FSMN A.R. Draft 2

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The mission of Friends School of Minnesota is

to prepare children to embrace life, learning,

and community with hope, skill, understanding,

and creativity. We are committed to the Quaker

values of peace, justice, simplicity, and integrity.

201 4-1 5 ANNUA L R E PO R T

Contents Committee Update




Volunteer Recognition


Building Campaign




Circle of Friends


Letter from the Head of School Dear Friends, Families, and Sustainers, The 2014-2015 school year was a very successful year thanks to our students, families, faculty, and friends like you. Friends School of Minnesota continues to be a vibrant and healthy school. We are grounded and driven by our mission: To prepare children to embrace life, learning, and community with hope, skill, understanding, and creativity. We are committed to the Quaker values of peace, justice, integrity and simplicity. Looking back on the 2014-¬15 school year, several areas stand out to me as indicators of health and strength. • A highly skilled and dedicated staff. Our teachers and administrators choose to continue to work at FSM because they believe in the mission. Our teachers know and love our students and that allows flexibility in the ways we educate children. Our teachers respond to students’ academic and emotional needs to ensure that we educate the whole child. • Clarity in expressing our purpose. We clarified our articulation about what progressive education looks like at our school, and we can share that identity with others in direct ways. Our outreach work, admissions, and parent information sessions are evidence of who we are and what we believe. • Steady and strong enrollment. Our 2014-2015 school year saw enrollment numbers that are close to capacity. Our testimonies of peace, integrity, equality, simplicity, community, and stewardship are drawing greater interest in our school from the Twin Cities communities. • Healthy finances. As you will see in this annual report, FSM’s fiscal health is strong. We have maintained our commitment to offering need-based tuition aid to over 30% of our student body, exceeded fundraising goals in all areas (plant sale, annual fund, gala), and funded a significant building expansion project. While we are not there yet, we are well on our way to being fiscally secure. • Students. Our students can speak to the benefits of a Quaker education. We are proud of the successes of all of the students, whether that means learning to read, qualifying for national-level competition in science, settling conflicts using words and respect, or taking a risk in an area that was previously unthinkable. • A New Head of School. We began the 2014-2015 school year by announcing a new head of school for 2015-2016. Latrisha has a long-standing history in education and commitment to Quaker education. FSM is in great hands. Yours in the Light, Lili Herbert Head of School, 2014

Latrisha Chattin Current Head of School

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2014-15 School Committee OFFIC E RS

Cathy Jordan, Clerk Christine Salomon, Assistant Clerk John Kraft, Treasurer Mary Lilly, Recording Clerk Bird Anderson, Member at Large D IREC TO RS

Christina Boyd-Smith Carolyn Carr Christopher Dart Laël Gatewood Doug Herron Paulette Lonzo John McVea Marybeth Neal Chana Ouray Shauen Pearce Kathy Quick Lori Ricke Kate Walthour EX- OFF ICIO

Lili Herbert, Head of School

Update for the School Committee The mission of the Friends School of Minnesota is advanced by the founders, families, faculty, Quakers, and friends who have been generous in their support and so invested in the success of the school. Thank you for all that you do for our amazing school! Please take a few moments to read this report to learn about all the wonderful activities and opportunities your support helped make possible. On May 17 we celebrated Lili’s career (in its many forms) at FSM. This was an opportunity for our community to express our gratitude for her strong and visionary leadership and conscientious stewardship of the school. Threatening weather held off, allowing the FSM community to participate in a schoolgrounds service project in Lili’s honor. A video documented the sentiments of parents, students, alumni, faculty, staff, and Lili’s family. We hope Lili treasures the stories and well-wishes forever. The school community’s gift to Lili, a reading nook in the school library, was inspired by one of Lili’s favorite activities—reading to the children.

