BA(Hons) Architecture - portfolio diary.

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Joara Tomba Pereira architectural diary | K1549948

introdution I have been studying architecture and urbanism for more than four years in my home country, Brazil, and I believe it is really important to complement my studies and enhance my development through an exchanging year. I am sure that the experience of living and studying architecture in London has been contributing largely to my personal and professional development, through learning about a new culture, speaking a foreign language and relating with different people. Settled in the liveliness of the cities, architecture has showed to me as an incredible atmosphere that affects the cultural and social dimension in the same time that is equally affected by them. This rich and unique relation between architecture and the surroundings reflects the importance of observing the city and all its aspects to design. In addition to these substantial aspects, the material dimension of architecture further reinforces its interesting, presenting the materiality of the buildings as an important matter of architecture field. This approach to architecture dimension focus on its role in the urban spaces has come up in three of the five studios, according to my interpretation. The Studio 3.3.: “Worlds of Architecture: Typology and Topography”, the Studio 3.4.: “the Hospitable City: a Social Condenser” and the Studio 3.5.: “Back to the Future: a Town Hall for Thamesmead”. The theme of the Studio 3.3.: “typology and topography” has showed to me as the most interesting method to approach architectural matters, combining these distinct dimensions of architecture and presenting them side by side. It seemed to me that it goes toward some of the questions that I have been more interested to investigate: How to deal with all systems that coexist in the urban space to design a substantial project? How to considerate and combine all the strengths that acts in the urban space? How to create a suitable typology for a specific urban situation? The search for identifying these two different notions – typology and topography – that acts upon architectural project has showed a great opportunity to develop both my capacity to design substantial spaces and distinct ways to think the act of designing. We are used to handle with these notions separately and they are not so clearly thought together in Brazil. Getting in touch with another way to synthesize all the strengths that acts synergically in design process is indeed a unique opportunity. I believe that this different approach to architectural matters will contribute largely to open my mind and enriches my background. Moreover, I hope that experiencing the studio will leads me to learn more about the Britain architecture and the way of thinking about it in a totally different reality from my home country. I do intend to improve my process of design and thinking about architecture more critically in order to assume a more conscientious attitude toward my projects.

London views 01 vertical project 01 week 02 | coimbra research 02 week 03 | coimbra research . typological study . visiting the site 03 week 04 | coimbra research . typological study . planning context 04 week 05 | coimbra research . typological study 05 field trip + Barcelona views 06 week 07 | pin-up studio . precedent study 07 week 08 | the first image . the microcosm . planning context 08 week 09 | the microcosm . precedent study 09 week 10 | the microcosm 10

As an international student, living in London for one year is another contributing factor for my professional development. It is a great opportunity to get in touch with its unique urban atmosphere daily, where distinct historical buildings coexist and compose singular public and private spaces. Many examples could be given, but these pictures just illustrate a little bit about my fascination for this city and how I learn architecture just walking thought the streets. Experiencing this urban space is completely unique and goes toward my ambitious to increase my knowledge about Britain architecture.

london views


The landscape views of this city are incredible unique and show the integration of buildings from different historical times. Visiting the Gherkin during the Open House event of 2015 was a great opportunity to see such panoramic views and get in touch with a really important building of London. I have also visited the Foster and Partner’s Office during this event, and I got really impressed by the way they guided the visit, showing the office reality and all their groups of work. Besides all these specific visits to modern buildings, the opportunity to visit the historical famous places of London is equally remarkable and I could not list them one by one, because I am afraid that I could be unfair if I forget any of them. I am sure that each place I visit here is a way to learn architecture through the city and I hope to be able to get the most from all of them in this exchanging year.

vertical project “a noisy place of meditation”


