September 2013: Tennessee Farm Bureau News

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ISSN 1062-8983 • USPS 538960

Volume 92 Number 5 • September 2013

WHAT’S INSIDE: PagE 7 FB Women’s Conference

Page 8 YF&R Summer Conference

Page 9 FB Presidents Conference


Benefiting the Tennessee Foundation for

Ag in the Classroom Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 Windtree Golf Course in Mt. Juliet For more information call: 931-388-7872 Ext. 2215 or 2217

Rutherford County young farm couple named state winners – Rutherford County’s Brandon and Katherine Whitt were named Tennessee Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Young Farmer and Achievement Award winners during special ceremonies at the Tennessee Young Farmer Summer Conference in July. The row crop and swine farmers from the Blackman community bested 16 other county contestants in state competition held at the headquarter offices of the Tennessee Farm Bureau in Columbia, Tenn. to be named the state winners and also have the opportunity to compete for national honors in January. continues on page 8

Official newspaper of Tennessee Farm Bureau

FarmBureauNews TENNESSEE


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September 2013

FarmBureauNews TENNESSEE

ISSN 1062-8983 • USPS 538960

Pettus Read, Editor Lee Maddox, Assistant Editor Melissa Burniston, Feature Writer Stacey Warner, Graphic Designer Misty McNeese, Advertising P.O. Box 313, Columbia, TN 38402-0313 (931) 388-7872 Issued bi-monthly by the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation located at 147 Bear Creek Pike, Columbia, Tennessee 38401. Non-profit periodical postage paid at Columbia, TN and additional entry offices. Send address corrections to: Tennessee Farm Bureau News Offices, P.O. Box 313, Columbia, TN 38402-0313. Subscription rate for Farm Bureau members (included in dues) $1 per year. Advertising Policy: Advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers must assume all liability for content of their advertising. Publisher maintains right to cancel advertising for non-payment or reader complaint about advertiser service or product. Publisher does not accept political, dating service or alcoholic beverage ads, nor does publisher pre-screen or guarantee advertiser service or products. Publisher assumes no liability for products or services advertised in the Tennessee Farm Bureau News. TENNESSEE FARM BUREAU FEDERATION

Board of Directors Lacy Upchurch Jeff Aiken President

Vice President

Directors-at-Large Charles Hancock David Richesin Catherine Via District Directors Malcolm Burchfiel Dan Hancock James Haskew David Mitchell Eric Mayberry Jane May Advisory Directors Jimmy McAlister Dr. Larry Arrington Other Officers and Staff Joe Pearson Chief Administrative Officer

Rhedona Rose

Executive Vice President

Wayne Harris

Tim Dodd



Organization Bobby Beets

Public Policy Stefan Maupin

Bryan Wright

Ryan King



Associate Director

Associate Director

Paige Bottoms

Special Programs Charles Curtis

Communications Pettus Read

Chris Fleming

Associate Director

Lee Maddox

Associate Director

Melissa Burniston

Associate Director

Regional Member Benefits Coordinator


Associate Director


Kristy Chastine Dan Strasser

Associate Director

Regional Field Directors Matt Fennel, Jim Bell, Melissa Bryant, Eddie Clark, Kevin Hensley, Joe McKinnon Service Companies Tennessee Farmers Insurance Cos. Matthew M. (Sonny) Scoggins, CEO Tennessee Rural Health Anthony Kimbrough, CEO Farmers Service, Inc. Tim Dodd, Director of Operations Tennessee Livestock Producers, Inc. Darrell Ailshie, Manager

Hickman receives philanthropy award He’s won multiple awards for his service to the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. He’s an advocate for agriculture and the land-grant system. He’s served on the UT Board of Trustees. He’s a generous supporter of UTIA and its many programs that enhance the lives of Tennesseans daily. Now, Waymon Hickman, of Columbia, Tenn., is the first UTIA supporter to receive a national philanthropy award. Hickman, a 1956 agricultural education graduate of the UT College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, has been recognized with the 2013 Ruby C. McSwain NAADA Outstanding Philanthropist Award. The National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association sponsors the award, which honors an individual with a record of sustained giving to support agriculture, agriculture higher education, Extension or land-grant universities. The award also recognizes individuals for their roles as advocates for agriculture and natural resources and for their philanthropy in the community. “Mr. Hickman’s record of giving — of his time, business acumen and personal wealth — spans decades,” said Larry Arrington, UTIA chancellor. “In addition to his numerous smaller gifts, Mr. Hickman has provided generous support of all components of the land-grant mission through a $1 million-plus endowment.” Arrington says the endowment is focused on scholarships for CASNR students, support for educational programs of the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Spring Hill and support for Tennessee 4-H. “Waymon Hickman recognizes the value of investing in youth and realizes they are the future of agriculture,” said Tim Cross, dean of UT Extension.

“The endowment impacts thousands of youth across the state providing opportunities in citizenship and civic engagement, service grants and leadership training experiences.”

In addition, Hickman’s generosity has funded scholarships for more than 650 students, including graduate students and students pursuing degrees in veterinary medicine according Michael Smith, professor of animal science and chair of the UT CASNR Scholarship Committee. “These students are typically from rural farming backgrounds and would likely have difficulty funding their college studies were it not for the generosity of Mr. Hickman and his organization,” said Smith. Hickman understands first hand the value of scholarships. As a freshman at UT, he received a $300 scholarship that helped him fund his own college studies. Needless to say, that experience helped shape his philosophy on the importance of helping others achieve their dream of a university education. During the economic downturn

of the last several years, Hickman’s endowment also took a dip. However, the philanthropist made sure that it would continue to help students, faculty and programs with an additional $100,000 gift, despite prevailing market conditions. Hickman is also known as a tireless advocate for the programs and outreach activities of UTIA. His service includes membership on the UT Development Council and the Agriculture Executive Committee of UT’s Campaign for Tennessee from 2008 to 2011. “With his leadership, the Campaign for Tennessee exceeded its $55-million goal for UTIA by over 200 percent,” said Arrington. But Hickman’s and commitment to the community extends beyond the University of Tennessee. The longtime Columbia, Tenn., resident served as chairman of First Farmers and Merchants Bank, retiring after a 47-year career. He has also served on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve and is the past president of the Tennessee Banker’s Association. His strong commitment to education also helped support of Columbia State Community College, Tennessee’s first community college. According to Keith Barber, UTIA vice chancellor for advancement, Hickman’s example of philanthropy will continue to be recognized well into the future, “Waymon Hickman’s generosity and leadership have had a wide-ranging effect on agricultural endeavors. From elementary school children, to college students, to research and Extension, he has guaranteed the enduring tradition and land-grant mission of the University of Tennessee,” he said. t

West Tennessean gives gift of grain Dyer County landowner Matt Fennel recently became the first participant in a unique endowment program by donating 150 bushels of wheat to the University of Tennessee Foundation. Commodities for Communities is a new program that allows Tennessee farm operators to make a direct transfer of an agricultural commodity such as grain, corn or soybeans to the UT Foundation. Money raised from the sale of Fennel’s commodity gift is designated for the Dyer County Extension Endowment for Agriculture. This fund will enhance the UT Institute of Agriculture’s role of extension, research and education in the county. “UT Extension has played a huge role in the success and sustainability of agriculture in Dyer County,” says Fennel, whose gift provided more than $1,000 to the endowment. “Anyone with a stake in agriculture should support

UT Extension, and Commodities for Communities provides an opportunity to give that also benefits the grower.”

To participate, a grower will deliver the commodity to a local elevator and inform the business that he wishes to transfer ownership to the UT Foundation. The elevator operator will complete the necessary forms, and the UT Foundation will order the sale of

the commodity. By directly transferring commodities, as opposed to selling the commodity and making a gift from the proceeds, growers may realize significant tax savings. Tim Campbell, Dyer County Extension agent and former Extension director, helped establish Commodities for Communities and also made a contribution. “The research-based information we share in UT Extension helps farmers stay abreast of advancing agricultural practices to enhance their production systems, and that’s helped them achieve a better way of life,” says Campbell. “It’s important for us to be here.” Currently, the Commodities for Communities initiative has launched in Dyer and Crockett counties. Growers interested in contributing can contact Michele Sides, UT Foundation director of advancement for West Tennessee, at 731-425-4786 or at t

September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


New study to focus on how to save dairies in the Southeast Every June since 1937 the nation’s dairy industry has celebrated the value of milk and dairy products. However, in the last decade or so the number of “June Dairy Month” celebrations – like the size of the industry – has diminished in the Southeast. Statistics show that more than two-thirds of the region’s dairies have closed since 1995. The question is “Why?” A further question is “How to reverse the decline?”

A new $3 million six-state effort is being funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture to discover what can be done. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will serve as the study’s lead institution, but regional participants include the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky, Mississippi State University and Virginia Tech. Steve Oliver, assistant dean of UT AgResearch and a professor of animal science, is heading up the project, and he said the study will focus on improving herd health and milk quality and quantity by lowering the incidence of mastitis in Southeastern herds. “The Southeastern dairy industry is in serious trouble,” Oliver said.

