MARCH 2023
The day the Lord created HOPE was probably the same day SPRING was created
The day the Lord created HOPE was probably the same day SPRING was created
Pope's Prayer Intention for March
For Victims of Abuse: Weprayforthosewhohavesuffered harmfrommembersoftheChurch;maytheyfindwithinthe Churchherselfaconcreteresponsetotheirpainandsuffering.
Tohighlightthismilestoneanniversaryin a"viral"manner,theDigitalSynodlaunched aspecialonlinemapfeaturingvirtuallighted candles representing the prayers of the faithful worldwide for him. Anyone who wishes to join the initiative will find an invitationontheVaticanNewswebsiteto pray the Hail Mary. Cindy Lopez, CommunicationsCoordinator,acceptedthe invitationonbehalfoftheCongregationand staffmemberstopledge100totalHailMarys tobeprayedinitiatingavirtualcandleliton themapinHouston,Texas. Intheend,the HolyFatherwillreceivethemapwiththe 'little candles' which represents the Hail Marysthatarebeingprayedforhimaround theworld
Angela House, a Houston-based nonprofit, and Sisters have had a close relationship since it was founded in 2001 by Sr. Maureen O’Connell, OP. Angela House was founded after she noticed the population of previously incarceratedwomenwasseverelyunderserved Inapastlife,Sr Maureenwas a police officer in Chicago, which made her aware of the hardship some womenfacedafterleavingprison.Unfortunately,thenumberofincarcerated women has only grown since it was founded. In the last 30 years, the rate of women incarcerated has gone up by 900%. At Angela House, formerly incarcerated women can get a second chance at life, which is not an exaggeration. Being in a safe setting, surrounded by caring staff, and having specific programming to help them recover from substance abuse and trauma has been the recipe for helping many rejoin society as productive members.
Angela House has been in its current building for almost ten years. The building is rather old, and although it is a great home for women, it requires upkeep and repairs. The latest upgrade they needed was the installment of a new sewage pump Having backed-up toilets in a home for 16 women plus employees was becoming a significant stressor for the house, but this issue hasbeenresolvedthankstoagrant.
WomenthatremainintheAngelaHouseprogramforatleastfourmonths have an 87% success rate in transitioning into society after incarceration. The program ’ s first four months focus on immersing the women in the programming. During this time, they do not have a job and share a room with another person. The executive director, Kristin Guiney, shared the women are grateful for things we take for granted in our day-to-day lives I sawthisfirsthandaftermeetingonewoman.WhenIaskedhowshelikeditat Angela House, she first told me that she liked that she could adjust the water temperature while showering. s don’tgivethatasecondthought
CristinaContreras-GrantAdministrator Angela House Group Therapy Room Formerly the chapel within a priest's residenceAfterthefirstfourmonths,thewomenfindemploymentandarerequired to save 75% of their earnings. Most women can save thousands because they don’t need to pay for room and board while staying at Angela House. Once they have a job, they can also graduate to a single room with more privacy All this happens while the women receive group therapy and one-on-one counseling. Angela House staff knows the best way to help prevent relapse is toaddressthecoreissue,whichisoftensexualtrauma.Mostofthewomenat Angela House were already a part of a marginalized community. After incarceration, they are even more so. Working through pain and trauma is their best chance at overcoming obstacles once they leave Angela House to leadindependentlives
Recently,AngelaHousewasabletohireanaftercarecounselortoprovide support to the women after the program. If a woman relapses and reaches out to them, case workers can provide her with therapy and direct them to other organizations that can assist her in getting back on her feet. While the women ’ s stay at Angela House varies between a few months to two years, Kristin and her staff remind the women that although they aren’t in their forever home, the community they build at Angela House can be their foreverfamily.
Looking at future options for Angela House, the board is considering an affordable housing development as graduates need help finding affordable housing upon graduating from the program. In addition, an affordable homewhereawomancanlivewithherchildrenwouldoffervitalsupportto them though there would be no staff. Another option being considered is developing a social enterprise to generate a source of income for Angela House,whichisinabrainstormingphase.
Prepared by: ComunidadVerboEncamando,TorolaMorazán
OnThursday,January26,2023, theComprehensiveFormationand AccompanimentCenteropenedits doors celebrating aEucharist of ThanksgivingtoGodforthepresence ofTheCongregationoftheSisters ofCharityoftheIncarnateWordin themunicipalityofTorola,Morazán. Themass was presided byFather Deiby William Escobar Blanco. After this,Sr.MaríaAracelyPérez Chinchilla,Sr.VilmaAracelyRamos Gutiérrez, and alltheotherguests proceededtogotothe Formation Centertocontinuewiththeblessing ofthehouseandthetraditional
FatherDeibystatedthatthepresenceofTheCongregationinTorolaisa trueblessing,sincethewaythesistershelpothersaroundthemunicipalityandits surroundingareasandhowclosetheyaretotheunderprivilegedwithalltheactivities theycarryoutisevident.
