Table of Contents
Learning Goals
Thematic Unit Overview
Learning Goals According to the Puerto Rico Education Department Grade Levels and Expectations (PRDE) of the 7th grade, at the end of this thematic unit the students should:
Use reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction. (Reading)
Following this goal, this thematic unit will focus on working with figurative language. The goals of this thematic unit are in alignment to the PRDE mentioned above. The students should gain an understanding of figurative language in order to be prepared for the next unit that will be on Poetry. The particular goals of this thematic unit are:
Goal #1: After given a reading selection, the students will be able to identify the figurative language presented on the reading selection with 90% of accuracy.
Goal #2: After identifying the figurative language presented on a reading selection, the students will be able to analyze the intended meaning of the writer for using figurative language in the reading selection.
Goal #3: After being able to define, identify and analyze examples of figurative language, the students will be able to write their own examples of figurative language with 95% of accuracy.
While the students identify, interpret and write their own figurative language examples, they will be achieving a high level of understanding and appreciation as expected by the Department of Education of PR. Taking as reference Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Taxonomy, the students will be passing through different levels of thoughts through this unit.
First they will have to identify and define the types of figurative languages. These skills are part of the Recall level, the first one in Webb’s Taxonomy. Then the students will have to interpret what is the intended meaning of the author when using the figurative language in diverse literary pieces. These skills are part of the second level of Webb’s Taxonomy, the Skill-Concept level. Then by the end of the unit, the students will be able to write their own examples of figurative language. For this, they will be passing through level three and four of Webb’s taxonomy which are strategic and extended thinking. During these levels the students will be creating, constructing, analyzing, and applying the concepts learned. Also through each activity, the students will be integrating skills they have already learned throughout the school year in order to meet the standards established. These learning goals are established taking into consideration the reading standard of the Grade Level Expectations of PR for the 7th grade English class, R.7.6 that establishes that the students should identify imagery and elements of poetry. Learning how to identify figurative language in reading selections will help them develop enough understanding of how they can use these element I order to write simple poems as established on the standard W.7.4 that establishes that the students should use poetry and sensory elements to develop simple poems. For this unit they will have to master adjectives and adverbs in order to describe using figurative language.
Thematic Unit Overview
Day 1 Metaphors and Similes
Learning Goal #1
After discussing the definitions of metaphor and simile, the students will be able to write examples and share them orally.
Students will watch two YouTube videos in which they present examples of metaphors and similes in songs the students recognize. Then the students will create their own examples and will share them orally with their classmates.
YouTube Videos: 104uji--Y
Creativity: Students will write their own original examples.
After given an example, the students will differentiate if the example is a metaphor or a simile and will complete a metaphor or simile by debating in groups.
Students will be divided in two groups. Each group member will debate with another on a given example in order to identify if it is a metaphor or a simile or to complete the given metaphor or simile.
Day 2 Metaphors and Similes
Learning Goal #1 AokXrS6I Laptop Projector Internet
Example sentence strips
Leadership: Students will select the member that will represent them. Creativity: Students will complete a metaphor or a simile originally. Diversity: The students can complete the metaphors or similes differently.
Day 3 Metaphors
Learning Goal #2 and Learning Goal #3
After given a handout, the students will identify the writer’s purpose on given metaphor and will also write their own metaphor with 97% of accuracy.
In the first part of the handout the students will write what the writer means when he writes the metaphors presented. In the second part the students will create metaphors using the pairs of words given to construct them.
Copies of Handouts
Creativity: Students will write their own metaphors.
After given a metaphor, the students will identify the intended meaning of the writer and will illustrate it with a drawing.
The teacher will give the students a metaphor. The students will write what they understood is the intended meaning of the writer and they will illustrate the meaning of the metaphor in a drawing.
White paper Crayons Markers Metaphors
Day 4 Metaphors
Learning Goal #2
Diversity: Students will write the meaning the metaphors have according to their background knowledge.
Creativity: Students will draw an illustration of what they think is the intended meaning of the writer for writing the metaphors. Diversity: Students will write the meaning the metaphors have according to their background knowledge.
Day 5 Metaphors and Similes
Learning Goal #1 and Learning Goal #2
After given an example the students will be able to identify if it is a metaphor and a simile or determine the meaning of the example by playing a jeopardy game.
The students will Jeopardy Game: be divided into 6 http://www.supert groups where they will compete opardy/usergames in a jeopardy /Feb201106/game game where they 1297119259.php will identify is the sentence is a Laptop metaphor or a Projector simile or identify Internet the intended meaning of the metaphor or simile.
Creativity: The students will review in a creative game.
After discussing the definition of Imagery, the students will be able to identify the imagery presented on some examples in an oral discussion.
The students will see examples of imagery in sentences, and then they will identify what imagery is being presented in some examples in an oral discussion using a power point presentation.
Diversity: Students will discuss what imagery is presented in each example according to what they understood.
Day 6 Imagery
Learning Goal #1
Power Point Presentation
Diversity: The students will answer according to what they know.
