A Man of Sufficient Stature - Part 2 'How to Survive the Tribulation and come out a Winner!

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‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2



How to survive the Great Tribulation and come out a winner!


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


A Man of Sufficient Stature

Part 2 Taking Down the World with him

by Johan Peters


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


All rights reserved. 'A Man of Sufficient Stature - Part 2 – Taking Down the World with him’ is a study guide and teacher's manual. Pages of this book may be reproduced or transmitted electronically or photocopied with acknowledgement of the author. The text may under no circumstance be edited, nor the order of events be changed without the prior written permission from the author.

The views expressed in the book are those of the author and the distributor takes no responsibility for any of the statements.

Copyright © 2021 Johan Peters January 2021

All rights reserved. Layout, Cover and typeset Author


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


‘as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.. coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.’ (Mat.24:27,30)

‘he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him..’ (Rev.1:7)

‘many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.. if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.. I have told you before.’ (Mat.24:11,24,25)

‘The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.. blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book.’ (Rev.19:10 & 22:7)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


PREFACE In October 2019 we published ‘A Man of Sufficient Stature - Taking the World by Storm’. If you have not read this short booklet yet, then please read that first before proceeding with reading this one. We learned about a dynamic leader, who will shortly come on the world stage and put forth a proposal for world peace and economic stability. He will come on the world political scene with a seven-year peace agreement. We saw how he takes the world by storm during the first half of his seven year tenure through finances. In this Part 2 we learn how the second half of his seven-year tenure will unfold. We will delve into the books of Daniel, Revelation and the gospels to discuss the different parables and prophecies concerning this second 3½ year period. People have said, “Don‟t talk to me about Revelation. That just scares me.” Well, sorry to say, but then we are reading it wrong as reading the word of God gives us faith and strength to face the future, whatever it may bring. It is my hope and prayer that this booklet will just do that. With warm greetings

Johan Peters info@johanpeters.in 5

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2



































‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


INTRODUCTION HOW TO STUDY BIBLE PROPHECY In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus lays the bridge between the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. Once we believe the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 then the puzzle pieces of the Book of Revelation fall into place. Daniel gave us the foundation and time frames. The Book of Revelation gives us the details. STUDYING THE BOOK OF REVELATION The prophecy chapters are divided into three parts: seven seals, seven trumpets & seven vials. The first six seals cover the complete world history from beginning to end. The seventh seal announces the seven trumpets of the tribulation. Before the seven trumpets sound the servants of God receive the „Seal of God‟ for their protection. The first six trumpets cover the tribulation. The seventh trumpet announces the return of Jesus to gather together his children in an event that we named the „Rapture‟. Simultaneously the seventh trumpet announces the destruction of Babylon, the nuclear war and the seven vials of the „Wrath of God‟, which are atomic aftereffects. The seventh vial states that, 'IT IS DONE.' (Rev.16:17)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


Please only read this Part 2, after you have read Part 1 of: ‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ a FREE Download at https://johanpeters.in link: A-Man-of-Sufficient-Stature.pdf (johanpeters.in)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


CHAPTER I MILK AND MEAT – GETTING READY We have heard it often said, “God‟s word is not a cafeteria.” Yet, we only like the milk of the word and how much God loves us as that is soothing, while we avoid the meat of the word, which are the more controversial and prophetic challenging scriptures. However Paul said that, ‘milk is.. for.. an infant. But solid meat is for the mature, who.. have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.’ (Heb.5:13,14) This booklet would be considered the meat of the word which, if we can absorb it, will mature and strengthen us for the days ahead, and enable us to discern between truth and lies. BUILDING OUR ARK TO SURVIVE ‘As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. And they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;’ (Mat.24:37,39) This is the excuse many of us use about not knowing our future and the Lord‟s return. This is a very poor excuse as Noah knew and he was trying to warn the people, but they could not be bothered. Hence ‘Noah moved with fear went ahead and built the Ark to save his house.’ (Heb.11:7) - The question remains; “Do I want to be like Noah and survive, or be like the people and drown in the flood?” This time it will not be a flood of water but a flood of lies. How can I build my Ark to survive the devastating flood of lies that is coming? The only way we can withstand the lies is with the truth, the truth of God‟s Word, the Bible. 9

