Pilgrim Guide WYD Rio2013 - English

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Pilgrim Guide




Welcome Message


Welcome Pilgrim!


What is WYD?




The WYD of Two Popes


Patrons and Intercessors


The New Evangelization


Legacies of Solidarity and Evangelization


Brazil, Land of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Aparecida


Chief Pilgrimage Sites in Brazil


The Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro


Rio de Janeiro: Tourism and Mobility



07 WYD

61 Schedule 62

Main Events


Special Events




Vocations Fair


Youth Festival


Day by Day Schedule

98 4



Welcome to Rio


Pilgrim Kit










Follow WYD


Official Products


Brazilian currency


A Healthy WYD


Health Tips


Useful Phone Numbers



83 Useful

A heart that beats for the youth The World Youth Day Rio2013 logo visually communicates the spirituality and identity of World Youth Day Rio2013. It refers to the Lord of WYD - Christ the Redeemer, to His followers, and to Brazil, the host of this celebration of our faith. Inspired by the theme “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), the logo points us to Jesus and to his followers. Christ, who gives the order “Go,” is featured in the center, thus showing how the life of the Christian should be rooted in God. The arms, which extend beyond the limits of the heart, represent God´s welcoming embrace of all people, which unites them as one Church. The upper section was inspired by Pão de Açucar (Sugarloaf ), the universal symbol of Rio de Janeiro, the host city of this WYD. The cross on the mountain references to the original name given to Brazil, “Terra de Santa Cruz” (Land of the Holy Cross), as well as one of the symbols of World Youth Day, the Pilgrim Cross. The blue color in the lower part of the symbol represents the Brazilian coast, the ocean which unites distant continents. Together, these symbols form a heart – the hearts of all who have Jesus in their hearts. The colors (green, blue, and yellow), are the same as those of the Brazilian flag. The “WYD Rio2013” logo has a light, young, and modern style. It was created by the Brazilian designer Gustavo Huguenin. 6

07 WYD


Welcome to World Youth Day Rio 2013! With an open heart and arms wide open, like Christ the Redeemer´s statue as he blesses Rio de Janeiro, the Church in Rio and Brazil welcomes you, pilgrim, for the XXVIII World Youth Day Rio 2013, so that we may live together an unforgettable experience of unity and hope. In these days, you and thousands of young people will be the protagonists of this great adventure of faith, where peace between nations is lived within the diversity of cultures, languages and ethnicities.


Photo: Angélica Rocha

A Welcome Message from the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Orani João Tempesta

All of you, young people, are in the world, but you are not of the world. You hearts point to heaven. The fact that you feel touched by God, and invited to a life of greater self-giving in love means that you are commissioned as well to take this experience to others. This is the call of WYD Rio 2013, that all those who are here in the “Marvellous City” from the 23rd to the 28th of July, as the 28:19) The Christ the Redeemer statue, symbol of the city, has one single extra detail engraved into the statue: the heart. The architect wanted to reveal a great secret in the following way: the builder put his and his family´s names in the center of Christ´s heart. It is exactly this goal that we want to achieve during World Youth Day: to all be inside the heart of Christ, who invites us to be a sign of His universal love to the world and to be proclaimers of this good news, to be His Heart and His arms as we open our mouth to announce and proclaim this message. That is what Pope Benedict XVI reminds us of in his message for WYD: “Finally, dear young people, I would ask all of you to hear, in the depths of your heart, Jesus’ call to proclaim His Gospel. As the great statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro shows, his heart is open with love for each and every person, and His arms are open wide to reach out to everyone. Be the heart and arms of Jesus! Go forth and bear witness to His love! Be a new generation of missionaries, impelled by love and openness to all!” The whole Church intercedes for you, young people, so that you can live in love the mission to make disciples. With a special blessing for you and yours,

D. Orani João Tempesta, O. Cist. Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro



theme of this WYD says: will “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew

Welcome Pilgrim!

Dear friends, following in the footsteps of Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI, I too am setting out on a journey with you, starting today. We’re now close to the next stage of this great pilgrimage of the Cross. I am joyfully looking forward to next July in Rio de Janeiro. Come! I will see you in that that great city in Brazil! Prepare well, prepare spiritually above all, in your communities, so that this

Pope Francis Celebration of Palm Sunday and the Passion of Our Lord March 24, 2013


Photo: Vaticano

gathering may be a sign of faith to the whole world.

Welcome Dear Pilgrim! Like Christ the Redeemer with His open arms at the top of Corcovado, the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro welcomes you to World Youth Day Rio2013. Since the announcement of Rio as the host of WYD, we have been working fervently so that the days of this encounter will be unforgettable and remarkable. During this period of preparation, the city has already been able to experience a taste of what WYD will be like. Every month, volunteers from different Brazilian dioceses, especially from the State of Rio de Janeiro and for WYD. We have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Live this experience with all the intensity that it requires and let Christ to leave a mark on you and go and communicate His joy in your home city. Enjoy and have a great WYD Rio2013!

What is WYD? World Youth Day is a gathering of young people with the Pope. It is a meeting to build and strengthen the bonds of faith, friendship, and hope, symbolizing the union between peoples of different cultures. It all started with an encounter promoted by Pope John Paul II in 1984. The International Meeting of Youth, during the Holy Year of Redemption, took place in Saint Peter´s Square at the Vatican. It was there that the Pope gave the youth the cross which would become one of the symbols of WYD, known as the Pilgrim Cross, or the WYD Cross.

Theme “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The theme of WYD Rio2013 brings together youth from Brazil and the whole world to take up the call to the mission, and to be witnesses of the Risen Christ. Taken from the last part of the Gospel of Matthew, the context of the motto is the Resurrection of Christ. The disciples, who until then, were frightened and had locked themselves inside for fear of the Jews, encounter Christ, the victor over death. This encounter with the Risen Christ encourages all to live out this mandate. Mary Magdalene sees the empty tomb and gives witness to Christ! Peter and 11


other regions, gather in front of the Holy Sacrament during the Vigils, to pray

Arquivo JMJ 2011 Madrid

John believe and testify when they see the cloth and the strips of linen! The disciples of Emmaus recognize Christ in the sharing of bread and testify that Christ lives! It is in this context that Christ gives the mandate: Go! Go because He is alive and He walks in front of His friends. Go because Christ is victorious and remains with each member of the Church. Go and announce the resurrection! This is what the motto of WYD Rio2013 seeks to inspire in the heart of every young pilgrim. It motivates each participant to let the light of the Risen Christ dispel the darkness of fear and doubt that paralyzes our walk of faith. It encourages young people to be missionaries, even in situations of conflict, in countries where Christians are persecuted, amid a secularized world that does not want to live Christian values. So, this is the mandate of the Church to Catholic youth. Go, young missionaries who trust in the Church’s Magisterium and support your faith through liturgy and life in communion with others! Go and evangelize with your personal gifts! Go and strengthen your faith with answers and explanations about the issues that distress the world today! Go and witness the joy of the encounter with the Risen Christ at WYD Rio2013! 12

Pilgrim Info Line The main phone line to access information about WYD Rio2013 will be open 24 hours/day through July 30th. Service in English, Spanish, Portuguese is available. Just Call:

0800 718 2013

The WYD of Two Popes Designed and loved by Benedict XVI and lived by Francis, WYD Rio2013 is considered a journey of two different Popes. This is the second time this has happened since WYD meetings began. The first time was in 2005 at World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany. However, at WYD in Rio, this becomes even stronger because we have a new Pope, Pope Francis, who is exercising the Petrine ministry, while the Pope Emeritus Benedict continues to pray for the Church. The theme, “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) was announced by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Thus, the Pope Emeritus showed the spiritual journey and legacy that he left for Catholic youth. After inviting all young people to keep firm in the faith rooted in Christ at WYD Madrid 2011, he sent them to evangelize and proclaim this experience to the world. As another gift given to the Church, in a great act of courage and humility, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI retired from the active Petrine ministry and today continues to carry the Church through his prayers. In response to his supplications, the Holy Spirit chose a pastor familiar with Brazilian reality, Pope Francis. His humble and simple attitude confirms that it is in this way that God wants to sanctify the Church today. Himself a South American, Pope Francis will make a pilgrimage America. Indeed, the first WYD to take place outside of Rome was in the Pope´s native land of Argentina. These coincidences do not go unnoticed. They demonstrate once again the love and affection Christ has for youth.


Photo: Vaticano

with Catholic Youth to the second WYD ever celebrated in South

With hearts united to God, we praise and give thanks for both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, examples of virtue and sanctity for this generation of the “Pope´s youth”!

Patrons and Intercessors Among the many saints canonized and recognized by the Church, WYD Rio2013 selected some to be examples to the youth. Their lives show that young people are not alone in the pursuit of holiness. These individuals have walked the path, and, with their lives, showed that despite weaknesses and difficulties, all can answer the call of God: “…Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). We do not want to promote a romantic vision of life as one of God´s friends: the aim is to show each pilgrim that they are not alone. Like these saints, you are invited to find the meaning of your life and your personal difficulties while knowing that true happiness is found in God.

