Transportation Enhancement Program, Buena Vista

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Town of Buena Vista

Transportation Enhancement Program

US Highway 24 Prepared by the Town of Buena Vista staff

Contents Application Information ���������������������������������������������� 1 Attachment A �������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Attachment B ��������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Attachment C ������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Attachment D ������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Attachment E ������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Attachment F ������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Attachment G ������������������������������������������������������������ 21 Attachment H ������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Attachment I �������������������������������������������������������������� 23

Prepared by Rachel Friedman, Joe Sandmann, and Michael Yerman


Attachment A: Description of proposed project Goal

“The Town of Buena Vista is committed to transforming the United States Highway 24 Corridor in Buena Vista into a multi-modal transportation system that improves the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, advances the economic vitality of its local business owners, and enhances the beautification of the Collegiate Peaks Scenic By-Way as a gateway to the community.�

-Buena Vista Planning and Zoning Commission

Preliminary Conceptual Design Produced From Public Input on Highway Corridor Plan. Overall Design is still being refined through the public process.

Attachment A - 2

Project: US Highway 24 Pedestrian Improvements US Highway 24 is located in the center of Buena Vista, disecting the Town into a west half and an east half. The Town’s grocery stores are both located on the highway, as well as all the gas stations, banks, and three of the town’s parks. The 2,617 residents of Buena Vista therefore utilize this highway corridor daily for their day-to-day requirements. Additionally, there are over 13,000 vehicles per day that drive on Highway 24 in Buena Vista, which is a busy, 4-lane highway. Town staff and elected officials have received countless concerns regarding the lack of sidewalks and safe crosswalks on the highway corridor. Children who wish to walk or bike to school must cross the highway to reach the public schools, all of which are located on the East side of the highway. Therefore, only a small percentage of students are allowed by their parents to walk to school. Residents wishing to complete their errands at businesses in town must drive from one business to another, as there are no sidewalks on which to walk. Improving pedestrian safety for the corridor is one of the Town’s highest priorities, as identified in the Capital Improvement Plan for years 2012-2017. Since 2009, Town staff has engaged over 100 business owners and residents in several communityinput meetings to begin to develop a design for improving the safety and functionality of US 24. During these meetings, sidewalks and other pedestrian enhancements were identified by the community as a top priority for the corridor. Citizens and business owners also expressed the need for beautification improvements to increase the economic vitality of the Town, such as creating an inviting entry to the Town. To reach the goal of beginning the pedestrian improvements, the Town has instituted a multi-phased approach to installing pedestrian enhancements along the corridor. This application is for Phase 5 of the enhancement project; Phases 1 through 4 are proposed to be financed by the Town of Buena Vista, and will be described in the pages following. On January 24, 2012 the Board of Trustees passed Resolution 16 allocating $102,046.08 from the Town’s budget for a 27% match of the total cost of $383,488.05 for Phase 5 of the Highway 24 Corridor Plan. Phase 5 proposes to construct 3,645 linear feet of sidewalk and improve the access of 22 business owners within the existing US 24 right-of-way during the Transportation Enhancement Program fiscal year 2014. Phase 5 includes the construction of 6.5 foot width sidewalks, ADA ramps, and access improvements in the existing CDOT US 24 right-of-way. Improvements scheduled for Phase 5 will be engineered, surveyed, and shovel ready in fiscal year 2014 to connect the southern end of the corridor to Buena Vista’s downtown corridor, the existing network of residential bike paths and sharrows, Safe Routes to School, and two rapid rectangular flashing beacon crosswalks proposed to be installed during Phase 1 of the Highway Corridor Project.

Attachment A - 3

Proposed Phased Highway Plan Approach Phase 1 Crosswalk Enhancement Improvements: Phase 1 includes installation of three Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) and ADA ramps at the three existing crosswalks along the US 24 corridor in 2012. These enhancements will address a major safety concern along the highway in the immediate future. Proposed improvements will be incorporated with Safe Routes to School planning and other future improvements along the highway. The installation of the RRFBs and ADA ramps will be coordinated with CDOT personnel, and financed by the Town of Buena Vista.

Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalk. Image courtesy of Spot Devices.

