LibGuide Paper

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LibGuide on STEM by Jessica Schmitz LibGuide link: I began my search for a client after talking with Dr. Zarrinia about my topic. We discussed STEM and how I was aware of the terminology, but not the extent of it. It is also not something that we are focusing on in our district at this point in time. Three years ago our district hired a new science teacher. We have a chemistry teacher, and the science teacher teaches all other grades 10-­‐12 science classes. I was his mentor his first year and the job was very stressful. In a small district, teaching every 10-­‐12 student and having so many different courses to teach is overwhelming. Planning for it all can be overwhelming, as I am personally well aware of. When Dr. Zarrinia and I discussed STEM I immediately thought of this teacher (Matt Brinkman) and how I knew he would love some help. When I first approached Matt about this project I went in talking to him about STEM. He was a bit more familiar than I was with the term and what it entails. He had seen workshops, seminars, etc being offered touting STEM, but he really wasn’t too sure what it all entailed. It seemed like it was more of a buzzword than anything else. As Matt and I discussed what this project was about and what he needed from me the options were wide open. This was a bit daunting, as there was simply a need to know more about STEM and how to begin incorporating STEM education ideas into his teaching. Most likely, we discussed, he was already doing some things that promote STEM in his classes, but there was a need to find out more about what exactly it is about and what someone who is interested in STEM education would want to see in a classroom. Since he teaches several classes we decided the best way to organize materials might be by class, so that there are options available specific to these courses, making them readily accessible to not only Matt but to the students in his courses as well. As we continued to discuss his needs he was indifferent on the bibliography format, but I suggested APA since that is the most common in the science fields, to my understanding. I teach MLA in my English classes and am fairly familiar with APA, but also thought that since we have RefWorks to work with that this change in style would be simple. It was also a way for me to experience this electronic citation, as I don’t necessarily promote these options to my students, but after this project I feel like I will be doing more of that. Matt was just happy to have someone helping him out. There were no problems encountered and he really just wanted to see what I was able to find for him. One thing we did discuss was the idea of careers in STEM. Being able to show how students will be taking the things they are learning in science class and using them in their future was something Matt thought was very important to have. The end goal we discussed, and what would make Matt happy, was to have a resource that he could use and that his students could also access to engage them in what they are learning. Honestly, Matt was going to be satisfied with anything that I gave him, but ultimately we need to see if this is something that he and his students will use. Upon showing Matt the almost finished product, he was amazed at the amount of information and resources I was able to provide for him. We discussed how assigning students time to explore areas of the LibGuide and come back with information they found, instead of him lecturing the students, was one way to use the guide. Also, we all have students who get done early, and the LibGuide can be used to give these students something to do and explore, keeping in line with what they are doing in that particular class at the time. The ultimate usefulness of the guide won’t truly be seen until next year when Matt has time to explore it himself and incorporate the use of it into his curriculum. Beginning the search was overwhelming. Where do I begin? I had so many things to explore that figuring out where to start took me a little while. In the end I came up first with the following strategy for searching:

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