Group profile blog

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University of Puerto Rico at Humacao English Department

Group Profile Juan Ponce de León Bilingual School Humacao, PR Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Sara Troche

Joany Morales Fiol 842-08-5346 Dr. Aníbal Muñoz Claudio Edpe 4006-001 Practice Teaching Secondary Level February 13, 2014

Table of Contents





Results and Graphics with Analysis






Age Distribution



Home Town






Birth Town



Have lived outside Puerto Rico



Live with



Number of members in the family



Father’s age



Father’s occupation



Father’s education



Mother’s age



Mother’s occupation



Mother’s education



Parents assist to school reunions



Parents help with assignments



Students suffer any medical condition



Type of transportation



Have technology devices



Have daily access to internet



Social network preferred



Have cellphones



Prefers to communicate by calling or texting



Likes to read



Favorite TV Programs



Favorite Singer or Band



Favorite Movie






Member of a school club



Participates in extracurricular activities



Class most likes



Class less likes



Class most easy



Class most difficult











Tabulation in Roll book


This Group Profile contains detailed information such as demographic data and interests of my practice group. My practice group is a seventh grade in the Juan Ponce de León Bilingual School at Humacao, PR. My cooperating teacher is Mrs. Sara Troche. She has helped me a lot in knowing the interests of my students according to what activities do they like and how to approach them. In order to gather the information for this group profile, I used a questionnaire revised by myself from Dr. Carlos Baez, once a professor at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, which created the questionnaire for the Participant Observation course. First, I administered a questionnaire that helped me gather the demographic data and some information on the interest of my students. Answering the questionnaire took the students 15 minutes in the classroom. After answering the questionnaire, I interviewed informally some students to gather more information on their interest. I had to interview them because they left some information in blank in the questionnaire because they thought other people were going to see it. The students made the process of gathering the information easy because they knew the majority of the information being asked on the questionnaire. If the student’s didn’t know something, they went to their homes and asked, the next day, they came with the information. The purpose of this Group Profile is to gather the most important information according to the demographic data and interest of the students in order for me to know about them. By knowing their demographic data I know if they travel a lot in the mornings, if they have internet, with whom do they live, and other information that helps me know how they live. Also, by knowing their interest, I would be able to select appropriate material and activities that will appeal to their interests. By knowing their interest I can select activities that could motivate them


and focus on the learning environment but in a way they feel comfortable. This information helps the teacher on the planning because it takes in considerations the needs of the students and how to captive their attention in order for them to compromise with their education.


The information gathered in the questionnaire will be analyzed and illustrated in graphs. Each question will be illustrated individually with its analysis and teaching implications. Some of the questions on the questionnaire were very specific such as the favorite TV program and favorite music band or singer. For this information I made a research and distributed their answers in categories in order for it to be easier to understand their interests.




Female 54%



As seen in Figure 1, more than half of the group are females. In the group there are 13 females and 11 males. The group is almost fairly distributed. When planning, I should consider selecting topics and activities related to both genders because the difference is not that significant. Selecting activities for both genders has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that by selecting a topic that relates to both genders, the students will be able to learn from each other on how each gender thinks and feels on the certain topic. A disadvantage could be that depending on the topic I select, some students can get bored and would not be willing to participate, therefore behavioral situations may occur. Any selection I make as a teacher should foster the diversity between the students because they will be able to discuss according to their values and background knowledge.


Age Distribution 4% 21%

11 years 12 years 13 years



As seen in Figure 2, the majority of the students have 12 years of age. This is how it is supposed to be arranging a seventh grade. This tells us that none of the students have failed any grade but at least one student could have been enrolled early to school or had skipped a grade. Because the group is distributed fairly according to the range of age, it is rather simple to select activities and topics that relates to their maturity. As their teacher, I should take into consideration that they are still kids. They are facing the transition from elementary to junior high. They still like to play and receive something like stickers if they do the work correctly. In order to capture their attention I should make the class pertinent to their modern social-cultural context.


