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Positive transformation in the fashion industry – just wishful, utopian thinking or something that is actually within reach? The latter, if you ask the founders of Fashion Changers. They believe that this can be achieved by sharing expertise, specific recommendations for action and experiences. All of which can be found in abundance at this year’s Fashion Changers Conference, as co-founder Nina Lorenzen tells us: “Once again we have a line-up of fantastic speakers such as labour law activist Kalpona Akter, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Germany Kerstin Weng, founders like Anna Yona from Wildling and the politicians Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Anna Cavazzini.” They will come together to discuss issues like how fair working conditions can be compared, how labels can design their clothing to be more inclusive, which direction re-commerce is developing in and what TikTok & Co. mean for sustainability communication. “The part I’m looking forward to the most is the in-person opening event. That’s a premiere for us and the perfect way to complement our digital line-up.” So if you’re in Berlin on 8 November, you’ll be able to meet the founders live and in person.


Together with Jana Braumüller and Vreni Jäckle, Lorenzen established Fashion Changers in 2018. The trio pooled their expertise and passion for fair fashion and began organising networking events under the motto ‘Cooperation over competition’. Motivated by success, things soon really took off for the collective: at the beginning of 2019, the Fashion Changers Magazine was launched; in 2020 they published their first book and held the first conference, swiftly followed by their industry newsletter Modepost in 2021 and the introduction of the Fashion Changers Membership in 2022. “In our online magazine, we have always dedicated space to stories that we thought weren’t visible enough or discussed too generically,” says Nina Lorenzen, looking back. “Then we came up with the idea of organising a conference as a place where professionals from the fashion industry can come together to share their knowledge and learn from one another as equals.” The team has certainly never been lacking in ideas or drive. And the fact that the third edition of the Fashion Changers Conference isn’t taking place in person is down to the enthusiastic response, as Lorenzen reveals: “When we had to switch at short notice to a digital-only format in 2020 because of the pandemic, we were inconsolable to begin with – until we recognised the potential and appeal of doing things digitally. Our community was also happy about being able to take part without needing to travel.”


The line-up of the Fashion Changers Conference will also delve deeper, without shying away from the difficult questions. Because for far too long, the fashion industry has found it more convenient to stay out of the political fray. Greenwashing is also something that we need to fight together, by educating and advising – because making false sustainability promises, say the Fashion Changers, is not only fatal for your own company, but will also have a negative impact on the reputation of the entire industry. This is something that the fashion media should also feel responsible for, according to Lorenzen: “More specific information in sustainability communication is vital, even if the space and time are often lacking. It’s of no help to anyone if all we are doing is bandying around empty words like ‘sustainable’ and ‘fair’.” Related topics that the founder believes are being neglected in many media range from living wages to size-inclusive and barrier-free fashion, to craftsmanship in crisis and conflict regions, political regulations and degrowth. “These are all subjects that deserve a lot more attention – and that offer a lot of potential for genuine, positive change,” explains the Fashion Changer, leaving us with a sense of motivation and hope for the future.

Tickets for the Fashion Changers Conference are available online at:

Talk is sweet, action is better: the Fashion Changers Conference is taking place from 8-10 November 2022. With digital panel talks, workshops and a physical opening event, the aim is to inspire, motivate, network and educate.

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