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Director / Director / Zuzendaritza: Jose Luís Abaunz Coordinator / Coordinadores / Koordinadoreak: Jose Mari Luzarraga PhD (Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, MINN Team Coach – Basque Country) Anita Seidler (Social entrepreneur, HUB Madrid co-founder & Organization Specialist at McKinsey & Company Brazil – Germany / Russia) Coach Team / Equipo de Coaches / Coach taldea: Sari Veripää (Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy – Mondragon Unibertsitatea, LEINN & MINN Coach – Finland) Kaisu Tuominiemi (Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy – Mondragon Unibertsitatea, LEINN & MINN Coach – Finland) Juan Freire PhD (Universidad de A Coruña – Director de Innovación en Barrabes.biz – Spain) Max Oliva (The HUB Madrid co-founder & IE Business School – Spain) Aitor Lizartza PhD (Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy Mondragon Unibertsitatea, LEINN Coach – Basque Country) Expertos / Expertos / Adituak: Pablo Villoch (The Natural Step – Chile) Julen Iturbe (OBEA & Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Basque Country) Antonio Cancelo (Presidente MONDRAGON 1996-2004 – Spain) Josu Ugarte (Dir. Internacionalización MONDRAGON – Basque Country) Aitor Bediaga (OBEA-Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Basque Country) Inazio Irizar PhD ( Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Basque Country) Felix Lozano (ECultura – Spain) Alex Castellarnau (IDEO – Spain) Javier Sotil (Vicep. MONDRAGON Conocimiento – Basque Country) Johannes Partanen (Fundador TiimiAkatemia – Finland) Dhruv Dayal (New Business Development at Johnson & Johnson Medical India (IRDP) – India) Juan Felix Garcia (Director H-enea Basque Living Lab – Basque Country Agurtzane Bengoa (Coach equipo PTG – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Basque Country) Nicolas Mussy PhD (Director CH-ina Swiss companies in China - Professor EPFL – Switzerland) Credits / Créditos / Kredituak : 60 ECTS Cost of tuition / Coste de matrícula / Matrikula kostua: 9000 € (not including acommodation, food and journey costs / no incluye coste alojamiento, comidas y gastos de viajes / bidaia, bazkari eta ostatu kostuak matrikulatik kanpo) Funding / Financiación / Finantziazioa: Fudación Tripartita Pagos Fraccionados KELA Finland Learning calendar / Calendario lectivo/ Eskola egutegia: 01/2012 – 01/2013 (12 months /meses / hilabete) + Final project / Proyecto final de máster/ Master bukaera proiektua Hours / Horas / Orduak: 400 hrs/ord (250 Workshops/Talleres/Tailerrak + 150 Journeys/Viajes/Bidaiak) + Real project in company/Proyecto real en empresa/Proiektua enpresan. Place / Lugar / Lekua: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Facultad de Empresariales / Enpresagintza. Main Campus / Facultad Responsable / Fakultate arduraduna: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Facultad de Empresariales. Collaborating centers / Centros Colaboradores / Zentru kolaboratzaileak: Unidad Team Academy – Jyvaskyla University of Appliance Science (Finland). Mondragon División Conocimiento.

THE MINN PROGRAM The MINN program was designed and developed for business professionals and entrepreneurs in innovative projects. It is an Executive Master mode, intended to be followed and developed alongside normal working activities. Ideally the professional participants in the program will already be leading self managed teams involved in intrapeneurship within their organisations or intending to embark on similar projects with these characteristics. For these projects to be related to the masters, a minimum of 40% personal day to day involvement is required. The Masters is designed so that each participant can share and develop a specific project in within their company in parallel with the development of the training program. The foundational educational philosophies of MINN were developed by special entrepreneurial unit from JAMK Jyvaskyla University of Applied Science (Finland), Team Academy. Team Academy is an internacional reference in the education field with its methods being used in over 17 schools & universities around the world as well as in multinational companies. The eminently practical dimension of the MINN approach is rooted in practical in company action and allows each professional and organization to define their own specific objectives to study the program. Over the years, Team Academy has won several awards in both the education and business sectors. GOALS PERSONAL GOALS • Learn, experiment and implement the use of tools for innovation, entrepreneurship, team leadership and strategies/ sources of funding for start-ups and in-

