2017 Skiatook Chamber Guide

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1230 W Rogers Blvd Skiatook, OK 74070

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Home is the nicest word there is. ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder In the same way Laura Ingalls found her “nicest word” in a little house on the prairie, 7,500+ Oklahomans have discovered their home in the heart of Oklahoma’s Green Country...nestled between the tall grass prairies, rolling Osage Hills and picturesque lakes of northeast Oklahoma. Since it’s incorporation in 1905, Skiatook’s natural resources and location have offered a variety of opportunities for individuals, businesses and families to thrive and to experience Oklahoma living at its best. So, whether you’re looking for a place to “live, work, or play” Skiatook is a great place to call home!

TABLE OF CONTENTS The Chamber: Mobilizing the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Living: Living in SKIATOOK! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Housing: A Quieter Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 History: Yesterday and Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Religion: Putting faith in Skiatook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Health: Living Healthy in Green Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Transportation: Getting there & Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Fun: Playing in Skiatook! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Entertainment: Come have fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dining: Get a Taste of Skiatook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Local Attractions: Hidden Tresures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Employment: Working in Skiatook! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Education: Learning in Skiatook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chamber Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Important Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including a photocopy, recording, or any information retrieval system, without prior written consent from the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce, 304 E Rogers Blvd, Skiatook, OK 74070. While every effort has been made to maintain the accuracy of information presented in this guide and avoid errors, the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce assume no responsibility for errors, or omissions. Copyright ©2017 • All rights reserved.

On the Cover: Adam Green of Mac’s BBQ is proud to call Skiatook home. Find out more about his journey on page 21.



I have several army buddies who have visited me from time to time in Skiatook... one in particular was Carroll Quisenberry from Owensboro, Kentucky. It was several decades ago that he came to go quail hunting and asked, “While I’m here is there anything of interest in downtown Skiatook?” So, I told him he had to see the Bayouth Department Store “museum.” When we arrived I introduced him to Mr. Bus Bayouth. Looking about the store, my friend spotted Mr. Bayouth’s glass counter, housing some of his most unusual treasures. One such oddity was two bottles of Hadacol from the 1940’s. Per Wikipedia Hadacol was “a patent medicine marketed as a vitamin supplement. Its principal attraction, however, was that it contained 12% alcohol listed on the tonic bottle’s label as a ‘preservative,’ which made it quite popular in the dry counties of the southern United States.” Carroll asked Bus if he would sell him one of the bottles. Being the businessman he was, Bus said, “I’ll sell you one and this is what it will cost you.” The deal was struck and with that they became friends forever. Every time my friend came back to Skiatook, he always dropped by to see Bus and the store. While Carroll was here, he bought a bird dog pup which he appropriately named “Skiatook.” One day, back in Owensboro, he was out walking Skiatook in the neighborhood when the pup bolted into a strange yard. Carroll hollered out, “Skiatook! Get back here!” The neighbor, working on his car in the drive, looked up and said, “What did you call that dog?” “Skiatook,” Carroll responded. “Why do you call him Skiatook?” the neighbor asked. “That’s where I bought him.” he replied. The neighbor scoffed, “Nobody knows where Skiatook is...I doubt you’ve ever been there.” Carroll immediately replied, “If you ever go to Skiatook, ask Mr. Bus Bayouth if I’ve ever been there.” Smiling the neighbor replied, “I believe you certainly have been there!” Carroll’s new neighbor turned out to be former Skiatook resident Richard Collins. Now, is Skiatook famous, or what? n

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Stephanie Upton, Executive Director Charlotte Hall, Assistant Shari Fogaley, Assistant Scott Neighbors, President First Baptist Church

Sarah Tucker, Vice-President ResourceU Consulting

Johnna Huddleston, Secretary

Osage Rural Water District #15

Rick Jarrard, Ex Officio Dry Cleaning Station


Omar Bayouth

Exchange Bank

Mobilizing the City

Jeannie Eller

The Chamber of Commerce office is the acknowledged “front door” to Skiatook, responding to inquiries from potential and new residents, as well as, visitors and prospective businesses. Hundreds of information requests are processed annually. It also serves as the “community bulletin board” disseminating information on community events and issues via its member network and regular community wide meetings. The Skiatook Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Skiatook area so that its citizens and business community may prosper. The Chamber works closely with the City of Skiatook in its efforts to assist existing businesses and to attract new ones. This provides our citizens with the convenience of finding products and services locally, and at the same time increasing sales tax revenue that allows the city to provide improved services. Through its partnerships with the Tulsa Area Chamber, Oklahoma Chamber, Osage Tourism and other business and governmental agencies, the Chamber promotes and guards Skiatook’s interests in regional, state and national issues.

Melissa Gardner

Annually the Chamber sponsors numerous events and services. Among these are: • The annual Pioneer Day Festival • Flags of Honor Program • Monthly luncheons for the business community • Annual Christmas Parade & Santa’s Workshop • Ribbon cuttings for new businesses • Annual Chamber Awards Banquet • Representing Skiatook to regional organizations

Edward Jones Investments

DonEtta Gambill

Keller Williams Realty Coldwell Banker Select

Martha Hoffman

Oklahoma Capital Bank

Andrea Hudson

American Bank of Oklahoma

Jessica Hudson

Tulsa Federal Credit Union

Joyce Jech

Skiatook City Council

Dan Yancey

Skiatook City Manager

Linda Loftis

Chinowth & Cohen Realtors

Rebecca Manzer Chamber membership is open to area businesses and individuals who have a desire to be involved in serving and growing the Skiatook business community. For more information on membership benefits and requirements contact the chamber office at 918-396-3702 or visit the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce web site at www.skiatookchamber.com. n

Certified Carpet Cleaning & Restoration Services

Geoff McGoffin RCB Bank

Larry Nunley

Skiatook Tallgrass Association

Paula Taylor

Skiatook Tag Agency

Rick Thomas

Skiatook Public Schools, Superintendent

“As Skiatook has grown the requirements for emergency personal have increased accordingly. In the last 20 years Skiatook has moved from a minimal group of firefighters to a larger force running two modern Advance Life Support ambulances. Our personnel are the best in the area and are trained fully in every facet of emergency service from medical to hazmat to fire suppression.” ~ Bob Nail, Skiatook Fire Marshall



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Where the Cherokee & Osage Meet Historical records have conflicting data as to the origin of Skiatook’s name. One story is that the town was founded on land which was the home of a prominent Osage Indian, Skiatooka, and the community around his home was called Skiatooka’s Settlement. Another story is that the name was taken from Ski-A-Took, Cherokee in origin meaning either “big injun me” or describing a large man or a vast tract of land. It is generally accepted that Cherokee Chief William C. Rogers founded Skiatook when he established a trading post in the Cherokee Nation just to the south of Bird