Developed by architecture and landscape students of different years, the vertical project presented “Observing a place in the city” as its theme in order to lead us to look to some place, revealing the unseen. The place that has been chosen was Christchurch Greyfriars, rebuilt by Christopher Wren and settled in the City of London, near of St Paul’s Cathedral. The place has showed itself singularly interesting. Joining the rich history with the unique cosmopolitan atmosphere, the ruins of the building has been converted into a public rose garden that is extremely used and allows the presence of “a noisy place of meditation” in the center of London. A short film has been produced to explore the particular characters of this place, showing the circulation of people in the garden. Furthermore, some sketches and a hand drawing section have been made in order to study and analyze the place, observing it in the city as a whole. This experience has showed to me as a great opportunity to work with unknown students from different years, leading me to get in touch with distinct cultures since the begging of my exchanging year. Furthermore, the vertical project was a good change to know a different place in London and to realize how the open spaces are really used and have a special quality here. The way the ruin was transformed in a rose garden and suited for new uses, in the same time that preserves the memory of what it used to be, was also another outstanding point. It has reinforced exactly what I think about experiencing London as a daily studying activity. As my first approach to studying architecture in Kingston, this vertical project has meant the beginning of the process to getting in touch with distinct way of thinking architecture. And it was quite interesting that it has begun from other students and not from the teachers. I do believe that it has helped me to open my mind to really start the studio experience.

In order to develop the theme “typology and topography�, Coimbra has been chosen as the site of the studio once its topography is really rough and its architecture, varied. Therefore, the focus of the initial studies has been on making a 3D model of part of the city, with all the buildings settled in the topography. The main axis is the Sophia Street and all the important ecclesiastical colleges that surround it. It has showed to me as a good way to understand the city and its dynamics though translating the configuration of the streets, the topography and the arrangement of the buildings to a 3D handmade model. Although we have not exactly started to design the Project, doing this model seems as the begging of the process of designing, what goes toward the questions I have been more interested to investigate. It seems like an answer for how to start a project looking for the city. Furthermore, working in groups has been other positive point that allows me to get in touch with different people with totally different backgrounds.

coimbra research

Studio 3.3.


coimbra research Studio 3.3. Development of the 3D model of the center of Coimbra and drawing the elevations of the streets in order to identify the most important facades of the area. It was a continuity of the process of studying and investigating Coimbra, and each week seems as a part of a whole process of reading an urban space. Looking specifically for the facades has contributed for this process, once some strange relations among the buildings have come up as like as some facades have called attention because of their arrangement.


typological study Studio 3.3.


The presence of a great variety of colleges, churches and libraries in the area of Coimbra that is the object of studying led us to begin an investigation about the various typologies of urban living. Each student was settle with a specific college to study and investigate its architectural strengths by drawing plans, sections, elevations, contextual axonometric and diagrams. My study case was the College of Espirito Santo that is settled almost in the middle of Sofia Street and has passed through the last centuries by a significant process of changing its uses. That’s why I have begun this process by reading about the history of this college in the same time that I have started drawing the floor plans. It seemed to me as an interesting process to enlarge the studying about the city, because looking specifically for a historical building is like analyzing a part of a whole space, a piece of the entire urban dimension. And, as I have already declared about the model of Coimbra, I do believe that this typological study is already part of the process of design as well.



3 diagrams with surroundings








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Santa Justa

diagram abstract form

Terreiro da Erva


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Terreiro do Marmeleiro . Tr m


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visiting the site making architecture


The precedent study puts forward the materiality of the buildings for discussion, asking to look critically for a specific building in order to extract how it works and how its structure is established. The areas of investigation must focus on the four issues: structure, fabric, services (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) and sustainability in order to result in analytical studies about the formal, spatial and material qualities of the building. The development of this work started with a visit to our precedent study building: the Chadwick Hall, in the University of Roehampton. This visit was our first contact with the building and helped us to understand a little bit more about the structure by observing it facades. It meant just the begging of the studies; however it clarified our general idea about the building and its surrounding. The external characteristics of the building with masonry panels led me to think about this formal language and how it seems to create an urban uniformity. I have already asked myself if it is this uniformity that creates and hold a kind of harmony in the urban space, that is not so common in Brazilian cities unfortunately. This question keeps concerning me when I am walking on the streets, observing the urban views of London. I do have a special curiosity about the urban spaces and why some of them are much more enjoyable to go into than others.


coimbra research Studio 3.3. Developing the 3D model of the center of Coimbra and, in the same time, increasing my knowledge about the topography of the city by drawing the contour lines one by one. The different ways the buildings are settled in the topography are just few examples of some interesting points that we are facing during this model. It led me to know Coimbra deeper than I expected, before visiting it. It seems like an interesting way to start design even without the thesis project. Furthermore, doing such a big model without any electrical machines has seemed quite difficult, and put me towards some questions about how to suit the scale of a model to the right methods to make it.

