Pif of inercia digital

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PIC Full legal name (National Language) Full legal name (Latin characters) Acronym National ID (if applicable) Department (if applicable) Address (Street and number) Country Region P.O. Box Post Code CEDEX City Website Email Telephone 1 Telephone 2 Fax

A. PARTNER ORGANISATION 953952030 Inercia Digital S.L.

Inercia Digital

C/ Bartolom茅 Pastor Jald贸n, 7 Spain Andalusia E-21450 Cartaya (Huelva) www.inerciadigital.com contacta@inerciadigital.com (+34) 687680571 (+34) 639214706

B. PROFILE Type of Organisation Is the partner organisation a public body? Is the partner organisation a non-profit?

Vet provider (SME) no no

C. ACCREDITATION Has the organisation received any type of accreditation before submitting this application? Has the organisation received/applied for any EU


grants in the three years preceeding this appication? EU Programme Erasmus+ Ka1

Year 2015

Adult education

Erasmus+ Ka1

Project number 2015-1-ES01-KA104-

Beneficiary Inercia Digital (Spain)

014891 2015

Adult education

2015-1-PL01-KA104014713 2015-1-MT01-KA101-

Erasmus+ Ka1 School


Erasmus+ Ka1 School


Fundacja Archipelag Innowacji Spoloczny (Poland) Maria Regina College (Malta)



Pelgulinna Gymnasium (Estonia)

013349 Erasmus+ Ka1 School

2015 2015-1-EE01-KA101-

Erasmus+ Ka1 School


Erasmus+ Ka2 VET


Erasmus+ Ka2 VET





Erasmus+ Ka2 School


Mosha Pijade Tetovo (Macedonia)



Erasmus+ Ka2 School

Sillaotsa Kool (Estonia)


Colegiul Tehnic "Alexandru Domsa" RO01 (Romania) Epralima (Portugal)


2015-1-MK01-KA201002841 2015-1-IT02-KA201015005 Erasmus+ Ka2 VET Adult education Erasmus+, Ka2

2015 2015 2014

South East European University Tetovo (Tetovo-Macedonia) Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Lazio-US LAZIO

022399 2015-1-RO01-KA204-

ANADOLU LISESI (Mersin-Turkey) Asociatia InitiativaCetatenilorSeniori(Brail

015258 2014-1-ES01-KA202-

Romania) ONECO consulting

004710 Erasmus+ Ka2 Erasmus+, Ka2 TEK



KADRI SAMAN MTSO MESLEKI VE The womans organisation company Uk

001780 Erasmus Plus, Ka2






Lancaster and Morecambe College


(Lancashire, UK)

Youth Grundtvig Learning Partnership, Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)

Leonardo da Vinci




RTD Talos (Lefkosia, CYPRUS)


Development of Innovation project (DOI), Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Leonardo da Vinci


Multilateral Transfer of



Innovation project (TOI), Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) TEMPUS project, Joint Projects



Odessa National Polytechnic Univ rsity,


(Odessa, UKRAINE).


D. BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE (max 5000 characters for each section) Inercia Digital is a young Andalusian social enterprise, established in 2012, with outlets Europeanwide. Despite being a small size company, it has international ambition and appealing experience. Its main target is to contribute with innovative solutions to both e-business and web entrepreneurship skills for organizations and entrepreneurs (elearning on e-business).

Please briefly present the partner organisation. (e.g. its type,size,scope of work,areas of specific expertise,specific social context and,if relevant,the quality system used).

Inercia Digital offers E-Learning solutions contextualized to the needs of our customers in an environment of collaboration and respect for the optimization of the professional performance and training. This is supported by a Pedagogical and Technological Know-How that contributes to the development of a creative, educational process. In this sense, this company offers some programmes and online courses specialised on both skills - for organizations and entrepreneurs- accessible through its Virtual Campus, which has been approved by the Regional Government of Andalusia as a Virtual Training Centre for Employment, besides the award of Inercia Digital as a Collaborative Entity in Training for Employment in the discipline ofe-learning. Inercia Digital trusts on E-Learning as an educational training process, so that it entails the attention to both areas: the Pedagogical and the Technological one, while accepting technologies such a support and tool within the whole process. For this reason, Inercia Digital brings together specialists and experts of these two main areas in order to offer a comprehensive knowledge. Its trainings are always supported by appropriate educational strategies and the proper use of technologies.

Cooperating with different strategic partners, Inercia Digital has developed several training programs in order to address those specific needs of organizations and entrepreneurs. E-Teaching is the program about training online tutors/mentors and digital trainers. It is one of Inercia Digital’s specialities, and it owns the Certificate of Proficiency of Teaching Professionalism of Vocational Training for Employment (SSCE0110) which has been approved by the Andalusian Employment Service, as well as its speciality of Virtual Tutorial for Online Training (SSCE01A). Inercia Digital has several specialised courses in the following training areas: ebusiness, web entrepreneurship and e-learning: E-BUSINESS • Electronic commerce for SMEs (e-commerce): B2C, B2B, C2C • Electronic relationships among SMEs: B2E, B2A / C2A and teleworking • Online sales platforms (Virtual Stores) • SMEs’ e-commerce internationalisation • Online marketing for SMEs • ERP and CRM systems. Business intelligence (BI) WEB ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Online business models • Preparation of innovative Business Plan • Support for a innovation cycle starting with business ideas or market needs • Cloud Computing Model for SMEs • Design, creation and Web Business Analytics • Office automation 2.0: Digital SME program E-LEARNING • Design and development of online learning platforms • Training of trainers in e-learning • Preparation, design and content adaptive e-learning • Virtual tutoring projects and courses • Training for employment e-learning

