History: A review of relevant events

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History: A review of relevant events is an informative essay compendium written by 9-grade students from San Bonifacio de las Lanzas School in 2021. These articles were produced as the final project of English.

Teachers Joan C. Ovalle Diana P. Alcalá Editor Joan C. Ovalle Cover Photograph Maria Orlova from Pexels

Ibagué, 2021.

Table of contents

Beginning of the 20th Century Banana Massacre – Carla Cruz Aya


El Bogotazo – Jose Manuel Olarte Bermúdez


Separation of Panama from Colombia - Juan Sebastian Castro Mora


Great Depression – Manuela López Castaño


Russian Revolution – Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco


Mexican Revolution – Tomás David Rojas Barragán


Separation of Panama from Colombia – Marialuna Torres Devia


The Russian Breaking Dawn – Sara Campuzano Camacho


The Day Bogotá Changed Forever – Silvana Amaya Bocanegra


An Economic Turndown – Sofía Rodríguez Godoy


Mexican Revolution - María José Álvarez Suarez


Banana Massacre – Manuel José Tovar Callejas


20th Century World War I - Samuel Guerra Zambrano


World War II – Maria Juliana Salazar Villegas


A Walk-through Vietnam – Carlos Jose Homez Ramírez


Nuclear War – Mariana Gómez Vivas


Korean War – Anna Gabriela Mosquera Gómez


Information Age – Santiago Giraldo Giraldo


The Forgotten War in Korea – Ana Sofia Mosquera Castro


First World War – Juan David Arias Arenas


Vietnam War – Sergio Carrascal Bonilla


Nuclear War – Juan Miguel Fossi Guzmán


Cold War – Juan José Pinzón Trejos


The information age – Aileen S. Rodriguez Echeverry


20th Century Second Wave of Feminism – Sofia Castro Guzmán


Table of contents Colombian Palace of Justice Siege – Catalina Devia Aragon THE


R A C E – Diana Bohórquez Franco

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The Space Race – Sofia Benavides Tunjano


Hippie movement – Nicolas Correa Rodríguez


Communist Violent Revolution in China That Brought the Destruction of The Old


Culture – María Paula Laverde Castro Chernobyl accident – Claudia F. Hernández Cifuentes


Colombian Palace of Justice Siege - Carlos Andres Gonzalez Valderrama


Feminism – Paloma Monroy Pinzón


21st Century Arabic Spring – Valeria Peñuela Martinez


Colombian Peace Process – Alejandro Hernández Espinosa


Iraq War – Abril Pastrana López


The Syrian War – María Paula Trujillo Díaz


Housing crisis 2008 – María Ximena Ramírez Díaz


Syrian War - Silvana Rodríguez Ariza


World Trade Center Attack - Sara Celis Reyes


Colombian Peace Process – Manuela Jaramillo Florez


The season of Revolutions – Juan José Donado Diaz


Iraq War: A battle against terrorism – Juan Gonzalo Segura Vargas


Hurricane Katrina – Iván Santiago Angulo Reyes


Beginning of the 20th Century Banana Massacre – Carla Cruz Aya How would you react if the place where you work did not treat you as it should be, and when you decide to speak up to say how you feel, they kill you? Well, this is what happened to the workers of the multinational United Fruit Company in 1928 in Ciénaga-Colombia, they decided to protest their treatment. However, their protest for a change in working conditions resulted in a great massacre. Colombia is a country that has been characterized by the mistakes of its leaders, and this massacre was no exception. Thousands of inhabitants died at the hands of the national army trying to change an unjust system, so why did the government make such an unpleasant decision to kill its citizens? Perhaps you have already heard of Magdalena, one of the departments of Colombia full of nature, although this was the bananera zone where all the misfortune occurred. In the first half of the 20th century, the bananera zone occupied more than 40,000 hectares of surface; it was in Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta. The production of this area occupied an important place in the world market since bananas were traded with foreign countries. The United Fruit Company started with the commercialization of bananas; it exploited the land investing in infrastructure to convert certain land into urban centers. Due to all the production and exploitation of bananas, The United Fruit Company managed to be a multinational company, managing to obtain money with all the actions that it carried out, therefore it had great socioeconomic power. This company provided several job opportunities; however, the company did not treat the workers with dignity. For this reason, on November 12, 1928, the plantation workers called a strike which was attended by more than 25,000 who were there for the same reason, demand the company to comply the Colombian laws “They wanted to pressure the United Fruit Company to


Beginning of the 20th Century formalize the contractual conditions of the workers" (Elias & Vidal, 2011, p. 24). Since in 1915 there were some labor laws approved by the government. However, the UFC did not agree with them because they did not want to give benefits to their workers. Which generated displeasure in the workers, because by 1920 the UFC already had 35,000 cultivated hectares, which represented 57% of the exports of the Colombian Caribbean. All this generated profit that only the owners of this company enjoyed. On December 5, 1928, the day of misfortune, the workers met again, organized a peaceful protest as the UFC did not make any changes with the previous strike. Despite this, the dispersal of this protest was ordered by Governor Núñez Roca, but the workers did not obey, because they wanted to be heard. Therefore, the army gave them 15 minutes to disperse, but the workers refused. And so, the tragedy began, because the colonel ordered to shoot up, and after a moment the rifles stopped ringing, only the corpses of the workers remained. After this, both the inhabitants and the families who lost someone were affected. That is why the press intervened in this event, assuming that there was still uncertainty, why did the government call the army? Nonetheless, any type of meeting of this style was prohibited, since the government assured that they questioned the legitimacy and stability of the state. Evidently, the banana massacre was an event that defined a before and after both in Colombia and in other countries, thanks to this event and other labor movements that have occurred around the world, today there are labor rights. On the other hand, the massacre continues to be remembered to this day, because many people have been in charge of informing and maintaining the memory of this event, such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who aside from dignifying the Latin American culture and tradition, named the banana massacre in one of his literary works called Cien Años de Soledad, describing it a bit in order to commemorate it. This is


Beginning of the 20th Century something very valuable, as this book became well known, taking into account that it won a Nobel Prize, so many people from other continents can find out what has happened in Colombia. To summarize, the banana massacre was a constant struggle by UFC workers at the time, resulting in an unpleasant event that we remember today as it made a transcendental change. We may have to go through these types of events to be able to change some injustices that we face every day, even if it is not in the best way, because in this case thousands of people died for no legitimate reason, the government should not have called the army, and the company should not have allowed the intervention of the state, since the problem was between the workers and the company. I think this situation got out of hand for the UFC and the political and social power that they had acquired let the government intervene creating so much injustice and such distasteful days.

Bibliography Elias, J. E., Vidal A. (2011). The worker’s massacre of 1928 in the Magdalena Zona Bananera Colombia, revista Andes de la Universidad de Salta, p. 22 - 54. Prabha D., Kalvikkarasi G. (2018). Gabriel Garcia Marquez's one hundred years of solute. Deconstructing the decade of a golden period in Colombia and Latin America (RJELAL). 185 - 187.


Beginning of the 20th Century El Bogotazo – Jose Manuel Olarte Bermúdez Do you know what happened on April 9,1948 in the Capital of Colombia? On this date, one of the most important people in Colombia called Jorge Eliecer Gaitan died, he was assassinated by Juan Roa Sierra causing a series of riots in Bogota. Do you know why this assassination caused so much conflict? And why was he so important in the country? To start talking about El Bogotazo, you must first know about a very important person in Colombia, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan. This man was one of the most loved and adored leaders in the history of Colombia, he became so adored that the class worker and thousands of people would listen to speeches he gave on agrarian reform, moderate nationalism, he rejected the oligarchy and fought for minorities. Thanks to this he made many low-income people support him. To that end, Jorge was a great person and much loved since he supported or wanted to help people with limited resources, making him one of the most loved people in all Colombia. Moreover, the tragic day began with his death and the consequences after that. The candidate for the 1950 elections (Gaitan) was shot and killed on April 9,1948 was shot dead on April 9,1948, the murder when trying to escape from the crime scene could not do so since a huge crowd of people caught him to be punished and abruptly murdered for taking the life of his great reference Jorge Gaitan, for this reason after Gaitan was murdered, riots were formed which caused the destruction of buildings causing thousands of innocent people to die. Therefore, it was an expression of helplessness, rage, and vengeance of Gaitan's charismatic leader from the common sector-and the masses of Gaitan. It was a charismatic leader who sparked the accumulated pain, the helplessness of a shattered collective dream. El Bogotazo marked the start of a decade of horrific brutality. In only ten years, the rural struggle between the conservative party culminated in the deaths of 200.000 people. As a result, the violence incident surrounding Gaitan’s death spread to other parts of the country where


Beginning of the 20th Century Gaitan's ideas were relevant, and libertarian guerrillas began to oppose the conservative government, and guerrillas began to concentrate locations around the country. These are the origins of the new armed movement against political violence. Consequently, this internal repression and isolation were instrumental in deescalating Colombia's armed conflict. In conclusion, 70 years have passed since Gaitan's assassination nearly half a million Colombians have died attempting to realize the principles of democracy and reconciliation, and after the signing of a peace pact between the Colombian government and the FARC, the deaths continue. Thanks to this, Colombia has declared Gaitan's death, April 9, as the National day of Memory and Solidarity with the victims of armed conflict. It is important to highlight the horrible consequences after Gaitan’s death and how his influence affected many people.

Bibliography Agudelo-Gómez, César augusto. (2019). REPRESENTAR “EL BOGOTAZO” EN COLOMBIA: APUNTES PARA SU COMPRENSIÓN COMO UN “SHOCK POLÍTICO” PARA REPENSAR EL CONFLICTO Y EL POSACUERDO. Revista eleuthera, 21, 66-88. https://doi.org/10.17151/eleu.2019.21.5 CGTN America. (2018, May 22). Colombia, 1948: “Bogotazo.” CGTN America. https://america.cgtn.com/2018/05/21/colombia-1948-bogotazo

Davis, J. (1994). The Bogotazo. Studies in Intelligence, 13, 75-87. de Urbina González, A., & Zambrano Pantoja, F. (2009). Impacto de “El Bogotazo” en las actividades residenciales y los servicios de alto rango en el centro histórico de Bogotá Estudio de caso. Dearq, 5, 152–165. https://doi.org/10.18389/dearq5.2009.15


Beginning of the 20th Century Pita Pico, R. (2018). Violencia, censura y medios de comunicación en Colombia: los efectos del Bogotazo y el colapso en las transmisiones radiales. Anagramas - Rumbos y Sentidos de La Comunicación, 17(33), 153–173. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v17n33a7


Beginning of the 20th Century Separation of Panama from Colombia - Juan Sebastian Castro Mora In 1899 one of the armed conflicts with the greatest impact in Colombian history took place: the thousand days' war. I am not only referring to the great political and humanitarian impact it had, also the fact that at that time Panama was taking its first steps towards independence from Colombia. And although many records tell us that the independence of Panama started since that war, the truth is that many say that it started since Simon Bolivar retired from the presidency because they had very different political thoughts. But the political differences were not the only thing that pushed it to become independent, since he had the support of other nations as well as the economic self-sufficiency to become independent, among other factors. As we mentioned before, The Panama separation began with the thousand days' war. But the truth is that there are records that said these began in the year 1821 where after its independence it joined Great Colombia where they got in the economy, and politics of the country where after 5 years (in 1826) Bolivar returned to Great Colombia determined to reform the constitution, however, the Panamanian government did not have the same thought, they were more satisfied with the federalist ideas of Santander. This political debate was the first bases to gain independence from Colombia 77 years later, this was strongly reinforced when in 1830 Bolivar resigned due to a serious illness that left the country with a political imbalance where a Panamanian general took advantage and was working on an act where he proposed to stop Panama from the government of Bogota. By this time Panama thought that Colombia had forgotten them and did not take into account their political and cultural opinions, all these variables made Panama to be considered as a region in rebellion. This is the moment where the United States enters to geolocate Panama, that's when Panama sees an opportunity and takes advantage of the armed conflict that is beginning to show


Beginning of the 20th Century the public that Panama is abandoned by Colombia since long before the conflict of the thousand days' war. After 60 combats in the Panamanian lands and many fallen soldiers (who were in favor of the party to lead). Consequently, at the end of the war in 1902 to sign the Treaty of Wisconsin (in Panama). After that, the United States was looking for a way to negotiate with Colombia to become an inter-oceanic navigation route between continents (through a treaty called the Treaty of Herran, which was rejected outright). However, at one point the independence of Panama came where they ratified the treaty that led to the opening of the Panama Canal. Later, in 1903, the United States recognized the Republic of Panama. From this point there are several versions which try to demonstrate the possible cause of this political and territorial problem. We could say that this event was very unexpected, taking many by surprise and even upsetting. This caused several international disputes due to the little information that was had about this event, forming disputes and revolts that were guided by hatred and fear of another war or a very serious economic change for the country, this caused repercussions of all kinds, but the ones that had the greatest effect were: the disputes between countries, policies, and the radical change of government so that this situation does not happen again and that this was the first and last time that a region is separated by a bad treatment and political and economic neglect.

Bibliography Beluche, O. (2006). LA SEPARACION DE PANAMA DE COLOMBIA. MITOS Y FALSEDADES. Tareas, (122), 93-118.Garnica, A. (2020, August 31). La separación Del Departamento










Beginning of the 20th Century Beluche, O. (n.d.). Separación de Panamá: La historia desconocida. Banrepcultural. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from https://www.banrepcultural.org/biblioteca-virtual/credencialhistoria/numero-165/separacion-de-panama-la-historia-desconocida

Canal Trece Colombia. (2017, October 4). Pérdida de Panamá - Cronografía T10 Cap 010 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMMVrrz8YVY

Reporter, G. S. (2020, March 26). Panama declares independence from Colombia. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/07/panama-independence-colombia-1903 U.S. Department of State. (n.d.). A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Panama Retrieved April 04, 2021 from https://history.state.gov/countries/panama


Beginning of the 20th Century Great Depression – Manuela López Castaño Do you know about the worst financial apocalypse? It was one of the worst times in history, it is known as an economic crisis from 1929 to 1939 in which there was a great global economic resection due to the New York Stock exchange falling unexpectedly. It ended with millions of investors between those times consumer spending and investments fell, generating unemployment, industrial production falls and the bankruptcy of many companies. Nevertheless “money supply output, and prices all fell precipitously in the contraction, but it rose rapidly.” (Bernanke, 2000) We must know that the origin of this event is the United States that takes place in New York at bang “number 11 wall street” that is the most famous stock exchange in the world. On Wednesday October 23, 1929, prices decreased in the stock market of the new bang was full of people that instead of buying wanted to sell, however, to understand this event we have to go back an era, in 1919 after the first World War, the United States admitted “liberty bonds” that seem to have cost effectiveness, due to this event Charles Mitchell decided to take out bonds and stocks, and the bank made a credit expansion where the competitive market started. In the 20's the United States began to obtain a large profit but with a small capital due to the sales shares on credit, all of this governed by the supply and demand, but the excess of demand in the traders caused the values to grow uncontrollably and generated inflation in the stock prices. “Paul Warburg gave the official warning to the traders to get out of the market. In his annual report to the stockholders of his International Acceptance Bank, in March 1929” (Coburn, 2009), nobody listened to him, however the most professional and astute investors like Joe Kennedy among others managed withdraw cash investments before the financial bubble burst.


Beginning of the 20th Century On Wednesday, October 23,1929 the stock market began to fall in just one session but that was just an omen of what would happen next day; “Black Thursday” the day where some investors were forced to liquidate their holdings and aggravate the fall of the values. Stock prices decreased around 33 percent where the stock market reduced the demand which generated an insertion in the income that consumers and companies were going to receive. These events led to the aggregate demand hit occurring in the fall of 1930, when the first of four waves of bank panic gripped the United States. It arose when many depositors simultaneously lost confidence in the solvency of banks and demanded their bank deposits must be paid to them in cash. Banks, which typically have only a fraction of deposits as cash reserves, must pay off loans to get the required cash. This hasty liquidation process could bankrupt even a previously solvent bank. Due to the previous events, the loans with international links where Latin America and some European countries were involved fell due to high interest rates, leading to a reduction in loans that led to more credit contractions and declines in production in borrowing countries. Therefore, each country established the value of its currency in terms of gold and monetary actions were taken. Due to this, there was a substantial devaluation in the currencies as a source of recovery. Then in the fight against the depression, British economist Keynes implanted his General Theory of the occupation, the interest, and the money had vital importance which proposed the deficiency in the budget. This problem affected the economic rates worldwide. These consequences are divided into several aspects, the most relevant is the economic one, where many banks failed, other companies were forced to close due to numerous bankruptcies and many economic activities had to stop. In effect, the unemployment rate increased, wages decreased, and the economic difference was more evident, for which there was a lot of inequality, and discrimination. In the political aspect, from the


Beginning of the 20th Century world crisis, totalitarian forms of government arose that later were the cause of the Second World War. In conclusion, the Great Depression was the worst economic crisis in which millions of investors, banks, and companies were affected by overinvestments in the stock market, ceasing to be solvent, without savings and without cash, simultaneously implementing incompatible economic, political, and social paradigms. This is a very important historical period today that involved loans to European and Latin American countries where different economic and political strategies were implemented. In my opinion, this situation would not have occurred due to the strategies in the implementation of the credit and the excess confidence of the investors in the demands.

Bibliography Bernanke, B. S. (2009). Essays on the great depression. Princeton University Press.

Britannica. (n.d.). Great Depression - Portrayals of hope. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from https://www.britannica.com/event/Great-Depression/Portrayals-ofhope

CrashCourse. (2013, October 10). The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33 [Video]. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCQfMWAikyU&ab_channel=CrashCourse

Moncayo, J. (2019). 1929: el mayor apocalipsis financiero. La Vanguardia. Robbins, L. (2011). The great depression. Transaction Publishers.


Beginning of the 20th Century Russian Revolution – Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco Do you know the story of the lost Anastasia Romanov and how it is related to the Russian Revolution? Anastasia, the lost Romanov, supposedly survivor in the massacre of the family Romanov by the Bolsheviks in 17 of July 1918, separated from her family and life at the age of 17 with a defining moment of the Russian Revolution, Is it a truth? or just a myth? The corrupted system drove the Bolsheviks, working class seeking revenge, revolution, and rebellion, to take care of the injustices that were being held against them. Did one of the soldiers save Anastasia? or he was just mesmerized with the duchess and invented everything? Why did the Bolsheviks attack the royal family? Along the 19th century Russia was isolated from the industrialization that was happening in other countries, that's why Russia was considered undeveloped economically, socially, and politically at the beginning of the 20th century. in which means the Russian economy was based in the agriculture and mining in the lands of the elite that was being worked by the peasants gaining little to no salary while the nobles took all the privileges. The tsarist government led Russia in war against Japan in which they were defeated in 1905, provoking riots and strikes all around Russia that were treated with violence. The First World War and Russia's participation was unwanted because people thought militarily imperial Russia was no match for industrialized Germany, but the Provisional Government decided to continue fighting. Furthermore, there was also the unfairness of the tsarist regime (1881- 1917). Autocracy that brought oppression among the low class and discontent of the people with the tsar. The Romanovs being part of the tsarist government and the last royal family, were targeted by the Bolsheviks. On the night of the 16 of July to the 17 of 1918 the Romanovs were slaughtered in Yekaterinburg, by the communist revolutionaries. When the Provisional Government chose to continue fighting, tzar Nicholas left Russia’s capital in 1915 to take


Beginning of the 20th Century command of the Russian army front, Tsarina Alexandra was left to rule, wife of tzar Nicholas and a German-born and that led to suspicions of conspiracy. While the tzar left, Grigori Rasputin took the opportunity to increase his influence over Russian politics and the Romanov family, so on December 30, 1916, the Russian nobles assassinated him, but by that time most of Russia no longer believed in the regime. A practically bloodless coup d´état against the Duma’s provisional government was initiated by the Bolsheviks headed by Vladimir Lenin, who advocated for a Soviet government ran by direct councils of troops, peasants, and workers, this did not happen because the Soviet government had no intention of converting peasants into individual property owners. Nicholas abdicated to the throne on behalf of himself and his son, after that they were moved to Ekaterinburg. As the newly created Soviet Union plunged deeper into the chaos because of a civil war, the Bolsheviks chose to remove the Romanov family as a potential threat. The Russian Revolution was a very important event that made great transformations in a very short time, and this really caused a great impact on all the powers of the world, it inspired many revolutionary movements in other countries, such as China and Cuba, after it. Communism was established that lasted until 1991 and brought as a consequence, the civil war, which confronted the forces against the revolution and the Bolsheviks, revolutionaries and from where the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) came out; the Transformation of the old feudal structures inherited from tsarist Russia, which led to a slow process of modernization that initially subjected entire populations to famine, resulting in millions of deaths, especially in the years 1932-1933, when the Ukrainian Holodomor occurred . Thus, it became an economic, political, and military power, although there was also enormous repression and lack of freedoms and it went through periods of great poverty. While all this was happening in Russia, legend has it that Princess Anastasia survived the execution by the Bolsheviks in the winter palace where the entire family died, and that she was


Beginning of the 20th Century fleeing and hiding in peasant farms, even in Germany, and when she was found they were doing a trial to determine if she was the real Anastasia. With all this, it is possible to reflect on how inequality can breed violence in different ways. and analyze how to deal with one of the greatest problems of our time: growing and dangerous inequality. In the case of the alleged princess Anastasia, who thanks to the advancement of science through DNA tests, it was possible to verify that she was not who she claimed to be, and that she did not have the lineage real, he was just one more person seeking fame and money through scam and deception. The Russian revolution is considered a very important event in world history, because it was the fall of a tsarist empire, to pass to a communist government, even so for the people it was to go from a time of great poverty, to another much worse of poverty and hunger, but also wars and confrontations, a very slow industrial overcoming due to the stubborn thinking of the communist leaders, who sadly when they came to power forgot all the ideals they had proposed and with which they convinced, and only dedicated themselves to want to impose their will, there was known the way of thinking of these communist leaders such as Lenin. Stalin who was one of the promoters and rulers of the new regime, it can even be seen that the dissatisfaction of the peoples, the great inequalities, lead to the peoples to reveal themselves and seek changes, in search of improvement, although it does not always turn out well, we can even compare it with great changes that have begun to happen in recent years. For years in countries seeking change, an example of this type of government is Cuba, where sadly the common characteristic of most of the population is poverty and lack of freedom, or as is happening in Venezuela. It is important to mention that, that some good things came out of all this, and the development of some trends and rights for certain sectors of the population that were beneficial and that have been improved over time, such as women's rights.