Our Lady of Aparecida

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Saint Sebastian

St. Antônio Galvão de Santana

Blessed John Paul II

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Blessed Chiara Luce Badano

Blessed Laura Vicuña


Blessed Frederico Ozanam


because I am

holy Blessed Adílio Daronch

Blessed Sister Dulce

(1 Peter 1:16)

Blessed José de Anchieta

St. Teresa of the Andes

St. George

Blessed Isidoro Bakanja

Blessed Albertina Berkenbrock

“Go and make disciples of all nations� (Matthew 28:19) St. Rose of Lima

St. Andrew Kim and the Korean Martyrs

The New Evangelization In recent decades, the world has changed considerably. The progress of science, increased life expectancy, the high speed of the circulation of information and the consequent compression of time and space in human man as an individual and has even influenced the way we relate to each other and to God. It is undeniable that these external stimuli led Man to justify his faith more and give him reason to hope. However, many began to question (and some have even lost) fundamental values such as the dignity of all life, natural morals, and faith in God, Creator and Provident Provider. Aware of this situation, the Popes during the last decades of Church history have called attention to the work of evangelization. Our faith and doctrine of the Church has not changed, but the way that they are communicated to reach the heart of Man. This is what Pope John Paul II called the New Evangelization, inviting us to present the gospel with new ardor, new methods and expressions. World Youth Day forms a part of this, as an inspiration of the Holy Spirit for the evangelization of youth. The theme of WYD Rio2013 invites young people to assume the leadership of the New Evangelization. “Go and make disciples of all nations� (Matthew 28:19). Inspired by the Holy Spirit, young missionaries are called to preach and live this, united with the Church’s Magisterium, institutes of consecrated life, religious movements and new communities. Pope Benedict XVI, by instituting the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, reiterates that there is no single formula that can respond to every different scenario. According to him, it takes creativity, careful discernment, docility to the Spirit of the Risen Christ and, above all, a profound experience of God.



relations - political and economic. All this has generated profound changes in

Legacies of Solidarity and Evangelization Legacy of evangelization The legacy of evangelization responds to the challenges of the New Evangelization. The main goal of WYD is to reinforce the experience each young person has with the Love of Christ and make each of them firm in their faith. It is through living the common faith, which unites peoples from different cultures, languages, and customs, that WYD seeks to lead the youth to a feeling of belonging in the Church of Christ and motivates everyone to live and pass on this same faith. The legacy of evangelization of WYD Rio2013 also occurs through the interactions of pilgrims during Mission Week when, even if for a brief moment, the participant already experiences the mission of being a protagonist of the New Evangelization. According to experts, when young people feel that they are active participants and, in the name of the Gospel, see themselves as protagonists, these experiences can change them profoundly. Thus, this experience is the root of what will become a legacy for the rest of their lives. The most important legacy, therefore, which WYD is going to leave is the

Arquivo JMJ 2011 Madrid

young person’s indelible experience with the Resurrected Christ which, after


this encounter, transforms him into His disciple in order to proclaim Christ to other young people.

Solidarity Fund The Solidarity Fund aims to help young people who do not have the means by the Local Organizing Committee, the fund withdraws a small amount from registration fees in order to help these pilgrims.

Legacy of Social Solidarity The social legacy of WYD Rio2013 takes form through the social projects that are implemented in the host city during the period of preparation for the meeting of youth with the Pope. These projects will remain present after the event, as part of the Church legacy in Rio de Janeiro. Created by the Vicariate for Social Charity of the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with other institutions, Passport to Citizenship is one of the projects, which will be left as a legacy in the city. This project consists of a bus equipped with diverse technologies to promote the inclusion of drug addicts in society. This project goes beyond just the bus. It consists of three stages: preventative measures against involvement with drugs and welcoming addicts out of addiction, creation of an exchange network between religious and civil institutions, and the development of a resource center. Another legacy of WYD Rio2013 is the Catholic Voices Project established to provide clear explanations of topics connected to the Catholic Church in the media. The project was created in 2010 in the United Kingdom in order to facilitate communication with the media during coverage of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit. Today, it is present in seven countries: Chile, Ireland, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Spain, and the United States of America. In addition to Brazil, Catholic Voices is being established in Argentina, Australia, and Costa Rica. Formed by laity who act as communicators and not officials of the Church, the project seeks to give prominence to Catholic testimony in the media.



to pay for the travel expenses to come to Rio de Janeiro for WYD. Managed

Brazil, Land of the Holy Cross and of Our Lady of Aparecida

The history of the discovery of Brazil reveals

Arquivo JMJ Col贸nia 2005

the foundation of the faith of a people.

The origin of Brazil is linked to the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. On the morning of March 8, 1500, after a ceremony Cabral received from the king the honorific title of “Dom” Manuel the Fortunate, the standard of the Order of Christ. Commanding a fleet of 13 vessels with 1,500 sailors, Cabral set out for India. Within a month and a half of sailing, they noticed the first signs of land. On April 22nd, solid land was sighted, first, a large hill, very high and round, and other lower lands to the south with large groves of trees. The captain named the hill “Monte Pascoal,” and called the land “Vera Cruz.” Brazil was discovered. Today, the location is called Porto Seguro, in the State of Bahia. On April 23rd, the sailors landed, claiming the new land as the property of the Order of Christ. Sometime later, they changed the name to Land of the Holy Cross. In the first days of Portuguese occupation, the new land served as the altar for the celebration of Holy Mass, under the shadow of a large cross planted in its soil. It seems that the Creator wanted to trace, both in heaven and on earth, the sign of the faith. In the National Park of Monte Pascoal, there exists a vine that, viewed from any position, allows one to see the design of the cross of the Order of Christ, depicted on the sails of the explorer´s fleet. Also, from any point of this immense land, it is possible to see the Southern Cross in the sky, a cross made of stars by Our Lord Himself.



at the Royal Chapel of Belém in Portugal, Pedro Álvares

Patroness Our Lady of the Conception of Aparecida is the patroness of Brazil. She is represented by a small terracotta statue of the Virgin Mary, presently housed in the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida in the city of Aparecida in the state of São Paulo. October 12th, her feast day, has been a national holiday in Brazil, ever since Pope John Paul II consecrated the Basilica in 1980. It is the fourth most visited Marian sanctuary in the world, with a capacity of up to 45,000 faithful. The statue was found in 1717 by three fishermen who, after a frustrated attempt to catch fish in the Paraíba do Sul River close to Guaratinguetá (in the state of São Paulo), lifted from their nets the body of a statue of the Virgin Mary and, afterwards, the head of the same statue. This was followed by a very large catch of fish, which surprised the three men. Having cleaned and repaired the statue, she was venerated by the faithful in private homes. There was need for a larger space because of all the pilgrims. In 1955, the construction of the new Basilica began. On June 4, 1980, Pope John Paul II, in his visit to Brazil, consecrated the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida with a High Mass, giving new strength to this devotion to the Virgin Mary.

A Country of Catholics With 191 million inhabitants, Brazil is the country with the largest Catholic population in the world - 123 million faithful. The census from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics showed that, in 2010, Catholics

Santuário Nacional Aparecida

represented 64.6% of the Brazilian population.


Santuรกrio Nacional Aparecida

Arquivo JMJ/AngĂŠlica Rocha

Chief Pilgrimage Sites in Brazil

WYD Our Lady of Aparecida in the State of S達o Paulo) Around 8 million pilgrims visit the city of Aparecida during the year. During feast days and pilgrimages, different services are provided in the Basilica, including clinics, baptisms, confessions, a chapel in thanksgiving for favors received, a nursery, and a cafeteria, in addition to a bazaar and many expositions, a museum and a parking lot. A round trip pilgrimage from Rio can be completed in as little as a day.


Luiz Estumano / Fundação Nazaré de Comunicação

Festa do Círio de Nazaré (Festival of the Candlelight Procession of Nazareth) - Belém (State of Pará) This festival celebrates the tradition of an apparition of an image of Our Lady of Nazareth near Igarapé. The candlelight procession is a series of rituals that begins on the second Saturday of October, with a procession during the night. There are 15 days of processions along the journey from Belém, including Masses, novenas, processions and visits to small villages along the river with shelters, open-air markets, amusement parks and fireworks. The climax of the festival is the feast of the Candlelight Procession, with symbolic foods, such as duck in ‘tucupi’ (a seasoning made of pepper and manioc juice), the maniçoba, (a food made out of manioc shoots mixed with meat and/or fish and seasoned with salt and pepper), and tacacá (a dish prepared with tapioca), tucupi (manioc-juice and pepper, garlic, and shrimp). The conclusion takes place on the fourth Sunday of October, in a return procession, called ‘Recírio.’

Father Cícero Romão Batista - Juazeiro do Norte (State of Ceará) Father Cícero Romão Batista, “Padim,” lived in Juazeiro do Norte, in 1872, changing the habits of the local population by catechizing them in the basics of religious practice. In 1889, Father Cícero, upon giving Communion to Blessed Maria Magdalena of the Holy Spirit, was astonished when the Host transformed into blood. The miracle repeated itself many times with other city residents. Even though the priest has not been beatified, devotion to him has spread throughout the country.



Santuário Santa Paulina / Nova Trento

Saint Mother Paulina - Nova Trento (State of Santa Catarina) Founded in 1875 by Italian colonizers, Nova Trento has received large numbers of visitors after the beatification of Mother Paulina in 1991. She was canonized on May 19, 2002, becoming the first Brazilian saint. The city offers two religious sites of interest to the roughly 20 thousand pilgrims and tourists who go there annually. The first is the Vígolo district, where the religious sister began her work providing aid to the sick and to children, and founding the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. The other attraction is the museum, which is located in the building of the congregation where Mother Paulina lived from 1895 onwards, when she entered religious life.

Christ’s Passion - Nova Jerusalém (State of Pernambuco) Every year, in the weeks preceding Easter, the Passion Play at Fazenda Nova takes place in the city of Brejo da Madre de Deus, in the State of Pernambuco. The event is staged at the best open-air theater in the world. The theatrical scenery is a replica of Jerusalem, in which around 500 actors and extras perform scenes, such as Herod’s Palace, Pilate’s Forum, and the scene where Jesus ate the Last Supper with the apostles before being handed over to the Jewish authorities. The performance lasts two hours. 29

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

The Archdiocese of Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro, host of WYD Rio2013


The city of Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro was founded in the year 1565 by Estácio de Sá. The city received from the Church the great gift of being dedicated to the young martyr Saint Sebastian, who is also one of the patron saints of WYD Rio2013. After much reorganization of the ecclesiastical hierarchy in Brazil, first the Diocese, and then the Archdiocese of Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro was born. and 25 new communities, working in seven episcopal vicariates and 262 parishes (to date), 781 chapels (to date), a Cathedral, four Lesser Basilicas and seven Sanctuaries, including that of Christ the Redeemer. The administration includes the presence of an Archbishop, an Archbishop Emeritus, seven auxiliary bishops and two auxiliary bishop emeritae, 354 priests, 144 deacons, and 140 religious congregations. Presently, the Archdiocese is divided into 7 territorial and special vicariates, all united under the authority of the Archbishop. The beauty and exuberance of the church in Rio de Janeiro have contributed the historical and cultural legacy of Catholicism in Brazil. With an approximate population of 6.3 million inhabitants, examples of Christian influence in the life of this city are evident. In the territory of the Archdiocese, which is 1,721 square kilometers, there are three hospitals, 89 Catholic schools, the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (‘PUC – Rio’), the Superior Institute of Religious Culture, the Mater Ecclesiae school and three seminaries for future priests. The urgency of a New Evangelization in society also leads to us to manifest our belief through communication media like the Testimony of Faith newspaper, Redeemer WebTV, the Archdiocese Official Portal, Our Lady of Peace publishing company and Cathedral Radio, the official broadcaster of WYD.