• E-learning for SMEs

Inercia Digital has been developing a serial of training programmes in order to address specific needs of specialization in ICT for teachers, and has promoted the use of digital competences at the school for staff and students. Inercia Digital is specialized in the implementation of e-learning platforms: Learning Management Systems (LMS). Its mission is to design the right solution in the field of educational technology for each of the training needs of its customers. Inercia Digital specialized workers in implementing, customizing and making improvements on Moodle platforms. This company helps in launching platforms to manage e-learning and blended learning programmes, as well as to create virtual learning communities.

What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this application?

Based on its expertise area, during the last two years is has created and lead websites and learning modules for education institutions/providers (such as schools, adult education centres, VET, etc.), in order to integrate ICT in their daily activities while training them on digital competences and web tools, e-learning, virtual opportunities and collaborative learning. In addition, Inercia Digital has International and European experience, inside and outside the Erasmus+ Programme. It has worked on managing the projects as well as developing them. In fact, lately it has specially dedicated its effort on training educators, teachers, investigators and other staff of education institutions, such as: *JOB IMPULSE- Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, 2014, Erasmus+, Ka2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice. 2014-1es01-ka202-004-710 *Digital Innovations for Growth Academy, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, 2014, Erasmus+, Ka2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice. 2014-1-uk01-ka202-001780

*START - Art of the Start - Grundtvig Learning Partnership, The project is coordinated by the Lancaster and Morecambe College (Lancashire, UK). September 2013 - August 2015 (2013-1-GB2-GRU06-11176). *CooperActive, Capacity Building for Youth in ACP countries, exchange of good practices, Latin America and Asia, Erasmus Plus, Ka2 Youth. Agreement Number: 2014-1044/001-001

*TECRINO - Teaching creativity in engineering - Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Development of Innovation project (DOI), The project is coordinated by RTD Talos (Lefkosia, CYPRUS) January 2014 - December 2015 (538710-LLP-1-2013-1-CY- LEONARDO- LMP). *E-EMPORIO - Increase SMEs export skills through e-learning - Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Transfer of Innovation project (TOI), The project is coordinated by CNIPMMR (Bucharest, ROMANIA). August 2013- July 2015 (LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-026). *CABRIOLET - Model-Oriented Approach and Intelligent Knowledge-Based System for Evolvable Academia-Industry Cooperation in Electronic and Computer Engineering TEMPUS project, Joint Projects subprogram of the European Commission. The project is coordinated by Odessa National Polytechnic University, (Odessa, UKRAINE). (544497TEMPUS-1-2013-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPHES). *Project OPEN - OPEN INNOVATION in adult learning. Inercia Digital is the coordinator of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2012-2014 (Project 012-1 GRU06- 53425-ES1-1). The goal is to bring the project principles and open innovation adult education tools *RIURE Project - Latin American Network for Educational Repositories Usability (RIURE) Inercia Digital is a partner of the project, approved in the Call CYTED 2012 Thematic Networks (Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development), where twelve Latin American universities are involved and whose coordinator is the University of Vigo (Spain). Thanks to its qualified personnel, its experience and its facilities, Inercia Digital is proven capable to develop such a project. After so many trainings organised, this company has trained professionals from all over Europe with excellent results and satisfaction.

Caridad Martínez Carrillo de Albornoz (Founding Shareholder) Lawer (business speciality), Master in Marketing and Expert in Communications 2.0; CEO at Inercia Digital.

What are the skills and expertise of key staff/persons involved in this application?

Jose Manuel Luna Huertas (Founding Shareholder) Expert in e-learning, designer of pedagogical/training contents; in charge of the Training Department at Inercia Digital. Manager and coordinator of training projects, as well as experienced in the development of the trainings. Borja Muñoz Vides Technical Engineer in Computer Systems, in charge of the Informatics Department at Inercia Digital. Expert on routing protocols and concepts with experience in training on digital tools. Veronika Fričová Training Manager at Inercia Digital. Previously experienced in management, finance, insurance, taxes, accountancy, statistics, financial analysis, economics, evaluation of buildings and companies. Being trained as a potential trainer. European experience within Erasmus+/Youth in Action Programmes.

Title Gender First Name Family Name Department Position Email Telephone 1 Address Country Region P.O. Box Post Code CEDEX City Telephone 2

E. LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Mrs Female Caridad Martínez Carrillo de Albornoz Founding Shareholder and CEO Caridadcarrillo@inerciadigital.com +34 687680571 C/ Bartolomé Pastor Jaldón, 7 Spain Andalusia E-21450 Cartaya (Huelva)

E. LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Title Gender First Name Family Name Department Position

Mrs Female Caridad Martínez Carrillo de Albornoz Founding Shareholder and CEO

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