Develop Your Positioning Statements
25-‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) This statement is used in literature, your website, and other sales materials. It should capture how you are positioned versus your competitors -‐-‐ your value proposition, the core of your brand, the critical thing that you stand for. [Brand Strategy can help] Use your 25 word positioning statement whenever you need a very short synopsis of what you stand for. For example, you’ll probably use it on your homepage, in press releases, at the bottom of product spec sheets, etc. Your 25-‐word positioning pitch should contain: Your company name What you do Who your customers are One or two of the most important reasons customers buy from you (from box 9 if you completed exercise 23 in Brand Strategy) Create your 25-‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement iS your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Y N Does your 25 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand
Messaging Develop Your Positioning Statements
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identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.
50-‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) This medium-‐length statement builds on your 25-‐word statement by adding the most important functional benefits your product offers to your customers. [Brand Strategy can help] It’s a great all-‐purpose positioning statement that can be used throughout your written materials. Your 50-‐word positioning pitch should contain: Company name What you do Who your customers are The one or two most important emotional benefits [if you completed 23 – Develop Your Brand Architecture, this content is in box 9] One or two of the most important functional benefits [box 6] Create your 50-‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement is your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Does your 50 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand Y N identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.
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100-‐WORD POSITIONING STATEMENT (WRITTEN) Your 100-‐word positioning statement builds on your 50-‐word statement by adding more benefits and features. It should contain: Your company name What you do Who your customers are How long you’ve been in business Where you operate (if important) One or two of the most important emotional preference drivers [if you completed 23 – Develop Your Brand Architecture, this info is in box 9] Most important functional benefits [box 6] Key features [box 3] Additional emotional benefits, functional benefits and features as desired[box 8, 5, and 2] This statement should be 2-‐3 paragraphs with bullets if appropriate; make sure it’s easy to skim and comprehend. Create your 100-‐word positioning statement below: If the statement needs improvement, note Review – make sure the statement is your ideas here Simple and concise Easy to understand Interesting and engaging Limited to one or two benefits Focused on a distinct advantage Specific rather than vague or broad Honest Meets tone and style requirements Does your 100 word positioning statement convey your value proposition & brand Y N identity as defined in the Brand Strategy? If not, continue to revise it until complete.
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