Hometown 5%


4% Humacao Las Piedras


Juncos Yabucoa 68%

Trujillo Alto


As seen in Figure 3, the majority of the students live in Humacao, PR. Even though the majority live in Humacao, the other students come from the east side of Puerto Rico. They live relatively close to Humacao, except one of the students who live 30 minutes to an hour depending on the traffic. As a teacher I should be aware that if I give the students and activity or project that requires research, I should be able to know if in their town there is a Library in which they can go. It also requires me to enhance diversity in the classroom in order for me to integrate the students that don’t live in Humacao to talk about their towns in different discussions.




Owned Rented



As seen in Figure 4, the majority of the students live in an owned house. From the 24 students of the group, eight of them live in rented houses. This tells us that the majority of the students have a stable home. Those who live in rented houses can be subject to move from house depending on the economic stability of the parents. As a teacher I should be aware of the changes the students can be experimenting, economically and psychologically if the student is moving from one place to the other.


Birth Town 4%


13% Humacao San Juan Caguas Hato Rey 79%


As seen in Figure 5, the majority of the students were born in Humacao, PR. This tell us that the majority have been raised in Humacao since they were born and still living in the same town. As a teacher, I should integrate history of other towns in order to make the students aware of the diversity we face when we integrate with society.


Have Lived Outside of Puerto Rico


17% 25% Orlando FL. Yes

Wasington DC






As seen in Figure 6, the majority of the students have never lived outside of Puerto Rico. Only 4 students composing 17% of the group, has lived outside Puerto Rico. From that 17%, as seen in Figure 7, the 75% of them have lived in Orlando FL and a 25% have lived in Washington DC. After interviewing informally the students I could say that at least 2 of those 4 students studied for at least one semester in a school outside of Puerto Rico. As a teacher I should take advantage from those students and make them connect what we are discussing in the class to what they have lived outside of Puerto Rico. This will enhance diversity among the students because they have different experiences from which the other students can learn from.


Lives with

42% Both Parents Mother 58%


As seen in Figure 8, the majority of the students live with both of their parents. Even though the minority of the students live with only their mother, the difference is not significant. There are a very high number of students that live with a single mother. As a teacher I should be aware that a single mother has many duties because it could be the only one taking care for their children in many aspects. As a teacher I should understand that sometimes there are parents that because of the economic situation that we live in the present, they must work harder in order to support their family. This often forces them to be a little distant from their children especially when their children at age of 12 should be developing some independence. After analyzing the information gathered in Figure 8, I can also say that it has been incrementing the number of single mothers in our society. Only living with a single parent could affect the student’s academic achievement if the parent is not involve in the child’s education and if the child is depressed because of the circumstance that could have caused the separation of his/her parent. In


the classroom we should discuss the different types of families in order to create awareness throughout the students that they all have their differences and that they should respect them.


Numbers of Members in the Family 8% 4%



3 4 5


6 8

11 46%


As seen in Figure 9, the majority of the students live in a family of 4 members. The pie chart presents that the students come from big families considering that they live in families with more than 3 members. There are also a 29% of the students that have big families with more than 5 members. In this period of time in life, this is not that common. The economic situation we live in doesn’t give us many opportunities in order to support a big family. As their teacher I should take in consideration the economic status of the majority of the students. I should create activities that foster the student’s creativity by using what they already have in order to integrate it with the class discussions. This will also enhance social transformation because both students and parents should understand that they can do many things that don’t involve any financial cost.


Fathers' Age 5% 5% 14% 30-35 36-40 41-45 46 and up 76%


As seen in Figure 10, the majority of the student’s fathers are in a range of age between 36 and 40 years old. This could tell us that the fathers were on their mid-twenties when the students were born. They should have been already mature enough to take care and support a family. They are also in an age in which they are not young neither old. They should have energy to work and at the same time to help their children in their academic duties. This information could be useful by telling the students to ask their father’s how they lived when they were young according to the topic being discussed, therefore the students will understand how society transforms time after time.


