Lesson plan reflections blog

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After looking at the lesson plans I did during my experience of practice teaching, I can say that they were an essential part of my professional growth. It is very important to write a lesson plan before the class because you don’t go to the classroom to invent. You go prepared to the classroom and the students know it. By writing a lesson plan, it doesn’t requires to keep with it exactly as you wrote it, it also gives you space to change it according to the needs of the students or any situation that can affect it.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: IMAGERY Unit: FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Date: March 17, 2014 Strategy Phase: ___Exploration ___Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After Dispositions: ____Leadership ____Transformation


Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect ___Apply X Diversity


___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: ___Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___Art ___Other:

Students will share their sentences.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension ____ Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning X Multiple Intelligences X Other: Communicative Learning

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After writing their Imagery sentences, the students will be able to share them orally.

After writing their Imagery sentences, the students will share them orally in front of the class.

After sharing their Imagery sentences, the students will write in their journals if they understood well and in what they have doubts.

Materials: Curriculum Materials


Instructional Materials

___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Card Board with their sentences and drawings. Journals

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial

Students will have 5 minutes to finish their drawings and sentences.



Students will stand in front of their classmates and will share orally their sentences using Imagery with their Card Board.

The students will write on their journal if they understood and if they have any doubts.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


Students worked really well and I enjoyed their creativity. With this activity, I can say that the students did understand that Imagery is focused on the descriptions they give. I will continue next class with another figurative language because as I read on their journals, they don’t have any doubts.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: CLASSROOM DSPOSITIONS Unit: ________________________Date: March 31, 2014 Strategy Phase: X Exploration X Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect ___Apply

Dispositions: X Leadership X Creativity X Diversity X Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: ___Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___Art ___Other:

These core values will be discussed in this lesson.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning ____ Multiple Intelligences X Other: Communicative Learning

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After brainstorming on our four classroom dispositions, the students will be able define them and give examples.

After brainstorming on our four classroom dispositions, the students will define each of them orally and will give two examples for each one (in what activity they have used them and what activity they would like to do in class involving the dispositions).

After discussing the definitions of the four classroom dispositions, the students will reflect on the importance of these 4 dispositions, by writing on their journals.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Instructional Materials

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

White Board Markers Journals

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial

Students will brainstorm orally what comes to their mind when they think of each core value.



Students will construct a definition for each one and will give examples of what activities they have done in class involving the dispositions and other activities they would like to do.

Students will reflect on the importance of the 4 classroom dispositions in their reflective journal.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain: Handout Review for Test. To hand in Tomorrow.

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


Students collaborated and gave examples of what they would like to do in order to implement the dispositions. From now on, I will ask them what disposition we are working with in every activity. I should have done this activity since the beginning of the semester, so they could understand the importance of each core value.

After selecting two lesson plans from each language skill, I could identify what went wrong and why and how I could have change them, or how can I improve those who were very effective. In the Oral Communication skill I selected the Imagery lesson plan as more effective than the one of the Classroom Dispositions. I chose the Imagery lesson plan because it had a bigger impact in the students. The activity helped the students internalize the importance of using Imagery in a sentence, so that the readers could build a clear image in their minds. With this activity the students shared their posters orally in the English language explaining their examples. In the Classroom Dispositions lesson, I believe it wasn’t that effective. I wanted the students to understand the importance of the four core values (leadership, creativity, diversity, and social transformation) in order to connect what they are learning in the classroom to the society. The students did understood what activities they have done in the class that involves the four core values, but they didn’t see the purpose of it. In order to help them internalize it I should have given them a task in which they would use them. Even though the activity was not as effective as I thought it would be, the students did communicate effectively in the English language but not with the same motivation as in the Imagery lesson plan. As part of my preparation as an English teacher, I was taught that meaningful learning was very important and that the best way that a child could learn is by internalizing what is being taught. If I would have think of this before, I would have assign the students an oral presentation in which they would had to inform on those four core values and how they see them in society.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Narrative and Descriptive Paragraphs Unit: Types of Paragraphs Date: February 5, 2014 Strategy Phase: ___Exploration ___Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect X Apply

Dispositions: ___Leadership X Creativity ___Diversity ___ Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: ___Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. X Art ___Other:

Students will create a Venn Diagram on a Card Board.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning ____ Multiple Intelligences X Other: Communicative Learning

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After discussing the elements of narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will be able to identify the differences and similarities between them.

