Vision is a short opinion article compendium written by 8grade students from San Bonifacio de las Lanzas School in 2020. These articles were produced as the final project of English.
Teachers Joan C. Ovalle G. Anna L. Haragan Editor Joan C. Ovalle Cover Photograph Oleg Magni from Pexels
IbaguĂŠ, 2020.
Science and Technology Is modern technology stressful? Abril Sofía Pastrana López Do you think technology helps us to stay calm? In this article, I will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of technology, also if this technology can be harmful to kids and teenagers. Sometimes technology can be so harmful in kids, also it is stressful for many young people like teenagers. On a survey in Australia in 2013 says that many people in Australia think that technology isn't so stressful, that other things produce this like family or money problems. Currently, many people around the world use their phones every single moment. This is an addiction that also is produced by using WIFI. There is so much technology noise and these things may pretend to catch our attention. The most modern technology that takes the attention of teenagers were phones or computers, but WIFI is the most important thing that our minds catch first. In conclusion, technology may be the future, but this also can destroy human life and can be more stressful to create or manage the people of tomorrow that can save the world for our destruction. I think that we need to use technology properly, and we just didn't exceed the time that we use it.
Even from outer space, they still help down on Earth! Carlos José Homez Ramírez Space exploration was an interesting topic for about a decade, but on the present, it isn't being supported enough. I always was interested in the topic of going to other planets with different ecosystems, seeing that we aren't the center of everything in a universal level, that we are just one of many things in our reality. Most people that have been asked if we should spend less on NASA answered that “they don't contribute to earth, and we should spend it on feeding the hungry.” About 0,5% of Americans tax go to NASA (about less than 9 million
Science and Technology dollars) even when they help with predicting and understanding weather, making travel faster and safer on planes, creating/innovating on artificial limbs, and more! If we spent that money on giving food to the hungry it would probably last about less than a week, while with better weather control. Crops could grow in more deserted places (South Africa has been using weather satellites to help with the growth of crops in dehydrated grounds) and if we were able to investigate and go to more planets, they resources could help with improving all science fields, which means more medical exploration! We should spend more on space companies such as spacex or NASA, as they help people with disabilities, our transportation to be safer and better with various science and normal fields for our survival, it's just that most people don't know much about NASA's goals.
Cloning humans and organs David Espinosa Gรณmez Cloning organs it's something that many people are willing, and many others are needing. I do not agree with cloning humans, the organs are all completely similar. Our interiors are a complex exact and perfect made set of similar organs. Humans are completely different, making copies of us will not be an idea, and not because they can replace us, because the thing that makes everyone special will not exist anymore, cloning organs can be an amazing advance on the science and medicine, because at every single minute there's someone that needs an organ transplant, and if you can make a copy of your organ why wouldn't you help? That's why I agree with the idea of cloning human organs but I will never agree to copy humans.
Science and Technology Humans and robots coexisting in the future Samuel Andres Guerra Zambrano I think that robots will be a great advance in human history because they will help a lot in works especially the ones that require a lot of effort or strength. However, it will increase the unemployment, because there will be more efficient than the humans, and the bosses won't have to pay them, which will be good for the company as they will have to invest just once, buying the robot. This is a very weird topic because in some way it will benefit some of us, but only the richer, the other people that have a job that a robot can do, like the builders or something like that, will lose all their jobs.
Genetically modified organisms Simรณn Charry Tovar In my opinion, these genetically modified organisms are a new alternative to traditional farming. if they are used in a good way and if it contributes to the population wellness, they can be an incredible advance. However, we should keep consuming natural foods and products while we can, because we can't predict the future and how pollution and global warming can affect the quality of our food. I think instead of producing genetically modified organisms, especially food we can start researching and developing new and better organisms that do not affect too much the environment and maybe even our health.
Genetically Modified Organisms (gmo) Juan Gonzalo Segura Vargas Throughout history, humans have developed new techniques for avoiding starvation and improving efficiency, one of these strategies is to Modify 3
Science and Technology organisms genes with CRISPR and other lab methods. This helps the agriculture to have plants that are more resistant to pests, insects, herbicides, in some others. This kind of method is involved in something called bioethics, which is the "rules" which have to be followed by each scientist. Bioethics also avoid the use of CRISPR in human experiments. So among years, a debate has arisen in the scientific community. For example, some scientists are capable of modifying species of tomatoes, to make them more resistant to cold, so they can be cultivated in lowtemperature environments, and feed a lot of people. Other case is the HIV immune babies, that you may hear about it, in China a Scientist modified (without permission) a pair of newborn babies and make them supposedly immune. This generated a lot of polemics, imagine a world where people can be edited before they are even born, this is it against every human right, and can produce wars in other levels, making "superhumans." That's certainly dangerous. Or without going Further we have the famous Coronavirus, a virus that is believed to have been edited, again in China, and escaped from the labs, and is meant to kill people and reduce overpopulation. This is speculative, but there is a lot of scientific proof that can't be overlooked. In the debate, some scientists argue that this resistance of plants can make a better harvest, and feed more people this focused on the world hunger problem. From the other site scientists say that this could lead to a loss in biodiversity and richness in nature, also making plants something more like a manipulative object. I personally think that at some point there is the need to feed people that need it, but we can't just lose and waste the biodiversity in first, our country and second, in the whole world. So we as humans, must keep biodiversity in seed storage and just use GMOs when it really needed. There is a lot of information about this topic, but it is better to focus on specific aspects (especially in a short text), but if you want to, on the Internet you will find pieces of valuable information to form your own opinion and criteria. 4
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All in all, there are parts and conditions that need Genetically Modified Organisms to supply the people that are starving, but this must be gradual and controlled because if it is not it can lead to disruptions in ecosystems' equilibrium, and also to a massive change in nature. But talking about humans and bio-weapons, they shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances if we want to avoid new problems, Pandemics, Wars, in some others.