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


For this reason, when Satan gets his last fling he will do everything in his power to discredit and slander the truth of God‟s word. He will ‘it cast down the leave no stone unturned to truth to the destroy faith in the truth. ground’ (Dan.8:12) It‟ll be a devastating deluge of falsehood propaganda relentlessly flooding through the media. ‘Satan cast out of his mouth Lies will become water as a flood (of lies) truth, while the truth after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried will be deemed lies. away of the flood’ (Rev.12:15) ‘The woman’ in this verse are the believers that he‟ll try to drown in his tsunami of propaganda. The only way to survive this flood of lies coming out of the devil‟s mouth is to build our Ark with the truth. People build their Ark by knowing their Bible and committing it to heart. It is hard work but is their only means of survival. THE COMING STORM Jesus said: ‘He that hears my sayings and does them, is building his house upon a rock.. the floods (of lies) came, the winds blew and it fell not: for its foundation was upon a rock..’ These are the ones whose life is built on the rock of truth. They know their Bible. ‘The foolish man, built his house upon the sand: and the floods (of lies) came and the winds blew.. and great was the fall of it.’ (Mat.7:24-27) It is easy to build a house on the sand and people don‟t mind helping, as it goes up big. Everyone will admire your grand edifice. 10

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


However it is much harder to build a house on a rock, the truth in God‟s word. To build on a rock you, first of all, have to clear the rock of the rubble and doctrines that have fallen on it throughout the ages. Then you have to carry up the bricks - brick by brick. It is hard on your muscles to climb with bricks and cement and building materials onto a rock. Not many people will want to help with that kind of building. No matter what kind of building you build or are part of, one thing is certain - the floods of lies and the storm will come. Guaranteed! The survival of your house is in the foundation, not in the numbers, nor the size of the building. „The bigger the building, the greater the fall.‟ The tribulation will definitely be the end of organized Christianity. “And great was the fall of it.” Be careful not to get buried under the falling rubble. GETTING READY Jesus gives us story ‘The ten virgins, which took after story and parable their lamps to meet their after parable about bridegroom.. five of them getting ready. were wise, and five were ‘The ten virgins’ were all foolish. The foolish took believers in Jesus. their lamps, and took no oil However the foolish with them: But the wise weren‟t foolish like we took oil in their vessels with perceive foolishness to their lamps.’ (Mat.25:1-13) be, they were just too lazy to take the oil in their vessels; they were too lazy to commit God‟s word and promises to heart. Instead they relied on the preachers‟ and pastors‟ sermons to be their Ark when the floods hit. 11

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


Listening to a preacher once a week is not building your Ark. Their teaching is not an excuse that we can use when we stand before the Lord. “But my preacher said..” The return question will be: “What did I say in my word?” AN ENEMY HAS DONE THIS ‘He that sows the good seed is the Son of man.. (Jesus) ‘while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares (doctrines not according to his word) among the wheat’ (Mat.13:37,25) One tare that has affected most of Christianity and is contrary to Jesus‟ teaching, is that Jesus will come back before the tribulation. The good seed is what Jesus taught, ‘immediately AFTER the tribulation.. they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds..’ (Mat.24:29-31) ‘speak unto us Yet 90 to 95% of the Christians smooth things, believe that Jesus was wrong prophesy deceits:’ (Isaiah 30:10) and that it should be before. Jesus did not hang on the cross for six hours balancing his bodyweight on the nails pounded through his hands and feet, gasping for breath to tell some half-truths, which can just be changed or omitted by giving a personal interpretation. Wouldn‟t we love to be wrong about post-tribulation rapture and pre-tribulation to be right? But that is not what Jesus said. Then who said it? That‟s right, ‘an enemy has done this’, because ‘God is not a man, that he should lie.. has he said, and shall he not do it?’ (Numbers 23:19) Yet people prefer their lovey-dovey pre-tribulation preacher above the truth of what Jesus said. 12

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


WHY THE TRIBULATION ? If you have a group of people; some are sold out for you; some totally against you; others say, “We are with you and love you.” However you are not sure if what they say or sing is true or only lip service to use you. What can you ‘you are unto them as a very do to find out if they lovely song.. they hear your mean what they say words, but they will not do or sing? You test them: for with their mouth them and put the they show much love, but pressure on to see their heart goes after their where they are at covetousness..’ (Ezek.33:32,31) and how much they stand by their words. For this reason we have this testing to see if our alleged devotion is true loyalty. How can we otherwise be tested to see if we are worthy to rule and to reign with Jesus for the next thousand years? If we are willing to defend the ‘You.. have made us unto our God kings truth with our life, then we and priests: and we will do the same when we shall reign on the rule and reign with Jesus. We earth.’ (Rev.5:10) will have passed the test and are counted worthy to judge truthfully. If we go for the lies and the money in order to save our neck and to benefit from it, then we will do the same as rulers and judges in Christ‟s Kingdom. For this reason the tribulation test is necessary, so the untrustworthy among us will be weeded out. We will not just waltz into the Millennium expecting to be promoted and fill positions of management, leadership and royalty without entrance exams to test our hearts and to see if we are worthy of the job. 13

