon be opening a laptop kiosk. Eric Lemmons, Team 55 manager, said the new kiosk will allow students to check out laptops through an automated system. “Since Team 55 is not open all the times the library is open, we wanted to provide a way for students to check out laptops when we are not there,” he said. “It’s very much like a vending machine.” At the kiosk, students will check out Macbook Airs by following the instructions on the screen. They must

keep the laptops within the library and can use them for a maximum of four hours. “The goal is for them to have something they can take to a quiet corner of the library and work on a paper or project,” Lemmons said. “When students return the laptops, they will receive more instructions on how to insert them into the kiosk which has built in battery chargers. If there are any problems with the laptop, they use the kiosk to make comments and Team 55 will be notified of the issue. This kiosk is supplied by Laptops Anytime and is only available at a few uni-

Mariana cedillo staff photographer

A new kiosk next to the Team 55 station in the library will dispense laptop computers.

see computers page 3

ACUPD releases annual crime statistics report port shows annual crime statistics for the years 20112013 as well as a fire safety report. Early last week, the ACU The report, though inPolice Department sent out formative, does not cover all an email to students and categories of crime, so is not staff with a report contain- a comprehensive reflection ing crime statistics from the of all that occurs on campus previous calendar year. each year. There are many The 50-page report is in other categories of minor compliance with the Jeanne crime that are not allowed Clery Disclosure of Cam- to be listed in the federal pus Safety and Security Act Clery Report, said Jimmy El(Clery Act), which requires lison, ACU Chief of Police. all colleges and universities “It only covers categokeep and disclose informa- ries we are required by law tion about crime on and to publicize,” Ellison said. near their campus. The re- “The data is not reflective of

abigail runnels page 2 editor

every type of crime.” The crimes listed are typically crimes that occur against people rather than against property. This is because of the origin of the act. The Clery Act was named after Jeanne Clery, a 19-yearold student at Lehigh University who was raped and murdered in her dorm room in 1986. When it was made public that the university had hidden other attacks on campus, the protests against unreported crimes at universities all over the country resulted in the sign-

Abilene Christian University

ing of the Clery Act in 1990. The main idea behind the Clery Act is full disclosure of criminal activity with universities’ public. “We want to be transparent when it comes to our crime statistics so our public is aware,” Ellison said. In addition to crimes on ACU’s main campus, the report includes crimes that occur at ACU’s campus in Dallas/CitySquare as well as crimes that occur adjacent to ACU’s Abilene campus. ACU’s Study Abroad campuses in Oxford, Leipzig and Montevideo do not meet the

requirements to be separate campuses but are included in the data for ACU’s main Abilene campus. If students or faculty want to know more about crime on campus or about crimes that are not covered in the report, the ACUPD crime log can be viewed by anyone who requests it. Visit the ACU Police Department on Campus Court for more information.

contact runnels at

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