SisterBettyCamposAriaswaspresentduringtheblessingwiththeSistersofthe communityandotherguests.Aftertheceremonytheywereallinvitedtoaspeciallunchat CasaVerboEncarnadodeTorolawiththeSistersofthecommunityandFatherDeiby.
Theattendeesalsohadtheopportunityofseeingtheinternetcenterandenjoyingsome refreshments.Theinternetcenterisalreadyequippedandworking,thereare4computersand aphotocopierfortheyoungstudentstouse.Activitiesthatarepartofthecomprehensive formationarebeingorganized,suchasworkshopsonpersonalgrowthandpsychology,which
Ourhopeisthatlittlebylittle,wewillaccompanyyoungwomenthroughalltheactivities weareplanningtocarryout.Partofourgoalistoincludemusicclassesinthefuturesothat childrenandyoungpeoplecandeveloptheirskillsintheartofmusic.Asacommunity,we knowtheseactivitieswillbehighlybeneficial,sincewehavepersonallyseenthesetownsare inneedofourunconditionalsupport.
WiththeopeningofthisCenterwearerespondingtothesignsofthetimes,especiallythe realityofTorola.InthiswaywearebringingtolifethelegacyofourfounderClaudeMarie DubuisandthepresenceofourCongregation.
Currently,andaspartofsomeactivities,weareteachingallthosewhowishtolearnhow tomakerosaries.WearealsoservingstudentsintheminiInternetCenter.
February 3, 2023
Symphonie Giao-Huong Ngoc Ngo, Rev. James Kuczynski, MS (honoree), Sr.
Benedetta Kalekye Malindi, Sr. Sharon
Apiyo Anam, Sr. Pauline Troncale, Sr.
Ricca Dimalibot, and Sr. Kim-Xuan
The CCVI's were well represented at the 39th Annual Clergy Appreciation Night on February 3, 2023, sponsored by the Galveston-Houston Chapter of the Knights of Columbus at the Bayou City Event Center. His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo and Most Reverend Italo Dell'Oro were the honored guests, joined by priests, deacons, brothers, and sisters in the diocese. There were approximately 1,100 in attendance at this event that honored four priests and two deacons who provided outstanding service.
ForJoseph, righteousnesswas notjustabout doingtheright thing,butalso aboutdoingitthe rightway.
Faced with a very difficult decision, Joseph teaches us that righteousness means loving both God and neighbor.
Let us be especially grateful to St. Joseph, the righteous one, whose example encourages us to seek always to "live the truth in love."
Ephesians 4:15
John R. Baker, Order of Friars MinorSaturday - March 25
The Annunciation
(photo right)
1898 painting by the African-American painter HenryOssawaTanner. It depictsthebiblicalsceneof theAnnunciation,wherethe archangel Gabriel visits Marytoannouncethatshe willgivebirthtoJesus. The painting is held by the PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Annunciation
Queen of heaven and earth, daughter of the Father, Mother of the divine Son, spouse of the Holy Spirit, I praise God for the unique grace given to you.
Mary, you became the great Mother of our divine Savior, our Master, true light of the world, uncreated wisdom, source of all truth and first Apostle of truth.
You gave the world the book to read, the eternal word.
For this I bless the holy Trinity and I ask you to obtain for me the grace of heavenly wisdom, to be a fervent disciple of Jesus and to be lovingly devoted to the Church, the pillar of truth.
Make the light of the Gospel shine to the farthest bounds of the earth. Queen of the Apostles, pray for us! Amen
By Blessed James Alberione (1884-1971) Attribution: Henry Ossawa Tanner, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsGreen is one of the three broad stripes in Ireland’s flag. Green is said to represent the Gaelics and the Catholics (the majority of Ireland’s population). Orange is said to represent Protestants. White, the middle color of the flag, symbolizes the desire for peace between the two.
Tradition holds that Patrick used the small, three-leaved plant called the shamrock (or clover) to explain the Trinity to the Irish people. Each leaf, being separate and distinct, represented the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. The stem represented the Godhead itself from which they all proceeded.
The Celtic Cross is a reminder to all believers that it is appropriate to celebrate nature. Though we must remember to worship the Creator and not God's creation, it is appropriate to enjoy all that God has created to sustain our lives. Let God’s amazing creation move us to thank and praise God!
Fortunately, St. Patrick was a stark contrast to the leprechaun, who was always trying to outwit his captor out of treasure. Patrick generously and graciously offered knowledge of the treasure of eternal life to his former captors.
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland ***
He converted many Irish to Christianity in the fifth century ***
St. Patrick incorporated traditional Celtic symbols, like the bonfire and the sun, into his Christian teachings. ***
St. Patrick died on March 17, circa 462 ***
St. Patrick's Day is the saint's feast day and has evolved from a religious holiday to a worldwide celebration
God is entirely ours, Let us belong entirely to God. Let us regard as important whatever God demands of us and what we know will be pleasing to God. We must live only for God, and follow no other guide. May love lead us on, meeting no resistance in our will, to wherever God's interests call us.