Fathers' Occupation


Working Not Working



As seen in Figure 11, the majority of the student’s fathers are working. From the 21% that are not working there is a few that are retired. As the teacher, I should be aware that because the majority of the fathers are working, the time they have to study or help with the student’s assignments is less than those that are not working. This tells me that the assignments should be able to be done by the students with the minimum of supervision in order for them to be able to do them and not wait for their father’s to help them.


Fathers' Education 4%

4% 4% Under 12th Grade 25%


High School Diploma Technical Course Associate Degree Bachellor's Degree


Masters Degree Doctoral Degree



As seen in Figure 12, the majority of the student’s fathers have some studies higher than a high school diploma. This tells me as a teacher that those fathers know the importance of education in today’s society. This is a very good example for the students because it will encourage them to keep with studies at college. We can also see that there is a big diversity among the education of the fathers. There is a father that doesn’t have a High School Diploma and others who are Doctors. When discussing diversity with the students, I should be able to help them be aware of the diversity of persons in the society and their important role in society.


Mothers' Age 8% 10% 30-35 36-40 41-45 23%


46 and up


As seen in Figure 13, the majority of the students’ mothers are in a range of age between 30 and 35 years old. This tells us that the mothers are younger than the student’s fathers that are in a range of age between 36 and 40 years old.


Mothers' Occupation

29% Working Not Working 71%


As seen in Figure 14, the majority of the students’ mothers are working. Only 29% of the mothers are not working. As a teacher, I should be aware of this information because there are some mothers that will not be able to be as engage with the education of their children as they would.


Mothers' Education

25% High School Diploma Associate Degree Bachellor's Degree

58% 17%


As seen in Figure 15, the majority of the mothers have a Bachelor Degree. The minority of the mothers has at least a High School Diploma. This tells us that they know the importance of education in today’s society. These mothers should encourage their children to study more than a high school diploma. They should know how competitive is today’s society by giving them their example of being prepared for the challenges presented.


Parents Attendance to School Reunions 8%

Yes No



As seen in Figure 16, the majority of the parents attend school meetings. This is very important because it is an example of how committed these parents are with the education of their children. By attending to the school meetings parents are involved in the educational environment and know what is happening with their children at school. As a teacher, I should be aware of this information because in any situation in which the student is involved I should be able to inform their parents when they attend to the school meetings. I could also invite the parents for a meeting in order to discuss the students’ academic achievements.


Parents Help Students with Assignments 4%

Yes No



As seen in Figure 17, the majority of the parents help the students with their assignments. This shows the commitment these parents have because the majority work and they still have time to help their children. As the teacher, I could give assignments to the students that could involve directly the parents. This will enhance social transformation because as they do an assignment together they can reinforce their relationship as parents and child.


Students With Medical Condition

Medical Conditions




Arthritis Asthma




No 50%





As seen in Figure 18, the majority of the students do not suffer any medical conditions. From those 25% that suffer a medical condition, 50% of them suffer of Asthma. This information is very important for me as their teacher because I should know about their medical conditions and how it can affect the stability of the student in the classroom. I should investigate what could happen to them while they are in the classroom and how can I help them. For example, with the student that suffers Vitiligo I should be aware that some of the students might make fun of her because she/he is different. In order to make the students feel comfortable I should integrate diversity and the acceptance of others in classroom discussions.


Type of Transportation 0% 4%

Private Public None



As seen in Figure 20, the majority of the students come to school in private transportation. Only one of the students walks from his/her home to school. This tells us that the majority of the students should come to classroom on time and rested.


Technological Resources 13%

Yes No



As seen in Figure 21, the majority of the students have at least one technological device such as a computer, a laptop or a tablet. This tells us that they are immersing in the technological era. With only 12 years of age they are exposed to these devices every day. As a teacher I should be able to integrate technology in the activities done in the classroom. That will increase their interest and their attention in the class discussion. It is also important to know if they have access to these devices at home in order to give them assignments that involve the topic being discussed with the usage of technology.