“Although the nation is experiencing a surge in milk and dairy demand, the Southeast has experienced a greater than 37 percent decline in total milk production. Milk quality is also consistently the poorest of all the regions of the U.S.,” he said. The reason is the high levels of mastitis, an inflammation of the cows’ udders, experienced throughout the region. “Improved milk quality and

greater production quantities are all about consistent employment of good management practices for the health and well-being of the cow,” said Oliver. Members of the research consortium plan to reach out to challenged and underperforming dairies with a four-pronged approach to enhance regional milk production as well as improve the quality of the milk produced. The effort will include: • Identifying economic, social and psychological factors affecting regional farmers’ limited adoption of practices known to control mastitis. The researchers plan to develop strategies to counter the rationale for non-adoption. • Conducting applied research and on-farm demonstrations focusing

on strategies for controlling mastitis and enhancing milk quality. This will involve working directly with producers to assess on-farm practices. Stakeholders will also include veterinary practitioners, university students, Extension personnel and other industry representatives serving the dairy community. • Training dairy producers and milkers to utilize current and newly developed tools to make on-farm decisions that improve milk quality and therefore production. Methods are expected to include printed publications, face-to-face meetings and electronic teaching tools (including DAIReXNET webinars) in both English and Spanish. • Developing continuing education programs for those serving the dairy industry now and providing undergraduate and graduate student education for long-term solutions for the region. For example, directed internships will provide real-world experiences for students and result in a more knowledgeable work force to promote the sustainability of the region’s dairy industry. The effort should buoy hope for the battered Southeastern dairy industry by motivating producers to change management practices and improve animal health and well-being. “Implementation of cost effective, science-based mastitis prevention and control strategies can help producers improve quality milk, increase production and therefore improve industry profitability and sustainability,” said Oliver. A scientist in each participating state will head up that state’s research and outreach efforts, and the entire effort is expected to to be funded for five years. Success will be measured by increased production and higher milk quality from participating states. t

Help turning pumpkins into profits If you’re a pumpkin producer looking to boost your business or pump up production, make plans to attend the sixth annual Pumpkin Field Day hosted by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The field day begins at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26, at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Jackson. At Pumpkin Field Day visitors can see the newest and best varieties for the pumpkin patch, learn about insect, disease and weed control and get updates on important business

and tax issues. The field day also offers visitors a chance to meet with seed company representatives and network with fellow pumpkin producers. A new addition to the program is a special presentation on growing giant pumpkins. The pumpkin classes will be concluded with a tour of the state’s largest pumpkin display (comprised of 5,000 pumpkins, gourds and winter squash) and a special presentation on designing your own festive fall displays. According to a survey taken last year, visitors estimated the information

gained in the production, business and marketing classes at Pumpkin Field Day would net more than $1,000 in their pumpkin operations. Pumpkin Field Day is a free event that includes a complimentary lunch. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. If interested in attending, please email or call 731-425-4768. The complete schedule of classes can be found at http://west.tennessee. edu. Two pesticide points will be available in Categories 1, 10 and 12. t

Urban Forestry Conference tells a southern story The 22nd annual Urban Forestry Conference is October 3-4 at University of Memphis Lambuth in Jackson. The theme is Urban Forestry: A Southern Story. The conference features speakers, panels, and workshops on urban forestry issues for arborists, foresters, landscapers, master gardeners and tree lovers. Conference registration starts at just $160 for individuals and includes free membership in TUFC. Expert presentations, panels, and hands-on demonstrations about assessing, protecting, and managing trees. Planners and managers, tree boards and nonprofits, foresters and field crews—everyone who grows and manages trees will get plenty of insights. If you work with trees, you’ll learn ways to do your job better: • Experts teach you to gauge the value and dangers of trees with our Tree Assessment and Risk Assessment workshops, plus best practices for using ropes in arboriculture • Extreme weather means big changes ahead: find out about drought effects and climate impacts on trees • The Tree Pests sessions take a look at everyday pests, invasive insects and diseases, and pest detectives • Learn more about trees including unusual trees you can grow, the American chestnut, the best trees for West Tennessee, and perfect understory plants • Take a tour of Jackson’s trees including Cypress Grove, Liberty Garden, and the UT Research Center. For more information on the conference go to t


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September 2013

Read All About It By Pettus Read Editor

Controversial frog giggin' contest has hoppy ending During the years I spent in elementary and high school, each morning was begun with the entire class bowing our heads in prayer and then reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag as a classmate led us in that privilege to do so. It was a special time in our day and today I realize it was a very special time in our lives due to the sad realization that my grandchildren will not be given that privilege. Why? Not because the majority felt that it was not the way to start a student’s day, but because one person became out of sorts over the process and everyone else buckled. I know that may sound too simple over what has happened over all of this concerning this terminal issue, but it’s my opinion put in a way that goes right to the point. The point being is that it is often easier to give in than to stand up. Recently, a group of young farmers who make up the Dekalb County Young Farmer and Rancher organization was looking for a way to provide funds to help high school graduates go to college in their area. It seemed to them that just about every kind of fundraiser had been tried in their county and they were looking for something unique and different to get enough money for a scholarship. Since Dekalb County is known for Center Hill Lake and its abundant fishing, as well as hunting resources, the group thought that taking one of the area’s favorite hunting sports and forming a contest would be a good idea to raise some cash for graduates. During the summer, most of the locals and hunters in the area around Dekalb County enjoy frog gigging. Frog gigging requires you

to take a flashlight, a frog gig, some good boots and a buddy with a sack to visit a real wet area where the frogs live. There you harvest the frogs under the guidelines and rules of the area game warden, as well as the state of Tennessee. You can take no more than twenty frogs and after your hunt you can have some of the best eating from the frog legs you harvest. Dekalb County has some of the largest bullfrogs I have ever

young farmer’s efforts. They claimed how cruel it was to the frogs and how taking the frogs would hurt the environment. They demanded the contest be stopped. A petition was even started worldwide by a group in Connecticut. They got 410 signatures worldwide to stop the contest. The thing that caught my attention was how a Nashville TV station ran two stories on how the animal rights group was protesting the

seen. Because of this fact, the idea of a “Giggin For Grads” contest was born and about one of the greatest ideas I had ever heard of. On the night of July 12 the contest was held and it was held despite the out of sorts feelings of some folks way up in other parts of this country that didn’t have a frog in the hunt. As soon as the “Giggin For Grads” contest was announced, PETA and other animal welfare groups got on social media to protest the

contest and gave them airtime to voice their feelings about cruelty to the frogs. The fact that a group of young people were raising funds for college scholarships by means of a legal, decades old hunting sport, regulated by the state of Tennessee laws and the harvesting of a product served on the tables of Nashville’s very own finest restaurants, seemed to have not been very important in the reports. The news only wanted to cover the controversy.

The protest groups called the young farmers daily, made unpleasant calls to the high school where the registration for the event would be held and even included the name and phone numbers of the principal on their web post so the world could call him to protest. It was uglier than warts on a frog the way these groups acted. Their goal was to stop the contest, but their efforts seemed to have croaked. The young farmer group held tough. The community held even tougher. Other young farmers joined them and the contestant numbers grew from an expected 20-plus entries to almost 100 entries. Donations were sent to the event from people from adjoining counties and the scholarship fund grew to more than $1,000. Due to the efforts of PETA and the animal groups more frogs were harvested that evening than planned, but that made for a better frog leg supper to celebrate the event’s success. Instead of the hundreds who were to come and protest in Smithville that night, only four showed up with their signs. The young farmers supplied them with water and food, as well as kindness. Later in the night about five more arrived, but as one young farmer said, “Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but not their way.” These young people could have easily said they didn’t have time to deal with the problem. But, instead they knew they were right and faced it head on. It was so good to see this group stand up rather than give up. If they had been around a few years back, our grandchildren might still be saying the pledge and praying in school. t

State veterinarian revises wild hog transport order The Tennessee Department of Agriculture has announced a revised Order by the state veterinarian, which went into effect June 10, specifying conditions under which wild-appearing hogs are to be transported in the state. “Wild hogs have the propensity to reproduce in great numbers, carry diseases, destroy crops and cause serious ecological damage,” state veterinarian Charles Hatcher, said. “The new order strengthens efforts to prevent the illegal transportation and releasing of wild hogs by requiring individual animal

identification and documentation for all wild-appearing hogs being moved.” Wild hogs are typically two to three feet tall and up to five feet long with larger heads and heavier shoulders compared to domesticated breeds. Wild hogs also have smaller, pointed and heavily furred ears, longer snouts, tusks and straight tails. The previous order exempted individual animal identification in specific cases. The revised order requires all wildappearing swine being moved within Tennessee to have state or federally

approved individual animal identification and: • Proof that each individual animal has tested negative for pseudorabies and brucellosis within 90 days of movement; or • Proof that each individual animal originated from a validated brucellosisfree and qualifed pseudorabies-negative herd; or • Have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection from a Tennessee licensed and USDA accredited veterinarian listing each animal; or

• A movement authorization number from the state veterinarian’s office for wild-appearing hogs being moved directly to an approved slaughter facility or slaughter-only market. Authorization numbers for wildappearing hogs intended for slaughter can be obtained by phone Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. central time by calling the state veterinarian’s office at 615-837-5120. Producers will be required to provide information, including the number of swine and the place of origin and destination. t

September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


The Ag Agenda By Bob Stallman American Farm Bureau President

Bringing the heat to Washington If this August felt hotter than in years past, it was likely more than the weather you were experiencing. Farmers and ranchers, who are hot under the collar about congressional inaction, have been turning up the heat during Farm Bureau’s “Bring the Heat” August recess grassroots campaign. From Yakima, Wash., to Tallahassee, Fla., Farm Bureau members have been telling Congress to pass the farm bill, fix ag labor and pass the waterways bill. Through town hall meetings, congressional district office visits, traditional and social media, emails, phone calls, postcards and even specially made fans with personalized messages, Farm Bureau members across the country have brought the heat to Congress. Fanning the Flame Just because August recess is complete and members of Congress are back in Washington, doesn’t mean we should stop bringing the heat on our priority issues. To the contrary, Farm Bureau members should build on our momentum and continue fanning the flame now that Congress is back in session and members are getting down to work. As we near the final push, we should all be in contact with our congressional representatives letting them know that just because summer is over doesn’t mean the heat has let up.

