Jock Athletic Ezine - Issue 1

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About the Magazine Over the past 20 years I have written for a number of magazines, newspapers and web sites and in the most I have found it quite disappointing. Why, I hear you ask? Because articles get edited and often with this editing the meaning and direction changes. So what did I do: if you can’t beat them, join them and started a magazine myself. Most people told me it would be too difficult, but as my great mate Howard William Higgs once said, when asked did he have experience for a job he was interviewed for, he said, “No, but how hard can it be!” So here it is, the Jock Athletic Ezine, elite sports conditioning and science secrets for sportspeople, runners and the Average Joe’s. How hard can it be?

It’s a look into the world of physical and mental training for sport that is currently being done at the highest level. This is covering most major sports and it is delivered in a practical, usable way with some fun, real life stories from the top level of sport and sports conditioning. This is not a science mag - we don’t want to put you to sleep. It is put together from a range of top-level coaches, athletes, strength and conditioners at the coalface of top-level sport in the real world. The magazine covers real life experiences and training programs based on science and born from the real life experience of creating champions, for you all to try at home. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do creating it.

Jock, we couldn’t show you his face, his head is much better suited for radio!




I have worked closely with all the contributors and I have great respect and admiration for their experience and achievements. They are all are considered experts in their field at a national or international level. Some of them are well-performed Olympians, others have worked with many world champions and all are relentlessly passionate about their chosen field. In our selection process our contributors had to have certain attributes and one of the most important was they had to live what they believed. All of them are athletes, some of the very highest quality and others such as Captain Average Jock himself, are massive try-hards with very limited talent. Almost all of them are well past their use-by dates. The great experience and successes the contributors have achieved will now be passed on for everyone’s benefit. And, while this advice may not help you become a world champion like many of the athletes they coach or train, you will be able to use the science and training techniques to help you become: “All you can be!” My friends will be providing tips and stories that everyone from the Average Joe (or Joanne) to elite athletes will be able to utilise in their training or competition. The information is the latest cutting-edge material that is now being used by the contributors at the highest level of sport for the public to use and see. The contributors are all practitioners, who practice what they preach. All have real-life success stories; they are not sitting around in laboratories (except maybe for Danny – sorry mate). SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS



JOCK ATHLETIC Ezine Brains Trust Publisher: Jockishandsome Editors: Jock Campbell Melissa Campbell Art Director/Design: Kiss the Sky Advertising/Production: Anon/TBA Contributors: John Quinn Peter Hadfield Melissa Campbell Paul Watson Craig Stevens Leroy Lobo Corey Bocking Jock Campbell Cassandra Govan Michael Martin Danny Redup Editorial Office: Jock Athletic PO Box 1186 Cronulla 2230 Phone: 02 9544 3628 Email:






MICHAEL MARTIN Sports Psychology


MELISSA CAMPBELL Amateur Athlete Training & Pregnancy


CASSIE GOVAN Sports Marketing Statistics


JOHN QUINN AFL High Performance & Athletics


PETER HADFIELD Athletics & Athlete Training Psychology


DANNY REDUP Latest Research Sports Science & Medicine


LEROY LOBO Athlete Imune Modulation



PAUL WA Rugby Lea Training P

COREY B Fitness Ind Combat Sp

JOCK CA Cricket Co High Perfo & Surf Life

ATSON ague & Psychology


BOCKING dustry & ports


AMPBELL onditioning, ormance e Saving


FROM RIGHT: Two time Olympian Peter Hadfield, World 2km Beach Champ Dee Cooper, Australian Beach Sprint Representative Zane Campbell, State 2km Beach Champ Mel Campbell and two other nuffies driving it up the famous Wanda (Cronulla) sand dunes. Where else would you rather be?














