Brentwood and Cool Springs, TN: 2009

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Brentwood Cool Springs Franklin 96


Brentwood Cool Springs

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sk Brentwood residents what they love about their hometown, and you’ll hear the same response again and again: It’s the ideal place to live, work and play. Tom Bain moved to Brentwood in 1972 when he took a job with HCA in Nashville. He threw himself into the local community by coaching Little League Baseball and serving as mayor in the late 1970s and early ’80s. “The quality of life here is super,� Bain says. “I’ve traveled extensively and visited a lot of cities, but I’ve found very few places like Brentwood. We have a climate with four seasons, and we’re at the crossroads of three interstates. Both the city and county park systems are incredible, with wonderful walking trails. And I’ve seen a unique spirit of generosity here – the community is always willing to give. Many residents give a great deal to charity and don’t want any recognition for it.� Thanks to the community’s generosity, several nonprofit organizations thrive in Brentwood and Cool Springs, including Habitat for Humanity, United Way of Williamson County and Second Harvest Food Bank. One of the ways local citizens show support for nonprofits is through the Brentwood Cool Springs Chamber of Commerce’s annual Taste of Cool Springs event in April. The area’s best chefs unite to prepare a smorgasbord of food for ticket holders, and proceeds benefit

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United Way and its 35 partner agencies. Brentwood’s excellent schools also appealed to Bain, whose three sons were raised in the city. “Williamson County has one of the best school systems in the state,â€? Bain says. “Brentwood is an incredible place to raise children.â€? Devin McClendon, a broker for XMi Commercial Real Estate, couldn’t agree more. He was born and raised in Brentwood and is now raising his two young children here. “I love Brentwood for the parks, conveniences, friendly folks and the dedication of citizens to keeping it great,â€? McClendon says. “Now that I’ve started a family of my own, I wanted my kids to enjoy the same type of childhood I had. The public schools here are amazing, and my son will soon attend the same elementary school I did.â€? The economic centerpiece of Brentwood can be found in Maryland Farms, a bustling upscale suburban office park that’s home to a bevy of businesses, including several national headquarters. Part of McClendon’s job includes helping business owners find office space in the Brentwood and Cool Springs area, and Maryland Farms is a popular location. “Maryland Farms plays a large role in the economic vitality of Brentwood,â€? McClendon says. “My clients have a real desire to locate their businesses here because they appreciate the conveniences of Maryland Farms and Cool Springs, and they want a great atmosphere for their employees. Brentwood has done a good job managing traffic flow, and that means a lot to business owners.â€? When the workday is done, Brentwood and Cool Springs offer plenty of places for recreation. The Old Natchez Country Club, the Nashville Golf & Athletic Club and Vanderbilt Legends Club keep golfers at the top of their game, while the city of Brentwood’s nine parks provide opportunities for hiking, inline skating, skateboarding, biking, tennis, baseball and even exploring historic homes on public property. “People don’t realize how historic the Brentwood area is,â€? Bain says. “A lot of things happened here during the Civil War because we’re halfway between Franklin and Nashville. After the Battle of Franklin, for example, the whole Confederate high command had breakfast at the Ruth Moore mansion in Brentwood.â€? One of the unusual qualities of Brentwood is its ability to cherish its rich history while forging ahead into the future. “Growing up here, I’ve seen a lot of changes in Brentwood,â€? McClendon says, “but the reason I’ve decided to stay is because this city knows how to grow while maintaining its unique identity.â€? BOabS ]T 1]]Z A^`W\Ua Wa ]\S ]T bVS O`SO¸a RW\W\U ]^bW]\a

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rentwood and Cool Springs may be home to many stay-at-home moms, but this area is also a hotspot for female entrepreneurs. Cindi Parmenter is one of them. As owner of Parmenter & Co., she counsels individuals and company executives about the best ways to reach their goals. “A personal strategic plan is very holistic – it can include goals for careers, health, family, retirement or finances,� says Parmenter, who has two adult daughters and three young grandchildren. “I might talk through ideas with a CEO who’s stuck and needs to step back and see the bigger picture. I also facilitate consensus workshops and customer-service and time-management training.� Debbie Alan is another mover and shaker in the local business scene. A mother of three grown sons and former “Talk of the Town� host at Nashville’s NewsChannel 5, she is also the founder of “On The HomeStretch,� a live Internet radio talk show for women. The one-hour show helps women make the second half of life better than the first. “I wanted to create a show that was really honest – not cotton candy,� Alan says. “It’s geared toward women ages 35 and older, and we talk about the warts and ugly stuff of life as well as the good things. We focus on topics like aging gracefully, caregiving, relationships and health. My husband is a psychologist, and he often comes on live and we talk about our own marital problems. People love it.� Alan handpicks other guests for the show who are “entertaining, inspiring and fascinating,� with the goal of helping listeners dream again. “As women, we lose ourselves in our jobs, raising children

and being wives,� Alan explains. “After women have poured out themselves to their kids, husbands, churches, jobs and communities, we give them permission to focus on themselves again. We help fire up their passion.� Sheilah Griggs is another savvy woman who has taken the region by storm with successful business ventures. She is vice president of Point 3 Media – a boutique full-service advertising agency and production company – and she heads up the Nashville arm of a national company that helps women take their business dreams to the next level. Called Ladies Who Launch, the program – including an intensive four-week incubator course – provides resources and connections for women entrepreneurs. “I love watching women come together to connect and build each other up – whether that is to build a business or to build self-esteem,� Griggs says. “This is a positive, safe environment where ideas are nurtured and can grow.� The program functions as a “resource concierge,� she says, with a Web site rich in practical content; a group of supportive local women; ongoing meetings, speakers and e-mails; and a philosophy that encourages generosity. How do these women balance all the demands of womanhood with all the demands of running a business? None of them will tell you it’s easy, but there are a few tricks to the trade. “It’s a delicate balancing act, and I’ve had to step off the treadmill a few times to be at home with my family,� Alan says. “But now I have an office at home, so I can put in a load of laundry or drive a carpool and then come back home and work. You can’t have it all at once, but if you’re patient, you can have it all.�

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n expanding business base, coupled with its smalltown sensibilities, makes Brentwood one perfect location for community banks. In recent years Magna, Reliant, First Farmers & Merchants, and Avenue banks have set up shop here, as well as BancorpSouth and Pinnacle Financial Partners. All have found a welcoming community that appreciates personal relationships with banks while also being able to leverage serious money for business and personal needs. “We started in January 2006, at a time when two very reputable Williamson County-based commercial banks were sold to banks that were headquartered out of this market,� says DeVan Ard, president and chief executive officer of Reliant Bank. “We just felt like that left a vacuum. We knew that businesses and individuals here liked working with a bank that could make quick decisions, and banks that also were very active in the community.� Since then, Reliant has opened a branch on Nolensville Road about a mile south of Old Hickory across from Lenox Village – a location that allows it to serve both Williamson and south Davidson counties. “Brentwood abuts that area, and so it lets us carry over into Nolensville as well,� Ard says. “We’re opening a Franklin branch in mid-2009.� The success of the community model

also led BancorpSouth to the area. Three branches – two in Brentwood and one in Franklin – represented the bank’s initial foray into Middle Tennessee and have proven to be solid moves, says Ken Farmer, BancorpSouth’s area president. “This has been a thriving market due in part to job growth, particularly the influx of high-paying, corporate level positions,� he says. “Middle Tennessee is still perceived as very business friendly and has attracted growth – both large and small companies – and banks grow in communities that are growing.� BancorpSouth has been able to capitalize on its employees, as well as a broad package of products and services. A focus on the community is a part of the bank’s mandate, Farmer says. The story’s the same over at Pinnacle Financial Partners, which chartered in October 2000 in downtown Nashville but had its first branch open by year’s end in Brentwood, says Brad Dunn, financial advisor and area executive. “We have more than 30 branches now, and we are looking for more locations. We go into communities seeking to develop relationships with owner-managed companies,� Dunn says. “These people and businesses are looking to a bank for a relationship, not just a place to park their money. Now more than ever, people are looking for a bank where they can have that relationship, to get the advice and the services that will help their businesses grow.�

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property and property owners,� Walker says. “They actually helped values. Everybody bought in early that this made sense, everything down to sign control.� A prime example of that collaborative plan at work is Maryland Farms, an attractive business campus in the heart of Brentwood. Walker says more than 20,000 people work in the city, which boasts more than 5 million square feet of office space. Just about 5 percent of Brentwood land is zoned commercial, and retailers don’t find the strict design requirements a hindrance. In fact, the 30-acre Brentwood Place shopping center sold for a whopping $63 million in late 2007. “Location is the key. Just look where we are,� Walker says. “We’re convenient to where a lot of the economic growth is in the Middle Tennessee area. That’s a clear advantage.�

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ith 13 of Middle Tennessee’s top 25 publicly traded companies calling Williamson County home, it’s obvious that the county and its municipalities are doing something right. Unlike some areas where jurisdictional squabbling stymies progress, cooperation is key to this region’s economicdevelopment accomplishments. Matt Largen, director of the Williamson County Office of Economic Development, refers to his office as a case in point: The county operation is the agreed-upon single point of contact for efforts related to business retention and expansion, new business recruitment and entrepreneurship support. The result is a cohesive initiative that promotes Williamson County’s upscale, business-friendly image. “The county has definitely branded itself with an image, a certain corporate identity,� Largen says. “Williamson County has an identity distinct from all the other counties in Middle Tennessee.� That is an effective lure for corporate headquarters, technology-related ventures, health-care companies and other high-end enterprises. The atmosphere also attracts high-quality people. “In this business, it starts and ends with the workforce. That’s one of the big strategic advantages we have over a lot of other areas around the country,� Largen says. “We have a highly skilled, highly educated workforce that companies looking to relocate operations – particularly headquarter-type operations – can’t live without.� The Cool Springs business district at the south end of Brentwood features gleaming corporate structures, first-class office space and one of the busiest retail centers in the state. “Retail is going to follow rooftops,� Largen says. “When a community attracts people of a certain demographic level, retailers follow that. They’re looking to put stores where people have disposable income. Part of that’s an image thing as well.� Mike Walker, city manager of Brentwood, notes that the area’s identity is enhanced by design standards that discourage a “hodge-podge� of development. “Everybody in this county – not just Brentwood, but Franklin and the county – figured out a long time ago that zoning control and development standards didn’t hurt


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rentwood may be in the heart of Middle Tennessee, but finding cuisine outside your culinary comfort zone is easy. Wild Ginger is one of many local restaurants that brings exotic flavors close to home, no passport required. Described by co-owner Andrew Siao as a fusion of East and West, Wild Ginger’s cuisine is hard to pin down to any specific country or region. And that’s just the way that Siao and his business partner, John Chen, like it. “We came up with the idea of fusing the East and West, and merging Oriental cooking with Western cooking,â€? Siao says. “That brainstorm became Wild Ginger.â€? Popular entrĂŠes include the Crazy Cow, which is traditional sushi rice topped by a sliver of lightly cooked steak and covered with a thin slice of jalapeno pepper. “One of our best sellers is the Miso Sea Bass, where the fish is marinated in and infused with the miso sauce,â€? Siao says. “We also have some very innovative sushi that’s a real fusion of East and West.â€? Since opening in May 2008, the restaurant has received rave reviews for its menu and its open, Hawaiian-style dĂŠcor featuring waterfalls and floor-to-ceiling windows. “We wanted a warm, welcoming place, and, while we don’t have the sea nearby, we do have these huge trees and green areas, so we were able to create a space that feels like the coast,â€? Siao says. The restaurant’s dishes vary during the seasons and as specific items become available. – Joe Morris 0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = = : A > @ 7 < 5 A

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rentwood’s thriving technology sector has given rise to a popular educational series. Tech Strategies, sponsored by the Brentwood Cool Springs Chamber of Commerce, delivers pertinent, technology-related tools and training to small-business owners in the area. The growing group came about after a business roundtable meeting on technology in 2006. Sherman Mohr Jr., president of Netsalon Software Development Inc., suggested the idea following a strong positive response to that roundtable. When the Chamber gave the go-ahead, Mohr and co-facilitator Celeste Raines, owner of CR TechPros,

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ark Cleveland is from the state that put Nike on the map, and he hasn’t strayed far from the whole footwear idea. He just moved to socks. The Eugene, Ore., native purchased Swiftwick, manufacturer of a 200-thread-count sock made with olefin, a synthetic fiber that draws moisture away from the foot. Designed for biking, running and other sports that are rough on feet, the socks have become popular in athletic circles. Sock sales first took off when Tour de France star Robbie McEwen wore them in several race stages in France in 2007. Cleveland later gave samples of the sock to 300 participants in an endurance mountain bike race in Tennessee, and he was inundated with requests for orders. For Cleveland, the company is proof that, with enough drive and determination, a vision can become a reality. And with Cleveland’s successful business track record, it’s no surprise that Swiftwick hit the ground, well, running. “The attraction to operating several of my own companies was overpowering, no matter the awards or high salary,� Cleveland says. “Following my plan and dreams in business, I can move faster, be more responsive to markets, create higher-quality products and provide service without compromise, generating wealth for my team of investors, employees and for my family.� And while many might put off a new business venture in the current economy, Cleveland says that the combination of Brentwood’s entrepreneurial spirit and the quality of Swiftwick’s product make now as good a time as any. “The resources around here, the executive talent and the workforce are outstanding,� he says. “There are a lot of entrepreneurial leaders in this city, and it’s a responsive town to growing a new business.� quickly developed the topics and lined up speakers for the second Tuesday of every month. “We pride ourselves on delivering low-cost or free recommendations, and some of the best-in-class tools that are offered,� Mohr says. “A lot of us have our finger on the pulse of what those tools really are and what is available. That’s really what Tech Strategies is all about – providing people with resources and tools to implement technology in their business that they would not have known existed had it not been for this venue.� Since technology is a moving target, the series has no shortage of new and interesting topics. “Our numbers are growing, and we’re starting to do some fun things like create a portal at eee [SSbc^ Q][ for the attendees who show up for the luncheons,� Mohr says. “We’ve got about 330 people in it now. It’s a great way to reach out to the tech and entrepreneur communities and invite them to take part in what the Chamber is doing.�

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he Chamber’s Women in Business program started as a small monthly forum for local women business leaders, and the popular group has outgrown two locations in the past four years. “A group of people at the Chamber thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great to get a bunch of women together,’ and we’ve never looked back,� says Anna Hill, chief design officer for Nantuckit Furniture Co. and the past chair of the WIB steering committee. For the last three years, WIB has convened at The Martin Center, where it has a bit more room to expand. “We had about 20 or 30 women at the first meeting,� Hill says. “We have around 100 women at our luncheons now. It has become a forum for women in business, or women getting into business. We share ideas, discuss issues, have speakers that pertain to our issues, and a lot of personal stories about what women have overcome and how they’ve gotten through obstacles to get to where they are today.� In 2009 the group will launch a mentoring program, an idea that’s been on the table for the past couple of years. Hill says WIB hasn’t yet come close to its critical mass in terms of members or outreach. “There’s just so much energy, and there’s such a great group of women on the steering committee and at the luncheons who want to see this program succeed,� she says. – Stories by Joe Morris

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corporate headquarters’ location should include a few basic qualities, such as a highly skilled and educated workforce. It should be in a strategic location with convenient transportation, competitive tax advantages and an enviable quality of life. Brentwood and Cool Springs have these in spades – and international companies have taken notice. Marshall Shumate, chairman of the Economic and Community Development Committee of the Brentwood Cool Springs Chamber of Commerce, says this area scores even more points on intangibles. “I think it’s the intrinsic qualities that really close the deal for our area,� he says. “You can’t really measure family atmosphere, the spirit of Middle Tennessee’s people and the general charm of the area.� Another plus is the “unchallenged reputation of integrity of our political leaders – especially in our current environment,� he says. “That is a huge benefit to our area.� The proof, of course, is in the growing list of corporations that call the Brentwood-Cool Springs area home. Nissan North America’s $100 million Cool Springs headquarters opened its doors in August 2008 and houses more than 1,000 employees. In December 2006, Community Health Systems moved into its new 175,000-square-foot Cool Springs headquarters. The nation’s leading operator of hospitals in smaller communities, Community Health already had headquarters

in Williamson County and chose to stay. Disease-management leader Healthways relocated from Nashville in 2008 to a new $65 million headquarters in Cool Springs. Tractor Supply, the nation’s largest farm and ranch retailer, boasts a Brentwood headquarters address, as does payment and transaction processor ComData Corp. Mars Petcare’s new headquarters opened in the summer of 2007 in Duke Realty’s Aspen Grove office development in Cool Springs. Also in Aspen Grove is a regional headquarters of Verizon Wireless, which opened in September 2008. Verizon employs more than 750 in the new two-story, 180,000-square-foot facility, which houses financial, sales and customer-service operations. “We are going to continue hiring over the next several years. We have capacity to eventually grow to about 1,350 employees,� says Alan Willett, a headquarters director for Verizon. The company considered eight to 10 sites in Middle Tennessee before choosing Cool Springs. “This was just the best fit for us,� Willett says. “This is a very fast-growing, very dynamic community, and we felt like we would be able to tap into a very skilled and fast-growing local workforce.� The governor’s office and local government officials were “very receptive to the deal and made it an easy decision for us,� says Willett, a Williamson County native. “It’s a beautiful part of the country,� he adds. “I certainly wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.�

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1=;2/B/ 1=@> Biz: Electronic payment and transaction processor & & Buzz: Behind many companies’ electronic /QQ][[]RObW]\a payroll systems stands Comdata Corp., a O\R T]]R aS`dWQS 40-year-old international electronic payment aOZSa and transaction processor with global headquarters in Brentwood. The company also works with retailers to create and manage # $ gift cards and gas station fuel cards. B]bOZ \c[PS`

B@/1B=@ AC>>:G 1= Biz: Retail farm and ranch store Buzz: Founded in 1938, Tractor Supply Co. has grown to a $2 billion publicly traded company with headquarters in Brentwood. Tractor Supply Co. still sells tractor parts, but it also specializes in clothing, equine and pet supplies, power tools, riding mowers and more.

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<7AA/< /;3@71/A Biz: Corporate facility for Nissan Buzz: Nissan Americas relocated its headquarters from Los Angeles to Franklin in 2008. The 50-acre campus includes a 10-story, environmentally friendly office tower, a newly restored 2.5-acre wetlands site, a 10,000-square-foot fitness facility and a four-story parking deck.


