Diploma Project: Crowd Conditions _ Project Group: Joanna Poupaki, Eva Papadouraki (https://issuu.com/evapapadouraki), Theodora Sianou (https://issuu.com/thsianou) _ Supervisor: Phoebe Giannisi _ Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly ______ Our thesis concerns the free movement of the body in crowd situations. We studied the gathering of “the many” through field investigation and theoretical framing of the term “crowd”. In addition we decided to reproduce the experience through the design and realization of the Animal Party. We designed a different crowd condition and we executed it. In order to represent the experience, we decided to design diagrams and create videos and soundscapes from all the events we observed (including or own) in order to come closer to the feeling of the crowd. _____Video Links: https://vimeo.com/367078367 _ https://vimeo.com/367088772 _ https://vimeo.com/367083732 _ https://vimeo.com/367091686