Elmwood Research Document

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Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’

Joel Burden


Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’

The boring challenge

dog kennels

Joel Burden



Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’


Shelter for dogs, kept for a fee.

Joel Burden


A kennel is a structure or shelter for dogs. Dogs can be kept for a fee whilst the owners are on vacation for example. They are fed, watered, walked etc with optional extras for an increased fee such as ‘one on one’ time.


Joel Burden



Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’

Dogs and humans, the special connection.

As pets dogs hold great emotional value. They are loyal (generally), loving and a massive source of amusement. They become part of the family. Maybe part of this is because they hold certain human characteristics that we find it easy to relate with. Their faces hold emotion, we can tell when they are happy or sad.

Dogs’ brains, in many ways, look and function just like human brains. We share many of the same basic structures (called a “homology”), including a brain region that is associated with positive emotions. We are also beginning to understand how the dog’s powerful sense of smell works to identify the members of his household. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/scans-reveal-striking-similarity-betweenhuman-canine-minds-162147298.html

Joel Burden



Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’ The spiel

‘From the very start of your dog’s stay with us, we work on getting that all important bond with him. Our personal care also means that we can pick up on anything that does not seem quite right for any particular dog and then address it, be it giving extra attention to him , ranging to perhaps a visit to the vet. Our main concern is that the pets that stay with us are healthy, stress free and enjoy themselves.’ Biergate Kennels

Joel Burden



Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’

Kennel Branding, I apologise in advance for some of the imagery shown in the next frame...

Kennels are obviously not too concerned about their brand identity. From what I’ve seen it tends to be something that looks to of been made by a friend who is semi-savvy with Photoshop.

This makes it especially interesting and niche to create a brand and campaign that does utilise a professional brand image and voice. The analysis of any imagery would be fruitless at this stage, what’s important to note is that not much exists in the way of high end design around kennels, maybe even as far as dogs are concerned in a more general basis. Then again, dogs are fun, and the tone of voice within a project concerned with dogs needs to keep that in mind.

Joel Burden



Joel Burden



Elmwood Branding the ‘boring’


The results are in...

People share special connections with dogs, they have human qualities and we can relate to that. Therefore most poeple do actually care about the condition of Kennels.

Most Kennels have extremely bad graphic identities and either are dry or riddled up to their hind legs with puns.

Joel Burden



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