tra-enterprise promotion. • Interact with real (local and international entrepreneurial cases) companies in order to explore best practices in the management of intrapreneurship, innovation and collaborative self-managed teams. • Experience a radical learning and innovator experience closely linked to personal passions and professional projects. • Professional network development with people faced with similar challenges and projects. FOR THE ORGANIZATION • Innovative in organisation training in entrepreneurial leadership competency intended to drive business processes forwards. • The generation of new ways of increasing competitiveness and of developing internal organisation. • Experiment with real projects to increase domestic value added in the workplace. • The clear definition or identification of specific project objectives as yet unachieved. • Internal professional training projects in charge of intrapreneurship, innovation management and learning / organizational entrepreneurship. METHODS We believe in a modern educational model, continuous, active and learning-based: • Focused on the process. • Based on Systems Thinking, proposed by Peter Senge and Knowledge Creation Systems by Nonaka & Takeuchi. • Active learning where the professional and specific project on his hands take the centre stage. • Continuous learning looking for syner-

“If you really want to see the future of management education, you should see Team Academy”

by Peter Senge @petersenge Director of the Center for Organizational Learning MIT Sloan School of Management

gies between training seminars and the daily life of the project at the company. • A connected learning community using the latest information and communication technologies to facilitate learning. • Personal analysis of real cases of the latest trends in management models of innovation in organizations. • Incorporating sustainability as a source of innovation. Combining different individual and team learning tools, the participant will develop a commitment to the project which is being led whilst deepening their understanding of team leadership and new experiences. MINN master methodology combines the development of a personal learning and team experience in order to achieve new innovative skills. QUOTES “Getting out the comfort zone was what I really needed” by Jordi Martí @itortv The INIT & Karmacracy, MINN1 participant “MINN is a great way to understand what is going on in the world. This journey with global knowledge has been very relevant for me in my project” by Henna Kääriäinen @HennaMonkey Monkey Business & Team Academy Brasil, MINN1 participant “I fly in pure team learning experiences, I recharge my batteries and really feel that the changeis possible” by Ander Izquierdo @AnderIzquierdo NRG Marketing, MINN1 participant “Entrepreneurship is an attitude. You choose to be an entrepreneur or worker, the diffe-

rence is that you are the main character of your life and although the situation is bad economically, you’re in a much better position if your attitude is to be passive and wait for orders ” by Sari Veripa @SariVeripaa Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, MINN Team Coach ”We believe in the value of understanding the world as global citizens, trying to see the impact of our actions from a global perspective. For that the first step is to understand what are the other realities that exist in the world and the way is traveling” by Jose Mari Luzarraga @empathya_MTA Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, MINN Team Coach “A process of unlearning and learning based in simple tools such as group dialogue, allowed me to turn passions into business projects.” by Iñaki Eguitegui @_INK_ Event designer & communication 2zars, MINN1 participant “It is the first time in my life that I feel the meaning of active learning” by Eneko Izquierdo @EnekoIzquierdo Eroski & Mondragon Team Academy, MINN1 participant “How can we actually combine ideas from all these different minds to create something that none of them could have created individually? The first step actually is always chaos: we are no-professors, you are no-students, we want project teams with real customers” by Anita Seidler @TiimiAnita Social entrepreneur, HUB Madrid co-founder & Organization Specialist at McKinsey & Company Brazil,


M1. Team learning (Finland). From Jan 14th-19th [2013] Conceptos básicos del programa, aprendizaje individual, de equipo y comunidad. Entender y vivir el aprendizaje para utilizar las herramientas básicas de aprendizaje que se emplean en el programa. Networking con emprendedores locales y compañias líderes en innovación.

M2. Learning and Co-creation with the client (Madrid). From February 21st-23rd [2013] Análisis de la relación con el mercado real, aplicar el valor de cierto campo del conocimiento en los procesos de una empresa. “¿Cómo puede un coach de equipo conectar a la organización con los clientes potenciales y reforzar la relación?”: El desafío de crear comunidades y redes.

“The more you share, the more you get” “Nokia is not a manufacturing company by Juan Carrete [Media-Lab Prado Director] anymore, now it is all about anthropology” by Pia Erkinheimo [Nokia Crowdsourcing Responsible]









Co-runner of taZEBAez cooperative. The company that we have created inside LEINN degree between 12 teampreneurs. Since 3 years ago I have had the opportunity of participating in many different projects, but since last year I am getting specialized in intrapreneurship projects. I like working transforming and creating things; it can be the relationship of companies with their customers, organizational culture, educational experiences...


Leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation degree at Mondragon Team Academy, the entrepreneurial unit of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.


Team-entrepreneur in taZEBAez.

@diegoromerosm He is an Industrial Engineer with 13 years job experience, Currently Head of Multimedia Technologies Division at Aragon Institute of Technology (ITA - ita.es) since 2009, a research center within Aragon Government. There he leads a very focused group in Networked Multimedia and User. (...) Last project involved: Design and Deployment of a National Audiovisual Technologies Demo Center (cdaudiovisual.es). At these facilities, interested ICT enterprises can show to potential user companies, in a practical approach, their technological products and services to improve competitiveness and productivity. Additionally, they can serve as meeting point between innovation and companies technological needs.


Industrial Engineer at University of Zaragoza Master in Electronic Business Administration (MeBA) Master in Innovation Management Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Management Engineering


Head of Multimedia Technologies Division


Our organization emerged from the beginning with a clear willingness to be a development tool of the initiatives they posed the advancement and improvement of the competitiveness of the endogenous resources of the municipality. We are concerned influence the growth and consolidation of our human capital and local businesses. Companies and persons must adapt to new production techniques and organizational forms, which means greater demands on the willingness and adaptability of workers, (..). We have launched a business incubator in order to support new companies setting up in the municipality in achieving its business objectives in a manner that contributes, on the one hand, the success of its promoters, and on the other, to create jobs and wealth in Leioa. It aims to capture innovative ideas whose drivers will be accompanied in the early years (...)


Bachelor´s degree in Psychopedagogy Postgraduate training in local development management


Manager of the local development agency in Leioa (Bizkaia-Spain).



“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty“ by Mahatma Gandhi

MODULES M1. Team learning (Finland) M2. Learning and Co-creation with the client (Madrid) M3. The art of Pitching and Design Thinking (California) M4. Self management and leadership (Zaragoza) M5. Pitching, intrapreneurship proceses and learning tools (MTA + Mondragon Coop) M6. Open Innovation and Team Evaluation (Amsterdam) M7. Blue Ocean Strategy for Team-Intrapreneurship projects (Barcelona) M8. Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid and global challenges (China) M9. Sustainability as a trigger to innovation (India) M10. Wrap-up and future (Irun / Bilbao) M11. Check out (Finland) M12. Scored goals (Berlin)

M1 /

Team learning /


HELSINKI (Nokia, Hub, Fonecta...) TAMPERE (Pro-Akatemia, Y-University...) JYVASKYLA (Tiimi Akatemia, XX. Anniversary...) TAULUN KARTANO (Learning contracts, birth giving...)



DAY 1&2 /


20.01 HELSINKI Arrival to the city, check in at the hotel, later we have had dinner together in a very nice restaurant doing the team check in; who are we? Why are we here?... 21.01 HELSINKI NOKIA + HUB Check in: If this is the first and the last visit to Nokia what do you want? “How they manage the competence” “What is the main motivation of people there” “How they connect space and work” “How they innovate: new ideas, new products, relationship with the customer…” “Their new paradoges: emergent countries…” “Company culture: how are the teams organized, daily schedule….” TEAM CHALLENGE for today Divided in 2 teams prepare the visit of the morning, with leaders, questions... Pre knowledge we had: •Ideas project •Hosters profiles Team 1 Objective: •How to interact with Nokia •How to transmit later the info •Choose a leader to each action New invention: EMOTIONAL MAP

*use this code to learn more about Nokia case. (Actually is the QR of www.taZEBAez.net, thea Idea is to change)

Team 2 what is the why of nokia? and the how ande the what? After talking about Microsoft, Nokia’s current strategy, the future of the telephone industry ... The team is jam talking about education and the progress of society. Nokia is an interesting topic of dialogue ...

We took the bus and headed to Nokia House, located in Keilaniemi, Espoo. There we waited for the hosts and led us to the showroom.

Kaisa, first host, let they discover the space and we could touch All the gadgets of Nokia, Lumia 920, fatboy accessories ... Besides that, then presented their latest models Nokia lumia 920, 820, 620.