Current evangelization efforts include 29 ministries, 40 movements,

Rio de Janeiro, Tourism and Mobility Getting to Know the City Rio de Janeiro is internationally renowned for its tourist sites, like Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf. The city also offers other great places to experience nature, culture, architecture, and religion.

Monuments Christ the Redeemer Christ the Redeemer, the best known symbol of Rio de Janeiro, had its foundational stone laid in 1922, and its inauguration took place on October 12, 1931. 38 meters high (710 meters from the bottom of Corcovado Mountain), Christ the Redeemer is an image the faith of the people of Rio. By decree of the Metropolitan Curia of Rio de Janeiro, it became a sanctuary on October 12, 2006. On the weekends, missionaries carry out evangelization activities there. Address of the train to catch up the mountain: Estrada de Ferro Corcovado - Rua Cosme Velho, 513 – Cosme Velho. How to get there: Bus Lines: 180, 405, 422, 498, 569, 570 583,584. Take the metro to Largo do Machado: be sure to purchase an Integração Expressa pass to Cosme Velho and get on the Integração Metrobus when exiting Largo do Machado Station.


Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR



Opened in 1923, the hotel is a symbol of Rio and reflects the European influence


Copacabana Palace

of the time period. It was one of the first hotels to be constructed on the seashore. Address: Avenida Atlântica, 1702 Copacabana. How to get there: Bus Lines: 126, 308, 354, 387, 404, 426, 432, 433, 445, 464, 485, 523, 591, 2018, 2333, 2334. Take the metro towards General Osório: Take Line 1 (Orange) and get off at Cardeal Arcoverde Station.

Confeitaria Colombo (Colombo Patisserie) With Belgian mirrors, moldings and a storefront depecting the jacarandá (a tree renowned for its lush purple flowers), benches of Italian marble, floors, chandeliers and elegant furniture, the Patisserie is an image of the carioca Belle Époque at the beginning of the 20th century. Address: Rua Gonçalves Dias, 32 – Centro Marina Herriges / RIOTUR

(Downtown) How to get there: Bus lines: 154, 340, 347, 349, 360, 368, 2203. Take the metro towards Saens Peña: Take Line 1 (Orange) and get off at Carioca. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Uruguaiana Station.


Almost 700 stands and 35 restaurants offer culinary and artisan traditions typical of the Northeast of Brazil. Electric floats and forró bands, dance crews, singers and popular poets, improv improv shows and short story writers take to the stages. From Tuesday until Friday, the restaurants open to serve lunch. After 10 AM on Friday until 10 PM on Sunday, all of the stands are continuously open, kept lively by the forró performances. Address: Campo de São Cristovão. How to get there: Bus lines: 209, 277, 298, 310, 311, 356, 361, 476, 441, 2330, SR349.

Forte de Copacabana (Copacabana Fort) Built in 1914 to reinforce the defenses of Guanabara Bay, Copacabana Fort continues to host the Military History Museum and offers a panoramic view of the coastline. Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Address: Praça Coronel Eugênio Franco, 01, Copacabana. How to get there: Bus lines: 127, 387, 403, 435, 483, 484, 503, 2018, 2334, 2335, 2337.



Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Feira de São Cristóvão - Centro Luiz Gonzaga de Tradições Nordestinas (Center for Northeastern Traditions)

Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR


Ilha Fiscal (Port Authority) Once the Port Authority for Guanabara Bay and the entire Portuguese Empire, the castle was transfered to the Navy by the Ministry of Finance in 1914. The Naval Records and the Turret, the Ceremonial Hall, and various expositions are available to the public. Access to the island is primarily via ferry. Address: Avenida Alfredo Agache, s/n - Baía de Guanabara. How to get there: Bus lines: 232, 349, 354, 362, 368, 387, 390, 401, 415, 438, 455, 498, 2334, 2335.

Forte Duque de Caxias (Leme Fort) An eco-trail winds around this nature preserve which protects a section of the Atlantic Tropical rain forest and offers views of the historic site. From the top of Leme Hill, one can admire the land and cityscapes. Address: Praça Almirante Júlio de Noronha, s/nº - Leme. How to get there: Bus Lines: 190, 472, 523, 591, 592, SE232, 523, 472.


Maracanã The biggest stadium in the world was built to host the World Cup, and is projected to be able to receive some 166.369 people. Today, after the renovations, it can house 79 thousand. The Journalist Mario Filho Stadium is a tribute to the founder of the Sports Review. On June 16, 1950, the stadium was christened with a match between Cariocas and Paulistas, where the immortal Didi scored the first goal of the field. The Maracanã Sports Complex is made of Little Maracanã, Célio de Barros Stadium and the Júlio Delamare Water Sport


Complex. Address: Rua Professor Eurico Rabelo, s/n - Maracanã.

Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

How to get there: Bus lines: 249, 247, 340, 383, 390, 391, 600, 621, 2331. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Maracanã Station. Take the metro towards Pavuna: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at São Cristóvão Station.



Monumento aos Pracinhas (Monument to the Dead of World War II) National Moment to the Dead of World War II. Address: Av. Infante D. Henrique, 75, Glória, Rio de Janeiro. How to get there: Bus lines: 387, 573. Take the metro towards Saens Peña: Take Line 1 (Orange) and get off at Glória Station.

Palácio do Catete (Catete Palace)

How to get there: Bus lines: 161, 170, 178, 180, 184, 344, 349, 351, 384, 423, 497, 573. Take the metro towards Saens Peña: Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Catete Station.

Palácio Gustavo Capanema Constructed between 1937 and 1945, the palace is considered an icon of modern architecture. The project, inspired by the works of Le Corbusier, included the participation of the then young architect Oscar Niemeyer. The name is a tribute to the minister who ordered its construction. With 16 floors, the building is constructed over an area of 27.536 m². The palace includes various types of artistic works, including tiles by Cândido Portinari, sculptures by Celso Antônio and Alfredo Ceschiatti and paintings by Guignard and Pancetti. Address: Rua da Imprensa, 16, Centro. How to get there: Bus lines: 180, 229, 238, 328, 340, 382, 390, 2111, 2304, 2331.


Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

Address: Rua do Catete, 153 - Catete.

WYD Theatro Municipal (Municipal Theater) In the proximity of the National Library, the National Arts Museum and the Pedro Ernesto Palace, the architectural design emphasizes the impressiveness of the façade and the beauty of the interior. It holds roughly 2,200 persons. Address: Praça Marechal Floriano, s/nº - Centro (Downtown) How to get there: Bus lines: 329, 340, 343, 347, 349, 360, 361, 382, 390, 2304. Take the metro towards Saens Peña: Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Cinelândia Station. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Cinelândia Station.




Arpoador Arpoador overlooks, on one side, Ipanema and Leblon beaches, with the Two Brothers Mountain in the background and, on the other side, Diabo and Copacabana beaches. Address: Between Copacabana Fort and the intersection of Rua

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

How to get there: Bus lines: 121, 314, 404, 435, 445, 486..

Enseada de Botafogo (Botagofo Cove) Address: Avenida das Nações Unidas, Botafogo. How to get there: Bus lines: 107, 157, 158, 161, 162, 170, 178, 410, 409, 434, 435, 464, 472, 474, 570, 770D. Take the metro towards Botafogo. Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Botafogo Station.

Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Jardim Botânico (Botanical Gardens) The botanical gardens contain some of the rarest speciest of plants found in Brazil and other countries. This is good leisure option for younger children, youth, and adults who wish to comtemplate natural beauty. Address: Rua Jardim Botânico, 920 (pedestrians) e 1008 (vehicles) - Jardim Botânico. How to get there: Bus lines: 110, 158, 161, 170, 173, 410, 460, 476, 439, 524, 592, 593, 2014.

41 Ricardo Zerrener / RIOTUR


Francisco Otaviano and Avenida Vieira Souto.

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR


Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon) Surrounded by the neighborhoods of Lagoa, Ipanema, Leblon, Gávea and Jardim Botânico, Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon is an excellent place to enjoy the sunset. Amenities include parks, sports fields, a rollerblade track, walking and running paths, bicycle lanes, and a varied culinary experience with spread out stands that serve German and Japanese food, and offer live music after sundown. On Sundays and holidays, paddle boats are also available. The edge of the lagoon is an excelent space for walking, jogging, or biking. 7 ½ kilometers in total, the area includes Patins, Taboas and Catacumba parks. Address: Intersection of Avenida Epitácio Pessoa and Avenida Borges de Medeiros - Lagoa. How to get there: Bus lines: 157, 436, 441, 461, 463, 473.

Mirante Dois Irmãos (Two Brothers Lookout) This lookout offers a panoramic view of Ipanema, Leblon and São Conrado beaches, as well as Arpoador and Christ the Redeemer. The Two Brothers Cliff Park, in Alto Leblon, is a great location for watching the sunset, hiking, and even has a small outdoor theater, a soccer field, and a playground. Access: Rua Aperana - Alto Leblon How to get there: Bus lines: 157, 382, 387, 436, 521, 522, 2334, 2335, 2337.


Joy is the best thing in the world, and in Rio de Janeiro it is already a part of the scenery. A blessed place, with its pleasant and warm population welcoming you with their arms wide open. It couldn´t be any different. Look up at the Statue of Christ the Redeemer and you will find out where our inspiration comes from. Welcome to Rio de Janeiro and to the World Youth Day. We are immensely happy to welcome all of you.