Development of the study about the College of Espirito Santo. The studio day was a collective discussion about this typological study on 20th October in order to come up with questions and highline the main important issues of each college. Considering my case of study, the main questions were about the original uses of the spaces. As it has passed through many changes, this information has showed quite difficult to figure out and it will be my focus on the next week.

typological study pin-up . Studio 3.3.


planning context designing architecture The practice of designing architecture (AR6002) has introduced through a brief document a study about the planning context where the project site is settled in. This approach to the urban context of the site should be developed by three main points: the planning appraisal, conservation appraisal and planning process in order to analyze the entire context by historical, cultural, social, physical and economic issues. Analyzing the sites of project through another scale and investigating the urban space with these contextual views seem to be an interesting study to be developed. I do believe that it will contribute to enlarge our approach to Coimbra that has already started with the 3d model and the typological study. On the other hand, I think that choosing the site project before visiting it was not a contributed fact and, in some way, went against the studio process of designing.


coimbra research Studio 3.3. Conclusion of the collective handmade 3D model with all buildings and the whole topography of the center of Coimbra, where the three possibilities for the project sites are situated on. After the conclusion of this model, I can see that making this whole model by hand was a really way of studying the urban space. It has changed what I used to think about 3D models, leading me to consider them more as a part of the process than as the final way to show and explain the project. I do appreciated starting the designing process by translating the city to a physical model. It has given to me some hints about places that I do intend to visit in the field trip or even some not understandable spaces that I want to figure out.


Conclusion of the typological study about the College of Espirito Santo. Important information has been come up about the typology of ecclesiastical colleges by drawing and analyzing the floor plans, sections, elevations and an axonometric of the college. The role of the courtyards, the organization of the spaces, the relation with the streets are some examples of these main issues. Considering specifically the College of Espirito Santo, another important matter of discussion was the process of transformation that it has faced throughout the centuries. The diagrams resulted from these analyze and they were important contributed way to understand this entire process and the typology indeed. This typological study has contributed to my way of first approach to a building in the attempt of analyzing its configurations and spaces. Moreover, it was a chance to learn more about the historical typologies of Portugal, where the ecclesiastical colleges were one of the most important places of a city. Studying a building with two relevant courtyards was also important to get in touch with this symbolic space of Portuguese architectural language.

typological study

Studio 3.3.


field trip.COIMBRA Studio 3.3.


The field trip to Coimbra, Portugal, has occurred from 29th October to 4th November. It was a great opportunity to know the urban life and atmosphere of Coimbra, besides visiting the project site and surroundings. Walking through the streets, talking with people and sketching the main questions that had come up were some activities that really contributed to experience Coimbra. The field trip has included lectures by José Antonio Bandeirinha, Jorge Figueira and Eduardo Souto de Moura, guided visit and walking lectures through the center of Coimbra, a workshop with the Portuguese students and incredible visits to the architectural office of João Mendes Ribeiro and Alvaro Siza. Many other visits to notorious projects happened during the field trip and also a day trip to Porto. It was a unique opportunity to know this notorious architects and I am sure that it is something that will mark my career forever. The main work to be produced during this field trip was divided in the following issues: façade study, study of a room, reflected ceiling plan, sketchbook and the workshop, that has already been referred

These tasks seemed to be as a process of experiencing the city as a whole, in the attempt of analyzing different parts of the urban dynamics. I have gotten a lot from the city by sketching and I believe that I should have spent even more time doing this. I lake some information that I only could have visiting there. On the other hand, talking with Portuguese people was a really contributed fact to understand the city and its dynamics, and it was something that my home language helped me to do. I thought that this field trip was so well scheduled, that I have taken from it the most information as possible. It was really important for the designing process and it has represented to me a great step to what I think for the project. I could see even briefly the culture, social and economic aspects that surrounding the site, what is important to define the better distribution of the uses. Moreover, I could realize what has more visual impact to the site and highlight some aspects to think about during the process of designing, such as the blank walls that bound the site and the front closed square of the Palace of Justice.