Relying on Farm Bureau determination and perseverance, which has sustained us for 94 years, it’s time to roll up our shirt sleeves and get the job done. Farm Bureau members have always played an instrumental role in legislative efforts that have helped shape U.S. agriculture. With significant issues like the farm bill, ag labor and waterways transportation on the line, this time should be no different. Fired Up! As Farm Bureau members, it is ingrained in us to be actively involved and to fight for what we believe in and what we think will better our profession and our country. We are not ones to rest on our laurels while others do the work. We are also not the types to make a lot of noise about an issue and stop there. Farmers and ranchers have a lot at stake this congressional session, so we must see our grassroots efforts through to fruition. We have to pass the farm bill. We must fix ag labor. And we have to build up our nation’s waterways infrastructure. The groundwork has been laid on all of these issues. We just need Congress to act. It’s up to us to tell Congress to stop putting politics ahead of progress. We already lit the fire under lawmakers during August recess. Now, let’s bring that heat to Washington this September. t

Marshall County farmers selected as Tennessee’s Small Farmers of the Year winners - During this year’s annual Small Farmer Expo held at Tennessee State University,

Marty and Chad Koop from Marshall County were selected as the overall winners for the 2013 Small Farmer of the Year contest. The Koops received their award at a luncheon held at the Expo. From left: Dr. Tim Cross, dean of Extension, University of Tennessee; Tennessee’s Outstanding Small Farmer Chad Koop, Marshall County; State Representative Harold Love; Dr. Chandra Reddy, TSU Dean of Agriculture, Human and Natural Sciences.

Workshops help farmers with direct marketing The quality of fruits and vegetables cannot be improved after harvest, only maintained, so says Annette Wszelaki, vegetable production specialist with University of Tennessee Extension. “High quality vegetables result from sound production practices, proper handling during harvest and appropriate postharvest handling and storage.” On October 5, Wszelaki and David Lockwood from the UT Department of Plant Sciences will present a four-hour workshop designed to help growers learn about harvesting, storage, direct marketing and merchandising their products. “Decision Making at Harvest and Beyond” will present information about vegetable and fruit variety selection for direct and wholesale markets, production topics and choosing the best time and how to harvest fruit crops for the appropriate market. Storage conditions, which vary among different fruit crops, and the impact of ideal and practical types of storage also will be discussed. Hal Pepper and Megan Bruch from the UT Center for Profitable Agriculture will present business-related information useful to growers who plan to

direct market their products. Participants will learn tips on maintaining product quality, enticing customers with attractive displays and providing excellent customer service. Direct farm marketers will also learn general pricing fundamentals and sales tax rules, which can be confusing to sellers of farm products. This workshop will be for the commercial grower as well as for the beginning, small-scale and home grower who is considering selling at a farmers market or roadside stand. The workshop in Chattanooga begins at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time and ends at 5:30 p.m. There is no registration fee for the workshop, but pre-registration is required as space is limited. A light meal is included. Information about this workshop is available on the CPA website at cpa. Click on “Educational Events” and on “Workshops” to access the workshop brochure and registration form. Mail the completed registration form to Tom Stebbins at the Hamilton County Extension office or email it to t

Music & Molasses Arts & Crafts Festival

Farm Bureau makes its third pledge to FACCT – Tennessee Farm Bureau President

Lacy Upchurch presents the “big” check to FACCT Executive Director Lou Nave to fulfill the organization’s pledge in supporting the Farm Animal Care Coalition of Tennessee since its start three years ago. The nonprofit organization’s mission of being a factual, proactive voice for animal agriculture in Tennessee continues to meet challenges and encourages support from those who wish to be a member of FACCT. To learn more go to

FUN! FUN! FUN! Four acres of family fun with molasses making at the sorghum mill, music shows, square dancing, apple butter cooking, a grist mill, great food, crafts, horse-drawn wagon rides and activities for kids. 9:00 - 4:00 on Saturday, October 19 10:00 - 4:00 on Sunday, October 20 Admission is $5. Children 4 and under are free.


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September 2013

Innovative Agriculture By Melissa Burniston Associate Director of Communications

Family bridges gap from one country to another In the upper part of our state, almost to the Kentucky line, is a picturesque farm filled with beautiful scenery - corn popping up in rows, horses grazing in fields afar, soybeans greening up out of dark soil and broad leaves of tobacco glistening in the sun. On the day I visited this farm, family and workers alike were filled with anticipation of the harvest to come…and getting ready to start the hard, hard work of getting all of those crops in at just the right time.

all to the barn to cure, it is an art and a science to knowing just what conditions are needed to fire-cure them all for the best product. Charlie knew when he expanded his tobacco acreage he was going to need help, and his three daughters and two hired hands, while invaluable, weren’t going to get the job done in the time frame needed. After a couple of years of searching for help, Charlie decided to look into the H2A program. So he got a Phillip Morris/

This scenario is played out in farms in every county of our great state, and for most of those farmers, without the help of foreign laborers, their crops would wither and rot in the fields. As for Charlie Hancock and his family, they don’t know what they would do without their 11 workers that come at various points throughout the summer to help with the harvest. “They are a part of our operation. Just like all of us, I want to work with people I trust, and these guys work with us as a family. They take care of my girls and my girls work great with them. I don’t have to worry because the job gets done and gets done right,” Hancock said. Tobacco is a very labor-intensive crop, requiring knowledge and care from start to finish. During the growing process, suckering and pest-scouting are vital in ensuring your plants are healthy. Topping has to be done at the right time, then the decision comes as to when the leaves are at the right process of maturity to begin cutting. After the tobacco has been cut, you must know when the leaves have wilted enough, but not wait too long after the dew dries to prevent the leaves from sun burning. After loading up the tobacco stalks on a stick and getting it

Tennessee Farm Bureau grant to build proper housing, asked the Department of Labor to come out and make sure all the specs of the house were correct and in-line with the law, and applied for his first H2A workers. More than seven years have passed since that time, and Charlie, his family and his two original farm employees can’t imagine how they ever did without the help. “I realized I needed to learn to let go of things and help them grow in knowledge of agriculture and farming too. It is remarkable what we can do when I say ‘It is going to rain by three and we need to get all this done’… everyone just pitches in and works hard and that means a lot in my book.” Johnny, 25, from Los Arrayanes, Mexico, is the head man and he has been helping on the farm for three years now. He comes in April to help with planting and getting everything started. Two others come in May and then seven at the beginning of August to help with the cutting, stripping, curing and harvesting of the tobacco and rest of the crops. They all leave in December, or whenever the harvest is complete. Johnny is taking on more and more responsibility on the farm, learning about no-till and taking that back to

Mexico to integrate into his own farming operation. He says the hardest part for him is leaving his family for so long, but says Charlie is a good boss with a smile and laugh. He pays attention to everything and looks up to Charlie as a mentor. Charlie takes the relationship seriously and travels to Mexico every couple of years to visit his employees and their families. His goal – to not only get to know them better, but to help them farm more profitably. On his visit this year, Charlie took soil samples using a machete, as that is the main tool used for all types of farm work, in a five-acre field of milo and gave some advice on what to plant behind it. He said they are only starting with a five acre field in the small community of Los Arrayanes because to cause a change to be fully implemented, people have to see it working. “The community is around 400 people, so if they see improvements to this field, then they will be more willing to adapt. You can make progress, but it is slow – you have to change the mindset of more than just one farmer to make it happen globally.” The area where most of the men are from is agricultural, Charlie spoke of tandem trucks running continuously filled with produce headed for the United States. February is harvest time for them and the men spoke of how there is only about a month where there is good work on farms. During that month, you work from daylight till dark for five days and a half a day on Saturday…and your paycheck for the week is $55. Groceries and gas are actually more expensive in Mexico than in the U.S. One of the men explained using his hands spread about six inches apart how many groceries in Mexico you could buy with

your paycheck and then spread them out full length to show how much more you could purchase in the U.S. This is the reason so many of the workers on farms come from outside of our borders. They work for more than half the year away from their homes and loved ones to be able to send money back to them to make a better life for themselves and their children. “In that area of Mexico, they are about 40-50 years behind the U.S. in farming/technology on the farm,” Charlie said. “They have corn fields like we have wheat fields, but they pick it by hand. They pick soybeans by hand and dry it for five days before using a 20 year old combine…then they bag them up and weigh and ship them – it was so different than what we do here in the U.S. They also let women and children come in behind the combine and pick up the “waste” so they can use it to feed their families.” There is a choice to be made when it comes to harvesting our crops, specifically most of our fruits and vegetables – do we want them to be grown and harvested in the U.S. with our stringent guidelines and the FDA governing how we grow our crops or do we want them grown in another country where we have no idea what the guidelines are? Immigration reform is a reality, but we need to ensure that a reliable guest worker program is part of that solution. Because without that program, not only would Charlie’s crops not make it to the barn in time, but thousands of acres of crops across our country would basically rot in the fields…to the tune of multi-million dollars lost. Speak up, speak out, contact your elected officials in Washington today and tell them we need comprehensive immigration reform with a reliable guest worker program included! t