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E7::7/;A=< ;3271/: 13<B3@ Biz: Regional medical center Buzz: Williamson Medical Center, a comprehensive inpatient and outpatient center, recently completed the final touches on its $83 million, five-year renovation and building program, which includes a new parking facility and an outpatient imaging facility.

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business community – but there’s always room for more. “We’re always working to retain our members and to grow new ones, and so we’re working on creating affinity group strategies that will let us reach groups that we currently do not,� Dunn says. “We’re also working to get all our members involved, and not just calling them when it’s time to renew. When members are active and involved from day one, it’s better all the way around.� –Joe Morris

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he Brentwood Cool Springs Chamber of Commerce isn’t content to have one major program in the works. Or even two or three. These days, chamber staffers and members are involved in multiple efforts designed to boost local business’ bottom lines, give training to future community leaders, provide workforce training and more, says Brad Dunn, financial advisor/area executive for Pinnacle Financial Partners and the chamber’s 2009 board chairman. “Our youth and leadership programs are two that really highlight the commitment the chamber has made to the community,� Dunn says. “We want to make sure they have all the resources available, because we know the benefits they provide to individuals who are very involved in the community.� Also on the teaching front, the chamber is gathering its various workshops, seminars and programs to create the “chamber university� – a single-stop opportunity to find out about all the organization’s activities. “We have found that the programs put on by our economic-development committee, our Tech Strategies group and others really add a lot of value to our business community,� Dunn says. “But if we can group them, control the catalog a little more, then we can do a better job of meeting our audiences’ needs. Plus the university concept implies growth and learning, which is what we do here.� Economic development is also a key focus for 2009. “We’ve always had a committee focused on this, but we have broadened our reach as we have considered sustainability, green building and other issues,� Dunn says. Dunn and the chamber board have implemented a strategic plan that will

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he Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory has long been known as a science and engineering learning center, where the community can view the wonders of outer space. But visitors can see more than one kind of star here. The observatory has developed a reputation in recent years as the site of the popular outdoor Bluebird on the Mountain concert series, featuring talent booked by the Bluebird CafĂŠ – the pre-eminent singer-songwriter club in Nashville. “Just like the original Bluebird CafĂŠ,


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we showcase the best of Nashville’s singer-songwriters,� says Nancy Dwyer, outreach coordinator for the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory. “In the spirit of old drive-in movies, tickets are sold by the carload — one ticket gets in a single car with up to eight people in it — so folks invite their friends and make it a party.� Concerts run once a month from May to October, and the event is usually a sellout every time. The audience usually shows up early with blankets, lawn chairs and coolers full of food, and they settle on the observ-

atory’s front lawn for some al fresco dining and music under the stars. The observatory also partners with Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music to offer free Music on the Mountain concerts. Each concert has a different theme, with music ranging from Appalachian to big band and swing. Concerts are scheduled around the sunsets. After the performance, when the stars begin to shine, the telescope is opened for visitors to view the night sky. The observatory – an impressive dome at the top of a big hill on nine acres of land – typically sees about 11,000 visitors each year, including school groups. “Our mission is to inspire people, especially schoolchildren, about the wonders of space exploration, astronomy and science in general,� Dwyer says. The observatory houses a 24-inch Seyfert telescope in the main dome and a StarChamber, conceived by British land artist Chris Drury as a way for visitors to explore the relationship between science, nature and art. It simultaneously serves as a sundial, as a lens to the sky and as an extraordinary piece of outdoor sculpture, Dwyer says. The observatory also has an Internetready videoconferencing unit, which allows astronomy experts, astronauts and others to interact with students in real time. And some renovations are in the works as well. “We are undertaking a complete renovation of the house that was built by the observatory’s first director, Carl Seyfert, in the 1950s,� Dwyer says. “It will be a wonderful place for local businesses to host their meetings and retreats. We’re only minutes from downtown, but it feels like you’re in the country up on the mountain. With a big fireplace and outdoor deck, it’s a great place for business or social gatherings.� Visit eee RgS` dO\RS`PWZb SRc for more information and a list of upcoming events. – Joe Morris 0 @ 3 <B E= = 2 1== : A > @ 7 < 5 A


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t’s good to be green, and Brentwood knows it. Whether residents are hitting the trails for a weekend run or watching their children play sports, they have almost 600 acres of parks and greenways to enjoy – all within city limits. “People are so busy all the time, and they want a place to relax when they do have spare time,� says Dave Bunt, director of Brentwood Parks and Recreation. “They want to ride bikes or play sports, and there just aren’t a lot of places to do that unless you go to a park. And we have several.� The largest of Brentwood’s nine parks is Crockett Park, with more than 164 acres of groomed greens, open fields, first-class athletic facilities, the Eddy Arnold Amphitheater and the historic Cool Springs House. Among the park’s unique features is the Disc Course, a 2007 project of Leadership Brentwood. “It is identical to a golf course with tees and fairways, but you throw discs instead of hitting golf balls, and they land in baskets instead of holes,� Bunt says. “Scoring is the same

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as golf, and every hole has a par. It’s very popular and gets lots of play.� The amphitheater is a favorite place on summer evenings, and hundreds come out to enjoy the free summer concert series. On the Fourth of July, it’s home to Brentwood’s fireworks show. The Cool Springs House was moved to its present site in Crockett Park in 1993. Originally a two-room log house built by James and Penelope Carothers in the 1830s, the house has been expanded through the years and now provides a beautiful setting for weddings and receptions. Bunt and his team of 10 full-time and eight seasonal employees recently completed a new section of bikeways and bike trails on Wilson Pike that connects the Ravenwood Trail to Split Log Road. “We have about 14 miles of bike trails and multipurpose trails that are used for roller-blading, walking and jogging,� Bunt says. Two parks – Deerwood Arboretum and Nature Center and Primm Park – feature educational activities. Deerwood is a 27-acre, state-certified arboretum

with more than 69 different species of identified and locatable trees, most of which are native to Tennessee. Bikeways and jogging trails, ponds, a wildflower meadow and a nature center complex make this a popular park, and an educational curriculum is available. The 31-acre Primm Park includes the historic Boiling Spring Academy and five mounds from the Mound Builders, circa 1200 A.D., the last of the prehistoric Native Americans to live in this area. “We live in a community where citizens expect nice things, and they make parks a priority,� Bunt says. “Parks are more and more important in today’s culture, as people need a nice place to enjoy their leisure time.� – Betsy Williams E/B16 ;=@3 =<:7<3 j 0`S\be]]R Wa V][S b] aSdS`OZ abObS ]T bVS O`b TWb\Saa TOQWZWbWSa W\QZcRW\U bVS EWZZWO[a]\ 1]c\bg 7\R]]` A^]`ba 1][^ZSf BOYS O dW`bcOZ b]c` ]T bVS Q][^ZSf Ob W[OUSaP`S\be]]R Q][

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rowing communities rely on quality health care, and the Brentwood area has a solid partner in Vanderbilt Williamson County. After more than 20 years in nearby Franklin, the Vanderbilt Medical Group has added to its roster of physicians and services in Brentwood and Cool Springs – and it will continue to expand to meet local demand, says Dr. James E. “Pete� Powell, medical director of Vanderbilt Williamson County. “We look at the community’s needs and then find the ways that we can most &

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successfully provide service to meet those,� Powell says. “In 2006, we began the Spring Hill clinic with a primarycare doctor, and we also started a walk-in clinic. Later that year we opened our Brentwood practice on Old Hickory Boulevard with a couple of doctors, and in 2008 we opened in the Westhaven community. Now, along those same lines, we are attempting to expand some of our other services in the county.� The Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt now offers eight pediatric specialty off-site clinics at

2105 Edward Curd Lane in Franklin. Previously, children in Williamson County were receiving care from the Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinic and the Neurology Sleep Center on the first and third floors of the building. Specialty services added recently on the second f loor include adolescent medicine, pediatric cardiology, child development and neurodevelopmental disabilities, pediatric diabetes and endocrinology, pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology, and pediatric nephrology. The second floor includes 18 exam rooms, which makes scheduling appointments, traveling and parking much easier for Williamson County residents. Through new partnerships and other affiliations, Vanderbilt now has more than 50 physicians and a similar number of support staff in Williamson County, providing both primary and specialty care. Among the newer offerings are Vanderbilt Rheumatology Cool Springs; the Vanderbilt Interventional Pain Center Cool Springs, an extension of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center; and the Vanderbilt Orthopaedic Clinic. For Powell, being able to add specialty physicians to VWC’s roster is an exciting new development. “It’s great to have a full-time rheumatologist here,� he says. “And now we’re trying to decide what we’ll be able to do next. We have to be very careful what we do, and how we do it, but we’re very fortunate that Vanderbilt is able to look at future services and plan expansions accordingly.� OB-GYN services are on the drawing board, Powell says, as is an endocrinologist and related services. Much will depend on community input, as well as the local and regional economy, available space and other factors. “I think the reason we have been successful in Williamson County is that we’ve been able to demonstrate the need before we put any services in,� Powell says. “And we’ve been able to use the space we have for expanding services, or find space we can lease until a more permanent location is ready. That has allowed us to go in different directions but still stabilize the new services very quickly.� – Joe Morris 0 @ 3 <B E= = 2 1== : A > @ 7 < 5 A


