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Anticipation Guide


Anticipation Guides are an effective way to activate students' ideas and information about a topic. Before reading a selection, hearing a presentation, or viewing a film, students respond to several statements that will support or challenge their prior knowledge about the subject. The teacher usually presents these statements on a prepared organizer.


- [Statement] In order to plan for instruction and assessment think about your learners' needs and your goal. What is your purpose for using Anticipation Guide? [Cluster] - [Statement] To discover and explore (Discover and Explore- Cluster 1.1): Students use an Anticipation Guide to identify and correct misconceptions in prior knowledge about topics they are studying [Cluster] - [Statement] To clarify and extend understanding (Clarify and Extend- Cluster 1.2): Students use an Anticipation Guide to focus on the goal of the lesson. [Cluster] Cluster 1.2- Clarify and Extend

Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do

- On the left side of a think sheet, write a series of statements designed to elicit student opinions about the subject to be studied. Have students write an initial response to the statements. Ask students to explain or defend their responses in small or large-group discussions. After the lesson, have students review their initial responses, write another response, and explain why their responses have or have not changed.

Related Information Variations

BDA (Before, During, and After Reading Story Organizer) Before, During, and After Reading (BDA) Prediction Charts are another form of Anticipation Guides (Refer to Success for all Learners: A Handbook on Differentiating Instruction, A Resource for Kindergarten to Senior 4 Schools page 6.26).

Assessment / Think Abouts

Review students' Anticipation Guides to assess their prior knowledge and the change in their understanding after completing the assignment. Conference with students to discuss their initial thoughts and the reasons for maintaining or changing their responses after completing the assignment. Have students self-assess their Anticipation Guides by providing explanations and reasons for changes in their understanding. Self-Assessment


- Success for all Learners: A Handbook on Differentiating Instruction, A Resource for Kindergarten to Senior 4 Schools page 6.25

Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 1 -



Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 2 -

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