September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


2013 Farm Bureau Women’s Summer Conference Highlights What is a Farmer?

Savannah Eller , Robertson County The world is rapidly approaching a deadline, a deadline that has grand implications. The world is approaching a population of nine billion humans. Nine billions mouths to feed and clothe every day for an average of seventy-five years and increasing. And the people who are going to support this exponentially growing population, including you and me, are our farmers. A farmer is a special kind of person. They are humble, gentle, and sometimes a little loud. They are who they are; they don’t change, they are steadfast, and they’re certainly not afraid to tell you what they think. If you’ve ever met a farmer, you know that they are some of the wisest people on earth, although they wouldn’t flaunt it. Something about living on the land, with the earth, makes you more down to earth. They also work exceptionally hard. Farming is unique in that it is not an occupation; it is a lifestyle. Farmers can’t go to work at nine in the morning and come home at five in the afternoon, no, a farmer is a farmer all the time, 24-7. If the animals are awake at one in the morning, then you’re awake at one in the morning, birthing a new calf in the back field during an ice storm. If something needs to get done, it gets done, even if this means running the combine till the first rays of dawn to beat a wet weather front. A farmer is a logistics expert. Today, a farmer has to, along with all the traditional tasks associated with

running a farm, buy specialized feed, administer vaccines, track individual animal genetics, create successful water irrigation systems without causing erosion, balance the cost of new machines with expected profit, and perform hundreds of other tasks, along with the ever-present and usual hoping and praying for good weather. And farming is not getting any easier. With the constant threat of increasing urban sprawl, farmers, and those who support farming, have had to form organizations and serve in political capacities to protect their way of life and give a voice to agriculture. A farmer is a lifeline. A farmer is America’s lifeline- nine billion people on this earth, and America has the third largest population, bested only by China and India. We, as Americans, collectively own a grain belt that stretches from one sea to another. Yet only 6 percent of Americans list their main source of income as farming. That’s perhaps only two million persons supporting 313 million. Most Americans have no idea where their food comes from. They buy it at StuffMart, bring it home and eat it. It has no known origin. It’s hard to discern whether my apple juice came from Florida, or Argentina or Chile. By 2014 American farmers, and farmers everywhere, will have to work double time, triple time, to meet the increasing world’s demand. A farmer is our most valuable commodity. I think they deserve a little credit. t

Essay contest winners – Three young people were selected as this year’s top winners in the

Tennessee Farm Bureau Women’s annual essay contest. From left: First place winner Savannah Eller from Robertson County; second place winner Seth Jolley from White County and third place winner Landon Pigg from Rutherford County.

Poster contest winners - These students were named as the top three in the statewide poster contest during the Farm Bureau Women’s Summer Conference held in June. From left: Ava Martin from Sullivan County won first place; Malachi Whaley from Marshall County won second place and the third place winner is Katie Lynn Davis from Hardin County.

Raising the bar in Tennessee’s schools – Jamie Woodson, president and

Former TFBF President Barker honored – Flavius A. Barker, Tennessee Farm Bureau

president from 1995 until 2005, was honored in a special presentation during the conference dedicating the TFBF’s side terrace in his name. Shown here with the unveiled Barker Terrace plaque is TFBF President Lacy Upchurch, Mrs. Naomi Barker and former President Barker.

CEO for State Collaborative on Reforming Education or SCORE, addressed the FB Women’s group on the role they play in supporting Tennessee’s students as they prepare for college and the workforce.

AFBF Women’s chairman addresses attendee’s role in public policy – Terry Gilbert, chairman of the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee, addressed the Tennessee group on the role they play today and tomorrow in the Farm Bureau Women’s organization.


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September 2013

begins on page 1 Brandon and Katherine were named this year’s winners based upon farm and financial records from the farm year 2012. The Whitts farm over 1,900 acres in the Blackman and Murfreesboro area of Rutherford County in an owner/partnership operation. Their major crops are cotton, soybeans, wheat, corn and strawberries. They market over 800 head of hogs a year mostly through retail outlets consisting of 4,000 pounds of meat monthly by on farm retail, restaurants and farmers markets. Both Brandon and Katherine have been very active in the Young Farmer and Rancher program, as well as the Rutherford County Farm Bureau and community. Brandon has served on the Board of Directors of the Rutherford County Farm Bureau since 2004 and was state chairman of the Tennessee YF&R in 2012. Both are very active in their church. The Whitts have

three children. The rewards for being named the state winner are many. They receive free use for a year of a brand new Case/IH tractor up to 150 hours. They also received $1,000 from Tennessee Farm Bureau, a fully loaded RTV to keep from Tennessee Farm Bureau, an insurance policy to cover the tractor for one year from Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee and a trip to the American Farm Bureau Convention in San Antonio in January 2014, where he will compete for national honors with other state winners for national awards. The national winner will get their choice of a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado or 2014 GMC Sierra, courtesy of GM and paid registration to the 2014 YF&R Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach, February 7-10. Three national runners-up will receive a Case IH Farmall tractor, courtesy of Case IH, and a $2,500 cash prize and $500 in merchandise courtesy of STIHL. t

YF&R REPORT Elissa McLerran - 2013 YF&R Reporter

The typical dry, hot Tennessee weather was mostly washed away this summer by unusual amounts of rain. The weather did not stop Young Farmer and Rancher members from having a blast at the annual Summer Conference. Participants enjoyed speakers from American Farm Bureau and Tennessee Farm Bureau, learning about ways to enhance leadership skills. They also heard about what’s hot in agricultural policy, particularly the Farm Bill and what the future holds for farmers. The ever-popular YF&R Olympics are always fun to witness. This year was even more entertaining as our state chair, Jimmy McAlister, was coated in white flour as he ran through the tunnel to open the Olympics. It is always a pleasure to see the hard work of our Young Farmers pay off. Winners from the contests and

scholarships are listed on this page. Thank you to the 400-plus Young Farmers who came and participated. Encourage young people who are involved in agriculture to get involved with the Young Farmer and Rancher program. Help spread the news and get involved as we are excited about the Young Farmers Fall Tour in Millington September 27-28. Friday evening will be the Excellence in Agriculture Contest. Saturday we will tour Munford FFA Chapter, cotton and row crop farms, learn about irrigation systems, have lunch at Claybrook Angus and tour Unilever. Saturday night awards dinner will be at the Millington Holiday Inn Express. Bring your friends as we learn more about agriculture and fellowship with our fellow farmers from across Tennessee! t

Grant and Crystal Norwood from Henry County were named this year’s Tennessee Farm Bureau Young Farmer of the Year runners-up. They farm over 3,000 acres of diversified row crops. As state runners-up, they receive $1000 from Tennessee Farm Bureau, $500 in services from Tennessee Farm Bureau Insurance Companies and will be going to the American Farm Bureau National Convention in January 2014 in San Antonio. From left: TFBF President Lacy Upchurch, the Norwoods with their daughter Karamaneh and son Caleb, Tim Mills from CASE IH and Charles Curtis, TFBF director of Special Programs. The Norwoods were also this year’s winners of the state Environmental Stewardship Award.

The John Willis Memorial Young Farmer Scholarship award is a much sought-after honor and this year’s recipients are shown here with Bob Willis, father of John Willis. From left: Derek Giffin from Obion County, Lindsay Hensley of Putnam County, Kinley Reed from Maury County, Mary Collier of Bledsoe County, and Rachel Ralston from Rutherford County.

This year’s Collegiate Discussion Meet winner was Jesi Ogg from University of Tennessee at Martin. TFBF President Lacy Upchurch is shown here with the contestants from left: Ogg, David Reynolds from University of Tennessee at Martin, second place winner Katie Clark from Tennessee Technological University and Sean Giffin from Middle Tennessee State University.