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Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf Mountain) The first cable car built in Brazil and the third in the world, this is a true icon of Rio de Janeiro. In December, January, February and July – prime season – the daily passenger load can reach up to 3,000 people. Surrounded by tropical vegetation, remnants of the Atlantic Tropical Rain Forest, this location contains native species that have gone extinct in other locations along the Brazilian coast, as well as other rare plants. The trip in the cable car offers a 360° view of Leme, Copacabana, Ipanema, Flamengo, and Leblon beaches, as well as Pedra da Gávea, the Tijuca and Corcovado massif, with the image of Christ the Redeemer, Guanabara Bay and the Botafogo Cove, downtown, Santos Dumont Airport, Governor’s Island, Niterói, the Rio-Niterói bridge, and, at in the distance Sea’s Ridge with its famous “Finger of God” peak. Address: Av. Pasteur, 520 - Urca.

Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

How to get there: Bus lines: 107, 513, 511, 512 Metro: Line 1 or 2: get off at Botafogo Station and get on the Metro Bus 513 to Botafogo-Urca.

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR


Praia da Barra da Tijuca (Barra Beach) Address: intersection of Av. Pepê and Av. Sernambetiba. How to get there: Bus lines: 316, 332, 333,387, 465, 524, 525, 690, 701, 803, 882, 955, 2802.

Praia do Pepê (Pepê Beach) With large waves, this beach attracts many surfers. The name is a tribute to a hang gliding champion who had a sandwich stand in the area. Address: Avenida do Pepê - Barra da Tijuca. How to get there: Bus lines: 332, 343, 523, 765, SP465, SV748.

Praia do Pepino (Pepino Beach) The extreme end of São Conrado beach is called Pepino beach. Here paragliders and hang gliders rest after a successful flight launched from Pedra Bonita. How to get there: Bus lines: 314, 316, 382, 387, 465, 504, 505, 524, 550, 556, 2334.


Rio2013 O F F I C I A L


Information about logistics, transport, food, as well as the official schedule can be found on the WYD Rio2013 app.




Arquivo JMJ

Vocations Fair Place

Quinta da Boa Vista (Boa Vista Park) Lakes, grottos, and imperial gardens make up the park and are an integral part of the Solar da Boa Vista, royal residence of the Emperors of Brazil from 1822 to 1889. The area of 155 thousand square meters was designed in 1869 by the French landscape artist Auguste Glaziou. Address: Av. Pedro II, between Rua Almirante Baltazar and Rua Dom Meinrado São Cristóvão. How to get there: Bus lines: 402, 461, 476, 624, 665. Train towards Central do Brasil Station: Get off at São Cristóvão Station. Take the metro towards Pavuna: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at São Cristóvão station.

Sítio Roberto Burle Marx (The Roberto Burle Marx Site) Roberto Burle Marx is one of the most important landscape painters of today. The site brings together more than 3,500 plant species, some endangered. Moreover, it offers various art collections, a library with over 2,500 books and various cultural activities. Address: Road Bar Guaratiba, 2019 - Bar Guaratiba. How to get there: Bus lines: 387 and 867.


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Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR


Aterro do Flamengo 1,200,000 m² of green area, skirting the coast of Santos Dumont airport to Botafogo Bay. Your tour can start at the Museum of Modern Art, go through the Monument to Pracinhas, Marina da Gloria, Carmen Miranda Museum, Monument and finish at the Estacio de Sa - founder of the city. Address: Center, Gloria and Flamengo. How to get there: Bus routes: 190, 316, 410, 421, 467, 438. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Catete or Flamengo. Take the metro toward Saens Peùa: Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Flamengo or Catete.


Ilha de Paquetá (“Paquetá Island”) Paqueta is a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is located about 20 Imbuca, Moema and Iracema, Manoel Luis, Jose Bonifacio, Moreninha, San Roque, Painter Castagneto (Coconut) Lameirão, Catimbau, Buraco and the Castelo. Living in Paquetá is living in constant touch with nature. That contact comes with a commitment to preserving the environment. Other attractions of the district are the Bird Cemetery, Park Darke de Mattos, the Fishermen’s Colony, Casa de Jose Bonifacio, the Church of Bom Jesus do Monte, Ponte da Saudade, the Stone Valentine, Solar D’El Rey, Cannon Beach Tamoios, the Stone Moreninha, the Chapel of St. Roque, the Bandstand Renato Antunes, Headquarters Fazenda São Roque, Finca Coqueiros, Plaza Painter Peter Bruno, Preventório Queen Dona Amelia, the Paquetá Arts Center. How to get there: Ferries: Praça Quinze exit, in the city center.

Ipanema The neighborhood offers beach, bars and shops, day and night, and it offers a sporty atmosphere. It is a great option for anyone looking to relax. Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

Getting there: Bus routes: 154, 387, 436, 426, 525, 574, 584, 436, 2334. Take the metro towards Copacabana: Take Line 1 (orange), to Siqueira Campos and the the surface metro (bus).



km from Praça Quinze. It has small, graceful beaches: Grossa Beach , Seagulls,

Neighborhoods Lapa Near the city center, the neighborhood houses the iconic Lapa Arches. Samba stages, Northeastern and electronic music are scattered about the bars on Mem de Sá, Riachuelo, and Lavradio Streets. Since the early 1950s, Lapa has been one of the hallmarks of the city’s

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

nightlife. How to get there: Bus routes: 162, 382, 393, 398, 421, 423, 433, 464, 497. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Cinelândia. Take the metro toward Saens Peña: Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Cinelândia.

Santa Teresa The neighborhood was born around a convent on Morro Do Desterro, in the eighteenth century. It occupies a hill and preserves aspects of Old Rio, as well as the Church and Convent of Santa Teresa. The Ruins Park is a is a look out over downtown and the waterline. Other attractions in the district are the Centro

Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, the House of Benjamin Constant Museum, the Museum of the Heavenly Chácara. How to get there: Bus routes: 010, 173, 186, 317, 409, 421, 423, 432, 444, 456.


Arquivo JMJ


Catedral Metropolitana (Metropolitan Cathedral) Located in the financial heart of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the cathedral is part of the cultural map. The architectural design draws attention due to its coneshape (pyramid), 106 meters in diameter at the base and 96 feet high. Address: Avenida República do Chile, 245 - Centro. How to get there: Bus routes: 158, 168, 172, 201, 229, 232, 239, 433 Subway towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and at get off at Carioca.

Igreja da Candelária (Candelaria Church) Address: Praca Pio X, s / n - Center. How to get there: Bus routes: 128, 176, 226, 312, 345, 361, 349, 411, 415, 472, 474, 629 Take the metro toward Saens Peña. Grab the Line 1 (orange) and get off at Uruguaiana. Take the metro towards Botafogo. Grab the Line 2 (green) and get off at Uruguaiana.


WYD Pedro Kirilos / RIOTUR

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro (Church of Our Lady Victorious Outeiro) Address: Nossa Senhora da Glória, 135/204 - Glória. How to get there: Bus routes: 161, 162, 170, 178, 309, 316, 387, 410, 409, 421, 422, 433, 434, 573. Take the metro toward Saens Peña. Grab the Line 1 (orange) and get off at Glória. Take the metro towards Botafogo. Grab the Line 2 (green) and get off at Glória..

Igreja Nossa Senhora de Bonsucesso (Church of Our Lady Bonsucesso) Address: Rua Gal Galiene, 122 - Bonsucesso. How to get there: Bus routes: 292, 313, 361, 402, 621, 622, 673, 920, 2330. Train Station toward Saracuruna to Bonsucesso.



Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Penha (Church of Our Lady of Penha) Address: Largo da Penha, 19 - Penha. How to get there: Bus routes: 312, 313, 317, 623, 625, 679, 780, 785, 919, 920. Train Station toward Gramacho.

Mosteiro de São Bento (Monastery of St. Benedict) The Monastery of St. Benedict of N. S. da Conceição began in 1565. Amid the bustling downtown Rio, is a place of silence, peace, prayer and work. The two main activities are the daily celebrations of the Divine Office and Mass with Gregorian chant. Moreover, within the Abbey there are also: the College of St. Benedict, Press Lumen Christi, College of St. Benedict, the House of Emmaus retreats and Social Work St. Benedict. Address: Rua Dom Gerardo, 68 – Centro.

Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR

How to get there: Bus routes: 128, 172, 349, 351, 361, 384, 475, 2112, 2304, SR349. Take the metro towards Botafogo: Take Line 2 (green) and get off at Uruguaiana.


Alexandre Macieira / RIOTUR


Museu de Arte Moderna (Museum of Modern Art) Amid the gardens in Flamengo Park, near Guanabara Bay and downtown, MAM has a collection of over 1,700 works, including paintings, sculptures and prints by artists from Brazil and abroad, in addition to a specialized library arts and a film library. The building was inaugurated in 1958. Address: Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 85 – Centre How to get there: Bus routes: 208, 238, 422, SE232, SV498.

Museu Casa do Pontal (Museum of Casa do Pontal) It is a popular art museum, located on a site of 12 000 m². Address: Estrada do Pontal, 3295, Recreio dos Bandeirantes. How to get there: Bus routes: 749, 818, 2802.


Museu da Chácara do Céu (Chacara do Ceu Museum) It is an integral art museum, along with “Museu do Açude” (Museum of the Dam) and the “Museus Castro Mayo” (Museums of Castro Maya).

How to get there: Take the metro towards Saens Peña. Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Glória.

Museu do Açude (Museum of Açude) Address: Estrada do Açude, 764 - Alto da Boa Vista. How to get there: Bus routes: 221, 225, 233 and 234.

Museu do Primeiro Reinado (Museum of Primeiro Reinado) Address: Avenida Pedro II, 293 - São Cristóvão. How to get there: Bus routes: 312, 356, 371, 441, 473. Take the metro towards Botafogo. Take Line 2 (green) and get off at São Cristovão station. Take the metro towards Saens Peña. Take Line 1 (orange) and get off at Presidente Vargas.

Museu Histórico Nacional (National History Museum) Address: Praça Marechal Âncora - Centro. How to get there: Bus routes: 154, 202, 344, 354, 368, 442, 455, 472, 474, 498.

