Develop your positioning statements

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Develop Your Positioning Statements

25-­‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) This statement is used in literature, your website, and other sales materials. It should capture how you are positioned versus your competitors -­‐-­‐ your value proposition, the core of your brand, the critical thing that you stand for. [Brand Strategy can help] Use your 25 word positioning statement whenever you need a very short synopsis of what you stand for. For example, you’ll probably use it on your homepage, in press releases, at the bottom of product spec sheets, etc. Your 25-­‐word positioning pitch should contain:  Your company name  What you do  Who your customers are  One or two of the most important reasons customers buy from you (from box 9 if you completed exercise 23 in Brand Strategy) Create your 25-­‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement iS your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Y N Does your 25 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand

Messaging  Develop Your Positioning Statements

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identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.

50-­‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) This medium-­‐length statement builds on your 25-­‐word statement by adding the most important functional benefits your product offers to your customers. [Brand Strategy can help] It’s a great all-­‐purpose positioning statement that can be used throughout your written materials. Your 50-­‐word positioning pitch should contain:  Company name  What you do  Who your customers are  The one or two most important emotional benefits [if you completed 23 – Develop Your Brand Architecture, this content is in box 9]  One or two of the most important functional benefits [box 6] Create your 50-­‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement is your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Does your 50 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand Y N identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.

Messaging  Develop Your Positioning Statements

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100-­‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) Your 100-­‐word positioning statement builds on your 50-­‐word statement by adding more benefits and features. It should contain:  Your company name  What you do  Who your customers are  How long you’ve been in business  Where you operate (if important)  One or two of the most important emotional preference drivers [if you completed 23 – Develop Your Brand Architecture, this info is in box 9]  Most important functional benefits [box 6]  Key features [box 3]  Additional emotional benefits, functional benefits and features as desired[box 8, 5, and 2] This statement should be 2-­‐3 paragraphs with bullets if appropriate; make sure it’s easy to skim and comprehend. Create your 100-­‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement is your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Does your 100 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand Y N identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.

Messaging  Develop Your Positioning Statements

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