The Abe Hatcher Memorial Young Farmer and Music Scholarship awards were new this year and competition was tough to win these as well. Dr. Charles Hatcher presented this year’s recipients with their awards shown here on the left. Those receiving the Abe Hatcher Memorial Young Farmer Scholarship were Jesi Ogg from Weakley County and Katie Dickson from Wilson County. Receiving the Abe Hatcher Memorial Music Scholarship is Alex Shrum from Sumner County. 14 Tennessee Farm Bureau News - May 2010


September 2013 - Farm Bureau News

2013 Farm Bureau Presidents Conference Highlights

Clockwise from top left: Special recognition was given to Tennessee State Senator Douglas Henry for his years of service to the state and its people during the program. However, he reversed the honor by praising Farm Bureau for what the organization has done and continues to do for farmers, its membership, as well as all Tennessee. He quoted Thomas Jefferson explaining the thoughts of how people who own and work their own land make the best citizens. Senator Henry then went on to say to the audience of Farm Bureau leaders, “And here you all are tonight honoring me.” Face the State hosted by Tennessee Farm Bureau Vice President Jeff Aiken presented a panel of six Tennessee state legislators giving their views on numerous issues facing our state . Those on the panel were Rep. Craig Fitzhugh, Sen. Ken Yager, Rep. Curtis Halford, Sen. Delores Gresham, Rep William Lamberth and Rep. Charles Curtiss. The door prize winner of a trip for two to the 2014 American Farm Bureau Convention in San Antonio was Benton County Farm Bureau President Robert Livingston. Here TFBF President Lacy Upchurch and Livingston hold the winning ticket for the January trip to Texas. Luncheon keynote speaker Robin Rather from Collective Strength, a national expert in planning and regional growth research, stirred some interest on urban sprawl and just what farmers have to look forward to. She urged the group to get involved in local planning or be left out. Chuck Yoest from TWRA addressed the Farm Bureau leaders on the continued work being done on wild hog eradication around the state, as well as other projects being undertaken by Tennessee’s wildlife agency. Entertainment after the Ag in the Classroom program was the Foxfire Newgrass Band who kept the crowd tapping their toes. These county Farm Bureau leaders are catching up on what’s happening in each other’s counties during a break at this year’s Presidents Conference. Shown here are Lewis County Farm Bureau President Brian Peery, Sequatchie County President Charles Barker and former Crockett County President Ross Via.


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September 2013

Tennessee names Beef Ambassadors With consumers becoming more interested in knowing where and how their food is raised, the livestock industry has stepped up to share its story. As part of that effort, two Tennessee Beef Ambassadors were selected this year for the first time. The Beef Ambassador Program is for young people aged 13-20, and is sponsored by the Tennessee Beef Industry Council and the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association. Winners for 2013 were Claire Garrell, 16, Petersburg, Tenn., and Rachael Wolters, 18, Culleoka, Tenn. The purpose of the State Beef Ambassador Program is to identify and train young people to become spokespersons for the beef industry. The opportunity will allow students to help educate consumers and youth about beef nutrition, food safety and stewardship practices of the industry. The Tennessee Beef Ambassador Contest was held in conjunction with

the Tennessee Junior Beef Exposition in Murfreesboro July 9, 2013. Contestants were divided into two divisions: Junior (13-16) and Senior (17-20). The contestants were evaluated on their abilities in three areas of competition: issues response essay, media interview, and consumer promotion. The panel of judges observed each contestant on their interaction of knowledge, articulation, poise, and overall ability to effectively educate the consumer. Claire Garrell took first place in the junior division, and Rachael Wolters won the senior division. Each year a team of five National Beef Ambassadors is selected during the national contest to travel the United States sharing the story of beef from pasture to plate with consumers and students. The individuals selected are required to attend a set number of appearances during the year and complete weekly social media activities. t

Fall training opportunities for state beef producers Consumers are becoming more interested in buying food from local suppliers, including local beef producers. Since beef cattle is among the top commodities produced in the state, with some 950,000 beef cattle in Tennessee, the number of cattle producers interested in marketing beef directly to local consumers is on the rise. To educate producers interested in responding to the demand for locally produced beef, the Center for Profitable Agriculture will be leading a new educational workshop this fall. According to Rob Holland, director of the Center for Profitable Agriculture, the same three-hour workshop will be available in six locations throughout the state to make it easier for

producers to choose a workshop convenient to their location or schedule. The program will focus on beef production techniques and cost considerations and will feature instruction by Dr. Justin Rhinehart, UT Extension animal scientist. “This program will feature a variety of production techniques and cost factors for grain-finished, grass-fed and grain-on-grass systems,” Holland said. Those interested in the “Production and Cost Considerations for Finishing Animals for Direct Marketing” workshop should register through a the program’s local UT Extension agent host. The dates range from September through December at these locations and times:

Alcoa – Sept. 30, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact John Wilson, UT Extension, Blount County, 865-982-6430 Clarksville – Oct. 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Rusty Evans, UT Extension, Montgomery County, 931-648-5725 Cookeville – Oct. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Scott Chadwell, UT Extension, Putnam County, 931-526-4561 Spring Hill – Oct. 21, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Richard Groce, UT Extension, Maury County, 931-375-5301



Greeneville – Nov. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Milton Orr, UT Extension, Greene County, 423-798-1710 Jackson – Dec. 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Jake Mallard, UT Extension, Madison County, 731-668-8543

American Farm Bureau Convention January 11-16, 2014

Seating is limited at some locations, so participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible. There is no cost to attend the workshops, but preregistration is required so organizers can prepare adequate materials. A meal will be included with each session. For more information about these and other value-added beef workshops, visit the Center for Profitable Agriculture website: http:// These educational sessions are

offered as part of the statewide “ValueAdded Beef Program” and made possible in part by funding from the sale of agricultural specialty license plates (the “Ag Tag”). Funds received from Ag Tag sales are returned to the agricultural community in the form of grants for youth programs, market development projects and other agricultural activities. The Tennessee Value-Added Beef Program is also funded in part by the USDA, Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program. t

For more information call Mark Turner, Bobby Beets or Rhonda Humphrey at 931-388-7872 ext. 2223 Registration through your county Farm Bureau office.


Airport/hotel transfers and tips, five nights hotel, Saturday night dinner at County Line BBQ and riverboat tour of San Antonio Riverwalk, Convention Registration, Tuesday night dinner at The Buckhorn Saloon and tour of Texas Ranger Museum, Wednesday tour and BBQ lunch. $899 per person, double • $1,420 per person, single Register through your county office by Sept. 30, 2013. *Airline costs extra, projected: $375-$475 per person


Train/hotel/airport transfers, 3 nights hotel, bus from Nashville to Memphis, train from Memphis to New Orleans, City Tour of New Orleans $499 per double occupancy • $840 single occupancy

Enterprise gives to Ag In The Classroom – Enterprise Holdings gave a “big” check recently to the Agriculture in the Classroom program to help with educating the next generation about where their food comes from and providing information on agriculture. From left: TFBF Special Programs Director Charles Curtis, David Praet from Enterprise who made the presentation and TFBF CAO Joe Pearson.

September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


Beef Cattle Outlook By Andrew P. Griffith Assistant Professor Agricultural and Resource Economics

A glance at the fall cattle market Opening Statements: Cattle prices struggled the first half of the year as corn prices remained elevated due to the 2012 drought. Another deterrent for cattle prices the first few months of 2013 was the continued selloff of cattle in the Western and Plains states due to drought ravaged pasture. However, the magnitude of these two events has greatly diminished with recent rainfall. The majority of cattle producers calve in the spring and market in the fall. The increase in the quantity of cattle supplied generally depresses fall calf prices. For instance, 400 to 500 pound steer prices in Tennessee during October and November are generally 5-6 percent below the annual average price while the spring price, March and April, is generally 5-6 percent higher than the annual average price. Similarly, the price of 500 to 600 pound steers generally declines 11-13 percent from the spring high to the fall low. Alternatively, 700 to 800 pound feeder cattle start receiving more attention toward the end of April with the price peaking in August and declining as much as 8 percent from August to December. Seasonality plays an important role in cattle markets, and prices tend to follow seasonal trends very closely due to supply and demand factors in a “normal” year. However, the past year and a half have been anything but “normal” from the standpoint of agriculture. In 2012, spring came early for many folks with corn plantings setting a record pace. Drought ensued resulting in low grain yields, high grain prices, poor pasture conditions, and increased cattle marketings which all negatively impacted stocker and feeder cattle prices. Fast forwarding to 2013, drought continues to persist in the western states while the eastern half of the United States has had abundant rainfall resulting in positive expectations for corn and soybean harvests and thus expectations of lower feed costs. The expectation of lower feed costs coupled with the reduced supply of feeder cattle bodes well for cattle

prices. The quantity of feeder cattle available to enter the feedlot in future months has been reduced because of: 1) reduced cattle inventory, 2) producers’ desire to retain heifers, and 3) a reduction of Mexican feeder cattle imports. For the first seven months of the year, feeder cattle imports from Mexico were 45.7% lower (449,188 fewer head) than the same time period a year ago. The three aforementioned factors all have a significant impact on fall and spring calf and feeder cattle prices as feedlots bid for cattle to place on feed. Verdict: Calf and feeder cattle prices started picking up in mid-July and early August. As of this writing, 500 to 600 pound steers had increased $13 per hundredweight on the weekly market report since the first week of July to $149 per hundredweight and only $8 lower than the 2013 spring high. The seasonal trend would indicate prices would decline to $138 per hundredweight, but calf prices are likely to strengthen through August and early September and then trade fairly steady to slightly weaker through the fall with spring calf prices challenging record highs. Feeder cattle weighing 700 to 800 pounds witnessed a $10 per hundredweight improvement from the first of July to the first week of August. Similar to the lighter weight calves, feeder cattle are likely to strengthen through early September and then trade steady through the fall with a slight weakening in the spring of 2014. Sentencing: This means yearling prices seasonally strengthened while calf prices strengthened counter-seasonally. Calf prices and yearling cattle are not likely to weaken as much this fall as is the general trend. Prices are likely to find a soft spot in October and November, but low feed costs and the desire by feedlots to maintain inventory on feed will likely keep prices relatively strong for the time of year, and it would not be surprising for spring prices to reach record levels. t