Beginning of the 20th Century Bibliography Britannica (2020, October 30). Russian Revolution. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/Russian-Revolution Byard, R. W. (2020). The execution of the Romanov family at Yekaterinburg. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 1-5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12024-02000218-3 Coble, M. D., Loreille, O. M., Wadhams, M. J., Edson, S. M., Maynard, K., Meyer, C. E., ... & Finelli, L. N. (2009). Mystery solved: the identification of the two missing Romanov children using DNA analysis. PloS one, 4(3), e4838. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0004838 Figes, O. (1990). The Red Army and mass mobilization during the russian civil war 1918-1920. Past & Present, (129), 168-211.https://www.jstor.org/stable/650938?seq=1 HISTORY. (2021) Russian Revolution. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/russia/russian-revolution Hendrickson, J. (2016). The End of a Dynasty: The Death of the Romanov Family. https://spark.parkland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=ah Kojevnikov, A. (2002). The Great War, the Russian Civil War, and the invention of big science. Science in Context, 15(2), 239-275. https://history.ubc.ca/wpcontent/uploads/sites/23/2019/06/2002bigscience.pdf Pipes, R. (1964). The Formation of the Soviet Union: communism and nationalism, 1917-1923 (Vol. 13). Harvard University Press. https://books.google.com.mx/books?hl=es&lr=&id=smDy35onbtAC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1& dq=russian+communism&ots=i6wzsatTUA&sig=hg4debpZ2fbeUngImjk92XAHrY4&re dir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=russian%20communism&f=false


Beginning of the 20th Century Mexican Revolution – Tomás David Rojas Barragán The dictatorial regime of Porfirio Diaz was affecting the great majority of the Mexican people after his long stay in power thanks to the management of elections so that he was elected again. While he was in power, the country was prosperous, but people did not agree with the inequality of Diaz's policies. With the impulse of one person, they began the revolution that took place between November 20, 1910, and February 1917. How did it happen? Who were its main leaders? How did it end? Porfiriato was known as the dictatorial regime of Porfirio Diaz, he was in power in the country for more than 30 years between 1876 and 1911. While he was in power there was a lot of inequality and corruption, those who were most affected were those of the lower class, mostly peasants and workers, it was so unfair that Diaz preferred foreign capital over national with a result of extreme probability of the people and Mexicans working for foreigners suffering from extensive hours of work without rest and with scarce wages because there were still no laws to protect them. However, in 1910 during this unequal government a new candidate arose with ideas that will change the country. Francisco Ignacio Madero ran for president with his motto (sufragio efectivo no reelección/effective suffrage no reelection). In April of 1910, Madero was chosen as candidate but the Porfiristas saw that, and they imprisoned him that year. While Madero stays in prison Diaz won the elections again. In October of that year, Madero left the prison and was transferred to the United States where he wrote (el plan de San Luis) in which he incited the Mexican people to rise in arms against Porfirio Diaz to set up free elections and worker protection laws. In June of 1911, Madero arrived at Ciudad de México giving an end to the porfiriato and in October of that year the first free election was made. Madero postulated promising agrarian reform and worker protection laws and won the elections on November 6 of that year. But he did not fulfill the


Beginning of the 20th Century promises he made and dissolved the revolutionary army. But to the disgust of the leaders of the rebellious outbreaks of the north, Emiliano Zapata proclaimed in November 1911 the Ayala plan in which he proposed to overthrow the government of Madero along with other things for having failed to fulfill his promises and have caused greater inequality. Zapata sought equality between indigenous people, mestizos, and the law. On February 9, 1813, Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa took up arms against Madero, thus ending the "Decena Trágica" which consisted of 10 days and bloody confrontations in Mexico City. February 19 Madero resigned from the presidency and military Victoriano Huerta who participated in the "tragic decade" took the power. On February 22 Madero and his vice president Jose Maria Pino Suarez were executed. But nevertheless, the Huerta government was a restoration of the Porfiriato. A movement was called against the government of Huerta headed by Venustiano Carranza, governor of Coahuila, together with Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, a constitutionalist revolution was formed and in June 1914 Huerta resigned the presidency and fled the country. In October of the same year, the revolutionary conventions began in Mexico City called by Carranza, which sought to agree on the reforms that should be implemented, the conventions were attended by General Alvaro Obregon who joined Carranza to fight against the Huerta government, but in the end, General Eulalio Gutierez was elected. Carranza did not agree with the election of the convention and in January 1915 he implanted his own government in the city of Veracruz in which he recognized the agrarian movement and ordered that the lands be restored to their peoples so that they could once again be of Mexican hands. The troops of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata occupied Mexico City to the forces with consequences of the departure of Eulialio Gutiérrez, they were faced by Alvarón Obregón who won the battle of Calella and gave victory to Carranza. In December 1916 Carranza began the


Beginning of the 20th Century sessions of Congress in the city of Querétaro. That congress oversaw the writing the Mexican constitution. On February 5, 1917, the approval of the Mexican constitution was proclaimed, in which the country was divided into 27 states, a federal district and 3 territories. This constitution gave the country a new political, economic, and social structure. It also allowed the state to use the right to expropriate land for public benefit. It also established the prohibition of slavery and the division of powers that led to a new political organization divided into 3 powers (executive, legislative and judicial), and the final creation of a labor law that established an 8-hour workday with days off. including holidays and the creation of minimum wage, the revolution also allowed the separation between church and state and granted the freedom of worship, there was also an increase in freedom of expression. agrarian reforms allowed capital of the lower class increased and the fact that the petroleum returned to be of the Mexican government brought economic prosperity. As a result of the revolution, the first political party was created. The national revolutionary party. In conclusion, the dictatorial regime of Porfirio Diaz brought bad consequences for many people in Mexico and affected them a lot, but the people who were against Diaz could not do anything since Diaz handled the voting to be able to continue in command. Many people were already being very affected by that regime and they wanted to get out of that form of government, but they did not know how, but with the impulse of one person, they were able to start a revolution against Diaz and his government. They were able to overthrow him and his government, but several people came to power, but nothing changed until after some people in command came one that did radically change the form of government and could change the country for the better. With a lot of effort and sacrifice of people to try to change the country, results can be seen in the end which will be beneficial for everyone.


Beginning of the 20th Century Bibliography BBC News Mundo. (2018, November 18). Revolución Mexicana: en qué consistió y quiénes fueron los principales líderes. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-americalatina-46245076 Cabia, D. L. (2020, May 3). Revolución mexicana. Economipedia. https://economipedia.com/historia/revolucion-mexicana.html Draw My Life en Español. [Draw My Life en Español]. La REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA 🇲🇽 | Draw My Life en Español. (2020, November 20). [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSP9gFHGFCI


Beginning of the 20th Century Separation of Panama from Colombia – Marialuna Torres Devia Have you ever wondered how and why Panama separated from Colombia? As you may or may not know, Panama became independent from Colombia in 1903, after the 1000 days war which concluded in the proclamation of the Republic of Panama. But, contrary to what many people think, it was not completely the product of a genuinely popular movement, nor of a liberating yearning of the Isthmus against the "forgotten" in which Bogotá supposedly had Panama. In fact, the documentary study of the epoch rather demonstrates a cultural and political integration of Panamanians through the Colombian nation. So, then what was the reason Panama separated from Colombia? It all starts with Simon Bolivar's death, in 1830, La Gran Colombia suffers a governmental and political imbalance, and the attention towards the isthmus is gone. Jose Domingo Espinar, a high-class Military in Panama, took advantage of this, he was not in agreement with the new ways of the government of the country. Therefore, he made a certificate that demanded the separation of Panama from Colombia, like this, 5 more certificates were made, these had the purpose to advise the way the power elitist of Panama considered political issues should be handled in the Gran Colombia. Due to the rejection of this demand, the isthmus declared itself as a rebellion region. Consequently, the USA localizes Panama as a vital point, so the Panamanians take advantage of the civil war to highlight that Panama was being forgotten and abandoned by Colombia. There were mainly two reasons why Panama separated from Gran Colombia. The aftermath of the 1000 days war, the political participation of the isthmus was essential, Panama was in favor of the Liberal regime, and their soldiers fought against the conservative system. Finally, the war ends with the treaty of Wisconsin. With more than 60 confrontations, the isthmus was devastated after the war. Moreover, it is important to know that by then, the


Beginning of the 20th Century railroad of Panama was the most important in the world because it connected the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Initially, the USA was planning to negotiate with Colombia the making of a canal for it to become the principal interoceanic navigation route of the continent. Considering these reasons, the separation of Panama from Colombia officially begins. As it was initially planned, the US negotiated with the Colombian Government for the making of the canal, moreover, the Colombian ambassador, the secretary of state, and the U.S. Senate signed the Hay-Herran treaty, “granting the United States use of the isthmus of Panama in exchange for financial compensation. The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty, but the Colombian Senate, fearing a loss of sovereignty, refused.” History, 2020. Regarding that, President Theodore Roosevelt gave approval to a rebellion by Panamanian nationalists, which began on November 3, 1903. Suddenly, the unexpected independence of Panama came. On November 6, the United States recognized the Republic of Panama. Later that month, the Hay-BunauVarilla Treaty was signed with Panama, granting the United States exclusive and permanent possession of the Panama Canal Zone. In exchange, Panama received $10 million and an annuity of $250,000 beginning nine years later. With this event, Panama officially separated from Colombia and became an independent Republic. In conclusion, between the ideological disputes between liberals and conservatives and the neglect that the central bases of the Colombian government had Panama, the separation of this territory and its establishment as an independent republic was almost inevitable. Event after event, like the 1000-day war and the Hay-Herran treaty led to the dissolution of the union of these two territories. Finally, this event can be seen not as a separation but as an independence that arose from a separatist movement that had as purpose proclaiming independence, once achieved this goal, Panama, went on to establish itself in the world geography as an Independent Republic and, not simply, separate.


Beginning of the 20th Century Bibliography Goldman, N. (1981, November 1). Dissolution of first unions in Colombia, Panama, and Peru. Demography. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.2307/2060954?error=cookies_not_supported&code=f 3aa0105-6df3-4424-984f-058a6bdb8068 Guerrero, M. (2020, July 15). Separación de Panamá de Colombia. ArcGIS StoryMaps. Retrieved from https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/b10ef1ad3ffd4138beb79ccee4a5ba47 History.com Editors. (2020, October 30). Panama declares independence from Colombia. HISTORY. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/panamadeclares-independence República, S. C. D. B. (n.d.). La Red Cultural del Banco de la República. Banrepcultural. Retrieved from https://www.banrepcultural.org/biblioteca-virtual/credencialhistoria/numero-165/separacion-de-panama-la-historia-desconocida Warner, N. (2017, July 8). Panama’s Separation from Colombia. Coronado Concierge. Retrieved from https://coronadoconciergepanama.com/panamas-separation-from-colombia/


Beginning of the 20th Century The Russian Breaking Dawn – Sara Campuzano Camacho Did you know there were actually two Russian revolutions in 1917? With millions of people killed, including the royal family, the end of the Romanov dynasty was one of the biggest events of the contemporary age. This brought the abolition of the absolutist and despotic system that until then prevailed. But what were the causes for the revolution and what happened after it? In 1905 there was another revolution, which was the foundation of the 1917 revolution. On January 22 of 1905, the working class marched to the winter palace to protest for better working conditions. At first, this was a peaceful protest, and the idea was that the czar would smile on them and help them. But, instead of staying to listen to the people's petition, he leaves St. Petersburg, and leaves his guards with orders to fire on protesters that got too close to the winter palace. When the masses started to get too close, the guards fired at the trees as a warning, but without knowing, killing the children that were hiding in the trees and a horrible carnage began. When it ended, at least a 1,000 people died and 2,000 more were wounded. This day is known as the Bloody Sunday. This event was one of the big reasons the people in Russia felt like they needed a change in the government. Besides the Bloody Sunday, in 1905 the Russian lost the Russo - Japanese war. It was the first true conventional war of the 20th century. It showed the world how the “modern” war works, though, the only thing the world really learned was that Russia was not the brightest when it came to strategy. Russia was assured to win, since it is empire, connected by railroads, was one of the biggest empires in history; And Japan, only had Korea under their control. Russia had three times the population, 5 times the military and practically unlimited resources. After Japan declared war and Russia was surrounded, the Czar decided to send his European fleet and men by land, using the railroads. Before the fleet had left the Baltic sea, they attacked the British thinking they were Japanese. The British did not like that, so they closed the canal, forcing the Russian


Beginning of the 20th Century fleet to take one of the longest sea routes in the world. Beside this, during the battle of Mukden, the Japanese, thanks to their sacrifice, won. Finally, the Baltic fleet arrived, though with less men, since they bought exotic animals in Africa, who killed half of the crew. The fleet was easily defeated by the Japanese fleet. Back in St. Petersburg, the people were tired of the war and revolted. This caused unhappiness because a Czar’s main responsibilities were to fight war correctly, which was shown that he could not with the Russo-Japanese war, and to produce an heir to the throne of the empire. Like said before, one of the Czar’s main responsibilities was to produce an heir to the throne. After having his first three daughters, Tatiana, Olga and Maria, The Czarina was pregnant again. Sadly, for them, it was a girl again. They called her Anastasia. A few years later, Alix was pregnant again and it turned out to be a boy. They named him Alexei. Soon after he was born, they found out he suffered from hemophilia, which his parents tried to cure with Rasputin’s methods. Alix was so convinced that Rasputin was sent by god, that she believed in him blindly, and took his advice even on political issues when Alix had to take the reins of the country, while Nicholas was at the front due to World war I. Overall, Alix cared more about her son than she cared for the people of the empire. This led to the making of very bad decisions that were dooming for the Romanov dynasty. In 1917, due to the war and the Czar and Czarina’s inefficiency along with the minorities eager to escape Russian domination, two revolutions took place. This resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy and the placing of the Bolsheviks in power. In the February revolution (March in the Gregorian calendar), the imperial government was overthrown. Because of the revolts in St. Petersburg due to food scarce and due to the dissolution of the Duma but mainly because of the poor performance of the country in world war I. On March 2, Nicholas II abdicated; and when his brother Grand Duke Michael refused to take the throne, 300 years of Romanov dynasty ended.


Beginning of the 20th Century The Duma appointed a provisional government, but the Soviet of Workers’ and soldiers’ Deputies challenged them. Gradually, the Soviet had way more power than the provisional government and slowly took over the country. At the end, the provisional government was rearranged about four times and all this ended with the placing of the Bolsheviks in power and the creation of the Soviet Union. Overall, it is clear that people were unhappy with the situation of the Country. From starvation to the defeat in the Russo-Japanese war and World war I, the Russian people had many reasons to revolt. This revolution shook not only Russia but the whole world. The hunger for new systems led to the end of a 300-year dynasty. But what is left to think is, was it worth it?

Bibliography Academia Play. (2017, February 21). La Revolución Rusa en 7 minutos [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnRwShLmXc&list=PLfQQjPp5bRM9aX_MowN7nQA2ZgVtBFzdD&index=1 Hughes, T. (2018, November 6). 17 Facts about the Russian Revolution. History Hit. https://www.historyhit.com/facts-about-the-russian-revolution/ McDowall, A. Tunley, G. (2019) The Last Czars [Documentary]. Netflix. https://www.netflix.com/title/80211648?s=i&trkid=13747225 Feature History. (2017, May 28). Feature History - La Guerra Ruso-Japonesa [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS-N_IPCRSc


Beginning of the 20th Century Ray, M. (n.d.). Russian Revolution. Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/RussianRevolution


Beginning of the 20th Century The Day Bogotá Changed Forever – Silvana Amaya Bocanegra The Bogotazo was caused by the assassination of the Colombian presidential candidate, leader of the liberal party, Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, a day in which a crime would divide the history of Colombia. This not only happened in Bogota but also happened in different cities of the country that were involved in a wave of protests the government of Mariano Ospina Perez. All this caused the people to be hurt, looting, fires, and destruction. Insanity and despair took over the entire country. The question that the country has been asking was: How many deaths occurred in Bogotazo? And why did just a death would cause all these troubles and wars? The day known as the Bogotazo changed Bogotá forever. This event was produced by the murder of the leader of the Liberal Party, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, who was murdered by Juan Roa Sierra; this happened on April 9 in Colombia’s capital city. All of that unleashed popular uprisings throughout the country. In Bogotá, massive looting occurred and several buildings in the center of the city were reduced to rubble. These riots are popularly established as the Bogotazo and are considered to represent one of the most violent moments in the history of Colombia. The day Gaitán's life ended, riots occurred in Bogotá and in the rest of the country. Gaitán had a commitment with a Cuban student named Fidel Castro, he summoned. That day at the Latin American congress of students in Bogotá, Fidel and Gaitán would meet at 2:00 pm, however, he could never arrive. At 1:00 PM Gaitán along with other diligent liberals left his office and went to lunch, leaving the office, Roa shot, and 3 bullets killed Gaitán, then the people who were angry chased Roa and then of many blows, they succeeded. to annihilate him, after all the effects that this had that day between 500 and 3000 people died alone in Bogotá, however, it was never known who the intellectual actor of this murder was.


Beginning of the 20th Century The cause of the Bogotazo was mainly the murder of Gaitan on April 9, 1946, by Juan Roa Sierra. Nevertheless, the 1946 elections carried the conservatives back to power, in the side of the Liberal there were two different currents one led by Alberto Lleras Camargo and the other by Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, his supporters in Bogotá proceeded to the streets violently that day. The Bogotazo became the beginning of the period known as La Violencia. It was an outbreak led by the working class and aimed at the oligarchy. This event brought many consequences, one of the most significant effects that the country had were the days of revolt, which lasted for three days, some groups of people were in charge of demonstrating why Ospina should resign from the presidency, while another group of people focused on burning everything that will be found and, in the end, the whole city was destroyed, likewise, in other parts of the country similar days of revolt were seen. In the same way, government repression was presented. Nevertheless, some of the citizens and inhabitants of the country felt satisfied with their actions and they did not leave Gaitan's death in vain. Gaitan's death was what caused the Bogotazo, if he had not been killed, many current things could not have existed, and the country would have been transformed into something better in all aspects. The protests and riots caused Bogotá and many cities to be in ruins after this, also since that event, the violence in Colombia got worse. That night in Bogotá approximately 30,000 people died. Those lives were collapsed along with their dreams, and expectations, that is how one death was multiplied by 30,000.

Bibliography EL TIEMPO. (2018, 9 April). 70 años del bogotazo [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYrm2P6RTRs


Beginning of the 20th Century Estupiñán, K. E. (2020, 9 April). El día que Bogotá cambió para siempre. Bogotá. https://bogota.gov.co/mi-ciudad/gestion-publica/que-es-el-bogotazo-esto-ocurrio-el-9-de-abrilde-1948 Forero, J. F. (2020, 9 April). 9 de abril: del terror a la desesperanza. El Tiempo. https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/partidos-politicos/que-paso-el-9-de-abril-de-1948-dia-delbogotazo-482798 Fowler, P. F. (2012, 9 abril). 09/04/1948: Remembering El Bogotazo. Colombia Travel. https://seecolombia.travel/blog/2012/04/09041948-remembering-el-bogotazo/ Minster, C. M. (2019, 24 July). The Bogotazo: Colombia’s Legendary Riot of 1948. Thought Co. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-bogotazo-april-9-1948-2136619 Miranda, B. M. (2018, 9 April). Qué fue el «Bogotazo» que estremeció Colombia hace 70 años y por qué cambió la historia de ese país. BBC. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticiasamerica-latina-43638554 Polanco, L. P. (2020, 9 April). El 9 de abril en contexto: ¿Por qué ocurrió el Bogotazo? Conexion Capital. https://conexioncapital.co/el-9-de-abril-en-contexto-por-que-ocurrio-elbogotazo/ Ruiz, J. R. (2018, 9 September). El Bogotazo: roles on this dark episode in Colombian history. COLTURE. https://www.colture.co/bogota/culture-bogota/history-literature-art/elbogotazo/


Beginning of the 20th Century Santos, E. S. (n. d.). El día en que mataron a Gaitán. Banrepcultural. Retrieved February 25, 2021, from https://www.banrepcultural.org/biblioteca-virtual/credencial-historia/numero195/el-dia-en-que-mataron-gaitan


Beginning of the 20th Century An Economic Turndown – Sofía Rodríguez Godoy Do you know what the great depression is? Do you know why it was caused? Do you know what countries were involved in it? Some people have curiosity knowing the history of the economy in most of the countries and most of those people would be interested in knowing how the economy in most countries fell. The Great depression was a turndown in the economic industrial world which happened in 12 years when World War I ended more specifically in 1929 and ended in 1939. It is important to understand the origin and the countries involved to comprehend the consequences and importance of this event. The background before the economic turndown was not promising and led to what we know as the Great Depression. First, World War I ended on November 11, 1918, this war contributed to the debt which the US was going through and then 12 years later an economic chaos started. On October 19th of 1929, the stock market crashed as well as the banks, some companies and banks started buying some more blocks trying to stabilize the market but on Monday the market started going into a free fall. This day was followed by The Black Tuesday where all the prices of the stock market collapsed. Consequently, there was a trade with the New York stock, and it led to the Great Depression. Eventually, this affected the global economy as well. Moreover, The Great Depression triggered several problems around the world. According to Gene Smiley (n.d.) “By 1928, Germany, Brazil, and the economies of Southeast Asia were depressed. By early 1929, the economies of Poland, Argentina, and Canada were contracting, and the U.S. economy followed in the middle of 1929.” Germany was the country which suffered more as the result of the recall of the US loans which used its economy to collapse and that ended in the destruction of the Germany Democracy, Brazilians experience with this contrasts is that the GDP fell, South Asia farming prices began to fell down, all prices stagnated at a low level until