Do you think the people clone or clone their organs? Juan JosÊ Pinzón Trejos Science and technology have advanced in the last years, which has allowed new scientific advances to try to improve human life. Cloning is a polemic topic because much people says that it's not correct and the other side says that could be a great advanced and can help the humanity. The science it's a double-edged weapon can be used for benefit causes or for the evil and destruction. Cloning is the act of replicating a person to create an exact copy of that person, cloning of an entire person it's not properly ethical because can be a problem if the clone has failures and deformations. That’s why many countries in the world prohibit cl in their legislation. In many areas such as livestock cloning agriculture, the companies use these methods to improve their production, in the livestock they use the cloning to produce more plants for doesn't have to plant them. In the case of cloning organs or body parts, in that case, it can be a very good advanced because can help many people that are waiting for an organ transplant. According to National Institute of Health only in Colombia, 2.585 people are waiting for an organ transplant so many of them cant receive an organ so they would die, in that case, can save thousands of lives in the world. In conclusion, cloning is a polemic case because much people hate it and many people approved, but if we talk about ethics its a problem much of organizations and governments prohibit totally the cloning in humans, but in some areas. They use that technique for improving their production and it is not prohibited. in the case of the cloning of the organs, the case is different
Science and Technology because it can help many people that are waiting for an organ transplant so that it can save many lives around the world.
Technology: the two sides of the coin. Juan Miguel Fossi Guzmรกn I believe that technological advances aim to improve people's quality of life, have quick access to information and multiple sources of knowledge, improve educational processes, facilitate communication, allows making faster and longer trips, simplifies household tasks. For example, a person can control different devices from the distance using their cell phone or computer. For instance, heating, automatic doors, curtains, the security system. Technology also stimulates creativity and creates new sources of work. However, we only see the good things and don't realize the bad side. Most new devices are good, but their bad use can be harmful to health like smartphones; These help us to connect immediately or do a quick investigation. However, if we use for a long time it could bring negative effects such as lack of attention, poor academic performance, low creativity, aggressive behavior, sleep problems, social isolation problems, visual fatigue, poor posture, physical inactivity or even worse it can cause brain tumors. Other disadvantages of technology are that it generates polluting waste and digital privacy problems. In my opinion, technology has many positive effects, but we must not forget that there are also many negative effects. People should use this knowledge to take the necessary steps to prevent the harmful effects that affect their health.
Space Explorations Sara Celis Reyes Space is a big unexplored area, throughout the years the human race has made rockets, these with the purpose of knowing more about the magnificent and colossal galaxies. There should be more exploration trips to know more about 6
Science and Technology it so we would be more interested in it and have an idea of how much we have to care about life not only on Earth. I think that the money spent on the space trips is a big amount, but, it is said that the money collected by churches through the world can get rid of the poverty three times in history, so it would be better if the churches donate that money for something useful that can really help the world economy and researches that can contribute with science and technology. After all, churches can help with poverty, experiments development, exploring trips to other planets or places in the world that are unknown with the money collected daily with the purpose of answering all kind of questions made by the experts about the unbelieve creatures that could be founded not only on Earth.
Will Robots replace us in the industries? Sofía Rodríguez Godoy Humanity has been doing robots or trying to do them in the past years so they could help us in the industries, in our normal activities and doing things that we cant do because we aren’t that strong. However didn’t realize that those creations could take our jobs and replace us, they can make our activities faster and easier I think it is positive that robots would take our place in the industries because if the person or the creator of the robots programmed them well they could do all the activities humans normally do in their every day. Also if the robots take our jobs in the industries the boss would evaluate if with the robots they make more money selling the products and producing more a day. If the robots produce more than us then we will be fired from the industries and other jobs that would want a robot in their company. I don’t think that there would be more jobs for humanity except for the ones who fix if the robot would have an issue in its system, also in the future if the robots are created they would have to find a company that doesn’t accept the robots to work with or just work to solve the issues of them.
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In conclusion, I think that robots would be useful to do a normal task that requires a lot of effort or when you can’t go to work because we are sick or maybe because we have family problems the robot can do our job for that day and they would still do our part of our job and we wouldn’t be late to give it.
Stress and technology Maria Paula Laverde Castro Nowadays, technology is an important part of our lives. most of the people have a smartphones, tablets or computers, and they are a useful tool, but sometimes it can be harmful to our health, contributing in a big way to the daily stress of the people. Some questions that you can ask yourself to prove if the technology is a factor that contributes to your stress are: Do you feel you spend a lot of time on social media? Are you constantly on your phone, computer, or tablet? And Are you so busy that you skip the meals? If the answers are positive, you need to know that technology stress is a real thing in your life (and probably the main causes are your devices). Today is very hard to find someone without a smartphone, which is the most stressful technology object. It is always with the people and gives too many problems and information, causing stress in the owners. In conclusion, technology stress is a worrying thing in people's lives, and over time it will increase, so the people will have found a strategy to combat it, an article of a psychologist, said that you can try to have a schedule to control the time that you use the smartphone or try to practice yoga to reduce the stress.
Health Are diets useful to be healthy? Manuela López Castaño People think that diets are useful to be a healthy person. Diets are not necessary to be healthy even though it can be useful if your purpose is to lose weight. Also, it helps to be stable in food. But there are other ways to be healthy and stay fit without dieting. I have never been on a diet. Since I balance my food. I keep fit by not overeating and not stopping to eat, the key is to manage meals well. It can be useful to start with a kind of diet taking into account carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and count your calories each day depending on your height, weight, and healthy average. When you are stable you can eat without diet but knowing how to balance meals. If you can control your desire to eat balanced meals and not exceed, you would be a healthy person. Diets are useful as long they don't exempt you or prohibit you from eating some type of protein. Learn to take care of yourself.
Having a balanced diet Maria Juliana Salazar Villegas Food is one of our energy resources and that's why having a good diet is important for being healthy and looking good, but you can also have amazing appareance but an unhealthy system. Many people don’t pay much attention to what they eat, because they may have eating problems in the future. I didn’t pay it the attention that I should give it but always I try to have a healthy diet and do exercise. Every day of the week people should eat five meals a day. Every meal has a balanced diet for a specific hour in the day. In my opinion, having a diet isn't important to have a healthy life, but breaking the routine two or three times a week isn't that bad.
