Narrative Writing
Narrative writing presents a personal or fictional experience or tells the story of a real or imagined event. Narrative writing takes many forms (e.g., paragraph, anecdote, short story, diary, autobiography, myth, legend, newspaper article, dialogue, personal letter, etc.). Resources: A Story Planner blm/ela/5/grade5p318 SBLM Beginning Middle End blm/ela/g/bme SBLM Character Grid blm/ela/g/elablm48 SBLM Charting the Patterns Narrative and Expository blm/ela/g/success641 SBLM Narrative Paragraphs blm/ela/6/grade6p300 SBLM Story Map A blm/ela/g/elablm61a SBLM Story Map B blm/ela/g/elablm62b SBLM Story Map C blm/ela/g/elablm63c SBLM Story Planner - Middle Years blm/ela/g/elablm49 SBLM The Daily News - Hot Off the Press! W-5 Chart blm/ela/g/elablm67 SBLM Writing Frames Samples blm/ela/8/grade8p310 SI
Purposes Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do Related Information
Share and reflect on examples of narrative writing from quality literature. Give students many opportunities to deconstruct short spirited narrative texts (picture books are ideal) to determine the strategies that authors use to develop an interesting story for readers. Model pre-writing strategies (e.g., brainstorming, conferencing, drawing, reading/listening to examples of narrative writing, researching, observing/viewing, etc.) and use of planning structures (e.g., outlining, mapping, story frames, etc.) to assist in the writing process. Guide beginning narrative writers in developing the details to create an identifiable story line that is easy for the reader to follow. As students compose their narrative texts for a specific audience and purpose, have them constantly refer to the criteria that they have generated for a quality narrative text (including details that support, explain, and enhance the story). Concept Organizers link to file Descriptive Writing link to file Enhancing/Revising and Editing link to file Expository Writing link to file Narrative Writing link to file Persuasive Writing link to file Signal and Transitional Words and Phrases link to file
Variations Assessment / Think Abouts
Construct student-generated assessment criteria (e.g., What does quality narrative writing look/sound like?) Criteria Setting link to file Offer descriptive feedback based on criteria/goals. Record focused observations students' narrative writing (including details that support, Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 1 -
explain, and enhance the text). Focused Observation Form blm/ela/kg/blm_5 TIFocused Observation Form Sample blm/ela/g/blm_5a TI Have students self and peer assess their narrative writings. First Draft Review blm/ela/g/elablm24 SBLMFirst Draft Writing Planner blm/ela/g/elablm23 SBLMPeer Writing Assessment blm/ela/g/elablm30 SBLMRevision Record blm/ela/g/elablm84 SBLMWriting Self-Assessment (continued) blm/ela/g/elablm28b SBLMWriting Self-Assessment blm/ela/g/elablm28a SBLMWriting Work in Progress: Student Self-Assessment blm/ela/g/elablm29 SBLM Have students select narrative writing pieces and reflections for inclusion in their portfolios as evidence of their growth and understanding. Portfolio link to file Orally guide/facilitate reflection in journals by posing reflective questions (e.g., What are you discovering as you write? What surprises you? What might your readers think as they read this piece? What goals do you have for your next piece of narrative writing?).Reflection link to file Reflection Metacognition blm/ela/g/blm_1 SBLM References Keywords
Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 2 -