Have Daily Access to Internet


Yes No



As seen in Figure 22, the majority of the students have daily access to internet. As the teacher I could say that these students are challenging because they are exposed to different type of knowledge every day through the internet. It is also very good that they have access to internet every day because I can give them assignments in which they can do research in order to contribute to the topic being discussed in class. For those 21% of the students that don’t have access to the internet I can give pair them with other students who have, so they can be part of the experience and therefore help each other in the assigned task.


Social Network Prefered 5% Facebook


Instagram None 48% 19%

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter


As seen in Figure 23, the majority of the students use Instagram as their preferred social network. This tells us that they like to take photos and share them with others. As part of the class, the students can integrate Instagram because they can take photos of their works or activities and publish them in the internet using that social network. For this as a teacher, I should have caution because I am working with minors and I would always want to protect them when they use the internet. Parents should be part of the process in order to monitor what the student does in the internet. This is a very good way to integrate creativity in the classroom activities.


Have a Cellphone


Yes No



As seen in Figure 24, the majority of the students have a cellphone. As a teacher I can say that this has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that the students can integrate the technology in the classroom. A disadvantage could be that while a discussion in the classroom the students could get distracted and therefore they will not lack of attention in the class activities.


Prefers to Communicate by Calling or Texting 13% 30% Calling Texting Both



As seen in Figure 25, the majority of the students who have cellphones prefer to communicate by text messages. As a teacher I could say that this is very good for them because they are practicing their writing every time they write a text message. This could be integrated in the classroom activities as a medium in which the students can publish their works. This way they will share what they have originally created with others.


Likes to Read

38% Yes No 62%


As seen in Figure 26, the majority of the students like to read. From that majority they prefer reading novels, comics and sports magazines. This is very important because while they read they are building up vocabulary. Students also become more literate and also can gain reading fluency. These students can contribute in the daily discussion in class because they integrate more in the reading comprehension activities because they have sufficient practice.


Favorite TV Program 5%


16% Cartoons Local Channel Movies


Series 32%


Music Videos 10%


As seen in Figure 27, the majority of the students like to watch local channel programs and series. This tells us that 32% of the students like to watch Spanish programs in the local channels. Other 32% prefer to watch series in English. There is a huge diversity among the students and their preferences when watching television. As a teacher I should know what their interests are in order to connect what they like with the daily lessons. This will enhance diversity in the classroom discussions.


Favorite Singer or Band 15%


English Music Electronic Music DJ Latin Music 75%


As seen in Figure 28, the majority of the student’s favorite singer are categorize as singers of music in English. As a teacher I could say that this helps the students develop understanding and fluency in the English language. Their favorite singers can be integrated in the discussions of various topics such as poetry in order to make it meaningful to them. This enhances creativity in the classroom activities and that will help me capture their attention.


Favorite Movie 8%

13% Drama


Science Fiction Cartoons 25%

Comedy Action


Documental 8%


As seen in Figure 29, the majority of the students’ favorite movie can be classified as comedy movies and science fiction movies. This tells us that the students like movies that are funny and that they are not from real life. This is good because it develops the students’ imagination and therefore the students will also develop creativity when doing their classroom work and activities.





4% Sports Video Games

8% 42%

Music Crafts


TV Write

Reading 21% 9%



As seen in Figure 30, the majority of the students’ hobbies are playing sports. Some students practice gymnastics, basketball and volleyball. They are active students. As their teacher I should integrate in the classes the Multiple Intelligences Methodology because they all have different talents and interests. This will enable diversity because the teacher should be able to create activities that will appeal to the students’ interests.


Member of a School Club


Yes No



As seen in Figure 31, the majority of the students are not members of any school club. Those 25% of the students who are members of a school club are members of “Guardián de los Animales”. The club on which some students participate was created by their Spanish teacher, Mrs. Janice López. This could tell us that the students are still not fully integrated to the clubs and activities that the school offers.


