1.Store Design (Draft Man) -Bachelorûs Degree in Interior Design or related field -Able to Program Auto Cad, 3D Max, Sketch up, Photoshop, Illustrator and Ms Of fice -Able to write work drawings for M&E system will be an advantage -Have a drivers license -High responsibility and can work under pressure 2.Location Acquisition Officer -Bachelorûs degree Management branch or related fields -Able to use Microsoft Of fice programs (especially Po w erP oint, Excel, Vlookup, Pivot as well) -Communication and Negotiation Skills -High responsibility and able to work under pressure. -Able to drive a car and have a drivers-Ablelicense.to travel upcountry from time to time. 3.Data Engineer -Bachelorûs degree or above in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology or related-Directfield. experience in big data analytics is a b ig plus. Business acumen, adver tising tech. knowledge, understanding of cloud infrastructure are desired.-Skills in computer language (SQL, R, Python), Big data technologies (Hadoop,-InitiativSpark)e, self-motiv ated, prob lem solv e r, Open-mindedness, curiosity to learn new technology and ambition to disrupt Tech. Industry.
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