The Agriculture Foundation for TTU Annual Meeting & Banquet will be held October 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM, at the Hyder-Burks Pavilion in Cookeville. (This date is not TTU Homecoming Weekend.) Tickets are $20 per person or $35 a couple. All agriculture alumni are invited. Each year at our Alumni Banquet five Board of Director’s are nominated and elected to serve a term on the Foundation Board. For more information please contact Sandy Jarvis at (931) 260-4154 or Lisa Rice at (931) 372-3149 or email Lisa at lrice@

Workshops teach about meat cuts, storage, food safety Purchasing food from local farmers continues to be a trend among consumers, and this includes a burgeoning interest in buying locally produced beef. To educate producers interested in responding to the demand for locally produced beef, the Center for Profitable Agriculture is coordinating a new educational workshop about beef quality and different cuts of meat. Under the tutelage of Dwight Loveday, UT Extension meat specialist and associate professor in the UT Institute of Agriculture Department of Food Science and Technology, workshop participants will learn about factors affecting yield, meat quality, storage and safety. Registration for the three-hour seminar titled “What You Should Know about Beef Quality and Meat Cuts” should be directed to Nancy Austin in the UT Department of Food Science and Technology, by calling 865-974-7717 or through email at This workshop will be in three locations across the state during November: • Knoxville – November 4, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. • Murfreesboro – November 5,

from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. • Jackson – November 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration is required by October 30. Since seating is limited at some locations, participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible to reserve their space. There is no cost to attend the workshops, but pre-registration is required so organizers can prepare adequate materials. A meal is included in the workshop. For more information on the program and locations of this workshop, visit the Center for Profitable Agriculture website: These educational sessions are offered as part of the statewide “Value-Added Beef Program” and made possible in part by funding from the sale of agricultural specialty license plates (the “Ag Tag”). Funds received from Ag Tag sales are returned to the agricultural community in the form of grants for youth programs, market development projects and other agricultural activities. The Tennessee Value-Added Beef Program is also funded in part by the USDA, Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program. t

Hancock 4H’er shows Champion Market Steer – During the 42nd Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition Market Steer competition, Sarah Ramsey from Hancock County, on the right, exhibited the Grand Champion Market Steer. This year’s reserve champion was shown by Morgan Lehnert from Lawrence County, pictured on the left.

Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation

12 14

Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September May 2010 2013

Richard Jameson named 2013 Tennessee Farmer of the Year

As a result of his success as a diversified crop farmer, Jameson has been selected as the Tennessee state winner of the 2013 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year award. Jameson now joins nine other state winners from the Southeast as finalists for the award. The overall winner will be announced on Tuesday, October 15 at the Sunbelt Ag Expo farm show in Moultrie, Georgia. A farmer for 37 years, Jameson operates 2,350 acres, including 550 acres of rented land and 1,800 acres of owned land, with crops of cotton, corn, wheat and soybeans. He produces impressive yields. Last year’s per acre yields included irrigated cotton on 290 acres, 1,250 pounds; dryland cotton on 65 acres, 875 pounds; irrigated corn on 400

acres, 190 bushels; dryland corn on 450 acres, 125 bushels; wheat on 550 acres, 70 bushels; doublecropped irrigated soybeans on 200 acres, 48 bushels; doublecropped dryland soybeans on 350 acres, 35 bushels; irrigated full season soybeans on 310 acres, 65 bushels; and dryland full season soybeans on 285 acres, 42 bushels. He markets cotton through the Staplcotn cooperative. For grain and soybeans, he uses a combination of forward price contracts, seed production contracts and cash sales. He sells much of his corn to an ethanol plant. He also uses his grain storage facilities to hold crops before selling for higher seasonal prices. His conservation practices include more than 44 miles of terraces and more than 64 acres of grassed waterways. Some of the first contour terraces in West Tennessee were constructed on his farm. He also planted 82 acres of native warm season grasses to benefit wildlife. Jameson added irrigation on 1,200 acres during the past ten years. Soil moisture sensors help in scheduling irrigation. He is also exploring the use of natural gas to run his five center pivot systems. Richard and his wife Jane have four daughters. Harriet is a graduate student in urban and environmental planning and landscape architecture at the University of Virginia. Mary is a second grade teacher in Virginia Beach, Va. Martha Jane is a speech pathology major at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. And Patsy is a junior at Haywood High School. t

Relax a little more this summer knowing you saved money with your Tennessee Farm Bureau member benefits. 20%

Tennessee’s Agri-Events County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings Monroe County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe County Farm Bureau Office. All members are invited. This is a covered dish. Montgomery County Farm Bureau Annual Membership Meeting will be October 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Highland Ridge Kiwanis Lodge at 1601 Russellville Pike Clarksville, TN. All members are invited. Craig Norris, TRH director of Operations will be speaking on the affordable Health Care Act. Dinner and door prizes. Rutherford County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting will be Monday, September 9 at 5:00 p.m. at the Lane Agri-Park Center, 315 John R. Rice Blvd., Murfreesboro. A BBQ dinner will be provided and door prizes will be given away. For more information call 615-893-1213. Smith County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and Appreciation Day will be on October 4 at the Farm Bureau building. The annual meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m. All members are invited to attend. We will serve food from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Door prizes and giveaways. Sullivan County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting will be held on October 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Farm Bureau building in Blountville. Annual reports will be given. All members are invited. Refreshments will be served. Sumner County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting will be on October 28 at 6 p.m. at the Gallatin Farm Bureau office building. Light refreshments will be served. All members are invited to attend.

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September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


Classified Ads Animals Cattle

BULLS: Registered CHAROLAIS, RED ANGUS, BLACK ANGUS, YEARLINGS- 2 Year Olds, Top Bloodlines- Natural/AI HEIFERS: Commercial RepL. Quality Yearlings. Black Angus, Red Angus, F-1 Smokies & BWF/ Brockle- Face Complete Herd Health Program. BRIDGES CHAROLAIS/ BRIDGES ANGUS FARM Manchester, TN 931-728-6301 after 7 p.m. 931-334-8657 mobile For Sale: Registered Angus Bulls/Heifers. Excellent Bloodlines and E.P.D available. A & N Stock Farms, Summertown, TN 38483 931-242-0179 PULASKI STOCKYARD: Your Full Service Stockyard. Cattle Auction - Tuesday 12:30. Replacement Cow Auction - 1st Friday 6:00. More Info: Billy Wallace 256-303-7097, Derek Black 931-638-5392

Angus (Black) Black Angus Cattle: Fall calving cows. Bred heifers A.I. sired and bred back to a low birth weight Bull. Yearling heifers sired by the top gaining Angus Bull at the UT Test Station in Spring Hill. Also a 3 Ton Apache Creep Feeder, like new. Wyatt Angus 731-549-3742; cell 731-549-4710

FOR SALE: Angus bulls - 20 months old and ready for service. Low birth weights and milk in their genetics. Good selection to choose from. Norman Amonett, 99 Amonett Lane, Byrdstown, TN 38549. 931-864-6481 Visit our website at FOR SALE: Registered Black Angus bulls and heifers, excellent bloodlines. Rock Haven Angus, Lewisburg, TN, Day Time 931-703-9894; 931-3643670 after 6PM

Angus (Red) Bulls & heifers - weaned or breeding age, popular AI sires. Located near Watts Bar Lake, Hwy 58. Mercer Farm - Ten Mile, TN. 423-334-3649 or 865804-8156 For Sale: AI and naturally sired registered Red Angus young bulls and heifers proven herd sire. 931-858-2429 Registered Red Angus- Service Age Bulls and bred Heifers available. Low birth weight, gentle, lots of milk. Shady Bottom Ranch, Crossville, TN 931-200-0036

Beefmaster Good, gentle BBU bulls & heifers for sale. Visitors welcome. James & Carolyn Vaughn, 9512 Bates Trail, Lyles, TN 37098. 931-670-4605

Next issue is Nov. Ad deadline is Oct. 10. Name _________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________

Polled Bulls/heifers. Our guarantee since 1972: If after the sale of his first calf crop you are not satisfied, return any bull purchased from us for full refund. HUDSON BEEFMASTER, 3140 Buffalo Road, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. 931-829-2637; 931-629-5246 cell

Chiangus Chiangus bulls and heifers. 865-856-3947

Limousin Bulls: Registered Purebreds, Commercial. Proven Predigrees, EPD’s. Easy Calving, Black, Red Seedstock. Dreamtime Limousin Farm, 423-422-6099 Limousin Lim-Flex (18) Bulls AI Sired Excellent EPDs TAEP Qualified Breeder Guaranteed 18 to Select From Win-Vue Farms 423-754-2404