Different views of Coimbra

The workshop with the Portuguese students has begun with a group discussion about the site and our first ideas for the project. It allowed us to consider distinct aspects from each initial proposal and to think about what were the positive and negative points of each of them. It was a good way to question our process of approach, getting in touch with a different methodology from the Portuguese students, which was quite similar to what we are used to do in Brazil. Synthesize the group ideas to achieve a conclusion was a difficult challenge. However, it was really worth because we have to deal with the necessity to defend what we have thought to the project. It was a good process that leads me to consider other aspects that I have forgotten. The position about the characteristics of the open spaces was an interesting aspect that I am considering to keep in my proposal. Differentiating the open spaces in courtyard, square and playground is a way to build the “voids� and qualify them. I believe the open spaces must have the same quality of the closed ones in order to provide for the citizens a better city, with enjoyable communal areas. This workshop was a unique opportunity to focus on the site and discuss about ideas all day long. It seemed to me as a perfect way to begin the project, when many ideas have come up in only one day and by totally distinct points of view.


Workshop | massing studies and initial strategies

barcelona views


After the field trip, I went to Barcelona for a few days and it was a great opportunity to get in touch with some outstanding architectures. Visiting the Park Güell, the Batlló House, the La Pedrera and the Sagrada Família Church are just some examples of places I have visited, that allowed me to experience the Antoni Gaudi’s architecture. It was really amazing to know these places and see how Gaudi developed their not orthogonal forms and created dialogs between the shapes and the light. I have also visited many other important places, such as the Park de la Ciutadella, the Gothic neighborhood, the Picasso museum, the Montjuic hill and the German Pavillion of Mies Van der Rohe. Getting in touch with this iconic building of modernist architecture was an unbelievable experience. The arrangement of the plans, the mixture of textures, and the clean architecture gesture were some highlighted points that have come up. I could see directly the materialization of the iconic Mies Van der Rohe’s theories by experiencing the interior and exterior spaces of the building, where this difference is reduced in a unique space that is interior and exterior in the same time. Moreover, it was really impressive experiencing the urban places of Barcelona by walking through the Las Ramblas and the blocks of Ildefons Cerda’s master plan. It has just contributed with my interest about the urban dimension.

field trip tasks pin-up . Studio 3.3.


The studio day was a collective discussion about the tasks of the field trip brief on 10th November. It was a good opportunity to share our main questions of analysis and our impressions about Coimbra after visiting the city. It was quite interesting how each student had focused to different aspects of the city and how the sketches reflect these districts points of view. I was particularly interested to understand the way the public spaces interact among themselves and how the streets are used and shaped by the surrounding buildings. That’s why I have made an effort to try to translate the urban dimension to systems that can synthesize the urban dynamics. However the huge complexity of this translation led me to realize that I do need more studies and information about Coimbra to achieve these systems. Talking specifically about the tasks of the field trip brief, the façade study I have made was about the doorway of Santa Justa Church. I could realize its strong relation with the topography that affects hugely the apprehension of the church as a whole and its relevance for the site 3. The study of a room was about the attic of Casa da Escrita that was designed by Joao Mendes Ribeiro. This study made me look more carefully to the way this building was restored and adapted for new uses, and I do have got interested about how changing the uses of a historical building can change positively our apprehension of it. The reflected ceiling plan from the Old Cathedral of Coimbra was also another important study to increase my knowledge about the historical buildings of Coimbra. I could realize the Romanesque architecture of this Cathedral by reading its barrel vault and the heaviness of the structure. It seemed to me that these three tasks led me to look to different aspects of Coimbra that I would not necessarily realize. They were really worth to enlarge my knowledge about different aspects of Coimbra, not only focused on my particular interests.


precedent study making architecture Development of the precedent study about the building Chadwick Hall through analyzing the floor plans, sections and elevations of the building. The focus was on understanding the structural system by diagrams and starting the 3D structural model. Trying to analyze this building has been a good exercise to think how the structure usually works. However I have faced some difficult to understand the structure due to the lake of detailed plans and sections. This was a negative point that is hampering our comprehension about the building as a whole. I hope that more information can be found out soon.

the first image Studio 3.3.