Health Keep your life healthy by exercising Sofia Castro Guzmรกn Exercising is a physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for conditioning any part of the body used to improve health and maintain fitness. Generally, you work up, sweat, breathe heavy, and increase your heart rate during exercise. I always try to exercise to keep my body in good shape. I usually exercise between 30 minutes and an hour trying to vary the exercises every day. Normally, I try to do cardio and exercises that help define my abdomen because my goals with exercise are to have a good physical capacity and have a defined abdomen. First of all, you have to know what goal you have with your body. So if you want to slim down, I recommend you go running or jump rope because these exercises burn a lot of calories, but you can't exceed because it can give you a heart attack. If you want to define the abdomen you could do planks, leg lifts, v-crunches, and more but remember not to overdo them. The consequences of skipping exercise and eat unhealthily could be overweight and be sick and sadly this could lead to death. To be healthy, you have to stay hydrated, exercise every day without exaggeration, eat healthily, and in a balanced way. Consult with a nutritionist to see what he/she recommends according to your weight and height.
Health Ana Sofia Mosquera Castro How many times do you go to bed late a week? Have you wondered if this affects your health? here we will show you some consequences recommendations and the hours that you should sleep daily. The hours to sleep change depending on age. For example, adults and young people should sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day, while older adults should
Health rest between 7 and 8 hours a day, but those who should sleep the most are children and adolescents for at least 10 hours. Some ways to see that you are not sleeping the necessary hours is that you are tired, sleepy, with eye bags, defenses drop, and a greater probability of having some diseases some of these are cardiovascular disease, cerebral stroke and increases of blood pressure. Therefore, people should get enough sleep according to their age as previously mentioned. That is why we must take care of health since sleep is essential for people and if we do not comply we can have serious consequences. In conclusion, if we want to have good health, a recommendation is to go to bed early and sleep enough hours because our body needs it.
Diets Claudia Fernanda Hernandez Cifuentes Most people believe that diets will only give them benefits. However, they do not know that each type of diet has benefits, as well as disadvantages. A diet is the control or regulation of the quantity and type of food that a person, generally for a specific purpose. Benefits and disadvantages depend mostly on the person who does it and its body. Some advantages of diets are that some of them turn out to be very good for, either losing weight and improving sports performance or gaining muscle mass. Some types of diets help you reducing cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and also preventing different diseases, as well as providing a good mix of nutrients, such as fiber. Besides, some diets are good for the heart and mind, because they are balanced and can easily become a lifestyle. Diets don't just have good things, but also each type of diet has its disadvantages, as previously stated. A diet can not only become a risk for your cholesterol levels. But also, it could be a major factor in the economic field since many diets need specific foods in which prices vary. Diets can cause tiredness, anxiety, stress, and irritability. Also, they can cause a loss of muscle
Health mass and some disorders such as dizziness, headaches, and constipation. If you don't have the knowledge to balance all foods, there may be a lack of vitamins and protein. I have never been on a diet because I consider that these can harm me if my doctor does not tell me what to do, how, and why. Overall, a diet varies depending on the person and their body, since each diet has goals. This is why each person must be careful when dieting for himself.
All about health Marialuna Torres Devia Are you one of those people who don't know how to keep healthy in an easy way? If your answer is “yes�, don't worry, keep reading because in this article I will tell you some easy ways to keep healthy and exercise. From a very young age, I started exercising, I played all kinds of sports; Tennis, horse riding, swimming, and golf. However, currently, I just play golf and occasionally go to the gym, unfortunately, due to the current situation I can't do either activities, so, occasionally I exercise from home with an online trainer. However, I apply most of the following tips to stay healthy. To keep healthy, you can get regular exercise about 5 times a week, you can walk, run, do a full-body routine, or even dance! You also need to eat healthily, but avoid strict diets, instead try to eat natural, nutrient-rich food and avoid processed food like fast food. Additionally, you should definitely get enough sleep, it has a lot of benefits for your body, and the next day you will have all the energy you need. Finally, protect your skin, use sunscreen. It is very important to maintain a healthy weight to prevent illness such as heart disease, hypertension, high blood cholesterol or triglycerides, and many other diseases.
Health On the other hand, it is also very important to maintain mental health and take care of your mind, some ways in which you can do that are: Learn ways to manage stress, this will help you stay calm and be able to function in stressful situations, develop a good balance between school, work, and social life. Maintaining a good relationship with your parents, they always want what is best for you. Don't try too hard, limit your activities, and give the important ones your 100%, overextending yourself can lead to stress, frustration, or exhaustion. And finally, accept and love yourself. To sum up, it is very important to stay mentally and physically healthy, your body won't only look so much better, but you will feel better with yourself. Remember to stay healthy, pay attention, and care for your body, is the only one you will ever have.
Do you pay much attention to what you eat? Silvana Amaya Bocanegra All food is important to us, it doesn't matter if it’s healthy or not. Food, in general, is the most important resource for our body because it has the needed nutrients to enable the cells in our bodies to perform their necessary functions. Moreover, food also causes diseases like diabetes in sweet food, or hypertension in excess of salt food. However, it’s not important to pay attention to what you eat, but you cannot exceed “comfort.” It could produce the diseases, I said before, and if we get too much food, it will react differently, becoming fat, undernourished, overweight, or in risk for the development of different diseases. Nowadays, there are specialized diets for people suffering from something, that you can be good and ok. It's important to eat at least three times per day, also the food can help the growth in kids, keeping the immune system healthy. Likewise, I know that tasty or unhealthy food it's more accessible than healthy food and also for people it is more delicious, but it contains too many fats. Although, it's easier to say no to unhealthy food. It is necessary to raise
Health awareness on balancing food, but all of those have benefits, some more than others. After a long time, I hope you keep in mind that healthy food has a more balanced diet and a better healthy lifestyle for you. It will bring you many benefits. Try to be healthier.
How do we survive stress? Silvana RodrĂguez Ariza Stress is a really common feeling and most of the people feel it at some point or in some situation where pressure is taking place. Sometimes the most stressful cases are related to work or school due to the pressure of that responsibility, in which a lot of time and effort is required. Like many people, I also have my stressed moments and most of those situations are because of school workshops or family problems (always the pressure and that oppressive feeling are present). I have a thought (in everything you do, always try to be the best) in which it helps me to strive and be responsible, but it also has consequences such as stress and constant obsession. Being a person who stresses very easily I had to find some strategies to calm anxiety and slowdown that stress. One of the best one is to breathe deeply and count until 10 (or more), that will help you to oxygenate the brain and think better. Also listening to music is a really good exercise. But the most effective strategy for me is to exercise and be an active person, that helps me to stop thinking a little bit. To conclude, stress is a common feeling that affects the nervous system of people that can cause panic attacks or other reactions. For this reason, it is important to find strategies that help to manage and decrease the levels of anxiety, you can take my strategies as an example (although not all bodies work the same) it can be a guide to regulate yourself.