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ith 37 schools and an enrollment approaching 30,000, Williamson County Schools are popular – and in a constant state of planning. Between 1,500 and 1,800 students enter the system each year, attracted by the high test-score achievements, high graduation rate and low student-teacher ratios. “It’s a nice problem to have,� says Pat Anderson, chair of the Williamson County Board of Education. “We’ve had a good reputation for as long as I can remember. The whole community values education, and so we get a lot of strong support from parents, other residents and the businesses.� The county’s economic-development leaders tout the state’s top-rated school system in their recruiting efforts, and with each success comes an influx of new students. But with a five-year capital outlay plan and around $125

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million to fund it, the system works to be ready for any contingency. “Sometimes doing our projections is like trying to hit a moving target, but we have an incredible staff that works very hard with the planning commission and with the developers, so we can stay on top of where we need to place schools,� Anderson says. “Every year they hit our enrollment projections within one-tenth of a percent, which is quite remarkable given how many students we’re adding.� Over the next two years, the system will begin work on an elementary school in the Westhaven area, a project that was slated for a 2013 opening but has been moved up due to projected student demand. A new middle school and high school also are in the works for the same period, both set for the rapidly growing southern end of the county. “We are moving forward quickly on those three, and there are several other

projects that we’ll be getting into over the next five years,� Anderson says. “We have to step back and adjust those plans from time to time, but we’re always addressing the need.� In addition to its top-notch regular programs, the system offers specialized classes and training courses at some of the schools. Some, such as Franklin High School’s culinary arts program, quickly fill up from within that school’s zone. If there’s room, students from elsewhere in the county may apply to transfer. “We have an auto program, some technical programs and other different types of career and technical training at the schools,� Anderson says. “We try to meet student needs throughout the district rather than focusing on just one location. And the classes usually fill up, so we think they’re well placed.� – Joe Morris

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WELCOME TO BRENTWOOD Tennessee’s Most Progressive City!

City of Brentwood 5211 Maryland Way Brentwood, TN 37027


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Metro Nashville Airport Authority ÞÊ À ÃÌÀ }ÊUÊÓÇx £ÈÓ£]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÇx {ä£x " iÊ/iÀ > Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°Êxä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£{

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Metro Nashville Airport Authority LiÀÊ ` }ÊUÊÓÇx £ÈÓä " iÊ/iÀ > Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°Êxä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£{

Comcast Spotlight

>À ÌÌiÊ >À ÃÜ ÀÌ ÊUÊx£Ç ÈÇä]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{{ Ó£äÈ Ó xäÊ À>vÌÊ À°]Ê-Ìi°Ê£ää]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä{

Metro Nashville Airport Authority

>Ì ÞÊ > `ÊUÊÓÇx £Èän]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÇx {ä£{ " iÊ/iÀ > Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°Êxä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£{

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Metro Nashville Airport Authority > ià >Ê V i `ÊUÊÓÇx £ÇÇÎ]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÇx {äÎÇ " iÊ/iÀ > Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°Êxä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£{ {££{

Stone, Rudolph & Henry, CPAs i ÀÞÊ >ÀÌ ÊUÊÎÇÈ n£ä£]Ê >Ý\Ê­ Σ®ÊÈ{Ç x{{x x££xÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê-Ìi°Ê£äx]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Tucker & Tucker, PLLC iÀÀÞÊ/ÕV iÀÊUÊn{È ÓÓÎn]Ê >Ý\Ên{È ÓÓÎÓ Ó£ÈÊ i ÌiÀÛ iÜÊ À°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓÎ{]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = = : A > @ 7 < 5 A

Maristone Senior Living >Ài Ê- >Þ iÊUÊ{Èx Înxä ÎÈÇÊ, ÛiÀà `iÊ À°]Ê-Ìi°Ê£Èä]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ /aaWabSR :WdW\U 1S\bS`a ³ /ZhVSW[S`¸a 1O`S Sunrise Senior Living -> ÞÊ }ÊUÊÎÇÈ xÓ ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÈ xÓnä £äÎÊ ÀV>À Ê* °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

7 ; /5 3 A 0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = ;


0`S\be]]R 1]]Z A^`W\Ua 1VO[PS` ]T 1][[S`QS Sunrise Senior Living à iÞÊ7> iÀÊUÊÎÇÈ xÓ ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÈ xÓnä £äÎÊ ÀV>À Ê* °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

BMW - Mini of Nashville ,ÕÃÃi Ê-Ì ÛiÀÊUÊnxä {ä{ä]Ê >Ý\Ênxä {äää {ä{äÊ À ÀÞÊ"> ÃÊ À°]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä{

Bancorpsouth À>`Ê i à ÊUÊÎÇä ÓÓÇÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä äÓ£{ xÓ£ÇÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

/aaWabSR :WdW\U 6][S ³ <]\ [SRWQOZ

Gary Force Acura

>ÛiÊ-ÌÕ L ÊUÊÎÇÇ äxää]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ ÈäÓ{ £ÈÎ{Ê7iÃÌ}>ÌiÊ À°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Bancorpsouth >Ài Ê-V À «vÊUÊx x Óä{È]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ { ÇÇ{x £{Ê ÕÀvÀiiÃL À Ê,`°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈ{


Jim Kennedy Sales & Leasing Inc. Ê i i`ÞÊUÊÈÈ£ {È{n]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ È £Ç £È£{Ê À> Ê,`°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ


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Baker, Campbell & Parsons i iÌ Ê > «Li ÊUÊÇÈä ÓÎÇä]Ê >Ý\ÊÓxx ÇÇäÎ ÓääÊ ÕÀÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°Ê£äää]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£

Mercedes-Benz of Nashville , > Ê ÀÞÊUÊÇ{Ó näää]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{Ó {xÓÎ ÈÎäÊ > iÀÃÊ À `}iÊ Ûi°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Bancorpsouth > >Ê7 ÌiÊUÊÎÇÈ äää£]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä ÓÓÈä xÓ£ÇÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC

>Û `Ã Ê Ài V ÊUÊÇ{Ó ÈÓää]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ{Ó ÈÓ Î Î£xÊ i>`iÀ V Ê-Ì°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓÇää]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓÎn

Mercedes-Benz of Nashville >À `Ê > Ì ÊUÊÇ{Ó näää]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{Ó {xÓÎ ÈÎäÊ > iÀÃÊ À `}iÊ Ûi°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

The Bank of Nashville - ` iÞÊ Ê* ÜiÀÃÊUÊÓÇ£ Óänn]Ê >Ý\ÊÇxä £nnn x£äxÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê-Ìi°Ê£ää]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Brothers & Thomas, PLLC >Ì ÞÊ À Ì iÀÃÊUÊÈÓä {Çää]Ê >Ý\Ê{Óä {Çä£ n££xÊ Ã>Li >Ê °]Ê-Ìi°Ê ]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Mercedes-Benz of Nashville ` Ê7ii`ÊUÊÇ{Ó näää]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{Ó {xÓÎ ÈÎäÊ > iÀÃÊ À `}iÊ Ûi°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Branch Banking & Trust Co. ,> `> Ê À> iÊUÊÓÇ {ÓnÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÈ ÇäÈ {{ääÊ >À` }Ê* °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä{]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓäx

Hooper, Zinn & McNamee, PLLC °Ê,> `> Ê «iÀÊUÊÈÈ£ x{ÇÓ]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ x{ÇÎ £ä Ê7iÃÌ«>À Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÎää]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Saturn of Cool Springs , LiÀÌÊ iÃÊUÊÇÇ£ Ç ää]Ê >Ý\ÊÇÇ£ ÇÓxx Ç£ä{Ê-°Ê-«À }ÃÊ À°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Branch Banking & Trust Co. >Ì> iÊ,Õ}} iÀ ÊUÊÓÇ {ÓnÎ]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÈ ÇäÈ {{ääÊ >À` }Ê* °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä{]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓäx

Howard, Tate, Sowell, Wilson & Boyte, PLLC i ÃÃ>Ê À>`v À`Ê Õ iÀÊUÊÓxÈ ££Óx]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{{ x{ÈÇ £xäÊ-iV `Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä£

/cb][]bWdS ³ ;O\cTOQbc`S`a

Cadence Bank, NA


Sitters & More Inc. , `>Ê7>ÌÃ ÊUÊÎä ÎÈn]Ê >Ý\ÊÎä În{ £ÓÇÊ À> Ê,`°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÎää]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Howard, Tate, Sowell, Wilson & Boyte, PLLC >ÀÀÞÊ Ü>À`ÊUÊÓxÈ ££Óx]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{{ x{ÈÇ £xäÊ-iV `Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä£ Howard, Tate, Sowell, Wilson & Boyte, PLLC V >i Ê Ã ÊUÊÓxÈ ££Óx]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{{ x{ÈÇ £xäÊ-iV `Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä£ Howard, Tate, Sowell, Wilson & Boyte, PLLC >ÀV >Ê V- > iÊ7>Ìà ÊUÊÓxÈ ££Óx]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{{ x{ÈÇ £xäÊ-iV `Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓä£]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä£ Litwin & Litwin, PLLC >ÌiÊ ÌÜ ÊUÊn{{ È£xx]Ê >Ý\Ên{{ È£xÇ £È£ÈÊ7iÃÌ}>ÌiÊ À°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Miller & Martin, PLLC i> Ê V À>ÞiÀÊUÊÓ{{ ÓÇä]Ê >Ý\ÊÓxÈ n£ Ç £ÓääÊ" iÊ >Ã Û iÊ* °]Ê£xäÊ ÕÀÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£ Ó{ÎÎ Miller & Martin, PLLP