Phase 2 Highway Corridor Plan: Town staff has engaged the public in several community input meetings to begin to develop a design for the US 24 Highway Corridor Plan. While the public input and support for the project has been mainly positive, concerns have been raised about the impact that the proposed project will have during the busy summer tourism season. Many of the businesses located along the highway are small locallyowned operations that depend upon the short summer tourist season to generate enough revenue to keep them in business year round. The Town will be providing options for construction phasing to allow businesses to remain open during construction, such as the Town provided when repaving and improving East Main Street. As the Town is refining the overall design, a traffic study will be conducted during Phase 3 to ensure the Highway Corridor Plan will meet CDOT standards. The traffic study will be complete in 2013. A final Highway Corridor Plan will be presented to CDOT for approval in 2013. Highway Corridor Planning Meeting

Attachment A - 4

Phase 3 Traffic Study: The Town has budgeted for a traffic study of the entire US 24 corridor within Town limits to ensure the design selected through the US 24 corridor planning process will be compatible with CDOT standards. The traffic study is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2012 and be completed by 2013. Phase 4 Surveying and Engineering: There is a well defined existing ROW for the installation of Phase 5 improvements in the locations proposed with this Transportation Enhancement funding request. A survey of the highway will be prepared by the Town to show the location of the CDOT right-of-way (ROW), existing accesses and improvements. The survey will also highlight areas where public/private partnerships may need to be established for construction easements to allow for improvements to be installed in front of businesses. There will be ongoing public participation and outreach with the business owners to resolve any conflicts and concerns regarding property boundaries and proposed Phase 1-6 improvements in 2012 and 2013. The surveying is scheduled to be completed in 2013. Preliminary engineering plans will be ready for the implementation of sidewalk improvements proposed in this application in 2014. Phase 5 Sidewalk and Access Improvements: If awarded, this grant will be used for the installation of sidewalks, ADA ramps, and improved access points for businesses in 2014. The planning, engineering, and surveying work for the improvements will have been financed and completed by the Town of Buena Vista in years 2012 and 2013. In 2014, an engineered improvement plan will define the access points for businesses located along Highway 24. Proposed sidewalks located along the curb line will improve multi-modal transportation along the highway and allow for pedestrian connections between businesses. ADA ramps will provide access to a currently underserved population along the highway corridor. These improvements will take place in the existing CDOT ROW and be designed in coordination with the US Highway 24 Corridor Plan. The proposed improvements will include a 6.5’-wide concrete sidewalk adjacent to the existing curb line in front of the existing businesses, new ADA ramps with truncated domes, and the construction of new accesses for businesses where the new sidewalks will be installed.

Bicyclist on the North Highway 24 Corridor in Buena Vista.

Phase 1 pedestrian crossing proposed to be improved in 2012.

Attachment A - 5

The Town plans to install a detached sidewalk through Columbine Park and Forest Square Park to connect portions of the Project Area. ‘Map 1: Project Area’ (next page) displays the area of the improvements proposed to be installed during Phase 5 with Transportation Enhancement funding. As shown on Map 1, the project area will encompass two of the three improved RRFB crosswalks being installed in 2012. The project area links the southern half of the Town’s highway corridor with the Historic Downtown and the residential neighborhoods to the east and west. The pedestrian improvements will also connect to the Safe Routes to School program that has been implemented throughout the town. Also highlighted on Map 1: Project Area are several major destinations, public parks, and employers that are frequently visited by pedestrians, bicyclists, and visitors to the community. Phase 6: Finish installation of Highway Improvements As the Town continues to implement the Highway Corridor Plan, Phase 6 will include the expansion of the improvements to connect the remainder of the businesses along the highway with a network of sidewalks and ADA ramps. The Town is discussing design ideas for possible medians along sections of the corridor to help with traffic safety and promote the beautification of the highway. The completion of the Corridor Plan will provide additional direction on these future improvements. The Town is pursuing the completion of many of the major improvements by the end of fiscal year 2017.

Future Phase 6 project area “Social Path” created by frequent use of pedestrians.

