Leadership Journal 1

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Š 2016 Gabrielle Dolan Consulting. All Rights Reserved.

What is your storytelling style?

Š 2016 Gabrielle Dolan Consulting. All Rights Reserved.

“When you begin to talk in stories, your black-and-white words turn into color. Your drab requests turn into a mission. People find you to be more compelling. And once that happens, others will see that stories work, and they’ll start telling stories, too.” – Annette Simmons, author & business consultant

“Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” – Roger C. Schank

STORY CHECKLIST #1: Is your purpose clear and is there only one purpose?

“Stories tell us of what we already knew and forgot, and remind us of what we haven’t yet imagined.” – Anne L. Watson, author

STORY CHECKLIST #2: Did the story start with time and place?

“When human beings get into collaborative patterns of action, whether it be teams or communities of interest, or networks — they all have one thing in common: they contain individuals who share the same stories. It is the shared stories that enable the members of the collectivity to understand each other, their motivations, the habits, the expectations, the fears, the dreams, and this understanding enables the members of the group to anticipate each other’s actions and intentions and so start to move in unison and harmony. Without this pattern of shared stories, the members of the group may appear as hostile, unfriendly, whimsical, capricious or difficult. Starting out by telling a story, and then the sharing of stories is an age-old method of building up this common libraries of shared stories and understanding in the minds of the members of the group.” – Steve Denning, The Springboard: Using Storytelling for Igniting Action in Knowledge Era Organizations

“Most people can’t hear until they’ve been heard.” – Red Scott, businessman

STORY CHECKLIST #3: Was a specific example provided?

STORY CHECKLIST #4: Was there one single main character? Not a team or a department, or an organisation.

“Perhaps the most powerful role of stories today is to ignite and drive changes in management policy and practices.” – Booz Allen

“We ar e all s We all toryte l l lers. i v e i n a ne storie s. Ther twork conne e o f i s n ’ t a st ction ronger betwee storyt n people t han elling .” - Ji mmy N

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STORY CHECKLIST #5: Was the main character typical for the intended audience? Will the audience relate to and engage with the main character?

“Storytelling is where we share what we’ve discovered; all of us have discovered a little secret about life.” – Michael Cotter, storyteller

STORY CHECKLIST #6: Does the story truly meet your single business purpose?

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“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.” – Seth godin

STORY CHECKLIST #7: Has all unnecessary detail been stripped from the story?

STORY CHECKLIST #8: Is there enough (but not too much) emotional and sensory data?

“Stories constitute the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.” – Dr. Howard Gardner, Prof. Harvard University

STORY CHECKLIST #9: Does the story have a bridging sentence?

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STORY CHECKLIST #10: Does the story link back to the purpose without being directive?

STORY CHECKLIST #11: Is this story credible?

“If you want to learn culture listen to the stories. If you want to change a culture, change the stories. – Michael Margolis, CEO Get Storied

“If you want to know me, then you must know my story, for my story defines who I am.” – Dan McAdams, Ph.D. Professor Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University

STORY CHECKLIST #12: Have all potential speed bumps been removed from the story?

“Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.” – Robin Moore, author

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