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


CHAPTER II THE WORLD STAGE – SEVEN SEALS One thing that we learn throughout the Bible is that God‟s people ‘were strangers and pilgrims’ and they considered themselves as being on a journey. They knew they came from heaven and were on their way back there. Their values were in a different realm. They.. confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. (Heb.11:13)

SIDE-TRACKED ‘Who is worthy to open the book, and to open the seals thereof? You (Jesus) are worthy.. for you.. have redeemed us to God by your blood’ (Rev 5:2,9)

On earth we get side-tracked with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. These are running frantically side by side throughout world history to conquer the hearts and souls of man. These are the first four of the seven seals of world history which only Jesus was worthy to open as only he could break the power that these four horsemen have over people. THE FIRST SEAL: The white horseman of political ‘And I saw a and religious bigotry, ‘he that sat on white horse’ (Rev.6:2) him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering’. 14

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


The crown of leadership is „white‟ with noble aspirations of nationalism and religion. This rider has been conquering and dividing mankind throughout history and with his lust for power his bow is ready to shoot anybody who gets in his way. THE SECOND SEAL: ‘there went The rider of the red horse of war out another ‘and power was given to him that sat horse that was thereon to take peace from the earth, red’ (Rev.6:4) and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.’ (Rev.6:4) This horse, „red‟ with blood, denotes the military war machine. This horse runs right alongside the white horse and is thriving on these divisions created by the first horseman. He will ‘take peace from the earth, and kill‟ by war for our national interests and/or religions. THE THIRD SEAL: The black horse ‘and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.’ (Rev.6:5) These are the „black‟ suits of business and taxes. These thrive with wars, especially through the arms industry. „A measure of wheat for a penny’. Here we see how big business keeps a ‘a black horse’ (Rev.6:5) strangle hold on the ‘a measure of wheat for a daily food, represented penny, and three measures by the wheat and barley of barley for a penny; and costing a penny, which see you do not hurt the oil was a day‟s wages. All and the wine.” (Rev.6:6) money earned is used for daily food and survival. Nevertheless big business keeps itself well supplied with the good things of life symbolized by ‘the oil and the wine’. 15

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


The labourer is not allowed to touch or hurt the oil and the wine. For this reason big business ‘devises wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words,’ (Isa.32:7)

THE FOURTH SEAL: The pale horse ‘and his name that ‘I looked, and sat on him was Death, and Hell behold a pale followed with him.’ The ‘pale horse’ horse’ (Rev.6:8) has the colour of death and is eagerly chomping at the bit to reap the results of our sins of selfishness and what the other horsemen have sown. Death and Hell for all those beautiful young men – glorified - yet they are no more. Now only names carved on stone walls. These first four seals show us the overall picture of what is happening on the stage of world history. THE FIFTH SEAL: ‘The souls that Here we switch to the tribulation were slain for of the last days. the word of ‘I saw under the altar the souls of God’ (Rev. 6:9) them that were slain for the word of God.. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not.. avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? It was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.’ That little season refers to the tribulation when their fellow-servants and brethren, „that should be killed as they were,‟ will join them. (Rev.6:9-11) This fifth seal also shows us what is to come. Will I follow the crowd in fear and let Satan rule my life, or will I stay faithful to Jesus and believe his promises? 16

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


This will be the test of my heart and to see what kind of backbone I have. Will I be a string-for-a-backbone, pacifistic, fearful, so-called “Christian”, or am I willing to give my life for what and who I know is the truth? (John 14:6) THE SIXTH SEAL: This points to the very end and shows that things as they are will come to their end. ‘there was a great earthquake; and ‘the great day the sun became black as sackcloth of of his wrath is hair, and the moon became as blood; come; and who And the stars of heaven fell unto the shall be able to earth.. the great day of his wrath is stand?’ (Rev.6:17) come.’ (Rev.6:12-14,17) This indicates the very end when the nuclear bombs of man‟s insanity to man are exploding. The seven vials of „His wrath’ are the aftereffects of the atomic war and at that point in time Jesus returns. ‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: - NUCLEAR aftereffects And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven..’ (Mat.24:29-31) (More on this later) The six seals are World History from start to finish. THE SEVENTH SEAL: This goes back to the beginning of the tribulation and announces the seven trumpets of the tribulation. This is the second half, or the last 3½ years of the Antichrist‟s reign, which is the climax of all history, the grand crescendo. 17