>Û `Ê Õ V ÊUÊÇ{{ n{Óä]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ{{ nÈ{Ó £ÓääÊ" iÊ >Ã Û iÊ* °]Ê£xäÊ ÕÀÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£ Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart , V >À`Ê*>À iÀÊUÊÓx{ £ ää]Ê >Ý\ÊÓx{ £ än {Ó{Ê ÕÀV Ê-Ì°]Ê-Ìi°Ênää]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£ ÓÎä£ Cindy Porter, Attorney

`ÞÊ* ÀÌiÀÊUÊÎÎÎ ÈÈnÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÎÎ ÈÈnÇ xx£ Ê Ê Ì°]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓÓä ÓÎÓ£ Scarbrough & Weaver, PLC À>`Ê-V>ÀLÀ Õ} ÊUÊÎÈ È]Ê >Ý\Êx£x {{ £ xÓ£{Ê >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÎää]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Susan S. Weiss, Attorney at Law -Õà iÊ7i ÃÃÊUÊÎÇÇ £Óä ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÎ ÎÈÇÓ Ç£ääÊ ÝiVÕÌ ÛiÊ i ÌiÀÊ À°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ /cRW] DWacOZ 1Stopdigital iV >Ê6i Ì>Ì>À> >ÊUÊÎÇä Çnnä]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä Çnn£ £ÇΣ Ê > ÀÞÊ °]Ê-Ìi°Ê£ä ]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ /cb][]PWZS @S\bOZa Enterprise Rent-A-Car Ì ÞÊ À> V ÊUÊÈÈ£ È£n£]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÇ ÈÓn £ÓxÊ À> Ê,`°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Enterprise Rental Car -ÌiÛiÊ-V>ÀLÀ Õ} ÊUÊÇÇn {Èx]Ê >Ý\ÊÓÇ xÈÎÎ ÈÓxÊ > iÀ½ÃÊ À `}iÊ,`°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ


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/cb][]bWdS ³ @S^OW`a AS`dWQSa

First Bank ÃÊ*>ÌÌ ÊUÊÎÇÎ ÇÇÇn]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÎ ÇÇÎä ££ÎÊ-i>L >À`Ê °]Ê-Ìi°Ê £Îä]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Bradshaw Collision Repair >ÀÞÊ À`> ÊUÊÇÇ£ ÇÎÓx]Ê >Ý\ÊÇÇ£ ÇÎÓÎ Ó{{Ê-i>L >À`Ê °]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

First Bank -Õâ> iÊ,ii`ÊUÊΣΠäänä]Ê >Ý\ÊΣΠnxÓÇ ÓääÊ ÕÀÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°Ê£ää]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£

Price’s Collision


First Farmers & Merchants Bank

À> }Ê > `ÊUÊÇÇ£ È{n{]Ê >Ý\ÊÇÇ£ xäx ÎääÊ }à ÞÊ Ì°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Rhea Little’s Tire & Auto Repair Inc. , i>Ê °Ê ÌÌ iÊUÊÎÇÎ xnÈn]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÎ Î Î *°"°Ê ÝÊ£ÇÈx]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

First Tennessee Bank > Ê-V>ÀL À ÊUÊÇ ä xÓÓÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ ä x£{x ÓΣÊ*ÕL VÊ-µ°]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈ{

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First Tennessee Bank > VÞÊ/ `Üi ÊUÊÇ ä x£xx]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ ä x£ £ ÓäÓÊ À> Ê,`°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

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First Tennessee Bank, NA ,> `ÞÊ ÕÃÌ ÊUÊÇ ä x££n]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ ä x£x *°"°Ê ÝÊ£ää]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ ä£ää First Tennessee Private Client Financial Services -i Ã>Ê ii iÀÊUÊÈÈ£ Ç{x£]Ê >Ý\ÊÇÇ£ xn£ xä£Ê À« À>ÌiÊ i ÌÀiÊ À°]Ê/Ü Ê À« À>ÌiÊ i ÌÀi]Ê -Ìi°Ê£Èä]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ Greenbank iÊ > iÊUÊ{ÇÓ ÓäÈä]Ê >Ý\Ê{ÇÓ Óä x ÓääÊ >À Ì iÀÃÊ* ÜÞ°]Ê-Ìi°Ê£än]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ Greenbank > iÌÊ À > ÊUÊnxä Ç£ÓÎ]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ nxÇÓ x£ÓäÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Greenbank

À> }Ê, LiÀÌÃÊUÊnxä Ç£ÎÇ]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ nxÇÓ x£ÓäÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Magna Bank ->À> Ê Ã ÊUÊÎä Ó ä{]Ê >Ý\ÊÎä Ó {ä x£ä Ê*iÌiÀÊ/>Þ ÀÊ*>À ]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

/cb][]PWZS AOZSa :SOaW\U

Bancorpsouth ÞÊ ÀiÃV ÊUÊÎÇÓ Î{äx]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä ÓÓÈä xÓ£ÇÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Andrews Cadillac/Land Rover

ÕÀÀ iÊ `ÀiÜÃÊUÊÎÇÎ Înää]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ xnÓÎ " iÊ >` >VÊ À°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Bancorpsouth i Ê >À iÀÊUÊÎÇÓ Î{äÇ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÇ ÈÈÓä xÓ£ÇÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

National City Bank iÊ V ÊUÊÎÎ {x n]Ê >Ý\Ê{ÇÓ Ó{Èä n£äÊ ÀiÃVi ÌÊ i ÌiÀÊ À°]Ê ÕÀÊ À« À>ÌiÊ i ÌÀi]Ê -Ìi°Ê£Èä]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

Andrews Cadillac/Land Rover i Ã Ê `ÀiÜÃÊUÊÎÇÎ Înää]Ê >Ý\ÊÈÈ£ xnÓÎ " iÊ >` >VÊ À°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Bancorpsouth Ê >ÀÀ ÃÊUÊÎÇÈ äää£]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä ÈÈÓä xÓ£ÇÊ >ÀÞ > `Ê7Þ°]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Pinnacle Financial Partners À>`Ê Õ ÊUÊÇ{{ x£ä£]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ{{ x£x£ ÇäÓ Ê ÕÀV Ê-Ì°Ê °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

BMW - Mini of Nashville Ài `> Ê ÕÀV ÊUÊnxä {ä{ä]Ê >Ý\Ênxä {ä£ä {ä{äÊ À ÀÞÊ"> ÃÊ À°]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓä{


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Pinnacle Financial Partners - >À Ê Ài} ÀÞÊUÊÇ{{ x£ä ]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ{{ x£x ÇäÓ Ê ÕÀV Ê-Ì°Ê °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

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DK & Associates Inc.

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Partners Healthcare Group, LLC /…œ“>ĂƒĂŠ-ĂŒiĂœ>Ă€ĂŒĂŠUÊÎÇä‡xä£{]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡xäĂŽĂˆ Ç£ä£ĂŠ Ă?iVĂ•ĂŒÂˆĂ›iĂŠ iÂ˜ĂŒiÀÊ Ă€°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠÂŁĂ“ĂŽ]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ


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TransHealth ÂœĂƒiÂŤÂ…ĂŠ-ĂŒÂœĂ€iÞÊUĂŠn{ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂ“ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠn{ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂ“Â™Â™ xÂŁĂ“ÂŁĂŠ >ÀÞÂ?>˜`ĂŠ7Ăž°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂŽä£]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ United Healthcare ˆÂ?ĂŠ Ă•ĂŒVÂ…ÂˆÂ˜ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠxäLJ£{Ă“ĂŽ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇӇÎxĂˆ{ £äĂŠ >`ˆÂ?Â?>VĂŠ Ă€°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂ“ää]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

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United Healthcare >Ă€Â?>˜`ĂŠ-VÂœĂŒĂŒĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡Ă“Â‡ĂŽĂˆĂ“Ă“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡Ă“Â‡ĂŽĂˆ{ä £äĂŠ >`ˆÂ?Â?>VĂŠ Ă€°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂ“ää]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

Healthways Inc.


NHC Place at Cool Springs ÂœĂ€ÂˆĂŠ œ˜˜iÂ?Â?ĂŠUÊÇÇnÂ‡ĂˆnĂŽĂŽ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇnÂ‡ĂˆnĂ“ä Ă“ÂŁÂŁĂŠ œœÂ?ĂŠ-ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}ĂƒĂŠ Â?Ă›`°]ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ˆ˜]ÊÎÇäĂˆĂ‡

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See what happens when a hotel is designed around big plays.

