Drip presentation boards

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drip Short Film


Opening Credits




Ending Credits


News Channel Ident

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice



Press Kit

drip Short Film


The Problem

Brief_ Create the visual brand for the independent film DRIP, which includes but is not limited to the main visual image for the film, any supporting visuals, the press kit and screener copy packaging, and the further promotion of the film. Background/Considerations_ The film DRIP marks the start of the professional working relationship of Mark Trifunovic and Mike Smith. The collaborative pair will be looking to submit the film to nationwide film festivals in order to help spread their name as a production duo, with the hope for more lucrative future work. The film is in it’s final stages of development, with the visual identity, promotion and distribution the only things left to add. Consider how the packaging of the screener copy can help to make the film stand out amongst other entries. Consider how much the visual identity gives away about the film? How can the visual identity and promotion of the film be executed to exude professionalism, but maintain an independent conscience. How can the press kit reflect the working partnership. How far can the promotion go with the reality that it is a short film.

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


drip Short Film

1.a Opening Credits The Process

Creation of multiple alphabets written with the left hand to replicate that of a childs. A mix of line weights, caps and scale gives a disjointed feel to the typography in line with the tone of the film itself. Follows rationale. Writing feels as though it was written by the child who is troubled after the traumatic events of the film.

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


1.b Opening Credits

Finished opening credits created from the combined left handed writing of several people. Using this technique produced the correct disjointed typographic style as desired.

drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


1.c Title

Proved harder than the rest of the titles to create due to the limited letter options. Picking 4 that worked together yet still prjected that mental distress took several attempts but eventually we landed on a successsful arrangement.

drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


3.a News Channel Ident

Ident needed for a fake news channel reporting on an event involved with the film. Report also to be used for promotional purposes.

drip Short Film

3.b News Channel Ident


Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


BREAKING NEWS Matthew Maisey Killer Missing

drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice



Poster Initial Screener

drip Short Film

5 Press Kit

Press kit based on a childs exercise book. Continuation on the theme.

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


drip Short Film

Joel Burden Level 06 Ex. Practice


5.b Press Kit

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