MTA press (beta 1.0)

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1st number // 2012 NOVEMBER






DECLARACIÓN DE INTENCIONES 4 minutos y 18 segundo es el tiempo que ha invertido un tal Felix en saltar en caída libre desde la estratosfera. Dejadme 4 minutos y 18 segundos de vuestro tiempo para contaros. Dejadme que os cuente que no se me dan bien las presentaciones y que por lo tanto no os dejéis llevar por primeras impresiones. Puede que a muchos de vosotros este inesperado primer número de MTA Press os haya pillado desprevenidos, pero esperamos que la sorpresa os haya resultado grata porque venimos para quedarnos. Nuestra intención es consagrar un nuevo cauce de información y comunicación que posibilite informar, anunciar, opinar y debatir sobre temas de interés general, con especial referencia a ésta nuestra comunidad (MTA feat Juan Cuesta). Ni que decir tiene que esta nueva andadura solo será fructífera si todos colaboramos y vemos una utilidad real en ella, empleándola como herramienta para concebir una mejor comunicación entre todos nosotros. Así que lo único que os puedo decir es que esta es nuestra primera cita, que os dejeis llevar por la magia, que disfruteis con cada palabra y que nos lo vamos a pasar bien. Muy bien. Abierta a sugerencias (no de índole sexual) Patrizia Varela. GLOW.

smile style why not?

KOOPERAKTIBISTAK is an activist movement that want to rebirth the spirit of cooperativism in the 21th century. “Create transformative experiences that build a common constructive vision about the present and the future of the social and economical dimension projects of Mondragón] cooperatives all over the world” 4



We want to reconect with the values that give birth to Mondrag贸n Cooperativism movement, lead by Priest J.M. Arizmendiarrieta. 5






PENGUIN TEAMS Cuando la semilla cae al suelo, va absorbiendo el agua que hay en

ella, se va expandiendo y cuando tiene suficiente, se abre y sale una pequeña raíz. Con el tiempo aparece el tallo, que lleva las primeras hojas de la nueva planta. Durante todo el proceso la planta absorbe todo lo que el entorno le ofrece. Una pequeña semilla, tapada por la sombra de los grandes arboles, que lucha por sobrevivir, haciendose cada vez más fuerte. ¿Dónde va nuestra raíz? ¿Cuándo saldrán nuestras hojas? ¿Cuándo florecerá nuestro fruto? No sabemos nada, y pasaran muchas cosas a lo largo del tiempo, pero hay algo que sabemos. Venimos del suelo, y además, una planta, si se cuida, dura toda la vida.


Lehenengo bizipenak; Urriak 9, egun ederra benetan gure lehendabiziko idatzia argita-

ratzeko! Azkenaldian nahiko galdurik egon garen arren, bidea aurkitzen hasiak gara eta talde bezala lehenengo pausuak eman ditugu jada. Atzo bertan, Leinn esperientzia honetan lau urtez gure bidelagun izango den Lemon izena aukeratu geuen eta esan beharra dago ez zela batere aukeraketa erreza izan, besteak beste, hainbat istilu ere izan genituen. Hasiera batean “African democracy� estiloa aukeratu bagenuen ere, bost ordu igaro ondoren, txanpon bateko erregearen irudiak Lemon izena aukeratu zuen, Eizu (beste aukera) baztertu zuelarik. Momentu haiek gure enpesaren hastapenak zirela bagenekien eta horregatik, unea bideoan grabatzea pentsatu genuen. Bertan ikus daitekeen bezala, emozioaren eraginez, batzuk erregea eta Espainia goraipatu eta guzti egin zuten! Hura bai tentsio momentua! Behin izena aukeratuta izanda, beste hainbat helburu betetzea proposatu dugu eta gutxinakagutxinaka pausoak ematen jarraituko dugu. Gure hurrengo erronka talde bezala hobe funtzionatzen ikastea izango da, azken finean, taldean lan egiten ikasteko daude eta hori izan behar da une oro gure zeregina. @lemonCoop








The reader is introduced to the narrator who, as a young boy, drew a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. However, he is discouraged from drawing when all adults who look at his picture see a hat, instead. The narrator attempts to explain what his first picture depicts by drawing another one clearly showing the elephant, disturbing the adults as a result. As such, he decides to become a pilot, which eventually leads to a crash in the Sahara desert. In the desert, the narrator meets the little prince, who asks him to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, the narrator shows him the picture of the elephant in the snake. To the narrator’s surprise, the prince recognizes the drawing for what it is. After a few failed attempts at drawing a sheep, the narrator draws a box in his frustration, claims that the box holds a sheep inside. Again to the narrator’s surprise, the prince is delighted with the result. The little prince’s home asteroid, or “planet”, is introduced. The asteroid is the size of a house, has three volcanoes (two active, and one dormant) and a rose, among various other objects. The narrator believes this asteroid to be called B-612. The Prince spends his days caring for the asteroid, pulling out the baobab trees that are constantly trying to take root there. The Prince falls in love with the rose, who appears not to return his love due to her vain nature. The Prince loses his trust in the rose after she lies to him, and he grows lonely. After he reconciles with his rose, the prince leaves to see what the rest of the universe is like. He visits six other asteroids, each of which is inhabited by a foolish adult. The sixth asteroid is inhabited by a geographer, who asks the prince to describe his home. When the prince mentions the rose, the geographer explains that he does not record roses, calling them “ephemeral”. The prince is shocked and hurt by this revelation. The geographer recommends that he visit the Earth. On the Earth, the prince meets a snake that claims to have the power to return him to his home planet, though the prince refuses this offer. The prince then meets a desert flower, who tells him that there are only a handful of men on Earth and that they have no roots, letting the wind blow them around and living hard lives. The prince climbs the highest mountain he has ever 12 in hopes of seeing the whole planet and finding seen,