When I first met Craig he was a 12-year-old kid, swimming for the Aquadot Club out of Sutherland, where I took him for his dry land training. He made a mark on me as a very determined young fella, who worked hard, despite not always achieving favourable results. It was a club that boasted Simon Cowley and Ian Thorpe, and despite being in the background to them initially, over the years Craig became better and better and ended up having a fantastic career. Two Olympic games, two Commonwealth Games and three World Championships later – and with medals to his name at all three levels – amounts to a phenomenal career. But what I will remember him most for and what epitomises his attitude and attitudes we love to see in Australian Sportspeople, is him giving up his 400m Freestyle spot to Ian Thorpe for the Athens Olympics after Thorpe had been disqualified in the event. Craig was thrown into the international spotlight shortly after Ian Thorpe slipped from the blocks during Olympic qualifying for the 400 metres.

2 Olympic games, 2 Commonwealth Games AND 3 World Championships later – and with medals to his name at all three

amounts to a phenomenal career.

levels –

Stevens finished second in the final to join Grant Hackett in the team for Athens as the media went into a frenzy over Thorpe’s

disqualification. Under intense pressure, Stevens then finished sixth in the 200m freestyle and posted a brilliant second in the 1,500m freestyle, setting personal best times in both races. GRAIG STEVENS: Preparing to swim for Australia

Craig gave up his Olympic 400m dream, which he had won on merit for this event to let his mate, and Australian Great Ian Thorpe take his place and win Olympic Gold in this event. It took great self-sacrifice and courage to do this for the benefit of Australian Sport, putting the best interests of the Australian Swim Team and a teammate ahead of his own personal goals, I have seen no better example of this in sport or in life. I am so pleased he has now transitioned from athlete to swimming coach, as he will lead by example with this selfless attitude. Craig is now the head swim coach at Sans Souci Pool, which is where I will be sending my kids to be have that attitude instilled in them. Craig will be writing on all things swimming, from a coaching, sports science and training perspective. Welcome Craig, we are so glad you could join us! NOVEMBER 2010



amateur Athlete & mother OF TWO I am just a kid who has always loved playing sport. No matter what it is. During my junior years I used to compete in the distance running at my school carnivals and would always win. However, unlike today, no one ever encouraged me to 10


pursue running or take up extra training to further my potential. I guess it just wasn’t the done thing. Once I hit high school, running was never an option so I used to compete in whatever team sport was available - netball, softball, basketball, etc.

MEL CAMPBELL: Trying to outpace cricket legend Glenn McGrath...again! NOVEMBER 2010



WORLD MASTERS 2009: Melissa takes another gold

I always loved sport and knew I was fairly competent but it was never about proving anything to anyone else. Sure, I wanted to win, but it was only ever about doing my best for my teammates and me. After school, team sports became my passion - I embraced the camaraderie and the trust that others put in you to perform at your best believing in you. After school, it was all about Oztag - a sport that essentially shaped my life. It introduced me to an enormous amount of wonderful people and more importantly to my BFF - Jock Alexander Campbell. In my late 20s and 30s I rediscovered a whole new love for training and keeping fit 12


- the Saturday Sand Hills. Then came the opportunity to try my hand at surf life saving competition - mainly the beach variety. I never believed that I could achieve really great things, but thought it would be great fun to train with some great people. 12 months later, I had a gold medal under my belt at State Level and Silver at Nationals. It was an awesome feeling. In a very small and personal way, I came to appreciate the hours of time, training and preparation that an athlete goes through to be the best in their sport - and I was just a little Shire girl. For me, all it took to achieve my goals was dedication, believing in my training and seeing it through - 3 things I probably have never achieved before all at once! Now as a mother of one, with one on the way, my focus has shifted in what I want to achieve out of sport: it’s more about personal bests. It’s funny, only when something is taken away from you do you realise how much you love it.

So, for me it’s about 3 things: 1. Keeping fit & healthy 2. STAY FOCUSED ON MY GOAL 3. Just doing my best In the coming months, I’ll let you know how I’m managing with two babies, training for a triathlon and finding time to do the weekly groceries. Tips anyone? MELISSA CAMBELL

TWO CHAMPIONS: Michael Fox (Gold 2007 SLS National Championships), and Melissa with Silver, surrounding their unattractive coach.