Creek where the stream was easily crossed. The Osage Indian, Skiatooka, was a frequent trader at the post, which brought his name as a possible connection in the town’s name. The first Skiatook Post Office was established in the Rogers’ store in the 1880s; and in 1892, the name took its present form, “Skiatook.” Regardless of which naming story is accurate, the Native American influence on Skiatook’s heritage is undeniable. Osage County was the original federal allotment for the Osages in the 19th Century and the Osages are the only tribe today within the state of Oklahoma to retain a federally recognized reservation. They maintain the

tribes national headquarters in Pawhuska, OK, the Osage County seat, where a concerted effort is underway to preserve the native tongue and culture, and to continue negotiations on behalf of the tribe. Their mineral rights and their recent entrance into commercial development through the gaming industry and retail ventures have not only funded tribal initiatives, but have also strengthened their continued involvement and influence over the development of Skiatook and Osage County. Skiatook enjoys a healthy working relationship with the Osage Nation and other surrounding tribal governments. n

“Banking in Skiatook is a very local and personal thing,” says life-long Skiatook resident, A.B. Bayouth. “Many of the people we serve are not just second, third and fourth generation customers, they are also second, third and fourth generation friends. When we reinvest in the community it is not in institutions, but in people we know personally. I think even newcomers to Skiatook will experience that same attitude of personal service across the Skiatook banking community.” ~ A.B. Bayouth, The Exchange Bank



Bus Bayouth Pioneer Award Recipient Morris Neighbors was born in 1925 in the nearby Osage County oil boom town of Wildhorse. After time away at college, his purple heart service in the Pacific theater of World War II, and a brief teaching career in the Oklahoma panhandle, Morris and Wanda brought their family back to Green Country. Working in Tulsa and with Wildhorse no longer in existence, they settled in Skiatook, where Morris’ parents, Lether and Nell, had also settled in retirement. All five of the Morris’ & Wanda’s kids...Tim, Belinda, Kelly, Scott & Matt...graduated from Skiatook High School and, following Dad’s example over the next 5 decades, went off to college, started families and careers, and then returned to Skiatook to continue their vocations or retirement. As a family they have traveled across the nation and the globe on mission trips, WWII ship reunions and family vacations, but they truly believe there’s no place like home and that home is Skiatook! The 2011 recipients of the Chamber of Commerce’s Bus Bayouth Pioneer Award for a lifetime of service to the community, the Neighbors family mirrors all of the other Pioneer Award

Father Morris, Son Scott and Matt Neighbors and gradnson Joey Zodrow in Red Square in Moscow on a church mission trip.

recipients and many other families who have realized that Skiatook is a great place to live…in whatever stage of life you may find yourself.

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A Quieter Pace Whether you’re settling your business life in Skiatook or looking for a daily retreat from your work in Tulsa or on the road, Skiatook can meet your needs. Looking for a starter home across the street from the school? How about that first empty nester home or a nice downsize for retirement? Maybe you’ve reached a major career goal and you’re ready to celebrate in 4,000 pristine square feet with a lake view and a slip for your 30’ sailboat! From the fixer upper in an established neighborhood to the mansion on the lake; from the quaint neighborhood near downtown to the development on the outskirts with half acre lots or the country home with acreage, Skiatook’s real estate professionals can find you a place to call home. As Skiatook continues to expand services to outlying areas, the opportunities for new housing developments grow everyday, creating a good market of newer homes. Many older, established homes and neighborhoods are experiencing makeovers, allowing your kids to experience the perks “small town life” offers like knowing their neighbors and walking to school or the park. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE

We realize not everyone is ready to settle in for the long haul. As such, Skiatook is seeing an increase in the construction of loft apartments, duplexes and multi-family dwellings for those wishing to rent, not own. Additionally, Skiatook currently has two senior living complexes with two more breaking ground in 2016. All of these are located near or in downtown and are serviced by low cost transportation. For those looking to build, there are several new developments in and around Skiatook and numerous small and large acreages just waiting for someone to call home. n



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Yesterday and Tomorrow Ushering in Statehood

The first deed in town was granted to the Skiatook Bank, later known as the First National Bank, on December 18, 1904. That same day, lumber began being delivered to build the bank building, and on January 24, 1905 the Skiatook Bank opened for business. Following the Skiatook Bank, more construction began throughout town, and many buildings replaced shacks and tents. Also in 1904, the Midland Valley Railroad was built through the area and a weekly newspaper, The Skiatook Sentinel, was first published. The town became incorporated on May 28, 1905 and by fall of 1906, the residents had the conveniences of natural gas and public telephones. Several country schools had been scattered throughout the area, and Skiatook Schools began in 1905. After Oklahoma Statehood in 1907 construction began on permanent roads and bridges. The first church building constructed in Skiatook was the First Christian Church

in 1907. Cement sidewalks were constructed between 1909 and 1910, and in 1912 Skiatook received water, sewer and electric light improvements. The area experienced much growth in the oil, gas and farm industries. Increased traffic through town warranted better streets, and by the fall of 1919, Skiatook had 15 blocks of continuous cement paved streets. In 1920, Skiatook had 2,000 residents and around 50 businesses. A road to Tulsa was paved in the early 1920’s, and with good roads leading out in all directions, Skiatook became known as the Gateway to all points North, South, East and West. In the 1930’s, Skiatook began purchasing water from Spavinaw, but the completion of Skiatook Lake in 1984 gave Skiatook its own water source. Since its beginning in the late 1880s, the town of Skiatook has grown steadily. It is estimated the population has increased by 93% since 1990. Information compiled by Snowhawk from the Skiatook Historical Society & the Skiatook Journal.


For many years Skiatook held the distinction of “Oklahoma’s largest town,” a reference to maintaining its original trustee form of government in spite of its growing population. In 2012 a town referendum moved Skiatook to city status with a new structure of government and a new resolve for outfitting the city to handle the northward migration of Tulsa and meet the need for the amenities to handle this growth. Partnerships forged in the “small town” days serve as a strong foundation on which to build Skiatook’s future. The city fathers provide strong leadership and civic services to support and mobilize a workforce that includes collaboration with the schools, Chamber of Commerce, lake associations, Osage and Tulsa counties, area tribal governments, churches, civic organizations, state tourism groups and more. n

One of the newest entrepreneurs on Skiatook’s main street is SHS grad Cassie Butler, owner of Rubies and Rouge Boutique. “As a start up business it has been fun to bring new things to Skiatook...products or styles they haven’t seen before on main street...you know, to have my unique place. ” ~ Cassie Butler, Owner Rubies & Rouge Boutique



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Skiatook is one of those special communities and American Bank of Oklahoma is proud to be a part of it. We go out of our way to support the people, businesses, schools, and organizations of our community and we thank you for allowing us to do so for almost 20 years. Whether your needs are family-based or business, we’re here. Stop by, have a cup of coffee, and tell us how we can help. We’re looking forward to working with you.