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


STAND BACK If we can stand back from the first four seals and this insane horse race that is playing on the world stage, then can we see the futility of it? No matter what we believe, do, say, or who we vote for, God‟s overall will is done and his screenplay will be played out. The drama has to be played in ‘Your will is done full to see what we are each in earth, as it is in made of. heaven.’ (Mat.6:10) It is to see what decisions each one of us personally and individually will make. It is to test our hearts. Will I love or hate, share or shoot, give or grab, help or hinder, stand for the truth or fall for the lies? Will I stand by Jesus and his words or decide to run away with mammon? WHAT KIND OF EGG AM I? However, because we prefer not to believe the love of the truth of Jesus‟ words and prefer the smooth preacher, God in his love will send us the delusion that we want, so we will honestly believe it. ‘because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. That’s why God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie’ (2Thess.2:11)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


CHAPTER III THE SEVEN TRIBULATION TRUMPETS THE SEAL OF GOD Before the seventh seal is opened, which is announcing the seven tribulation trumpets that will hurt the earth, the angel will 'seal the servants of our God in their forehead.' – The Seal of God will protect those who have it from the tribulation plagues; much like the Israelites were protected from the plagues in Egypt. ‘I saw another angel.. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.. there were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel.’ (Rev.7:4) The servants of God of the twelve tribes of Israel will receive the Seal of God in their forehead. Most of us have taken this to be literal which may well be true, as a number of Jews will realize that the maker of the covenant is not their messiah, when he moves the army into the temple to stop the animal sacrifice and to set up his image. Quite a few Jews might then accept their true Mashiach, ‘he is not a Jew which Jesus of Nazareth. is one outwardly’ (Rom.2:28) However, when people ‘if you are Christ's, truly accept Jesus they then are ye Abraham's become a child of Abraham. seed.’ (Gal.3:29) Hence the 144.000 is likely a combination of Jewish and „non-Jewish‟ believers. When we compare 144.000 to the world population, it is 1 in 54.000. 19

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


To show that God is not too pleased with persecution of his children, the angels sound tribulation trumpets to keep the Antichrist and cronies busy with other emergencies, besides slaughter of God‟s children.

the the his the

THE FIRST TRUMPET: 'hail and fire mingled with blood, And the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.' (Rev.8:7) An enormous, disastrous meteor shower. THE SECOND TRUMPET: 'great mountain 'great mountain burning with fire burning with fire’ was cast into the sea: the third (Rev.8:8) part of the sea became blood.' An asteroid hits the ocean and one third is poisoned. 'third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.' (Rev.8:8,9) That is a lot of dead fish and sinking ships. THE THIRD TRUMPET: 'there fell a great star 'there fell a great star from from heaven, heaven, Wormwood: Wormwood: burning as burning as it were a lamp, it were a lamp’ (Rev.8:10) and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters: and the third part of the waters became Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.' (Rev.8:10,11) A burning poisonous asteroid. Is it that the asteroid explodes poisoning the rivers, springs and reservoirs? THE FOURTH TRUMPET: 'third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third 20

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part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.’ (Rev.8:12) 'there shall be signs in the sun, and in Men's hearts the moon, and in the stars; and upon failing them for the earth distress of nations, with fear,' (Luke 21:26) perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;' Men's hearts failing them for fear,' (Luke 21:25,26) - Many are terrified, not knowing what is going on. 'I looked and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, because of the three angels, which are yet to sound.' (Rev.8:13) Sorry, but the future does not look too good if you are not one of God‟s children protected by the Seal of God because the next three trumpets are the biggies as EACH WOE IS A TRUMPET. THE FIFTH TRUMPET: ‘I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth.. and opened the bottomless pit; and there came out of the there arose a smoke out of smoke locusts.. that sting the pit.. the sun and the air like scorpions.. and should were darkened.. And there hurt only those who don’t came out of the smoke have the seal of God in locusts.. and should hurt their foreheads.. their only those who don’t have power was to hurt men the seal of God in their five months’ (Rev.9:3,4) foreheads.. their power was to hurt men five months.’ (Rev.9:1-12) These locusts are beyond anything we have ever seen. The description is almost surrealistic. They are so bad that people will 'seek death, and shall not find it;' - People will want to commit suicide, but it will be failed attempts. 'One woe is past'. 21