Health The positive and negative effects of stress on health Juan Sebastiรกn Castro Mora In scientific terms, stress is that feeling that can be shown in any kind of situation or even in random thoughts that pass through the mind, something interesting is that the way someone manages to feel the ester is different thanks to genetic factors. In life, you can not avoid a stressful situation because every day we are presented with situations that can represent high levels of difficulty.for example, the situations that stress for me are: when I can't do something, when I can't sleep, between others But stress is something we need to live because it can warn us of high-risk situations at the physical level, it is so necessary that it has been shown that even before birth in the stomach of our mother one of the few things we can feel is stress. On the other hand, the human being cannot be exposed to high levels of continuous stress, it can already have harmful consequences on the body and even on the mind (I was referred to sentimental mind). For this, the body has a mechanism by which it decreases the levels of stress which is called Alostasis (and it works with both short term and long term stress attacks). But when the stress management process fails and the body is exposed to high levels of stress, the body can suffer effects such as weight gain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, colds, headaches, and so on. To be able to reduce this manually or by yourself it is necessary to do an activity that you like to sleep, watch a movie, and do yoga or stretch. For example, it's good for me to see a peach or listen to music.
Society and Education Is our way of educating correct? Carla Cruz Aya Nowadays, the world is going through several problems but one that has been around for years is male chauvinism. However, this is not the problem that I want to talk about since it is important but the one that interests me is the one that has been created thanks to it, which is feminism. This began to be a global issue since it has generated much hate in society. We mustn't ignore the fact that male chauvinism has been generated many injustices toward women. The thing that makes feminism interesting is that many women have tried to claim their rights, so much that they have changed the way of thinking, although, this has also generated hatred towards men. To clarify, feminism is a social problem that in my opinion is one of the most serious and its existence isn't only thanks to male chauvinism, also to the way of educating. Why is the education part of feminism? I believe, the way we think and act is due to how we were educated, so if feminism is sowing so much hatred, that will be learned by children and teens, which will make us begin to hate each other in the future. For instance, the way of educating people is changing, and we are having an advance in this problem but that doesn’t take away from the fact that there are still people who believe that women are inferior. That’s why people who had this way of thinking would decide to set that example for society by making many children grow up with that idea, what will generate more feminism. In conclusion, we have to make sure that our way of teaching or addressing a child is the correct one since it depends on how they will think about society. This is why we must understand that we set the example and we must make a better future. On the other hand, I think that we will never see a balance against male chauvinism and feminism. We will all have a different point of view. Therefore, we must try to set an example to change hatred for understanding and being living without discrimination
Society and Education What are society and Education? SofĂa MartĂnez Lozano Education is a reflection of a society or is influenced by society and there is no society without education. Education occurs within the complexity of structures of a society and a society is composed of a group of people living in a defined geographical territory, governed by the same political authority, and participating in a common culture. Colombia should spend more money on schools because it is a place where kids who are the future of the country are being educated and the country needs future leaders and citizens who are responsible and honest and for this, they need a very good education which would imply more money for the schools. On the other hand, the fact that schools need more money for a better education does not mean that the government gives them money anyway because they first need a plan of what they need for a very good education and how much money they need. After all, the schools could abuse asking for a lot of money and spending it incorrectly, for example, paying more to any teacher without ensuring better teaching, which would not improve the education in the country.
Which countries are poor? Mia Isabella Perez Pacheco In order to know which countries are poor, we need to know the gross domestic product of the countries which tells us an approximate income of the people in a country, without taking into account social differences or the cost of living. However, this reflects in a better way, this estimates the way of life lived by the inhabitants of each country. The capacity of people to subsist in the best way possible; starting with the basic part of survival such as food, housing, health, and then living conditions, then the environment where they live,
Society and Education that´s at the country level, means of transportation, health programs, infrastructure, etc. According to the GDP indicator, the poorest countries in the world are: Sudan with 221, Malawi with 326, Burundi 343, Central African Republic 399, Madagascar 412. I think these countries are poor because they don't use their resources in the correct and best way. Also, there is a lot of corruption in these countries, so there are very few people that have good incomes, and good quality of life. The richer countries may help these countries doing investments and include them in global programs that help these countries increase their economy and have access to more resources. The poverty of the countries is reflected in the underdevelopment of themselves; therefore, they are developed countries that have the common characteristic that their inhabitants have, poor quality of life. In the research I made the most common cause of this poor quality of life and development is predetermined by corruption. Therefore, if we want to have a better quality of life we should choose our government better.
Fear or respect? Valeria Peñuela Martínez Corporal punishment as a mean of discipline it’s not the correct way to educate our kids. The violence does not generate respect, it generates fear and nervousness. The right upbringing is based on values, emotions, respect, and dialogue. Peace starts at home, it isn’t well if our kinds don’t feel safe in their homes, where it is supposed to be their safe place, where they need to feel comfy and happy. Corporal punishment doesn’t teach, it hurts and generates fear, so they are losing their security and protection. It closes communication and confidence, also standardizes the violence.
Society and Education On the other hand, crying its completely fine, it is thought that crying it’s not correct and deserves more punishment, it’s good if our kids cry and free their emotions, we need to accompany and validate, children’s development. Let’s teach from respect and confidence. Reflect on the things that we don’t like about our childhood and change those things.
How is education in Colombia? Aileen Sofia Rodríguez Echeverry In this article, we will discuss education in Colombia, Is education in Colombia good? Does education need to change? Does the government in Colombia spend enough money on schools? Does the Colombian government need to change education? Unfortunately, my country doesn't spend enough money on education. Therefore, the education is not the best one, I think that they should spend more money on it, because if they don't worry about the education of the new generation. What kind of life do the children are going to expect? If they don't have a good system or a place in good condition to learn, probably they will have some problems with different aspects such as gettinh a job, gettinh a place in college, etc. Probably if a school gets more money, the education it's going to change, they can hire teachers with more skills, or fix the place where some students learn. Nevertheless they do not always change for good, because some schools instead of using the money for the benefit of students what they do is stealing the money. Colombia needs to improve its education, support more the children and the schools that don't have enough money, so they can have a better education. Also, they need to change the administrative part of some schools, because if money disappears it means that something is happening.