They invited us to lunch. After the meal, they explained the reality of innovation processes of Nokia, and we had the possibility to ask questions. We would emphasize the concept of mobile phone of the 70s and the new challenges: Human form - VEGA

Interaction + inspirational phrases


“Rovio was here” “What type of organization is it? Cooperative” “How do you mesure results? Members and friends” “How do you do member attraction? We want people who pays for the space, so we look to them; in events, trougth the Hub members…” “What are your dreams?” “The Hub has a private platformt for the communication, similar to facebook, but only for Hub members of all over the world”

The Hub is a combination of three key elements; an inspiring space, meaningful content, and a vibrant community. You get to work in a space that supports you, connect locally and globally with a diverse range of people, and participate in eye-opening events. http://www.helsinki.the-hub.net

First we did one each team (teams created at the morning) and then we made the all one. This is the result of the last one. GOOD •Nokia workshop and showroom (architecture and space) •See the brand •We have the ooportunity of tocuching things •The profiles of the hosts, they were also form different deparments and their humbellnes •Lumia •Human form presentation •Special case for us •The bus ride •The preparation of the morning •Individual questions BAD •Not sharing the process of the company (only individually and in few moments) •Focus on products, not so much in the process •We where marginated in the showroom •They haven’t talk about their philosophy. •They have prepared the visit, for us to see only what they want. Coporate image, no details. Secrecy. •We haven’t achieved the objectives put at the morning •We haven’t talk about innovation. •We were too calm, passive. •Motivation hidded. •The visit to the shop.

•Not WOW! Sensation. LEARN •Emotional map •We need to learn how to focus the host in the waay we want •+ tech – human •Continue vision: back casting theory •Importance of interaction + humanize the mobile phone •Innovation can fail. •Importance of focused leadership. CHANGE •Take more care about attacking the customer (soft, but direct)- put his clear at the beginning. •Clear challenge, clear burning expectation. •Use more emotional maps and do directly the post Motorola. •Introduce ourselves •Prepare sth. To give them



DAY 3 /

A? Aalto University. Design Factory Design Factory, opened in October 2008, is one of the projects of Aalto University. The three projects; factories, Media, Service and Design factories , are serving as experimental platforms, showrooms and sources of inspiration for all the parties involved. Design Factory is the symbiosis of the state-of-the-art conceptual thinking and cross-disciplinary hands-on doing. It leads a way towards a paradigm shift in education and business by providing a constantly developing collaboration environment for students, researchers and business practitioners. Design Factory is a 3000 square metres working environment enabling creative work, knowledge sharing and experience exchange. Design Factory accommodates both interdisciplinary courses affiliated with the Aalto University as well as subject-specific courses that can benefit from the creative environment. They work in projects of product development and product design.


Start up Sauna Startup Sauna, founded in 2010, open sources seed acceleration to the most promising startups from Northern Europe, Baltics and Russia. Startup Sauna, the selected teams are theoretically thrown into a scorching hot sauna, with the Coaches adding up the heat and throwing more water on the stones. The ideas, the teams start sweating-getting rid of the toxins. Come Demo Day at the end of the program, the teams will all have shed away the excess weight and are fresh, clean and ready to take on the world! The Company Fonecta offers people in Finland help – regardless of time, place and communications medium. In a world of continuously developing search technologies as well as online and mobile services, it’s also a good thing that somebody explains what’s worth doing – and not only makes matters easy but takes care of things on your behalf as well. Technology is not the most important thing: personal service with a human touch is! This generates the best service experience on the market. Fonecta is truly interested in helping. We’ve got over 1,000 employees whose primary goal is a satisfied customer. Our customers make up practically Finland as a whole: 4 million consumer clients and 110,000 business enterprises. Consumers get everyday assistance from Fonecta, and companies get a knowledgeable market partner that helps them succeed. In 2011, the Group’s turnover totalled 193 million euros. Fonecta is part of the European Directories Group, which has business operations in eight European Union countries.

We had the pleasure of being with a person trained in Team Academy. Besides explaining the work performed in the company, she explains how hard it is to be intra-entrepreneur. She explained that the work is good, but sometimes a little frustrating. They are trying to create a small revolution with a new product: osuma.fi.