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


THE SIXTH TRUMPET: 'Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.' (Rev.9:14,16) This is towards the end of the tribulation. These angels will oversee the uprising of an enormous army. 'the army of the This army of 200 million rises horsemen were up in the east. No country can two hundred support an army this size. million:' (Rev.16:12) This refers to the uprising of the Islam for the 'Final Jihad'. The Muslims will unite under the leadership of the Madhi, who is, according to Islamic prophecies, the „guided one‟ who will rid the world of the Dajjal (the Antichrist) and his allies of Kafirs (non-believers) and Mushriks (polytheists). ‘out of their mouths issued fire, smoke and brimstone’ This relates to the fire and brimstone preaching. 'the third part of men killed' by 'out of their mouths them. They gather together issued fire, smoke in the east, but have to cross and brimstone.. their the river Euphrates. power is in their Amazingly the sixth vial of mouth.’ (Rev.9:17,18) the coming atomic war aftereffects is that the river Euphrates dries up, and then this huge army will have access to Israel and Europe in order to „implement Sharia Law‟. THE SEVENTH TRUMPET: The last announces the return of Jesus and the aftereffects of the atomic war, which John the Revelator described as „the seven vials of the wrath of God‟. (more on this later - see page 37 & 44)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


CHAPTER IV TIME OF TESTING - WITNESSES WHAT SPARKS OFF THE TRIBULATION? The seven-year Peace Agreement will include a settlement for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During the first 3½ years of his reign the Antichrist invades the Middle East which ends in a settlement. Then he invades a second time to enforce peace. This time he is planning to include Israel. ‘For the ships of However it says that the Chittim shall come ships of Chittim will come against him: against him. Chittim is the therefore he shall be old name for Cyprus. grieved, and return, Since Cyprus got her and have indignation independence in 1960 Britain against the holy has kept two SBA‟s covenant:.. And arms (Sovereign Base Areas) on the shall stand on his island from where the RAF part, and they shall.. take away the daily (Royal Air Force), along with sacrifice, and they what is left of NATO, shall place the operates. abomination’ These will send their ships (Dan.11:30,31) and airships to defend Israel. The Antichrist turns back and is infuriated against his seven-year peace agreement. It is now a matter of a short time till he breaks his covenant by sending ‘arms’- peace keepers into the temple. 23

‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


They will stop the animal sacrifice. ‘an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground’ (Dan.8:12) The reason is that it transgresses the animal rights‟ laws. Animal sacrifice is replaced with „the abomination’ which is the start of the tribulation. Jesus said, ‘when you see the abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the temple.. Flee.. for then shall be great tribulation..’ (Matthew 24:15 & 21) As explained in Part 1‟ once the image or the abomination is placed in the temple, it will straightway send out the lists with names of people who don‟t have the RFID microchip implant, to the police and check-posts throughout the world. It will be an elimination of those who refuse to worship the image or this talking puppet as their new god and refuse to accept the RFID microchip identification. (Rev.13:15) HOW LONG IS THE TRIBULATION This is a time period of 3½ years. 1.

‘they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time’ (Dan.7:25) - 3½ years. (for a year, two years and half a year - Footnotes in N.I.V.)


‘in the middle of the seven years*.. he shall place the abomination’ - 3½ years are left. (Daniel 9:27) (* In Hebrew ‘‫ ’שבוע‬pronounced ‘shvua’ means “time frame of seven”. It can be translated as week which is seven days, or seven years. In this Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy it fits seven years.)

3. 4. 5.

‘he swore.. that it shall be for a time, times, and an half’ (Daniel 12:7) - 3½ years. ‘the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months’ (Revelation 11:2) - 3½ years. ‘they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days’ (Revelation 11:3) - 3½ years. 24

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(Back then the Lunar Calendar counted 360 days for one year; 1260 days divided by 360 equals 3½ years.)

‘power was given him to continue forty and two months’ (Revelation 13:5) - 3½ years. 7. ‘the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there 1260 days.’ (Rev.12:6) - 3½ years. 8. ‘she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.’ (Rev.12:14) - 3½ years. We find it three times in the book of Daniel and five times in the book of Revelation. The Lord's second coming is not a guessing game. There are more prophecies given about the short time frame before the Lord‟s return, than there were prophecies given about Jesus‟ first coming. 6.

You just have to read it and believe it. You don‟t have to be a prophet for that, it is COMMON SENSE. GROUP 1, 2 OR 3 Whatever remains of the believers in the tribulation we can roughly divide into three groups: GROUP 1 These are the people that refuse to leave their properties and they need to either accept the RFID implant and worship science and the NWO leader with his image as their god, or give their life.

