JoAnne Artman Gallery Presents, RETRO | America Martin

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RETRO: America Martin Spring 2023 3 4 6 N C OAST H WY, LAG U NA B EAC H, CA W W W . J OAN N EARTMAN GALLE RY. C O M J OAN N EARTMAN @AO L. C O M 9 4 9 . 5 1 0 . 5 4 8 1


JoAnne Artman Gallery is pleased to present RETRO, an exhibition of new and retrospective work rooted in Martin’s investigation of the human form and its context. Featuring works spanning twenty years in the studio, RETRO affords an opportunity to highlight recently completed compositions as well as many archived pieces thathavenotbeenshowcasedbefore.

Within this pulsating interplay of color, texture, line, and shape, there is always a signature expression that identifieseachworkasanAmericaMartin. For Martin, every piece she has created is an extension of herself: replete with biographical anecdotes and self-reflection.

Continuing her unmistakable aesthetic sensibility, Martin seamlessly explores allegory through radical forms that hum with the vitality and vigor of the world around her. Focused on the human figure and the tales that emerge through the framework of shape, contour, and formal approach, Martin choreographs her forms in relentless flux. Her technique of freehandedly capturing her subjects yieldsunapologeticmarksandanunabashedpaletteoften features anthropomorphic elements such as birds, butterflies and flowers.In conjunction with figures, these elementsprovidebothacontextualsourceofinformation, as well as symbolic significance, progressing the storyline asarepresentationofpersonality,mood,andcharacter.

“Ialwaysrememberapieceinstantaneously.Tome, [my older work] looks just like my own face. It seems similar, but I know comparatively, it looks different.Hopefullythereisalwaysathrough-lineof mythumbprint.”

Together, the works in RETRO reveal Martin’s inner landscape- memory, perception, experience- all asserted withanintenselyspiritedgrace.

AMERICAMARTIN(b.1980,LosAngeles,CA)isa Colombian-AmericanartistbasedinLosAngeles,California.

Lilies in Clay Pot, Ink on Paper, 32
45.75 in.
Woman, Water Jug & Palm Leaves, Ink on Paper, 45 x 34 in.
Women Seated Under Guava Tree, Oil &Acrylic on Canvas, 61.5 x 61.5 in.
Men in the Apple Orchard, Oil &Acrylic on Canvas, 61.5 x 61.5 in.
Exchange of Flowers (Diptych), Oil &Acrylic on Canvas, 94 x 76.25 in. Leaves in the Wind,Acrylic on Linen, 40 x 40 in. Woman with Bright Flowers & Heavy Daisy, Ink & Oil on Paper, 27.75 x 35.75 in. Women in Gray & Lilies White & Bright, Oil &Acrylic on Canvas, 49.25 x 49.25 in.
Sunset in Canyon (Diptych), Oil &Acrylic on Canvas, 72 x 120 in.
Fish, Shrimp & Fruit on Table,Acrylic on Canvas, 44 x 51 in.
Woman Standing At Ease, Welded Core, Foam, Cement, Black Epoxy Mortar on Metal Base, 101 x 36.5 x 24 in.
America Martin with Woman Standing At Ease

Published in conjunction with the exhibition: RETRO: America Martin

Spring 2023

JoAnneArtman Gallery

326 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA92651

346 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA92651

511AW 22nd St, NewYork, NY10011

Catalogue © JoAnneArtman Gallery

Artwork © America Martin

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