DAY 4 /


“Ordinary people doing extraordinary t TAMPERE UNIVERSITY Y CAMPUS “The why campus to students of the “why generation”. Goal Is created to give opportunity to take part in entrepreneur workshops to other degree people. To get involved more people in entrepreneurship and innovation dynamics. Space Is designet by an especialist Arquitect, and has the clear goal of creating better interaction between people. Characteristics The Space have been open one week ago, so the project is in a starting point. The main idea is to have companies interested in sharing projects with the Students. These provides opportunity to mix people between discipline and go further in the projects. Dynamic excuse is that students attend to curses and workshops, and here they start with the new dynamics(multidisciplanary and action oriented).

TEAMS CHALLENGE Framework: Build an INNOVA creating new value. What characteristic should ha Goals, Space, Tools, People, ces...

LASAGNA MODEL PRESENTATION Jose Mari: These is the place where we get inspired to create a new innovation ecosystem model that we called: Lasagna Model. As you see in Pro-Akatemia, there is in a same fisical space, the Proakatemia, where radical education is happening, Demola Protomo, where students of different disciplines work on innovative solutions for companies, and social entrepreneurs space, HUB Tampere, where entrepreneurs are working. Even if there is not interaction, we see that htese ingredients are really powerfull if you put it together and sinergies created between them are unlimited. In Mondragon Team Academy we see clear that these can be one way of creating innovation ecosystems and while we shared these idea, looks that have sense to a lot of people involved in these areas.

things” by MTA

ATION ECOSYSTEM, as final goal of

as? , Activities, Stakegholders, Resour-

Mikael Hirvi (TA coach), Johannes Paartanen (founder of TA) Hana Valden (Head Coach of TA). Topic: What is Team Academy for you?

Johannes Paartanen Reflections and main topics

LEARNING BASED IN REAL ACTION “Experiment and commit mistakes and some successes” “After that I know what I would like to do” “In TA you transform yourself in a team transforming process” “You have to put your hands in shit, and then writte books” “Is completly opposite to EEUU leadership concept, where the important are the ideas and inventors, and in my opinion to innovate you really need people,you need the community”


“If you feel fear follow that direction” “In TA, the team leadership style is based on friendly leadership principles”

“Innovation rather than an ecosystem, is an attitude, a virus. If you have the weapons to use them but do not know, it sucks.” by us.


DAY 5 /


Check-in cards based on story telling How do you feel? How do you connect your feelings With The image of the card? We use the images of some letters to describe what we felt and saw. It was a particularly personal and special situation

SHARE LEARNING CONTRACTS In the afternoon, we meet in pairs to share the Learning Contracts, and later share it with the rest of the team. After having worked with Simon Sinek’s theory of “split” momment, we ensure that we live. The energy of our team change, people have started to express themselves freely ... We’ve only been together four days. This is big, very big.

a person who cleaned the hospital had asked what he did, and answered: I save lives! WHY?


DAY 6 /






We received the challenge from Fonecta to analyze the product “Osuma”. To do this, we split two teams, and in two hours we have prepared a joint proposal. Keep on Rocking! Finally, we present a document outlining the process we live and some key business issues. The response was positive by Fonecta. Rapid innovation, low cost, fast prototyping ...

BIRTH GIVING 2 PARTS The world does not has given us to contemplate, but to transform it. Not only ideas, do things. Why minnteam worth to exist? How is minnteam reinventing the concept of team-intra-entrepreneurship in organisations? CRITERIAS 1.Theory into practise 2.Every body participating + Do The Never 3.Experience economy 5E a.Entertaiment b.Education c.Estetics d.Escapism e.TA spirit 4.The name of the company

Once again, we split into two teams. The way of facing the questions has been completely different, reaching the same way, different conclusions. In fact, they did not present the problem as easy. After four hours of preparation, the two teams discussed the team name without much success, as the name that came out, PUSH THE BUTTON, really did not convince anyone. The conclusions were that our performance was very escapism but the content was poorly crystallized. We need to improve.