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Lili and new head of school Latrisha Chattin worked collaboratively over the course of the winter and spring to prepare for a smooth transition. We welcomed Latrisha to the Twin Cities and to FSM on July 1. Latrisha is digging into her new role with great energy and creativity. I look forward to an exciting year of collaboration. The ISACS accreditation process is one area in which Latrisha, the school committee, and faculty and staff will be working closely. The 2015-16 school year is a year of self-study in our ISACS accreditation cycle. This process provides an opportunity to reflect on all facets of our school. We will create a report that describes how our school meets the needs of our constituents, addresses ISACS standards, and carries out our mission and values. This report is used by the visiting accreditation team in their evaluation and in formulating their recommendations. It will also be used by FSM administration, faculty, and school committee to understand our strengths and limitations and to make plans and set priorities for our future. This is a deliberative and generative process that promises to strengthen our identity as a Quaker school grounded in the philosophy of progressive education. You are a valued partner in creating a learning environment where children with diverse talents, skills, and personalities are appreciated, respected, and nurtured—academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. I hope that you will continue to support this mission by renewing your support for the 2015-16 annual fund. The fund provides for need-based scholarship assistance, professional development opportunities, and extending activities beyond the classroom. It has been my tremendous privilege to be part of the FSM community for fifteen years as a parent, volunteer, development committee clerk, and now clerk of the school committee. I look forward with hope and enthusiasm to the adventures of the next year. I am excited to watch our treasured school grow and change during this year of self-study and leadership transition. With a healthy financial footing, a strong new leader, a stable and dedicated staff, a passionate and generous parent community, and wonderful and amazing students, we are well poised for the next chapter in our history.

Warm regards, Cathy Jordan Clerk, FSM School Committee

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students 79 boys 79 girls


regular faculty and staff

37% 35%

students of color tuition aid

receive need-based families


are from Quaker families


are from LGBT

Friends School of Minnesota Financial Report, 2014-2015 Revenue Tuition (Net of Scholarships) Other Programs (Net of Scholarships) Contributions Fundraising Events (Plant Sale/Gala) Investment Income Miscellaneous Income In-kind Contributions Total Revenue & Support

2014-15 2013-14 1,763,433 1,737,989 289,566 290,465 181,419 318,707 340,690 298,961 37,160 182,768 38,801 39,402 38,518 40,998 2,689,587 2,909,290

Expenses Instructional/Program 1,862,413 1,789,964 Management and General 496,856 476,156 Fundraising 141,624 171,919 Total Expenses 2,500,893 2,438,039 Change in Net Assets 188,694 471,251 Contributions/Fundraising by Source Plant Sale (Net) 329,290 288,747 Annual Fund 167,045 145,915 Gala (Net) 11,099 10,213 Fund-A-Project 14,675 21,225 Building Fund Campaign - 28,196 Endowment Contributions - 123,372 Total 522,109 617,668 Scholarships Scholarships (All Programs) 492,113 Scholarships as % of All Gross Program Fees 19.3%

517,313 20.3%

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Revenue Fundraising Events (Plant Sale/Gala), 13% Contributions, 7%

In-Kind, 1% Miscellaneous Income, 1% Investment Income, 1%

Other Programs (Net of Scholorships), 11% Tuition (Net of Scholorships), 66%

Expenses Fundraising, 6% Management & General, 20%

Program, 74%

Development Fund-A-Project, 3% Gala (Net), 2%

Annual Fund, 32% Plant Sale, 63%


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Volunteer Recognition

2014-15 Collins-Fieldseth Award for Exceptional Volunteerism

Our volunteers are amazing! They serve on committees, care for our community, run our gala, assist in after school activities, chaperone field trips, run the plant sale, support students’ reading, organize the book sale, take photographs, work in the library, and serve in countless other ways to support the school. Each year we recognize two to four volunteers with the Collins-Fieldseth Award for Exceptional Volunteerism. The 2014-2015 recipients are:


For her service as a member of school committee, member-at-large on executive committee, and member of the development committee, as well as helping in the art room. Bird previously served as clerk of school school committee, ex-officio member of the head search committee, clerk of the strategic planning review committee, and member of finance committee. She has also been a room parent and the lower school room parent coordinator, and more. K IM L AZ AR S K I

For her assistance with the inventory and crew and the plant sale, her help in the art room, with the book fair, in the library, and more. TR INA M C NE E LY

For collecting thousands of boxes for the plant sale as well as working as the plant sale Volunteer Sign-Up/ Email Coordinator. For her service on the Committee of Trustees, help with organizing the book fair and assistance with the gala, and more. C H R IS TI NE SALO M O N

For serving as clerk of the Committee onTrustees, assistant clerk of School Committee, as well the co-clerk of the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and service on the head search committee, and more.

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Campaign for Building Expansion

Building Expansion Done On Time and On Budget

Careful planning and financing made possible a much-needed expansion of our facility over the summer of 2014. The project was completed on budget and on time during the summer break, with minimal disruption. Best of all, we love our new spaces and we are proud that our priorities are clear: at Friends School of Minnesota, we recognize arts and language education as central to a well-rounded education. When Friends School of Minnesota moved from a church basement in Minneapolis in 1997 to its current building in St. Paul, the building was only half the size it is today. In 2001, we added the entire back half of the building including the gym, the Prairie classroom, the multi-purpose room, and the music room. Now, with the addition of a stunning, light-filled art studio, a dedicated Spanish room, a middle school lounge, additional office space, and a refurbished kitchen, we can better serve our mission. Faculty, students, staff, and families agree that the space has made a tremendous difference and makes the building size feel right for our current enrollment. Thank you to all the generous donors who made this vibrant facilities expansion possible.


Gifts and pledges between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Connie Archbald Eric Dunn and Lori Ricke David Herbert and Mary Beer through Greystone Foundation Garth Morrisette and Trina McNeely Thomas Neufeld and Suzanne Permuth John Kraft and Rachel Madden

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2014-2015 Friends School Fund Contributions

Gifts and pledges between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. We make every effort to assure the accuracy of our report. However, if you note any errors or omissions, please contact us at 651-621-8936 or development@fsmn. org. Friends School of Minnesota is deeply grateful to all of our contributors.

Quaker Organizations Friends Council on Education Kickapoo Valley FriendsMeeting Minneapolis Friends Meeting Northern Yearly Meeting Prospect Hill Friends Meeting Twin Cities Friends Meeting INS TITU TIO NS AND FO UNDATI O NS Charles Sumner Bird Foundation Box Tops for Education Columbus Jewish Foundation Roger L. and Agnes C. Dell Charitable Trust Greystone Foundation Lone Oak Graphics, Jack Gillespie Target Take Charge of Education Terhuly Foundation, Inc., Hugh Schilling Western Bank MATC HING GIFT S General Mills PG & E Medtronic Target Corporation Texas Instruments United Way Wells Fargo

Individuals LEA D ER ($10,000+) Anonymous Friends Plant Sale Round Up Contributions Nina Ingalls and Andrew Gaspard Emily and Emil* Slowinski *deceased B EN EFACTO R ($5,000-$9,999) Roger L. and Agnes C. Dell Charitable Trust Lili Herbert and Tim Sheldon PAT RON ($2,500-$4,999) Dan and Alissa Abelson Steve and Christina Boyd-Smith Mary Lilly Stephen Rice and Leslie Schiff Tracy and David Shepherd Robert Striker and Pattrice Tetta Joy and Rich Swanson PROVIDER ($1,000-$2,499) Rob Alfano and Melissa Wright Bird and Randy Anderson Eric Dunn and Lori Ricke Jessica and Brent Griffith