Beginning of the 20th Century they rise again during the World War II, the wheat and the cotton which was the principal material sold in the world market let the downward Poland was affected heavily the industrial production fell to 40%, the unemployment and farming was at 44%,, Argentina economy was damage reducing the foreign trade. And lastly, Canada the changes were dramatic public and private spending fell by 42%, 30% of the labor force was out of work. A small percentage of Canadians became dependent on the government for the survival, the Unemployment was above 12% until the start of the Second World War which happened in 1939. However, there were some benefits from this chaos. For instance, the social Security Act which provided to elderly and children. Moreover, The Glass Steagall act which took place in 1933 established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured the savings of the Americans. The modern labor movement and the Works Progress Administration employed more than 8 million Americans in the building projects like bridges, airports, parks, and schools. Despite these few benefits the economy went down to 50%, half of the banks of the nation failed, and the stock market lost almost 90% of value. The Great Depression of 1929 marked the world with a huge economic failure, it affected some countries with a bigger impact and other knew how to get through with. However, when this event ended it led to the World War II, since this allowed Hitler rise the power on the promise of revitalization. This economic crisis marked the history and therefore were a lot of consequences that you can see in the economy of some countries. Bibliography Agboola, J. (2020). What positive and negative effects happened during the Great Depression? Quora. Quora. https://www.quora.com/What-positive-and-negative-effects-happenedduring-the-Great-Depression


Beginning of the 20th Century BBC (n.d) Germany and the Depression, 1929–1933 - Weimar Germany overview - AQA - GCSE History Revision - AQA. (n.d.). BBC Bitesize. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcwxrdm/revision/3 Eidt, R. C., Calvert,. Peter A.R. and Donghi,. (2021). Argentina. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/place/Argentina

History Editors. (2020, February 28). Great Depression History. History. https://history.com/topics/great-depression/great-depressionhistory#:%7E:text=It%20began%20after%20the%20stock,failing%20companies%20laid %20off%20workers

Johnston, M. (2020, April 1). Economic Conditions That Helped Cause World War II. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/022516/economicconditions-helped-cause-world-war-ii.asp#:%7E:text= Romer, C. D. & Pells-Richard H. (2020, September 10). Great Depression. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/Great-Depression Smiley, G. (2008). Great Depression. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Miranda, G. J., Leitão Azevedo, R. F., & Martins, G. D. A. (2011). Teses das Teses em Contabilidade na USP. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa Em Contabilidade (REPeC), 5(2), 22. https://doi.org/10.17524/repec.v5i2.342 Stefaniak, B. (2018, November 19). Poland Today. Poland Today. https://poland-today.pl/19291938/


Beginning of the 20th Century Struthers, J., & Foot, R. (2013, July 11). The Great Depression in Canada. The Canadian Encyclopedia. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/greatdepression#:%7E:text=Few%20countries%20were%20affected%20as,unemployed%2C% 20hungry%20and%20often%20homeless.&text=Widespread%20losses%20of%20jobs%2 0and,rise%20of%20populist%20political%20movements


Beginning of the 20th Century Mexican Revolution - María José Álvarez Suarez The Mexican revolution was an event that arose as its name says in Mexico in 1910. It began due to the disagreements of the citizens towards the president who at that time was Porfilio Diaz. After a while recognized and important politicians got involved. After a long struggle, the initial purpose was fulfilled but it left many deaths, about one million four hundred thousand casualties although it was never known exactly how many they were. The Porfirio Díaz regime (1876-1911) provided relative stability in difficult times for the country. All this development in three periods that are called early, middle and late. They were of establishment, consolidation, and crisis. It began with the triumph of the insurrection of the Tuxtepec plan in 1876 and culminated with the overthrow of Díaz in May 1911, initiating the Mexican revolution that lasted until 1920. During this period or economy, it was treated in a special way by the regime, through public policies that consisted of reforming the institutions and methods of public finances with the intention of promoting the construction of a basic infrastructure. The result of this was that the market was unified and foreign investment expanded, which improved the country's supply and increased exports. This generated a great social conflict, which manifested itself in workers' strikes and in the resistance of different indigenous groups, some examples are the Yaquis, Mayos, and Mayas, who defended their territories against government forces. Around 1900, the regime entered crisis as it was affected by the recurring international crises of that period and the ambitions of various groups to succeed the president, who was already an old man, who managed to be reelected in 1904 and 1910. And in that year, he generated a rebellion. massive directed by Francisco I. Madero. Not having the support of his own clique and in the face of the failure of the army, Porfilio submitted his resignation.


Beginning of the 20th Century During the last years of the Porfirio Díaz government, many violent scenes were carried out, most of all towards opposition journalists, the persecutions and murders stained the history of the press in Mexico in black. Journalists were killed, stabbed, or left in ugly dungeons. After the passage of time, changes were made in the way of government. It went from being a system based on obedience to a system based on loyalty to an institution (the prepresidency) politically supported by a political party, the PRI. The ruler after the Mexican revolution was Adolfo de la Huerta. After this revolution many of the workers were suspended from the factories and the discontent of the working class continued and large concentrations of troops were necessary to maintain control. Thanks to the Mexican revolution, some changes were generated in the constitution of 1917. After the assassination of Carranza, Obregon was elected as president in 1920, who carried out an agrarian reform in some cities of Mexico to try to improve the financial situation of this country. This was re-elected in 1928 and assassinated by a supporter of an association shortly before taking office. In conclusion, the Mexican revolution was a very important event for this country, because it generated important and unfortunately necessary changes to achieve changes, there was a lot of corruption, violence, deaths, and injuries, most of the workers who only sought equality and benefits. Many journalists died and were tortured which made the newspapers black. The positive side is that laws were created in which it was said that children could not work in factories and women could not be exploited as they were until that moment.

Bibliography Aula365 - Los Creadores. (2017, November 22). ¿Qué pasó en la Revolución Mexicana de 1910? | Videos Educativos Aula365 [Video]. YouTube.


Beginning of the 20th Century https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehCwSNgSxgc&ab_channel=Aula365%E2%80%93 LosCreadores Britannica, (2020, May 13). Mexican Revolution. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/Mexican-Revolution

History Editors. (2019, June 10). Mexican Revolution. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/mexico/mexicanrevolution#:%7E:text=The%20Mexican%20Revolution%2C%20which%20began,the%20 long%20and%20costly%20conflict

Quintana A., Benneth, S. (n.d.) The Mexican Revolution. World History Project. Retrieved from https://www.oerproject.com/-/media/WHP/PDF/Era7/WHP_7-1-9-WHP-1750_6-26_Read-Mexican_Revolution-840L.ashx


Beginning of the 20th Century Banana Massacre – Manuel José Tovar Callejas What would happen if the Colombian army killed many people in one night? That was true. The night between December 5 and 6, 1928 an American company named United Fruit Company exploited their workers and they were butchered by the hands of the Colombian army. It receives the name Massacre of The Banana Plantations because The United Fruit Company workers were banana pickers. That was a sad night for Colombia; about 25000 people died that night. A group of banana pickers were labor exploited, In Colombia, in 1928, in the municipality of Cienaga Magdalena, a group of the banana pickers worked like a normal day until a US company decided to "stabilize" them since the working conditions were not even halfdecent since the Colombian workers worked a lot. time and with a very heavy work for the little salary they receive. But this is not a problem nowadays. Due to the terrible working conditions, the banana pickers decided to use their right to protest the united fruit company and this being very intelligent, which was not a good idea for the pickers, the company decided to make a very drastic decision which was to speak with the conservative Miguel Abandía Méndes. The largest protest in history had been on November 18, 1928, more than 20,000 people between banana pickers and workers of the United Fruit Company; When they were unable to reach an agreement, the conservative Miguel Abadía Mendes decided to end the protest. Between December 5 and 6 in the municipality of Cienaga Magdalena, there was a great massacre since the Colombian army led by Carlos Cortes Vargas began to massacre the Protestants.


Beginning of the 20th Century Bibliography Editora Redes (2018) Colombia Informa/La masacre de las bananeras: «no ha pasado nada, ni está pasando ni pasará nunca». Colombia Informa. Retrieved from /https://www.colombiainforma.info/5-y-6-de-diciembre-la-masacre-de-las-bananeras-lamatanza-que-si-ocurrio/ González, A. (2018) La noche de la vergüenza nacional: así fue la masacre de las bananeras. El Tiempo. Retrieved from https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/asi-fuela-masacre-de-las-bananeras-la-noche-de-la-verguenza-nacional-302386


20th Century

World War I - Samuel Guerra Zambrano We have all heard about the First World War as one of the biggest international conflicts to ever happen in our history, but do you know why it started? Because of the murder of only two people, this originated the great war, how it was originally called, and many people was affected by this war. The countries of Britain, France, Serbia, Russia, Italy, Greece, Japan, Portugal, Romania, and the United States, fought against Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria, but why did they join their team and not the other one? Well, there are a lot of reasons as to why. This huge event, that would be remembered until these days because of the huge impact that had in our society, started because of the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie, in Sarajevo the 28th of June, 1914, the people was surprised about this but more than surprised they were offended, because the Austria-Hungary killed their leaders in their own country, this could not stay like this so Serbian government then prepared and attack and the conflicts among themselves started time after, in August of the same year. This was because at the time the people were not ready for a tragedy like this to occur, so they took some time preparing their soldiers, and organizing the attacks, which were very harmful for every country. It is estimated that 8 million soldiers died during this war and another 21 million men were wounded during these conflicts, by the other hand it is calculated that 13 million civilians died because of the consequences of this war, things like: starvation, diseases, military action, and massacres were the mainly reasons why these people died. Also, a lot of money was invested in the creation of the weapons such as long-range artillery, tanks, poison gas, and aerial warfare, also the transport of huge groups of soldiers and machines affected the economy of the country.


20th Century We could say this war really affected all the countries in a negative way, in the economic, political, social, and the international relationships aspects. The war took part in all Europe from West to East and some parts of Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands in the sea and for the first time ever, the air. Both teams at the start were confident that the victory would be fast and would not need the interventions of other countries. But later when the United States joined declaring the war to Germany, a lot of other countries decided to help the band they thought was right and that was going to win. When all these countries joined the Allied force, Russia had two revolutions which did not let them have the power they initially wanted, but when all the civil wars that were happening in Russia stopped, they started to win, and a lot of countries in the central power started to surrender, leaving Germany the last one in the war. Germany did not really want to surrender but when they saw that the loss was definitive, they sent a request to negotiate the peace, which was accepting the Allies terms to end the war. The German people were disgusted about this and did not want the government to accept this, but when the decision was made, the German people made a revolt in a lot of places in Germany, this did not affect the decision and Germany proclaimed as a republic accepted all the terms of the Allies, the fighting end on November 11, 1918. This chapter in the history was important for the development of the society nowadays, not only because of the cultural impact, that made the relations between countries harsher, and teach some leaders how to manage their country properly. But also, by inventing new things while they were in conflicts, like more efficient ways of carrying heavy things, or new inventions that were originated to be weapons or implements to them, but later with some changes they give this a whole new use. That is the reason why this war was so important because thanks to it, we now know some more things that we would not know if that war did not occur, and the society would be different today.


20th Century Bibliography United States holocaust memorial museum. (2019, July 25) World War I. Retrieved from https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/world-war-i Fernandez, A. (2019, November 7). Las consecuencias de la guerra. Retrieved from https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/junior-report/20181106/452685872563/primeraguerra-mundial-consecuencias-muertos-destruccion-nazismo.html Royde-Smith, J. G. (2021, March 17). World War I. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/World-War-I BBC (n.d.). What were the causes of World War One? BBC. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqhyb9q/articles/znhhrj6


20th Century World War II – Maria Juliana Salazar Villegas World war II was an event in which many countries were involved consequently finished with the lives of millions, also generated a lot of destruction around the world and it was the cause of many other wars for example the Cold War, letting mark in human history. This war rose from the consequences that World war I left in despite that anyone wanted to return to war, so it is important to know what happened in World war I to understand World war II; strategies, battles, and decisive moments that ended this devastating war. It all started when Germany felt too humiliated after their defeat in World War I and the punishing terms of the treaty of Versailles, but Adolf Hitler showed them a ray of hope. Hitler violates the treaty of Versailles and he starts to “recover” their lost territory, the Allies did nothing by fear to start another war, but the last straw was the Germans invading Poland, the Soviets thanks to the non-aggression pact invaded the other middle of Poland. On the third of September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Germans get surprised about this declaration and most of the general succumb in fear, so they try to persuade Hitler to defeat. The Phoney war was an uncertain phase for all, but Erich Von Manstein (German general) had a plan for Germany called Blitzkrieg. During the Phoney War, the Allies prepared their troops, but they did not attack Germans, and Hitler made use of this period to occupy Denmark and Southern Norway. Mainstein’s master plan unfolds, this plan was characterized by winning without fighting because it uses speed to camouflage the inferiority of the German military, turning into an effective plan that gave them victory in Holland, Belgium, and France. Britain took the French and prepared for an invasion by the Germans. Luftwaffe underestimates RAF so Germany takes for granted the victory in Britain, but Churchill did not relinquish and with his perseverance frustrated the Nazi objective, given the victory to Britain.


20th Century In 1941, an unnoticed attack occurred in a naval base of the U.S which brought a new ally to Britain. Pearl Harbor was a perfect planned attack by Japan that is characterized by the element of surprise, this consists of attacking in complete discretion to a naval base of the U.S, the plan carries out perfection leaving the result that the U.S join the Allies. This attack triggered a naval battle between Japan and the U.S in Midway. In the Battle of Midway, time and cleverness played an important role, and the U.S made use of these characteristics that gave them victory and revenge, but the cost of this victory was many soldiers died and lots of destruction. The battle of Stalingrad was a watershed moment that defined the future of the war. Hitler ignored the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union therefore Operation Barbarossa started. Obtaining Stalingrad would be beneficial for Germans but the main reason that Hitler wants Stalingrad is that this is an act of humiliation for Stalin. Stalin issued order 227 because for the Soviets to go backward it was not an option. It was a hard and bloody fight, so if it were not for the weather, the Soviet Union would probably have fallen into German hands. The Allies took advantage of German susceptibility to release Operation Overlord, it was the initiative to recover the lost territory by audacity and cleverness, and those things burden Germans. D-Day was a bittersweet victory for the Allies because there were lots of deaths and destruction, but they also weakened the Germans. The Allies considered the victory of the war, but Hitler does not intend to surrender so easily because both could win. The first impact that Germans gave to the Allies was that some German Americans soldiers infiltrated in the enemies’ lines to generate chaos, so this recovered some territory, but the Allies did not give up. When Germans were discussing the Ardennes plan Commanders realized that Hitler was not fit physically or mentally state to make any decisions whatsoever, so when they confronted the Allies, they made some devastating mistakes that produced a retreat.


20th Century In summary, World War II was a devastating war that left a mark on human history. It was the cause of millions of deaths around the world, lots of destruction by bombings and other weapons, and many problems in the future. This is a clear demonstration of humanity's ambition and pride.

Bibliography Academia Play. (2019, June 6). El Desembarco de Normandía. Día D. [Video] You Tube. https://youtu.be/3TT_ZVxxiQk Academia Play. (2019, October 30). Batalla de Midway [Video] YouTube. https://youtu.be/hbkLDyenyb4 Campbell, V, Griffiths, A, & Mcnab, D. (Producers), & Bolster, N. (Director). (2019) Greatest Events of WWII in Colour [Video file]. Netflix. https://www.netflix.com/co/title/80989924 Dw Documental. (2020, March 21). La Segunda Guerra Mundial [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp7Ursc51Ls Gavaldà, J. (2020). La batalla de Midway, japoneses contra norteamericanos en la segunda guerra mundial. Historia National Geographic. Retrieved from https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/batalla-midway-japoneses-contranorteamericanos-segunda-guerra-mundial_15370 History.com Editors. (2019, 28 August). Battle of Stalingrad. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-stalingrad Imperial War Museum] (2020, May 29). Blitzkrieg tactics explained | How Hitler invaded France WW2 [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yOPih9zRNs&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Impe


20th Century rialWarMuseums Imperial War Museums (n.d). The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day. Retrieved from https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/the-10-things-you-need-to-know-about-d-day The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (n.d). Blitzkrieg (Lightning War). The Holocaust Encyclopedia. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blitzkrieglightning-war U.S Army Center of Military History. (n.d). Battle of the Bulge. The U.S. Army. https://www.army.mil/botb/ Vergun, D. (2020, 14 August). Significant Events of World War II. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Features/story/Article/2293108/significantevents-of-world-war-ii/ Wohlstetter, R. (1962). Pearl Harbor: warning and decision. Stanford University Press. Retrieved from https://books.google.com.co/books?hl=es&lr=&id=pO4JxYdXP04C&oi=fnd&pg=PR7& dq=pearl+harbor&ots=H7hbzp5CfJ&sig=hG8zlv61HV2QMKkCHrkoLpjBH9c&redir_es c=y#v=onepage&q=pearl%20harbor&f=true


20th Century A Walk-through Vietnam – Carlos Jose Homez Ramírez After the end of World War II people rejoiced around the comeback of their beloved ones that participated in the biggest war that had around 75 million casualties and affected the history of mankind, but what if a new war, which exposed to the public the great horrors WWII had faced only to be known years later?

UNITED STATES AND NORTH VIETNAM With the start of the Cold war just years after the end of WWII, the United States developed a fear of the “domino theory” that explained if a non-communist state fell to communism, neighborhood states would follow, which taking effect in the Southeast Asia just as the Cold war was starting to develop, and a given the partition with the North and democratic South in 1954 the United States decided to take action and step into the deep jungles of Vietnam. All these fears triggered the years of bloodshed by both parties. Lottery and obligatory draft, what could go wrong? After having looked through the situation, the government took action of changing the military draft to a lottery system, this way to address draft dodging by the use of influence and connections inside the military, and also gain more soldiers to send to Vietnam (one of the consequences of the domino theory and cold war start fear). For this, the lottery drawings were broadcasted live to all American homes through radio, or the Columbia Broadcasting System, which was listed


20th Century in a board behind the congress men. Of course, people's opinion about it differed, as most found it to be unfair given that people from the date picked were taken, no matter their medical history or disabilities they had, thought at universities such as Such as the University of Chicago, where both students and staff participated in a sit-in for 3 days on the administrative offices to which at the end, would make the administration disclose information about grades/class ranks to the Selective service didn't apply violence, it wasn't until the first violent protest that American Experience states could be dated to the anti-dow movement (Dow Chemicals, producer of napalm, a weaponized mixture of chemicals that creates flammable liquid)October of 1967 where after the return of Dow, where police officers and protestors clashed during the return of Dow, followed by the Cambodia bombings which led around 1,300 students to strike against ROTC facilities, draft cards were burned in public and brawls against police units dispatched to control the situation turning red.

First televised war and crimes of war Vietnam is not only known for what went down and the many horrors one could have faced there from all sides of the battle, but also for how it was the first televised war to be covered by over 6.000 accredited journalists. These journalists took pictures and photos or wrote articles which went into extensive description of events. Even though reporting was uncensored or had limitations from the government, until 1968 the news report president Lyndon Baines Johnson received caused personal backlash between him and the news chain. This caused journalists to censor blood and gore for military operations to avoid criticism. It was not until the Tet offensive, an event where the Vietcong took a surprise attack with over 80.000 soldiers on South Vietnam's metropolitan centers, journalism and public opinion took a deep turn.


20th Century Returning to American soil While WWII came to a society embracing them with open arms, Vietnam veterans were welcomed home with varied responses( either by being spat on, verbally abused or other means of aggression), hostility towards them was one of the traits most veterans shared to have received during their return veterans faced a society starting to take in inequality at the mist of the '70s, for nearly 7 years of a misled portrayal of the Vietnam war through public opinion and cultural media(e.g movies), the Vietnam War Memorial fund decided to hold a competition for the architectural design of the memorial, out of 1.500 submissions Maya Lin won with a simple B shaped design that went a level under in form of a V-shape, which receives backlash from veterans as compared to the WW2, lacked "patriotic or heroic symbolism" (Morey, 2018, p. 6), the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was held with over 50.000 veterans present to embrace history misled by a nation, thanks to it, people’s opinion took pride over what they had to go through, as they were fighting for their nation, or how some might say, “just following orders”.

Final thoughts After everything we could know about the Vietnam war, the horrors and events people faced during this time(the public mostly saw the civilians perspective without looking at the soldiers view), It can be safely said that the Vietnam war was an intervention by the U.S which in though they won, backlash from all parties that suffered equal loss either from close ones, sanity, pride or respect at the end of the war distrusted the government after everything that happened. If public view and the usage of weapons were controlled with more focus on mind, a popular view and treatment of the event would have gone different places, such as the relations the US had that needed help, but how can we expect something so high from a government, with low moral control over itself and its actions?


20th Century Bibliography Abney, W. (2020, November 29). Live from Washington, it's Lottery night 1969! from https://www.historynet.com/live-from-dc-its-lottery-night-1969.htm American Experience. Protests and backlash. (n.d.). from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/two-days-in-october-studentantiwar-protests-and-backlash/ Moffett, K. (2018, March 14). Coming home: A study in contrast. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from https://www.deltacollege.edu/student-life/student-media/delta-winds/2001-tablecontents/coming-home-studycontrast#:~:text=Perhaps%20the%20cruelest%20aspect%20of,drug%20addicts%20and% 20war%20mongers. Morey, A. G. (2018, August 31). From a B at Yale to a BUILT memorial: Maya LIN'S VIETNAM MEMORIAL. Retrieved from https://archinect.com/features/article/150080221/from-a-b-at-yale-to-a-built-memorialmaya-lin-s-vietnam-memorial Spector, R. H. (2016, April 27). The Vietnam War and the media. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Vietnam-War-and-the-media-2051426 Spector, R. H. (2020, September 10). Vietnam War. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/Vietnam-War Varano, M. (January 01). USA today. Retrieved March 13, 2021, from https://www.usatoday.com/vietnam-war/draft-picker/


20th Century Nuclear War – Mariana Gómez Vivas Do you know about the atomic bombing that generated the cold war and almost unleashed an atomic war? It is the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9, 1945. This was a tragic event that took the lives of more than 200,000 people and started a lot of tension between the countries of the world. This tension caused a nuclear race that took place during the Cold War and caused many countries to develop their nuclear weapons. But there is much more behind all this since each government has a different story and position.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki To begin, we must talk about the event that started everything. I am talking about the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings were the first nuclear attack in history and, so far, the only one. It all started in 1945 when the United States and Japan had fought for four years in the War of the Pacific, one of the biggest scenarios of World War II. Due to that war, on July 26 of that year the US president, Harry Truman, issued an ultimatum against the Japanese in which he demanded an "unconditional surrender", otherwise, "destruction awaited them. fast and absolute ". The days passed and due to Truman's impatience to end the war, the bomb was released on the first target, which was Hiroshima since the city had not been bombed before, so the effects of the bomb could be felt and seen. But despite this, Japan did not surrender and three days later the US launched a second nuclear bomb that caused a stronger explosion than the one in Hiroshima. These two bombs caused the end of the Second World War and the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945. But they left a series of consequences and events that generated


20th Century problems between the countries because the destructive capacity of the atomic bomb, widely proven in the cases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, scared the world and caused its leaders to rethink the use of these types of weapons.

Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a big question arises, what happened next? The Cold War? There are many answers to these questions but first, let us look at the beginning of it. US President Truman did not inform Stalin (Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union) about the deployment of nuclear weapons. This offends Stalin and his suspicion and distrust of the West intensified because when in pacific America won without Soviet help, it meant the USSR was denied any share of the occupation in that area. All of this was the cause of a nuclear race and the beginning of the famous Cold War.

Cold War The nuclear race took place in the Cold war, the reasons for this were not only due to nuclear tension but also due to political differences among other major causes. The beginning of weapons development began in 1949 when the USSR tested its first atomic bomb. This was the event that led the race between these two superpowers and made them amass the most powerful nuclear weapons with the most effective delivery systems. Then in 1953, they were starting the testing of hydrogen bombs and it appeared to the Americans that the Soviets had caught up


20th Century technologically. Both sides feared falling behind in research and production. This race lasted until the signing of the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty of November 1990, however, in 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union had signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) to limit the scope and reach of all types of missiles.

Conclusion The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki represent the point of no return in the history of world politics, it marks the dramatic culmination and end of the war, while symbolizing the beginning of an era of nuclear fear and the Cold war. The message that the bombings sent to the world was that whoever possessed those special weapons would prove to be politically superior. These events marked history and left in their wake a series of consequences and rivalries that continue to be seen today.

Bibliography BBC. (n. d.). Wartime alliance tensions - Reasons for the Cold War - Higher History Revision. Recuperado 8 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z8qnsbk/revision/2 BBC News. (2020). Hiroshima y Nagasaki: cómo fue el “infierno” en el que murieron decenas de miles por las bombas atómicas - BBC. Recuperado 8 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.bbc.com/mundo/resources/idt-67d6f259-8dcb-480e-94c3b208e8f279a2#:%7E:text=2%20de%20septiembre%20de%201945,Nagasaki%2C%20Jap %C3%B3n%20present%C3%B3%20su%20rendici%C3%B3n.&text=La%20rendici%C3 %B3n%20oficial%20se%20firm%C3%B3,a%20la%20Segunda%20Guerra%20Mundial


20th Century Carmona, B. G. (2020). ¿Qué pasó en Hiroshima y Nagasaki? Recuperado 8 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/junior-report/20200806/482576595687/que-pasoen-hiroshima-y-nagasaki.html Pruitt, S. (2020). The Hiroshima Bombing Didn’t Just End WWII—It Kick-Started the Cold War. Recuperado 8 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.history.com/news/hiroshima-nagasakibombing-wwii-cold-war Romei, S. (2020). The Soviet Union and the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Recuperado 8 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/soviet-unionand-atomic-bombings-hiroshima-and-nagasaki


20th Century Korean War – Anna Gabriela Mosquera Gómez Do you know that the division of Korea caused a war that lasted 3 years? This was by the effort to unify the North and South, taking more than 3.5 million lives in the process. Because the two different sides were ruled by the communists or capitalists that wanted to have absolute control of the whole of Korea. But this war has not come to an end for what is known as "The Forgotten War." So, this text will explain the war and how Korea is nowadays due to the war. There are many reasons why Korea was divided but the main reason was that Japan lost the second world war, So Korea was divided between the two powers that won. The Soviets accepted the north of the parallel 38 and the Americans took the south. This made a confrontation and a desire to reunify the whole of Korea but, there was a problem the north and south have different ideologies and politics that cause a conflict. The north was called the democratic people’s republic of Korea in the north, and the south was called the free democratic republic of Korea in the south. But Kim II Sung of the regimen of North Korea wants to unify the south using force with an invasion of the army, with the support of the Soviet Union so, they start to plan the infringement. On the 25 of June of 1950, the army of Kim II Sung crossed the 38 parallel and advanced in triumph south. So, the Americans immediately summoned the security council of the ONU and got a mandate to lead the army to confront North Korea. The movement of North Korea was a clear sign to go to war. The war started on the 25 of June of 1950 while the North Korea troops were supported by China and the U.R.S.S, while the South were supported by the United States and the ONU. The multinationals troops of the ONU and the EEUU army conquered Pyongyang the capital of North Korea in October of 1950. A few months later North Korea with the help of China took Seoul the capital of South Korea on the 4 of January of 1951. After that the general MacArthur


20th Century recovered the capital of South Korea and stopped the offensive of North Korea. Since March of 1951, the situation was similar for the two sides where they did not have great advances, only the taking of small territories without great importance “The armies were in a dangerous impasse around the 38th parallel. The number of victims was increasing.” (Blakemore, 2021). So, the war was in the final stretch to end because there were no advances. After the situation did not change despite the persistence of the two sides to continue, the U.R.S.S expressed the desire to not become more involved in the conflict and started that it wishes that the two parts coexist in peace so on July 10 of 1951. Negotiations began and continued for about two years. “On July 27, 1953, North Korea, China, and the United States signed an armistice agreement. South Korea, however, objected to the continued division of Korea and did not agree to the armistice or sign a formal peace treaty. So, while the fighting ended, technically the war never did.” (Blakemore, 2021). This makes the relationship between the two countries very unstable to the point of being alarming because at any moment the war could start again. Korea remained divided in two by the parallel of 38 degrees, the north was supported by China and the south by the United States. After the war, a number of deaths was estimated which reached “Nearly 5 million people died. More than half of these–about 10 percent of Korea’s prewar population–were civilians.” (History, 2020). In North Korea, Chinese influence supports the regime. This country after the war was rebuilt from zero, the entire production system depended on states that also implemented social politics in education, health, and services. Currently it has had serious economic problems that are causing poverty to grow. For the other side South Korea also had to be rebuilt from scratch under the capitalist system with serious social consequences due to the abuses of the large companies with respect to labor. It has a higher


20th Century standard of living than the north, but the distribution of wealth is still controlled by the main transnational companies. 70 years after the beginning of the war, the two Koreas are still divided even though the desire to reunite is persistent. It has disappeared from the memory of many in addition to being forgotten because it was put aside by other more “relevant” confrontations. These show that the confrontation between different systems can destroy a country in two, leaving serious consequences without affecting those that conflict. I end with the most terrible thing about this war which is “Undeclared, unresolved, and largely unremembered, the war’s unsettling legacy lives on.” (Blakemore, 2021).

Bibliography Blakemore, E. (2021, February 10). The Korean War never technically ended. Here’s why. History. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/why-korean-war-nevertechnically-ended History.com Editors. (2020, May 11). Korean War. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/korea/koreanwar#:%7E:text=Korean%20War%20Casualties,The%20Korean%20War&text=Nearly%205%20million%20people%20died,more%20tha n%20100%2C000%20were%20wounded. Camargo, J. D. M. (2015). Colombia y su participación en la Guerra de Corea: Una reflexión tras 64 años de iniciado el conflicto. Revista Historia y memoria, (10), 199-239. Atehortúa Cruz, Adolfo León. (2008). Colombia en la guerra de Corea. Folios, (27), 63-76.


20th Century 6.25 war. (n.d.) National Museum of Contemporary History of Korea. https://www.much.go.kr/L/AQkhKt2MH3.do


20th Century Information Age – Santiago Giraldo Giraldo Do you like changes or do you adapt easily to them? Well, we live in a society where technology evolves more and more. All this transformation is part of the digital age where search tools emerged to facilitate the search for information, another factor that was revolutionized in this era were the industries that chose to replace their workers with machines that facilitate their work and at a lower cost. This, among other inventions and evolutions, changed humanity. The digital age went through different stages to achieve all the momentous changes in which we live today. The digital age is the period where technology was introduced to society thanks to the constant evolution that we face every day. This era was a revolution that began in 1980, as it began with the invention of the Internet, and after starting the creation of mobile devices, social networks, big data, and computing clouds, they revolutionized work practices in health care. But Digital technology is much older, dating back to computers built in 1960. At that time, libraries used digital records and are still used today, although digital databases and e-books were still far in the future. libraries began to use this technology from the beginning to improve the quality of the services offered to their users. Libraries used technology to optimize their services, from the records catalogers used to the way users found books in the library, based on their interests or plot. Digitizing everything made it easier for people to find what they were looking for. This was a marked change for the entire industry as users no longer had to be in the library to ask questions and could answer their questions from their own home. On the other hand, cell phones also had a great impact on the industry and humanity, because email, instant messaging and chat services could be done on a


20th Century single device, this new type of mobile emerged by Steve Jobs and the iPhone of first generation launched in 2007, this cell phone revolutionized what would come to be Mobile Devices, since its innovative design and never-before-seen software would make all technology companies such as LG, Samsung, and among others, be copied from that great phone revolutionary and create their own, that's how our cell phones were generated, by the simple fact of being "innovative” Currently, your whole life can fit in a simple mobile phone, from work to study can be done through them, as the years the human being has become more co-dependent on technology, and due to Covid, everything is done on our computers or cell phones. According to studies carried out in January 2021, there are 4.66 billion active Internet users worldwide, 59.5 percent of the world's population. Of this total, 92.6 percent (4.32 billion) access the internet daily from their cell phone, these data show us that if we continue consuming the internet in this way, by 2025 it will already be 90% of the population which does it, and it is not that it is wrong, since the situation of the world (COVID-19), has made us need the devices to survive. In conclusion, the revolution of technology has made humans more dependent on it. Furthermore, it has made education and work easier for people, in addition to that compared to years ago, today researching information or doing anything else is much faster and easier since it is only found on the web with click. But everything good has something bad, in this case technology has led us to have problems with social networks such as misinformation, cyberbullying, addiction, sexting and many more controversially problematics. Bibliography Thornham, S., Bassett, C., & Marris, P. (Eds.). (2009). Media studies: a reader. NYU Press.


20th Century Weller, T. (Ed.). (2012). History in the digital age. Routledge. Craft, A. (2010). Creativity and Education Futures: Learning in a Digital Age. Trentham Books Ltd. Westview House 734 London Road, Oakhill, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 5NP, UK. Creativity and Education Futures: Learning in a Digital Age. Bélanger, F., & Crossler, R. E. (2011). Privacy in the digital age: a review of information privacy research in information systems. MIS quarterly, 1017-1041. Privacy in the digital age: a review of information privacy research in information systems Solove, D. J. (2004). The digital person: Technology and privacy in the information age (Vol. 1). NyU Press. Statista. (2021, March 5). Worldwide digital population as of January 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/


20th Century The Forgotten War in Korea – Ana Sofia Mosquera Castro A lot of people do not know what the Korean war was, or do you ever wonder what happened and why it is called like this? It was a conflict between North Korea and South Korea in which millions of people lost their lives. It started on the 25 of June of 1950 when Korea was divided among the victorious powers. The south was controlled by the United States and the north by the Soviet Union. The nation was divided by the 38th parallel. After three years of fighting, the war ended in a stalemate with the border between North and South Korea near where it had been at the war’s beginning. Firstly, to understand how the war of Korea start it is important to know that from 19101945 the peninsula of Korea was governed by the empire of Lipon, after the rout of Japan in the second world war Korea was divided for different powers, North Korea was controlled by Soviet Union and South Korea was controlled by the USA and it was divided by the 38th parallel. After a war in 1948 North Korea was called democratic people's republics of Korea and Kim IL-Sung had the power with the help of Soviet Union and in the South Syngman Rhee was the first president of republic of Korea with the help of the USA, but the problem was the reunification of the Korean Peninsula because the different governments in the South and North of Korea had different ideologies. That is why on 25 of June of 1950 Kim IL-Sung invaded the South and started the War of Korea. It happened from 1950 to 1953 in two months the North of Korea took part of the territory of South Korea and it stayed only within the perimeter of Pusan. After this USA decided to intervene with the collaboration of 15 members of the ONU, the general Douglas Macarthur was in charge so he ordered a landing and the advance to Seoul so South Korea had again the territory, but USA continued to advance to the North and China intervened with a threaten a military intervention if the Yalu river was overpassed that it is the


20th Century border of China and North Korea. After that, North Korea with the help of the Soviet Union recovered the territory until the 38th parallel. After that forces of China and North Korean expanded the territory to Seoul and it was recaptured for the forces of the ONU on March 14 of 1951. In 1953 the North and South Korea firmed a separation agreement that is why they created a demilitarized zone in the 38th parallel but they did not sign a peace treaty. This war had different effects in the society in the different countries as USA, China, South and north Korea and China. That is why at the end of the war the Korean War resulted in millions of dead, missing, abducted, and refugee civilians but also the families were divided. Over a million North Koreans fled south of the border. Unsurprisingly, there were many families split apart by the war, for example, with one brother who fled to the south and another who remained in the north. Following the 2000 North-South Korea Summit, the two governments arranged for family reunions to be held in North Korea. North Korea would not permit the people to leave. According to Statista (2021), North Korea had between 1.200.000 to 1.500.000 of casualties because the USA bombed some cities. They were destroyed and demolished leaving millions of people homeless and the people's republic of China had 500.000 lows. In total, the war claimed around 1.9 million military casualties, including 815.000 fatalities. This does not even consider the millions of civilians killed or forced to flee from their homes. Nowadays, approximately 28.500 US army men still guard the border of South Korea. The Korean War also known as the Forgotten War by different countries because this occur in the middle of a serious world conflict also in this war there were global superpowers for the ideologies of democracy and the communism that is why the US intervened in South Korea and Soviet Union intervened in North Korea. After three years of a War between North and South Korea and the other countries that were involved like the USA, China and Soviet Union affected the population and there were a lot of deaths, wounded and missing. Finally, North and South


20th Century Korea made a separation agreement to divide the two cities by a demilitarized zone in the 38th parallel, but despite this War North and South Korea in the present still have different problems.

Bibliography Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "38th parallel". Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Mar. 2020,https://www.britannica.com/event/Korean-War . Accessed 25 February 2021. Gupta, K. (1972). How Did the Korean War Begin? The China Quarterly, (52), 699-716. Retrieved February 25, 2021, retrieved from from https://www.jstor.org/stable/652290?seq=1 Stueck, W.M. (2007, June 01) The Korean War as International History. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/dh/article-abstract/10/4/291/452698 Statista. 2021. Korean War: military casualties 1950 | Statista. [online] Available at: <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1131592/korean-war-military-casualties/> [Accessed 17 March 2021].


20th Century First World War – Juan David Arias Arenas How would you feel if you knew that a loved one died because of the war? It is insane, right? Many people lived in fear of dying at any moment, that was a normal day in the First World War, this historical event was called that because they could not escape from this situation. If anyone went to another country, it was the same. This war only lasted 4 years but it was so catastrophic that it caused 20 million deaths. It is relevant to know more about the war such as the countries that participated, the cause and consequences, also including the solutions. The First World War was a relevant historical event because some of the most powerful countries were involved in this war. Countries like Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, beginning in 1917, the United States, got involved at the beginning of something terrifying. These countries were divided into two bands, on the one hand, the Triple Alliance (Germany, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, Turkey, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire) and, on the other, the Triple Entente (France, United Kingdom). Italy, Japan, the United States and Russia). The countries supported each other with their allies from some possible attack from the enemies. These alliances were one of the main causes of the war. In 1914, more exactly on June 28, the main cause of the start of the war occurred. Francisco Fernando (Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) was found dead in Sarajevo; the murderer was a Serb. The Austro-Hungarian and German governments wanted to open an investigation on Serbian territory, Serbia did not allow it with the backing of Russia, the AustroHungarian declared war on Serbia. It is in this part of the historical event that the allies and their importance are most appreciated. "Alliances exist to promote the collective interests of their members by combining their capabilities, which can be industrial and financial, as well as military, to achieve military and political success" (Murphy, 2017). Russia, who were the allies of


20th Century the Serbs, support them and declare war on the Austro-Hungarians, the German allies of the Austro-Hungarians declare war on Russia and France, Germany invades Belgium, England declares war on Germany, Italy declares war on Austro- Hungarian and so on with all the alliances. From one moment to the next, half the world was at war with the other half. The war is characterized by its technological and industrial advances, also by different battles that were catastrophic, in this war there were many advances in weapons such as new cannons, machine guns, submarines, combat aircraft, tanks, aircraft and deadly poison gases. Therefore, this war was very expensive for the countries. It was fought on many sides of the world, but the most important was in the Balkans, Dardanelles, the Caucasus, the Middle East, the Italian Alps, Africa, the Far East, the Pacific and the Atlantic. The two main efforts were made on the Western Front and the Eastern Front. In all these wars they had approximately 20 million deaths, which is one of the events that most affected the world. This war that lasted from 1914 to 1918 left several consequences that it would be good to remember so as not to let a bit of history die. One of the biggest consequences was in the great demographic and social devastation due to all the deaths that occurred, many powers fell, such as the German, the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman, therefore new countries were formed based on the above, this modified the demographics of Europe and Also the countries that participated in the war (as allies or directly in the war) were economically affected by the above in the fourth paragraph, another thing that is not the case, the consequence is more a sequel to a possible Second World War since this could have continued if not for the solution they found. For all conflicts, there must be a solution and this war was no exception. The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that was signed by more than 50 countries, the Treaty of Versailles put Germany as the main responsible for the First World War where it had to pay multiple compensations to other countries since it also had to deliver arms and territory, this treaty left


20th Century Germany in complete humiliation and this could lead to World War II, `` Burdened with war guilt, heavy reparations and denied entry to the League of Nations, Germany felt cheated into signing the treaty, having believed that any peace would be a "peace without victory", as proposed by President Wilson in his famous Fourteen Points speech of January 1918 (History, 2021). This treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, and which entered into force on January 10, 1920, finally brought peace. In conclusion, the First World War was a historical event that, as its name says, was all over the world, it is something that no one wanted to experience, its causes were imperialism and the death of Francisco Fernando. It was from 1914 to 1918. The allies were very important in the war, the war had many advances but to do damage. The solution they found to all this was the Treaty of Versailles, where Germany was primarily responsible for the war. It is important that this fact is remembered so that it does not happen again and because it is a fact of general culture.

Bibliography History. (2021, January 13). World War I. Retrieved from www.history.com/topics/world-wari/world-war-i-history Documentaries (2017, December 2). World War 1 (BBC Documentary) [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg35etJ0UJs Geo History. (2018, September 7). World War I (short version). [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLj5r2nZHB8


20th Century Royde-Smith, J. G. (2018, May 2). World War I | History, Summary, Causes, Combatants, Casualties, Map, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/World-War-I Nathwani, D. (2018, November 10). What was the most significant cause of World War One? (WW1). Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@dhireshnathwani/what-was-themost-significant-cause-of-world-war-one-ww1-74bb9e815e37


20th Century Vietnam War – Sergio Carrascal Bonilla Was the Vietnam war very bloody? Was it an economic war? The Vietnam war was the conflict that showed that the United States was not invincible. This war was very gory, there were more than 2 million people dead, including Vietnamese, and Cambodians. The war was a fight between a poor country with people who did everything to defend their ideas and their land, against the United States, one the most powerful countries than was trying to impose their law. It is important to not forget this war, its causes, and consequences. There are some facts that are essential to understand the war. The Vietnam war also known as the Second Indochina war, was a conflict between South and North Vietnam, the Indochina war is a precedent of this war since it had left the country divided into the Northern sector with a communist regime and to the South with a capitalist regime, causing differences to be generated. Then, during the war, the United States entered to support South Vietnam and the Soviet Union who supported North Vietnam. The war lasted 20 years, from 1955 to 1975, it was during the Cold War. The Second Indochina war is considered as one of the longest in history as it was constant for 20 years, starting 10 years after the second World war. After the second world war there were countries who found the moment to proclaim it independence. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were French colonies who after the second world war found the moment to proclaim independence. But here the problems began, Vietnam could not agree and that is why it ended up dividing into two different countries, which had different thoughts and types of government, “Vietnam was divided into a communist North and anti-communist South. Because of the Cold War anxiety of the time, the general feeling was that.” (Rank, n.d) This ended in a problem


20th Century between both sides of Vietnam, but it was not a war. It started a war when the US intervened to help south Vietnam, and then Soviet Union to support the north. The United States entered this war because they thought it was an easy way to win but they found other things. Even though South Vietnam was not a very advanced country with the help of its citizens, its military and clearly with the help of the Soviet Union, it managed to defeat one of the countries with more technology but without ingenuity. For the United States, this defeat is considered one of the most important in the history of its navy, this is because despite having superior technology, in the military and in more things, they could not defeat South Vietnam, and they had to withdraw. The war was caused by small problems but then it got into a bloody war. The war was very aggressive, making the rain of bombs that affected thousands of civilians, both capitalists and non-capitalists, this made the observing public grow. In addition, at that time the news in newspapers and other sources were uncensored making it look like the war was live, and it was the first war transmitted on television. This war was so violent that chemical gas, known as napalm, was used for the first time. Despite all this, the war ended in a not so violent way. During the 1970s, protests in the United States by young people, capitalists and the general population were common, calling for the country's exit from the conflict and the immediate withdrawal of its troops. With the constant defeats and without popular support, the American government accepted the Paris treaty that provided for a ceasefire, and so it was that in 1975 all U.S. troops had been withdrawn from Vietnam, and only thousands of corpses remained, victims of bombs, or clashes with the North Vietnamese military. In conclusion the Vietnam war started as an internal conflict, but with the intervention of other countries it became a war that lasted 19 years and had severe aftermath. The United States


20th Century went in with a mindset that they were sure to win the war and came back with their tails between their legs losing thousands of soldiers. All wars are different, but they have a common characteristic: some win and others lose, and this time, it was the turn of one of the world powers.