Museu Internacional de Arte Naïf (International Museum of Naïve Art) Address: Rua Cosme Velho, 561 - Cosme Velho. How to get there: Bus routes: 180, 422, 498, 569, 570, 583, 584.



Address: Rua Murtinho Noble, 93, Santa Teresa.

61 Schedule

What happens at WYD? The WYD schedule consists of the WYD Main Events, Special Events, Catecheses, Vocations Fair, Cultural Events and the Youth Festival. These events are part of every World Youth Day. Opportunities for confession will also take place.

Main Events The Main Events are composed of five separate events, which are the heart of the World Youth Day Rio2013. At these five events, all participants of WYD will meet in one place, which will provide for an amazing experience of unity within diversity.

Opening Mass – Copacabana Beach July 23, 2013 The Opening Mass will be celebrated by the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Orani João Tempesta. At this celebration, the archbishop will welcome all young people who have come to the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro to attend WYD. This is the only Main Event without the presence of the Holy Father. Papal Welcoming Ceremony – Copacabana Beach July 25, 2013 This second WYD Main Event is the most anticipated event of WYD for many. It is the first meeting between the Pope and the youth. Pilgrims from five continents will welcome the Successor of Peter and present delegations who will attend World Youth Day. Way of the Cross – Copacabana Beach July 26, 2013 The Way of the Cross is a moment of prayer, meditation and reflection on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Way of the Cross is a time for remembering God’s love for us. “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13).


Vigil – Campus Fidei, Guaratiba July 27, 2013 The Vigil will be a great time of praise, worship and testimonies. All young people and the Holy Father, Pope Francis, will be gathered at Campus Fidei in Guaratiba. There, youth from all over the world will stay, praying and reflecting on the mission that will be given on the next day: to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. After the Holy Father leaves, the youth will remain in prayer and worship until midnight. After midnight, the youth can continue to worship the Blessed Sacrament in the various tents, which will be scattered throughout Campus Fidei. Final Mass – Campus Fidei, Guaratiba July 28, 2013 This is the last WYD Main Event. After spending the night at Campus Fidei, the youth participate in the Holy Mass presided by Pope Francis in thanksgiving for WYD Rio2013. In this same Mass, the youth will receive the Sending Blessing, since WYD is a preparation for the great task that begins – being sent on mission to make disciples of all nations. At this time, the Pope will announce the city that will host the next World Youth

Special Events The Special Events are activities included in the schedule of the Holy Father during WYD, and which don´t form part of the Main Events. In Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis will visit the home of a family in the community of Varginha, in Manguinhos. He will also visit the St. Francis of Assisi Hospital, which aids the recovery of people with chemical dependencies. Pope Francis will also visit with five juvenile delinquents at St. Joachim Palace, the official residence of the Archbishop of Rio.

Catecheses On the 24th, 25th and 26th of July, the catecheses take place, always in the morning. Taught by bishops from various countries, they deepen the theme of WYD: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Divided




according to the 30 different languages of the pilgrims, the 300 catecheses sessions occur in locations close to the accommodation sites. Besides preaching, the program also includes confessions and the celebration of the Holy Mass. At catechesis locations, breakfast will be distributed in the morning, from the 23rd to 27th of July, always from 7.00 to 8.00 in the morning. Catecheses will take place between 9.00-13.00.

Vocations Fair The Vocations Fair is an event which seeks to bring young people to ask what is the meaning and mission of their life. From their exposure to the richness and diversity of charisms of congregations, religious movements and communities, which are concrete answers to the call of God, pilgrims are led to reflect and driven to seek their place in the Church. Held at the Quinta da Boa Vista, in São Cristóvão, the fair will have 100 individual booths and 20 counters for exhibitions.There will also be a place for confessions to be heard, a food court, a stage, and tents for Masses, adoration and workshops. The tents can be used by priests who want to celebrate Mass with their groups. The stages are designated for Catholic shows and preaching. At the center of the square, the adoration tent of the Blessed Sacrament is coordinated by the Missionaries of Charity. In the park, at Quinta da Boa Vista, there will also be 50 confessionals. All of this will take place from the 23rd to 26th of July.

Youth Festival Much more than a simple entertainment program, the Youth Festival is a rich supply of spirituality and culture, containing diverse expressions (dance, theater, movies, exhibitions, concerts and cultural routes). WYD Rio2013 registered pilgrims have free access to all of these activities. The Religious Events are also part of the Youth Festival´s scheduled program. Coordinated by congregations, national and international religious movements, and episcopal conferences, these events provide the pilgrim with encounters to deepen the spiritual experience of prayer and mission. All these activities will take place during WYD. To learn about the full program of the Youth Festival see the Cultural and Religious Program Guide or visit www.rio2013.com.


Music Music has the power to reach deep into the human heart and lead to an experience of prayer and recollection with God, in addition to creating joy and motivating people to give witness to their faith. For this reason, one of the strength of the Youth Festival is the music performances. Stages distributed in the various city headquarter locations and branch offices of WYD Rio2013 will host shows, music festivals and concerts with the participation of artists of different nationalities.

Dance Different movements, cultures, and people from al continents of the world will take part in dance performances during the Youth Festival. With different styles ranging from classic to modern, these in His Church through the beauty of the expression of the dancers´ bodies.

Theater Young artists will perform theatrical plays and musicals in theaters throughout the city, thereby transmitting the Catholic faith with the unique differences and cultural characteristics of each country. In each expression, the smiles and tears, the universal language of Christ’s love will be transmitted.



presentations are tools to translate faith in Christ and

Exhibitions The exhibitions presented as part of the Youth Festival are intended to show different perspectives on God as expressed in works of painting, sculpture, photography, video and other artistic media. Some exhibits show the life of the Saints and Blesseds of the Church whose testimony has inspired the search for sanctification among young people. The works presented in the World Youth Day Rio2013 exhibit range - from historic sacred art by renowned artists from the Vatican collections to street art and graffiti from the walls of the city - from Papal coins from the third century to pipes decorated with sacred motifs. A special collection of works about the life of Saint Therese of Lisieux is also part of the program.

Cinema The Festival screening room will show films selected for their artistic merit and Christian themes and values. Discussion groups will follow the screenings, allowing pilgrims to deepen their faith through analysis of the films. The objective is to inspire deeper faith, hope, love and Christian values in the hearts of the pilgrims.

Historic Church Tours A tour of the churches in the historic downtown of Rio de Janeiro is a unique encounter with the history of Brazil and the faith of the people who are welcoming the WYD Rio2013 pilgrims. The richness and beauty of Rio’s chapels and churches will take visitors on a journey of faith and intimacy with God.


Hiking Hiking on the scout trails lead pilgrims to encounter God in nature, His Creation. The routes – which display Rio de Janeiro’s unique beauty – are located in various parts of the city. Pilgrims can walk in the mountains, islands, or through various neighborhoods, guided by Scouts. The never-before-seen in the history of WYD adventure will offer an opportunity to pray the mysteries of the rosary in the Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) and other special locations.

Tourist sites

Religious activities Various movements, institutes, congregations and episcopal conferences have organized religious activities to offer a rich spiritual experience to the participating youth. These include teachings and talks on the humanities and doctrine that are intended to enrich the WYD participants’ education.



Popular tourist sites in Rio de Janeiro – such as Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf and more – are worldrenowned for their beauty and uniqueness. They are prepared to welcome WYD participants with special scheduling and preparation.







Diocesan Mission Week The week before WYD was formerly termed “Pre-WYD” or “Days in the Diocese.” It’s new name, Mission Week, emphasizes it’s missionary purpose. The schedule of dynamic evangelizing events is based on the pillars of faith, solidarity in mission and culture. Besides promoting these themes, Mission Week is designed to stimulate religious, cultural and social sharing among the pilgrims and the host communities.

20th July


Diocesan Masses with the bishops The bishops of the Brazilian dioceses will celebrate Masses for the start of WYD Rio2013. Pilgrims and volunteers who participate in Mission Week will then travel to Rio de Janeiro, where they will participate in activities, including a meeting with the Pope.



Welcome to

Rio ! 21th






Pilgrims begin to arrive Pilgrims will head to their housing locations and will receive the Pilgrim kits, which include a backpack and credentials for participating in the upcoming WYD activities.





WYD Rio2013 begins today! Youth Festival begins. See the Cultural and Religious Program Guide. Main Event: Opening Mass and welcoming of pilgrims by the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Orani Jo達o Tempesta at Copacabana Beach.



The event begins in Copacabana with the praying of Vespers, the Missionary Rosary, and a music performance.


Opening Ceremony of WYD Rio2013 – - presentation of the WYD Cross and the Icon of Our Lady.


Mass, presided by the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Orani JoĂŁo Tempesta, followed by a tribute to the papacy and a speech by the president of the Pontificial Council for the Laity, Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko. The event will finish with music



23rd July

About my day:





Catecheses with the Bishops Start of the catecheses sessions with the Bishops by language. At catechesis locations, pilgrims will receive breakfast and participate in religious formation sessions, which will go deeper into the theme of WYD Rio2013. See the Cultural and Religious Programming Guide.


7:00 > 8:00 9:00 > 13:00 Afternoon

Breakfast at the catechesis locations. Catecheses with the Bishops, divided by language. Youth Festival. Consult the Cultural and Religious


Program Guide.

24th July

About my day:





Papal Welcoming Ceremony Pilgrims head to Copacabana to meet with the most anticipated WYD Rio2013 pilgrim, Pope Francis. Main Event: Papal Welcoming Ceremony and the greeting of the pilgrims by the Pope.


7:00 > 8:00 9:00 > 13:00 Afternoon:

Breakfast in the catecheses locations. Catecheses with Bishops by language group. Youth Festival. Consult the Cultural and Religious Program Guide. Beginning of the Papal Welcoming Ceremony.


Arrival of Pope Francis and Welcoming Ceremony.


Musical performance.



25th July

About my day:





Way of the Cross Pilgrims head to Copacabana to participate in prayer and meditation on the Passion of Christ. Main Event: Way of the Cross with Pope Francis at Copacabana Beach.


7:00 > 8:00 9:00 > 13:00 Afternoon

Breakfast at the catechesis locations. Catecheses with Bishops by language. Youth Festival. Consult the Cultural and Religious Program Guide.