people. However, he only sees a desolate landscape. When the prince calls out, his echo answers him, and he mistakes it for the voices of other humans. Eventually, the prince comes upon a whole row of rosebushes, and becomes downcast because he thought his rose was unique. He begins to feel that he is not a great prince at all, as his planet contains only three tiny volcanoes and a flower he now thinks of as common. He lies down in the grass and weeps. As the prince cries, a fennec fox comes across him. The prince tames the fox, who explains to him that his rose really is unique and special, because she is the one whom the prince loves. The fox also explains that, in a way, the prince has tamed the flower, and that this is why the prince now feels responsible for her. The prince then comes across a railway switchman and a merchant. The switchman tells the Prince how passengers constantly rush from one place to another aboard trains, never satisfied with where they are and not knowing what they are after. Only the children amongst them bother to look out of the windows. The merchant tells the prince about his product, a pill which eliminates thirst and is very popular, saving people fiftythree minutes a week. The prince replies that he would use the time to walk and find fresh water. Back in the present, the narrator is dying of thirst, but finds a well with the help of the prince. The narrator later finds the prince discussing his return home with the snake. The prince bids an emotional farewell to the narrator and states that if it looks as though he has died, it is because his body is too heavy to take with him to his planet. The prince warns the narrator not to watch him leave, as it will make him sad. The narrator, realizing what will happen, refuses to leave the prince’s side. The prince allows the snake to bite him, and falls without making a sound. The next morning, the narrator tries to look for the prince, but is unable to find his body. The story ends with a portrait of the landscape where the prince and the narrator met and where the snake took the prince’s life. The narrator makes a plea that anyone encountering a strange child in that area who refuses to answer questions should contact the narrator immediately.




“SAN FRANCISCO; THE FIRST STEP IN A NEVER STOP TRAVEL” It’s never easy to take new paths. Normally this kind of decisions are taken when a specific sort of situation comes along in which the travelers (or the people in the problem) don’t see another exit but start up the new travel.


It is a curious word “Entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneur, entrepreneurial… everything in order to mean a quite complicated action: look at the problems face to face, bravely, with hope and strength. Knowing you will make it through. Our team is now facing a similar situation. The situation of our country is not too great; it’s not to die for. The unemployment, the crisis, the failure in schools, the inflation… But, facing any adversity to come, thirteen brave and optimist students (plus a girl from Finland that just got here), consider that it is time for someone to do something, and started up a one way trip, no back ups. A trip with which we hope to find answers, ideas and most of all inspiration in order to embrace and build our community as the in a big motor in socialeconomical change leader. April the 1st San Francisco will be waiting for us. It is not by chance that we have chosen this city from California. Over the years, starting when HP the company was first born in a garage, going through apple, and all the way to google or Facebook there has been a technological revolution starting up and going on around the old Stanford University. All of this in the city of Silicon Valley. 14



According to Wikipedia, this name was internationalized by Don C. Hoefler a journalist, in 1971. Silicon, makes reference to the high concentration of semiconductor and computer industries in the area; and Valley is because of the Santa Clara valley, even though it also could do reference to the surrounding area as well as both sides of the bay to which the industries have spread. It won’t be the only stop we will do in our trip. LA, Ventura, Las Vegas, Nevada , Berkeley… will also be some touched areas by taZEBAez ( over April. We will use this place to let everyone know about our findings, discoveries,

reflections, ideas… and every kind of activities we will be doing. For now we have just started, let’s gather up the necessary stuff, and get in the plane on April the 1st at 8 in the morning. Let’s be that change the change we want to see in the world. taZEBAez? Why not? 15

BRANDING-A Azkenaldian Interneten modan dagoen hitza, BRANDING-A, marketing munduan asko erabiltzen den anglisizmoa da, marka bat eratu eta eraikitzearen prozesuari erreferentzia egiten diona. Gaur egun oso zaila da besteengandik bereiztea, produktuen kostea eta kalitatea antzerakoa baita. Horregatik, negozioen gakoa branding-ean datza. Hortaz, empresako aktiboa kudeatzeko estrategia bat da, izen komertzial eta logotipo batzuri lotuta doana. Alderdi hoiek markaren balioan eta bezeroen jarreran dute eragina. Empresa bateko markak balio handia badu, nortasun korporatibo sendoa eta posizionamendu ona merkatuan, epe luzean diru-sartze egonkor eta segurua mantenduko du.






1-. Philadelphia. Bruce Springsteen. 2-. I will wait. Mumford and sons. 3-. Black Magic Woman. Carlos Santana. 4-. Hurt. Johnny Cash 5-. Pero a tu lado. Los Secretos. 6-. You can get it if you really want. Jimmy Cliff 7-. Bizkaia maite. Benito Lertxundi. 8-. Hard to Handle. Otis Reding. 9-. Low Rider. War 10-. Mad World. Tune Roberts.




Autobiografía de Mahatma Gandhi. Historia de mis experiencias con la verdad. Pocos personajes históricos despiertan un interés tan universal como este extraordinario caudillo de la paz, que fue llamado Mahatma («Alma Grande») Gandhi, líder del movimiento nacionalista de India y organizador de la resistencia civil contra la dominación inglesa. +


Babel (2006). Ambientada en Marruecos, Túnez, México y Japón. Armados con un Winchester, dos muchachos marroquíes salen en busca del rebaño de cabras de la familia. En medio del silencio del desierto, deciden probar el rifle, sin conocer el alcance de la bala. En un instante, entran en colisión las vidas de cuatro grupos de personas que viven en tres continentes distintos.





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