Don and Kathy Holmes Laura and Jay Krishnan Sharon and Joel Labovitz Brian Martinson and Melissa Partin Harry McNeely Mike Nation and Janet Sauers Thomas Neufeld and Suzanne Permuth Mark Pearson and Jill Pennie Venkteswarlu Pothapragada Andy Pugh and Kaitlin Hallett-Pugh Trish and Scott Severns Kathie Simon Frank and Richard Kain Roman Stepchuk Pat Thompson and Mark Simonson Mike and Sara Vidmar S UPPO R T E R ($500-$999) Anonymous Sofi Ali and David Caccamo Connie Archbald Alyn Bedford Jim and Nancy Caccamo Carolyn Carr and Jonathan Sellman Eva and John Cross Virginia Dale Sarah and Frederic Deschamps Andrew Dubner and Susan Noe Sylvia Erhart Victoria Erhart LaĂŤl Gatewood Micah Gearhart and Christine Salomon Doug and Keitha Herron Shotsy and Ward Johnson Paul Landskroener and Marybeth Neal James Lee and Jean Miller Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Judy Lutter Jeannette and Christopher Lutter-Gardella Sarah and Kristin Maier Garth Morrisette and Trina McNeely Guillermo NarvĂĄez and Kathryn Quick Cyndi Nash and Rick Zahler Nancy Newman and Pam Heggie Shireen Rahnema and Jed Mosenfelder Marek Reiter and Julie Sivula Reiter Kevin Reitz and Susan Jones John Shearer Brian Sobaski and Kristina Schatz Barbara and Doug Van Vreede Kathy Wallace and Sarah Pradt David Wheaton and Michele Moylan Eric and Kate Whittington Sharon Woods

2 01 4 - 1 5 A N N UA L RE POR T PARTNER ($250-$499) Jerome Abrams Syed and Maria Antonietta Ali Melissa and Darren Andersen Sarah and Michael Bauer Mark Berg Bonnie Bleskachek Dan Bruggeman and Mary Rothchild Kristin Burger and Ben Cantlon John Crosby and Susan Libbey Crosby Brent and Heidi Dalzell Chris Dart Pam Forbes and Steve Bookshester Fred and Linda Gackle Marsha and William Goff Diwakar Gupta and Lara Pedersen Garth Hickle and Heather Libby Terry Kayser and CeCeile Hartlieb Ben Krueger and Julie Eddington Reuben and Gerry Larson Ellen Leikind Ray and Jane Leuthold Joan and Jock McLane Ruth Milberg-Kaye Carol Miller and Sharon Wilson Leslie Partin Lori Reese and Tammy Earley Sarah and Jeffrey Rudolf Dave Schaller and Susan Nagel Chris and David Schwebel Melanie Spewock and Fred Opie Hazel Turner Anna Mary and David Wallace Kasya Willhite Raquel and Frank Wood FRIEND (up to $249) Anonymous (2) Susan and David Abelson Robert Arnold and Natalie Olvera Fiona Arnold Barbara and Harvey Aslakson David Bael and Andrea Cyr Pat Baker Norma Banks John and Vanessa Beardsley Stacey Becklund Kristin Bennett Jeanne Bird Olive Bonson Susan Borden and Steve Bunge Brad Bradshaw Jennifer and Todd Bratulich Judy Broad Cathy and Hank Brooks Thomas Brower and Cynthia Jara Peter and Jennifer Caritas JoJo Chervenak Persida Cifuentes and Don Hones Sarah and Whitney Clark Marianne Clinton Joanna and Dick Cortright Mervyn and Joy Curran Stan and Joanne Cyr David and Suzanne Dawes Kimberly and Aeton de Long Hersh Jigna Desai and Ruskin Hunt Ann Dieperink Benita and Eric Dieperink Margie Doyle