Bibliography History. (2009, October 29). Vietnam War. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-warhistory#:~:text=The%20Vietnam%20War%20was%20a,States%20and%20the%20Sovie t%20Union Rank, S. M. (n.d.). The Vietnam War. HISTORY ON THE NET. Retrieved March 3, 2021. https://www.historyonthenet.com/the-vietnam-war-background-overview Ruddy D.J (27 May 2018) Vietnam War in 13 Minutes - Manny Man Does History.

[Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exVKd-x5QVc


20th Century Nuclear War – Juan Miguel Fossi Guzmán Why was nuclear technology destined for war? What do you think? The reasons why scientists changed the orientation of their studies and directed it towards war was the pressure of the United States government to get a powerful nuclear weapon before the Germans who came very close to achieving it. The Manhattan project made this possible in 1945, the first test was done with a plutonium bomb. However, it was not used against the Nazis who ended up surrendering to the attack of the Allies. The atomic bomb was used against the Japanese, allies of the Germans, who attacked many American bases on several occasions, but they never surrendered. Fortunately, atomic bombs have not been used again but the risk is still there. In 1930 scientists were studying the phenomenon called nuclear fission, a reaction that occurs when atomic nuclei divide and release an enormous amount of energy. Nazi Germany was the first country to attempt to use that energy as a weapon and this information was leaked out of the country by exiled political dissidents and scientists. In 1941 physicist Albert Einstein warned US President Roosevelt that Germany was trying to develop a fission bomb, it was when the United States began the nuclear arms race by launching a secret atomic research project, the Manhattan project, bringing together exiled physicists from Germany with the most important physicists in the United States. To create nuclear weapons, the project took two paths, one that studied uranium and the other that studied plutonium, being the plutonium bomb test successful in 1945, but it was not used against the Nazis because they surrendered. Many scientists who participated in the project objected that these weapons should not be used in war after seeing their destructive potential, but they were not heard.


20th Century The United States entered the Second World War in 1941 after the multiple attacks that Japan, which was allied with Germany, propitiated on the US Navy in the Pacific, especially the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. President Truman gives Japan an ultimatum to surrender which was rejected by the Emperor. To avoid more deaths of American soldiers, he ordered on August 6, 1945 to drop a uranium bomb on Hiroshima; the order was to intimidate Japan into surrendering by using the bomb to destroy near military installations; as the Japanese did not immediately surrender, Truman orders the second plutonium atomic bomb to be dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, but military miscalculations apparently occurred, resulting in the deaths of approximately 200,000 people. Finally, Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945. Some historians like Nelson Craig argue that another objective of the nuclear attack on Japan was to intimidate the Soviet Union, which apparently would enter the war, however this event would be the beginning of the cold war between the United States and Soviet Union. Most of the utility of nuclear power is to generate electricity, but unfortunately in a world with countries that fear a military invasion or wish to intimidate or impose their military power on others, it has led to an excessive proliferation of nuclear weapons, which entails that the concern of the physicists who participated in the creation of the first atomic bomb, which is the extinction of humans, persists. the failure to reach a peace agreement between Japan and the United States ended in a fatal outcome for the civilian population. It is always better to resolve conflicts through diplomatic channels before putting thousands of citizens at risk. The only way to eliminate the risk of a nuclear attack is removing nuclear weapons.


20th Century Bibliography BBC News (2020, Aug 6). Hiroshima bomb: Japan marks 75 years since nuclear attack. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53660059 Blakemore, E (2020, Jul 15). How the advent of nuclear weapons changed the course of history. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-advent-nuclearweapons-changed-history Browne, R and Andrew, S. CNN (2019, Aug 6). Why the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Retrieved from https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/06/us/hiroshima-anniversaryexplainer-trnd/index.html History (2020, Aug 5). Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Retrieved from www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/bombing-of-hiroshima-and-nagasaki


20th Century Cold War – Juan José Pinzón Trejos Can you believe that the world came close to nuclear war? The cold war was a political, economic, social, and military conflict that started in 1947 in which the two powers of the time, the United States and The Soviet Union try to spread their influence in the world. Both countries did not fight directly but they involved in many wars with the objective of spread their influence. After second World War in 1947 The United States and Soviet Union started a conflict in which countries fought to extend their influence in the world, The U.S support the capitalism and The URSS support communism. The U.S created the Marshall Plan that helped the European countries to recover after the second World War for being allies of the U.S and the world divided in two teams. In consequence, many conflicts start such as the Korean War that The US supported the South Korea and The Soviet Union support North Korea, not only the Korean war was there where many conflicts in which the two superpowers involucrate such as Vietnam War, Afghan soviet War and Greek civil war, and many others. During the cold war exactly, in 1962 that the world was very close of a nuclear war that was the Cuban missiles crisis was an standoff between The Soviet Union and the United States in 1962 in which the soviet union install a nuclear base aiming at the United States, the president John f Kennedy responds with a naval blockade to Cuba and make an advertisement to the Soviet Union that they would use nuclear weapons if it is necessary, at that moment the world was very close for start a nuclear war, but and the end the U.S agreed with the Soviet Union to remove the missiles base in Cuba and the United States promise that not invade Cuba and they have to remove their missiles in Turkey. Finally in the 1989s the Soviet Union have a seriously economic depression so both countries decided to sign the INF treaty that consist in the elimination of medium and short range


20th Century missiles, and both countries have a temporary peace until 1991 when officially The Soviet Union falls and pass to form The Russian Federation and finally ends the Cold war, the Cold war left many consequences that still exists in the present, the main consequence is that the U.S is the principal superpower in the world, also another consequence is that both countries still having many nuclear weapons and the end of cold war supposed the end of communism but still some countries that were under the influence of the soviet union that still having a communist state. The Cold war was a global conflict between the URSS and the U.S that ended in 1991 with the URSS dissolution. This conflict affects all the countries because that conflict was very close to start a nuclear war. These conflicts supposed many changes in the world and indirectly starts many wars. This conflict is a demonstration of the darkest behaviors of the humans that only wants power and that there are capable of starts a nuclear war only to get it, fortunately if the cold war happens in a different way our planet would be so different as we know it. “The end of the cold war is our common victory” Mikhail Gorbachev, 1992


History Editors (2021, March 2). Cold war History. HISTORY. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cold-war-history History Editors (2019, July 10). Cuban missiles crisis. History. Retrieved from https://www.historycrunch.com/causes-of-the-coldwar.html#:~:text=Historians%20have%20identified%20several%20causes,comm unism%20in%20the%20United%20States


20th Century Rank, S. (2019, January 25). The Cold War: Causes, Major Events, and How it Ended. History in the Net. Retrieved from https://www.historyonthenet.com/cold-warcauses-major-events-ended Skim, J. (2020 January) Cold war timeline. Spartacus. Https://SpartacusEducational.Com/ColdWarChron.Htm


20th Century The information age – Aileen S. Rodriguez Echeverry Is the information era the one that brought all the technology that we have nowadays? Yes, the information era was divided in different parts, some of them were the industrial revolution and computer age. Also, a lot of different events allowed the development of this era helping us to have a lot of new advances. Such as, the creation of the train, the production of smartphones and different technological elements that changed our lives completely. The industrial revolution was an economical, technological, and social transformation process that “marked a period of development in the latter half of the 18th century that transformed largely rural” (History, 2019). This movement took place in the United Kingdom and then spread all over the world. Some results of this revolution were the steam machine created by James Watt; this one was the main source of power in that time. The first steamboat created by Robert Fulton and the creation of steam-powered locomotives by Richard Trevithick, the last two named above helped a lot to improve both transportation systems, the one that transport the supplies and the one to transport the humans. This revolution led to many improvements in society. As mentioned above, this revolution also brought benefits to the economic aspects as well as the development of medicine and technology, for example the creation of the factories that allowed to make the products faster and make a lot of people have a job without much experience, the creation of the spinning machine that allowed create fabric faster, the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner which made other vaccines could be development. All these events brought a notorious change in society, being this one the biggest step for world evolution. The information era has changed the economy and society. Unlike the Industrial revolution the information age needs people that know what they are doing and have knowledge


20th Century of the topic, this means that society needs more education than before. Although the information age brings so many advances and advantages for the companies, it also brings some disadvantages in the work for the society because the human labor has been replaced by a computer and this makes many people lose their jobs “indeed, there is much higher unemployment in technologically laggards countries, regions, and sectors” (Castells, 2009), a very notorious consequence is the unstable economy that citizens will suffer, but the creation of the computers does not only affect the citizens economy it also improves the companies economy because the computers can make the work faster and more efficient, therefore their earning increases in a meaningful way. The Information age inventions helped a lot of the technology development nowadays. Some of them were the internet in 1990 which made a 180° change in society lives letting us search for almost unlimited information and change the way that we communicate with each other, work, study etc. Other inventions were the second generation of computers in 1951 that were for commercial use and helped a lot in companies' economy. Although we must not forget that “society did not determine the technology but have a lot of influence in the development of it” (Castells, 2004), and the development of technology helps the economy of the countries, even the global economy. The information age has helped a lot to development of technology as it also made considerable changes in the economy and society as well as the industrial revolution did in the XVIII century. Some of them are beneficial and some not for example in the industrial revolution many people got a job because of the creation of factories but in the information age, it was the opposite, a lot of people got unemployed for the creation of computers. Nevertheless, these two events brought new advances in technology and medicine that allowed society and all the world to evolve as we know it nowadays.


20th Century Bibliography Bingham, N., Moyes, A., Ball, M., McManus, P., & Dicken, P. (1998). Reviews: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Volume 1. The Rise of the Network Society, the Dynamics of Industrial Location: The Factory, the Firm and the Production System, Housing, Welfare, and the State in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Britain, France and Germany. Tomorrow by Design: A Regional Design Process for Sustainability, Living the Global City: Globalization as Local Process. Castells, M. C. (2009). An introduction to information age. In Thornham S., Bassett C., Marris P. Media Studies: A Reader (pp. 152 - 164) New York: NYU Press https://books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=0Pw8DAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA152&d q=Information+age&ots=Ks6lek9hUI&sig=6xdNkvV3NqMYNExq8Q8cVyinusA#v=one page&q=Information%20age&f=fals Castells, M. C. (1999, December 1). SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals. SAGE Journals. https://journals.sagepub.com/action/cookieAbsent?journalCode=jpea Castells, M. (2004). La era de la información: economía, sociedad y cultura (Vol. 1). siglo XXI. http://www.economia.unam.mx/lecturas/inae3/castellsm.pdf History.com Editors. (2019b, September 9). Industrial Revolution. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution/industrial-revolution Hughes, T. (2020, October 23). 10 Key Inventions of the Industrial Revolution. History Hit. https://www.historyhit.com/key-inventions-of-the-industrial-revolution/ Steitz, B. (2006). Brief History of Computers. Computer Lessons. Retrieved from http://people.bu.edu/baws/brief%20computer%20history.html


20th Century - II

Second Wave of Feminism – Sofia Castro Guzmán Have women fought for their rights? At the end of 1960 and even before, women fought for their rights. Women decided to fight against capitalism, militarism, and inequality. Millions of women fought for everything unfair that has happened to them like work, family, politics, liberty and more. So, is it important to know how it all began, what happened during the second wave and the consequences? Feminism started in 1900, women were tired of everything, they had to suffer because of men. It was not fair that men for the simple fact that they were men had more privileges. They treated women as objects, attacked them, did not let them give their opinion and women did not have the right to express what they felt so it all started when women decided to make a change, therefore the first wave of feminism began. Many women united to change their present and the future of all women in the world, they began to fight for their rights, to fight for equality, to fight for everything unjust that happened to them because they were women, even though they lasted for years and years this first wave was not achieved as they clearly expected, they achieved some small changes such as more women joining but they did not achieve that the laws changed or that men respected them, that is why the second wave of feminism emerged. Millions of women around the world were tired of men being given more privileges, that they were the ones who had to take care of the children and take care of the house while men worked. Women did not have vote, they did not have the right to have an opinion and even less to decide, therefore many women decided to join to make a change because it was not fair that women had no right to anything. In the late 60s people began to mobilize and fight from different places. The Vietnam War encourages feminists because it said "there were favorable conditions for a radical transformation


20th Century - II of the world" so they saw the situation in which they were living and decided to make a change, also these campaigns led to a change towards women because if they had not fought for their freedom, it is most likely that there would still be no gender equality and women would not have any right. Thanks to the influence of the feminist movement in these waves, women accomplish important achievements such as equality faced the law, the female vote, rights and more. Clearly we can realize that women have much more freedom than before, they can work, in some countries they can abort, they can vote and make a lot of things that before they could not but it is still observed that women are not free from male chauvinism, women are still afraid to go out on the streets for the simple fact of being women, “Every day an average of 137 women around the world are killed by their partner or a member of their family” (BBC news, 2018). The mistreatment of women will never end, the thought of being superior to women will never end, and as they have achieved many things, they will continue to achieve more things for a future with more equality and justice.


20th Century - II In conclusion, these waves helped women to express what they felt to be partly free, but even though the years pass, women are still afraid, men oppress them, they believe they are superior to women. But women are closer together than ever, women do marches, shout what they feel, explain to others why machismo must end, they do not want more deaths because of a man. These waves made people change especially women because this achieved that many women could express themselves, but the greatest achievement for them is that there are now more innocent deaths that is why every day they are willing to continue fighting.


Baxandall, R, Gordon, L (2008) Second Wave Feminism, a companion to American women’s history, (pp.413-427) Usa: my publisher

BBC News. (2018, November 25). The women killed on one day around the world. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-46292919

Flores, A (2004). La segunda ola del Movimiento Feminista: el surgimiento de la Teoría de Género Feminista. revista de humanidades, ISSN ‐1518‐3394


20th Century - II Colombian Palace of Justice Siege – Catalina Devia Aragon Colombia lived 28 hours with the courthouse kidnapped, which is in Simon Bolivar Park in the center of their capital Bogota, the courthouse is one of the most important places of this country and for that was convert in a memorable event that suffers a seriously attack that directly affects the society and the government of 1895 because causes a lot of terror and fear on their habitants and generates a lot of violence and unsafety in Colombia. This terrorist attack was made by the urban guerrilla called "M-19" on November 6 in 1985, and the constant question that the people asked for this event is: why did they do it? and what were their motives? On November 6, 1985 occurs this terrorist attack elaborated by 35 guerrilleros that were part of the urban guerrilla M-19 near 11:00 AM, in which take in a violent way the palace of justice of Bogota, attacking innocent people and leaving a lot of damages: 94 people dead, 12 people were forcibly disappeared and 4 were tortured (Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional, n.d.), this creates a turning point in the history of Colombia because generates a serious impact in the violence because it was increasing more, and the little control of the government had come out to the public light generating distrust and insecurity in an entire population and more in the families of the victims that his leave. There were some reasons why M-19 did this. According to research, the guerrilla M-19 with the government of Belisario Betancourt Cuartas made a deal years ago exactly in August 24, 1984 called ceasefire that consist in stopping the combats and search a political solution to armed conflict which was incited by the armed groups like “Las Farc-ep”, “M-19”, “La autodefensa obrera” and “Ejercito popular de liberacion” in those times that promove the kidnappings, displays terrorism and extortion in Colombia (Verdad abierta, 2012), according to the M-19 the army of Colombia had breached the deal but later ir became known the relationship between the


20th Century - II M-19 and the Medellin cartel which was managed by Pablo Escobar Gaviria, it is said that he was the one who paid this armed group more than two million dollars to take the palace of justice and burn all the files, including the documents of the extradition of the criminal to United States that they were agreeing with Colombia and kill some magistrates of the supreme court mainly to the president of this, who had previously been threatened by the Cartel. On November 7, after 28 hours of combat between the Colombian army and the armed group M-19 at 2:00 am the palace of justice was retaken, using access roads (ground, air and the main entrance) but found with a lot of losses. For example, a lot of lifeless people and flames all over the place, forming this as a massacre and a big loss for the country and the government that did not generate security for Colombia. Consequently, this event helped to change some conditions of Colombian justice system since they realized that they could no longer put the judiciary at risk and to this the high court such as the constitutional court were created and the forms of election of magistrates were changed, all for a safer country, free of corruption and free of the power of drug traffickers. In conclusion, he was able to show at the time that these armed groups which claim to defend the people, demonstrated that they were criminals at the service of drug traffickers, not fulfilling a political ideal but the orders of a drug trafficker. Some believe that given the gravity of the events, the military acted without obeying the orders of the president of the republic, that a military line was imposed on the dialogue which was what the magistrates of that time were asking for.


20th Century - II Bibliography Verdad abierta (2012) Acuerdos del cese al fuego entre 1984 y 1986 con las FARC, el M-19, el EPL y la ADO. Verdad Abierta. Retrieved from https://verdadabierta.com/acuerdos-delcese-al-fuego-entre-1984-y-1986-con-las-farc-el-m-19-el-epl-y-la-ado/ Centro por la justicia y derecho internacional (n.d.) Palace of Justice: A turning point in the history of Colombia. CEJIL. Retrieved from https://cejil.org/en/palace-justice


20th Century - II THE


R A C E – Diana Bohórquez Franco

We all know that there were wars for territories and countries facing each other, making the best weapons with the best technologies of the time. All for the conquest and the hunger of power. But what if I tell you that some countries also fought for the territory outside the Earth! So, how did they fight for space? Who won this fight? What countries were involved? Sometimes reality can surprise us. The Space Race between the USSR and the United States post World War II was a breaking point in the history of mankind. This race of power increased the Cold War rivalry because for the first-time humanity was not only looking to compete in Earth, also in space. Dominance over space and the race to reach one another became a matter of pride for both the United States and USSR., also it is known that The Space Race did not just leave an impact on the area of space research, it left a wider impact in the field of technology, because there was also a competition between which of the two had better technological resources to win this race. It is known which countries are involved in this race to win the space; however, it is not known why they are involved? or what were their intentions with winning the race? So, let us talk about the reasons that The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States had to conquer the space. One of the biggest reasons is the time in which this event was developed (1955) just after World War II and the Cold war, two events that left tensions between these two, also the hunger for power that went on and continues to this day. And as I already mentioned, the dispute between who had better economic and technological resources to be able to conquer space. In the end it is known that the one who won this race was the United States of America. But what did each one do to win this space race? The two competitors did great things, for example, the USSR sent the first man to space which was very controversial and very shocking at


20th Century - II the time, but the USA did not stay behind, because on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. He and Aldrin walked around for three hours. They did experiments and picked up bits of moon dirt and rocks, and they also put the flag of the USA. Overall, both contributed to the mission of conquering space in one way or another. The unethical experiments on animals by the USA and the USSR for winning the space race were completely cruel. For example, the case of Laika, the first Soviet dog in space had to undergo cruel and hard training to be able to send her to space, for example, she was placed in centrifuges that simulated the acceleration of a rocket and was put on machines that mimicked the noise of the spacecraft. Progressively, she was enclosed in cages smaller and smaller so that she became accustomed to the size that would have in the space capsule. On November 3rd, 1957 Laika was put on a space trip aboard Sputnik 2. Unfortunately, she died within hours of having embarked on a voyage, panic-stricken and affected by an overheating of the ship as many other animals that were submitted to those experiments. In conclusion, both the United States and USSR did incredible things and although this was a proxy war, it also helped to achieve many objectives that they had such as traveling to space, also thanks to this there were many technological advances for the time, and Although the USA won it, they both did impressive things that marked the history of mankind.

Bibliography Mann, A. (2019, 7 August). What Was the Space Race? Space.com Retrieved from https://www.space.com/space-race.html History.com Editors. (2020, 21 febrero). The Space Race. HISTORY. Kernan, M. (1997) The Space Race.


20th Century - II The Space Race – Sofia Benavides Tunjano If everything related to space is one of your interests, it is possible that on some occasion you find yourself wondering how it all started and especially, which was the first country to conquer space. In ancient times sailors used the stars to navigate. However, everything began in the context of the Cold War, a struggle was formed between the two recognized powers, the United States, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) for the strategic control of outer space. The moon landing was just the goal of a dizzying tech race between these two powers. It is important to know a little about how this Space Race was lived, not from the perspective of the countries, but from a view of progress and in the context of humanity. Even though for some time the intentions of the powers to conquer space was already established, the first victory was obtained by the Soviets, arriving in space on October 4, 1957, with Sputnik, an artificial satellite, the first in the world. history in reaching Earth orbit. A month later, on November 3, 1957, the Soviets tried again, this time with the first terrestrial being a dog named Laika; unfortunately, she died from a lack of oxygen. At this point the Soviets had the advantage, however, the Americans persisted and on May 17, 1958, NASA put Vanguard 1 into orbit, which was the first satellite powered by solar energy. On the other hand, the Soviets were not at their best, because the Sputnik satellite, considerably larger, went out of orbit and calcined during its return to Earth in 1958, while Vanguard turned out to be the satellite with the longest recorded time in orbit. Besides, experts assure that it will be there for more than two centuries. After these great accomplishments by the United States and the USSR, other many goals were exceeded. For example, on December 18, 1958, NASA managed to put the first telecommunications satellite into orbit: The Score, something interesting is that to send this


20th Century - II satellite to space a missile was used. Then came a small victory for the Soviets, On September 14, 1959, with the Luna 2 they managed to hit the moon for the first time. On October 7, 1959, the first picture of the far side of the moon was taken, this was a victory won by the Soviets. On January 31, 1961, an unprecedented advance was achieved, the Americans positioned the first Humans in space, although this did not seem impressive, it is, this because although Ham the chimpanzee is not the first animal to travel to space, it was the one who allowed us to determine if a human could have travelled to space. After Ham visited space, the United States decided to send the first human to space, and that is how Yuri Alexievich Gagarin on April 12, 1961, became the first human being to travel to outer space. After two years of the first man in space, there was also a woman, the Russian Valentina Tereshkova on June 16, 1963, aboard the Vostok 6, took a large step not only for humanity but also for women, already that he was going on a three-day mission, in which he had to go 48 rounds around the Earth. With the arrival of man in space, many other advances have been made, such as the first spacewalk, where Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov had the opportunity to travel through space outside his ship for 12 minutes. Also, in 1968, there was the first man flight around the moon, this being the first space flight to enter the gravitational influence of another celestial body. Already in space, the Moon was still unexplored, until in 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first two humans to land on it. And so little by little the human being has made his way into space, both for these, and for his inventions, among which is the Pioneer 10 the first space probe to reach the orbit of Jupiter, or the Mariner 10 probe. first to make a flight over the planet Mercury. To end this writing, after having made a small recount of all the most relevant events, of the space race, it is necessary to highlight the role of NASA and ROSCOSMOS in the conquest of space, since they, with the support of their determined countries have made us know a little


20th Century - II about outer space. However, it is also essential to highlight the importance of those who made the arrival in space possible, people like Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Valentina Tereshkova are those who put their lives at the service of their countries, but mainly to the progress of humanity. Already after humans arrived in space, and later to the moon, we can say that there is much that remains to be discovered and that we hope that the search for progress will always be conscious.