Taking into consideration a letter from the clients of the project, the seven described families in the brief that represent the whole group of twenty-one families, we were put forward the challenge of representing our conceptual ideas in just one image. I have tried to synthetize the main questions and concepts I judged relevant for my project. I have begun developing my main concepts from the ideas developed by Jane Jacobs in the book “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”. She developed the idea of social urban capital and the role of the streets and sidewalks to the true vivacity of the urban space. These concepts lead me to think the project as a microcosm. This microcosm is created and held by the citizens that fill its space with the energy of social vivacity, in such a way that it can adapt itself to different necessities, combining distinct temporalities. Responding for these inside strengths, the microcosm also replies for outside ones, being connected with the entire city by a grid of systems that coexist in the urban dynamics. The system of open spaces, such as courtyards and squares, the system of traffic and pedestrian flows and the system of social relationship are just some examples of systems that overlap each other in urban reality. As Jane Jacobs has claimed: “Cities have the capacity of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody” (Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961). I do intend to follow and develop these conceptual ideas in order to create a substantial space, where people can recognize themselves with it, taking this space as their home. I know that it is not a simple purpose because it depends a lot on the social urban capital. However, it seemed to me as challenge that I want to face and a good opportunity to develop my process of designing.

the microcosm tutorials | Studio 3.3.


The development of the project has begun mainly after the field trip, when we had the opportunity to visit the three possible sites and choose our site of most interest. I had chosen the site 3 for many reasons. It is an urban void that had been for whatever reason set aside from the social and economic development of the city, as well as the other two sites. However, it seemed to be as being located in an important corner of Sofia Street and in main axis of pedestrian and traffic circulation as a good opportunity to develop a project about reintegrating a vacant space to the urban dynamics. The vivacity of the streets that surround the site, in other words, the outside strengths were one of the most contributed facts for choosing this site. I have begun my process of design by two distinct approaches: one more focus on the brief and the features of the families that we have to deal with, trying to think about the suitable typologies for each of them, and other approach more focus on new ideas for the site, sketching different massing proposals. These sketches are an attempt of identifying what more suits in the pre-existing buildings and reality of the site 3. Some important points that I have considered for this different massing proposals: - The strong visual impact of the blank walls that bounder the site 3; - The strategy position of the site in the “endâ€? of Sofia Street and in front of Santa Justa Church; - The huge presence of people in Joao Machado Street, and the importance of this street for the public transport; - The presence of a closed square beside the Palace of Justice that faces the whole east façade of the site 3. The first tutorial I received was on 17 November and it did not go completely toward my expectations. I think I have gone with such quantity of doubts about the project to the tutorial, that I seemed more confused than I should. However, it showed to me that a good way to develop my design process was judging my different massing proposals in order to identify the positive and negative points from each of them. I do intend to follow these advices to improve my design process, and I believe that trying distinct massing ideas was a good way to begin the project.

tutorial sketchs by Bruno Silvestre

planning context designing architecture The presentation of the planning context happened on 18 October. We have tried to analyze the entire context of Coimbra by historical, cultural, social, physical and economic approaches, dividing the presentation in three main topics: planning appraisal, conservation appraisal and planning process. As part of a group, I have developed the planning appraisal, which part was focus on identifying the main characteristics of the area and translate this information into maps and diagrams. It has been defined a big zone of studying, that embraces the indirect surroundings of the site 3, and the zone of most interest, that corresponds with the direct nearby areas. With this quite hierarchy of interest, our analyses went forward to discover the most relevant aspects of the urban area. Lots of maps have been drawn, such as map of constructed area, map of heights, map of uses, map of traffic and pedestrian flow, map of the hierarchy of the streets, map of the most important buildings surrounding the site 3 and some tables about the social character of Coimbra. This vast quantity of information seemed to me as a really contributed background to develop the project for the site 3. However, after the presentation, I realized other aspects that I had not searched about, for instance: the economic features of Coimbra, the flood risk area and more details about the social reality of the city. That’s why I believe that this presentation was a good way to deliberate what needs to be object for afterwards research. I do intend to look more carefully about this planning overview of Coimbra.







Commercial and Residential




the microcosm tutorials | Studio 3.3.