Attachment A - 6

4 wy 2 US H

McPhelemy Park

Map 1: Project Area

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D toric


Town Library



Fire and Police Station

woo d


Columbine Park






Buena Vista Elementary School 1 Block North of Map

Forest Square Park (Chamber of Commerce)


Buena Vista Middle and High Schools

Mill Phase 1: Installation of ADA Ramps and RRFBs to be completed 2012

City Market


Darren Patterson Christian Academy

ad ailro


Phase 5 Proposed Sidewalk and Access Improvements Planned Sidewalk to be Installed by Town Existing Pedestrian/ Bicycle Paths


Pa u


Planned Pedestrian/ Bicycle Paths Key Town Areas Location of 2 of the 3 Phase 1 RRFB Improved Crosswalk Areas (to be completed 2012)


ylo Ba

Proposed ADA Ramps Historic District

Attachment A - 7

wy 2 US H

Attachment B: Maps, Plans, and Photographs


Map 1

n St







Cot ton woo d


Phase 1: Installation ADA Ramps and RRFBs to be completed 2012.


Map 2


Map 3


Map 4


SR ad

Map 5


eP au


US Highway 24: Project Area Phase 5 Proposed Sidewalk and Access Improvements


ylo Ba

Phase 5 Proposed ADA Ramps Location of 2 of the 3 Phase 1 RRFB Improved Crosswalk Areas (to be completed 2012)

Attachment B - 8

4 wy 2 US H

Attachment B: Map 1


ton woo d


Plaza Lin


Northern end of project area. Links southern commercial corridor with Historic Downtown.




Detached sidewalk to be installed by town, not included in scope.

New proposed ADA ramps to link Forest Square Park and businesses.


4 38’ Ex



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New proposed ADA ramps to link Forest Square Park and businesses. Town owned Forest Square Park with 406 linear feet of existing gravel path.


US Highway 24: Map 1 Existing Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk

Detached sidewalk to be installed by town, not included in scope.

Proposed ADA Ramps Existing gravel foot path Existing Drive Pad

Attachment B - 9

Attachment B: Map 2 1

Proposed sidewalk linking Phase I crosswalks with businesses. Phase 1 RRFB and ADA Ramps to be completed 2012



40’ 17’ 38”



Existing 6.5’ ROW for new sidewalk.

4 Link existing sidewalk with new sidewalk.


38’ 34’

Existing 6.5’ ROW for new sidewalk. 39’





US Highway 24: Map 2


Existing Sidewalk 27’

y Hw

Proposed ADA Ramps

Improve access and install sidewalk in front of City Market.


Proposed Sidewalk


Existing gravel foot path


Existing Drive Pad

Attachment B - 10

Attachment B: Map 3 2



31’ 39’ 20’

Improve access and install sidewalks in existing CDOT ROW.

50’ 29’

Phase 1 RRFB and ADA Ramps to be completed 2012







Improve access and install sidewalks in existing CDOT ROW.

Sidewalk linking Phase I crosswalks with .businesses 32’

US Highway 24: Map 3 Existing Sidewalk


Existing gravel foot path


Proposed ADA Ramps


Proposed Sidewalk

Existing Drive Pad

Attachment B - 11

Attachment B: Map 4 1


ROW for installation of sidewalks. 58’

2 42’


rk Pa

Improve access and install sidewalks in existing ROW.


Improve access and install sidewalks in existing ROW.


US Highway 24: Map 4 Existing Sidewalk

y 24

Existing gravel foot path


Proposed ADA Ramps


Proposed Sidewalk

Existing Drive Pad

Attachment B - 12


Attachment B: Map 5

24 wy


ROW for installation of sidewalks. 38’

2 r


Install sidewalks and improve access to alley.

3 DePaul

ad ro



Install sidewalks for improved pedestrian safety along highway.


US Highway 24: Map 5 Existing Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk Proposed ADA Ramps Existing gravel foot path Existing Drive Pad