Participate in Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular Activities







No 80%





As seen in Figure 32, the majority of the students participate in extracurricular activities. In Figure 33 we can see that the majority of the students that participate in extracurricular activities participate in tutoring programs. The tutoring programs were organized by different agencies that will help them improve their skills for the standardized test “Pruebas PuertorriqueĂąasâ€?. The tutoring is given by volunteer teachers who according to their academic preparation give tutoring in one subject. Other students participate in basketball practice and in music classes. This enables diversity and social transformation in the students because they interact with other students while receiving the tutoring.


Favorite Classes 13% 4%


Physical Education Mathematics


Conversational English Social Studies 17% 37%




As seen in Figure 34, the majority of the students likes the Conversational English class the most. To me this is very important because as their teacher I should keep them interest in the class. Even though they don’t like to talk that much in the English language they still like the class more than others.


Less Favorite Classes 4% 17% Science Physical Education Mathematics 54%


English Social Studies



As seen in Figure 35, the majority of the students dislike the Science class. As a teacher I should be aware of not integrating my class that much with Science because they don’t like it and I could lose their attention. I should integrate something from other classes every day. If I had to integrate Science I will look for very interesting information in order to make them interested in the class.


Easiest Class 8% 12%


Physical Education Social Studies Conversational English English



Spanish 16%



As seen in Figure 36, the majority of the students consider Physical Education as the easiest class. At 12 years of age what they like is to be paying around. I think that they find it easy because they like physical activities and the playing captures their attention. By knowing this, I should be able to integrate physical activities in the classroom in order to have a diversity of activities for the students.


Most Difficult Class


Science Mathematics



As seen in Figure 37, the majority of the students consider the Science class the most difficult. This tells us that their levels of affective filter are very low in that class. Students are not motivated because they think is difficult and they don’t like it. It could be that the teacher is not engaging the students correctly on the learning process and doesn’t make sure that the students understand.



After passing through the process of making this group profile I have consider many things related to my teaching to this particular group. Even though the students have a lot of things in common, the diversity is huge. I should focus my class in pointing out every day the diversity and how to accept and respect the differences among them. For that to happen I will have to plan very carefully and select the activities that I consider will captivate the student’s attention and mention it to them. Also, I noticed that they are still kids. They like to play and do creative things. I should integrate games and creative ideas so they would be interest on the class. These will boost their affective filter in order to like the class environment. I have been trying since I started giving them classes to do creative classes and they have responded very well. At first they felt strange, that tells me that their teachers don’t do creative things in their classes that often. These activities have to be very well planned because in order for them to be successful I have to work really hard with the classroom management. Throughout this group profile I have also learned what the interests of my students are. Know I will be able to integrate their favorite movies, singers and hobbies in class discussion in order to make the learning meaningful for them. Making their classes meaningful will engage them in the learning process. They will be able to connect what they already know with the new knowledge they are gathering. It is very important to do this group profile because he have the knowledge of what medical conditions may have a student and how to help if something happens to him in the classroom, I also gathered information of their parents that is very important in order to know who are their role models. To me it was very important the parents education and occupation. From this information I know that most of the parents are very engaged with the education and


that they are very good role models for their children according to what they have accomplished academically speaking. I also integrated technology as part of the group profile because is something we see very often today. Every kid has their own cellphone, tablet, with internet and they are immersing in this technologic era. I should know who has access to those devices in order to create classes that appeal to their interests. I have already created a Facebook page and the students told me that it was better to make a page on Instagram, so now I am considering that option. It is very important for me to give my students choices in order for them to feel part of the planning of their class. To conclude, this group profile is a guide that will help me understand some few aspects of my students. Other information I will have to gather from informal interviews as I have been doing through these weeks. I could make connections on how I see the students emotionally with any situation they could be passing through outside of the classroom. I will treasure this guide throughout this semester and hopefully at the end of the semester the majority of the students will still like this class the most.




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