I developed my design ideas by trying to identify from distinct massing proposals the strong points from each of them and deny the less suitable aspects. It was a quite difficult challenge because I have just originated a huge quantity of ideas that was not so simple to think what should be better than the others. It was a process of thinking the possible spaces by imagining them in the real context. Based on the thoughts of Jane Jacobs I have decided that I do intend to focus on the street reality and try to extract from them the most vivacity of social life than possible. This aim led me to rationalize my proposal ideas from the definition of two distinct squares that face the Sofia St. and Joao Machado St. Both of them were thought in order to reinforce the linear aspect of Sofia Street and to bring Justa Church for this context. Defining this proposal for the open space helped me to synthesize the many massing possibilities. The triangled square has already appeared to me as a strong gesture that creates in a big scale a potential space with the open area besides the Palace of Justice. The second tutorial I received was on 24th November and it helped me a lot about what should I consider in this process of synthesizing ideas and clarified the importance of surrounding the open spaces with buildings. I realized the necessity of defining an open space with buildings in their limits as a way to really determine them. I have also realized the necessity of try different massing ideas in a 3D simple model and not only by sketching, what I think will help me a lot and I have not done yet. I do need to think these proposals beyond sketches and develop more what I intend in the ground floor level.

tutorial sketchs by Noel Cash

precedent study making architecture


The development of the precedent study about Chadwick Hall was based on making the 3D structural model and to understand some constructed details about the precast balconies or the foundation elements, for instance. It was a quite challenge to figure out how the building works with the drawings and information we had. However it seemed to me as good exercise to image the way the structural loads follow through the building elements, and considering it as an active structure, it is even more interesting because it is like a life system. I have also started to think about the sustainability strategies that exist in Chadwick Hall. It was really interesting to figure out how they tried to optimize the passive design by many distinct devices in order to allow the penetration of sunlight, natural ventilation and high efficiency thermal control fabric. The green roof, the use of sustainable materials, the orientation of the external panels and even the position in front of the landscape are just some relevant aspects that led me to deliberate how a building can combine distinct devices and create a microcosm that works perfectly in urban space. The sustainability seminar we attended on 27th November led me to reconsider some aspects about the ventilation diagram I had already made. I have just figure out how there is no cross ventilation through the students bedrooms, and I do intend to elaborate a critical position about it, proposing some devices that could change this aspect and the building becomes even more sustainable. I believe that elaborating diagrams to explain sustainable issues of Chadwick Hall will help me to consider sustainable devices to my own project. I do intend to think about them since the beginning and I am sure that doing this as the same time of developing the “The microcosm� project will contribute to really consider this aspects to design.

the microcosm tutorials | Studio 3.3.


After a long time considering the many massing ideas I have synthesized, I defined four different possible proposals for the site, that in some way respond for all important points I have purpose to consider. I divided them in regular and irregular proposals, only in order to organize myself and to think more clearly about them. I have modelled them in Sketch up in order to try different heights and different positions for each building and I have also made a 3D model to put in the studio model of Coimbra in order to see the massing idea in the whole urban space. It was a good process to rationalize my designing ideas and to elucidate the visual impact of the proposal buildings. It also led me to decide that I do intend to increase the heights of the buildings in Sofia Street in order to establish a dialog between the project and the buildings in front of them. In the same time, I intend to define a clear dialog with the preexisting buildings as well, by locating the new buildings in the same place of the old ones, in memory of where they used to be. The third tutorial I received was on 01st December and it showed me how I must not think the proposals by regular and irregular ideas, because regular buildings could become irregular ones in the future and the opposite could also happen. It was so true that I have to change my way of thinking these different proposals, in order to see them not as two distinct possibilities but as a possible one proposal. I do intend to try to see them beyond the distinction of irregular and regular buildings. In the same time, it seems to me that my process of designing is leading myself to face many challenges but to a suitable project for the site that considerates the whole surrounding.

I have begun opening my mind to the most possibilities I could think in order to rationalize them afterwards. This process helped me to extract by each of them, the most potential points and to realize what could respond better for the preexisting reality. However, it has become even more difficult because I am always trying to solve everything and I know that it is not possible. I do need to accept that something will be not resolved in order to define a proposal to develop, and develop it the best I can.

tutorial sketchs by Bruno Silvestre

This diary has showed to me as a good way to think critically about what I was doing. The necessity to write about the matters every week helped me to reflect and reconsider many other aspects that I have not thought. It led me to think about my process of design, directing the focus on my failures and helping me to overcome them. I had never made something like this diary in Brazil and I do think it is really worth and helpful for our own development.

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