Cover:Anna Kincaide, Alive Again, Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas, 48 x 48 in.
JoAnneArtmanGalleryispleasedtopresent Masquerade, asolo exhibitionofnewworksbyAnnaKincaide.
In Masquerade, Anna Kincaide continues her ongoing conversationaroundfemaleidentity,femininity,andautonomy. Communicating emotion and narrative without reliance on the figures’ facial expressions, cascades of flowers cover her subjectstoconveyanonymityandtransformation.Theseflorals becomeKincaide’svehicleforrepresentingthefemalemindand theoften-conflictingideologiesandsocietalexpectationsplaced onwomen.
The incorporation of elements from Art Nouveau, the Vienna SecessionistMovement,andfashionphotographycombinewith the positioning and outfitting of each portrait to reveal socio-cultural emblems of status and identity, even in the absence of the face. While Kincaide redefines and breaks from theseandnumerousotherarthistoricalcanons,itisthedefining separation between the body and mind that creates the central theme in her work; the idea of the ambiguity between our physical bodies, personal identity and that private, internal space of the human mind, which expands and unfurls like a flowerinbloom.
Viscerally visible and tangible, this new series incorporates mixed media components from paper, fabric, and gold leaf applicationwithherchosenmediumofoiloncanvas. Anna Kincaide’s work will inspire, provoke, engage and mesmerize. With visual perceptions always changing, peek behindthestoriestoldandyou’resuretofindtherightartistic expression.
Something New, Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas, 48 x 48 in.
Sounds of Summer (Diptych), Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas, 60 x 120 in.
Wonder With Me (Triptych), Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas, 60 x 120 in.
Published in conjunction with the exhibition:
MASQUERADE: Anna Kincaide
Summer 2024
JoAnneArtman Gallery
326 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA92651
346 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA92651
511AW 22nd St, NewYork, NY10011
Catalogue © JoAnneArtman Gallery
Artwork © Anna Kincaide