John QUINN is a widely respected leader in the elite coaching field with experience across a diverse range of sports. I went to University with John; he was old and experienced in coaching then, and even older and better at what he does now. 14





A FEW OF JOHN’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS INCLUDE: > Team coach for the Australian track and field team at the Sydney Olympic Games > Head fitness coach and High Performance Manager for Essendon Football Club (AFL) for 10 years, winning a premiership > Australian fitness Coach for two International Rules Series (AFL) > Head Conditioner with the Socceroos in 2006 in a friendly competition in Kuwait > High Performance Coach for THE AFL All Stars Team > Strength and Conditioning coach in the Indian Cricket League.



John’s career has spanned more than 25 years. He has worked with many of Australia’s leading athletes and coaches across sports as diverse as track and field, swimming, AFL, rugby league, tennis, cricket and soccer. John’s involvement with some of Australia’s most elite sports people has made his expertise highly sought-after by both sporting teams and businesses alike who are looking to find a unique insight into elite performance. John is highly qualified: he has a degree in Sport Science, a Masters in Science and Technology and is a Level 5 Athletics coach – the highest ranking you can achieve as an Australian coach. John recently signed with the new AFL franchise Greater Western Sydney as Kevin Sheady’s High Performance Director, which reunites the premiership winning pair. For the past two years, John has been directing Quinn Elite Sports Services (QESS). The core of this new and innovative business, founded and managed by John, is to offer anyone and everyone access to innovative, world’s best practice rehabilitation, coaching and consulting services. It is aimed at everyone from highly paid professional athletes to amateurs who want improved all-round athletic performance and better outcomes from rehabilitation. Sounds like Jock Athletic! In coming months John will be keeping us up-to-date on the latest training methods and techniques in AFL and athletics and – as always – he will be ahead of the pack. If you just read one article each month in this magazine, I would make it John’s.

Don’t be fooled by his bald and aged disposition; he offers far more than meets the eye! I have followed John’s career and achievements since we left university in the very early 90s and look forward to seeing what he comes up with in the coming editions. RIGHT: John taking the ICL Bangladesh Cricket Team through something new for them - agility work. PHOTO BY L.LOBO

Life is local Proudly supporting and informing the local community since 1960




Cricket Sports Physiotherapist AND Research Nerd



AS WELL AS WORKING WITH A VARIETY OF ATHLETES IN HIS PRIVATE PRACTICE IN SYDNEY, DANNY IS a physiotherapist for the NSW 2ndXI cricket team. He co-owns with the great Dr John Orchard, which is the popular sports medicine website in Australia, providing access to an exclusive Donjoy/Aircast online store with forums discussing injuries, a clinic database (listing surgeons, doctors, physiotherapists and what they are good at) and much more. In 2008 Danny started an 18-month contract over in India as Physiotherapist for the Mumbai Champs in the Rebel 20/20 Indian Cricket League (ICL).It was in the ICL that Danny was made head of Sports Medicine Research, responsible

for the injury surveillance and reporting of each tournament and for the collation and distribution of cricket-related sports medicine research to each squad. Bringing together this background and experience, Danny will be providing you with a short summary of new pieces of research and how they may affect your preparation, training loads, recovery, injury prevention and injury management. The articles will be thought-provoking, leading you to question the norms and be actively involved in betterquality training based on real science. His section will forever be known as the “Direct From the Nerds Lectern�. Danny is our resident science nerd and every magazine has to have one; Danny is brilliant at it!

TEAM NERD: Captain headband Danny Redup at an ILC X-Treme Training Camp with other contributors, see if you can spot them.



Michael MARTIN

Inside The Mind Of A Sport Psychologist

When I asked Michael for a small bio and a brief blurb about what he would be writing on, I knew I would receive an interesting response; sports psychologists are a different breed! Try asking them for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer and see what you get! But the response we did get out of him, as always, was well worthwhile. Most of us understand that our thoughts affect our outlook on life and our ability to perform. No place is this truer than in competitive sports: many psychological factors influence your athletic performance, including your level of focus, selfbelief and mental preparation. Jock Athletic interviewed our own in-house sport psychologist “Mike The Psych” Martin to get an insight into sport psychology today.