Attachment B - 13

ATTACHMENT C: Evidence of eligibility by project category The proposed project is eligible for funding under Project Category 1: “Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility.” This project supports the federal transportation policy by creating pedestrian improvements along the US Highway 24 corridor through the urban core of Buena Vista. Currently, the highway corridor in Buena Vista is a patchwork of non-connecting sidewalks. There are social paths created on the side of the highway in the dirt and gravel from years of residents and children traveling to work and school. The proposed project will link these areas of employment and education to the residential areas that are divided by the highway corridor with safe pedestrian improvements. There are no existing ADA ramps within the project area; there are vertical curbs which create obstacles for strollers and disabled people. The implementation of pedestrian improvements will create ADA pedestrian mobility along the corridor and connect existing pedestrian crossings with the businesses located along the highway via a series of sidewalks along the highway. The installation of sidewalks, ADA ramps, and safer access points to businesses along this section of highway will meet the goal of creating safe passageways for pedestrians along the highway. The entire community and visitors will benefit from the proposed improvements, as Highway 24 is the only major thoroughfare entering and exiting Buena Vista. This project is identified as a priority in several of the Town’s long range planning projects as well as in the 2010 Chaffee County CEDS economic plan. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan cites several goals including the “promotion of multi-modal transportation options”, and “Buena Vista will strive to improve Highway 24 as a transportation asset.” The Town has appropriated funds for the Highway Improvement Project to create a cohesive and safe travel zone for pedestrians alonfg the southern half of the US 24 corridor. The Town’s voters passed a dedicated 0.5% sales tax in 2010 that grosses approximately $250,000 annually for road construction projects. Portions of the sales tax revenue will be used to leverage matching federal funds for improvements along the highway corridor.

Segment of existing sidewalk to be connected by proposed sidewalks in Phase 5.

Existing paved portion of sidewalk along Forest Square Park.

Attachment C - 14

The Town has appropriated and budgeted for a traffic study of the corridor in 2012. The Town’s budget for the engineering and surveying of the pedestrian improvements along the corridor is included in the Capital Improvements Plan for 2013. Cost estimates have been provided by the Buena Vista Town Engineer. Design standards for the project will be based on the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, FHWA’s Planning, Design, and Maintenance of Pedestrian Facilities, and Model Design Manual for Living Streets (Los Angeles County). Additional budget details for the project are provided under Attachment F. The project will enhance the natural environment of the corridor by reducing the daily traffic trips between businesses. An expected reduction in daily traffic trips will result in a decline of noise and air pollution, will save gas and oil, and will reduce wear on the road asphalt system. The project will create a walkable environment, which will help mitigate soil erosion and pollution caused by foot traffic traveling on unpaved surfaces along the corridor. Detail regarding the environmental review can be found under Attachment E. The implementation and maintenance of the Highway Corridor Plan could be expedited with the passage of the Town’s road bond initiative on this year’s ballot. One of the aims of the bond is to help provide a major funding source for safety improvements along the highway corridor. If the bond is approved by voters, the goal is that within the next five years the entire highway corridor through Town will be connected via a series of sidewalks and improved access areas, connecting motels, parks, restaurants, and retail businesses including the Historic Downtown. Children will be able to walk from home to the schools and parks on the new, safe system of sidewalks and crosswalks. Businesses along US Highway 24 will benefit when visitors can leave their car at the motel and stroll along the highway, exploring the shops and restaurants. The improvements will also reduce the number of daily car trips along the corridor because visitors and residents will be able to walk between businesses and visitor accommodations or homes. Additional information regarding the implementation and maintenance of the project is provided with Attachment F and G. Local participation for the project has been high with an large number of businesses and residents attending public meetings to support the Highway Corridor Plan. The Highway Corridor Project has been identified by the Chaffee County Times as the “#1 Future Town Improvement”. Town staff is engaged in public outreach to help mitigate any concerns with the community. Business owners have stressed the importance of maintaining an open-for-business environment during the construction of the improvements. Staff will develop a construction schedule that will not conflict with business operations. Continued public participation and outreach is planned for the duration of the project. Attachment H provides additional letters of support for the project.

Attachment C - 15

ATTACHMENT D: Benefits of proposed project The installation of pedestrian improvement along the southern half of the US Highway 24 corridor in Buena Vista will have many potential benefits for the community. Over the past decade, Buena Vista has seen a demand for, and development of, compact and walkable neighborhoods. The Town has expanded on opportunities for “alternative” travel options with the expansion of trails, bike lanes, sharrows, and the commencement of creating a complete street policy for the Town. The Town’s investment in these pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements benefit both the residents and tourists who live and visit the Town. As these pedestrian improvements are installed along the highway corridor the following benefits are expected from the completion of Phase 5: Safety • The improvements will increase the overall pedestrian safety of the corridor • The newly installed RRFB crosswalks will connect to the proposed Phase 5 improvements allowing for safer travel across the highway. This project will provide sidewalks to promote safe pedestrian travel along the highway corridor, including a safe walkway for children going to school from the residential districts to the east and west. • Improved access points will increase the safety for visiting motorists who are unfamiliar with the community. These access improvements will also provide create a safer Bikes at the elementary school show children’s use of Safe environment for pedestrians walking along the corridor by Routes to School. more clearly dilineating access points, making it easier to see where cars may turn. • The implementation of pedestrian improvements will create ADA pedestrian mobility along the corridor and connect existing pedestrian crossings with the businesses located along the highway via a series of sidewalks along the highway. Economic Vitality • Businesses should see increased pedestrian traffic with the improved ease of entry and the ability to safely walk along the Highway 24 corridor. • As it exists and as the Town continues to develop, the pedestrian improvements will connect new development with the Commercial districts of the highway corridor and Historic Downtown.

