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Creating animations provides students with opportunities to apply new knowledge and graphically represent concepts and ideas. Students may create animations to illustrate patterns, cycles, changes over time, or cause-and-effect relationships, as well as stories. In creating animations, students develop skills in problem solving, sequencing, timing, and duration of scenes/screens to communicate the concepts and ideas they are illustrating. The interactive and graphic nature of animations provides alternative ways for students to demonstrate their learning. Resources: Animation PowerPoint Help support/ela/g/ppt_animation Animated Creature Sample support/math/5/pr511 Moon Phases Sample support/sc/6/moonphasessample

Purposes Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do

- 1. Students create a storyboard by dividing a sheet of paper into frames and drawing all of the major actions of their animation, illustrating how characters or objects will move through the scenes. 2. Students create the background drawings (the setting) for each scene. 3. Students design their 2-D characters and objects on celluloid sheets. 4. Using a digital camera, students record and edit their animation. Note: The smaller the changes in movement in each transition, the smoother the animation will be; however, this will require more photos to be taken. 5. Using animation software or animation features of presentation software, students create their animation by sequentially inserting images.

Related Information Variations

Artistic Representations link to file Claymation link to file Critical Viewing of Media link to file Diorama link to file Multimedia Presentation/Representation link to file Representations/Presentations link to file Video Production link to file

Assessment / Think Abouts

Construct student-generated assessment criteria (e.g., What does quality animation look/sound like? Why?).Constructing Student-Generated Criteria for Quality Work http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/multilevel/blms/blm_2.doc Focus assessment on how the animation creatively communicates a concept or idea. Orally guide/facilitate reflection in journals (e.g.) What I am learning about the concept I am animating? Evidence of my learning is...)Reflection link to file Have students select animations and reflections for inclusion in their portfolios as evidence of their understanding of the concept. Portfolio link to file

Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 1 -


References Keywords

Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 2 -

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