By Blessed Jeanne Chezard de MatelBeatitudes are taught by Jesus as the foundations for a life of authentic Christian discipleship and the attainment of ultimate happiness. They give spirit to the Law of the Ten Commandments and bring perfection to moral life. That spirit is ultimately the spirit of love.
SistersBenedettaKalekyeMalindiand VeronicahNyokabiKarengerivolunteered atCHRISTUSOurDailyBreadthispast January. Working alongside the staff and volunteers,theyhelpedpreparemealsfor75 clientsatthedayshelter. Theysawfirsthandtheday-to-dayoperationsofserving ourhomelessbrothersandsisters. Aspartof the long history of joyful service by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word members,itwasanexcellentopportunityfor Sisters Veronicah and Benedetta to experiencetheministrystartedbySr.Ursula O'Keeffe almost37yearsagoinGalveston, the city where the Congregation started. After volunteering, they joined the celebrationofMassattheSt.MaryCathedral Basilica.
After a hiatus due to Covid, staff gathered together to connect on the review of our core values which is part of our mission: to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through the five pillars: Dignity, Integrity, Excellence, Stewardship, and Compassion. Tuesday, February 14th and Wednesday, February 15thstaff selected one of four 1-hour sessions that were presented by Human Resource Director, Toni Stanford and Director of RUAH, Jeannette Easley. Attending staff members received a new card of the core values to attach with employee badge as a reminder of living the core values. Toni and Jeannette led attendees through the discussion of the core values along with a video The presentation opened with a prayer and ended with a prayer to reflect a blessing over one another.
Annie McAdams, AttorneyfromHouston,Texas,provideda presentation to the Sisters and staff of Villa de Matel on Wednesday,February8,2023,intheDubuisCenter,sharingher storyofhowshewentfromPersonalInjuryAttorneytoafearless advocatewhoisfightingforjusticeintheworldofhuman trafficking. Shesharedwhyherpracticeoperateswithacore valueandunderstandingthatthesafetytothecommunityand theworldisnon-negotiable. Herfirmisoneofthemost successfulfemaleledlitigationfirmsinthecountry. Every attendeeunderstoodherTexasheartisasbigasherdesireto makerealchange. Shesharedstorieswhichcaptivatedeachand everypersonintheroom.
Annieisadynamicspeakerdeliveringthemessageofhuman traffickingandsharingherexperiencesonhowsheistakingon thebattleofsomeincrediblylargetechnologycompanies. She providedherinsightonthechangeshehasmadethroughthe legalsystemwithinthehotelindustryandtheirpartinhuman trafficking. Hermessageanddiscussionwithaudiencemembers waseducational,informative,andpowerful.
Genesis 16:13
February4,2023,marked32monthssinceCristoReycelebratedatitslastgala,which annuallyraisesfundsforstudentscholarships. Withtheall-scholarshipschool'simportant CorporateWork-StudyProgramnegativelyimpactedbythepandemic,thisnightofrecord proceedsof$2.7millionheldgreaterimportancethanthatofpreviousfundraisingevenings.The Catholichighschoolpreparesits500studentsoflimitedeconomicresourcestosucceedincollege andleadtheircommunitiesbycombiningpersonalresponsibilityandacademicrigoralongwith theimportantCorporateWork-StudyProgram.
ShegavethisnametotheLordwhospoke toher."YouaretheGodwhoseesme," forshesaid,"IhavenowseentheOne whoseesme."Sisters pictured (L-R): Symphonie Giao-Huong Ngoc Ngo, Kim Xuan Thi Nguyen, Antoninus Martin, Juana Matías Tomás, and Kim-Phuong Tran Sisters pictured (lower front center clockwise): Pauline Troncale, Ethel Puno, Ricca Dimalibot, Juana Matías Tomás, Antoninus Martin, Kim Xuan Thi Nguyen, Celeste Trahan, Rachel O'Keeffe, Symphonie Giao-Huong Ngoc Ngo, and KimPhuong Tran
Daylight saving time, also referred to as daylight savings or simply daylight time, and summer time.
Sunday-March 12
Significance: The practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time.
Date: Sunday-March 12, 2023 -
Sunday-November 5, 2023
Event Length: 240 days
Observed for: 114 years
Source: Wikipedia
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for the wonderful season of Spring. During this sweet time, I ask You for a fresh beginning in each of our hearts. Please allow each of us, as Christians, to bloom in Your word, just as the flowers are blooming. Help us to be witnesses whenever there is an opportunity, and followers of Your word every day
Let our petals continuously grow and our leaves steadily extend, as we work to gather more and more seedlings for Your harvest In your precious name, I pray Amen Prayer credit: ConnectUs