Day 7 Imagery
Learning Goal #2
Day 8 Imagery
Learning Goal #2
Day 9 Imagery
Learning Goal #3
After given The students will a sentence, work in groups of the students three. Each group will add will receive a descriptive sentence with no words to figurative change the language. The given students will add sentence into descriptive words an example in order to change of imagery the sentence to an and then imagery example they will not changing the draw an sentence illustration meaning. Then to present it. They will draw a picture with the exact descriptions they used. After writing The students will their go in front of the imagery class to present examples, their drawings the students and to share their will share imagery them orally. examples. The classmates will identify the intended meaning of the presenters for using that imagery. The students will After given a sentence, answer a worksheet the students in which they will will re-write rewrite a sentence the sentence by using imagery. The students will using be assigned imagery by homework to write answering a a poem using at worksheet. least 4 examples of imagery to describe one thing.
Sentences with no figurative language.
Creativity: Students will change a sentence using Imagery, a type of creative writing.
White Cardboard Markers Crayons
Students drawing of examples of Imagery.
Diversity: Each group will present something different and will interpret a different meaning from each imagery example.
Worksheet on Imagery
Creativity: Students will write their examples of imagery and their poem using imagery.
Day 10 Personification
Learning Goal #1 and Learning Goal #2
Day 11 Personification
Learning Goal #3
Day 12
Learning Goal #1
Hyperbole, Alliteration and Onomatopoeia
After In a power point discussing presentation the what students will look personificati at examples of on is, the personifications students will in which they will answer a identify the multiple writer’s purpose. choice orally Then they will to identify answer some which multiple choice sentence has exercises in the personificati same presentation on and the where they will intended identify meaning of personification the writer. examples. After given The teacher will an image, give each student the students a picture. The will write an student will write example of an example of personificati personification to on to describe the describe the picture. Then picture. They will share it orally with their classmates. After given After discussing some the definitions sentences, and examples of the students hyperbole, will be able alliteration and to identify onomatopoeia the hyperboles, student will alliterations answer a and worksheet that onomatocontains exercises poeias by for them to answering a identify what worksheet. figurative language is presented.
Power Point Presentation on Personification
Diversity: The students will answer what is the intended meaning of the example of personification according to their background knowledge.
Creativity: Students will create their original personification examples.
Worksheet on Hyperbole, Alliteration and Onomatopoeias
Diversity: Students will answer the worksheet according to their background knowledge and what they understood in the discussion.
Day 13
Learning Goal #1, Learning Goal #2 and Learning Goal #3
After discussing what hyperboles, alliterations and onomatopoeias, are the students will be able to write their own examples.
The teacher will give some examples on the board where the students will have to identify what kind of figurative language does it contains and why did the writer used it. Then they will write their own examples of hyperbole, alliteration and onomatopoeia in their notebooks.
Examples on the board Students Notebooks
Diversity: The students will answer what is the intended meaning of the example background knowledge. Creativity: Students will create their original examples on hyperbole, alliteration and onomatopoeia.
Learning Goal #1, Learning Goal #2 and Learning Goal #3
After discussing 7 types of figurative language, the students will be able to review for the unit test.
The students will review for the unit test by identifying the figurative language presented on each example, analyzing the intended meaning of each example and writing their own examples.
Review on Figurative Language Worksheet
Creativity: Students will write their own examples of figurative language.
Hyperbole, Alliteration and Onomatopoeia
Day 14 Figurative Language
Diversity: The students will analyze the intended meaning of each figurative language according to their background knowledge.
Day 15 Figurative Language
Learning Goal #1, Learning Goal #2 and Learning Goal #3
Day 16 Figurative Language
Learning Goal #1 and Learning Goal #2 a
After The students will reviewing answer the Unit the 7 Test on Figurative figurative Language by languages answering a discussed, multiple choice, a the students match, and will answer writing their own a unit test. examples. After The students will discussing 7 present their types of special project in figurative which they had to languages, select a song and the students identify the will present figurative a creative language video with presented and the examples of analysis of each figurative one in a creative and the way. analysis of them presented on a song.
Test on Figurative Language Handouts
Creativity: Students will write their own examples of figurative language.
Students Videos Projector Laptop Evaluation Rubric
Creativity: Students will write their own examples of figurative language. Leadership: Students will work in groups. Diversity: Students will select different songs and will present them in different ways.
Activities For the post-test activity I decided to construct a special project. In this project the students will work in groups of four. The students will select a song of their preference and will search for the lyrics. Then they will identify 5-10 figurative language examples presented on their selected song. Then they will analyze the intended meaning of the writer. The students will present the song in a creative way by singing, dancing, or presenting images related to the song in a video. In this video they will include their analysis of the figurative language examples found. The students will share their videos with their classmates. I decided to do this special
project because it gives the students a chance to internalize the information and to apply what they have learned enhancing their creativity. Also this special project is based on Social Constructivism. While the students analyze corporately the song they will be gaining understanding from each other. I believe this will be the most effective way to ensure that they understood what was being presented through the unit. Technology is a very important key in this thematic unit. I included examples of figurative language presented on videos with music they like in order to have them connect the definitions with examples related to them. I also used games on the internet that enhance the figurative language skills. I also have planned in case the power goes off due to the problems of electricity of the school. You can also see the integration of technology in the special project where they will have to hand in a video. This will get them involve in creative activities and not on traditional searching for information and writing environment that teachers use.