Improved access will increase motorist safety and economic vitality of local business.

Attachment D - 16

• Many citizens have been engaged to work on ideas for the Highway 24 Corridor Plan, providing significant input on a conceptual design. The construction of the project will reward them for the time invested to improve the pedestrian and motorist safety and improve the economic vitality of the local businesses along the corridor. Beautification of Corridor • The pedestrian improvements will begin beautification efforts of the Highway 24 corridor. • Construction of this project will demonstrate the positive effect on businesses and residents of making improvements to the Highway 24 streetscape. This project will begin the improvements along the Highway to create an inviting gateway into the community. Environmental • Improved access for pedestrians will encourage tourists and citizens to walk to businesses along US Highway 24 rather than drive. The sidewalks and ADA ramps will increase safety and reduce local daily vehicle travel trips for locals and visitors. • The project will create a walkable environment, which will help mitigate soil erosion and pollution caused by foot traffic traveling on unpaved surfaces along the corridor.

Attachment D - 17

ATTACHMENT E: Environmental Review The project area is within an existing CDOT ROW with five lanes of asphalt and high traffic numbers. There are no expected threatened and endangered species in the project area, wetlands, archeological, cultural, or historical areas. If this project is awarded, appropriate agencies will be contacted to verify these assumptions. It is anticipated that an environmental review will not be necessary because the proposed improvements will be installed in the existing CDOT ROW. This ROW has existing improvements located inside of the project area, such as five lanes of pavement, and curb and gutter. If Buena Vista is awarded the enhancement grant and a NEPA evaluation is necessary, the Town will utilize a consultant approved by CDOT to administer the assessment. There are FEMA floodplain areas on the Highway 24 corridor, however floodplain elevations will not be raised due to the proposed improvements. The Army Corps of Engineers will be contacted to verify the engineering. Small costs for unforeseen environmental permits have been included in the budget attached. There has been no history of use by businesses utilizing dangerous materials in the project area. There are existing gas stations and vacated gas stations with underground fuel tanks, but the project does not propose any improvements which would disturb these areas. The proposed pedestrian improvements will not require deep trenching; all improvements will be within a maximum of two feet from the existing surface elevation. There is no expectation of any environmental hazards in the ROW that will be disturbed.

Attachment E - 18

ATTACHMENT F: Budget and Implementation Schedule The Town of Buena Vista is prepared to match the requested CDOT funding in 2014, and will provide match for this current proposal with an allocation from the Town’s Dedicated Street Fund. In 2010, the Town voters passed a 0.5% dedicated sales tax for street improvements, which grosses approximately $250,000 per year. This dedicated sales tax is used to pave streets, improve drainage throughout Town, and a wide variety of other competing streets projects in Town. There are more priority projects identified by the community and Board of Trustees than the revenues allow for constructing. Since the Town of Buena Vista is a small, economically distressed rural community with limited funding for capital projects, the Town utilizes grant funding to stretch the limited revenues and provide amenities for the benefit of residents. The total project cost is estimated to be $383,448.05. The Town is requesting $281,441.97 from the CDOT Federal Enhancement Funding Program. The balance of $102,046.08 will be provided by the Town, which is 27% of the total cost. The Town is prepared to provide this amount in “cash match” in 2014. See attached cost estimate prepared by the Town’s Engineer, who is a registered licensed engineer in Colorado. Funds for preliminary engineering are not included in the project because the Town has appropriated funds to complete the preliminary engineering in 2012 and 2013. The scope of this request, Phase 5, is part of a larger plan for improvements throughout the Highway 24 corridor in Buena Vista. However, the sidewalk, ADA, and access improvements in this phase can stand alone. As mentioned in Attachment E, there will be no expected environmental mitigation necessary.