1525 West Rogers Boulevard Skiatook, Oklahoma 74070 918.396.7300



Putting Faith in Skiatook Skiatook has a long heritage of faith and of strong churches who are not only engaged in the ministries of their particular denominations, but who also invest actively in the quality of life in Skiatook and the surrounding area. You will regularly find the 20+ churches of Skiatook supporting the schools, participating in the Chamber of Commerce or serving as sites for voting, disaster relief or community gatherings of all types. They often pull together on projects like the Backpack Program, that addresses hunger among the students of Skiatook schools, or the community Easter egg hunt and sunrise service, baccalaureate service and more. These churches range from very new congregations to those who have celebrated over a century of service. The partnership of these faith based ministries with each other and the community at large is a strong foundational block in the past and future success of Skiatook. In addition to individual churches, a number of other faith-based institutions and joint projects are a vital part of the fabric of life in Skiatook. Shepherd’s Fold Ranch has been in existence since 1972 with a ministry that has expanded from summer camps to after school programs vital to the success of at risk kids in the public schools and in the development of young leaders who serve in the programs. n 14


“The churches of Skiatook have a much greater mission than getting together in groups to worship. The people of Skiatook… their spiritual well-being... this is our calling and investing in their lives outside the walls of the church is our mission. Our part in the success of Skiatook is to support healthy families and marriages, foster integrity among the business and community leaders and lift up those who need a helping hand along the way.” ~ Heath Tucker, Lead Pastor, First Baptist Church

Skiatook a City of Character Promoting Character and Community

The Skiatook “City of Character” exists to promote character within our community. The Council strives to strengthen the values of Skiatook residents, families, and businesses. This is done each month by emphasizing one of forty-nine defined character traits. A joint effort has been created between the City and Chamber of Skiatook, the business sector, the faith community, and school systems, to promote and encourage excellence in character.

Character Matters: It is the foundation of every right choice and the fuel for healthy relationships. It influences an individual and defines a community. Character strengthens business and helps the economy to grow. It adds lasting value that affects every aspect of our lives.

Preparing for our 50th Anniversary in 2017 My Creed

Since 1967

by Dean Alfange “I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek to develop whatever talents God gave me – not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having a state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower to any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say- “This, with God’s help, I have done.” All this is what it means to be an American.“

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Living Healthy in Green Country Need a local doctor, dentist or optometrist? Maybe a chiropractor? Licensed massage therapist? How about a full service physical therapist to assist you after surgery? Or maybe your major interest is simply keeping fit. Skiatook has multiple choices in all of these categories and with

the recent addition of the Access Medical Urgent Care Center, Skiatook’s health services are broader than ever. But if it is a major hospital, surgery center or specialist you need, don’t worry. Owasso, Tulsa and Bartlesville offer unlimited resources as close as 20 minutes away and no farther

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than an hour’s drive. And if circumstances say you need to get there even quicker, Skiatook’s first responders can fill the bill. Green Country is a healthy place to live to begin with, but you can always find what you need when things aren’t going so well. n


Getting from Here to There & Back Home

Skiatook has a city owned airport with a recently expanded and upgraded 3,000 foot runway with pilot activated lighting and a new concrete hangar apron. The airport is conveniently located in the heart of town near the industrial district. The airport features both private and city owned hangars with private skydiving lessons and fuel services offered at the airport. Cimarron Transit provides low cost van

transportation for seniors around town and to Tulsa. For bus and international travel, the Tulsa bus terminal and Tulsa International Airport are both within a 30 minute drive, as will be the proposed train service between Tulsa and OKC when it is completed. For further options, Skiatook is 2 to 2.5 hours from Will Rogers International and Wiley Post Regional Airports in OKC and Northwest Regional Airport in Bentonville, AR. n


Kathy Humphries 5433 W. Oak St. Skiatook, OK 74070 Phone: (918)396-0774 Fax: (918) 396-7748 www.WoodenSolutions.com


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FUN Cross Timbers Marina at Skiatook Lake and the splash pad at Skiatook Central Park are just two of many family friendly activiities available in Skiatook.

Playing in Skiatook! We all love a vacation to go and play! Skiing in the Colorado mountains… surfing the beaches of Hawaii…hiking the trails of Appalachia…and there’s always Disneyworld! But what do we do the other 50+ weeks of the year? If you live in Skiatook, there’s plenty to do! Whether you like competitive sports, leisure activities, eating out, the theater and arts…it’s all here or very close by. PARKS & RECREATION

Completed in 2011 Skiatook’s Central Park is the newest of Skiatook’s 3 major city parks. Situated in the heart of town on the city’s main boulevard it is the starting point for the Osage Prairie Trail, a 10’ wide paved walking and biking path that winds for 14.5 miles through residential areas and woodlands, to the OSU-Tulsa campus near downtown Tulsa. The trail features 8 pedestrian bridges and future plans call for its extension north to Birch Lake near Barnsdall. The park is a constant beehive of activity as local citizens take advantage of the free splash pad, covered swings, picnic pavilions, cushioned play yard, walking trails, fountain pond and

more. Local groups also reserve the park for events that run the gamut from small gatherings to the city’s annual Pioneer Day Festival, which brings thousands to the park. Located on the easternmost edge of town is John Zink Park, a picturesque, heavily shaded park with large areas to run, picnic and enjoy being outdoors. Exchange Bank Park is the city’s oldest park located in the heart of the original neighborhoods of Skiatook. Many of Skiatook’s long-time residents grew up playing here on the little league ball field, the tennis courts and visiting the public pool, which was replaced in 2007 with a new pool. A new senior citizens recreation and nutrition center was completed in 2016, immediately across the street from the park. The rolling Osage Hills around Skiatook feature several county and rural highways connecting it to Tulsa on the south and the tallgrass areas around Barnsdall to the

“Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.



north. This makes it a popular area for bicyclists and motorcyclists who like to go on both short and extended rides. Golfers can enjoy a handy and relaxing round of golf on the 9 hole Cedar Crest Golf Course located in Skiatook or venture to one of the many public courses located within an hour of Skiatook. Public tennis courts are available at Exchange Bank Park and on any given day pick up games are being played on the park’s outdoor basketball courts. Joggers abound around town and on the Osage Prairie Trail that runs through the heart of town. SKIATOOK LAKE

Load up the boat, run by Wal Mart for those last minutes items, stop at the bait shop on the way out of town and in 10 minutes you’ll be looking at over 10,000 surface acres of prime fishing waters featuring largemouth and smallmouth bass, spotted and striped bass, walleye, black and white crappie, channel catfish and several species of sunfish and lake perch. The 160 acres of shoreline at Skiatook

Lake boast a variety of scenery including majestic bluffs, swimming beaches, rolling hills and tall grass prairies. Hailed by many as Oklahoma’s most beautiful lake, it provides a great venue for boating, swimming, sailing, jet skiing, kayaking and more. 1,800 acres of public use land surrounding the lake provide for camping, picnicking, hunting, hiking and much more. With two marinas, multiple boat ramps, the dam overlook, and the huge variety of wildlife that inhabit the lake and surrounding woodlands, it will take you a lifetime to experience all that Skiatook Lake offers. You can see a complete list of lake amenities at www.skiatook.com/ skiatook/skiatooklake.htm. And if you’re a water enthusiast of the highest order, you’ll enjoy the fact that living in Skiatook also puts you within a short drive of several other major lakes like Keystone, Oologah, Grand, Hudson and Tenkiller. Skiatook Lake is an outdoor enthusiasts dream. Formed by the confluence of Hominy Creek and Bird Creek, the lake has a surface area of over 10,500 acres and more than 160 miles of shoreline with steep, picturesque bluffs that offer spectacular views. The City of Skiatook is nearby and offers a large variety of shopping and good restaurants. Located just 25 minutes from downtown Tulsa Skiatook Lake is area favorite for quality, convenience and fun. n