Society and Education
Why are our teachers important? Manuela Jaramillo Florez Teachers are the most important thing that an educational institution can ever have, as they teach us the values and knowledge throughout our lives. In my personal opinion, what I like about my teachers is the patience they have of us teaching us so that we can clearly understand. They always care and look for strategies to understand better. My favorite teacher and who impresses me the most is my English teacher, his name is Joan. I like that he is always cheerful, his classes are dynamic, and he always seeks to make us know new topics without getting tangled or tired, that is so important!! In conclusion classes, teachers and the way they educate is very important and that is reflected in how my English teacher makes learning fast, fun, and effective. In my personal opinion, I think that many teachers have to take into account their learning strategies, but so they are still the most important people for an educational institution.
Violence is not education Paloma Monroy Pinzรณn In Colombia, it is very common for parents to "educate" their children with "mano dura," even some of them take it a little to the extreme, by the belief of "fear generates obedience." This puts them in a higher position where they deserve respect. Corporal punishments usually come with humiliation, screaming, and despair. A very important reason in my opinion is that by generating fear in your children, at the same time you will generate an insecure environment where they cannot express or be themselves. This can lead problems making friends and even distrusting their own parents.
Society and Education Another reason is that violence simply generates more violence and the child would have a tendency to be a violent person in the future, since his parents are teaching him that violence is the best answer, over to speaking or solving problems. As parents, they are in charge of educating rather than ruling and teaching that it is better to deal with a child. Violence only generates poor education. In addition to not being an educational method and causing physical and emotional harm to children. Corporal punishment is a crime and has been prohibited in Colombia by the criminal code since 2007, as in many other countries. To conclude, I would like to emphasize that as adults, they should aspire to be responsible, loving parents and it would be ideal to find educational ways that correct the behavior of children in a respectful way. Talking and communicating that will surely generate that your child not only understands why he or she should do things well, but also transmit it to the people with whom they spend time.
The most serious problem in the world Sofia BenavĂdez Tunjano The world is on the brink of collapse, pollution, overpopulation, global warming, excessive exploitation of natural resources, and many other atrocities that humans have caused. However, the most serious problem in the world is our indifference and irrational and selfish mentality. Throughout the last decades, the human race has disproportionately exploited the natural resources in search of creating tools that make their lives as simple as possible. We have ruined the planet in a way that is perhaps immutable, though the biggest problem is that we don't seem to care, or at least much less than we care about working, studying, and buying a home. Indifference to employment is the most important problem, we are indifferent to social inequality, we are indifferent to the environmental situation, and so 21
Society and Education with many other problems. Some non-indifferent people care about all the problems that exist in the world, however, they look for the solution in third parties, in a figure of state or government, there is a change of mentality required, to understand that the solution must be built by our account. The problem with indifference and the wrong mindset is that we are going to end up destroying ourselves, some before others but it will be like that. And it is sad to know that many other species will also suffer the outcomes of our mistakes as a species and as individuals. There is no written solution to this problem. The only option we have is to do what we can to contribute, not to save the world, but to help and contribute to helping it.
Sports Are extreme sports a good idea? Alejandro Hernandez Espinoza Extreme sports can be dangerous even for the people that do regular sports to be healthy. This is because these sports can be risky and if something wrong happens can lead to death or bad injuries. About extreme sports, I think that is so risky but there are people that like adrenaline. I would not practice them because in one of those times I can die. But at the extremes, they have different categories like more dangerous or less. Some extreme sports that I know are BMX, Parachute, Bungee jumping, Climbing, Cave diving, Surfing, Parkour, Boxing, MMA. These extreme sports are the most known. Well, I started looking for extreme sports and the ones I never listen to are Volcano Boarding and Zorbing. I think that these sports don't do any person because they are not recognized and they are risky, for those reasons these sports don't do so many people.
Sports in teamwork Catalina Devia Aragรณn Sports are a concept that all the people have in common because it's a healthy and peacefuk thing, but sports does not consist of only one person. You have to interact with other partners in your sport to make this a teamwork and even more if you sport is in teams. The teamwork skills are developed when you are in a sport like a football, basketball or volleyball that need to create a team strategy to be able to play organized and win. This is almost a problem in teams because some of the players can't play together for their capacity to believe that they can just win the game without a strategy, and this harm all the team. For this, it's necessary a strategic mind in the players to form effective strategies to win their matches.
Players that cant play in teams. Need to work mostly in this situation because is necessary to play around a strategy in any sport and even more if the matches consist in one team against other teams that each have their strategy for the matches to win and play organized. This type of sports help the people not only to play matches and win but also in their daily life because they can find the teamwork in the sports and many more parts. For example in their jobs or school is very necessary to have teamwork skills. They are very important to grow as a person, as a company or in the case of school as a class.
The sad reality of sport and money Maria Paula Trujillo Díaz This topic is very common and very problematic when talking with people, players, and even sports fans. To have a clearer topic, we are going to choose soccer, which is the best-known sport since most cities in the world have a team. As I said before, cities have their soccer team. For example, Tolima has a team called Deportes Tolima, Pasto has its team called Asociación Deportivo Pasto, the one in Medellín is called Atlético Nacional. On the other hand, you know more cities are not very supportive of sports. As well as most cities have their stadium so that the matches can also be played there. But here comes the controversy since many cities do not help the players, they do not provide them with resources like uniforms, money to pay for trips to play in other places, so the issue of this problem is that the governments presume their teams but not support them. So I think that the cities need to help the athletic people that represent them, and spend money. It would be bad because those people who are standing on a field . They working for their city, but they are doing it because of themselves and not recognized makes them angry.