‘as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all, to receive a mark.. that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,’ (Rev.13:13-15)

The great ‘falling away’ happens in this group. ‘Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision’ (Joel 3:14) 25

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They either fall away or get eliminated. Those who refuse the microchip and refuse to worship the image will be eliminated. These „stand firm in the liberty wherewith Christ had made them free’. (Gal.5:1) and „loved not their lives unto the death’ (Rev.12:11).

GROUP 2 ’they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth’ (Heb.11:13). They are not ‘the woman were given bound to their property, two wings of a great eagle, but are ready to flee! that she might fly into the These are willing to wilderness, into her place, give up their houses where she is nourished for and properties to ‘flee to 3½ years, from the face of the mountains’ as Jesus the serpent.’ (Rev.12:14) told us. (Mat.24:16-19) There is the woman, or the body of believers, who will fly into the wilderness, where God has promised to take care of them. God took care of Moses and Israel for 40 years in the desert and he will do it again. However for these believers it will only be 1260 days or 3½ years. These people make it out just by the time the image is placed in the Jewish temple. ‘And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman,' - This is a flood of lies. 'And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood' (Rev.12:16) This place in the wilderness is in a remote out of range area, safe from the lies and broadcasts that will flood the earth. The earth helped by not allowing the floods of indoctrination to reach the wilderness. 26

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We are not sure yet where that place will be, but the Lord will tell us when the time is ripe. Possibly it is in a cold surrounding as Jesus said, „Pray that your flight is not in winter.’(Mat.24:20 & Mk.13:18) It says that ‘the dragon was wroth with.. those which.. have the testimony of Jesus’ (Rev.12:17) Satan is absolutely livid with the believers that have „testimony of Jesus‟, because they know the future. ‘The spirit of prophecy’ gives ‘the testimony of those who believe it the Jesus is the spirit of faith and strength to hold prophecy. (Rev.19:10) on and to withstand the Devil‟s lies. GROUP 3 These are the ones who have a calling to be a witness during those last 3½ years. They will teach many and perform miracles. These along with the „two powerful witnesses’ in Jerusalem expose what is going on in the world.

‘the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.’ (Dan.11:32,33)

‘I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy 3½ years’ Power.. that it rain not in the days of their prophecy.. power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues..’

These ones are not afraid to lose their life, and give their all for Jesus. Many people will wonder, „What is going on?‟


„yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall 27

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fall, they shall be helped with a little help’ (Daniel 11:33,34). The Lord will come through with his help and stand by those who give their lives. ‘but many shall cleave to them with flatteries’. (Dan.11:34) Buttering with devious flatteries: “Oh, you are such a wonderful person. You could be such a help in the New World Order. We need people like you, movers and shakers that want to help the world to move forward. Why die for a God that no one has seen when you can give your energies to improve life on earth right here and now?” ‘some of them of understanding shall fall to try them, and to purge, and to make them white’. Some will fall and be tested to see if they will stand by what they teach and so give their all. GOD IS 100% IN CONTROL If God is still at all involved ‘even the very hairs of in the world today, then he your head are all will definitely want to be numbered. Fear not involved in these last 1260 therefore’ (Luke 12:7) days of civilization, to make sure that nothing will happen to any of his children which is not 100% (one hundred percent) within his will. It will be a test for all mankind to see what each one is made of and if they have what it takes to become officers in his future Kingdom. Will this test be seen as an honour and will people give it their all and even their life in order to join heaven‟s special forces, or will we give up and flunk the test? BOOKED IN HIS DIARY „even to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed’ (Dan.11:35). 28

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The appointed time is the return of Jesus! In other words it is ‘a time appointed‟ is a prearranged meeting, a date with God. It is a fixed appointment, it is booked in his diary, and God is not a man that he should not show up for his greatest, most important appointment of all times. Don‟t worry, as the whole universe ticks on a precision timetable, on a definite schedule, so Jesus will be there ‘immediately after the tribulation‟. (Mt.24:29) After the 3½ years, after the 42 months, after the 1260 days. Not earlier, not later, ON TIME! Although some of the details might change, one thing is sure that all living on this earth at that time will have to go through the tribulation. The apostle Paul summed it up beautifully: ‘though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached.. let him be accursed.. do I seek to please men? If so.. I should not be the servant of Christ.’ (Galatians 1:9-10)


