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Explanation Planner


The teacher uses the explanation planner to model the organizational pattern required for a certain type of writing. Often the teacher will model this process for the entire class. Many students will use the frame a few times before they extend its use and personalize the writing. This frame is not intended to be used as a "fill in the blanks" exercise. Students should use this frame as a planning sheet to help organize the steps in making or explaining something. Resources: Explanation Planner blm/ela/g/success109 SBLM Organizational Patterns of Paragraphs blm/g/ela/parapattern TI SI Sequential Paragraph Form blm/ela/g/elablm25 SBLM Signal/Transition Words & Phrases support/ela/g/elablm27 SI TI


- [Statement] In order to plan for instruction and assessment think about your learners' needs and your goal. What is your purpose for using an Explanation Planner? [Cluster] - [Statement] To demonstrate ability to organize ideas for composing (Composing: Writing/Speaking/ Representing- Cluster 4.1): Students use an Explanation Planner to organize their ideas before composing. [Cluster] Cluster 4.1- Composing: Writing /Speaking/ Representing

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- Model the strategy to the whole class explaining how to complete a simple task. Review a list of signal words and have students practice using them in a sentence. Provide the students with an appropriate explanation planner frame which asks the students to write; what is needed to complete the experiment or activity (e.g., materials, equipment, ingredients, etc.) the steps in completing the experiment or activity a signal or transition word with each step the introductory sentence ("grabber") after the steps are completed the concluding sentence ("clincher") as the last step. 4. Have students complete the explanation planner frame and self-check. 5. Have students share completed explanation planner frame with peers. - Have students complete the explanation planner frame and self-check - Have students share completed explanation planner frame with peers For beginning writers who need support, teach three different types of introductory sentence patterns; state the main idea state the main idea and hint at what will follow state the main idea and list the points to be discussed. Signal and transitional words are used to aid comprehension and efficient access to specific information in oral and written texts. Signal Words Link to file Students role-play giving directions to a peer to complete a simple task (e.g., sharpening a pencil, making a paper airplane, etc.) Students sequence images of activities that occur throughout the day or over the course of a week or a year. Sequencing Daily Events blm/sci/1/sequedayevents SBLM

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