Beginning of the event in Copacabana, starting with the praying of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, followed by a music performance.


Arrival of Pope Francis to Copacabana Beach and the start


Musical performance.


of the Way of the Cross.

26th July

About my day:





Prayer Vigil with Pope Francis After breakfast pilgrims will head to Campus Fidei in Guaratiba. There they will receive the Food Kit for the Vigil, which lunch that day and meals for the weekend. Main Event: Prayer Vigil with Pope Francis at Campus Fidei in Guaratiba.


7:00 > 8:00 9:00 16:00

Breakfast at the catechesis locations. Beginning of the event at Campus Fidei. Arrival of the Most Holy Sacrament and the beginning of adoration at the adoration tents. Beginning of the Vigil with Pope Francis.


Musical performance.



27th July

About my day:





Final Mass with the youth The Holy Father celebrates Mass and sends the young people home with the mission to go and make disciples. After the celebration of Mass, Pope Francis will announce the name of the city to host the next WYD.


7h 9h30 10h

Beginning of the event with the praying of Laudes Arrival of the Pope to the event Final Mass with the youth. After the celebration, Pope Francis will announce the city to host the next WYD. The


schedule will continue with music performances.

28th July

About my day:


83 Services

Dear pilgrim, the city of Rio de Janeiro and World Youth Day joyfully welcome you. All efforts were made to accommodate the thousands pilgrims and to plan exciting and moving events for WYD Rio2013. To create an unforgettable experience, all preparations have been made to avoid unnecessary worries and distractions. In this guide, though the app and on our website, registered pilgrims can find essential information for making the most of WYD Rio2013. Participation in World Youth Day Rio2013 is free. Any person can participate in the Main Events (Opening Mass, Papal Welcoming Ceremony, Way of the Cross, and Final Mass). However, at the Vigil and Final Mass there will be areas reserved for those who are registered. Registration is highly encouraged due to the enormous logistics required and as a way to collaborate with the funding of such a global event.

Welcome to Rio The pilgrims will be welcomed by volunteers at points of arrival, such as airports, bus stations, accommodation sites and all sites participating in WYD Rio2013. Volunteers will be available to attend to the pilgrims’ needs, to give directions, to answer questions, and to be a “new friend.”

Accommodation Rio de Janeiro has thrown its doors wide open. The accommodation types include places for large groups, as well as private host families. The places of accommodation are divided by linguistic groups.

Large Group Accommodation Accommodation for large groups will be available from Sunday (July 21th) through Monday (July 29th) from 22:00 to 8:00 in the morning. The period for personal hygiene will be from 22:00 until 24:00 and from 84

5:00 to 7:30 in the morning. After closing the accommodation, no one, whether group member and/ or leader, may exit or enter the accommodations. This is for your safety. On Sunday, July 28th, large group accommodations will be open from 14:00 (2pm) until 8:00 AM on July 29th.

Host Families Pilgrims are permitted to be in the host family residences from 22:00 until 8:00 in the morning. During the day, you may not return to your host family´s residence. On Sunday, July 28th, the host families will open their houses/apartments from 14:00 to 8:00 AM on July 29th. In case of an emergency or important necessity, the pilgrim must contact the group leader or parish coordinator of his/her accommodation section.

Coordinator There will be a Coordinator for all accommodations, and in case of necessity or doubt, the group leader will contact the Coordinator regarding the appropriate steps to take. The pilgrim who will not return to the family’s house or other accommodation before midnight must inform the house director, group leader or accommodation coordinator.

Accommodations will be available from the 21th to the 29th of July, 2013 and the group leader that has previously informed about the need for his group to continue to stay, should seek the accommodation Coordinator so that the group can arrive at the scene.

Personal Objects The accommodation coordinators are not responsible for any valuables left at the accommodations. We recommend that each pilgrim store all valuables in a secure and locked location and/or take valuables with them. 85


Duration of Stay

Pilgrim Kit Pilgrims registered with WYD Rio2013 will receive a kit with: • Cap • Pilgrim T-shirt • Meal card (if applicable) • Transportation card (if applicable) • Pilgrim ID • Crucifix • Cultural and Liturgical Program Guide • Pilgrim Guide • Discipulus book • Liturgy book • Backpack • Water bottle

It is very important to always wear the Pilgrim ID, which was included with the backpack, in a place where it is clearly visible. Write your personal information on the card, along with the address of your accommodation, and a contact telephone number. 86

Meals The WYD Local Organizing Committee has prepared a meal plan to ensure proper nutrition, allowing every pilgrim to participate fully in WYD. • Breakfast will be served at the catecheses locations from the 23th to the 27th of July, for those who opted for this package.

• For lunch and dinner from July 23rd until July 26th and for dinner on July 28th, restaurants, bars and other locations approved by the Ticket Restaurante Chain, will offer the PILGRIM MEAL (a complete meal at a special price). For these meals, the pilgrim must use the Meal Card. • There will be two Meal Card types, one valid for three days (the weekend) and the other for six days. All cards expire on July 29th, at 3:00 in the morning. • To use the card, the pilgrim will have an individual PIN number. Memorize

• The card will be recharged daily with a credit of R$30. The credit is cumulative. If you do not use all the credits for one day, they will be added on to the next day´s amount.



your PIN number. It guarantees that nobody, besides you, can use your card.

• The approved restaurant establishments will be marked with the Ticket Restaurante Chain sticker in a clearly visible location. • More information about the use of your Meal Card will be available along with your card. Attention Pilgrim: WYD is not responsible for the loss of your card and/or PIN. Memorize your PIN number and keep your meal card on your person. During the Vigil at Campus Fidei: For the VIGIL, two meal Kits have been prepared containing all the meals for the weekend: 1. CONVENTIONAL: meals carefully selected to attend to the nutritional necessities of young pilgrims without any sort of health restrictions. 2. SPECIAL: meals carefully chosen for pilgrims with dietary restrictions such as: diabetes and gluten intolerance. The menu has an average of 2500 kcal/day, which is sufficient for your nutritional needs expected during WYD Rio2013. All meals that make up the Kit were produced by selected national industries, approved and certified by official offices, to fulfill certain criteria such as: dietary safety, quality, and presentation of genuinely Brazilian flavors, made with national agricultural produce. Some meals, with peanuts and hazelnuts, may be allergenic. Thus, nutritionists recommend careful attention to the contents of the meals. • The VIGIL KIT will be distributed on Saturday, July 27th, and is meant to be consumed throughout the day on Saturday and on Sunday, July 28th. Please keep to the meal schedule in order to avoid running out of food before the end of the events.


Descubra Discover

Saboreie este bombom e descubra suas irresistíveis camadas: a suavidade dos flocos de coco que envolvem uma casquinha de wafer, com um delicado recheio cremoso e uma surpreendente amêndoa crocante no centro.

Disfrute este bombón y descubra sus irresistibles capas: Una suave lluvia de coco que envuelve una crocante oblea, con un delicado y cremoso relleno y una sorprendente almendra crocante en el centro.

Savor this bonbon and discover its many tempting layers: the light sprinkle of coconut flakes, the thin crispy wafer shell revealing a smooth creamy filling surrounding a surprising crunchy almond heart.

Criado Para Mexer Com Seus Sentidos

Creado Para Sorprender Tus Sentidos

Crafted To Delight Your Senses

• Drink water in between every meal. We suggest a minimum of 250 ml multiple times a day. • After eating, dispose of the packaging in the appropriate places. In case this cannot be done immediately after eating, keep your trash stored in the plastic bag that will be included the kit and dispose of it as soon as possible in the indicated areas.

KIT breakfast at catechesis location

Lunch restaurant

Dinner restaurant

Tuesday | 23

7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast



Wednesday | 24

7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast



Thrusday | 25

7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast



Friday | 26

7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast



Saturday | 27

Breakfast + snack kit

Vigil KIT

5 meals for the weekend*

Sunday | 28


* Lunch on Saturday, dinner on Saturday, snack, Sunday breakfast, and lunch on Sunday.


At any time of the day,

a special offer coming your way.













This offer is valid from 7/23/13 through 7/31/13 at participating McDonald’s Restaurants in Rio de Janeiro. Customers must have a personalized meal voucher printed with the logo of the 2013 World Youth Day. Breakfast combos are served until 11 a.m. and are composed of: Toasted, or Croissant, or Chef’s Hot Cheese Sandwich, or Cheese Bun + 500 ml Del Valle juice + hot beverage (200 ml Coffee with Milk or 200 ml Cappuccino) + apple. Meal combos are composed of sandwich + beverage (500 ml soda or 500 ml Del Valle juice) + side (Medium McFries or 4-piece Chicken McNuggets or Side Salad) + Ice-cream cone. This offer is not valid for McDelivery orders. Images are used for illustrative purposes only. For more information and list of participating Restaurants, go to: www.mcdonalds.com.br Coca-Cola: use authorized by trademark owner.

Transportation The transportation network of Rio de Janeiro is composed of buses, subways, trains, and ferries. In association with the administration of these networks, the Local Organizing Committee developed a transportation plan for WYD. Public transportation will run more frequently and for extended periods on the days of the Main Events.

Transportation card • The transportation card for WYD is individual. Be careful with it and do not lose it. WYD is not responsible for its dias days



6 viagens | dia • 6 trips | day

• The card is valid for transportation during

metrô | ônibus | trem | barca

the days that make up WYD, according to


subway | bus | train | ferry

dias days


the package option chosen (full week or weekend).


8 viagens | dia • 8 trips | day

metrô | ônibus | trem | barca subway | bus | train | ferry

If you purchased: • Full Week Package in your registration, the card will be valid from July 23th to 28th, that is, for six days.

• Weekend Package, the card will be valid on July 26th, 27th, and 28th, that is, for three days. • The card can be used for up to eight trips per day. Meaning if you take more than eight trips on the same day, the card will be blocked for the next day. Pay attention and plan your trips carefully. • The card is not cumulative. If you take less than eight trips in a day, the number of trips that are left from that day will not be added to the eight trips of the following day. • The card can be used on buses (except special buses run by the company Real Auto-ônibus, commonly known as “Frescão”), subways, trains and boats. All cards expire at 10:00 in the morning on July 29th.