After discussing the elements of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will identify the differences and similarities between them creating a Venn Diagram on a card board in groups of 3 to 4 students.

After identifying the differences and similarities between the narrative and descriptive paragraph, the students will share orally their cardboards with the Venn Diagram.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Venn Diagram

Instructional Materials

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Card Board Crayons Markers Tape

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



Students will hand in homework, we will review the tongue twisters, and we will review the steps of the writing process and the structures of a paragraph.

Students will be divided in groups and given a card board. The students will create a Venn Diagram with the differences and similarities of both types of paragraphs.

After creating the Venn Diagram on the differences on the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will share them orally.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


The students demonstrated that they understood well the differences between the narrative and descriptive paragraphs. Giving them the card boards with the Venn Diagram format already done was a huge advance because they just had to worried for filing it out and not having trouble with the circles. The teacher also announced a test for next Tuesday, February 11, 2014. The test will be on the steps of the writing process, structure of the paragraph and characteristics of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Expository Paragraphs Unit: Types of Paragraphs Date: February 12, 2014 Strategy Phase: X Exploration X Conceptualization ___ Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect X Apply

Dispositions: ___Leadership ___ Creativity X Diversity ___ Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: X Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___ Art ___Other:

Students will contribute with their background knowledge to construct an expository paragraph.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning X Multiple Intelligences X Other: Communicative Learning

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After discussing how to write an expository paragraph, the students will be able to write their own.

After discussing how to write an expository paragraph, the students will write a paragraph orally together and write it on the board.

After writing the expository paragraph on the board, the students will comment orally why it is an expository paragraph and what type of expository is it.

Materials: Curriculum Materials


Instructional Materials

PPT on Paragraphs White Board

___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials


Laptop Projector

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



Students will review the tongue twisters and will discuss the test on narrative and descriptive paragraphs.

Discuss the expository paragraph and write one orally on the white board.

Discuss the homework that will be given today.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain: Oral Presentation. Write an expository paragraph to inform on a situation of their community. They should record themselves. For Tuesday, February 18, 2014.

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


Students did not understood well what is the purpose for writing expository paragraphs. Because of this, I decided to give them more examples tomorrow and make them write one in order to assess if they understood well or not. Also, the students reacted confused with the homework because they have not been assign a homework like this one in previous classes.

For the Written Communication Standard I chose two lesson plans from the same thematic unit Types of Paragraphs. In the first lesson plan I planned an activity in which the students were going to work in groups to construct a Venn diagram. In the other lesson plan, the students had to work together and orally they had to write an expository paragraph in the board. After analyzing both lesson plans, I can assure that the first lesson plan on the Venn diagram was more effective than the other one in which they had to write an expository paragraph. In the first lesson plan, the students already had practiced with both types of paragraphs being compared and that help in that the activity was more effective. In the second lesson plan the students didn’t understand well what an expository paragraph was so they got confused and were not able to write the paragraph correctly. In order to improve the least effective lesson plan, I would give them another activity before writing an expository paragraph. An activity should be giving them an expository paragraph and the 5w’s questions to guide them in understanding the purpose of that type of paragraph. In my preparation as a teacher I was taught that the student needs to see good examples and understand the material being given in order for them to work on what t is being asked for. I should have also taken in consideration that not all the students work the same and that before them could write the paragraph they had to see various examples before. This would have helped those who are visual learners. This activity could have been used as a review and to see if the students did understood what was being taught after they had already practice.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Metaphor and Similes Unit: Figurative Languages Date: March 10, 2014 Strategy Phase: ____Exploration ____Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect X Apply

Dispositions: X Leadership X Creativity ___ Diversity ___ Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: ___ Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___ Art ___Other:

Each team will select a leader. The class will have a jeopardy game as a review.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning X Multiple Intelligences X Other: Communicative Learning

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After given an example, the students will be able to identify if it’s a metaphor or a simile.