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CHAPTER V DEMONS COMING DOWN If during the first 3½ years of the peace agreement there is also some spiritual peace, it is because Satan needs his demons to ‘there was war in heaven: fight Michael. But Michael and his angels when they‟re cast out fought against the dragon into the earth at the and his angels, And the start of the tribulation, great dragon was cast out,’ millions will become (Rev.12:7-9) demon-possessed. That is when the insane asylum starts, as the demonpossessed will hate the believers in Jesus. To encourage the believers it says, ‘Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they (the believers) overcame him.. and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you that dwell in them.’ (Rev.12:10,11) Heaven rejoices. Just think, one third of the angels were fallen angels and became demons. Yet they somehow had access to heaven until Michael and his angels cast them all out. Picture this; you and your friend want to do something nice for your neighbour. However there is a third party chewing off your ear with accusations against your neighbour. You might tell this party in no uncertain terms to get lost, but he will have definitely affected your enthusiasm in the project. 30

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So it is in heaven, the good side wants to help, but the other 1/3 fights against it and non-stop accuses the people that the good guys are trying to help. I tell you, he‟s got plenty of ammunition against me and he probably has got a few against you too. That is why the Devil is called ‘the accuser of the saints, who accuses them before God day and night.’ (Rev.12:10) Finally these incessant, venom spouting talkers are thrown out of heaven. When that happens the angels and first-rate spirits can focus on the believers without the distraction of these allegations. These people will be able to ‘do exploits’, not because they have magical powers but because all these super saints in heaven are raring to give them a helping hand.

‘The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits’ (Dan.11:32)

THE DEMONS AND PIGS However the Antichrist will foul-mouth God and with so-called „truths‟ will destroy the faith of many. Many of us will slurp up his foul hogwash against God like a bunch of hungry pigs, because “who needs God anyway?” Please be careful. In the story when Jesus encountered the demon possessed person, and the legion of demons came out of the man, they had to enter or attach themselves to something, as demons do. 31

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They knew that it was not yet their time to receive their judgment and to be tormented, hence they said: ‘have you come here to torment us before the time?.. So the devils besought him.. suffer us to go away into the herd of swine’. Seeing that it was not yet their time, Jesus granted them permission. He allowed them as an important warning to us. ‘when they were ‘And he said unto them, Go.. and, come out, they behold, the whole herd of swine went into the herd ran violently down a steep place of swine’ (Mat.8:32) into the sea, and perished in the waters.’ (Matthew 8:28-32). The pigs ‘were about two thousand’ (Mark 5:13) Now the time will come that Michael casts Satan and all his demons out of heaven. (Rev.12:6) However it will still not be their time to be tormented and they will again receive permission to enter the pigs. This time they will go for the humans as possessing a human is a far greater achievement for a demon than possessing a pig. Those of us, who consume the foul slop against God like hungry pigs, will be easier targets for the demons than the people who don‟t believe and accept everything, but want to see whether what we are fed is true or false. And “the whole herd ran violently down a steep hill and perished in the waters”, or in this case the pool of blood at Armageddon. ‘Therefore let us not sleep, as others do’ (1Thess.5:6), and suffer the fate of the pigs. While the demons will possess multitudes, Satan himself will possess the Antichrist fulltime and he goes bonkers against those that refuse to cooperate. 32

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However, no spirit is stronger than the Holy Spirit. Nobody can be touched unless the Lord allows it, seeing that he is 100% in control of these final days as this is the climax of all history. Although, it might at times look like he has forgotten his children, he will watch over each one like a hawk over her chicks. ‘And the king (Antichrist) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself’ (Daniel 11:36A) He will tout his own horn. Don‟t you get nauseous when people tout their own horn telling you how good they are? ‘and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods’ (Daniel 11:36B) ‘he.. shall prosper till the indignation is accomplished for that which is determined shall be done’. (Dan.11:36)

The Antichrist will thrive till the indignation is finished. (Dictionary for indignation: righteous anger)

Indignation refers to the „Wrath of God‟ vials or the aftereffects of the nuclear war at the very end of his seven-year reign of terror. The Antichrist will „prosper’ till the end of the wrath of God, ‘which is determined’. There is just no way around it, his prosperity WILL END as it is determined! When God is determined, it will happen no matter what you, or I, or Satan, or the Antichrist, or the Dajjal, or the False Prophet, or any big-time preacher says. ‘The Lord is not slack God keeps his word and his concerning his promises. And the Antichrist promises.’ (2Peter 3:9) will come to his end at the end of his seven-year tenure as Jesus will take care of him. 33