Attachment F 19

ATTACHMENT F: Budget and Implementation Schedule



Unit Price

Estimated Cost

2014 CDOT Grant Request

Cash Match

Removal of Existing Infrastructure Traffic Control Removal of Curb and Gutter Sawcut Asphalt Removal of Asphalt Remove Signs and misc. Obstructions Sub Total

6 1013 1013 1519.5 36

days lf LF SY ea

$500.00 $7.00 $2.50 $4.10 $93.00

$3,000.00 $7,091.00 $2,532.50 $6,229.95 $3,348.00 $10,091.00

$3,000.00 $7,091.00 $2,532.50 $6,229.95 $3,348.00 $10,091.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Installation of New Infrastructure Traffic Control Unclassified Excavation Curb and Gutter Class 6 Base Course Grading/scarify/compact subgrade Concrete Driveway Entrance Type 1:

60 961 113 480 2883

days CY LF CY SY

$500.00 $6.00 $30.00 $26.00 $2.50

$30,000.00 $5,765.00 $3,390.00 $12,490.83 $7,206.25

$30,000.00 $5,765.00 $3,390.00 $12,490.83 $7,206.25

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

900 900 1983 13 1 1372.5 2 2 36


$40.00 $30.00 $40.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.30 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $202.00

$36,000.00 $27,000.00 $79,300.00 $13,000.00 $3,000.00 $411.75 $6,000.00 $3,000.00 $7,272.00 $233,835.83

$36,000.00 $27,000.00 $79,300.00 $13,000.00 $3,000.00 $411.75 $6,000.00 $3,000.00 $7,272.00 $233,835.83

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

1 1 1 1


$25,000.00 $11,691.79 $4,676.72 $4,676.72

$25,000.00 $11,691.79 $4,676.72 $4,676.72

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$25,000.00 $11,691.79 $4,676.72 $4,676.72







6" Concrete Sidewalk Curb and Gutter Concrete Sidewalk ADA ramps with truncated domes Topsoil/Fine grading Revegetation Silt Fencing and Erosion Control BMPs Environmental permits Reset signs Subtotal Construction INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION Surveying (Boundary/ROW project layout) Material Testing (Concrete, Asphalt, soils typ 5%) Construction Management (typ. 2%) Mobilization including bonding, insurance, staging, etc. (2%) Subtotal Indirect Construction Costs Total Construction Cost Estimate PLANNING AND DESIGN Engineering Design (typ 15% const. cost) TOTAL PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE




$43,495.81 $333,467.87

$0.00 $243,926.83

$43,495.81 $89,541.03












Attachment F 20

ATTACHMENT G: Proposed Maintenance Plan The schedule for project design is surveying, traffic study, corridor plan, and preliminary engineering in 2012 and 2013, paid for by the Town of Buena Vista. Consultants will be hired for all aspects of design. The Town Engineer will provide project management and review of documents. The Town Planner will facilitate public input and coordination with CDOT. The Town will coordinate with CDOT personnel through all steps of the project to ensure that CDOT specifications are followed. Contractors will be hired for all aspects of installation of the proposed project herein. The Town Engineer will provide construction management oversight. The Town Planner will facilitate coordination with CDOT. Maintenance of the sidewalks, ADA ramps, and accesses will be the responsibility of the Town of Buena Vista. The Public Works department has an annual budget for maintenance within ROWs. The Town has an existing annual sidewalks replacement/repair program with a dedicated budget line item, which will include the proposed sidewalks on Highway 24.

Attachment G - 21

ATTACHMENT H: Resolutions of support and letters of support Please see attached letters of support from: 1. Town of Buena Vista Trustees (resolution) 2. Chaffee County Chamber of Commerce 3. Buena Vista Trails Advisory Board 4. Buena Vista School District superintendent 5. Buena Vista Recreation Advisory Board 6. The Trailhead – a local outdoor gear store located on Highway 24. 7. Nature’s Pantry – a local Natural foods store located on Highway 24.

Attachment H - 22

ATTACHMENT I: Right-of-way Acquisition or Legal Property Descriptions The project scope is within the existing Highway 24 CDOT ROW. The Town has appropriated funds in 2013 to do a complete survey of the entire corridor. The survey will be submitted to CDOT for their review and approval.

Attachment I - 23

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