How can sports psychologist help you? There are a lot of variables determine your potential for sporting success - fitness training, dietary and hereditary factors. But your state of mind can either help or hinder your performance; it can make the difference between winning and losing. Sport psychologists primarily make you aware of your strengths and weaknesses in self-confidence and concentration. They use mental skills training programs to teach you to manage pressure, stay focused, and create smart performance strategies. They also teach you to believe in yourself.

concentrate on and when they should concentrate on them. I often help then to use cue words to remind themselves what to think about. 2. Believe in your ability – Athletes have to learn to look back at all the times in the past they have been successful and how hard they have worked. This is where real selfbelief comes from.

What is the biggest “mind trap” that athletes fall into? Unconscious competence – their body can do it, but their mind is not thinking about doing what they are doing. Most athletes don’t train their mind and their body. They’re usually thinking about what’s for dinner instead of their challenges in competition!

How important is the athlete’s state of mind out-of-season compared to during the actual competition day?

SPORTS PSYCH OR PSYCHO: Dr Mike finishing the City to Surf. Nice Shorts

What are some of the most important techniques for mentally preparing an athlete for competition? There are two main keys to high performance thinking: 1. Know your job – I ask athletes about the most important things they need to 22


When I ask athletes how much of their competition performance is physical vs. mental, they usually tell me about 30% physical and 70% mental. When I ask how much they train their mind vs. their body, it’s about 5% mind and 95% physical. There is no off-season for mental skills training. I mean, can an athlete be too confident (not cocky) and focused? Never!

Which are the most interesting athletes you’ve worked with? Rugby League Players - The brutality of rugby league means that the extremes of human and sporting emotion are regularly displayed. You have to be very tough

MICHAEL MARTIN mentally and physically to cop what those guys cop. Ultra Distance Athletes – I love how these athletes use their mind to make their bodies do extraordinary things. Golfers – It’s a mind game once you get to good skill level. There are only 30-45 minutes per round where you are actually hitting the ball. That means there’s about 3 ½ - 4 hours where your mind can just run riot unless you keep control of it.

What is the most challenging experience you’ve had as a sport psychologist? Every Olympic, Paralympics and World Championship team I’ve ever been on is an absolute pressure cooker. But the largest challenge for me is just like the biggest

challenge for the athletes I work with – staying motivated everyday; constantly improving; dealing with disappointments; bearing down under pressure; and having a long-term memory for my success. I want to be great at what I do, just like my clients, so I have to pay the price. Dr Mike Martin is a sport psychologist with over 20 years elite athlete experience. He has worked with Olympic Gold Medalists, World Champions and World Record Holders. He is the former Head of Performance Psychology at the Australian Institute of Sport. Personally Mike is still a struggling runner and very passionate surfer. You can email him mike@winningthinking. com



Cassandra GOVAN SPORTS MARKETING RESEARCH ABOVE: One of these is Cassie and the other is the famous Blue Man.



I have known Cassie for many years. When I asked her to join our team she was very reluctant, but with her love of sport and her commitment to exercise I couldn’t leave her out. Cassie’s bio speaks for itself and I could not put IT any better! Introducing Cassandra Govan ... I was always into sports through school everything from netball to tennis to dancing to martial arts to gymnastics to rowing to just about anything. Then towards the end of high school I felt like I found my second home at the gym! I would run, do aerobics and spend most of my afternoons there.