After given an example, the students will identify if it is a metaphor or a simile while answering a jeopardy game as review.

After playing the jeopardy game, with metaphors and similes, the students will comment if they understood how to differentiate a simile from a metaphor.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Instructional Materials

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Laptop Projector Speakers Internet

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



Teacher will discuss the homework they had to turn in. Also, the teacher will divide the students in 5 groups.

Students will play a Jeopardy Game on metaphors and similes.

The students will comment orally if the game helped them understand how to differentiate a simile from a metaphor.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___Other: Jeopardy Game

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class: Students behavior did not permit the teacher to start the class.

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


After I announced that they were going to be divided in groups to play a game, the students started misbehaving and did not let me start the class. I decided to suspend the game and give them a quiz in which they had to write 10 metaphors and 10 similes. After I corrected the quizzes I realized that I can keep on with another theme. Address of the Jeopardy Game: http://www.superteachertools.com/jeopardy/usergames/Feb201106/game1297119259.php

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Hyperboles, Alliterations, and Onomatopoeias Unit: Figurative Language Date: March 24, 2014 Strategy Phase: X Exploration X Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: X Focus X Explore ___Reflect X Apply

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Dispositions: X Leadership ___Creativity ___Diversity ___ Social Transformation Students will play in groups a Jeopardy Game identifying what figurative language is presented on each example.

Integration: ___Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___Art ___Other:

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning X Multiple Intelligences ___Other:

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize ○Context Clues ○Infer


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

Objectives: Conceptual



After discussing the definitions of hyperbole, alliteration, and onomatopoeia, the students will be able to identify what type of figurative language is presented on some sentences.

After discussing the definitions of hyperbole, alliteration, and onomatopoeia, the students will identify what type of figurative language is presented on some sentences while playing a Jeopardy Game.

After playing the Jeopardy game, the students will raise their hands if they understand well how to identify hyperboles, alliterations, and onomatopoeias in a sentence.

Materials: Curriculum Materials


Instructional Materials

Handout with sentences White board Markers

___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials


___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



The students will review the definitions of hyperboles, alliterations, and onomatopoeias, then the students will be divided in groups.

The students will play a Jeopardy game in which they would have to identify what figurative language is presented on each sentence.

After playing the jeopardy game the students will raise their hands if they understand really well how to identify hyperboles, alliterations, and onomatopoeias.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other: Jeopardy Game

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


This time the students behaved really well and played the jeopardy game in complete order. When the students had a hard time identifying the figurative language presented on any of the examples, I had to remind them on the definition of each one and then ask them what makes the sentence an example for the figurative language presented.

Selecting a Reading Comprehension Lesson plan was a little difficult. Because the class I taught was a Conversational English Class, reading was integrated to some lesson plans but there were not that much reinforced in the classroom. Even though I had difficulties, I found two lesson plans in which the students were working with reading standards. Both lesson plans were focused on a Jeopardy Game that I used to helped them practice and clear any doubts they could have. In the first lesson plan, the Jeopardy game was using a program on the internet that gave the scores automatically and the questions. It didn’t require that much planning because I just had to divide the groups and have internet. In the second lesson plan, the jeopardy game was on identifying the figurative language presented on some sentences. This one required more planning because I had to look for the examples, divide them in groups, and take care of the scores. Even though the first lesson plan was less hard working, it was the least effective among both of them. First of all, the students were not used to have these games in the classroom as part of the class. Because of this, the students did not behave well. I believe that the way I gave the instructions did not help them understand that the game was part of the class discussions. In the second lesson plan, the students were aware of the situation they had cost the last time so they reacted in a different way. They enjoyed the activity, but best of all they used it to clarify doubts as expected. I have been taught that the students learn in different ways, but a very good technique is to play with them. Planning a lesson that includes a game is very hard working and the teacher needs to take in consideration all the situations that could hinder the purpose of the activity.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Review Unit: Types of Paragraphs Date: February 6, 2014 Strategy Phase: ___Exploration ___Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect X Apply