Shannon Doyle Tom Doyle and Laura Pereira Aline and Eugene Dulaney Fred Dulles and Cathy Jordan Rachel Eden Frank and Mark Wenniger Annie Enneking and Jeremy Norton Christa and Paul Ernst Hanna Esparza Joanne Esser and Mike Hay Talisyn Flagg and Randall Thorson Dawn and James Flinsch Sheila Flynn Joe and Lien Foss Thyra Fossum and Adam Wernick Nicholas Franco and Anne Heitlinger Judy and Al Gage Suzanne Gardella Joe and Ina Garrett Kathleen and Vincent Garry Jim and Jo Anne Gearhart Gita Ghei Bob and Phyllis Goff Jacob Grass and Lydia Maza Marlys and Jack Gray Merle Greene and Brian Poulton Charlotte Griffith Veronica Guevara Molly and Brandon Hanna David Hecht Carreen and Eric Heegaard Annamary and James Herther Dhaivyd Hilgendorf and Diana Weddigen Richard Hinchcliffe Lisa Hlavacek Gretchen and Scot Hovan Sally Howard Don Irish Michael Jacobs and MaryJo Norton Kak Jarvis Vivian Johnson and Mike Rivard Jane Johnson Carl Jordan Amber Junnila Marie Kennedy Allison and James Keuning Vanessa Knapp and Nick Sullivan John Kraft and Rachel Madden Kitty Kuluvar Sam and Claire LaChance Lisa Lamb and Thomas Hickson Krista Langberg Kim Lazarski Ron and Doris Lazarski Christine Lee Eva Leuthold Anne Leverone Anne and John Levin Paulette Lonzo Nita Lutter Daniel Madsen Ramesh Mani and Barbara Becker Frances Martinson Paula and Michael Mazzacano Peter and Renda McCaughan Karen and Jim McConkey Susan McDaid John McVea and Laura Dunham Tammy Meister Tony Mendoza and Dawn Zugay Eleanor Merica

201 4-1 5 ANNUA L R E PO R T Linda Mockler and Julie Borderding Stephen Moe and Amy Lyga Scott Moore and Paula Beck Anna Moore Jim Morgan and Marna Anderson Bill Morrisette Jolee Mosher and Huy Pham Bob and Sharon Mueller Joe Mueller and Kate Heider Clem and Elizabeth Nagel Loren and Donna Neubauer Timothy Ogg and Danielle Montague Tom and Mary Ogg Sandy Olson Chana Ouray Hilary Parker-Robertson Gordon Pedersen Jill Pedersen and Izzy Ray Richard Pemberton and Rebecca McLane James Perkins Mary Jo and Norton Permuth Diep Phan Nancy and Ron Pitzer Emily and Thomas Prebich Jim Rodine Jon Rodine and Jennette Turner Gerald Ronning and Evelyn Christian-Ronning Donna Roost Laurie and Greg Rottach Andrew and Heather Rutledge Finn Rutledge Beth and Danny Sardon Cherisse and Kelly Sardon Garrity Jani Scandura Jane Schaller and Thomas Bolstad Arnold and Michelle Schmidt Michael and Ara Schmidt Rudy and Susan Schnasse Elizabeth Scott and James Houston Laurel and Jeff Severns Guntzel Ruth Sheldon Tim Silverthorn and Monica Trent Rebecca and Colin Slaby Steve Smith Thomas Sommer and Ann Brady Kathleen and Rick Stanford Elaine and Robert Steinbach Rhys Stenglein Jan Stroup and Mary Korsmo Lori Sundelius and Kath Ouska Karen Tarrant Norma Taylor RenĂŠ Tripeny and Janet Bush Sue Tuggle and Sally Wiedeman Todd Underhill and Karla Reisch John and Laura Utley Pamela Vardalos Mike and Sue Vidmar David Wallinga and Elizabeth Hayes Jeanne Walthour Sara Wayne Rochelle and Jack Weber Bea and Dick Wernick Lisa and Eric Wharton Edwin Williams Cecilia Wirth and Jim Mork Vivian Wolkoff Shane Zack and Kim Singh Georgia and Anthony Zugay