Visitors to the area love the many recreational opportunities available including:

Hiking Hunting Fishing Camping Swimming Boating/Sailing Water Sports Facilities (plentiful and easily accessible) Sport fishermen enjoy catching:

Largemouth bass Black and white crappie Channel catfish Walleye Several species of sunfish

A total of 8,000 acres are open to hunting and hunters will find plenty of:

White-tailed deer Quail Rabbit Squirrel Black Hogs Real Estate on the lake:

Beverly Hills Lake Estates Catalina Cove Lake Venues:

The Springs Event Center Red Barn Event Center Skiatook Lake Overlook Cross Timbers Marina Crystal Bay Marina




Come have fun

Skiatook has its share of unique seasonal events that involve the local folk while also pulling in tourists from the region and beyond. The Pioneer Day Festival is the premier Chamber of Commerce event occurring on the 3rd Saturday of September and boasts a Central Park midway featuring a carnival, music stage, classic car show, and 100+ vendors of food, crafts and services. Pioneer Day kicks off each year with the annual “Runnin’ the Rails 5K Color Run” and the Pioneer Day Parade down Rogers Boulevard and concludes with the annual Pioneer Day Rodeo. Rodeo is alive and well in Skiatook, OK. The Skiatook Roundup Club, organized in 1948, averages around 300 members a year. In the mid-1960’s the Skiatook Roundup Club moved to the facility where it is located today. The arena was built through the labor of club members and a generous donation by A.T. Ferree, who donated the land and arena to the club to insure that rodeo would live on in Skiatook, OK. The club puts on several events throughout the year including two open rodeos, twelve playdays, twenty-four barrel races, junior rodeos, and in 2016 hosted an Indian Tour Rodeo over Labor Day. The club also competes at the Cavalcade Rodeo every year which is the world’s largest amateur rodeo held in nearby Pawhuska, OK. Information about the Skiatook Roundup Club can be found at www. skiatookroundupclub.com. In June the Skiatook Bluegrass Association hosts the annual two day Tallgrass Music Festival bringing in some of the nation’s best bluegrass entertainment. July 3rd you can get a jump on your Independence Day celebration at the annual Fantasy in the Sky community fireworks show at the city airport, sponsored by Exchange Bank. And In July you can get a taste of Skiatook’s native heritage and see some of the finest Native American dancers at the annual Kihekah Steh Pow-Wow at the grounds located northwest of town. The Christmas season features the annual Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade and Santa’s Workshop and dotted amongst all of the events above you’ll find a calendar full of activities like November’s annual city-wide church bazaar and Chamber of Commerce auction, summer movies and concerts in the park, city-wide youth events and more. Year round the Osage Casino offers dining and a wide variety of concerts and gaming at their Skiatook facility and seven other locations around Green Country. For a full listing of events and amenities visit www.osagecasinos.com. n 20


See some of the finest Native American dancers at the annual Kihekah Steh Pow-Wow

Year round the Osage Casino offers dining and a wide variety of concerts and gaming at their Skiatook facility

The annual Pioneer Days features carnival rides, a car show, local vendors and a 5K Color Run.


Get a taste of Skiatook If your favorite form of recreation involves a fork and knife, main street Skiatook sports a smorgasbord of choices from fast food to carry out to dining in. Mexican, Bar BQ, Italian, Chinese, pizza, hamburgers, subs...breakfast, lunch or dinner...donuts, snacks and snow cones...you can find them all. It may be in one of the long-time local establishments like Mac’s, one of the newer restaurants like Luigi’s, Billy Sims, Senor Salsa and Ron’s Hamburgers, or a national chain like Taco Bueno or McDonalds...you have a lot of options in downtown Skiatook and more are coming every day. We invite you to come get a taste of what Skiatook has to offer. n


If you love living the suburban life but still enjoy the lights of the big city, in 30 minutes you can be in Tulsa where you have your choice of symphonies, Broadway shows, arts festivals, world class museums, college and professional sports and a wide variety of dining from casual to eclectic. If you are a concert fan, nationally and internationally known acts perform regularly at the historic “Old Lady on Brady,” the iconic Cain’s Ballroom and the BOK Center, rated as the top performing arena in America...all of these less than a half hour from downtown Skiatook.

After traveling the country via the military and while holding a successful management position in the communications field, Chattanooga, TN native Adam Green started to dabble in catering. Through a variety of unique circumstances and fortuitous opportunities, he launched a new career by taking over Skiatook’s iconic and national award winning Mac’s BBQ. Adam says, “I read once that you should ‘do what you love and love what you do’ and for me that’s BBQ. I’m a lucky dude living the dream on main street in Skiatook!”

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Jerry Yarnell offers workshops at the Yarnell Studio & School of Fine Art.

Local Attractions For those who like to find the hidden treasures of a community and occasionally wander off “the beaten path” the Skiatook area offers some unique sites to visit. There are no malls in Osage County.

We like it that way. Most everything you might need, you can find - you just need to know how. The locals know; just ask. People in small cities find what they need by networking. There is a strong arts presence here, evidenced by sculptures and murals in many public places. Galleries, studios, and unique gift shops can be explored, and local artists are well represented. Antiquing? We’ve got that too. Browse the aisles of several shops and you’ll find yourself in another place in time. Most likely you’ll discover a treasured piece of Oklahoma history to take back home with you. Osage County is full of specialty shops. Come check ‘em out. We promise you a unique and enjoyable shopping experience. THE HEALING ROCK

This natural monument was once called Teepee Rock and considered a healing site by the Osage and Quapaw Indians in the late 19th century. It is said to have mystical healing powers. After archeologists examined the formation, evidence proved the rock was a natural formation and had been set in near perfect vertical alignment by natural erosion, ending speculation that the rock was man-made. The Healing Rock stands 12 feet high, has a 17-foot base, and is 14 to 22


16 inches thick. It is triangular in shape with its jagged apex pointing upward to the heavens. When plans for Skiatook Lake were finalized, it became clear the rock would be covered by water. Locals campaigned to save the rock, and in 1985, the Corps of Engineers moved the rock to its present location 1/8 mile south of the project office on Skiatook Lake. An access trail, built by the Corps, leads from the project office to this unique natural feature. THE SKIATOOK MUSEUM