Santa Gertrudis

FOR SALE: Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls, Heifers - black, polled, excellent bloodlines, gentle disposition, TAEP qualified. 931-433-6132; cell 931625-7219

DOUBLE-POLLED gentle Santa Gertrudis, registered bulls and heifers.; 256-566-7878 Santa Gertrudis - Myers Farms - Poll bulls & heifers for sale. 144 Sub-Station Road, Unionville, TN 37180. 931-294-5653

Hereford (Polled)

Scotch Highland


FOR SALE: Registered Polled Hereford bulls. Good selection. Practical cattle for practical cattlemen. Earl Moore, 3594 Craig Bridge Road, Williamsport, TN 38487. 931-583-2353 POLLED HEREFORD BULLS. Meet all criteria for State Enhancement Program. JACKSON FARMS 615-478-4483 Registered Polled Hereford bulls and females for sale, priced reasonably. Stan Webster, Chestnut Mound, 615-897-2333 Registered Polled Hereford bulls. Quality Sires, great EDP’s, Herd improving genetics. KBee Herefords, Shelbyville, TN 931-684-6582;

Limousin FOR SALE: Limousin Bulls and Heifers Black, Homozygous black, Homozygous polled. Prichard Limousin Farm, Brush Creek, TN 615-683-8310

Scotch Highland Red Cow, Red heifer, white heifer 2 1/2 year old unrelated bull $3500 all 423295-2003;

Shorthorn Registered, Red, Polled Shorthorn bulls by our calving ease, low birth wt. Jake’s Proud Jazz, son. Double C Farm. Charles Curtis & Family Rickman, TN 931-260-1596


I will take any Donkey’s or Horses that you have. 931-607-6249 or 931-363-1418 Miniature Stallion One two year old, one eight year old, both spotted. Under thirty inches. Call Leon 615-642-2195

Mules & Donkeys Guard Donkeys will chase or kill coyotes and dogs. Call Leon 615-642-2195

City_________________________________ State _______ Zip__________________ Phone (_________)_______________________________________________________ County of Farm Bureau Membership________________________________________ Place Ad Under Which Heading?____________________________________________ Place in Which Issue(s)?: ❏ Jan. ❏ March ❏ May ❏ July ❏ Sept. ❏ Nov.

Please print the copy for your ad in the spaces provided. Clip this form and mail with correct payment to: Tennessee Farm Bureau News • P.O. Box 313 • Columbia, TN 38402-0313


TN Livestock Producers Hwy. 64e, Fayetteville Sale Every Tuesday bobby eslick, manager 931-433-5256 931-433-4962

Somerville Livestock Market Hwy. 59, Somerville Sale Every Tuesday Cattle & Sheep/Goats Don Terry, manager 901-465-9679/731-695-0353

Columbia Livestock Center 1231 industrial Park rd., Columbia

Cattle Sale Every Thurs.

Sheep/Goats 2nd & 4th Mon. Darrell ailshie, manager 931-223-8323/931-212-8512


Management provided for Lower Middle Tennessee Cattle Assoc. Consignment information contact: 2013 Sale Dates - 9 AM Central Frank Poling 931-212-9962 Sept. 6, oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6 richard brown 931-239-9785

Number of words in ad ____________ X 50¢ or $1.00 = ____________


Columbia Every 2nd & 4th Monday

Graded Sales every Tuesday in Fayetteville Weaned Sale 1st & 3rd Thursdays in Columbia Weaned Sale 1st & 3rd Tuesdays in Fayetteville

Sept. 9, 23; oct. 14, 28; Nov. 11, 25; Dec. 9

X Number of issues ____________ = TOTAL COST OF AD____________


: Amount enclosed with ad

There are two types of classified ads: 1. FARM BUREAU MEMBERS - selling items that they make, produce, or raise themselves; or surplus equipment. Each member ad costs 50¢ per word. 2. NON-MEMBERS or COMMERCIAL MEMBER ADS - in which the member is acting as an agent or dealer (real estate, health products, mail order business, etc.). Each ad costs $1.00 per word.

Price, phone number, e-mail address and website count as one word each. Ads not accompanied BY payment will be returned to sender. Ads received in our office after deadline will be held for next issue.

Somerville Every Tuesday

ORDER BUyING H.m. eslick Frank Poling bobby eslick David alexander

931-433-5256 931-212-9962 931-433-5256 615-300-3012

SEE wEbSiTE for currEnT liST

PRODUCER GENETICS Alliance Development, Herd Sire Purchasing, Cattle Breeding & Marketing Consultation

FOR SALE: Approx. 70 Bred Heifers Call Richard Brown - 931-239-9785 Alliance Sales: Sept. 17, Nov. 19

Darrell Ailshie, General Manager P.O. Box 313 • Columbia, TN 38402 • 931-388-7872


Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September May 2010 2013

Classified Ads Goats & Sheep

Dairy Goats Saunens Alpines Purebred and Experimental. 615-444-5294 Dorper Sheep Registered Full Blood or Pure Bred. 931-858-2697 For Sale: Purebred Kiko goats. 931-987-2826 Culleoka, TN GOAT/SHEEP SALE: 2nd & 4th Monday. Tennessee Livestock Producers, Columbia, TN. 931-212-9962; 931-982-9086 For Sale: Registered Katahdin Ewe and Ram Lambs. Born March and April 2013. Caney Creek Farms 931-703-0239 or

Exotic & Other Animals

Legal Pet Raccoon Babies. State and USDA Licensed. Website index.htm 931-268-0739 Make Great Pets, Ringo’s Crossing Pet Farm

Plants Grasses

For Sale: Purebred Poland China boars and gilts. Oldest Poland herd in the U.S. Bill Ligon, Old Hickory, TN. 615-758-0806


Get Vaughn’s #1 Bermuda Grass from the original farm where developed. High Yields- High Digestibility- High Quality- High Palatable. Finish freezer beef without grain, grassfed and get proven excellent taste- Permanent stands with proper management- Have planter will travel to your farm and plant from April to August. Call for additional information. 931-657-2584


Hay & Straw

Poultry POULTRY HOLLOW HACHERY, located 45 miles east of Nashville, can fill all your poultry needs starting with over 57 breeds of chickens, bantams, turkeys, guineas, ducks, geese, rare breeds. Dayold-sexed-pullets start at $2.25 NPIP CERTIFIED! Visit our website at or call 615-318-9036 or 615-477-7936 Wild Ducks, Black Swans, Red Golden Pheasants, Silver Pride Peafowls. Woodbury 615-684-3833


AKC Australian Cattle Dogs “Heelers” pups, Adults Pet-Work-Show-Quality 423-626-7519; relindsey2@;; www. Barger Stock Feist pups available - from proven crosses of squirrel dogs, NKC registered, $300 each. Bill Barger 865-882-5425; www. Border Collie Pups Registered Excellent Stock dogs and pets. 931-939-2426; 931-607-2426 Dan Vickers Ladybug Kennel Big Sandy, Tennessee. FOR SALE: ABC -Registered Border Collie Puppies and Adult. CKC -Registered Dachshund Puppies $200.00 each 731-593-3807 Mason H.D. Dog Kennel 6’x12’x12’ Large Igloo Dog House 4’x2’ Box for pick-up truck. 931-388-3982 Registered Mt. Cur Pups Bred to Tree Squirrel and coon. Shots and wormed $150.00 - $200.00 each. Call Paulus Shelby 731-423-8781

FOR SALE: Vaughn’s #1 Hybrid Bermuda Hay. Premium Quality Hay available in small squares or 4x5 rolls. Jerry Roach, Linden, TN. 931-5932673

Vegetables & Fruits

ANTIQUE APPLE TREES - Summer Rambo, Virginia Beauty, Yellow Transparent. Catalog $3.00. Write: Urban Homestead, 818-G Cumberland Street, Bristol, VA 24201. 09-05

Lawn & Garden

Antique 1975 International Cadet 76 Lawn Tractor 36 inch deck, runs good. $500 OBO 901-485-1931 Morton’s Horticultural Products, Inc. Free Catalog - Greenhouses & Growers Supplies. Drip Tape, Irrigation Supplies. We Manufacture our Greenhouses. Online Catalog - www. 800-473-7753; 09-04


Panther Creek Forestry: Forestry, Timber, Wildlife Managers. Receive top timber prices. Hunting leases available - Cumberland Plateau & Land Between the Lakes. 931-474-6203; 09-10


Cow Herd SeleCt Sale Simmental & SimanguS

Slate Farms, Rhodes Angus, Clover Valley, Wall Bros.