Dispositions: X Leadership ___ Creativity ___Diversity ___ Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching X Review

Integration: X Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___ Art ___Other:

Students should develop Leadership skills on a debate.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension X Cooperative Learning ___ Task Based Learning ___Multiple Intelligences ___Other:

Special Accommodations Offered: None.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Recall ○Define ○Draw ○Match ○Use ○State ○List ○Identify ○Name

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize ○Tell/Recite

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect ○Interpret ○Summarize


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize ○Draw conclusions

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept

○Context Clues


Objectives: Conceptual



After discussing the steps of the writing process, structure of the paragraph and the elements of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will be able to review for the test.

After discussing the steps of the writing process, structure of the paragraph and the elements of the narrative and descriptive paragraphs, the students will review for the test by answering a true or false, multiple choices, and open questions.

After answering the review, the students will comment orally if it helped them understand better what is coming on the test.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Instructional Materials

PPT with the review

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Laptop Projector

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial



The students will be divided in two groups.

One student from each group will debate with each other to see who answers first correctly to the exercise assigned in the PPT.

The students will comment orally if the review helps them clarify doubts of what is coming on the test.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other: True or False

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


Students were engaged in the review. They all demonstrated that they understood well what is coming on the test. I will keep reviewing with them this way because I saw that the visuals in the PPT helped engage in the review.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JUAN PONCE DE LEON BILINGUAL SCHOOL MRS. JOANY MORALES-ENGLISH PRACTICE TEACHER 7TH GRADE Theme: Expository Paragraphs Unit: Types of Paragraphs Date: February 18,19 Strategy Phase: ___Exploration ___Conceptualization X Application Reading Strategies: ___Before ___During ___After Dispositions: ___Leadership X Creativity

Learning Cycle: ___Focus ___Explore ___Reflect X Apply

__Diversity X Social Transformation

___Quiz ___Test ___Re-Teaching ___Review

Integration: X Spanish ___ Science ___Soc. Studies ___ Math ___ English ___Physical Ed. ___ Art ___Other:

Students will share creative videos or will act in front of the class as news reporters. They will report on a situation occurred in their community.

Teaching Strategies: ___ Reading Comprehension ___Cooperative Learning X Task Based Learning X Multiple Intelligences __Other:

Special Accommodations Offered: Students that didn’t had the resources to take a video will be able to do it in class.



LISTENING/SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

___ L/S.7.1 Listens and responds to a read aloud from a variety of fiction and nonfiction, to comprehend, generalize, relate to character and setting, and make connections to text. ___ L/S7.2 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies and clarifies instructions and directions; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. ___ L/S 7.3 Uses appropriate language structure to problem solve and to explain a process; interacts in discussions and presentations. ___ L/S 7.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events in a variety of narrative texts and identifies problem and solution within presented literature. ___ L/S 7.5 Explains the main idea or topic; identifies important details from learned concepts or read alouds in a variety of expository texts; applies sequence of events to summarize. ___ R 7.1 Analyzes the text, establishes purpose, recognizes author’s purpose, and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension. ___ R 7.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning using prior knowledge to relate to the new meaning, uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar, multiple-meaning, and compound words. ___ R 7.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts characters traits, describes and explains setting in fiction. ___ R 7.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.5 Identifies and states fact and opinion, paraphrases and states cause and effect, makes connections, predictions and inferences; draws conclusions; states the problem and solution in fiction and nonfiction. ___ R 7.6 Identifies imagery and elements of poetry. ___ W 7.1 Combines sentences and ideas by using simple transitional phrases; applies commas to correctly punctuate and construct sentences; distinguishes complete sentences from fragments and run-on sentences. ___ W 7.2 Applies the parts of speech; identifies the subjects and objects in sentences; uses correct subject-verb agreement. ___ W 7.3 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ___ W 7.4 Uses poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. ___ W 7.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary and thesaurus as an aid in the writing process; revises writing proofreads to identify errors in spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation when prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and writes a final draft.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Depth of Knowledge: Norman Webb Level 1: Recall ○Repeat ○Define ○Match ○State

