Highway 24 Design Boards, Buena Vista

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Highway 24

Gateway Median

Gateway Signage Promote Auxiliary Access from Side Streets

Welcome and gateway signage can be added to a landscaped median to let visitors know they have arrived in Buena Vista. This can also be directional signage to the Downtown or other business districts.

Access from local side streets will be preserved and encouraged for properties with double frontage.

Landscaped Median

Reconstructed Access

Provides access management by limiting left turn movements into separated left turn lane. Medians can be used to create tree canopies contributing to a sense of enclosure and slowing traffic.

New access points will be constructed to CDOT standards and realigned to allow for safer access in and out of businesses.

Shared Access Between Businesses

6.5’ Attached Sidewalk Provides pedestrian mobility without the need for property owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for their installation.

Business owners will be able to grant shared access easements between businesses to allow visitors to enter both businesses and make left turns between the medians.

Detached Sidewalk In sections where there is a narrow right-of-way, easements would be needed to permit detached sidewalks. Landscaping buffers pedestrians from traffic.

New Turn Lane for Businesses Mid-block left turn lanes will allow access to businesses that do not have auxiliary access from local side streets. Alignment of reconstructed access points will allow this to work on both sides of the highway.

New Street Light Streetscape elements such as new street lights and signage can be added to the project to allow for additional visual enhancements to be added to the highway corridor.

Low Maintenance Landscaping

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Xeriscape landscaping and low maintenance shrubs will help with maintenance and be an visual enhancement to the corridor landscape.

New ADA Ramps The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the installation of curb ramps with new sidewalks and whenever an alteration is made to a street. ADA ramps will improve the mobility and connect new improvements along the highway to the neighborhoods to the east and west.

Highway 24: Design Bump Outs with Median

Promote Auxiliary Access from Side Streets

Bump Outs Decrease distance between curbs for pedestrian crossing, define on street parking areas, and improve sight between pedestrians and motorists.

Access from local side streets will be preserved and encouraged for properties with double frontage.

Reconstructed Access

Landscape Median

New access points will be constructed to CDOT standards and realigned to allow for safer access in and out of businesses.

Provides access management by limiting left turn movements into separated left turn lane. Medians can be used to create tree canopies contributing to a sense of enclosure and slowing traffic.

Shared Access Between Businesses Business owners will be able to grant shared access easements between businesses to allow visitors to enter both businesses and make left turns between the medians.

6.5’ Attached Sidewalk Provides pedestrian mobility without the need for property owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for their installation.

New Turn Lane for Businesses

Detached Sidewalk

Mid-block left turn lanes will allow access to businesses that do not have auxiliary access from local side streets. Alignment of reconstructed access points will allow this to work on both sides of the highway.

In sections where there is a narrow right-of-way, easements would be needed to permit detached sidewalks. Landscaping buffers pedestrians from traffic.

New Street Light

Low Maintenance Landscaping

Streetscape elements such as new street lights and signage can be added to the medians to allow for additional visual enhancements to be added to the highway corridor.

Xeriscape landscaping and low maintenance shrubs will help with maintenance and be an visual enhancement to the corridor landscape.

New ADA Ramps

Bike Lanes


Bike Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Additional parking for businesses will be able to be provided along the street and parking will serve as a buffer for pedestrians.

Bike Lane

On-street Parking


Bike lanes will provide a separate facility for multi-modal transportation options for bikers along the highway.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the installation of curb ramps with new sidewalks and whenever an alteration is made to a street. ADA ramps will improve the mobility and connect new improvements along the highway to the neighborhoods to the east and west.

Highway 24

Large Median with Bike Lanes

Promote Auxiliary Access from Side Streets Access from local side streets will be preserved and encouraged for properties with double frontage.

Landscaped Median Provides access management by limiting left turn movements into separated left turn lane. Medians can be used to create tree canopies contributing to a sense of enclosure and slowing traffic.

Reconstructed Access New access points will be constructed to CDOT standards and realigned to allow for safer access in and out of businesses.

6.5’ Attached Sidewalk Provides pedestrian mobility without the need for property owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for their installation.

Shared Access Between Businesses Business owners will be able to grant shared access easements between businesses to allow visitors to enter both businesses and make left turns between the medians.

Detached Sidewalk In sections where there is a narrow right-of-way, easements would be needed to permit detached sidewalks. Landscaping buffers pedestrians from traffic.

New Turn Lane for Businesses Mid-block left turn lanes will allow access to businesses that do not have auxiliary access from local side streets. Alignment of reconstructed access points will allow this to work on both sides of the highway.

New Street Light Streetscape elements such as new street lights and signage can be added to the medians to allow for additional visual enhancements to be added to the highway corridor.

Bike Lanes Bike lanes will provide a separate facility for multi-modal transportation options for bikers along the highway.

New ADA Ramps

Low Maintenance Landscaping Bike Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Bike Lane

Xeriscape landscaping and low maintenance shrubs will help with maintenance and be an visual enhancement to the corridor landscape.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the installation of curb ramps with new sidewalks and whenever an alteration is made to a street. ADA ramps will improve the mobility and connect new improvements along the highway to the neighborhoods to the east and west.

Highway 24

Pedestrian Refuge

No Crosswalk Crosswalks will be relocated to several mid-block crossing points where there is high usage. This will move pedestrians away from busy intersections.

Reconstructed Access

New Way Finding Signs

New access points will be constructed to CDOT standards and realigned to allow for safer access in and out of businesses.

A theme for way finding signage will be developed and installed with new improvements. These will identify places of interest, business districts, civic structures, and other important nodes in the community.

Turn Lane The existing turn lane will be maintained. New access points for businesses will eliminate some of the existing conflicts between vehicles.

6.5’ Attached Sidewalk Provides pedestrian mobility without the need for property owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for the installation of improvements.

Pedestrian Refuge A raised pedestrian refuge crossing will allow pedestrians to cross in two stages. These should be placed in high crossing areas. These will be also have flashing signage which will help slow traffic for pedestrians crossing the Highway.

New Street Lights Streetscape elements such as new street lights and signage can be added to the project to allow for additional visual enhancements to be added to the highway.

New ADA Ramps

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Turn Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the installation of curb ramps in new sidewalks and whenever an alteration is made to a street. ADA ramps will improve the mobility and connect new improvements along the highway to the neighborhoods to the east and west.

Highway 24

New Access and Sidewalks

Promote Auxiliary Access from Side Streets

New Way Finding Signs

Reconstructed Access

A theme for way finding signage will be developed and installed with new improvements. These will identify places of interest, business districts, civic structures, and other important nodes in the community.

New access points will be constructed to CDOT standards and realigned to allow for safer access in and out of businesses.

Turn Lane

6.5’ Attached Sidewalk

The existing turn lane will be maintained. New access points for businesses will eliminate some of the existing conflicts between vehicles.

Provides pedestrian mobility without the need for property owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for their installation.

Detached Sidewalk In sections where there is a narrow right-of-way, easements would be needed to permit detached sidewalks. Landscaping buffers pedestrians from traffic.

New Crosswalks With the installation of new sidewalks, additional crosswalks can be installed at key intersections to provide safe pedestrian access across the highway.

New Street Lights Streetscape elements such as new street lights and signage can be added to the project to allow for additional visual enhancements to be added to the highway corridor.

New ADA Ramps

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

Turn Lane

Drive Lane

Drive Lane

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the installation of curb ramps with new sidewalks and whenever an alteration is made to a street. ADA ramps will improve the mobility and connect new improvements along the highway to the neighborhoods to the east and west.

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