A blog is a web log or an online journal in which readers are invited to share comments and to provide feedback. When people update their blog, they are "blogging" and someone who maintains a blog is a called a "blogger." Blogs are generally short, frequently updated, and collaborative in nature. Blogs may be used for many purposes including sharing ideas, posing questions, answering questions posed by others, and to showcase writing. Blogs can be written for very specific audiences (i.e. a class) or can be shared globally. Blogs allow students the opportunity to receive feedback from their peers and prompt reflection. Resources: Blogmeister: Gaggle: Blogger:
Purposes Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do
Related Information
- 1. Model sample blog articles by inviting students to read a blog article and leave a comment. 2. Setup a classroom blog using freely available blogging sites (see resources). 3. Pose questions based on class discussions on a topic in the class blog, and invite students to provide their answers by leaving comments in the blog. 4. Students publish rough drafts to the class blog and invite readers to provide constructive feedback. 5. Students pose questions to others through the class blog to create virtual discussions and collaboration. 6. Gradually, allow students to explore different ways to use blogs to suit their needs. Blogs consist primarily of text but may also include images. Ensure that school division policy allows students to publish their work to the Internet and that blogging site selected is not blocked by content filters. Guide students in providing constructive feedback and comments to other students. Model comments to show how to extend the dialogue. Broad and Narrow Questions support/ela/g/broadnarrowques
Variations Assessment / Think Abouts
Assessment relates to the purpose of the blog. If the purpose is to allow students to share ideas and extend their thinking, then focus on the types of questions they are asking and the reflections they are posting. Focus on the mechanics of writing only if that is the purpose.
References Keywords
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