IN H O NO R OF ZACHA RY A BE L SON Susan and David Abelson IN H O NO R OF KAT E A BR A M S Sylvia Erhart IN H O NO R OF CHRIS T OPHE R DA R T Andrew and Heather Rutledge IN HONOR OF WILL AND FRANKIE GRASS Cyndi Nash and Rick Zahler IN H O NO R OF L IL I HE RBE RT Connie Archbald Bonnie Bleskachek Susan Borden and Steve Bunge Thomas Brower and Cynthia Jara Jojo Chervenak Brent and Heidi Dalzell Fred Dulles and Cathy Jordan Christa and Paul Ernst Gretchen and Scott Hovan Don Irish James Lee and Jean Miller Sarah and Kristin Maier Scott Moore and Paula Beck Mike Nation and Janet Sauers Stephen Rice and Leslie Schiff David Scandura and Elizabeth Hayes Lori Sundelius and Kath Ouska Jani Scandura Rudy and Susan Schnasse IN H O NO R OF M E A DOW L A ZA RSKI John Shearer IN HONOR OF ANA AND LAUREN MENDOZA Georgia and Anthony Zugay IN HONOR OF ADDIE MORRISETTE Bill Morrisette IN HONOR OF HENRY NEUFELD Mary Jo and Norton Permuth IN HONOR OF EMMA SLABY Elaine and Robert Steinbach IN HONOR OF EMILIA AND INGRID TOPP-JOHNSON Shotsy and Ward Johnson IN HONOR OF LIA WALLACE AND KATHRYN WALLACE Anna Mary and David Wallace IN MEMORY OF TERRY CHANCE Krista Langberg IN MEMORY OF ALEX PALEN Christine Lee Thomas Sommer Richard Pemberton and Rebecca McLane IN M E M O RY OF LOIS SW E N SON Gordon Pedersen

Gala In-Kind Contributions Thank you to the following generous businesses and individuals for their donations to our

2 01 4 - 1 5 A N N UA L RE POR T annual gala and auction. Great Gatherings and the live and silent auction helped to raise more than $38,000 in support of FSM scholarships and other needs. BU SI NESSES Bibelot Blizzard Ski & Snowboard Blue Plate Restaurant Company Brave New Workshop Bryant Lake Bowl Theater Cafe Latté Corepower Yoga Dick’s Sporting Goods Fogo de Chao: Brazilian Steakhouse Foss Swim School Galactic Pizza Ginkgo Coffeehouse Great Lakes Aquarium Groundswell Guthrie Theater Holiday Inn & Suites Restaurant Holy Land Deli Izzy’s Ice Cream Joe’s Sporting Goods Labovitz Enterprises Lake Superior Zoo Maplewood Community Center Mill City Museum Minneapolis Institute of Arts Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota United FC Minnesota Zoo Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-op Mixed Blood Theatre New Scenic Cafe O’Gara’s Garage Pizza Luce Red Balloon Bookshop Riverview Theater Rocco Altobelli Roller Garden Skate Center Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Saint Paul Saints Science Museum of Minnesota Sebastian Joe’s Original Ice Cream Makers Shoreview Community Center Silver Creek Paddle Stages Theatre Company The Jungle Theater The Park Tavern The Saint Paul Athletic Club Three Rivers Park District Tula Yoga and Wellness University of Minnesota Weisman Art Museum W Minneapolis—The Foshay Walker Art Center Wet Paint Wild Rumpus Windy Ridge Ranch INDIVIDUALS Anonymous Sofia Ali and David Caccamo Melissa and Daren Andersen Sarah and Mick Bauer Donna Beck Bill Bisanz Steve and Christina Boyd-Smith

Carolyn Carr Gita Ghei Jessica and Brent Griffith Anne Heitlinger Lili Herbert and Tim Sheldon Annamary Herther Kak Jarvis Sam and Claire LaChance Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Anne and John Levin Tony Mendoza and Dawn Zugay Guillermo Narváez and Kathy Quick Soozi Neubauer Jeremy Norton Laura Pereira Christine Salomon Ara Schmidt Chris Schwebel Laurel and Jeff Severns Guntzel David Shepherd Elaine Steinbach Michael Vidmar Kathy Wallace and Sarah Pradt Melissa Wright