I was recently looking through my Year 12 yearbook and if I had a dollar for every time someone wrote

“I imagine you’ll be In some aerobics contest in a few years or become the new Storm on Gladiators.” I could retire early! Even though I didn’t do an aerobics contest or become a Gladiator, I still feel very lucky that I found my home at the gym - it’s a way to stay fit, have fun, and get that little bit of exercise high. It’s also how

I met Jock and Paul! I think it was 1994 when I first met them and they’ve been great friends ever since. Jock still does my running programs sessions into my programs. (Bikram is my new obsession and I challenge all of you to try at least one class! It’s 40°C, 60% humidity and 90 minutes long! How can you say ‘no’?) I’m now slowly getting my running mileage back after suffering a frustrating double Achilles injury (brought on by doing two 100km Oxfam events within a few months of each other). So, with the help of Jock’s programs, my new-found Dr Orchard’s amazing treatment, and wearing Skins, I’m on the road to recovery (please excuse my shameless plugging of other Ezine contributors!) When I’m not at the gym or running around the Tan or Albert Park Lake, I work for a research company called Sweeney Research - I have a PhD in psychology, but I never wanted to be a clinical psych and after a few years in academia, I jumped ship to join the consulting world. So, my contribution to this Ezine will be to give you little snippets of interesting research related to sport - I’ll also bring in special commentary from Andrew Green who heads up our sports research division. We’ll talk about anything from the most popular exercise trends, look at who is hot property in the athlete sponsorship world and the top rated (by the public) sportspeople to watch out for.





HADFIELD ATHLETICS AND SUCCESS Peter Hadfield has been described as “Australia’s greatest all-rounder”. He represented Australia at two Olympic Games, won a Commonwealth Games Silver Medal behind World Record holder Daley Thompson and was the No. 1 Ranked athlete in Australia for 10 consecutive years in the Decathlon. He was never defeated by another Australian decathlete during this period. He also captained the Australian athletics team and was voted NSW Athlete of the Year on four occasions. HE FLYS AS WELL: Peter Pole Vaulting at the Los Angeles Olympics – yes, that was a long time ago.



STILL LIVING THE DREAM: Peter as usual running the famous Wanda sand dunes every Saturday morning.



PETER HADFIELD In addition to his exploits on the world’s athletics tracks, he has a Bachelor of Economics from Sydney University and is the marketing and communications manager for Australia Post. He has been a media commentator for radio and television for over 20 years, working at six Olympics and six Commonwealth Games including the recent games in India. Peter is regarded as one of the country’s leading keynote speakers and has worked internationally with many high-profile speakers, including critical thinker Edward de Bono and author and productivity consultant Dennis Waitley.

PETER : Still involved with his beloved athletics

Peter was the sprint trainer for the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League team for 10 years and with the Penrith Panthers for five years when they won the 2003 NRL Premiership. To add to his all-round ability, he is also a professional musician. He is author of the book “How to get Fit while you Watch Television” and creator of a wellbeing software program “Officefit”.



PETER IS THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE OLYMPIAnS CLUB OF NSW. He is also engaged by Athletics Australia to mentor those elite junior athletes targeted for future Olympic representation. Peter is an Australia Day Ambassador and is on a number of charity committees including the Humpty Dumpty Foundation and the Australian Children’s Music Foundation. He was awarded an OAM in the Australia Day Honours in 2006. At 55, Peter still maintains a healthy fitness regime, which includes a regular Saturday morning session on the notorious Cronulla sand hills with the rest of us old hacks. In the coming months Peter will look at the simple mechanics of how to run efficiently, which will help your speed, reduce injury potential and improve your performance in any land-based sporting activity that involves running. Using his experience as an international athlete, he will also provide practical advice on how to maximise your performance in whatever you do and to be the best that you can be, whether it’s in training, sport, work or life in general. Did I also mention that Peter is old? No. Well he is, so we want to access many of his great training and performing secrets before he forgets them all. It is fantastic to have Peter on board; he is a great success as an athlete and as a coach as well!

Leroy LOBO

Sports Physio AND Immune Modulation Pioneer



Leroy is a Sports Physiotherapist based in Sydney. HE will be writing a series of articles on Illness Prevention for Athletes, which he has used successfully and extensively on professional athletes.