Sports I have experienced this since I have been representing Tolima in tennis for 3 years, and we have never received help from the department, I say this because, in Bogota, they are given money for lodging near the club, money for food, and they lead to concentration. They give them uniforms and we don't. For these reasons I say that cities should support athletes more because they are not the only ones there, they are representing us. So like I said it's not easy to practice sports professionally, this causes athletes to be discouraged.
Sport gambling Maria Ximena RamĂrez DĂaz Sport gambling did not bother me because people enjoy betting sports and find it fun. I do make bets for fun and enjoyment with my family. I think it is important to gamble with responsibility, without putting others into risk. I consider it must be illegal, but some education campaigns could be done to promote safe gambling because it should interfere with personal relationships, and within time it has been controled by mafias. In my opinion, the government should think better about what is good for the inhabitants. In this case, gambling is a danger to society. Betting on sports has been a constant habit for centuries, since the time of the Greeks, and it was corrupted until creating a real business that moves more money than the sports. In Colombia, the government blocked some sports betting pages two years ago. These websites did not have any official authorization, these kinds of situations can lead to more people making illegal bets. In conclusion, the goverment is doing wrong its obligation to protect society from problems and dangers because sports bettings are allowed. As mentioned before it can lead to serious issues.
Sports The need for sports. Tomás David Rojas Barragán Sports are very good options to stay healthy and in a good shape, because doing them you have to do too many exercises. They help the body to stay in a constant move or constant exercise, as well as, you are helping to your physical figure to feel well and also helping to your organisms to stay also well. I think that every person should practice a sport, any type that they want, crossfit, swimming, tennis, athletism, etc. But do it because as I said before it helps all the body and the organ mechanism to stay well and healthy and thinking that is for your good. If you are thinking on becoming a pro. Professional athletes gain money, some more and some less. It always depends on the different sport that they are doing, if they are too recognized for the people because sponsors look for that.
Family relationships in sports Juan David Guzmán Urueña I think that parents are very involved in their children's sports and it's normal because they only want to help them to be better athletes. But like all it has advantages and disadvantages, for example, some disadvantages are that some parents get too involved in the sport of their son or daughter and don´t let them progress by themselves because all the time they are telling them what to do or what not to do and that's bad for the kid. This is a bad thing because if they are controlled by their parents their whole life, then the day the mother or the father can’t be present the kid will be very confused and without confidence in itself. If we see this from another perspective, and the parents support the kid with a moderate rate this can be very beneficial because they can help them to
Sports correct their mistakes and give them more support and confidence which is a good thing for the kid and can make him or she better at the sport. In conclusion, I think it is good for parents to be involved in their children's activities because they can make corrections and children can learn about their parent's experience but the idea is that the kid can develop experience and confidence by itself and not be depending on the parents all the time because it can make them feel a lack of confidence.
Extreme sports? Carlos Andres Gonzalez Valderrama Do you like extreme sports? Do you like adrenaline?. I do. That's what I'm going to tell you about extreme sports. There are many types of sports, but this article only talks about extreme sports. Those sports where you can feel more adrenaline than in normal sports. I know that extreme sports for some people can be dangerous, but you need to try It. What I know about extreme sports is that the idea of danger is into your mind, that's because you get afraid, but honestly, you go with a lot of protection in any of these sports. I know a lot of them, that's because they caught my attention, but I only had tried four. Scuba diving, waterfall rappelling, mountain biking, and skydiving. I think that there is any specific sport that no one would like to try. For example, if you have an ear problem or asthma you can't dive, if you have vertigo you can't practice skydiving or rappeling. So what I want to tell you is that you can practice any of these sports, but if you have good health in certain special points of your body. To conclude, If you like adrenaline I recommend you to try almost one of these sports. Remember before trying one of these sports, go to a doctor to ask him if you can or not. I hope this article has helped you.
Sports Should gambling on sports be legal or illegal? NicolĂĄs Correa RodrĂguez Over the years people had had a taste for betting on different sports, soccer, tennis, and others. Some betting shops are allowed by the government and there are another that aren't allowed. Some people think that these games need to be illegal because they think that they produce addiction. On the other hand, there are people that think that it needs to continue being legal because you can do with your money what you want. In my point of view, I think that gambling needs to be legal because if you trust in a player, in a team or a horse and you just want to try to win some money, I think that is not bad. Besides, when you win the bet, the joy is incredible because it is the perfect combo. If the one you chose won, you will earn some easy money, and this doesn't hurt anyone. In conclusion, I can't say that gambling is good or is bad, there are a lot of points of view but personally, I think that it is very funny and interesting, and if you do it in legal places it is nothing wrong and helps to stimulate the economy.
Sports life Sergio Carrascal Bonilla Many people wonder if it is necessary to exercise, others wonder how much money an athlete can earn, and I, without being a professional, will try to answer these questions. I think that doing sports is a very beneficial activity for the body and health, that’s why I think that all generations should exercise, and more children and young people, this will help their growth and development to be adequate. But according to a study conducted by the WHO, it is concluded that more than 80% of school-age adolescents worldwide (specifically, 85% of girls and 78% of boys) do not reach the recommended minimum level of one hour of physical activity each day. 28
Sports Undoubtedly, athletes have a good income for their profession. But this also depends on the performance they have when they are competing. If an athlete has a good performance, their payment will be good but it can happen to the contrary, and they do not receive as much money. In my opinion, the athletes receive enough money to support their needs and their family if they have, also athletes as the level of Messi, Cristiano, Tiger Woods among others have too much money because of their level in the sport. In conclusion, sports have a lot of benefits, if you are amateur the benefits will be for your health, and when you get professional you start to have economic benefits.
Parents involved in their children's sports Juan David Arias Arenas Do you feel that your parents are very involved in your activities? and you don't like that, or you feel that your parents need to be more involved in your sport. I will answer these questions with my experiences and knowledge, also I am going to say the benefits or drawbacks that your father gets into sports a lot. Your parents can put you in a sport that you don’t like for two common reasons. The first one is to have better health, and the second one is because parents are very competitive and they want to take the victory of something and the way to feel winners is that you have a triumph. If you are the opposite case, that your father doesn't care about your sport, try not to think about it, you need to follow your dreams, you will see that over time your parents will worry about your sport. Like all, there are benefits and drawbacks. The benefit that your father involves in your sport is: He can help you also it can be like a motivation for you, He can help you taking important decisions and can give you good advice. The drawbacks are, If your parents force you to practice a sport, you will not enjoy it, if you don't like the sport you are not going to win anything also you
Sports need to like the sport to go to tournaments and win something, another thing is that you are going to have 0 motivation. In conclusion, it is good that your parents care about you and your sport but not take it to the limit that they decide for you, and if your parents don’t care about you only try to don’t think about it, you need to follow your dreams and exist the possibility that your parents will worry about your sport.
