Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning groups provide students with opportunities to work together to accomplish shared goals and require the establishment of a positive, safe, and inclusive classroom culture. Collaborative learning experiences help students develop greater self esteem and positive relationships with their peers, as well as skills related to problem solving, decision making, group processing, and critical/creative thinking. Frequent experience in a variety of collaborative structures allows students to gain expertise in various roles and practice interacting fairly and respectfully with one another. Both the individual and group are accountable in collaborative learning experiences. Resources: Animation of Collaborative Grouping collab cooplearnani.gif \support\ela\g TI
- [Statement] In order to plan for instruction and assessment think about your learners' needs and your goal. What is your purpose for using Collaborative Learning? [Cluster] - [Statement] To demonstrate ability to celebrate and build community (Develop and Celebrate Community- Cluster 5.1): Students work in collaborative groups to compare responses to common experiences, appreciate diversity, and use appropriate language to recognize and honour people and events. [Cluster] Cluster 5.1- Develop and Celebrate Community - [Statement] To demonstrate ability to encourage, support, and work with others (Encourage, Support, and Work with Others- Cluster 5.2): Students work in cooperative groups to demonstrate cooperation with others, use language to show respect, and to evaluate group process. [Cluster] Cluster 5.2- Encourage, Support and Work with Others
Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do
Related Information Variations
- 1. Foster a sense of caring, belonging, and responsibility within the classroom community of learners. 2. Teach the responsibilities of each role within the group. The basic roles are: leader, recorder, reporter, noise monitor, and time monitor. More complex roles for Middle and Senior Years include: summarizer, accuracy checker, support giver, criticizer of ideas, and generator of new ideas. Rotate roles so all students have the opportunity to experience each role. 3. Determine the group size and type. Assign students to groups by assigning numbers. 4. Explain the learning task which may be selected by the teacher or by students in collaboration with teacher. 5. With student input set learning goals and the criteria to be used for assessing student performance. 6. Monitor group work in progress, providing assistance and encouragement. 7. Assess student learning (both knowledge of content and of group process). Discussion Cooperative KWL: Young students work in groups. Each group is assigned a Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 1 -
subtopic of the unit of study, and follows the steps of the KWL strategy. KWL Community Check: Together, teacher and students develop a checklist of steps to be completed for a group task. Upon completion of the task, each student checks to see that every step has been completed. Consensus Decision Making: Students use this negotiating strategy to come to a common, shared agreement that reflects the perspectives of each and every team member. Consensus Decision Making Co-op Co-op: Students work in cooperative teams and with the whole class to reach a class goal. Co-op Co-op Jigsaw: Each student in a team is to master his or her piece of the content to be learned and then teach it to their original team members Jigsaw Numbered Heads Together: Students have the opportunity to discuss the answer to a question before sharing the response with the class. Numbered Heads Together Corners/Pick Your Spot/Four Corners: Students brainstorm and discuss ideas or positions with like-minded classmates before sharing with the class. Corners/Pick Your Spot/ Four Corners Community Circle: Students sit in a large circle. Each person takes a turn sharing ideas and information. Community Circle can be used for problem solving, brainstorming ideas for research, writing, giving feedback, etc. Roundtable: A question is asked that has many possible answers. In groups, students list their answer on a sheet of paper and pass it to the next person who reads the response, adds an additional answer, and passes on the paper. Turn to Your Partner: Students use "Turn to Your Partner" to discuss their answers/responses after they have been asked a question. Students discuss how they may combine and improve their answers. Think-Pair-Share/Square Students brainstorm individually, with a partner, and then with another pair. This strategy is used to activate prior knowledge, to conduct inquires, to extend understanding, to summarize, and to share new knowledge. Think-Pair-Share Assessment / Think Abouts
Construct student-generated assessment criteria (e.g., What does a quality collaborative group/group member look/sound like? Why?) Constructing Student-Generated Criteria for Quality Work Follow collaborative learning activities with debriefing activities. Offer descriptive feedback based on criteria/goals. Record focused observations Co-operative Group Learning (Teacher Assessment) Group Discussion- Observation Checklist Group Participation Checklist Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 2 -
Group Processing Checklist (Blank) Group Processing Checklist (Composite) Responsible Behaviours Orally guide/facilitate reflection and self-assessment Checklist and Learning Log (Group Work) blm\ela\g\elablm56 SBLMGroup Work Assessment- Form B blm\ela\g\elablm37 SBLMGroup Work Reflection blm\ela\g\elablm40 SBLMHow Was My Group Work?- Early Years blm\ela\g\elablm41 SBLMHow Was My Group Work? Middle Years blm\ela\g\elablm42 SBLMHow Was Our Group Work?- Form A blm\ela\g\elablm38 SBLMHow Was Our Group Work? blm\ela\g\elablm39 SBLMHow We Co-operated in Our Group Work- Form A blm\ela\g\elablm36 SBLMSelf- Assessment of Group Participation blm\pehe\selfassessgroup SBLMSolving Problems in Group Work blm/ela/g/elablm35 SBLMWe Reached Our Goal! Let's Review blm/ela/g/elablm34 SBLM Checklist and Learning Log (Group Work) Group Work Assessment- Form B Group Work Reflection How Was My Group Work?- Early Years How Was My Group Work? Middle Years How Was Our Group Work?- Form A How Was Our Group Work? How We Co-operated in Our Group Work- Form A Self- Assessment of Group Participation Solving Problems in Group Work We Reached Our Goal! Let's Review References Keywords
- : cooperative: cooperativeCooperative - cooperative
Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 3 -