14’ International Disk, Heavy Duty, dual Wheels, new cylinder. $3,750. 11 prong Chiesel Plow, 3 pt gauge wheels. $1,250. 1 row Ford mounted Corn Picker, $500. Gravity Wagon $1,100. New Holland Hay Rake, #57, 3pt, P.T.O. $1,350. All Steel Factory Wagon Running Gear. $350. 20’ Hay Wagon $325. 30’ Hay Wagon $425. Cut-off Saw and Pulley for 8N Ford tractor $150. 2 row 3pt Rotor-Hoe $150. Mule Drawn Hay Rake $200. 85 Chevy LWB Bed axle still under it $150. 2 matched Tires, 23x26 on Massey Ferguson Wheels $500. 731-437-0196; 422-5282 For Sale Woodmizer Sawmill, LT 40 Super Hydraulic, 40 hp Diesel, $17,000. Also 2 Blade Woodmizer Edger, 25 hp gas, $5,500. 731-614-1033 20 ft. P&D Silo Unloader. Excellent Condition. 615-893-8951

Tractors & Implements

300 Farmall Tractor, two row New Idea Mounted Corn Picker Tractor, two-point fast hitch no 11 plow $5500.00 New Idea corn hay elevator 6hp Briggs Straton Engine $800.00 731-586-7895 Disc Mower Covers for most brand mowers. $250 for 8ft mowers Call 615-489-5355 Farm Master Tractor with Front Loader, runs good. Cultivator, Turning Plow, Disc, Grater Blade. Woodbury 615-684-3833 For Sale 17,500 gallon, 10ft x 30ft, 3 compartment, steel tank, good condition $5,000. Can deliver. 731-614-1033 For Sale 4500 Mahindra Tractor Lile new extra low hours remote valve $7500.00 Call 931-629-8941 For Sale 850 New Holland Bailer $875. Lowboy dozer bed for truck $2,000. 731-614-1033 For Sale Gleaner A-438, black 4 row, corn header $1,200 OBO. 303 Allis Chalmers Diesel Engine $1,200. White 298 engines and parts. Parting out F-2 Gleaner. 731-614-1033 Hay Wagon 40’ Long $500.00 Disc Bine 411 N.H. parts only $500.00 WDAC Motor $1,000.00 615-325-2680

Trucks & Trailers

2000 Ford F150 XLT Lariet, V8, Automatic, extended cab, 4x4, new Tires. $6,750. 1993 Ford XLT, V8, automatic, one owner, lady driven. $4,250. 1978 Ford F350, V8, 4 speed, 12’ factory Steel Bed, one owner, 66000 actual miles. $3,250. 731-437-0196; 422-5282 Gooseneck Livestock Trailers. At prices you want believe. Different sizes and options. Wholesale Trailers, Lebanon, TN Financing Available 615714-3894

Other Equipment

Used portable sawmills! Buy/Sell. Call Sawmill Exchange 800-459-2148; US & Canada; www. 09-01


Real Estate

50 acres 2 creeks, wooded, timber, pasture, 1800 sq. ft. Brick house completely remodeled, Michie, TN. 1 mile Shiloh National Park, near Pickwick Lake. Reduced was $339,000 to $279,000 Possible owner financing. 931-964-2622 View online listings for farms, homes, mountain land in North East Tennessee. East Tennessee Realty Services, Greeneville TN 423-639-6395 09-08 33.78 ac Beautiful Smith Co. River Close, Great Fishing, Wildlife, Abundent Hayfield, Woods. Co. Water, Natural Gas, Close to Marina, Paved Road. 50 miles to Nashville. Owner Financing 129,500 828-479-2508 Greeneville TN 423-639-6395 09-08 20 ac. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 15 ac in Hay off Hwy 87. Appraised $230,000 reduced $80,000 to $150,000 Custom built home. Nat. gas, city water, 2700 sq ft. DEAL! 901-834-3555

Vacation Rentals

Beach Vacation Homes: Owner Fall Special $550 per week with cleaning fee. 615-289-8475 09-13 Beautiful Smoky Mountain log cabins - near Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge. Jacuzzi, hot-tubs, porches and rockers, on trout stream, stone fireplaces, cable TV, fully furnished, hiking, $85 nightly and up.; 423487-5615 09-12 Farm House - near Rock Island Park - Furnished, CHA, daily-weekly rates. 931-235-8054 www.vrbo. com/89925 05-05 GULF SHORES CONDO- 2BR, pool/beach access. Spring $600/week, Summer $800/week, Fall $500/week. 931-296-4626 09-07 Wlison Lake By Week or Weekend Completely Furn. Step from water Great Fish and Water Sports 931-964-2622

Hunting Leases

Hunting Lease Wanted: 2 responsible, experienced hunters need to lease farmland or timberland for deer and turkey hunting. Prefer Middle TN area. 865-659-8816 Responsible hunter would like to lease land for deer and turkey hunting. 423-479-4149; 423-7158936 Safe responsible hunter needs to lease land in Middle East Tn Area for deer and turkey hunting. Will respect your privacy and your property. Prefer Loudon or surrounding counties. 865-9951056


80-100 Cows, Heifers & Bulls

OctOber 5, 2013 • 1:00 PM Slate Farms • 4437 Hwy. 49W • Vanleer, TN 37181 931-206-5026 • aI/Heat Synch demo by aBS live Fitting/Showing demo for 4-H & Juniors by CVlS

Coffee & Cattle @ 8:00 AM Fitting/Showing @ 10:00 AM AI/Heat Sych Demo @ 11:00 AM lunch provided by dickson Co. livestock Visit:

OCTOBER 19, 2013 • SATURDAY • 12:00 NOON Selling 75 Lots of Registered Angus Cow/Calf Pairs • Bred & Open Heifers • Bulls • Semen • Frozen Embryos To receive a catalog or further information contact: KENT J. BROWN 931-265-9200

Kenny Totty (931) 729-4790 Kenny Springer (931) 231-5533 David Holt (931) 397-1751 Peter Di Corleto (615) 631-5334 Joe Stephens (731) 446-9502

September 2013 - Tennessee Farm Bureau News


Classified Ads Home Improvement

Concrete Log Siding email: 423-979-7227

Construction ATTENTION MOBILE HOME OWNERS: Take a punch at inflation with our super insulated roof over system by Roof King. No more leaks, never roof coat again, save $$ on heating and cooling costs, maintenance free, 100% watertight guaranteed. Call 1-800-276-0176, Roof King. 09-03

Home Security DRIVEWAY ALARMS, $209.95, 1000 feet, no wiring. TN DRIVEWAY AND DOOR CHIME CO 1-800342-9014 09-11


Insurance Stock

Buying TN Farmers Life and Assurance Stock. 731-285-1424 Buying TN Farmers Stock. 931-381-3580


25,000 mile oil change: rust 07-09 BIG SIZE HATS AND CAPS! www.bigheadcaps. com Rutherford County 09-14 BUYING Magic Cards, Comics and Toy Collections. 615-897-2573 CURRENTLY FARMING WITH A DISABILITY? The Tennessee AgrAbility Project is a state-wide non-profit service that provides assistance to agricultural workers with disabilities. For further information, please call 731-855-7656 For Sale Minolta RP 605Z Reader Printer with over 100 Tapes. Fayetteville, TN Observer Tapes. 615794-5528 High blood pressure, Diabetes, over weight? Give me a call. 731-967-0777 Need a little or a lot of extra money? Excellent results from these magnificent products. Manta. “PLAY GOSPEL SONGS by ear!” Add chords. 10 lessons $12.95. “LEARN GOSPEL MUSIC”. Chording, runs, fills - $12.95. Both $24. “LEARN CHORD PLAYING”. Piano -$12.50 Davidsons, 6727HT Metcalf, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204 913-262-4982 09-02 Reduce disease-causing oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days. titanette51@gmail. com Will reply with info or 615-969-9311 09-15 SAWMILLS from only $4897 - Make Money & Save Money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800578-1363 - Ext:651 09-06 Tables, Chairs, Seating, Steeples, Lockers, Baptistries. Free Quotes. 615-351-3120 WANTED: I collect World War I and II military relics - American, German, Japanese. Helmets, metals, knives, bayonets, guns, swords, daggers, etc. 423-842-6020

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Tennessee Farm Bureau News - September May 2010 2013

2013 Ford Fusion

2013 Ford F-150

2013 Ford EXPLoRER

$500 Bonus For Tennessee Farm Bureau Members Tennessee Farm Bureau members get $500 Bonus Cash* toward the purchase or lease of any eligible 2012/2013/2014 Ford vehicle. Enjoy valuable savings on your choice of vehicles from our comfortable and capable lineup of cars and trucks – like the 2013 Ford F-150 with best-in-class max trailer tow and payload capability, and 4 engines to choose from, including the 3.5L EcoBoostŽ V6 Engine.

Take advantage of this exclusive special offer today.


*Program #34216: $500 Bonus Cash offer exclusively for active Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee Farm Bureau members who are residents of the United States. Offer is valid from 1/03/2013 through 1/2/2014 for the purchase or lease of an eligible new 2012/2013/2014 model year Ford or Lincoln vehicle. Not available on Mustang Shelby GT/GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Focus EV, Focus S, Fiesta S, Focus ST, Edge SE AWD (12MY), F-150 Raptor, Taurus SE and 13MY MKZ including Hybrid. This offer may not be used in conjunction with other Ford Motor Company private incentives or AXZD-Plans. Some customer and purchase eligibility restrictions apply. You must be an eligible Association member for at least 60 consecutive days and must show proof of membership. Limit one $500 Bonus Cash offer per vehicle purchase or lease. Limit of five new eligible vehicle purchases or leases per Farm Bureau member during program period. See your Ford or Lincoln Dealer for complete details and qualifications.

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