Illness usually affects athletes in two main ways. 1) Upper respiratory symptoms, such as sinus issues, allergies or colds and the flu. 2) Gut illness particularly when exposed to various pathogens whilst travelling overseas. Leroy’s regimes are based on reducing the above two illnesses significantly. He has achieved amazing results with this program on athletes in Australia, in particular marathon runners, swimmers and triathletes. This cutting-edge program was also used to combat illness in international cricket with players during the Indian Cricket League (ICL); the team who used this program required the least number of consultations with doctors due to bouts of illness during the tournament. In fact, not a single player on the regime missed a game due to illness. Matthew Hayden also utilised this program in the IPL 2010 season as his team the Chennai Super Kings went on to be crowned the IPL 2010 Champions! As a Physiotherapist Leroy has had the opportunity to work with elite athletes in many sports including the Sydney Swans

(AFL), the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra (AIS), the San Antonio Spurs and Dallas Mavericks (NBA), the University of Texas Longhorns Men’s Basketball team (NCAA), up and coming athletes at the John Newcombe Tennis Ranch in Austin Texas and the Dhaka Warriors (ICL). How he has time for this I’m not sure! Leroy is currently completing his research with the University of Queensland at the Spinal Centre of Clinical Research Excellence. This research is aimed at identifying the link between digestive problems and spinal pain, which is particularly relevant to athletes who suffer gut issues, both domestically as well as gut illness while travelling overseas. In coming months Leroy will show you how the top athletes in the world reduce their risk of illness so that you too may continue to train and compete at your best without being run down by illness.




WATSON Rugby League AND Training Psychology

PAUL & THE GIRLS (HIS DOGS): With the Great Caesar Milan (The dog whisperer)



Paul Watson is a living testament to the health and fitness lifestyle. His vision and mission in life is to become a source of inspiration to others through health, fitness, knowledge, enthusiasm and optimism. Paul has just flown to England to link up with coach Nathan Brown and help condition the Huddersfield Giants for the English Super League. Paul is a former NRL strength and conditioning coach for the Cronulla Sharks and Penrith Panthers. This included being the strength and conditioning coach for the 1997 Australian Super League Team and being part of the Penrith Panthers, winning the NRL Premiership in 2003. Over the course of his career, Paul has trained many professional, Olympic, national and international competitors and medalists in track and field, rugby league, rugby union, hockey, soccer, tennis and boxing, kickboxing, netball, triathlons,

ABOVE : Success again – Winning the 2003 Rugby League grand final, flanked by Peter Hadfield and couragous captain Craig Gower.

surfing, surf life saving and swimming. Paul is a current Sprint Coach and is the weights coach for Claire Mallet: A Commonwealth Games and National Ranked High Jumper. Since 2006 Paul has been co-owner of Jock Athletic, a private Sports Academy training today and tomorrows champions in many different sports. When he’s not working, Paul continues to combine work and play into exercise and fitness sessions. He has been conducting running sessions, along with his many dogs, at the Cronulla sand hills for the past 25 years with his Saturday morning sessions now legendary. Paul actively embraces the health and fitness lifestyle and is extremely motivating and inspirational: he spreads to word by lecturing in leadership, teamwork, motivation and strength and conditioning. Combining the practical side of things with a solid educational background Paul has

ABOVE: Paul, Jock and Commonwealth Games High Jumper Claire Mallett doing what they love.

received many qualifications along the way to help blend science and the practicalities of team professional sport. He has a Bachelor of Sport Science from UNSW and a Diploma of Exercise Science and Masters Degree in Education in Athletic Coaching, majoring in strength and conditioning. I have known, studied and worked alongside Paul for the past 20-odd years and in the early days he had a great blend of youth, enthusiasm and knowledge, which has now turned into enthusiasm, experience and knowledge (meaning he’s much older now). It is great to see such a veteran still involved at the front line of helping to produce sporting stars and still pushing the active and healthy lifestyle. Paul will be writing on high performance for rugby league as well as a section called Watto’s Wisdom, which is aimed at improving mental health and focus in sport and life. NOVEMBER 2010



Combat The Fitness

Indian Cricket League Premiers 2007: Coach Michael Bevan, Corey on the right and Liverpool Soccer Physio Andrew Nealon on the left.