Bibliography History.com Editors. (2020, February 21). The Space Race. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/space-race Loff, S. (2017, August 6). NASA Langley and the Space Race. Nasa. https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-langley-and-the-space-race Sudworth, J. S. (1978, October 23). BBC One - Panorama, The Real War in Space: We Are Entering the Post-Nuclear Era. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02864t8 BBC News. (2020, March 16). Reagan launches Cold War into space, 1983. BBC Archive. https://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/reagan-launches-cold-war-into-space-1983/z6trrj6


20th Century - II Hippie movement – Nicolas Correa Rodríguez What would the world’s history be without the hippie movement? Overall, the hippie movement was an activity that was elaborated in its great majority by young people during the 60s of the last century, this was mainly in the West, to be more specific in America. Their ideals were the rejection of violence, the fight for a good environment, and the fight with the conservative ideology of the governments. However, do you know where this movement comes from? How was it characterized? Which were the achievements of the hippie movement? it is important to review all of this. This movement had an interesting origin story. It all started in Hage Stary a district in San Francisco at the beginning of 1963, because in this district there were a huge amount of young people with very open thoughts, pacifist, and radical ideologies. Also, the principal fact was that they were very shocked because of the Vietnam War, and all they wanted to do was peace and love but not War. By the way, these people were so similar in the same sector, so they got together and began to create their movement to summon more people. What they did not know was that they were going to have an impact throughout the occidental part of the world, specifically the USA. The hippie movement was characterized by having a social conscience and seeking collective well-being, which is contrary to the culture of unified capitalist consumerism. This was one of the most remarkable traits of this movement. Although the movement started in San Francisco in the 1960s, there were many cultural demonstrations and movements around the world, mostly sparked by dissatisfied young people that were with the impulse to change something. All these characteristics compound what we know as the hippie movement.


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The movement had major advances in protesting against The Vietnam War and sexual recognition. One of the major contributions of the hippie movement was the protests to end the Vietnam War. In fact, according to Roberto Rodriguez (2017), the movement made pressure on the government by doing these actions. Therefore, the war ended sooner. Free sex and poly-love were conquered, and the use of the contraceptive pill became popular, in addition to lifting the taboo in some social strata, on sexual relations without commitment. Interracial couples began to proliferate, something unthinkable in the 1940s and 1950s when blacks and whites could not even sit together, but the discrimination did not end there. Regarding homosexuality, there were no important advances regarding this, but it was achieved that it was no longer considered as a mental illness or disorder and it was accepted in the most intellectual and liberal strata. It can be said that the hippie movement generated a great impact on the entire society, and this was not momentary as it was a long-term impact on society. Also, this spread to the whole world professing the values of non-violent anarchy, pacifism, sexual revolution, concern for the environment and the rejection of the capitalist status quo and the materialism of the West. Finally, it can be agreed that this was a movement that mark the history of the United States and the world.



20th Century - II Rodríguez, R. (2018, March 14). Movimiento hippie y desestructuración social. Medium. https://medium.com/@robborodriguez.icm/cultura-hippie-y-desestructuraci%C3%B3nsocial-e4a8766a8e


20th Century - II Communist Violent Revolution in China That Brought the Destruction of The Old Culture – María Paula Laverde Castro Have you ever heard about the Chinese cultural revolution before? Most of the Latin American people do not know about what happened in other countries because it does not affect them directly but is important to stay informed. The Chinese cultural revolution was a movement of the XX century where a group of citizens led by Mao Zedong, started looking for the eradication of the capitalist and the bourgeois mind of the government. It was a dark period for China both economically and violently and the experts estimated that it goes from thousands to millions of deaths, including citizens and important government members that refuse to follow the ideals of the revolution.

Mao Zedong, the man who wanted control. The most notable person in the revolution was the important figure of capitalism, Mao Zedong. He was born on December 20, 1893, in Changsha fu, China. According to Lopez (2019), he took part in the revolution of 1911 that ended in the fall of the Qing dynasty and worked as a librarian at Pekin university, where he started to create the ideas that will be the basis of the revolution. Back in those days, before the cultural revolution, China was a poor country (cause of different things that Mao do to affect China's economy and other small factors) with really divided social classes, so the principal objective of the revolution was to change that, but Han Dequiang said that Mao began to contradict himself and wanted control over everything, thus that was one of the causes that drew the movement to fail. So, it is easy to see that Mao supposed a problem in China even before the revolution.


20th Century - II When it all started The fight against the capitalist system of the government started in 1966 when the communist declared the revolution. Most people agreed with the idealism predicted by Mao, who took advantage of the young ones and recruited them to create a new army to threaten the people called the red guards (紅衛兵), despite they were never an official army with weapons, they helped Mao to destroy everything related to the Chinese traditional culture, eliminating all ties to the old history like the ones mentioned in the article of Hermann Rohr. Mao took the power of China quickly and imposed new strict laws highlighting one that, (as McDonnell exposed in “who, what why: what is the little red book?” 2015) made the people own the little red book (Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong) that was full of 267 quotes and rules, and another that ordered the capture of anyone who opposed the revolution especially the ones with influence in the society. China dive into a dark era dominated by the communist with Mao at the front.

Lats years 1976 was a very important year for the cultural revolution and China. It starts with the creation of the Gang of Four and ends with Mao’s death. according to Adam Augustyn, Jiang Qing (Mao's last wife) Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen were the first participants of the Gang of Four, led by Jiang, they control part of the communist power organs and function as a council to help Mao take and discuss the important decisions. Also, the power that owned the communist in that year increased the number of murders and massacres, even causing cannibalism between the citizens due to the poorness. The capitalist and its most important leaders were nearly eradicated by the last months of 1976, but, thanks to a heart attack the most important and representative person of the revolution, Mao Zedong, was found dead on the 9 of September at the


20th Century - II age of 86. That, and the capture of the Gang of Four (a few times after Mao's death), caused the reduction of the followers of the revolution and the rising of the capitalist (With some influence of communism and Mao's ideals). The end of the cultural revolution let China increase its economy and return to a better condition, but even today we can evidence its legacies, like the political ones that Thomas Phillips exposed in his article called “The Cultural Revolution: all you need to know about China’s political convulsion” (2016) All in all, it is easy to see how the political ideals and human necessity of power had affected not only China but many countries around the world, leaving millions of dead, not only leaders or powerful people, also innocent citizens, and farmers, destroying important legacies, old cultures keeping the war in the world. the people must know the problems that happened in different countries to avoid them by not supporting violent ideas to construct a better society that could stay united and express their disagreement with more peaceful ways.

Bibliography Augustyn, A. (n.d.) Gang of Four. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Gang-ofFour Bambirra, V. (n.d.). La revolución cultural y el marxismo. Retrieved from https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/46534905.pdf Dequiang, H. (n.d.) CHINESE CULTURAL REVOLUTION: FAILURE AND THEORETICAL ORIGINALITY. Retrieved from biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/ar/libros/cuba/if/marx/documentos/22/Chinese%20Cultural%20Revoluti on.pdf


20th Century - II Liy, M. (2016, May 15). La gran herida sin cerrar de China. Retrieved from https://elpais.com/internacional/2016/05/15/actualidad/1463313933_937172.html Lopez, D. (2019, December 12) Mao Zedong. Retrieved from https://economipedia.com/definiciones/mao-zedong.html Luna, J. (2019, September 12). El legado de la Revolución Cultural. Retrieved from https://www.lavanguardia.com/historiayvida/historia-contemporanea/2018121


20th Century - II Chernobyl accident – Claudia F. Hernández Cifuentes Have you ever heard about nuclear accidents? well, nuclear accidents are those that occur in nuclear power plants or establishments that use this type of technology. Nuclear accidents are characterized by releasing radioactive products into the environment, in the form of radioactive matter or radiation (Volkherimer, n.d.). An accident at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine that aghast the whole world, permanently altering a region, was the Chernobyl accident, this is the only event classified as level 7 (major accident), according to the International Nuclear Event Scale. Making it the worst nuclear power plant disaster of all time, leaving thousands of deaths and a lot of long-term consequences, as well as unanswered questions. Unfortunately, the explosion of reactor number 4 at the Chernobyl power plant released more than 50 million curies of radiation into the atmosphere contaminating many areas near the explosion, rendering them uninhabitable (Báez, 2020). Built-in the late 1970s about 65 miles north of Kyiv in Ukraine, the Chernobyl plant was one of the largest and oldest nuclear power plants in the world. Nowadays, Pripyat is a ghost town located in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The city suffered the direct effects of the nuclear accident of April 26, 1986, when the reactor exploded, nevertheless, in the past, Pripyat was a utopian city within the former Soviet Union, built alongside the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It featured all the modern luxuries that the Soviet government could offer, and it was mainly a city built for the workers of the nuclear power plant and their families. On the morning of April 26, 1986, the citizens of Pripyat experienced the worst industrial accident of the whole century involving radiation. When operators ran a test on an electrical control system in unit 4, the safety systems had been disconnected and the reactor was operating in inadequate and unstable conditions, this allowed an uncontrollable surge to occur. As a result


20th Century - II of this failure, the nuclear fuel overheated, in addition to a series of steam explosions that severely damaged the reactor building, destroying the unit 4 reactor (Greenfacts, n.d.). The explosions caused several fires on the roofs of the reactor building as well as in the engine room. Approximately 20 hours after the explosions, a large fire started, the instant the material in the reactor ignited the combustible gases, this fire started on April 26, 1986, lasted 10 days, and resulted in a release of radioactive materials into the environment. Even though it was hard for the helicopters to dump neutron-absorbing compounds and fire-control materials into the crater formed by the destruction of the reactor numerous times, the reactor structure was then cooled with liquid nitrogen. According to data found (Greenfacts, n.d.), the burning reactor cloud scattered numerous types of radioactive materials, especially iodine-131 and cesium-137, over much of Europe. Because radioactive iodine rapidly disintegrates, it largely disappeared in the first weeks after the explosion. However, radioactive cesium can still be measured in soils and some foods in many parts of Europe. A lethal cloud of radioactive material gathered over the nearby town of Pripyat, which was not evacuated until 36 hours after the explosion. After the accident, despite the city being evacuated, it remains uninhabitable due to the radiation that is still present. The cloud of radioactive material, which is equivalent to multiple times the radiation produced by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, escaped into the atmosphere, contaminating an 18mile radius around Chernobyl and millions of acres of forest and farmland. According to a scientific study, this affected area of land may not be habitable for at least 300 years, affecting more than 150.000 people who had to be permanently relocated. This area of land is nowadays the countries of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. Finally, in 2000, the last working reactors at Chernobyl were shut down and the plant was officially closed.


20th Century - II According to The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, the nuclear accident of Chernobyl caused uncountable consequences to humans and a long-term impact on the environment. It is said that two Chernobyl plant workers died due to the explosion and further 28 people died in no more than a few weeks after the explosion because of acute radiation syndrome. Moreover, it has been reported that more than 6000 children and adolescents developed diseases such as thyroid cancer after being exposed to radiation from the incident. However, the full consequences of the accident remain highly debatable and understudy, this could include impacts on mental health and even subsequent generations. The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a faulty reactor design, operated by personnel who were not adequately trained. The steam explosion and fires resulting from the accident released at least 5% of the reactor core into the environment, depositing a large number of radioactive materials in many parts of Europe, having the greatest effect on the city of Pripyat. Thousands of people were evacuated as a result of the accident and the radiation it emitted, however, the resettlement of the areas from which they were relocated is still ongoing. Even if the accident would not happen at that time, it would eventually happen, due to poor reactor design, misuse, and poor maintenance.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Báez, J. (2020, April 26). Antes y después en fotos: ¿Cómo era Chernóbil previo al accidente nuclear? Dinero en Imagen. Retrieved from https://www.dineroenimagen.com/actualidad/antes-y-despues-en-fotos-como-erachernobil-previo-al-accidente-nuclear/110698


20th Century - II Blakemore, E. (2020, November 5). El accidente en una central nuclear en Ucrania conmocionó al mundo, alteró una región permanentemente y ha dejado muchas preguntas sin responder. National Geographic. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.es/historia/2019/05/el-desastre-de-chernobil-queocurrio-y-sus-consecuencias-largo-plazo Chernobyl disaster. (n.d.). ScienceDaily. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/chernobyl_disaster.htm Fernández, Y. (2020, May 22). Pripyat antes y después de Chernobyl: así es la ciudad de la Central 34 años después del accidente. Xataka. Retrieved from https://www.xataka.com/otros/pripyat-antes-y-despues-de-chernobyl-asi-es-laciudad-de-la-central-32-anos-despues-del-accidente GreenFacts. (n.d.). Chernobyl Nuclear Accident. Retrieved from https://www.greenfacts.org/en/chernobyl/l-2/0-what-happened-chernobyl.htm Greenspan, J. (2016, April 25). 8 Things You May Not Know About Chernobyl. HISTORY. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/news/8-things-you-may-notknow-about-chernobyl?li_source=LI&li_medium=m2m-rcw-history Huguet, G. (2020, October 25). Viajes National Geographic. Viajes.Nationalgeographic.Com.Es. Retrieved from https://viajes.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/14-ciudades-fantasma-mundo_12783/1


20th Century - II Infoplease. (2017, February 28). Chernobyl Before and After the Worst Nuclear Disaster in History. Retrieved from https://www.infoplease.com/world/disasters/manmade/chernobyl-before-and-after-the-worst-nuclear-disaster-in-history Saenko, V., Ivanov, V., Tsyb, A., Bogdanova, T., Tronko, M., Demidchik, Y., & Yamashita, S. (2011). The Chernobyl accident and its consequences. Clinical Oncology, 23(4), 234-243. UKEssays. (November 2018). The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant And Disaster History Essay. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/history/the-chernobylnuclear-power-plant-and-disaster-history-essay.php?vref=1 Volkherimer, W. (n.d.). Accidentes Nucleares. Conicet Mendoza. Retrieved from https://www.mendoza.conicet.gov.ar/portal/enciclopedia/terminos/AccNucle.htm# :%7E:text=Se%20denominan%20accidentes%20nucleares%20a,de%20materia%2 0radiactiva%20o%20radiaci%C3%B3n. World Nuclear Association. (2019, June) Chernobyl Appendix 1: Sequence of Events. World Nuclear Association. Retrieved from https://www.worldnuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-ofplants/appendices/chernobyl-accident-appendix-1-sequence-of-events.aspx World Nuclear Association. (2020, April). Chernobyl Accident 1986 https://www.worldnuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-of-plants/chernobylaccident.aspx


20th Century - II Young, M. (2019, December 12). Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chernobyl, Ukraine: A Resource Guide. Library of Congress. Retrieved from https://guides.loc.gov/chernobyl-nuclear-accident


20th Century - II Colombian Palace of Justice Siege - Carlos Andres Gonzalez Valderrama On November 6 and 7, 1985, at the Palace of Justice in Bogota, Colombia, participants of the guerrilla group called M-19 entered to take the Palace of Justice, since the army had breached the cease of fire. When M-19 took the palace. The plan was to take hostages to the Magistrates, but the army entered to kill everyone, and the M-19 had to defend itself acting like the army. To comprehend this topic, you need to understand what happened, why happened, and how it ends. To comprehend the causes, first the main events of that day need to be recalled. That day, seven armed guerillas entered the palace at 11 AM. When they entered and took positions, they called other 29 guerillas that entered through two trucks. At 12 PM the guerillas had 350 hostages inside the palace, and the military surrounded the palace. At 1 PM the military tried to retake the palace with three tanks, but until two in the afternoon they managed to enter with the tank, through the main door of the palace, and a fire was committed. At 3 PM some people were able to get out of the palace, which were taken by the police to the command center of the retake, to verify identities. At 4:00 PM the president of the court contacted the current president of Colombia, to tell him that please stop the retake, because it was so dangerous, but the president did not want to talk with him. At 5:30 PM helicopters started to arrive on the roof to rescue more people. The other day at 7:00 AM, the current president agreed to dialogue, and sent the director of national relief, but when he approached the palace he was shot. And at 2:00 PM, the army could retake the palace. Taking more than a hundred people dead, including important Colombian magistrates. The guerrillas came in, but why did they decide to come in? Participants of the M-19 group decided to enter the palace, because the president Belisario Betancur, signed a peace agreement with the guerrilla in 1984, and the military breached it, by failing to carry out the


20th Century - II ceasefire. This caused the guerrillas to take the palace of justice and submit the president of the republic to a public trial. Also “Popeye”, the right hand of the drug trafficker Pablo Escobar, in an interview states that Pablo was the one who gave the idea to the M-19 and funded the guerrillas with two million dollars. (Revista Semana, 2015). This was never officially proven, but they blame him because, just the documents where he was guilty and on a warrant were burned in the palace's retake. Also, there are some people who were inside the palace, and say that the fire that burned these documents, was taken care of by the military, upon entering the palace with tanks. So, it is just a theory that some people think, but up to now it has not been confirmed. After a day it looked like the retake was going to end, but how did it really end? The guerrillas were already tired, and they were very few. It had been a day since they had entered the palace. Their purpose was to express his dissatisfaction with non-compliance, with the ceasefire through the magistrates and the president, but as the military came in to kill them, they had to defend themselves. So that initiated the fight between the guerrillas and the military, and on November 7 at 2:20 PM this fight ended. The army won, and the government retook the palace. To conclude, what happened on November 6 and 7, 1985, was a big tragedy for Colombia. This tragedy left many dead, between them important magistrates of Colombia as was Alfonso Reyes Hechandia, who was the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia. Also, we know that Guerrillas came in, because they wanted to submit the president of the republic to a public trial, as the army had breached the ceasefire, and finally after a day of battle, the military won the palace's retake on November 7, 1985 at 2 P.M.


20th Century - II Bibliography Revista Semana. (2015, November 3). Palacio de Justicia 30 años: John Jairo Velásquez Vásquez [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdIGxlz_R4w&ab_channel=RevistaSemana Noticias Caracol. (2018, May 18). Minuto a minuto, así fue la toma y retoma del Palacio de Justicia [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c9DsqH9b2I BBC Mundo, Bogotá. (2015, November 11). A 30 años de las "28 horas de terror": así fue la toma del Palacio de Justicia en Colombia https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/11/151030_colombia_30_aniversario_toma_p alacio_de_justicia_nc ELDIARIO Boyacá. (2019, September 1). El Palacio de Justicia, 6 y 7 de noviembre de 1985, 48 horas de horror, 34 años de silencio https://periodicoeldiario.com/el-palacio-de-justicia6-y-7-de-noviembre-de-1985-48-horas-de-horror-34-anos-de-silencio/


20th Century - II Feminism – Paloma Monroy Pinzón Nowadays, seeing girls studying in universities or women working in important positions, is common, right? It would seem ridiculous if these and other basic rights were denied just because of their sex, some time ago this was a reality for all women. Feminism has been a social, political, and ideological fight for 3 centuries. Its main objective is to eradicate the patriarchal doctrine, which means to establish gender equality and guarantee women's rights. As it has been such a significant movement for humanity, it is essential to understand its origin, obstacles it has overcome, and its achievements. The origin of the movement is in the Renaissance, simultaneously with the illustration, which proposes equality between social classes, women did not understand why a movement of such magnitude that it fought for universal equality, were completely excluding them. Women were tired of having the only role of satisfying their husbands and doing housework, while all men were highlighted for their "natural superiority", but the system did not allow them to express their disagreements. Women began to realize that more than an individual dissatisfaction, it was universal and although not all dared to express it, a small group of women including Olympe De Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft were determined to make a change, proposing that this "male superiority" more than natural was cultural, writing “The declaration of the rights of women and female citizens” and “The vindication of the rights of women” respectively, which greatly strengthened the movement, awakening in a more women the need to be part of it. As it was expected the patriarchal system of the time was not going to allow that rebellion so laws such as the Napoleon code that forced women to act in obedience to their husbands were implemented and unfortunately many women were guillotined and imprisoned including Mary Wollstonecraft.


20th Century - II The second wave goes from being an intellectual movement to a social action one, which leads the beginning of female suffrage, closely related to the superior education right, highlighting especially the vote right, hoping that by achievement of that, other rights will arrive by themselves. And without stopping protests, suffering all kinds of humiliations and insults from the chauvinist male. After almost half a century of a monotonous fight, feminists began to demand to be heard through human chaining and hunger strikes, beginning to achieve their first victories, obtaining the right to vote in several countries as England and US, among others. The 70s arrive, with them the third wave, fundamental rights have been achieved and women begin to occupy important positions but, inside homes, mistreatment and several kinds of abuse continue occurring. Radical feminism appeared to eradicate the problem from the root, to destroy the patriarchal system, which continues to be evidenced in all areas, spaces such as centers for battered women, personal defense courses, and gynecologists’ consultors are created, radical feminism encourages women to change the implicit sexism culture. Likewise, it is discovered that feminism usually refers to a specific women's prototype, so other kinds of women's interests start being included in the fight, such as transsexuals, aboriginal, Muslims, etc. So new and multiple sub-feminisms emerge. All in all, feminism has evolved and brought multiple rights that women could not access before. This has led to develop multiple new movements to recognize different minorities today. One may think everything has been solved so far, but the truth is, people still need to reflect about laws, behaviors, beliefs, etc. To make our society fairer for everyone.


