A big part of this project was learning the process of creating bitmaps. Images from online were taken and then edited in photoshop and turned into bitmaps. Only 2 colors were allowed to be used in this process. Because of this, a sandwich would look pretty gross in two colors from my color palette, so I tried to choose images of things you would use to make sandwiches. I messed around with lettuce, bread and tomatoes, and tried to create bitmaps that were not only relevant but still a little abstract whereas the main focus would be the pattern or what’s in front of it when being used.
There were no content guidelines on the posters, so I made promotional pieces that could be used on display in the deli, or people could take home. The bitmap of lettuce is the background and it has been lowered in opacity as to let the logo show through. The logo has also been made completely white so that it stands out, and doesn’t compete with the background. This was the main poster, though it could easily be made with other bitmaps and made into a series.