○Recall ○Draw ○Use ○List

○Illustrate ○Recognize ○Arrange ○Memorize

Level 2: Skill-Concept ○Categorize ○Classify ○Distinguish ○Organize ○Construct ○Observe ○Compare ○Cause/Effect


Level 3: Strategic Thinking ○Revise ○Investigate ○Critique ○Construct ○Formulate ○Differentiate ○Compare ○Hypothesize

Level 4: Extended Thinking ○Design ○Create ○Connect ○Prove ○Analyze ○Critique ○Apply Concept




○Interpret ○Context Clues

○Summarize ○Infer

○Draw conclusions

Objectives: Conceptual



After writing their expository paragraphs, the students will be able to share it orally as a news reporter.

After writing their expository paragraphs, the students will share them orally as reporters on a video or in the classroom.

After sharing, their expository paragraphs, the students will comment orally if they liked the activity and if it was difficult to work on.

Materials: Curriculum Materials

Instructional Materials

Evaluation Rubric

Assessment: ___Dramatization ___ Outlines ___ Movie ___ Quiz ___ Unit Test ___ Fill the Blank ___ Multiple Choice

Technologic Materials

Laptop Projector Microphone

___ Questions and answers ___ Concept Map ___ Matching ___ Venn Diagram ___ Reflective Diary ___Comic Strips

___ Writing ___ Rubrics ___ Cloze Writing ___ Extended Response ___ Oral report ___ Written Report ___ Vocabulary Exercise

Activities: Initial

The students will prepare their materials. The teacher will review the evaluation rubric with the students.



The students will share their expository paragraphs as news reporters in the classroom or sharing them in a video.

The students will comment orally how was their experience with this assignment.

____ Yes ____ No

___ Poster ___ Drawing ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Handout ___ Cooperative Work ___ Poetry

___ Other:

Homework: ___ Practice ___ Elaboration ___ Preparation Explain:

Reflection: Objectives were: ___ Met ___ Partially Met ___ Not Met Special situations affecting the class:

Activities were: ___ Effective ___ Difficult ___ Not possible to carry them one ___ Electric power went off ___ Students didn’t bring materials/homework ___ Class was interrupted by: ___ There were no situations that affected the class. ___ Other:

Materials: ___ Useful ___ Difficult to use ___ Complicated the activity ___ There was a discipline problem ___ Students were not alert

Assessment was: ___ Appropriate ___ Feasible ___ Not effective ___ Classes were suspended ___ Students were not receptive


Students were very creative and receptive. They showed interest in their classmates’ presentations. I worried that the students would not bring the assignment, they did an amazing job. I am thinking on assigning another special project similar to this one.

Integrating technology in the classroom requires a lot of planning. I am thankful because in the classroom where I did my practice teaching I had projector, laptop, and speakers. These materials facilitated the integration of technology in the classroom. In my class I integrated technology in two ways: I used technology to help the students visualize what we were discussing, and also giving the students the chance to use technology as creative projects. In the first lesson plan I selected, I was the one who used the technology in order to facilitate the understanding of the students. In this lesson I presented a Power Point Presentation with exercises for a test review. In the second lesson plan I selected, the students were the ones using technology in order to present an orally an expository paragraph by recording themselves. Even though both lesson plans were really effective, the second one was the least effective of both. In the first one the students benefited from the presentation and clarified their doubts. In the second lesson plan, not all the students had the resources necessary to record themselves. I gave the students the opportunity to do it orally in the classroom if they didn’t had the resources. In my preparation as an English teacher, I was told that integrating technology will help me get the students engaged in the class activities because they deal with technology every day and it is what attracts them. I did saw that in both lesson plans the students were very engaged but I have to take in consideration those who don’t have the resources. In order to improve that lesson plan I should divide the students in pairs, so that those who don’t have the resources could still participate and experience the usage of technology as required by the teacher.

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