Jessica Schmitz WISE 2 Library Study I visited the Charles and JoAnn Lester Library in Nekoosa, WI. I spoke with librarian Darla Allen who is in charge of cataloging at this small public library. When I asked her about how they catalog she said that they catalog strictly with Dewey and they do not utilize Cutter numbers. When I asked her why she said because she hated them in her cataloging class, but really that she did not find them useful in their library. She understands why big, academic libraries would use them, but for their small library they were not anything that needed to be used. They use the full Dewey Decimal Classification and not the Abridged. She said that most of what she does to get her cataloging information is to go through the South Central Library System and uses LINKcat and Koha to download MARC records. So, while they do copy cataloging, if something does not fit into the setup of their library and work for their users she goes in and fixes the MARC record. For example, Darla said that she has books on Wisconsin that were cataloged under travel when she downloaded the MARC record. She knew that her users would not look under travel to find these books and so she changed the record so that they were now cataloged under Wisconsin instead of travel. It was very clear to me that the number one thought in cataloging and organizing information was user access. The patrons need to be able to come into the library and be able to find what they are looking for and this is how the cataloging of books is steered in this library. When Darla first came to work in this library she told me that the biographies were located throughout the nonfiction section and that didn’t work well for her patrons, or for her idea of how the library should be organized. She changed this so that they are now all cataloged in the 920 or 921 sections. 920 are for group biographies and 921 are where biographies about a single person are located. These are cataloged with 921 and the first 3 letters of the subjects last name, i.e. 921 JOR