The Skiatook Historical Society was organized in April of 1976. The goal of the members was to preserve the interesting history of Skiatook from its beginning to the present time. The Skiatook Museum was established thanks to the people who kept mementos, scrapbooks, pictures, letters, and artifacts. In 1988, with the aid of the Oklahoma Historical Society, the Skiatook Museum found a permanent home, moving into the 1912 home of pioneer doctor W. G. Phillips. The museum completed an addition to the home in 1999 which added much needed space for the display of local historical documents, as well as furniture and other household items of the town’s pioneers. Historians, students, genealogists and anyone searching for Skiatook’s past can view the personal papers, documents

and photographs of the town’s pioneer families, events and places. Also provided is a microfilm reader to enable visitors to research into newspapers dating back to April of 1905, the date the first newspaper in town began publishing. TULSA BOTANIC GARDEN

Located on a county highway between Skiatook Lake and downtown Tulsa is one of the area’s newest and best kept secrets. Working with landscape architects from Dallas, Atlanta, and Tulsa, Tulsa Botanic Garden unveiled its exciting master plan in December 2012, laying out a vision for developing 60 acres of gardens over the next 25 years. This plan concentrates garden spaces around a seven-acre lake, fully utilizing the beautiful views across the lake by setting gardens around it on all sides. From the Amphitheater on the north side, to the Children’s Discovery Garden, A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Floral Terraces,

and Inspiration Gardens on the west, to a Chapel, tropical Conservatory, and Edible Gardens on the east, these gardens will highlight the worldwide importance of plants to human civilization. Contrasting with these gardens are the remaining 110 acres of natural beauty, to be experienced in the western reaches of the garden site. With gardens literally evolving daily and new venues being added regularly, Tulsa Botanic Gardens has already become a must see site for locals and tourists alike.


Did you know that the first Boy Scout Troop in America was founded in 1909 in Osage County? There is a monument to these Scouting pioneers at the Osage County Historical Society Museum. The monument, cast by local artist John Free at the Bronze Horse Foundry, can be found at Lynn Ave. and 7th Street in Pawhuska.



Nationally known painter, Jerry Yarnell offers workshops at the Yarnell Studio & School of Fine Art. He focuses on sharing the fine-art techniques that he has obtained over his 35 years of painting and teaching. Upcoming workshops can be seen at www.YarnellSchool.com SKIATOOK STATUARY

From mixing concrete in a five gallon bucket to an automated cubic yard mixer, describes in part the distance traveled by Skiatook Statuary since 1967. That’s over 50 years of growth, quality and improvement that has placed products from California to New York. Many of their items can be found at the Oklahoma Governor’s Mansion and quite literally “tons” more can be found in places as far away as Russia. Oklahoma made from Oklahoma soil. Their “10 ton” hippo gives credence to the claim “Manufacturers of the world’s largest ornamental concrete.” Local T.V., state and national publications, like USA Today, over the years have brought attention to this unique business in Skiatook, Oklahoma

by harness). IAD Solo Skydiving (this is a solo skydive starting from 4,000 feet above ground level). Accelerated Freefall (AFF) with two AFF Instructors. AFF jumps are done from 10,000ft-12,000ft each. Skydive Airtight uses only United States Parachute Association rated instructors for all student training and modern state of the art parachute equipment. Skydive Airtight is privately owned and has been in operation at the Skiatook Municipal Airport since it’s beginning in 1999.


Ree Drummond, cookbook author, blogger and host of the Pioneer Woman cooking show on the Food Network, has renovated a historic building at the corner of Main St. and Kihekah Ave. in Pawhuska, where she has opened a deli and mercantile shop that includes a bakery and a deli with delicious treats and comfort food, and general store with an array of merchandise to browse.


Skydive Airtight is the most scenic dropzone in Oklahoma! Skydive is a USPA Group Member skydiving facility located at the Skiatook Municipal Airport. It is the ONLY U.S.A. Parachute Association and FAA-Federal Aviation Administration Rated tandem dropzone in OK. Skydive offers three types of training for first time jumpers. Tandem Skydiving (you are attached to a USPA/FAA rated instructor

Just north of Skiatook , the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve is the largest (39,000 acres) protected remnant of tallgrass prairie left on earth. Originally spanning portions of 14 states from Texas to Minnesota, urban sprawl and conversion to cropland have left less than 10% of this magnificent American landscape. Since 1989, the Conservancy has proven successful at restoring this fully-functioning portion of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem with the use of about 2,500 free-ranging bison and a “patch-burn” model approach to prescribed burning. These are just a sampling of the numerous side trips you can make when visit Skiatook and the surrounding region. n

And while you’re making a trek to the northern parts of Osage County Stop off at the county seat, Pawhuska, home of the Food Network’s “Pioneer Woman,” Ree Drummond newly opened cooking school and restaurant. Head over toward Barnsdall and see Woolaroc Museum, one of America’s most unique displays of Western art and artifacts; Native American pottery, baskets, beads, blankets and cultural art; historical displays and one of the most complete collections of Colt firearms. This former retreat of Frank Phillips, of Phillips 66 gas fame, is one of the most outstanding western art collections in the world that also represents the culture and lifestyles of the peoples of America and the American West and boasts a world class game reserve. Keep going toward Bartlesville and you can visit the Keepsake Candle Factory and the Frank Phillips mansion and museum in Bartlesville. SKIATOOK CHAMBER



Need photo of working Skiatook Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. ~ Denis Waitley

Working in Skiatook! At first glance, some might call Skiatook a “bedroom community.” It IS a great respite for those who work in nearby Tulsa but have found they prefer suburban living. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t career opportunities in Skiatook proper. With a population of 7,500+ and an even larger school district approaching 12,000, Skiatook services a sizeable citizenry and that means jobs. Skiatook Public Schools is the largest employer with a staff of approximately 300 full-time professional and support positions and many more part-time workers as substitutes, bus drivers and more. Wal Mart hires a workforce of 150 and the City of Skiatook, Worthington Industries, Osage Casino, Warehouse Market, Accelerated Lift and the financial institutions are among some of the other businesses who have larger employee bases. But the real backbone of the workforce in Skiatook is small business. Lube shops, auto parts, dry cleaners, farm

and ranch supply, professional offices, restaurants and fast food, hair salons and boutiques, convenience stores, hardware stores, seasonal businesses... all of the local services and shops it takes to support a growing city and the smaller surrounding towns also provide employment opportunities that run the gamut from the full-time career to second income to part-time and summer jobs. As Skiatook grows, so do the needs and niches for new business. In the past couple of years alone Skiatook has seen several brand names come to town, as well as, numerous local, independent retailers and services. Chains like Taco Bueno, Warehouse Market, and Casey’s General Store have carved out a spot on main street Skiatook and a number of independent owners and local entrepreneurs have started new businesses like The Hitch ‘N’ Post and Rubies & Rouge Boutique.