Vanderbilt Medical Center ->˜`iiĂŠ/ÂˆĂƒÂ…Â?iÀÊUĂŠÂ™ĂŽĂˆÂ‡äĂŽä£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠÂ™ĂŽĂˆÂ‡äĂŽĂ“ä ĂŽ{ä£ĂŠ7iĂƒĂŒĂŠ ˜`ĂŠ Ă›i°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠ{Çä‡7]ĂŠ >ĂƒÂ…Ă›ÂˆÂ?Â?i]ÊÎÇÓäĂŽ Vanderbilt Medical Group ˆ˜`>ĂŠ/ÂœĂ€Ă€iĂƒÂ‡7iLLĂŠUÊǙ£‡ÇÎÓ£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ‡Â™ÂŁÂ‡Ă‡Ă“ĂŽĂˆ Ă“£äxĂŠ `Ăœ>Ă€`ĂŠ Ă•Ă€`ĂŠ ˜°]ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ˆ˜]ÊÎÇäĂˆĂ‡ 6SOZbV 1O`S Âł ;SRWQOZ NHC Home Care ˜}iÂ?>ĂŠ i>Â˜ĂŠUÊÇÇ£‡xĂŽ£ä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡xĂŽnĂŽ ĂŽĂ“ÂŁĂŠ ˆÂ?Â?ˆ˜}ĂƒÂ?ÞÊ ĂŒ°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂˆ]ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ˆ˜]ÊÎÇäĂˆĂ‡ 6SOZbV 1O`S ;O\OUS[S\b Pivot Health, LLC ÂˆÂ“ĂŠ-VÂ…i˜VÂŽĂŠUʙn·{äää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ʙn·{ää£ xxääĂŠ >ÀÞÂ?>˜`ĂŠ7Ăž°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂŽää]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ United Healthcare LarÀÞÊ >Â?Â?ĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡Ă“Â‡ĂŽĂˆäĂŽ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡Ă“Â‡ĂŽĂˆ{ä £äĂŠ >`ˆÂ?Â?>VĂŠ Ă€°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠĂ“ää]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Vanderbilt Medical Center -Â…>Ă€ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ*>ÂŽÂˆĂƒĂŠUĂŠÂ™ĂŽĂˆÂ‡äĂŽä£ ĂŽ{ä£ĂŠ7iĂƒĂŒĂŠ ˜`ĂŠ Ă›i°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠ{Çä7]ĂŠ >ĂƒÂ…Ă›ÂˆÂ?Â?i]ÊÎÇÓäĂŽ 6SOZbV 1ZcPa 2Og A^Oa Athena Health Club & Day Spa ˆVÂ…>iÂ?ĂŠ >Ă€ĂŒiÀÊUÊÎÇ䇣äää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÓ£‡£ä™{ ĂˆĂ“äĂŠ Â…Ă•Ă€VÂ…ĂŠ-ĂŒ°ĂŠ °]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Athena Health Club & Day Spa Ă€ÂˆĂƒĂŒÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ Ă•ÂŽĂŒ>ĂŠUÊÎÇ䇣äää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÓ£‡£ä™{ ĂˆĂ“äĂŠ Â…Ă•Ă€VÂ…ĂŠ-ĂŒ°ĂŠ °]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ 6SO`W\U 6SO`W\U /WRa /cRW]Z]UWaba

Introducing Hyatt Place™ Nashville/Franklin/Cool Springs. A new kind of hotel that puts style, innovation and The Hyatt TouchÂŽ within your reach. And with a 42â€? at-panel HDTV in every room, even when you’re away from home, you’ll never miss a play. And that’s just part of the picture. Discover for yourself how perfectly Hyatt Place ďŹ ts your lifestyle. It’s so you.™ Call (888) Hyatt HP (888) 492-8847 or visit

Brentwood Hearing & Hearing Aid Center ˜˜iĂŠ ÂœÂ?ˆ˜}ĂŠUÊÎÇLJä{Ă“ä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇLJnxĂ“{ xx{{ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ*ˆŽi]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠ£ää]ĂŠ >ĂƒÂ…Ă›ÂˆÂ?Â?i]ÊÎÇÓÓä 6][S 1O`S Visiting Angels >Ă€iÂ˜ĂŠ ÂœĂžÂ˜ĂŒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠĂˆ{ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁx™{]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆĂ“Â‡xÂŁnä ÇxäĂŠ"Â?`ĂŠ ˆVÂŽÂœĂ€ĂžĂŠ Â?Ă›`°]ĂŠĂ“ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`ĂŠ ÂœÂ“Â“ÂœÂ˜Ăƒ]ĂŠ -ĂŒi°ĂŠÂŁxä]ĂŠ Ă€iÂ˜ĂŒĂœÂœÂœ`]ÊÎÇäÓÇ 6][S 1ZSO\W\U Southern Comfort Cleaning Co. Ă•ĂŒĂ•Â“Â˜ĂŠ iÞÊUĂŠ{Ă“x‡ÇÎxĂˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ{ÂŁx‡ÇÎxĂˆ Ă“xäxĂŠ iĂƒĂŒiÀÊ ĂŒ°]ĂŠ ÂœÂ?iÂ˜ĂƒĂ›ÂˆÂ?Â?i]ÊÎÇ£Îx 6][S 6SOZbV 1O`S

Hyatt Place Nashville/Franklin/Cool Springs 650 Bakers Bridge Ave. Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 771-8900

HYATT and Hyatt Place™ names, designs and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corp. Š2008 Hyatt Corp. All rights reserved.


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Guardian Homecare Holdings Inc. 7ˆÂ?Â?ˆ>“Ê-iˆLiÂ?ĂƒĂŠUĂŠĂ“ĂŽn‡£Ó{ä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡Óä™ä nääĂŠ Ă€iĂƒViÂ˜ĂŒĂŠ Ă€°]ĂŠĂŽĂŠ ÂœĂ€ÂŤÂœĂ€>ĂŒiĂŠ iÂ˜ĂŒiĂ€]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠxxä]ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ˆ˜]ÊÎÇäĂˆĂ‡ Suncrest Home Health -Ă•ĂƒÂˆiĂŠ ˆi`iÀ“>Â˜ĂŠUĂŠnĂˆx‡™n{ÂŁ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠx™£‡nnĂ“ä ÂŁnÂ™ĂˆĂŠ i˜iĂ€>Â?ĂŠ iÂœĂ€}iĂŠ*>ĂŒĂŒÂœÂ˜ĂŠ Ă€°]ĂŠ-ĂŒi°ĂŠxää]ĂŠ Ă€>˜ŽÂ?ˆ˜]ÊÎÇäĂˆĂ‡

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0`S\be]]R 1]]Z A^`W\Ua 1VO[PS` ]T 1][[S`QS Holiday Inn Brentwood iĂ€ĂŒĂŠ-ÂˆÂ“Â“ÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂŽÂ‡Ă“Ăˆää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇLJÎä£Ă‡ 760 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Gallagher Benefit Services Inc. °ĂŠ ˆĂ?ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ7ÂˆĂŒÂ…iĂ€ĂƒÂŤÂœÂœÂ˜ĂŠUÊÎÇLJxÂŁÂŁ{]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“ĂˆĂŽÂ‡xnÂŁ{ 110 Winners Cir., P.O. Box 2248, Brentwood, 37027

Holiday Inn Brentwood />Ă€Ă•Â˜ĂŠ-Ă•Ă€ĂŒÂˆĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂŽÂ‡Ă“Ăˆää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇLJÎä£Ă‡ 760 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Goldstein Insurance Agency, LLC -œ˜`Ă€>ĂŠ ÂœÂ?`ĂƒĂŒiÂˆÂ˜ĂŠUÊÓÓ£‡£££Ç]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÓ£‡£££™ 217 Jamestown Park Rd., Ste. 12, Brentwood, 37027

Homewood Suites Brentwood >ĂžÂ˜iĂŠ Ă•Ă€Ă€ÂœĂ•}Â…ĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇLJÎÎÎÓ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇLJΙ™£ 5107 Peter Taylor Park, Brentwood, 37027

Hylant Group /Âœ``ĂŠ >Ă€Ă€ÂˆĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠĂ‡ĂŽĂ“Â‡ĂˆxĂ“Ă“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ‡ĂŽĂ“Â‡Ăˆx™™ 51 Century Blvd., Ste. 100, Nashville, 37214


Hyatt Place Brentwood ˆ“LiĂ€Â?ÞÊ iĂ€}Ă•ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡Â™{ÇÇ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡Â™Â™ĂŽĂˆ 202 Summit View Dr., Brentwood, 37027

Insurance Professionals of Tennessee Ă•Ă€ĂŒĂŠ iĂ€ĂœiÂ˜ĂƒÂŽĂ•ĂƒĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ“{‡äxää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠxÓ·£xǙ 1612 Westgate Cir., Ste. 122, Brentwood, 37027

Southern Hills Medical Center /ÂœÂ“ĂŠ"ĂƒLĂ•Ă€Â˜ĂŠUÊÇn£‡{ÂŁxä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇn£‡{ÂŁÂŁĂŽ 391 Wallace Rd., Nashville, 37211

Hyatt Place Cool Springs Â“Â“ÂˆĂŠ Ă•Â?ĂŒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUÊÇÇ£‡n™ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡™nnn 650 Bakers Bridge Ave., Franklin, 37067

Martin & Zerfoss Insurance -Ă•ĂƒÂˆiĂŠ >“LiÂ?Â?ĂŠUÊәLJnxää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“ĂˆÂ™Â‡Ă‡ĂŽÂ™ä P.O. Box 121587, Nashville, 37212-1587

Southern Hills Medical Center /iĂ€ÂˆĂŠ-Â“ÂˆĂŒÂ…ĂŠUÊÇn£‡££Óx]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇn£‡{ÂŁÂŁĂŽ 319 Wallace Rd., Nashville, 37211

Hyatt Place Cool Springs

>Ă›Âˆ`ĂŠ i>Â?ĂŠUÊÇÇ£‡n™ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡™nnn 650 Bakers Bridge Ave., Franklin, 37067

Maxwell Insurance ÂœÂ…Â˜ĂŠ >Ă?ĂœiÂ?Â?ĂŠUÊÎÇ·{ÂŁ{ÂŁ P.O. Box 1146, Brentwood, 37027