Subway The Rio Metro consists of two lines (19 stations on line 1 and 16 on line 2), which connect the main neighborhoods of the city. Stations are equipped with ramps, vertical platforms, elevators, portable floors, Braille, and SOS (communication devices) to guarantee accessibility. If necessary, you can contact the Metro Administration at their Call Center: 0800 595 1111 or 4003-2111 (24 hours a day).

Train The train routes of Rio de Janeiro connect 12 municipalities of the Metropolitan Region. With a length of 270 km and 102 stations, the train system, SuperVia, offers 5 types of service which are detailed below: • Standard trains: stop at all stations along their line; • Express trains: trains from Japeri (18:00 to 19:00/6 PM to 7 PM) and Gramacho (18:25/6:25 PM – via Duque de Caxias). They do not stop at all stations; • Semidirect trains to Japeri: stop at all stations between Deodoro and Japeri; and at stations São Cristóvão (after 15:00/3 PM), Silva Freire, Engenho de Dentro, Cascadura and Madureira; • Semidirect trains to Santa Cruz: stop at all stations between Santa Cruz and Deodoro; at the stations of São Cristóvão (after 15:00/3 PM when heading towards Santa Cruz), Madureira, Cascadura, Engenho de Dentro and São Francisco Xavier. 726 9494.

Recommendations for getting around the city safely and easily during the week of WYD (July 23-28): • Use public transit. Private cars and chartered buses will not be able to circulate in the city; • Always keep your belongings secure. Be particularly attentive when using public transportation;



If necessary, you can reach an attendant 24 hours a day by calling: 0800

• When using trains and subways, always allow exiting passengers to leave before entering the car; • Do not remain near doors of buses or trains – move to the interior of the vehicle; • Always have the phone number of a contact person from your group on hand; • Pay attention to signs and announcements when using public transportation.

During the Vigil at Campus Fidei: • Chartered buses and private cars are not permitted near Campus Fidei; • Use public transportation to get to Campus Fidei. Buses going to the Vigil with the Pope will display signs indicating this; • The final stop will be 13km from the access gates for the Vigil. The pilgrims will walk this remaining distance, in accordance with WYD tradition; • Check your pass to see which Zone your group has been assigned for the Vigil. At the gates, follow the signs for your Zone and go directly there; • Avoid bringing any unnecessary items to the Vigil; don’t carry anything too heavy; • Follow the instructions posted on signs along the route; • To facilitate the circulation of buses and trains, do not try to force your way into full vehicles. Wait close by for the next one to arrive; • After the events at Campus Fidei end, be patient and cooperative while exiting the venue. There will be crowds. For more information on transportation options, check the website www.rio2013.com.


People with Disabilities Accessibility and Communication WYD values unity and the inclusion of all pilgrims. Because of this, special attention is given to serve and support persons with disabilities. To guarantee the participation of everyone in WYD Rio2013 events and programs, a plan for logistics and support for these pilgrims has been prepared so that they can fully enjoy the WYD experience. People with disabilities will have special support for accommodations, transport, and meals, in accordance with their necessities, so that they feel secure, enjoy the experience, and most of all feel welcomed and loved by the people of Rio.

Is there special lodging for people with disabilities? Yes, for those in wheelchairs who indicated on their registration that they needed special lodging. These people and their attendants (each user of a wheelchair may be accompanied by an attendant of the same gender) will be lodged in accommodations with beds, bathrooms and ramps suitable for wheelchair users. Attempts will be made to lodge people as close to their native language catechesis locations as possible to facilitate transport. Pilgrims that did not indicate this need will be lodged in regular lodgings with others who speak their native language.

Is there a special identification badge for those with disabilities? with disabilities, the international codes for disabilities will be used on these pilgrims’ badges: • Auditory disabilities (Deaf)

• Physical or mobility disabilities (wheelchair or crutches)

• Visual disabilities (blind, with attendant and/or guide dog)

• Intelectual disabilities



Yes. To facilitate communications and support for the specific needs of people

Will there be volunteers to assist people with disabilities? Yes. A team of volunteers has been selected specifically for this service. To better prepare them, they have completed a basic training course specifically designed to facilitate their service during WYD. The volunteers will be stationed at support posts near the stages of the Main Events and in special accommodation locations.

What is the situation regarding the participation of persons with disabilities in the Youth Festival? There will be guided tours of museums, tourist sites, and walking trails, as well as interpreters for the Deaf during some of the theatrical presentations. These programs will be indicated by the international symbols for each disability in the Cultural and Liturgical Schedule. The symbols will indicate if there are interpreters for the Deaf, wheelchair accessibility, and information in braille for the blind.

Will there be Confession for the Deaf? Yes. In Brazil there are various priests who serve the Deaf community. The international symbol for the Deaf will identify the locations where this service will be offered. If the priest does not know LIBRAS or the sign language of the pilgrim’s country of origin, the pilgrim can use pen and paper to communicate with the confessor. For reasons of confidentiality we ask that there be no interference by the interpreter during Confession. Besides offering confession in the catechesis locations, priests will offer confession at Quinta da Boa Vista, in the São Cristóvão neighborhood.

Will there be catechesis especially for people with disabilities? There will be a special catechesis location for wheelchair users and blind persons with interpreters for the various languages represented.


Is there accessible transportation for those using wheelchairs? Yes. There will be special transport for wheelchair users who are lodged in special accommodations. Transport will take pilgrims from their lodging to the Main Event location and back. For participation in the Vigil at Campus Fidei, special transport will take wheelchair users to the main gate of the event. If you did not indicate your needs in your registration (and thus are not staying in the special accommodations), you may use public transportation with the help of members of your group and the support of volunteers.

Are there bathrooms available for those with disabilities? Yes. There will be portable toilets placed in strategic locations at the Main Events. Wheelchair users are guaranteed bathrooms specifically for those with handicaps.

Will there be a support/services post at the Main Events? Yes. At all the Main Events there will be tents and booths offering support services close to the main stages. These tents will also have mechanics available to assist with any wheelchair problems.

For the Deaf Instituto Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Congregação Nossa Senhora do Calvário (Escola de Surdos) [Our Lady of Lourdes School for the Deaf] www.inosel.org.br Phone: (21) 2274 3998 inosell@yahoo.com.br Pastoral dos Surdos (Nacional) [National Ministry of the Deaf] www.effata.org.br 97


Organizations and institutions of interest

INES – Instituto Nacional de Educação para Surdos [National Institute for Deaf Education] www.ines.org.br Phone: (21) 2285 7692 Rua das Laranjeiras, 232. Bairro/Neighborhood: Laranjeiras. Federação Nacional de Educação e Integração dos Surdos [National Federation for the Education and Integration of the Deaf] www.feneis.org.br Phone: (21) 25674880 / 25674800 diretorianacional2@gmail.com Rua Santa Sofia, 139. Bairro/Neighborhood: Tijuca

For the blind Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC) Avenida Pasteur, 350/368 – Bairro/Neighborhood: Urc Phone: (21) 2543 1119 Sodalício da Sacra Família Rua Alzira Brandão, 281 – Bairro/Neighborhood: Tijuca Phone: (21) 2569 7399 / 2569 3572 sodalicioterra@terra.com www.facebook.com/sodaliciodasacrafamiliariodejaneiro

For those with intellectual disabilities: Special Catechism Igreja Santo Afonso – Padres Redentoristas [Church of Saint Alfonso - Redemptorist Fathers] Rua Barão de Mesquita, 275 – Bairro/Neighborhood Tijuca Phone: 2264 6162 santoafonsorj@gmail.com – Padre Luis Carlos


Estácio has done its job. Rio is ready to welcome WYD with arms wide open. All 70,000 WYD’s volunteers were trained by ESPANHOL JMJ Estácio to be friendly and- receptive turning FRANCÊS the pilgrims’ experience unforgettable. PORTUGUÊS INVESTING IN YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER WITH YOU.










ALEMÃO Official sponsor:

INGLÊS - WYD ÁRABE CHINÊS JAPONÊS RUSSO Estácio has more than 40 years of experience in more than 70 units in Brazil. Get to know Estácio: www.estacio.br

www.estacio.br Our locations: AL, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, PA, PB, PE, PR, RJ, RN, RR, RS, SC, SE and SP.

Arquivo JMJ

Volunteers The volunteer is the face of WYD. With a spirit of joy, availability, promptness and service, he or she makes the success of this great event possible. WYD Rio2013 has 60,000 volunteers. Of these 45,000 are from the city of Rio and surroundings; 7,500 Brazilians from other cities; and 7,500 from overseas. The vast majority are youth and adults between the ages of 18 and 35. Divided into teams, they will provide support during every moment of WYD in areas ranging from logistical support and information to administrative services and communications. In the pre-WYD period, the Volunteer Sector of the Local Organizing Committee has provided training for the teams geared towards the specific service they will be performing. You can identify volunteers by the volunteer shirts and service badges. Here are some specifics regarding the volunteers serving at WYD Rio2013: -Upon your arrival, volunteers will be in information booths at the airports and bus stations to direct you and answer questions about transport within the city; • During the Main Events, teams of volunteers will be at key access points (metro stations and bus stops). At these events there will also be service posts for pilgrims offering volunteer medical attention as well as support for those with special needs. • Throughout WYD, information kiosks staffed by WYD volunteers will be spread throughout the city of Rio de Janeiro and nearby neighborhoods. The locations of these kiosks are listed on our site www.rio2013.com. If you experience any difficulty or necessity, please seek out a volunteer immediately.


Follow WYD The Communications Division of the Local Organizing Committee has prepared daily coverage of the events of WYD. You can check in on all of the action when the youth meet the Pope in real time through the official broadcasts. WYD Rio2013 also features the collaboration of many Media Partners, news, paper, web, television and radio channels, which have already reserved spaces for their vehicles to experience and broadcast these exciting moments.

Web Follow all the events which make up the program of WYD Rio2013 on our official site www.rio2013.com . There, you can also find all the necessary information to participate in this WYD. The site is available in seven languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Polish.