Entertainment Holidays with Music and Dance Anna Gabriela Mosquera Gómez You always look forward to a holiday to have fun and enjoy together with the important people to spend time in a unique and special moment, Even more, when your country is like Colombia that is one with most festivals in the world. Even though we have many holidays in the country. One of the most anticipated when it comes to celebrating is the Barranquilla Carnival, which is expected by Colombians and foreigners. This is carried out for four days between February 6 and 9 of the same month. When you can live in full expression the music, dance and all the folklore of Colombia. This celebration consists of the queen’s coronation, Also there is a children’s carnival in which they participate in the dance and musical talent show. There is also the Guachera, which is a night parade that takes place on the Friday before the Carnaval. In conclusion, Colombia is a country where we celebrate our festivals in a big way, demonstrating our culture and folklore to the world. Making these holidays popular among Colombians and foreigners.
The tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon Diana Maria Bohorquez Franco There are many interesting TV shows, and many topics, for example, there are programs of criminal cases, health, News, fear, and gossip, among other programs that entertain all types of public. My favorite TV show is The Tonight Show. I'm going to explain to you some things about it. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon is an American-style television talk show, evening show, hosted by Jimmy Fallon and broadcasted on NBC. The show premiered on February 17/ 2014 and is produced by Broadway Video and Universal Television. In the program also, announcer and
Entertainment buddy Steve Higgins and the band The Roots participate, with Questlove as the leader. I love this show because Jimmy (the presenter) interviews many of my favorite artists such as Ariana Grande, Charli Damelio, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Adele, Bad Bunny, Shawn Mendes among other great artists that I love. Also, I like it because they make many challenges and funny games that entertain me a lot. This show is not so popular in my country, but I know that many people see it on youtube or the web site because it's so cool! You will not regret seeing it. You will want to see more!
The best games in my country JosÊ Manuel Olarte Bermudez In my country it is very common to see all kinds of children on the streets, at home or in the pool playing hide and seek, or playing with a ball. It seems to me that these games are very popular since they are played with many friends, playing with a ball and they are doing a lot of exercise and having fun. On the other hand, I think that the most popular game here is hide and seek since the children run and they have to be very careful so that others don’t catch them. which generates a lot of adrenaline for a child. I would not remove any game from my country. If a person wants to play something they have to do it with caution and must be aware if they want to play it or not. I would love that people start playing volleyball more since it is a very aggressive game and one has to run a lot, also in volleyball, you have to jump a lot and that's a lot of fun for everyone. In conclusion, it does no matter what games you play or who is the most popular, the important thing is to have fun with your friends, and be very careful when you are playing any type of sport so as not to get hurt
Entertainment My favorite Book. Mariana Gรณmez Vivas Books are a great source of information. They can help you when you are doing a job for school or can entertain you for a long time since you can find stories of all genres, both romance and science fiction. I like to read a lot because it is a good way to spend time when I'm bored. I have read several books, but for me, the best ones are the ones from the Shadowhunters saga that has 6 books and those from Greg's diary. I like them because they are too funny and too entertaining, they are books that make you not want to stop reading. In my opinion, the best book I have ever read was The City of Fallen Angels from Shadowhunter. as it is a book that transports you to another different world where vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies, demons, angels and shadowhunters exist. Books are like an artistic work that for many years has been in charge of transmitting information and entertaining people. They also played a very important role in not letting all ancient cultures get forgotten. Because of that, it is very important to read and it is something that we should all do. There is so much variety of books that you can choose and any theme that you like. Don't waste any more time, go and read a book, transport yourself to a different world while you read.
Legal age in colombia Santiago Giraldo Giraldo In Colombia, compared with the United States in this topic, have a lower control in this type of situation. In my country, the legal age for alcohol drinking is eighteen, but analyzing this, the legal age should be increased because there a lot of cases in which alcohol is linked, like car accidents, deaths, and diseases.
Entertainment That's because there are people that are irresponsible and drink more quantity that their body can have, and other people are addicted to this substance, so I recommend to the authorities to restrict the permission of drink alcohol to the people that can control it. In Colombia, a lot of underage kids have drunk alcohol, that's caused by irresponsible adults that let their child's drink this substance without taking care of the risky consequences. According to some WHO studies, we can affirm that "In a study of 2611 children (1253 boys and 1358 girls) aged 6–18 years old from the city of Medellín in Colombia, it was found that 46% of the children drank alcohol (52.5% of boys and 40.5% of girls)" Also, the same study confirms that "25.7% of those aged between 10 and 14 years drank alcohol”. This makes me conclude in Colombia there is a big level of alcohol consumption, and even in kids. The best way to solve this problem is to increase the age of legal drinking and also take away the permission for some people that can't handle it.
Popular Holidays in Colombia Ivan Santiago Angulo Reyes Do you know about the popular holidays in Colombia? My country Colombia has many popular holidays, but I'm only going to write about three popular holidays that I like which are Christmas, New Year, and festival Folclorico Colombiano. Moreover, how and when and when we celebrate them. The most popular holiday in my country is Christmas and New Year. However, in my city Ibague, the most important holiday is the festival folclorico Colombiano in which San Juan and San Pedro are celebrated. Additionally, Christmas and New Year are celebrated in the month of December, while the festival folclorico Colombiano is celebrated in the month of June. For Christmas and New Year it is very common to see people cook typical foods, such as buñuelos and natilla, we also see how all the savings of the people are spent on gifts for the family. It is very common for families to meet in a specific place to wait until midnight and celebrate, alcohol consumption is
Entertainment the most common for this party. The festival Folclorico Colombiano is celebrated with parades, reinados(Which are beauty contests), and typical foods. Personally, I like Christmas and New Year more, because it is where the whole family gets together, there are gifts, games, laughter. Also, another reason why I like them is that we celebrated with a lot of fun. However, Festival folclorico Colombiano is also to my liking, it is very common to celebrate traditions such as going to parades or eating lechona and tamal that are typical foods of the department of Tolima.