Fund-A-Project Contributions Anonymous Dan and Alissa Abelson Rob Alfano and Melissa Wright Sofi Ali and David Caccamo Bird and Randy Anderson Connie Archbald Sarah and Mick Bauer Steve and Christina Boyd-Smith Virginia Dale Sarah and Frederic Deschamps Benita and Eric Dieperink Eric Dunn and Lori Ricke Talisyn Flagg and Randall Thorson Micah Gearhart and Christine Salomon Jessica and Brent Griffith Garth Hickle and Heather Libby Fred Dulles and Cathy Jordan Ben Krueger and Julie Eddington Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Anne and John Levin Harry McNeely John McVea and Laura Dunham Tony Mendoza and Dawn Zugay Scott Moore and Paula Beck Garth Morrisette and Trina McNeely Thomas Neufeld and Suzanne Permuth Lara Pedersen and Diwakar Gupta Marek Reiter and Julie Sivula Reiter Stephen Rice and Leslie Schiff Gerald Ronning and Evelyn Christian Ronning Andrew and Heather Rutledge Elizabeth Scott and James Houston Laurel and Jeff Severns Guntzel Kathie Simon Frank Rebecca and Colin Slaby Heather Smith-Dickerson and David Dickerson Elaine and Robert Steinbach Robert Striker and Patrice Tetta Joy and Rich Swanson Kathy Wallace and Sarah Pradt Kate and Eric Whittington

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Circle of Friends Society The Friends school of Minnesota is fortunate to have a society of founders, faculty, alumni/ae parents, current parents, grandparents, and Friends who have included us in their estate plans. We are deeply grateful to these individuals for their profound generosity and investment in the Friends School of MN. Their gifts benefit the school in significant and enduring ways.


Sofi Ali and David Caccamo Toria Erhart Fred Dulles and Cathy Jordan Sheila Herbert* Lili Herbert and Tim Sheldon Judy Lutter Wendy Lutter and Eric Bosler Nancy Newman and Pam Heggie Sandy Olson Leslie Partin Sarah Pradt Emil* and Emily Slowinski Joy and Rich Swanson *deceased

If you’ve included the Friends School of Minnesota in your planning and your name is not on this list, please let us know by calling Jennifer Bratulich at 651-6218936 or development@fsmn.org. It takes just a few simple steps to make a bequest or charitable annuity to the Friends School of Minnesota.

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Outright bequests in your will are the most straightforward way to leave a planned gift to the Friends School of MN. Consider using the following same bequest language: “I give and bequeath the sum of $XX (or XX% of my residuary estate) to the Friends School of Minnesota, a non-profit corporation, located a 1365 Englewood Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104.” Bequests to the school are free of state and federal taxes and qualify your estate for a charitable deduction equal to the entire amount of the bequest. CHARITABLE GIF T ANNUI T Y

You may also make a charitable gift annuity to support the Friends School of Minnesota. A charitable gift annuity allows you to make a significant gift to the Friends School of Minnesota, receive a charitable deduction for a portion of your gift, and retain a stream of fixed income for life, among other benefits.

The availability of the scholarships is a vital program that helps FSM maintain its socio-economic diversity and makes the possibility of an FSM education a reality for many families. —FS M ALUMN A E PARE N T

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I love how Friends School of Minnesota has pushed me to always do my best. My teachers know me as an individual. ...I feel completely comfortable asking for guidance. I participate in hands-on learning by going on field trips and applying my knowledge from my classes to the greater world. This makes me feel like I will be better equipped for my life afte graduating. 窶認SM S TUD E N T

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... Friends School of Minnesota provides countless opportunities for my child to be curious...

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