Ways That Infrared Saunas Can Give Your Brain a Boost

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August 7, 2017

Ways That Infrared Saunas Can Give Your Brain a Boost

Your mental health is critical to attaining your goals in life. It’s one of the biggest factors that can influence the way you think and handle stress while performing your daily tasks. Since poor mental health can affect the quality of your life, it’s important to perform activities that can help you relieve stress. One way to do so is through regular infrared sauna sessions.


The heat of infrared saunas can penetrate into the deepest layers of your skin, providing a soothing warmth that is both relaxing and destressing. Read on to learn how the infrared sauna can boost your mental health in several ways. Improves Mood Infrared saunas can help deal with depression. Because the heat is a stressor for the body, the brain is forced to produce and release euphoric hormones. These hormones can then lift your mood, helping depressed people to feel happy. According to studies, infrared sauna treatments can reduce symptoms of depression by around 50%. They can also help patients deal with appetite loss and fatigue, which are common effects of depression. Reduces Stress and Anxiety An infrared sauna session after a long day at work can help you deal with the stress and anxiety that your job or other problems in life cause you. The heat of the sauna can reduce the body’s levels of cortisol, the main stress hormone. Because it can also increase relaxation, you won’t feel as frustrated, anxious, or stressed as you would had you not used the sauna. Relieves Pain When you’re in extreme physical pain, or experiencing emotional stress, the body automatically produces beta-endorphins. These natural painkillers help you with the discomfort. When you use the infrared sauna, the production of beta-endorphins is increased, giving you a better chance of getting through any pain or stress you’re experiencing. Lowers Risk of Mental Illness There is a protein in the brain called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This is responsible for lowering the risk of mental illness, as well as enhancing your mood. Through this, your brain cells are protected and damaged ones are repaired. The growth of new brain cells is also improved. Experts call BDNF a natural antidepressant, and regular production of BDNF decreases your risk of mental disease. Enjoying regular sauna sessions can help increase your levels of BDNF.


Enhances Focus and Attention People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often take medications with norepinephrine. This hormone and neurotransmitter allows a person to have more focus and attention. Infrared saunas help facilitate the production of norepinephrine. That’s why experts consider sauna sessions to be a safe alternative treatment for people with ADHD, as it increases their levels of norepinephrine. These are just a few of the ways in which infrared sauna sessions promote mental health. What’s better is that you can have one in your own home. There are several manufacturers that offer high-quality infrared saunas that can easily be installed in your home, giving you unlimited access to the many benefits it provides. About JNH Lifestyles: We at JNH Lifestyles are committed to helping people enhance their lives through detoxification, better sleep, and improved circulation. We believe that when people take care of their mind and body through infrared sauna sessions, their chances of achieving their goals greatly increase. We offer our saunas at affordable prices that will fit any budget.

Sources: 13 Proven Ways Saunas Can Improve Your Mental Health, Optimallivingdynamics.com Can Sitting in a Sauna Ease Depression, Webmd.com


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