20th Century - II Bibliography Beard, M., Schmidt, B. (2020). A history of feminism in the west. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting2020/sessions/a-history-of-feminism-in-the-west

History Editors. (2019). Feminism. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/feminism-womens-history

Mitchell, S. (2015). Feminism. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118405376.wbevl119

Prügl, E. (2014). Neoliberalising Feminism. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13563467.2014.951614

Rampton, M. (2015). Four waves of feminism. Retrieved from https://www.pacificu.edu/magazine/four-wavesfeminism#:~:text=The%20first%20wave%20of%20feminism,with%20a%20focus%20on% 20suffrage

Sisinio, J. (2011). Historia del feminismo. Retrieved from https://books.google.com.co/books?hl=es&lr=&id=WH56DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT


21st Century

Arabic Spring – Valeria Peñuela Martinez In December 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi, a peddler, burns on himself, to raise his voice, because of the rights vulnerating, that starts a pro-democracy uprising protest in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa; the Arabic Spring, which creates riots and violence, that finish in civil wars, nevertheless, this left a legacy on human rights, rather, this was not easy and has not finished. The Arabic Spring starts when people realize what was happening with their rights. With this intention, Mohamed Bouazizi incinerated himself because of the confiscation of his sales cart, in that way fighting for rights and inspiring people to express their disagreement. Starting with Tunisia, the protests and motion was the beginning of the Jasmine Revolution, a wave of protests, because of an accumulation of injustices, of course, the government tried to stop it with violence, but it did not function, which causes that president Zine Abidine Ben Ali to abdicate his power, to finally years later, reconstruct the political constitution and make democratic elections. In effect, democracy wins, although it is a process that is still in transition. Meanwhile, other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, inspired by the Jasmine movements, start to raise their voices, developing their own fight. In Egypt with the protest, The Egyptian Revolution, the government tried to control people with violence, but Mubarak, the oppressing president lost the military help, so looking cornered he left the presidency, in that way Egypt started to fix politics for the progress. Egypt still trying to improve human rights politics because of this movement. However, countries such as Yemen did not have positive results and they wrapped in violence. The protest started trying to remove the president, he was injured by a bomb, in that way Saleh, left the country but he returns 4 months later, creating uncertainty, anyways he gives


21st Century up the power to the Vice president, who could not create progress. All in all, violence, and bad power administration, create sadism and war groups which carry a Civil war. As a matter of fact, the regime took advantage of all the chaos and jumble, which brought violence, oppression, and war. In countries like Bahrein, the government starts to oppress the people that led the protest, by killing them because of “national security” or leaving them without work. Moreover, in Syria, the confrontation between Bashar's regime and insurgent groups guided another civil war that was financed by other countries. After all, comes a huge alimentary and immigrant crisis that affects millions of people. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, Arabic Spring as it can be seen carries negative and positive effects on different countries. It causes very big changes in the politics of countries such as Tunisia changes in economies, demography, and work conditions or sadly, civil wars like in Yemen. In essence, it has been a process of transition that we are still seeing today in 2021.

Bibliography Britannica. (n. d.). Arab Spring. Recuperado 27 de enero de 2021, de https://www.britannica.com/event/Arab-Spring History.com Editors. (2018, 10 January). Arab Spring. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-east/arab-spring Robinson, K. (2020, 3 December). The Arab Spring at Ten Years: What’s the Legacy of the Uprisings? Council on Foreign Relations. https://www.cfr.org/article/arab-spring-tenyears-whats-legacy-uprisings


21st Century Colombian Peace Process – Alejandro Hernández Espinosa How did the peace process take place in Colombia? Who was involved in the process? The peace process was created and was made by the ex-president Juan Manuel Santos in time of his office made the peace treaty with the FARC group, to stop the conflict of weapons that they carry. The main cause of this problem is that this group, which is the FARC, The Farc or Revolutionary Forces of Colombia was a guerrilla and terrorist organization of the extreme left, which had several commanders as the famous "Timochenko" which was the last one who was in charge of this organization which ended in September 2016 in Cuba and Oslo. This organization had been doing massacres and murders for a long time, which made people afraid to go out in the street for fear that they would not be able to return home safe and sound. The leaders of this group received an unnecessary reward in the senate given by the government. In the treaty that was made in Havana, Cuba, the Colombian national government gave some seats in the Senate to this guerrilla (Now is a political organization in Colombia), they agreed to surrender their weapons, and promised to go to peace seminars, which was one of the conditions they had to sign the peace treaty. Another positive effect of the agreement was the reduction of violence rates, according to studies made by Giraldo, M. G. (2017, November 18) on several occasions and relevant data establish that thanks to the peace treaty made between the national government and the FARC it was possible to avoid up to 2796 deaths of which a large majority were part of the military, police or FARC who were those who were day to day in a war. At that time, the ex-president Juan Manuel Santos already had deals to end the war which to take the position of the people made a plebiscite in which there were two options to take the YES for peace to return and NO for there to be no peace. In the end, the NO option won (by a


21st Century small difference), so the president took another legal path to make the peace agreement. This situation with the plebiscite further demonstrated how polarized Colombia is, the country has a long history of violence due to ideological divisions, anyway the peace agreement was made and that led Colombia into a new era. Today the country is still divided on whether the peace treaty should be made or not, in any case it closed 50 years of violence in the country, President Santos even won the Nobel Peace Prize, made history globally. There is still much to fight against drug trafficking, kidnappings and violence, that is why Colombians fight every day to make Colombia a better country. Regardless of your political opinion, it is undeniable that the peace process was a historic moment in the country.

Bibliography Colombian Government. (n.d.). Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tratado de paz. Retrieved from https://www.funcionpublica.gov.co/preguntas-frecuentes//asset_publisher/sqxafjubsrEu/content/preguntas-frecuentes-sobre-el-proceso-de-paz-decolomb-1/28585938 Giraldo, M. G. (2017, November 18). Así está Colombia, un año después de las Farc. Retrieved from https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/proceso-de-paz/efectos-en-colombia-tras-un-anode-la-firma-del-acuerdo-de-paz-con-las-farc-152740 Armapedia. Historia de las FARC y Proceso de PAZ en COLOMBIA. (2016, October 28). [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx-GwKgRsJ0 Jurisdicción Especial para la paz. (2016, November 24). Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera. https://www.jep.gov.co/Normativa/Paginas/Acuerdo-Final.aspx


21st Century Romero, M. (2019, November 20). Tres años después del acuerdo, Colombia sigue esperando la paz. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from https://elordenmundial.com/tres-anos-despues-delacuerdo-colombia-sigue-esperando-la-paz/ The Global Justice Academy. (n.d.). A Chronology of Colombian Peace Processes and Peace Agreements. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from https://www.politicalsettlements.org/wpcontent/uploads/2018/01/2015_BP_1_Bell_ORourke_https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/ proceso-de-paz/efectos-en-colombia-tras-un-ano-de-la-firma-del-acuerdo-de-paz-con-lasfarc-152740Matzner_PA-X-Columbian-Chronology-2.pdf


21st Century Iraq War – Abril Pastrana López What happened in Iraq? Who was involved in this war? It all started in 2003 when the U.S suspected that Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction. During this time, the U.S investigated these suspicions they had. Starting with Saddam Hussein who had a lot of power and was the leader that made the population suffer more than other years during his regime, leading this to have many consequences after the war. On the one hand, he killed a lot of people. After the U.S captured him, they put him in jail for many years. On the other hand, the U.S’ suspicions about the weapons were incorrect, getting this war to an end in 2011 after 8 years of research. However, all this situation has made the population change their mind about the democracy and regime they had. There are some reasons why the U.S came to Iraq. One of the most relevant facts is the leader or called as President Saddam Hussein, who wanted absolute power, was having problems with the U.S, because he was not in favor of some ideas the U.S had, but his regime became one of the most chaotic ones in Iraq. As for the situation of the population in Iraq they were not as good as other countries. They were still healing from the past wars of Iran - Iraq war from 1980 to 1988, that has become a failure to Iran, also this has a connection with Saddam Hussein in which Iran wants to wipe off the military power and bring down his regime. Years before this war, the U.S was building a plan in which they were trying to find a solution to defeat Saddam’s regime. Therefore, the U.S planned to defeat this regime, and try to mitigate some consequences of the Iran-Iraq war. The U.S forces had many suspicions of Saddam Hussein’s regime and its available weapons and this led to several attacks on the Iraqi forces together with the population.


21st Century After a research they found out just one truck about this laboratory weapons, these weapons were only found once in the entire war. Therefore, these suspicious were not true at all. Consequently, massive troops from the U.S came to Iraq to invade and attack many urban areas, killing many civilians. According to Statista (2021), in the beginning of the war, there were many deaths of civilians, increasing through the years, 2006 was the year in which the highest rate was 29,517 casualties. Since then, the number of casualties had fallen to 4,162 documented in 2011, as well the number of casualties has been decreasing since 2014. As a result of the war the data cannot be exact, due to many civilians’ death through the years, during and after the war. The population was angry and suffering from this war, claiming to the U.S to stop the attacks. Either way they had many plans and thoughts that they found out were incorrect and severely affected the population. There were many phases of this war, it started slowly with the invasion. One of the most important were the air and ground champaign called “Shock and awe” this tactic was chosen to make it easier to destroy the command structure and this will lead to the organized resistance being eliminated. The US was always optimistic that they will liberate the population, as stated by the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld (Animated History, 2021). The main plan of the Coalition (U.S army), was to capture the bridges of north (Jenkins) and south (Objective Floyd), these two bridges were one of the most important plans of the U.S to finally encircle Najaf and be closer to Baghdad, the capital city. Several days after the attacks there were tanks and infantry surrounding the town. Before the coalition forces went to Baghdad, there were other attacks on Karbala Gap. Finally, the capital was captured on April 9th. However, in Basra the situation was still bad, the coalition troops were searching for more high-value government officials that had escaped the invasion, this was soon interrupted by some Minority groups and Insurgents. After


21st Century all, these attacks were only the beginning of the first accomplished plan by the U.S and several years later were as atrocious as the initial ones. Thereafter of these attacks, there were many consequences that this war had. Besides the city damages, there were a lot of casualties on both sides. This led to the U.S spending a lot of money. According to Statista (2021) by 2015, it was estimated that the United States spent a total of over 819 billion US dollars on war costs in Iraq. In social consequences, there were many damages to health services, which involved the equipment, electrical installations, power plants, and communication centers, with hospitals overloaded, and doctors desperately trying to help people (Bassil, 2012). In political and economic consequences, Iraq's change of regime made the population change their thoughts and some of their beliefs. The results of this war were many, some of them solved but others not, all these causes, consequences and thoughts get to an end in which all conclude that this war had an evolution through the years, in the main plan of changing the regime. In summary, this war has been evolving through the years, and also has made a change in Iraq to reborn and construct a different government. Besides all the plans to wipe off Saddam's regime, the goal has been achieved by the U.S, in which they help to liberate a country from one of the worst and chaotic regimes in Iraqi History. To culminate wars in general had been produced by a problem that developed over the years and that worried the neighboring countries in which they can be affected sometimes. In this case all these ideas and thoughts led to the destruction of a country in 8 years of war without having found what they were mainly looking for.


21st Century Bibliography Bassil, Y. (2012). The 2003 Iraq War: operations, causes, and consequences.Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(5),29-47. BBC News. (2016, July 5). Timeline: Iraq War. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36702957 History. (2020, March 18). War in Iraq begins. HISTORY. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/war-in-iraq-begins Laub, Z. (2017, May 1). The Iraq War. Council on Foreign Relations. https://www.cfr.org/timeline/iraq-war Statista. (2021, February 10). Civilian deaths in Iraq war 2003-2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/269729/documented-civilian-deaths-in-iraq-war-since2003/ The Armchair Historian. (2021, February 12). 2003 Invasion of Iraq (Full Documentary) | Animated History [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hoe43sI758


21st Century The Syrian War – María Paula Trujillo Díaz Most people know about the Syrian War. But do you really know the causes that produced de Syrian War? What are All the things that constructed this terrible war? This can be confusing. Most of the people want to know about the Syrian War for general knowledge or not make past mistakes. Also, Because the world must know that although there is autonomy in each country. Globally the world must ensure the rights of all citizens of Earth. To understand the Syrian War, we need to know what the Syrian War is, so the Syrian War started like a protest in 2011 and within time it turned into an arm conflict. Since the fighting began more than 470,000 people have been killed, this is not the whole people that are affected by the Syrian War, with over 1 million injured and millions more forced to flee their homes and live as refugees. What this armed conflict sought was to restore the government and justice in Syria. Also, it is one of the Belgic conflicts that the Arab Spring began with passive protests on the part of the people that ended up unleashing violent acts on the part of the government. In base of this explanation, we can begin with the causes of this armed conflict. There are different theories of what caused the Syrian war, one is, the Arab Spring, ending the government of that time, by religion and foreign intervention. To better understand the causes of this armed event, we will talk about each of the causes that caused it to go from a nonviolent protest to war as it is known today. It is said that the spark that ignited this war was the Arab Spring, but what is the Arab Spring? And why did it trigger the Syrian war? The Arab spring started in early 2011, this was a series of protests provoked by the political and economic aspects in Egypt and Tunisia. These protests were named Arab Spring, it served as inspiration for activists who were in favor of democracy in Syria. In that same year, a


21st Century young man died for being with 14 young people doing graffiti that was related to the Arab Spring, this unleashed protests and outrage in Syria for what they demanded the release of the young people who did not die. They also asked for greater freedom for the rest of the inhabitants of Syria. This had the opposite effects, President Bashar al-Assad killed and arrested thousands of protesters. This reached a large number of Syrian inhabitants; this caused more protests demanding that Assad resigns from the position of the presidency. Another major cause of the Syrian war is how the government affected this war. Was this one of the causes for this armed confrontation to start? As previously mentioned, because of some young people doing graffiti in Syria, the government kidnapped and tormented the 5 young people. one of them came out dead, the other four managed to get out alive since this news traveled all over Syria and they were released. They also began to protest for freedom for themselves and fairness. The government saw this and immediately put the armed group ahead and began to kill the protesting people. On the other hand, they sought to overthrow the government that was in place at that time because it did not help many people and they stole everything. It should be noted that the aim was to overthrow the government since the inhabitants sought to have their rights fulfilled since with the government of that time they were not being fulfilled. Also, he already had a political breakdown. In addition to the two causes mentioned above, religion plays an important role in the conflict in Syria. A UN report that was published at the end of 2012 said that the conflict was becoming "openly sectarian" in some sectors of the country, in addition, that the different religious communities of Syria were on opposite sides of the struggle between the president's government. Bashar al-Assad. Religion is not one of the most latent causes of this armed conflict, since, as previously stated, it was unleashed by the conflict with the government and the Arab


21st Century Spring. This is an issue that also influences one part since some religious communities tend to support the regime more than others, which fuels mutual suspicion and religious intolerance in many parts of the country.

In general, there is not a single cause or a specific cause for this protest that ended up being an armed conflict, as previously said, these cases are one of many questions about why the Syrian war was formed and what started it. In addition to this, Syria continues to have many problems due to this Syrian war, since as said at the beginning it left 13.1 million of the Syrian population in need of humanitarian aid, such as medicine or food. Almost 3 million of these people live in hard-to-reach areas. As if that weren't enough, more than 5.6 million refugees have fled the country, and another 6.1 million are displaced within Syria.


BBC News. (2016, 11 marzo). Syria: The story of the conflict. https://www.bbc.com/news/worldmiddle-east-26116868. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-26116868

Britannica. (n. d.). Syrian Civil War. Britannica. Recuperado 2 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.britannica.com/event/Syrian-Civil-War

Council on foreign relations. (n.d.). Civil War in Syria. https://www.cfr.org/global-conflicttracker/conflict/civil-war-syria. Recuperado 2 de marzo de 2021, de https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/civil-war-syria


21st Century El diario (2015, 26 marzo). Siria: Orígenes y causas del conflicto. Siria: orígenes y causas del conflicto. https://www.eldiario.es/desigualdadblog/siria-origenes-causasconflicto_132_4304772.html

Marks, J. (2018). Why Is There a Civil War in Syria? History. https://history.com/news/syriacivil-war-assad-rebels

Manfreda, P. (2020) Religion and the Syrian Civil War. ThoughtCo. Retrieved from thoughtco.com/religion-and-conflict-in-syria-2353551.


21st Century Housing crisis 2008 – María Ximena Ramírez Díaz We have all heard about the 2008 housing crisis, but do we really know what is it? what is it like? And why? In September 2008, an economic crisis developed due to mortgages and loans made by banks. The institutions that make this type of loan had a big drop since many people did not repay the loans and banks began to go bankrupt. We will analyze the economy of the U.S.A starting with Wall Street, then banking sector, also the housing sector, and finally relating these 3 terms with the crisis of 2008. The economic uncertainty after the 9/11 attacks was caused by the fear of the people because the thought that a crisis time will come and for that, how must they be prepared? well with money in their hands facing that time this led people to be afraid to invest in any type of business, housing, wall street, etc. Well, this crisis was something unforeseen, people did not know how to react, everything collaborated, the economy was the most affected aspect and people had to find a solution. Now you may wonder what happened with Wall Street, well in this case almost nothing, only people's investments were affected because the other part the insurances help and take their role in the situation. The government tried to fix this situation because if there were no investment in any sectors the banks will not receive any money to invest in actions in Wall street and by the way, the government also would not earn money for their arks so these would lead to a big problem. The whole society was in decline, so the banks were trying to generate dirty profits because they were making loans that people could not pay back and thus charge interest. Thinking about keeping the entire economy from falling into the federal reserve improves people's investment, with some helps, so how do they do it? Well, they put very low-interest rates to demand the attention of the population so that they take loans from the banks, and with these,


21st Century they help the same banks to have money in their coffers to invest in wall street all this to maintain the same. the monopoly they had before 9/11 and they did not let the banks fail. All this monopoly that was generated is a clear example of manipulating people because the banks tried to save their economy but did not consider that their economy depended on the population and when they did not have money left with so many interests, this would end. On the one hand, the economic crisis began to have an advance when the government acted on the matter. The main thing was the rescue of financial institutions, making the government lend public money to banks with low interest so that they did not go bankrupt. In addition to that central banks lowered the interest rate thus making the credits work again. On the other hand, a solution to this was the purchase of a public debt program so that states could borrow at lower levels giving confidence to the financial state. This had an effect and was that the public debt increased considerably worldwide. This had an effect, and it was that the public debt increased considerably worldwide, which is why this crisis began to become a global problem. In summary, the 2008 housing crisis was the economic imbalance that led the bank to make mortgages, but this spread worldwide, and this generated conflicts. we can see how the United States as time goes by continues to be the most important economic bastion worldwide, because with the collapse in 29 and 2008 we could see all the consequences that this brought at a global level and the resection that many countries experienced because of this. However, and despite all the negative consequences that the 2008 crisis brought, it left us with several lessons and precautions for the current economic system, as well as how prevention can end in some cases.


21st Century Bibliography Baker, D. (2008). The housing bubble and the financial crisis. real-world economics review. Retrieved from https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/57117/Housing_Bubble_0508.pdf Mervin, J. (2011, 6 agosto). Wall street y las secuelas del 11 de septiembre. BBC NEWS. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-14798711 McArthur, C., & Edelman, S. (2017, 13 abril). The 2008 housing crisis. Center for American Progress.


21st Century Syrian War - Silvana Rodríguez Ariza The Syrian war has caused many conflicts between the government and citizens, beginning in 2011 as a nonviolent uprising, becoming one of the most tragic events of the time. Many victims have been reported among the years and the number of victims increase as the years go by, in this instance of the civil war, numerous people have been embroiled and dejected, calling the attention and concern of several nations. The catastrophe comes with some incidents that caused the attempt on a whole nation, such as the Arab Spring or the government agent. A battle that endures for 11 years and has been killed more than 500,000 people had a beginning and conceivably an end. There were two main causes that triggered the war, recognized as one of the longest battles of the time. As a consequence of the civil instability within the population because of the poverty, unemployment and bad government system the complaining of the citizens was one important symptom of the war that started. On the other hand, the Arab spring was another cause of the event, causing more arguments of the division that may occur between the government and the Syrian population. Including some other causes, the religion was a conflict because of the differences in the Muslim the government correspond to a branch of this religion called Sunni and a big percentage of the population is Shiite this produced a difference in the interpretation of the Koran. These unfortunate events lead to intensify the war. Furthermore, the causes provoked the population to take different ideologies that conclude in the division of a whole nation. In one part the government directed by the president Bashar al-Assad that has being in the dominance of Syria for 11 years, applying the totalitarianism in the type of government that allow democracy to be repressed and increasing the disagreement of Syrian people opening place to the rebels, a big group of people that is made up


21st Century by the habitants of the country who want a change in aspects that affected the survival and wellness of this assemble. In this event also can be found extra official military forces that participated in many armed conflicts in which civilians have died in protests around Syria. Forming the social division that resorts to the use of weaponry which expands the conflict. According to Becker (2015), the Syrian government has maintained unusual relations on repeated occasions with groups outside the law, having alliances with economic and financial movements. Moreover, these relationships affected not only the battlefront but also the civilians. The terrorism that is related to the Syrian government is part of the conflict, driving chaos and differences between the government and the citizens, being those who provide part of the weapons and people to fight against the rebels. Therefore, the affections of all the events brought a high rate of people that died during the armed conflicts and the migration of many of these civilians obligated to leave Syria because of the war. These refugees are located around the world searching for better opportunities of life, training to avoid the conflict of their country and leave the territory in several conditions that put in risk the human wellness of the population. Evidently the relationship between the government and the population in Syria is severely damaged. Because of all the violent events, the differences within the nation and rebels, the participation of terrorism and the poor condition of life have left an irreparable mark for Syria that conclude in the violent division of their society. An 11-year-old reminder that war only leaves illness among its habitants and, even worse, this one still does not come to an end.