Mainstay Suites iÂ?ÂˆĂƒĂƒ>ĂŠ Ă€ÂˆĂƒÂ…>“ÊUÊÎÇ£‡n{ÇÇ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡Ă“Â™Ăˆn 107 Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Nationwide Insurance -ĂŒiĂ›iÂ˜ĂŠ,Â…Âœ`iĂƒĂŠUĂŠĂ“nĂŽÂ‡ĂˆÂ™Ă‡Â™]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡n™{ĂŽ 7100 Commerce Wy., Ste. 195, Brentwood, 37027

Red Roof Inn Â?Â?>ĂŠ ÂœĂœiÂ˜ĂŠUÊÎ䙇nnĂˆä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎ䙇nnxÇ 8097 Moores Ln., Brentwood, 37027

Northwestern Mutual Insurance ivvĂŠ >““ÊUÊÇ{ӇäĂŽää 1600 Division St., Ste. 400, Nashville, 37203

Residence Inn by Marriott iVŽÞÊ*Ă€ÂˆViĂŠUÊÎÇ£‡ä£ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡xÇ£{ 206 Ward Cir., Brentwood, 37027

Robins Insurance Agency Inc. ˆŽiĂŠ Ă•vvĂŠUĂŠĂˆĂˆx‡ÎÓxĂ“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆx‡™ÓäÇ 30 Burton Hills Blvd., Ste. 300, Nashville, 37215

Wingate Inn – Cool Springs Ă•Â?ˆiĂŠ Â…iiĂŒÂ…>“ÊUÊÓÇLJnÇää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÇLJnĂ‡ä£ 1738 Carothers Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Shelter Insurance Cos. >ÞÊ ÂœĂ€Â“>Â˜ĂŠUĂŠnĂŽ{‡{äää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠnηäxxĂŽ 5515 Edmondson Pk., Nashville, 37211-5808

6]\]`O`g :WTS ;S[PS`a (MFOO )VGG t 373-3961 509 Mansion Dr., Brentwood, 37027 Vance Little 776-2682, Fax: 776-2394 305 Wheatfield Cir., Ste. 230, Brentwood, 37027 .BSZ -PV 3FEE t 370-3040 1517 Covington Dr., Brentwood, 37027 .BHHJF 4QFJHIU t 373-4534 211 Granny White Pk., Brentwood, 37027

Williamson Medical Center >Ă•Ă€>ĂŠ °ĂŠ Ă•ĂƒĂŒiĂŒĂŒiÀÊUĂŠ{ĂŽx‡xĂŽxä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ{ĂŽx‡xĂŽx™ 4321 Carothers Pkwy., Franklin, 37067 Williamson Medical Center

iÂ˜Â˜ÂˆĂƒĂŠ ˆÂ?Â?iÀÊUĂŠ{ĂŽx‡xÂŁxÂŁ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ{ĂŽx‡xÂŁĂˆÂŁ 4321 Carothers Pkwy., Franklin, 37067 Williamson Medical Center

ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ7iLLĂŠUĂŠ{ĂŽx‡xäĂˆä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ{ĂŽx‡ÓÓxĂŽ 4321 Carothers Pkwy., Franklin, 37067-8542 6]bSZa ;]bSZa Aloft Nashville – Cool Springs Ă€ÂˆĂƒĂŒiÂ˜ĂŠ V ÀÞ`iĂŠUĂŠ{ĂŽx‡nÇää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡Îään 7109 S. Springs Dr., Franklin, 37067 Aloft Nashville – Cool Springs iÂ?ˆ˜`>ĂŠ ˆÂ?Â?iÀÊUĂŠ{ĂŽx‡nÇää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡Îään 7109 S. Springs Dr., Franklin, 37067 Baymont Inn & Suites 6iÂ˜Ă•ĂƒĂŠ ÂœÂœĂ›iÀÊUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡{ĂˆĂˆĂˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡nn{{ 111 Penn Warren Dr., Brentwood, 37027 Brentwood Suites Ă€i}ĂŠ iĂœÂˆĂƒĂŠUÊÓÇLJ{äää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÇLJ{ĂˆxĂŽ 622 Church St. E., Brentwood, 37027 Candlewood Suites ˆÂ?ĂŠ*ÂœÂ?Â?>Ă€`ĂŠUÊÎ䙇äĂˆää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎ䙇än£ä 5129 Virginia Wy., Brentwood, 37027 Comfort Inn & Suites – Brentwood -Â…iĂ€Ă€ÂˆĂŠ Â…>˜`Â?iÀÊUÊÓÓ£‡xää£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÓ£‡xÂŁĂ“ĂŽ 5566 Franklin Pk. Cir., Brentwood, 37027 Courtyard by Marriott

ˆ˜`ÞÊ iĂ€`>Â˜ĂŠUĂŠ{™Î‡xĂŽä{]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡xÇ£{ 103 E. Park Dr., Brentwood, 37027

6]bSZa ;]bSZa Âł 3fbS\RSR AbOga Courtyard by Marriott Franklin Cool Springs

>Ă›Âˆ`ĂŠ ÂœĂ€Â“>Â˜ĂŠUʙ{·nÇÇÎ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇn‡äänĂˆ 2001 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, 37067 Courtyard by Marriott Franklin Cool Springs *>Ă•Â?ĂŠ/ĂžĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUÊÇÇn‡äänä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇn‡äänĂˆ 2001 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, 37067 Residence Inn by Marriott >ĂŒÂ…ĂžĂŠ ÂœĂœ>Ă€`ĂŠUĂŠĂ“xĂˆÂ‡ä™ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡xÇ£{ Downtown Courtyard, 170 Fourth Ave. N., Nashville, 37219 6c[O\ @Sa]c`QSa 1]\acZbW\U Compensation Advantage ˆŽiĂŠ1“…ÀiĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇä‡ÎÓnä]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡{£™Ó 709 Highland View Pl., Brentwood, 37027 7\ 6][S 1O`S

Courtyard by Marriott iVŽÞÊ*Ă€ÂˆViĂŠUĂŠ{™Î‡xĂŽäĂˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡xÇ£{ 206 Ward Cir., Brentwood, 37027

Middle Tennessee Home Care

Â?>ÂˆĂ€iĂŠ*Ă€ĂžÂ“Ă•ĂƒĂŠUĂŠĂŽ{ĂˆÂ‡xxÂŁĂ“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽ{ĂˆÂ‡xxÂŁĂŽ 5115 Maryland Wy., Brentwood, 37027

Embassy Suites Nashville South – Cool Springs >ĂŒÂ…ĂžĂŠ >ÂˆĂ›iĂŠUĂŠxÂŁx‡xÂŁxÂŁ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠxÂŁx‡xĂ“£ä 820 Crescent Centre Dr., Franklin, 37067


Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Ă•>Â˜ÂˆĂŒ>ĂŠ iiÂ?ÞÊUĂŠĂ“ĂˆÂŁÂ‡ĂˆÂŁĂ“Ăˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“ĂˆÂŁÂ‡ĂˆÂŁ{n 700 Cool Springs Blvd. E., Franklin, 37067 Franklin Marriott Cool Springs

ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ"ĂƒLÂœĂ€Â˜ĂŠUĂŠĂ“ĂˆÂŁÂ‡Ăˆ£äĂŽ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“ĂˆÂŁÂ‡ĂˆÂŁ{n 700 Cool Springs Blvd. E., Franklin, 37067 Hampton Inn

ˆ˜`ÂˆĂŠ iĂœÂˆĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇ·ÓÓ£Ó]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇ䇙nĂŽĂ“ 5630 Franklin Pk. Cir., Brentwood, 37027

State Farm Insurance >Ă€ĂŒÂˆĂŠ ÂœvĂŒÂˆĂƒ]ĂŠ }iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠUÊÎÇ·£{ĂŽĂ“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇ·ä{{Ăˆ 101 Creekside Crossing, Ste. 1700, Brentwood, 37027 State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co. -ĂŒiĂ›iÂ˜ĂŠ °ĂŠ7ˆÂ?Â?ˆ>Â“ĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇLJ£™™™]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÓÓ£‡ÓÇÎn 101 W. Park Dr., Ste. 300, Brentwood, 37027 Taylor Financial Corp. ˆÂ?Â?ĂŠ/>ĂžÂ?ÂœĂ€ĂŠUÊÎÇ·{ÂŁÂŁÂŁ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇ£‡™nÇä 100 Winners Cir., Ste. 100, Brentwood, 37027 Whitson & Rodgers Insurance >ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠ,Âœ`}iĂ€ĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇ£‡££ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡ÂŁÂ‡Â™Â™ĂˆĂˆ 155 Franklin Rd., Ste. 125, Brentwood, 37027 7\ac`O\QS 7\dSab[S\ba Pica Group >VŽˆiĂŠ >Ă€`ÞÊUÊÎÇ£‡nĂ‡Ă‡Ăˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠn{ĂˆÂ‡Ă“ĂŽÂ™Ă“ 110 Westwood Pl., Ste. 100, Brentwood, 37027 7\ac`O\QS @SZObSR AS`dWQSa Pica Group & OUM -Ă•Ăƒ>Â˜ĂŠ œ˜iĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇ£‡nĂ‡Ă‡Ăˆ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ʙnĂˆÂ‡ÂŁÂ™xĂˆ 3000 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, 37067

AAA Insurance Agency Denean Farrington 376-1601 Ext. 254, Fax: 376-1610 1701 Mallory Ln., Ste. 200, Brentwood, 37027

7\ac`O\QS 1]\acZbW\U

AAA Insurance Agency iÂ?ˆVˆ>ĂŠ6ÂˆÂ˜ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂˆä£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂˆ£ä 1701 Mallory Ln., Ste. 200, Brentwood, 37027