Living in Skiatook is special. Living AND working in Skiatook is doubly special...and the opportunities for doing both are wide open! n

“As Skiatook grows we will continue to see new local businesses started and existing businesses expanded; but we also expect Skiatook will become a market for more national and regional chains. Our goal at Skiatook’s Taco Bueno is to set the example in how to transform a national brand into a vested partner in the local community. As the smallest city in the nation to have a Bueno franchise, we’re the ideal market to model that concept.” ~ Omar Bayouth, Taco Bueno, Skiatook



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Learning in Skiatook An educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life. ~Author Unknown QUALITY EDUCATION AT HOME

Skiatook Public Schools are at the heartbeat of our community. From a financial standpoint they are the single largest employer in the city and a major consumer of local goods and services. From a social perspective, the draw of the “Friday night lights” is but one of many examples of the way school activities draw and unite the community; and the school facilities truly do belong to and are utilized by the citizens. But most importantly, the educational opportunities provided in and around

Skiatook create a reliable pathway to success for the young people of Skiatook. The long and storied history of Skiatook’s schools have made it a part of the fabric that defines Skiatook. The 30, 40 and 50 year reunions are often attended by a majority of classmates who have stayed in Skiatook or returned in retirement. In addition to the public schools, Skiatook also offers the private Hope Christian Academy and a robust network of home schoolers who are involved in local and area co-ops. CONTINUING TO LEARN

Skiatook’s educational opportunities have prepared youth for careers and for furthering their educational aspirations in schools all across the nation. But many

youth and adults choose to continue their higher education closer to home in one of the many state, private and trade institutions located within commuting distance of Skiatook. List of area colleges and trade schools: Drury Campus NSU Oklahoma Wesleyan Oral Roberts University OSU-Tulsa OU-Tulsa Rogers State Tulsa Community College Tulsa Technology Center University of Phoenix University of Tulsa

“Since I came to Skiatook ’Excellence in action!’ has been our overarching goal for all we do at Skiatook Public Schools. But each year we endeavor to focus and interpret that broader goal in specific ways that impact students, teachers and the community in very personal and measurable ways. Recently we have highlighted the philosophy that ‘ALL means ALL.’ ALL students can learn...ALL students can progress. To accomplish that we must measure and evaluate the individual progress of students to be sure that each is moving from where they are to the next level and on to a successful future, whether that is college, trade school or employment right out of high school. We believe ALL can succeed.” ~ Rick Thomas, Superintendent, Skiatook Public Schools

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(Left) The Brooks Walton Activity Center is the host to many Oklahoma State events such as the (OASC) Oklahoma Association of Student Council Convention, Oklahoma High School State Basketball, wrestling, and Cheerleading competitions.

School Directory Superintendent

355 S Osage . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-1792 Early Childhood Center

100 E 3Rd St. . . . . . . . . . . 918·396·5730 Marrs Elementary

1100 S Osage. . . . . . . . . . . 918·396·2697 Skiatook Elementary School

1051 S Choctaw Ave . . . . . 918-396-5737 Intermediate Elementary

2100 W Oak St . . . . . . . . . 918-396-5745 Newman Middle School

2000 W Oak St . . . . . . . . . 918·396-2307 High School

100 E 3rd St.. . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-5730 Senior High School

1000 W 4Th St . . . . . . . . . 918·396-1790

Skiatook Sports If competitive sports is more to your liking, you’ll want to visit Skiatook’s newest Sports Complex located on the south side of town on 133rd St. Boasting soccer fields, softball and baseball fields, and football fields for youth sports, it is already a hub of activity on weekends. With additional facilities being added each year to accommodate fans and players, it is becoming a quality site for area and regional sporting events. Skiatook Public Schools also offer a highly competitive sports program. Competing in the 5A Class of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association, the Bulldogs have been state contenders / champions in a number of team and individual sports and extracurricular activities and boast some of the finest athletic venues in the state. n


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$5 Paparazzi 609 West Oak Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-637-9540 A & J Electric P.O. Box 324 Hominy OK 74035 918-885-4869 A Great Rate Insurance Agency 8283 Owasso Expwy.#A Owasso OK 74055 918-272-1000 AAA Insurance Agency 518 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7542 Advantage EyeCare 5335 W. Rogers Blvd., Suite B Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4440 Advocare Distributor, Jason Gould 402 West 6th Skiatook OK 74070 918-720-4140 Aim to Please, LLC P.O. Box 701708 Tulsa OK 74170 918-606-5675 Air Service Management P.O. Box 274 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7170 American Bank of Oklahoma 1525 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7300 American Legion Auxiliary Post 131 723 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1312 American Legion GalentinePrice Unit 131 723 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0131 Ascension Church 741 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4930 Aspen Technology Solutions 306 South Vine Avenue Cleveland OK 74020 918-401-0401 ATT 509 South Detroit Room 100 Tulsa OK 74020 800-499-7925

Becca’s Babies 708 West 3rd Skiatook OK 74070 918-214-3321 Best Lawn Care P.O. Box 11 Skiatook OK 74070 918-833-0011 Better Business Bureau 1722 S. Carson Ave. Suite 3200 Tulsa OK 74119 918-295-2418 Bill’s Marine 14626 N. 56th W. Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4916 Bodley Insurance Services, LLC 225 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3333 Brecken Electric Inc. 18023 N. Lewis Skiatook OK 74070 918-906-5716 Bulldog Nutrition 104 North Broadway Skiatook OK 74070 918-804-8660 Bumper to Bumper 1529 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2427 Calvary Apostolic Church Inc. 300 South Locust Skiatook OK 74070 918-804-2763 Candlewood Suites Owasso 11699 E. 96th St. North Owasso OK 74055 918-272-4334 Capital Steel Buildings 110 North Choctaw #A Skiatook OK 74070 918-665-3431 Casey’s General Stores 102 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 618-396-9898 Certified Carpet Cleaning & Restoration P.O. Box 682 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4747 Charlie’s Chicken 2071 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0000

Steve Moyer Agent



1355 W. Rogers Blvd- Ste 5 Skiatook, OK 74070



Charlotte’s Country Spirits 1355 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite 8 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9595 Cherokee Baskets P.O. Box 958 Skiatook OK 74070 918-467-0228 Cimarron Transit 2101 North 14th Suite 129 Ponca City OK 74601 580-718-0456 City of Skiatook 110 North Broadway Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2797 Coldwell Banker Select 1225-C West Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9888 Colonial Title, Inc 12319 E 86th St. North Owasso OK 74055 918-828-0110 Community Cable & Broadband 1550 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3019 Cornerstone Building Center 310 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1412 Courtyard Church 17922 North Urbana Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-894-1688 Cox Business 11851 East 51st Street Tulsa OK 74146 918-221-4292 Cricket Wireless 1355 W. Rogers #8 Skiatook OK 74070 918-740-8560 Dawg House Donuts 4605 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-695-3709 Deep Fork Pecans 3099 Herrick Road Beggs OK 74421 918-267-1377 DonEtta Gambill, Keller Williams Realty 12764 S. Lombard Lane Skiatook OK 74070 918-951-6274

Supporting classrooms & teachers by funding projects and supplies for 20 years! The SPSSF supports classrooms with • Grants for Enrichment program • Teacher of the Year • The awards program Make a tax deductible donation, contact: Geoff McGoffin (918) 396-6701 Skiatook Public Schools Support Foundation www.facebook.com/spssf

DonMar Industries LLC P.O. Box 179 Sperry OK 74073 918-855-8213 Drayer Physical Therapy Institute 1355 W. Rogers Ste #10 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7125 Dry Cleaning Station 1225 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1299 Drywall Systems by Rick 1316 West 4th Skiatook OK 74070 918-520-2659 Dynamic Nutrition 1529-A West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 405-760-9755 Easky Construction LLC 511 North Javine Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-381-0773 Edward D. Jones Investments 5335 W. Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4980 Enviro-Blast LLC 12014 E 116th St North Collinsville OK 74021 918-766-2199 ESA-Eta Epsilon Chapter 5801 West Sunset Road Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2421 Evans Concrete 4000 W. 133rd St. North Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2220 Exchange Bank 300 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2345 Executive Lawn Care 718 West Maple Skiatook OK 74070 918-231-7177 Exodus to Life 7769 W. 118th St N Sperry OK 74073 918-833-2627 Family Worship Center of Skiatook 4009 W. County Road Skiatook OK 74070 918-798-3102

Open to the Public Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm (excluding federal holidays) In town one-way fare $1.50 Other destinations considered. All rides are scheduled on a first call basis, subject to availability.

