Using Your Messages Your goal now is to consistently use these messages throughout all of your written and verbal communications. [Sales Tools & Literature can help] DO YOU NEED TO ADD THE TOUCHPOINT SUGGESTED MESSAGE TO USE MESSAGE TO THIS TOUCHPOINT? Home p age: U se t he 2 5-‐ o r 5 0-‐word Website positioning statements Detailed sections: 50-‐ or 100-‐word positioning statements Every page: slogan with logo 50-‐word positioning statement Sales letters Slogan, tagline or 25-‐word positioning Email signatures statement 50-‐word can be in the body; press release Press releases footer 25-‐ o r 5 0-‐word p ositioning s tatement White papers and case studies Sales literature
Varies by placement
Varies by placement
Varies by placement
You’ll also need to train your team to use your new messages. Here is an action plan for working with your team. TRAINING ITEM
Train your team to use the messages, especially the elevator pitch (make sure they memorize it). Training should include: The purpose of each message
Messaging Using Your Messages
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