ESPinc ÂœLĂŠ-Â…Ă•ÂŤiĂŠUĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡ĂˆĂ“Ă“ĂŽ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡ĂˆĂ“Ă“x 277 Wilson Pike Cir., Ste. 203, Brentwood, 37027

Aflac Ă•Â?ˆiĂŠ >ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠx£Ó‡{Ǚä 2424 Ravine Dr., Nashville, 37217

7\ac`O\QS ;O`YSbW\U

AON iĂ›ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ Â?ˆ˜}>Â˜ĂŠUÊÇÇ£‡nÂŁĂ“Ă“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡n£Ç™ 501 Corporate Centre Dr., Ste. 300, Franklin, 37067

McAlister Group ÂˆÂ“ĂŠ V Â?ÂˆĂƒĂŒiÀÊUÊÇÇn‡Ó£x™]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡ää™™ 730 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste. 120, Franklin, 37067

Hampton Inn & Suites Cool Springs ,Âœ`ĂŠ ˆ˜`ĂƒiÞÊUÊÇÇ£‡ÇÓÓx]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇ£‡ÇÇÇ{ 7141 S. Springs Dr., Franklin, 37067

Better Benefits & Consulting

iLÂœĂ€>Â…ĂŠ-Â…>ÂŤĂ•ĂŒÂˆĂƒĂŠUʙ{£‡xĂ“xÂŁ]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ­nĂˆĂˆÂŽĂŠĂŽĂˆĂˆÂ‡ÂŁÂŁ{ä P.O. Box 2529, Brentwood, 37024-3549

7\bS`W]` 2SQ]`Ob]`a

Hilton Suites Brentwood /Â…iĂ€iĂƒ>ĂŠ iÂ˜ĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠUÊÎÇä‡䣣£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡äÓÇÓ 9000 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Beyond Benefits iÂ?Â?ÞÊ7>Â?ÂŽiÀÊUĂŠĂ“Ă“{Â‡ÂŁĂˆää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“Ă“{Â‡ÂŁĂˆĂŽÂŁ 840 Crescent Centre, Ste. 400, Franklin, 37067

Interior Redisign & Home Staging °ĂŠ Ă•V>ĂƒÂ‡/Â…Ă€ÂœĂœiÀÊUĂŠ{n£‡£Î™™ 1108 Frenchtown Ln., Franklin, 37067

Hilton Suites Brentwood ˆ˜`Ăƒ>ÞÊ Ă•Ă€Â˜ĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇä‡䣣£]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡äÓÇÓ 9000 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

The Butler Co. Inc. Ă€>`ĂŠ Ă•ĂŒÂ?iÀÊUĂŠĂ‡Ă‡Ă‡Â‡ÂŁÂŁĂˆx]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇLJ££ÇÎ P.O. Box 2044, Brentwood, 37027

7\bS`W]` 2SaWU\S`a

Hilton Suites Brentwood /ÂœÂ“ĂŠ,ĂžL>ÂŽĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡ĂŽĂŽää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇä‡äÓÇÓ 9000 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

The Butler Co. Inc.

Â…iĂƒĂŒiÀÊ Ă•ĂŒÂ?iÀÊ ĂŠUĂŠĂ‡Ă‡Ă‡Â‡ÂŁÂŁĂˆx]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÇÇLJ££ÇÎ P.O. Box 2044, Brentwood, 37027

7\bS`W]` 2SaWU\a 4c`\Wbc`S Âł 1][[S`QWOZ

Holiday Inn Brentwood iÀÀÞÊ ÂœLÂœĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂŽÂ‡Ă“Ăˆää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇLJÎä£Ă‡ 760 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood, 37027

Gallagher Benefit Services Inc.

Â…Ă€ÂˆĂƒĂŒÂˆiĂŠ,iiĂ›iĂƒĂŠUÊÎÇLJxÂŁÂŁĂ“]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂ“ĂˆĂŽÂ‡xnÂŁĂ“ 110 Winners Cir., Brentwood, 37027

Interior Design Services Inc. /ÂœÂ“ĂŠ ÂœĂƒĂŒiÀÊUĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂ“ää]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂŽĂ‡ĂˆÂ‡ÂŁĂ“{x 209 Powell Pl., Brentwood, 37027

0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = = : A > @ 7 < 5 A

Griffin Design Group Inc.

iLÂœĂ€>Â…ĂŠ Ă€ÂˆvvÂˆÂ˜ĂŠUĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡{{ĂŽx]ĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠĂˆĂˆÂŁÂ‡{{ĂŽĂˆ 5011 Country Club Dr., Brentwood, 37027

7 ; /5 3 A 0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = ;


0`S\be]]R 1]]Z A^`W\Ua 1VO[PS` ]T 1][[S`QS Interior Design Services Inc. -ÌiÛiÊ ii ÊUÊÎÇÈ £ÓÎÎ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÈ ££Ó£ Óä Ê* Üi Ê* °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ Interior Design Services Inc. /Ài ÌÊ-Õ Û> ÊUÊÎÇÈ £Ó{È]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÈ £Ó{x Óä Ê* Üi Ê* °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ 7\bS`\Sb AS`dWQS >`]dWRS`a Inet Strategy Inc. ->À>Ê >À iÞÊUÊnÎx {ÎÓx]Ê >Ý\ÊÎΣ Ó{n{ ÎÎ{ÎÊ*iÀ iÌiÀÊ Ê À°]Ê-Ìi°ÊΣÇ]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ££ 7\bS`\Sb ESP >OUS 2SdSZ]^[S\b À>`Ê Ü>ÀÌÊUÊÇÇä ääÓ£ ΣxÊ£äÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê-Ìi°Ê££x]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓäÎ 7\dSab[S\b 1]\acZbO\ba Edward Jones Investments ` iÊ Ê7>ÀiÊUÊÎä £{{x xxxäÊ À> Ê* °]Ê-Ìi°Ê£äÓ]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓÓä Edward Jones Investments

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Del Mar Lighting, LLC *iÌiÀÊ > `Üi ÊUÊÎÇÈ {xÈÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇÈ {xxÇ nÓ Ê* «iÀÃÊ °]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

First Bank V >i Ê6°Ê > ÊUÊÎÇä ÈÇä{]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇä ÈÇ££ Ó£äÊ Ì VÊ Ì°]Ê-Ìi°ÊÓää]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

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Franklin American Mortgage Co. -ÌiÛiÊ i`iÃÊUÊÇÇn £äää]Ê >Ý\ÊÇÇn £äÈÇ xä£Ê À« À>ÌiÊ i ÌÀiÊ À°]Ê-Ìi°Ê{ää]Ê À> ]ÊÎÇäÈÇ

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Nashville Business Journal >ÌiÊ iÀ > ÊUÊn{È {Ó{n]Ê >Ý\ÊÓ{n ÈÓ{È Î{{Ê ÕÀÌ Ê Ûi°Ê °]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ£

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Lindell Jewelers


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Pitney Bowes

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Brentwood Library

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Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home Inc. i> iÊ, LL ÃÊUÊÎÇÈ Î£{ä]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇ£ £nÈÈ £Î£äÊ À> Ê,`°]Ê*°"°Ê ÝÊÓÓäÈ]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

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Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home Inc. iÀÀÞÊ7 v i `ÊUÊÎÇÈ Î£{ä]Ê >Ý\ÊÎÇ£ £nÈÈ *°"°Ê ÝÊÓÓäÈ]Ê Ài ÌÜ `]ÊÎÇäÓÇ

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Greater Nashville Association of Realtors

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David Green Communications

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for over 40 years


Residential Real Estate & Relocation Services

Flu Shots and Flu Mist /Ă€>Ă›iÂ?ĂŠ6>VVˆ˜iĂƒĂŠUĂŠ/ ĂŠ-ÂŽÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ/iĂƒĂŒĂƒĂŠ Employee Wellness Clinics i>Â?ĂŒÂ…ĂŠ >ÂˆĂ€ĂƒĂŠUĂŠ-VĂ€ii˜ˆ˜}ĂŠ Â?œœ`ĂŠ/iĂƒĂŒĂƒĂŠ *Ă€i‡i“Â?ÂœĂžÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠ ÀÕ}ĂŠ-VĂ€iiÂ˜Ăƒ Relocation Nashville Williamson County Music Row

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7 ; /5 3 A 0 @ 3 < B E = = 2 1 = ;

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Let’s Get Moving!


Nashville Electric Service > Ê< iÀ iÊUÊÇ{Ç ÎnÇÈ]Ê >Ý\ÊÇ{Ç Îx È £Ó£{Ê ÕÀV Ê-Ì°]Ê >Ã Û i]ÊÎÇÓ{È

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Arrington Vineyards

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Aloft www.alofthotels/coolsprings

John Wieland Homes & Neighborhoods

Ascend Federal Credit Union

Montessori Academy


Nashville Golf & Athletic Club

Battle Ground Academy

NHC Place at Cool Springs

Brentwood Academy

Paula Cirulli Realty Executives Fine Homes

Carnes Group LLC

Puffy Muffin

City of Brentwood

Shots, Etc.

Currey Ingram Academy

The Heritage at Brentwood

Ensworth School

Vanderbilt Medical Center Williamson

Factory at Franklin

Williamson Medical Center

Fridrich & Clark Realty


Hyatt Place

Zeitlin & Company, Realtors

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