Ride Line: 918-396-4466 www.ucapinc.org

Ferrell Gas, Inc 4605 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4541 Fine Excavation 2777 W. 173rd St. North Skiatook OK 74070 918-695-8715 Fire Eagle Promotions, Inc. 15447 E. Winding Creek Drive Collinsville OK 74021 918-371-4347 First Baptist Church 940 West Oak Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1565 First Christian Church 419 East Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2620 Forbes Tax Service 221 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1811 Fraternal Order of Police P.O. Box 62 Skiatook OK 74070 918-665-4328 Gene Dennison, Attorney At Law 1515 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4600 GRDA P.O. Box 409 Vinita OK 74301-0409 918-256-5545 Green Country Self Storage 1700 S. Osage Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-639-7867 GUTS Church 107 E. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-622-4422 Guy Engineering Services, Inc. 10759 East Admiral Tulsa OK 74116 918-437-0282 H & R Block of Skiatook 214 South Locust Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3470 Happy Tooth Dental Group 5265 West Rogers Blvd. Suite C Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7766 Healing Wings, Jeanne Lamb 206 South Bulldog Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-853-8775 Highway Man Signs 603 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-8024 Hitch N’ Post 5265 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite A Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9480 Hope Christian Academy 612 S. Broadway Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4000 Immanuel Baptist Church 625 South Broadway Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2269 Janice Cox Enoch Cox Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9592

Jayz Flavor Fountain Skiatook Central Park Skiatook OK 74070 918-636-2998 Jefferson Images P.O. Box 1006 Skiatook OK 74070 918-855-5137 John M Cummins, Ph.D. 500 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite E Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9004 John Smaligo, Tulsa Commissioner 500 South Denver Avenue Tulsa OK 74103 918-596-5004 John Zink Self Storage 902 S John Zink Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-604-1363 Jolley Plumbing, LLC 1635 E. 168th Street North Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2144 Journal Broadcasting 4590 E. 29th Street Tulsa OK 74114 918-857-8811 JOY Preschool 940 W. Oak Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1565 Joyce Jech, Skiatook City Council 110 North Broadway Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1411 JV Industrial Companies 1501 South John Zink Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-591-5450 JW Dobbs Marketing, International P.O. Box 1000 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0926 Karla Frohnapfel, Coldwell Banker Realtor 1225-C West Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9888 Keller Williams Realty 12150 E. 96th Street North Owasso OK 74055 918-272-0809 Ken Yazel 500 S. Denver #215 Tulsa OK 74103 918-596-5104

Kendall’s Drug and Gifts 222 East Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2411 Kriege’s Income Tax Service 410 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4000 KWON/KYFM/KRIG Radio P. O. Box 1100 Bartlesville OK 74003 918-336-1001 Lakeside Chiropractic Center 1529 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite C Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4433 Lakeview Southern Baptist Church 5480 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0506 Larsen Real Estate 514 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-855-0210 Linda Loftis, Chinowth & Cohen Realtor P.O. Box 910 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2519 LipSense by Senegence 1815 South Broadway Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-636-9758 Littleton, Ruef & Associates, PC 1515 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3456 Luigi’s Restaurant 104 E. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7800 Mac’s Bar-B-Q 1030 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4165 Marilyn Morenz Coldwell Banker Realtor 1225-C West Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-230-4819 Mazzio’s Pizza 1425 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-663-8880 Melissa Gardner, Coldwell Banker Realtor 1225-C West Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9888

Mid States Technical Services 1529 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9999 Midwest Exterior Products 276 East Garnett Drive Republic MO 65738 417-647-5189 Multi-Directories 16 East Lee Avenue Sapulpa OK 74067 918-227-2853 Okie Dokie Logos & Promos 317 E. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4100 Oklahoma Blood Institute 1001 North Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City OK 73104 405-297-5700 Oklahoma Capital Bank 1602 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-425-1381 Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) 4821 East 66th St. North Tulsa OK 74117 800-664-5463 Oklahoma Rehab Solutions LLC 114 West Main Hominy OK 74035 918-605-0150 Osage Casino 5555 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2626 Osage Hills Farmers Market P.O. Box 387 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1631 Osage Rural Water District #15 14415 North 52nd West Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2552 Parsonex Financial Services 1225 W. Rogers Blvd. Unit B Skiatook OK 74070 918-698-1454 Paslay Construction, Inc. 5090 W. 147th Street North Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2114 Pat Schulte, Coldwell Banker Select Realtor 1225-C West Rogers Skiatook OK 74070 918-760-0157

Peters-Stumpff Funeral Home 14206 North Cincinnati Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1111 Postoak Lodge & Retreat 5323 West 31st Street North Tulsa OK 74127 918.425.2112 Ralston Farmers Fuel & Oil, Inc. 351202 OK-18 Ralston OK 74650 918-358-3310 RCB Bank 1001 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-67025 Redbud Physical Therapy 209 East Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9799 Riveted Church P.O. Box 840 Skiatook OK 74070 918-798-4481 Ron’s Electric P.O. Box 791 Skiatook OK 74070 918-639-6510 Ron’s Hamburger’s & Chili Skiatook 804 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1845 Rubies & Rouge 303 E. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-638-9887 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 109 W. 5th Skiatook OK 74070 918-633-8924 Senor Salsa Mexican Restaurant 1250 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1888 Sharp Concrete & Construction 2766 E 126th St. North Skiatook OK 74070 918-313-9301 Shelter Insurance 1355 West Rogers Suite 5 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3379 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 15314 Lake Road Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2635

Linda Loftis

Multi-Million Dollar Producer

918.855.4334 lloftis@CCOklahoma.com cctulsa.com/lloftis

Tall Grass Prairie Gilcrease Museum Woolaroc Great Lakes Wild Horses Pow-Wows Exciting Rodeos

visittheosage.com FaceBook - Visit The Osage

Kendall’s Drugs and Gifts 222 East Rogers Blvd. Skiatook, OK 74070

918-396-2411 Hours: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm

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Skiatook Herb Store Signs - Wraps - Banners LED - & Much More! 603 W Rogers Skiatook, OK