WebTV Redentor To keep up with the news and see what happened every day at WYD, just get on Redeemer WebTV. On this channel, you can also see live coverage of the Main Events. www.redentor.tv.br

You can also listen to WYD Rio2013 on Cathedral Radio. It features 24 hour coverage so you don’t miss a thing that is happening around the city. Tune in and get listening. FM 106.7 www.radiocatedral.com.br



RĂĄdio Catedral

Facebook You can also follow the action when the youth meet the Pope live on the WYD Rio2013 fanpage on Facebook. Like our page and follow us in 21 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. https://www.facebook.com/jornadamundialdajuventude/info

Twitter The 140 characters of the Twitter platform are simply not enough to capture everything that is happening at WYD. Nevertheless, you can follow the tweets and headlines on our official Twitter. If you have Twitter, don’t forget to tell your story using the hashtag #Rio2013 #Rio2013.

Youtube If you would like to see vĂ­deos from WYD, you can access them on our Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/jmjrio2013

Flickr Innumerable images of these special moments for the Catholic youth of the world is not going to be left out of the coverage. You can find them at the following link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmjrio2013

Official App Information about logistics, transport, food, as well as the official schedule can be f ound on the WYD Rio2013 app. Availabre for Android or iOS at: http://www.rio2013.com/app 102

Official Products Medals, icons, buttons, rosary beads, T-shirts, and other merchandise. You can find all of this and more in the WYD Rio2013 stores. Find the one closest to you and take advantage of the opportunity to bring back souvenirs and memories of these unforgettable days.

Brazilian Currency The legal currency of Brazil is the Real (R$). International pilgrims can only buy Reais at special branches of the Central Bank of Brazil (Banco Central do Brasil). You can find a list of locations on the following site http://www. dinheirobrasileiro.bcb.gov.br

Necessary documentation On transactions up to $3.000 US Dollars, the identification that you used to enter the country is sufficient. Above this amount, you will need to present additional documentation.

Withdrawing money at ATM machines You can usually withdraw money with credit cards, debit or pre-paid cards from the major international networks.

Using a credit card cards, and pre-paid cards.

How much money in cash or traveler’s check can I bring into or take out of Brazil? There is no limit to the amount of money you can carry in cash or traveler’s check, whether you are leaving or entering the country. However, if you are carrying more than R$10.000 Reais or the equivalent in another currency, you will need to fill out the Currency Carry-on Electronic Declaration (Declaração Eletrônica de Porte de Valores [e-DP]), issued by the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil on its site receita.fazenda.gov.br/dpv. 103


Most commercial establishments in Brazil accept major credit cards, debit

Is there a limit on currency exchanges in cash, pre-paid cards, or traveler’s checks? There is no limit to currency exchanges in Brazil. However, for transactions involving more than R$10.000 Reais, it must either be wired to a bank account or sent via check.

Bank notes in circulation in Brazil A new style of Brazilian Real bank notes is currently being released. The new bank notes are somewhat larger.

New R$10 and R$20 bank notes By moving the bank notes around, you will see that the number on each bill changes from blue to green. A bright band appears struck across the number.

Always check the security features of your money. For more information, see www.dinheirobrasileiro.bcb.gov.br 104

New $R50 and R$100 bank notes As you move the bank notes, you will see the following effects: • The number indicating the value of the bank note and the word “Reais” will alternate. • The figure of the animal is brightly colored. • The leaf (50) or the coral (100) changes colors.

Old bank notes are still valid currency.


A Healthy WYD In Brazil, medical assistance is available through the Universal System of Healthcare (Sistema Único de Saúde [SUS]), which is free for Brazilians as well as foreigners (in emergency cases) as well as through private medical centers (through private health plans). All registered pilgrims at WYD Rio2013 are provided with medical insurance, which includes outpatient as well as surgical care.

Medical Aid Stations for pilgrims The WYD leadership, through a team of medical volunteers, will provide basic medical attention at medical aid stations located near all WYD events.

Emergency Medical Care In the case of a medical emergency, where an ambulance may be required, the following protocol should be followed in order to assure proper medical care: • In a public area call the Fire Department (Corpo de Bombeiros, tel. 193) • In enclosed areas, call the SAMU (tel. 192) These numbers can be dialed for free from any phone, 24/7.

In case of illness The Universal System of Healthcare (SUS) in Rio de Janeiro has nearly 40 Primary Care Stations (Unidades de Pronto Atendimento [UPA]) and Emergency Rooms, located throughout the city and which are open 24 hours a day. In the Rio Metropolitan Area, there are more than 11 centers. If necessary, seek out a volunteer immediately to receive proper instructions and directions. During the morning at catecheses locations, medical professionals will be stationed to administer first aid and to give medical guidance, when necessary. Ask at the location of your catechesis as to the whereabouts of the medical team. At the Main Events of WYD and the Youth Festival, there will be medical teams, Medical Aid Stations, available for emergency and non-emergency 106

cases, located where indicated on the map with the following symbol. There will also be paramedics making rounds among the pilgrims to provide immediate attention to any situation that may arise.

Private medical institutions To receive medical care at a private institution, it is necessary to either have medical insurance or to pay on the spot. If necessary, contact your insurance provider to identify the nearest eligible location and learn about the proper way to obtaining medical care.

Pharmacies There are many, many pharmacies in the city, where most types of medicine can be found. In order to buy certain medications, such as antibiotics, it may be necessary to present a prescription from a licensed medical professional. Prescriptions from other countries are not accepted at Brazilian pharmacies. It is necessary to obtain one from a Brazilian doctor. In Brazil, pharmacists are not authorized to prescribe medications.

Health Tips • Please have your pilgrim identification and hosting address always available. Is you have a chronic condition, must take a certain medication continuously, or have any allergy (environmental, medical or food), please always carry a your group regarding your condition and/or necessities. • At this point in the year, the average temperature in Rio de Janeiro is 22°C (72°F), but on some days the temperature may rise considerably, and on others, especially if it rains, the temperature may fall considerably. Always carry an umbrella and a sweater in your backpack. • Protect yourself from the sun and heat by wearing appropriate clothing, a hat, and sunscreen. Do not forget to use sunblock when at the beach. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. If the temperature is quite high, drink at least 3.



card with you explaining all relevant information. Also, please inform others in

• In Brazil, water from the faucet (tap water) is not drinkable, thus only drink filtered, bottled, or mineral water. Avoid putting ice in your drinks. Wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible, particularly before eating. • Avoid raw or spicy foods (especially if not accustomed). Some Brazilian foods may use spices or oils that you are not used to consuming. Please be prudent and watch what you eat. • Do not consume food from unlicensed street vendors, especially those with open carts. • The beaches in Rio de Janeiro are divided into ocean and bay beaches. The beaches on the bay are not for swimming, whereas the ocean beaches are almost all good places to swim, though it is necessary to keep an eye on the weather, especially on the rain and currents. You can find information on the conditions at any beach in the local newspapers. If you have any doubts, find a lifeguard station and ask the lifeguards. • Certain conditions can make swimming at the beaches dangerous (for example, when the currents are exceptionally strong. There are flags placed close to the shoreline which can let you know about the current conditions: red means danger and white means that the ocean is calm. • Use insect repellent when visiting forest locations to avoid Dengue fever. Repellent should be reapplied if a person gets wet or sweats too much and should be applied on top of any sunblock. • In this time of year, because of the climate, respiratory diseases are quite common, including flus, runny noses, and asthma attacks. Eat well, avoid the cold and the rain, and if necessary, seek out a medical aid station immediately.

Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages In Brazil, it is illegal to smoke in closed environments and on means of transportation. The consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages to persons younger than 18 is also illegal. Additionally, drinking any amount of alcohol before driving is illegal and an offense. The Police will prosecute the consumption and possession of illegal drugs. If you see something suspicious, remove yourself from the area. Avoid deserted locations and risky areas.


Ilustração Cláudio Duarte


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Travel Safely - Information: 166

Ministério dos Transportes





Useful phone Numbers

Pilgrim Info Line: 0800 718 2013 Country Code for Brazil: +55 Rio area code: 21 Ambulance – Public Service for Medical Emergencies: 192 Fire Department: 193 Civil Defense (Emergency Response Management): 199 Civil Police: 197 Federal Police: 194 Military Police: 190 Aerobarcas Airport: 2533-4343/2620-8589 Jacarepaguá Airport: 2432-7070 International Airport: 3398-5050/3398-4526/3398-4527 Santos Dumont Airport: 3814-7070 National Health Agency: 0800-61-1997 Water & Sewage: 0800 282 1195 Electricity: 0800 280 0120 Telecommunications: 1331 Central Bank: 0800-979-2345 Blood Bank: 0800 282 0708 Ferries: 4004-3113 Caixa (Federal Financial Service): 0800-726-0101 Rio Water & Sewage: 0800-282-1195 Natural Gas: 0800 24 7766 Rio Transit Authority: 2508-5500 Rio Post Offices : 0800-570-0100 Light: 2535-5151 Municipal Police: 153 Tourism Information: 0800 282 2007 Light: 0800-282-0120 Metro: 0800 595 1111 Garbage Removal and Public Space Management: 2204-9999 Niterói Bus Station: 2620-8847/2621-4147 New Rio Bust Station: 3213-1800 Salvaero – Aerial Search & Rescue: 2220-0515 Municipal Trains: 2588-9494

Credits Published by Instituto Jornada Mundial da Juventude Rio de Janeiro

Content Carol de Castro (Brazil) - MTB CE 1718 JP Christiane Sales (Brazil) - MTB 34825 RJ Renata Rodrigues (Brazil) - MTB 18887 RJ

Translation and editing Maria Kozak (Poland) Thamiris Gonรงalves (Brazil) Danielle Danowski (USA) Peter T. Cahill (USA) Suzana Regina Moreira (Brazil) Ona Kiser (USA) Emily Kasky (USA)

Design Gustavo Huguenin (Brazil) Filipe Teixeira (Portugal) Hayla de Deus (Brazil)

ISBN 978-85-66947-03-8

Printed by: Grรกfica Bandeirantes

"Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19)

World Youth Day www.rio2013.com

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