Piotr Matecki – business cases Professional experience: 1.
Bed&Breakfast - my creative boutique offering its clients a deeply strategical approach to communication and concepts of creations in 360 degrees channels, with TV being the main focus.
Rock&Reel Production – we decided to produce the TV spots ourselves to optimize the costs, have a new source of income but also ensure the best quality of productions at the same time.
JODA kommunikasjon – a company which derives from my growing understanding of the Norwegian market and consumer. At first it was meant to be a CSR and communication advisory agency, then it was transformed into an agency for strategic communication of communities and regions. Eventually, it now covers a niche, offering services to small and medium-sized enterprises and start-up companies.
Bajabongo – a startup, which I am developing myself, including the very idea, a marketing concept, obtaining EU funds, attracting an investor, creating a website, conducting focus groups at SWPS (University), developing its online functionalities, creating and testing a few versions of
marketing communication. Pre-launch is planned for June 2021. 5.
Launching a business (MIVE Eiendom – a real estate developer) on Norwegian market – making use of my knowledge of the language, the local market, the procedures and my skills in supervising processes, I am helping to launch Polish companies on Norwegian market.
Advertising campaigns for clients won in tenders: 1.
Frosta – we questioned the client’s brief and suggested creating a different, more effective communication strategy. We decided to position a frozen Paella dish as a love food/slow food and created an emotion-based communication plan for it. (Initially, the client was planning to promote a frozen dish, costing the same as fresh sushi, with a slogan “ready in 7 minutes”). Our strategy led to 62% product sales growth and substantial change of Frosta brand image.
Heyah – while working as a creative director in Firefly (interactive agency) I was one of the people responsible for launching Heyah brand. We created a virtual world, the brand’s experience, animated virtual reality and innovative actions on social media (ambient ads, context- based advertising, viral marketing).
Zieloni.pl – I also took part in launching Play brand (mobile operator) – we created a recruitment program for beta- testers and brand ambassadors, we organized a few events, we gave them tools for attracting clients and we built a community. I also supported Play, in terms of creative content, in a few interactive campaigns after its launch.
Valeant – A client won by my own company B&B thanks to my own actions. We launched 3 strategic-advertising campaigns and one video production (which I created myself) - 6 spots for Chlorchinaldin, SlimCoffee and Aqua Slim brands. I was responsible for strategic work, writing spot scripts, spot production (acting as a production manager, a producer, a localization scout and a casting manager) and client service.
Małopolska – my strategic advisory for Małopolska voivodeship led to the creation of a campaign (3 TV spots) addressing the investors. Małopolska could make use of some emission time in CNN and that is where the videos were shown.
Rabobank - while working as a creative director in Firefly (interactive agency) I supervised a tender for paying service to the Dutch bank Rabobank. Along with Grandes Kochonos agency, who were trusted with ATL campaign, we won the tender in terms of new media and
unconventional actions. The client left the Polish market due to business reasons after the materials had been produced, but before their launch. 7.
Starogard Gdański – we prepared a promotional strategy for the town based on the fact that a famous Polish football player, Kazimierz Deyna, was born there. We painted a graffiti on his family house. We also created a slightly controversial videoclip, which provided the town with the emission time worth 2 mln PLN for free (a reportage in Panorama news, in the National News, an interview with the town’s promotion department in Good Morning TVN) and with 500 000 views of the clip with Pablopavo’s music on YT https://youtu.be/hhn-0DYpqYU
Brand/company development – business advisory: 1.
Firefly – I was the first creative director of the agency, which at that time had a technological background (software house, design), but aimed at becoming a leading interactive agency for multichannel communication based on marketing strategy. I was helping in developing its DNA and creating its culture, as well as sharing knowledge about advertising with its team and its clients (Play, Heyah, Orlen, Inteligo).
Art of Living – after being chosen a head of marketing, I researched the Norwegian market and its demand for KLER furniture. Despite many
actions on FB and in the local community (guerilla marketing, events, product placement, corporate videos, PR in the local press), Kler’s style turned out to be too distant from the local consumers’ taste. Both, the local market and KLER’s budget for advertising were not big enough to successfully promote this brand there. 3.
Ringsaker County – I advised the county on the development strategy aiming to find its own, distinctive positioning among other centers. (Ringsaker is located inside of the triangle made by three cities: Lillehammer, Hamar, Gjøvik)
Business development of my own projects: I am actively searching for new funding sources for my ideas. I submitted a grant application to Innovation Norway funds and to Næringsfond Ringsaker (I was admitted 35tys. NOK for the development of my company JODA). I received a subsidy (85 000 NOK) for the development of my own short movie script from Østnorskfilm senter. I also received a co-financing for my two start-up projects (Bajabongo and Human Web Browser) from the regional EU funds for research and development in Poland (my application for Bajabongo was rated the best in Mazowieckie
voivodeship). We also attracted a private investor for Bajabongo. As part of the application we cooperated with SWPS University (concept research, UX specialists’ advisory, testing campaign support).