Charlotte’s Country Spirits



1355 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite 3 Skiatook, OK 74070

1355 West Rogers Blvd Suite 8 Skiatook, OK 74070


SKIATOOK 1250 W Rogers Blvd (918) 396-1888 COWETA 13427 S. Hwy 51 (918) 279-TACO (8226) BARTLESVILLE 621 S.E. Washington (918)333-TACO (8226)




Shepherds Fold Ranch P.O. Box 39 Avant OK 74001 918-263-3622 Shiever’s Martial Arts P.O. Box 306 Skiatook OK 74070 918-344-2591 Sien Shelton Funeral Home 1000 South Lombard Lane Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9500 Sign World 4121 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2299 Skiatook Auction Service, LLC 114 South “A” Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3798 Skiatook Auto Lube 2004 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7007 Skiatook Bluegrass Association Larry Nunley, Diredtor Skiatook OK 74070 918-261-3443 Skiatook Christian Church 1550 West Oak Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-844-5113 Skiatook Church of God 624 South Javine Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1212 Skiatook Emergency Assistance Center 319 East Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4108

Skiatook Family Dentistry 102 South Cherry Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7373 Skiatook Herb Store, LLC 1355 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite 3 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4783 Skiatook Journal 5265 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1616 Skiatook Library 316 E. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-596-2830 Skiatook Museum, Inc. 115 South Broadway Skiatook ok 74070 918-396-7558 Skiatook Nursing Home of Oklahoma 318 Cherry Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2149 Skiatook Rotary Club P.O. Box 274 Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2295 Skiatook Roundup Club P.O. Box 672 Skiatook OK 74070 918-977-0930 Skiatook Springs Event Center 10367 Tall Chief Village Circle Skiatook OK 74070 918-991-9779 Skiatook Statuary 100 N. Quapaw Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1309



CITY OF SKIATOOK - Municipal Offices 110 North Broadway/PO Box 399 Skiatook, OK 74070. . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 www.cityofskiatook.com SKIATOOK CITY COUNCIL Ward 1 - Herb Forbes Ward 2 - David Sutherland Ward 3 - Joyce Jech Ward 4 - Patrick Young Ward 5 – Patty Ceska Ward 6 – Kevin Paslay Ward 7 – Shawn Martin City Manager, Dan Yancey . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Ambulance Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2424 Animal Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2424 Billing/Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Building Inspector/Code Enforcement.918-396-2797 Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 City/Court Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Fire Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-1313 Morgan Fire Department . . . . . . . . . 918-396-3222 Municipal Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 POLICE DEPARTMENT Non Emergency. 918-396-2424



Skiatook Tag Agency 119 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3255 Small Animal Hospital 1355 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4800 St. John Health System 12451 East 100th St. North Owasso OK 74055 918-274-5000 State Farm Insurance 1225 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4222 Stems, Inc. 510 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4147 Stoney Ridge Campground 14700 Stoneyridge Rd. Lane Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0800 Subway of Skiatook #247 1301 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0737 Taco Bueno 808 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-6022 Tate Boys Tire 2319 SE Washington Blvd. Suite 102 Bartlesville OK 74006 918-333-3300 Taylor Motors 2100 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7396

TeeHee Automotive 1531 W. Rogers Blvd. Suite A Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0032 The Sports Shop 802 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3035 Tomco Apartments 1504 West 5th Skiatook OK 74070 918-543-3400 Total Fitness For Her LLC. 1303 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9555 Tulsa Botanical Garden Inc. 3900 Tulsa Botanic Garden Tulsa OK 74101 918-289-0330 Tulsa Chamber of Commerce 1 West 3rd Street Tulsa OK 74103 918-585-1201 Tulsa Federal Credit Union 400 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-3022 Tulsa Technology Center 10800 North 140th East Avenue Owasso OK 74055 918-828-5000 U.S. Mortgage, Dianne Shaw 8282 S. Memorial Suite 401 Tulsa OK 74133 918-694-7468 Urban Oasis Spa 516 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2052

Urgent Care 2254 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-895-9353 VFW 7977 13319 N Cincinnati Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-7977 VVEC 8901 E. 146th St. North Collinsville OK 74021 918-371-2584 Walmart 799 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-1244 Warehouse Market 3599 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-730-9377 We Love Lawns, LLC P.O. Box 1045 Skiatook OK 74070 918-859-3000 West Oak Village 1002 S Fairfax Avenue Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-9009 West Side Storage 4697 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-4867 Wooden Solutions 5433 West Oak Street Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-0774 Worthington Industries 679 West 136th North Skiatook OK 74070 918-396-2908

Public Works Director . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Register Storm Shelter . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Resale Shop-SEAC Skiatook Emergency Assistance Center. . . . . . 918-391-3370 Skiatook Family Resource Center . . . 918-396-4108 Skiatook Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Skiatook Chamber of Commerce . . . . 918-396-3702 Skiatook Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-549-7676 Swimming Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-1154 Skiatook Senior Citizen Center. . . . . 918-396-3320 Trash Service City of Skiatook . . . . . 918-396-2797 CRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-894-8500 Tourism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-630-5997

MFA Propane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-4010 Oklahoma Natural Gas . . . . . . . . . . . 918-832-7800

WATER City of Skiatook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Rural Water District #15. . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2552

OSAGE COUNTY OFFICES Bookkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Court Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osage Election Board. . . . . . . . . . . . Planning & Zoning Emergency Management. . . . . . . . . . Sheriff Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jail/ Dispatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ELECTRICITY City of Skiatook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2797 Verdigris Valley Electric. . . . . . . . . . 918-371-2584 Grand River Dam Authority-GRDA. . . 918-256-5545

LAKE Oklahoma Lake Patrol . . . . . . . . . . 580-336-9880 Skiatook Lake Corp of Engineers. . . . 918-396-3170 Skiatook Lake Patrol. . . . . . . . . . . 580-339-9880 #55 on mobile

OSAGE COUNTY DISTRICT JUDGES District Judge, John Kane . . . . . . . . 918-287-4767 Associate District Judge, David Gambill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-287-3338 Special District Judge, Stuart Tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-287-4108

OSAGE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS District #1 Pawhuska area . . . . . . . . 800-259-1570 Barnsdall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-847-3800 Pawhuska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-287-1570 Shidler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-793-2761 District #2 Skiatook area. . . . . . . . . 918-396-2747 District #3 Fairfax Shop. . . . . . . . . . 918-642-5217 Hominy Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-885-4995

SHERIFFS Tulsa County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-596-5601 Osage County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-287-3131 Washington County . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-337-2800

POST OFFICES Hitch N’ Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-9480 Skiatook Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-2495 All locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-275-8777 PROPANE SERVICES CRTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-894-8500 Ferrell Gas Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-4541 Lake Area Propane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-396-3699

TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AT&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-499-7928 Residential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-288-2020 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-331-0500 Community Cable & Broadband. . . . . 918-396-3019 Cox Business, Commercial . . . . . . . . 918-221-4292

918-287-2615 918-287-4104 918-287-3136 918-287-3101 918-287-1510 918-287-3136 918-287-3036 918-287-3981 918-287-3131 918-287-3131

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