Bibliography BBC. Why is there a war in Syria? (2019, February 25). BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35806229


21st Century Becker, M. (2015). When terrorists and target governments cooperate: The case of Syria. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(1), 95-103. Marks, J. M. (2010, September 14). Why Is There a Civil War in Syria? History. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/news/syria-civil-war-assadrebels#:~:text=Although%20many%20complicated%20motives%20led,Egypt%20and%2 0Tunisia%20broke%20out Todd, Z. (2019). By the Numbers: Syrian Refugees Around the World. Frontline. Retrieved from www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/numbers-syrian-refugees-around-world/


21st Century World Trade Center Attack - Sara Celis Reyes Terrorism, violence, and fear, those three words can describe what people in the US experienced in the 9/11 attack on 2001. The world trade center attack or mostly known as the 9/11 was a massive attack on the US, you must be wondering, how these accidents could nearly kill three thousand people? how did it happen? To understand this terrorist attack, a review of the events, and consequences is needed. Besides, the memorial and experiences after this tragic day. This massive attack took thousands of lives with it, and you should be wondering how? This happened because four Planes were hijacked and crashed by terrorists from de Al-Qaeda, In New York the first and second plane crashed in the North and South Twin Towers at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. respectively leaving the towers in flames and unstable. Another plane hit part of the pentagon at 9:37 a.m. and left it also in flames. Lastly at 10:03 a.m a final plane crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after the passengers fought the hijackers, their target was believed to be the White House or the Capitol, it is terrible knowing all the terrible damages that this group of terrorists made in a single day. This attack was a clear demonstration of all the bad things that things a human can plan to feel superior from others. They might have planned these attacks, but they were not fully accomplished because the last plane to crash had difficulties. The terrorist attack brought many civilian casualties. Firstly, both twin towers in the World Trade Center were hit. The towers were in flames, people started to panic, and the emergency services were evacuating as many people as they could. The elevators were dysfunctional making the people’s evacuation harder. Approximately 2,770 people lost their lives in New York. These numbers include people from the emergency services, those who were abroad the hijacked planes, and the people that were inside and around the twin towers when they collapsed. Moreover, according to Wang et al (2015), in the pentagon attack “One hundred


21st Century eighty-nine persons lost their lives. Area health facilities received 106 patients; 49 were admitted for treatments and 57 were treated and released”. All these burnt people fortunately had a quick and good medical attention. Unfortunately, no one survived the last plane crash, but they sacrificed their lives for the others sake. with all these acts of kindness it can be seen that there was a lot of selfishness from the attackers because of all the damage they caused and all that innocent people that could not survive the crashes and the collapsed buildings and got stuck in the dust until their final breath, but hopefully people from the different emergency services answered their duty call and helped along with ordinary people disposed to save those who had difficulties when evacuating and sacrificed their life for the others, the doctors that also helped all the injured people and the burned ones from the pentagon crash, and a lot more people that had enough kindness to somehow collaborated during the attacks. The reconstruction project of the ground zero where the twin towers collapsed lasted approximately one to two years meanwhile the zone was cleaned up to proceed with the new constructions. There were several proposals for the reconstruction project. After some time, an idea came, which consisted of making a memorial for all those people that passed away, this by digging two big, squared holes where the twin towers used to be and around it all the names of those people that died in these attacks would be written. In its surroundings there was built a new tower called One World Trade. In May 2013, the construction concluded. There is also a museum where it explains all the events that happened in 9/11. Annually on September 11 lights from the bottom of the holes of the fountain memorial light up the sky as a reminder of the hard time they had to fight on this date years ago. After all these years, all the world Commemorates this day and all those who lost their lives by taking flowers to the fountains. This commemoration is also


21st Century a way to pay respect, gratitude, and it also a day when people are united more than ever making this reconstruction more likely a peace place where people can respect each other. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, the 9/11 attack on 2001 was the biggest attack that the US had to face. There were tears, screams and no compassion from the terrorist in the horrifying moments at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the possible target of the Capitol or the White House. On September 11, The US lost approximately 3,000 lives, but this number of losses also represents all the heroes from the emergency service. Even though this attack was sorrowful for the entire nation, they got back on their feet and helped each other in every way possible. The US decided to make a memorial at the same location of the twin tower used to be so the nation would never forget the lives they lost at the 9/11 attack. At this date no one has forgotten all those who passed away in the attack. “The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead, we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom.” — (Giuliani, 2001)

Bibliography Giuliani, R. (2001). 9/11 Address to United Nations [Speech Video Recording]. American Rhetoric. Retrieved from https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/rudygiuliani911unitednations.htm History (2011, Jun 20).9/11: Rebuilding of Ground Zero. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/21st-century/911-rebuilding-of-ground-zero Lego. (2016). Lego Architecture New York City: Information manual. Retrieved from https://www.lego.com/cdn/product-assets/product.bi.core.pdf/6285434.pdf


21st Century Ryan W. Quinn, Monica C. Worline. (2008, Aug 1).Enabling Courageous Collective Action: Conversations from United Airlines Flight 93. Retrieved from https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/orsc.1070.0331. Shawn, S. [AdventureShawn]. (2019, January 17). Visiting The 9/11 Memorial & Museum In New York [Video].YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkJ0K0IBOA4 . The Telegraph. 2016, September 13. How the 9/11 terror attacks unfolded | Telegraph Time Tunnel [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNyjZJOEXpE Wang, D., Sava, J., Sample, G., & Jordan, M. (2005). The pentagon and 9/11. Critical care medicine, 33(1), S42-S47.


21st Century Colombian Peace Process – Manuela Jaramillo Florez Many people think they know Colombian reality without first knowing its entire peace process. Colombia is a country where many people pay for their silence, while others have a hard time. Colombia has been branded as a violent, corrupted, and delayed country. The ideals and strategies that President Juan Manuel Santos had to end the violence between politics and weapons will be disclosed for the peace treatment, how these ideals have evolved and the importance of considering this. In mid-2012 the Colombian government led by President Juan Manuel Santos (20102018) published conversations with the paramilitary groups (FARC) with the intention to incite the peace process and give a solution to the conflict. Over the years, different strategies have been implemented on the position of presidency in Juan Manuel Santos to achieve peace treatment, where he gave a report on the progress of the topic. “At the same time, I would like to reiterate: The door to dialog is not locked. I hope, during my government, to lay the foundations for true reconciliation among Colombians. (…) To the illegal armed groups that invoke political reasons and today speak again of dialog and negotiation, I say that my government will be open to any conversation that seeks to eradicate violence, and to build a more prosperous, equitable and just society. That is, I insist, over” (Santos, 2010) In August 2012, it was announced that a rapprochement with the FARC had been reached where a road map had been established for the beginning of a process of discussion that would begin in Oslo, Norway, but that would be developed in Havana, Cuba. Two months later started the conversations in Oslo where get the negotiating agenda and the inicial constitution about the negotiation teams. Focusing more on the negotiation agenda, which was important to know that


21st Century the treaties of integral agricultural development, political participation, ending the conflict, drug trafficking and drug use were discussed. On 24 August 2016, the general agreement for the end of conflict and the establishment of a stable and lasting peace was signed in Cartagena, weeks later it was established that Colombians would have to vote for the “yes or “no “about the final agreement for the end of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace. 35 million of Colombians voted for, the "yes" had a percentage of 49.79% and the "no" a percentage of 50.21% even though the "no" made the most profit, agreement was reached to further improve peace treaties and a national pact of political forces was called for in favor of the agreement. Many of the young people who live in Bogota came out to protest the attacks on the peace process on October 5. The peace agreement was subject to changes, adjustments and provisions that strengthened it, the signing of it was finally made at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá, on November 24, 2016.which was important to note because as the peace pact was being created. In Colombia, there were violent acts, massacres, kidnappings and among others, it was not safe to live. The people were scared, and the percentage of violence increased a lot, for that reason was important the peace treaty to ensure the safety of all Colombians, including politicians, and those in the health branch. The Colombian peace process aims to establish the peace of Colombians against the armed forces where the arrival of Las Farc at the congress, allowed them to establish alliances with political forces of the left which led to a greater political position than the officialism which was led at that time by the party of the U (Juan Manuel Santos) needless to mention, peace is going on over the years and everything is in the hands of Colombians if they unleash a war against these groups, which would not be the best thing in these times, but given the legacy that frames saints, peace would be one of the solutions.


21st Century Bibliography BBC News Mundo. (2016, 3 octubre). Qué votaron exactamente los colombianos en el «plebiscito por la paz» de este domingo. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-americalatina-37506401 Bell, C., O'Rourke, C., Matzner, S. (2015) A Chronology of Colombian Peace Processes and Peace Agreements. Old College: Edinburgh BBC News Mundo. (2016a, octubre 2). Colombia: ganó el «No» en el plebiscito por los acuerdos de paz con las FARC. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina37537187 Deutsche Welle (www.dw.com), & Ospina, J. (2019, September 25). Acuerdo de Paz de Colombia: la puja por el texto definitivo. DW.COM. https://www.dw.com/es/acuerdo-depaz-de-colombia-el-forcejeo-por-el-texto-definitivo/a-50554357 Función pública. (n.d.). Preguntas frecuentes sobre el proceso de paz de Colombia. https://www.funcionpublica.gov.co/preguntas-frecuentes//asset_publisher/sqxafjubsrEu/content/preguntas-frecuentes-sobre-el-proceso-de-paz-decolomb-1/28585938 Miriamd.garzon. (2018, November 2). Timeline of the Colombian peace process. NEWS BBVA. https://www.bbva.com/en/timeline-colombian-peace-process/ Romero, M. (2019, 2 diciembre). Tres años después del acuerdo, Colombia sigue esperando la paz. El Orden Mundial - EOM. https://elordenmundial.com/tres-anos-despues-delacuerdo-colombia-sigue-esperando-la-paz/


21st Century Santos, J. M. (2020, 31 agosto). Discurso completo de posesión de Juan Manuel Santos. Semana.com Últimas Noticias de Colombia y el Mundo. Retrieved from https://www.semana.com/politica/articulo/discurso-completo-posesion-juan-manuelsantos/120293-3/


21st Century The season of Revolutions – Juan José Donado Diaz Have you ever heard about the Arab Spring? But not precisely the season, the Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy revolts involving several predominantly Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Bahrain. Basically, the events in these nations started in the spring of 2011, which contributed to the name. However, nowadays, years after many of them ended, the political and social influence of these popular revolts or uprisings remain significant. All began with a street vendor from Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi, lighting himself on fire outside a government office in the little-known town of Sidi Bouzid in outrage. His act of rebellion set off a nationalist wave in a matter of days that rippled across the Middle East and North Africa. Also, Pro-democratic demonstrations quickly grew thanks to social media. Gradually overthrowing the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. The First “Anti-government demonstrations” or revolts rattled Tunisia at the beginning of December 2010. Later, in 2011, a surge of demonstrations, uprisings, and unrest erupted through Arabic-speaking nations in North Africa and the Middle East; these ideas and revolts spread into what became known as the Arab Spring. The first results were seen in Tunisia, the country's oppressive ruler, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was forced to resign and flee the country after street demonstrations erupted in Tunis. For more than two decades, he had dominated the country with an iron fist, so activists in neighboring countries were motivated by Tunisia's regime change, the country's first free parliamentary elections were held in October 2011 and the others continued to oppose and protest repressive regimes in their own countries.


21st Century After this, results in the other countries began to be seen, like in the case of Egypt's government that was overthrown on February 11, 2011. This leads to President Hosni Mubarak steps down and faces charges of killing protesters, after that the elections were held on November 28 of 2011. Furthermore, in Libya, On February 15, 2011, anti-government demonstrations began, sparking a civil war between rebel forces and loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi. Tripoli was captured and the government overthrown on Aug. 23. And Gadhafi was killed by transition forces on Oct. 20. Significant effects were also seen in other nations, with good implications for the whole Middle East. To conclude the Arab Spring was an evolutionary time and of great changes not only for the Middle East, for the whole world since the ideas of the Arab Spring were important in many events later. The Arab Spring was so important that its repercussions can be compared to the French Revolution since the ideals of these two great revolutions marked times and created changes in how people saw the world, they realized that they could be heard, since they made great changes in governments and entire countries.

Bibliography Encyclopedia Britannica. (2021) Arab Spring | History, Revolution, Causes, Effects, & Facts. [online] Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/Arab-Spring

NPR. (2011, December 17). The Arab Spring: A Year of Revolution. https://choice.npr.org/index.html?origin=https://www.npr.org/2011/12/17/143897126/thearab-spring-a-year-of-revolution


21st Century Iraq War: A battle against terrorism – Juan Gonzalo Segura Vargas How would you feel if you need to leave your country because there is a war out there that can kill you anytime? Terrible right? That is the situation of millions of people in the Middle East and specially it was for a long time in Iraq. The Iraq war, one of the most catastrophic events of the early 21st century, directly related to the events of 9/11, one of the darkest days in the history of the United States. The country US declared war on to terrorism at the international level, George Bush responded with a quite aggressive position towards Al Qaeda and Iraq, it is estimated that in the Iraq war more than 650,000 people, including the British military, the United States and Iraqi civilians were killed. As a modern war, there is still a lot of data that has not been released, and the statistics are still very conservative, the effects at the social, economic, and political level are gigantic even today. For a long time, the political situation in Iraq was decreasing, Saddam Hussein led the country to ruin with the development of weapons of mass destruction, since the 1990s. The UN tried on repeated occasions to bring inspectors to supervise the dictator, but they did not accomplish a lot. Iraqi relations continued to collapse for 11 more years, until 9/11, when the United States declared war on terrorism, and linked Hussein to the event, two years later the dictator was caught and executed. Starting a conflict with no boundaries, creating the Iraq war. In 2003 Saddam Hussein, an Iraqi dictator who continued to promote fear nationally and internationally, was captured. This man was closely related to terrorism, the development of massive chemical weapons, he was accused of torturing hundreds of people and bringing the country to ruin (in his government he got into 3 wars). The Iraqis desperate by the situation began to form self-military groups made up of civilians, it was a complete mess. There were protests every day, and many people lost their lives,


21st Century including Iraqi, American, British, and Australian soldiers. Many civilians had to leave the country as refugees, and everyone knows it is not easy to find stability in the majority Middle East countries, each one had their own problems. “The Iraq war validated a basic rule of American politics: the American public closes ranks in times of national crisis. In the prolonged march to war, the public was divided and ambivalent about the wisdom of invading Iraq rather than relying on continued United Nations weapons inspections. Most of those doubts evaporated once the bombs began falling. And the surge of patriotism not only boosted public support for President Bush but extended beyond the White House to raise optimism about the country’s institutions and American society as a whole.” (Smith & Lindsay, 2003). Unfortunately, for a long the situation did not improve much in Iraq, as the Middle East is well known for being the site of many warlike conflicts. The Shiites and Sunnis began to dispute power, an internal war was generated, in which the United States had to intervene, this added to the strong pressure created by the terrorist group ISIS, in the region. British and Australian soldiers were also dispatched to mitigate the violent impacts in the area. Finally, the situation actually improved, for several years foreign soldiers helped to restore stability (or at least something close) in Iraq. The US troops left in 2011. Currently Iraq continues to be a quite a convulsed region, terrorism and terrorist groups such as ISIS prevail, although fortunately, the country has the support of the UN, the international community and has been able to consolidate in a relatively good way its oil production. All in all, the war changed many people, both soldiers and civilians, and left blood stains all over the country. Now it serves as a reference for possible subsequent military conflicts, it serves to prove that the weapons effectively leave dead, not only on both fronts of the battle, but innocent people too. It is important to know the past to understand the present.


21st Century Bibliography BBC News. (2016, July 5th). Timeline: Iraq War. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36702957 Kull, C., Ramsay, C., & Lewis, E. (2013, February 15th). Misperceptions, the Media, and the Iraq War. Political Science Quarterly, 569. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538165X.2003.tb00406.x Laub, Z. (2017, May 1st). The Iraq War. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/timeline/iraq-war Lindsay, J., & Smith, C. (2003, January 1st). Rally ‘Round the Flag: Opinion in the United States before and after the Iraq War. Brookings. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/articles/rally-round-the-flag-opinion-in-the-united-statesbefore-and-after-the-iraq-war/ The Library of Congress. (2009, July). About this Collection | Iraq War 2003 Web Archive. LOC. Retrieved from https://www.loc.gov/collections/iraq-war-2003-web-archive/aboutthis-collection/


21st Century Hurricane Katrina – Iván Santiago Angulo Reyes How would you feel if you know that a hurricane is coming to you, and it is going to leave you with nothing? Hurricane Katrina did not only cause economic damage, it also caused the biggest massive evacuation in the history of the US. This natural phenomenon occurred on Monday August 29, 2005. This hurricane not only caused a stir for its damages estimated at 100 billion dollars, but it also exposed how poorly prepared the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was. Hurricane Katrina had a very strong impact on the economy, leaving losses around 156 billion dollars (Bruton & Hicks, 2005). In the quarter from July to September 2005, the US economy increased by 4,1%, however, in the quarter from October to December was where the losses caused by Hurricane Katrina were announced, since the economy decreased by a 1,7%. Until the first quarter of 2006, the economy could grow up to 5,4%, suggesting that the economy had recovered after such a strong natural phenomenon, which caused a very large decrease in the economy. The value of oil was also affected, since Hurricane Katrina affected 19% of oil production causing the price per barrel of oil to increase to more than $70 dollars. Thus, the hurricane effects were severe. The hurricane attacked the gulf coast of the United States. States such as Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi were affected, however the most affected city was New Orleans since it is the city closest to the sea level. This hurricane caused the largest massive displacement in US history. Approximately 1,3 million people were those who left the state of Louisiana, while 400,000 were the people who left New Orleans, “This was the largest evacuation in the history of the United States (Horne, 2012). When the storm reached the most affected states, many people could not leave the cities not because they did not want to, it was because they were very poor


21st Century and could not do so (Gonzalez, 2005). However, these people would have been able to evacuate, if the government would have provided help, which never happened. One of the main causes of the hurricane having a stronger impact on New Orleans was poor engineering, poor construction of the levees that were supposed to contain the hurricane. After six months of the hurricane, FEMA gave statements in which they accepted that the levees had not been built in a good way and therefore they had not the hurricane, however they defended was that they did not have sufficient resources to build levees that would contain hurricane Katrina, the lack of resources caused that the materials, quality and design were not adequate for the construction of the levees. On the other hand, FEMA also had a large participation in the failure of the levees since they did not consider the poor quality of the soil in New Orleans and the subsidence of land that existed in this state. The national government was also implicated since they did not appoint a supervisor to review the progress of the works and how they were being carried out. According to Lopez (2015) a paper about the levees was published in Water Policy magazine in 2006 completely blames FEMA as it blames them for poor decision making to save money, however the paper was taken down. In conclusion, hurricane Katrina was one natural phenomenon that caused the most damage in the United States, damages that exceeded 156 billion dollars, also the largest massive evacuation in the history of the United States. On the other hand, the government and FEMA demonstrated how poorly prepared they were for a phenomenon of this magnitude. Also, the government did not support with resources and knowledge so better plans could be developed to achieve some control over the hurricane. Finally, the affected states cannot endure another hurricane like Katrina, since the levees and walls that were built could not be so big and resistant as to contain such a strong catastrophe. Do you think all countries are prepared to endure a natural phenomenon as strong as Hurricane Katrina?


21st Century Bibliography Appleton, M, (Aug 9, 2019), Hurricane Katrina, New York. History. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/hurricane-katrina Burton, M and Hicks, M, (September 2005), Hurricane Katrina: Preliminary Estimates of Commercial and Public Sector Damages, Huntington, West Virginia Amadeo, K, (September 27, 2020) Hurricane Katrina Facts, Damage, and Costs. The Balance. Retrieved from https://www.thebalance.com/hurricane-katrina-facts-damage-and-economic-effects3306023#:~:text=Economic%20Impact%3A%20Katrina's%20true%20cost,insured%20lo sses%20at%20%2435%20billion. Lopez, G, August 28, 2005, Hurricane Katrina, in 7 essential facts, Vox https://www.vox.com/2015/8/23/9191907/hurricane-katrina Horne, J, August 31, 2012, Five myths about Hurricane Katrina, Washington post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-hurricanekatrina/2012/08/31/003f4064-f147-11e1-a612-3cfc842a6d89_story.html Gonzalez, D, September 2, 2005, From Margins of Society to Center of the Tragedy, The New York times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/02/us/nationalspecial/from-margins-of-society-tocenter-of-the-tragedy.html


Authors My dear students, I am proud of your work and what you do. Please, never stop doing your best and pushing your limits. 9A


Diana María Bohórquez Franco

María José Álvarez Suarez

Sofía Castro Guzmán

Silvana Amaya Bocanegra

Manuela Castro López

Iván Santiago Angulo Reyes

Juan Sebastián Castro Mora

Juan David Arias Arenas

Simón Charry Tovar

Sofía Benavides Tunjano

Carla Cruz Aya

Sergio Carrascal Bonilla

Catalina Devia Aragón

Sara Campuzano Camacho

Juan José Donado Díaz

Sara Celis Reyes

Santiago Giraldo Giraldo

Nicolás Correa Rodríguez

Mariana Gómez Vivas

Juan Miguel Fossi Guzmán

Giancarlo González Sánchez

Carlos Andrés González Valderrama

Samuel Andrés Guerra Zambrano

Claudia Fernanda Hernández Cifuentes

Juan David Guzmán Urueña

Manuela Jaramillo Flórez

Alejandro Hernández Espinosa

María Paula Laverde Castro

Carlos José Homez Ramírez

Paloma Monroy pinzón

Manuela López Castaño

Natalia Mosos González

Sofía Marcela Martínez Lozano

Ana Sofía Mosquera Castro

Anna Gabriela Mosquera Gómez

Juan José Pinzón Trejos

José Manuel Olarte Bermúdez

Silvana Rodríguez Ariza

Abril Sofía Pastrana López

Aileen Sofía Rodríguez Echeverry

Valeria Peñuela Martínez

Sofía Rodríguez Godoy

Mia Isabella Pérez Pacheco

Juan Gonzalo Segura Vargas

María Ximena Ramírez Díaz

Marialuna Torres Devia

Tomás David Rojas Barragán

Manuel José Tovar Callejas

María Juliana Salazar Villegas María Paula Trujillo Díaz

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