ombat Sports AND itness Industry

Corey has come along way from his hometown of Wagga Wagga. Wagga is famous for developing some of Australia’s greatest ever-sporting talent, such as AFL greats Paul Kelly, Cameron and Jason Mooney, Brad Seymour and Wayne Carey. Rugby League greats Peter Sterling, the Mortimer Brothers and Greg Brentnall, Triathlete Brad Kahlefeldt and cricket greats such as Michael Slater and Mark Taylor. Unfortunately Corey doesn’t have the sporting prowess of these greats and fortunately recognized his shortcomings of his athletic ability early and turned his focus on becoming the best strength and conditioning coach and trainer he could be. Corey is the founder of Performance Training Institute, which specializes in training and education for exercise professionals in the health and fitness Industry. Corey has worked with athlete’s of all ages and abilities, ranging from local club athletes through to State, National, International and Olympic and Professional athletes from a variety of sports including Boxing, Swimming, AFL, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Athletics, Shooting, Triathlon, Touch Football, Hockey, Judo and Basketball. Corey has not only worked with some of the world’s best athletes he has also worked with thousands of everyday people and helped them to achieve their personal health and fitness goals. Corey is passionate about educating others and enabling them to fulfill their potential as athletes, trainers and coaches. In 2007 he was co-developer and author of new programs and initiatives to help develop Amateur Boxing coaches around Australia. Corey presents courses and seminars on Strength Training, Kettlebell Training, Boxing, Personal Training and Strength and Conditioning throughout Australia, India, UAE and the UK. Corey will be the resident contributor for conditioning tips for boxing and combat sports, strength development and keeping you abreast of the latest trends and training methods from the Fitness Industry. NOVEMBER 2010


JockCAMPBELL Cricket Conditioning, High Performance & Surf Life saving

ONE PERFECT DAY: Jock as part of the 2003 World Cup Winning Team! 36







Jock Campbell is a world-leading expert on physical performance, health, recovery and the travelling athlete. He has spent the past 20 years perfecting and implementing the science and practicalities of performance. As well as gaining several university and industry qualifications he has trained elite athletes in many different sports, performed in highlevel sport and transferred this knowledge and experience to Olympic athletes, national sporting teams and the general population.

From November 2000 until November 2005, Jock was head strength and conditioning coach/physical performance manager for the Australian Cricket Team. During this period the team were World Champions in both Test Matches (No. 1 in Test rankings) and One Day Cricket (World Cup winners 2003 and No.1 in World rankings); it was the most successful period in the team’s history. This culminated in the team being voted No. 1 Team in the World (in any sport) at the prestigious Loreus Awards in 2003. During the 2004/’05 season the team also had its lowest rate of injuries in recorded history, which remains to this day

Jock was Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Australian Cricket Team from 2000-2005 and during that time the Team was voted Number One team in the World, (in any sport) at the Prestigious Loreus Awards in 2003.

THE MARATHON: Everyone needs to do one. Jock winning, I mean finishing the Gold Coast marathon. 38


He has worked with the NSW cricket team, Olympic athletes and gold medal performers in surf life saving, track & field, swimming, rugby league, rugby union, wrestling, gladiators, karate, boxing, netball and kendo. Jock still trains Ricky Ponting, Matthew Hayden and Mark Milligan in his private sports academy, JASSA (Jock Athletic Skins Sports Academy). Jock knows how to get the best out of people – whether they are elite athletes or Average Joes just trying to stay healthy or lose weight.

With his extensive background and hands-on approach as a high performance coach and lifestyle trainer and educator, this is more than a career for Jock, it’s his life! Jock will be writing on cricket conditioning and high-performance training, as well as athlete interviews and soft-sand running

(Surf Life Saving) where he coaches at State, National and World Championship levels. You will also hear Jock’s dribble on channel 9’s cricket cvoverage where he is the High Performance Director and in charge of the Gator Tracker. See for more details.

MY FAVOURITE DAY: Winning the World Cup and celebrating with a few friends, you might recognise them.



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