DAY 7 /




Teampreneurship ® Is a New International Trend in Growth Entrepreneurship Increasing societal investments are required for people to acquire school diplomas, although their benefits are open to question. Each individual’s abilities are much more essential than diplomas and titles. They make it possible for people to work in several different occupations and help them cope with the uncertain situations of life. Before today, schools trained people for specialized occupations; today they must equip people for the uncertain global reality: to work in surprising situations and in occupations that may still be completely unknown. The solution is cooperative-based Team Entrepreneurship®, which has been developed at Tiimiakatemia® in Jyväskylä, Finland, for twenty (20) years and has already spread extensively outside our country’s borders. In cooperatives, learning takes place in practical financial endeavours. Cooperative-based team entrepreneurship develops the individual, together with others. Cooperative members—team entrepreneurs—are employees and entrepreneurs all at once. In cooperative-based team entrepreneurship, inspiration, enthusiasm, and the best human values are accepted in business. You cannot achieve anything without taking risks. Team Entrepreneurs® have a training that equips them to deal with all situations in life. They aren’t trained for a specific job, but to create their own work places together with other team entrepreneurs. With their team skills, they can hold up with other team entrepreneurs and are good at networking. They also have good presentation skills and leadership and marketing know-how. Our own team companies are tools for learning and networking. Team entrepreneurship replaces the concepts of both internal and external entrepreneurship. Team entrepreneurs can shift flexibly between working for someone else and being self-employed. Join us! Team entrepreneurship is challenging and rewarding shared activity. Teampreneurship® is a new international trend in growth entrepreneurship.

The Teampreneur’s® Principles Principle I Societies can be made dynamic through team entrepreneurship. Team entrepreneurs are development engines that will force society to change. Principle II Structures must be created to help small businesses network internationally. Inspiration and enthusiasm are generated by the power of self-organization. Principle III Team entrepreneurs have taken responsibility for their own lives, and they continually strive for excellence. Team entrepreneurs learn in practice and by reading a lot. Principle IV Team entrepreneurs see things that no one else can see yet. Vision leads to something new, and belief in the vision is so strong that it becomes reality. Principle V Team entrepreneurs play fair with other entrepreneurs and fulfil all their obligations to their own immediate environment and society with integrity. Principle VI Team entrepreneurship starts from inside the individual, not from a business idea. We practice self-examination; we desire and gradually find our own ideas.

M1 /

motorola / next challenge / CAPTAINS FEED BACK The captains have been fine, COMMITTED. They have been a good tandem and support for all. Oscar wanted to learn, has been very respectful, empathic, positive. Aini, best scandinabian special, good professional attitude, always smiling and has been effectively led.

GOOD •Good atmosphere • Commitment •Different profiles •Trust on the team •Evolution in one week •Amazing potential •Learning contract sharing very special •We open fron the first momment •Feeling like a team •Don’t use digital devices during the dialogues •Fonecta case organisation •Do the never actitude •Connecting people •Chaos •Fres ideas •No fear •Respect

BAD •No fun, only in the bus •too much controlled activity •We feel very tired •We need to visualize more •Not sending Fonecta •no rackets •The process of choosing the name •Stress in the Birth Giving •Improve the visits •We don’t achieve the objectives; Nokia •No music •Balloon crusher call… •2 birth giving •we don’t work like teamsin the visits


LEAR •Done is better than perfect •Each one of us is a box of surprises •It’s up to us •Good teams give amazing performance •Multidisciplinary is better •fast and Furious •Actitude is important •we need more Do The Never •Wait and respect •To learn, we need to be ready for change •If we enjoy, the people enjy. •Trust

NEXT TIME •Work on our projects •Define the objective •Design the stage •No do the never, do the best! •Challenge more our customers •bring more post-its •Email, dropbox… •More fun time •Know better each other •More music •Re-think the name •Create MINNteam tools

Field Fun • Reflection Paper: What is team-learning • 3 Customer Visits (with postmotorla) • 3 book points (not essay, not points) Leadership positions • Team Leader: Ainhoa • Communication Leader: Olatz • Financial Leader: Irune • Customer Leader: Carlos Book suggestions • Good to great: why some companies make the leap and other´s don´t (Jim Collin) • Differentiate or die (Jack Trout) • Future of competition. Co-Creating Unique Value With Customers (Prahalad & Ramaswamy) • New age of Innovation (Prahalad) • Discipline of teams (Katzenbach and Smith) • Visual Teams (Drexler and Sibbet) • Experience Economy (Gilmore and Pine) • Start with why (Simon Sinek)

M2 /

Learning and Co-creation with the client /


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