Shooter video games Juan JosĂŠ Donado DĂaz In this article, we are going to talk about video games, specifically shooting video games. are they good? are they bad? In my opinion, they are good, because they are very funny, and you become more social and meet new people and I tell you in the next paragraph why. Many of the people do not agree that this type of video game is made because they say that it makes children violent. In my personal opinion, I am a person who has played these video games all my life and I am not violent person. I would believe that there may be children who are easily influenced, these videogames can affect them but they are a little percentage, so the majority of kids can play this type of video games. To support my opinion, according to an article of the APA (American Psychological Association.) that says "Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children's learning, health, and social skills, according to a review of research on the positive effects of video gameplay to be published by the American Psychological Association". Taking into account the evidence, and the opinion of an expert of shooter games "me" says that they are good, and also there are studies that support this opinion. With this information we can conclude, children can play these video games and nothing will happen to them. In fact, video games help you to socialize and has a lot of benefits. So shooter video games are not bad.
Entertainment Finally, if you are a dad you can rest easy, with your children playing this type of videogames. but it is your decision to let your children play is only an opinion.
Modern Family Laura Natalia Mosos Gonzalez I will start by telling you which is my favorite series and why my it is favorite in the whole world. Modern Family, it is an excellent good series since it is pure comedy, it's about a very close family but at the same time too crazy. Each character has something essential and unique that gives a better touch to the series, there is also Sofia Vergara who is a Colombian actress, she plays the role of Gloria who is the wife of an older man. Her life is reflected in the times of Pablo Escobar. Besides, as everyone knows that she doesn't speak very well English and that is demonstrated in the series, it makes it even funnier. You may wonder why is my favorite series? The answer is simple, since it is a serious one that talks about different types of families and shows them in all forms and does not always show the good or the bad but is realistic. Another thing that seems very cool to me is that it shows the value of the family and the different types of views that each family member has. As I said at the beginning this is pure humor with teachings and that makes people like it more. I don't know how popular this series is in Colombia but for now, all the people I know think it's the best. I honestly think that if it is popular for the simple fact that Sofia Vergara is there, that is a lot for us since a Colombian came to Hollywood without being perfect. That is a great achievement, not only for her but also us as well. Finally, I recommend this series 100%, and I assure you that if you have a bad day and you see it, you will be left with a huge smile on your face.
Entertainment Video games Manuel José Tovar Callejas Video games in the last years were so popular around the world, but in are they popular in Colombia like in other countries? The answer is an absolute yes. In Colombia, the most popular video games in the last years are “Battle Royales” because most of the games that are focused in the kids have guns and that’s why they are funny. However these games are monotonous, all the matches are the same, fall, take guns, die, repeat. In my opinion, the best games in the shops just like the sagas of borderlands, resident evil, the last of us, among others. The children of today don’t understand what good games are they don’t know what a history in a game is. That’s not fair for the developers, who spend hours to develop a very good game with a history that hooks up the reader just for a game that is free and have very bad programming. Here in Colombia, one game that people like the most are Fortnite, which is a battle royale that all its popularity is because it’s free but that doesn’t make it a good game. Fortnite is supposed to be a free game or that's what they want you to believe because they release very expensive skins and the V-bucks (ingame currency) are so expensive so you prefer to waste your money in skins or invest in a good game. In conclusion, The minority of people prefer to spend their money on good games that waste it in skins or bad games. In my opinion, Kids need to have more information about the games o how to use their money or their parent’s money. So what do you prefer?
Entertainment Drinking alcohol Maria JosĂŠ Ă lvarez SuĂĄrez Each country has its laws, an example is a legal age to drive, law differs in some countries, you have to be at least 18 while in others you only have to be 16 or 21. In my country, Colombia, 18 is the legal age to drink alcohol. But this doesn't stop teens up to 14 years to drink. I think it should not be increased, because I consider that when a person is 18 it is responsible enough to drink. I think that if they increase the age more teens with less than 14 years would start drinking because of temptations. In conclusion, it could be said that the legal age to drink alcohol, does not limit minor teens to take repetitively without the supervision of any responsible person. I think that increasing or lowering the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages would not change this situation, but new temptations would be created, which probably in the future will affect them.
Authors My dear students, I am proud of your work and what you do. Please, never stop doing your best and pushing your limits. 8A
Diana María Bohórquez Franco
María José Álvarez Suarez
Sofía Castro Guzmán
Silvana Amaya Bocanegra
Manuela Castro López
Iván Santiago Angulo Reyes
Juan Sebastián Castro Mora
Juan David Arias Arenas
Simón Charry Tovar
Sofía Benavides Tunjano
Carla Cruz Aya
Sergio Carrascal Bonilla
Catalina Devia Aragón
Sara Celis Reyes
David Espinosa Gómez
Nicolás Correa Rodríguez
Santiago Giraldo Giraldo
Juan José Donado Díaz
Mariana Gómez Vivas
Juan Miguel Fossi Guzmán
Giancarlo González Sánchez
Carlos Andrés González Valderrama
Samuel Andrés Guerra Zambrano
Claudia Fernanda Hernández Cifuentes
Juan David Guzmán Urueña
Manuela Jaramillo Flórez
Alejandro Hernández Espinosa
María Paula Laverde Castro
Carlos Jose Homez Ramírez
Paloma Monroy pinzón
Manuela López Castaño
Natalia Mosos González
Sofía Marcela Martínez Lozano
Ana Sofía Mosquera Castro
Anna Gabriela Mosquera Gómez
Juan José Pinzón Trejos
Jose Manuel Olarte Bermúdez
Silvana Rodríguez Ariza
Abril Sofía Pastrana López
Aileen Sofía Rodríguez Echeverry
Valeria Peñuela Martínez
Sofía Rodríguez Godoy
Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco
Juan Gonzalo Segura Vargas
María Ximena Ramírez Díaz
Marialuna Torres Devia
Tomás David Rojas Barragán
Manuel José Tovar Callejas
María Juliana Salazar María Paula Trujillo Díaz