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CHAPTER VI INVASION OF ISRAEL & ATOMIC WAR Towards the end of his reign of terror, the king of the north, the Antichrist, invades the Middle East again. ‘at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind' (Dan.11:40). He will take over the countries of the Middle East 'He shall enter also into the glorious land,' - He will invade Israel in order to subdue it and to enforce the peace agreement. ALL NATIONS AGAINST JERUSALEM: ‘I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle’ (Zechariah 14:2) ‘you shall come from your place out of the north.. a great company, and a mighty army.. it shall be in the latter days’ (Eze.38:15,16) ‘The Lord says, Behold, I am against you, O Gog, (Antichrist) the chief prince of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk)‟ -These refer to Russia-.. ‘I will put hooks in your jaws, and I will bring you forth’ - You will be compelled to come. ‘Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya with them all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer (Germany), and all his bands (The European Army); Togarmah (Turkey).. and all his bands: and many with you.' (Eze.38:3-6) COUNTRY OF JORDAN ‘Edom, and Moab’ refers to the country of Jordan. „The chief of the children of Ammon’ is the benevolent and wise king Abdullah II. 34

'but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief the children of Ammon.' (Dan.11:41)

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He has been a sample to the world of leadership. He is concerned for the downtrodden. Jordan has been kind to the persecuted: first the Palestinians, then the war victims from Iraq and now the Syrian refugees running from the horrors of war. The Lord will reward and preserve Jordan for helping the needy, instead of closing their borders. FULL SCALE WORLD WAR IS IMMINENT Israel‟s allies do not take too kindly to the Antichrist occupying Israel and they are preparing to attack. 'tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him:' (Dan.11:44) ‘Tidings out of the north’ are that Israel‟s allies are getting ready to attack. The „tidings out of the east’ are that an army of 200,000,000 is amassing. He has two enemies coming at him at the same time, so he has to eliminate one. These next events happen in RAPID SUCCESSION: The Antichrist sets up headquarters in Jerusalem: 'And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain.' (Dan.11:45) – ‘between the seas’ - the seas are the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea and ‘the glorious holy mountain’ is the city of Jerusalem. This is it. He now thinks that he‟s made it. He will also sit in the temple; ‘he as God sits in the temple of God’ claiming to be God (2Thess.2:4) How much more pathetic can one get? ATOMIC WAR: BABYLON 'he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,' - He is not capable of facing these two enemy attacks at the same time. He completely goes bonkers and he will press the red button for an atomic first strike against Israel‟s allies, 'and utterly make away many.' (Dan.11:44) 35

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Utterly destroying ‟that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is your judgment come.’ (Rev.18:10) Babylon is destroyed in one hour. However there is a short time span of about 20 minutes to retaliate, before the missiles reach their targets. During this time Babylon launches a retaliatory strike against the armies that are in Israel. Magog (Russia) will also get nuked. ‘this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.’ (Zech.14:12) ‘And I will send a fire on Magog (Russia), and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles (U.K.?)‟. (Eze.39:6) BABYLON DESTROYED Thus Babylon is destroyed, ‘except that the Lord 'the great whore that sits upon had shortened those many waters' - 'the waters are days, no flesh should the nations' (Rev.17:1,15) be saved’ (Mark 13:20) The great whore symbolizes the capitalistic, commercial system of selfishness, greed, power and corruption. In a way all nations partake of that system, but it seems that the USA is the epitome of it, or the mother - 'THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS with whom the kings of the earth have ‘How is the faithful committed fornication' (Rev.17:2) city become an This speaks for itself and could harlot’ (Isaiah 1:21) not be said any clearer, as everyone is getting sucked into the capitalistic, commercial system of selfishness, corruption and greed, with little or no concern for the poor. 36

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When we think of the USA, automatically the statue of Liberty comes to mind. What most of us don‟t know is that it symbolizes the Egyptian sun goddess Isis, who was reincarnated in Isis Liberty Babylon as Ishtar. During Roman times as Libertas, and is presently adulated in the statue of Liberty. It was constructed by Bartholdi, who wanted to promote this god or goddess. He was a free-mason like many of the US presidents. Clearly the statue of liberty is not the symbol of democracy and freedom as we are led to believe, but spiritually it symbolizes the Egyptian order of the Isis lineage, which engaged in temple harlotry and is associated with sex, desire, lust, transgender, fertility, war and political power. She sits 'upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.. And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.‟ (Rev.17:3,12) ‘having seven heads’ The scarlet coloured The seven heads are the beast is Satan. The seven seven empires that ruled heads are part of Satan's the Middle East: 1-Egypt, body and it shows that 2-Assyria, 3-Babylon, he has been the power 4-Medo-Persia, 5-Greece, behind these empires. 6-Rome, and 7-coming New World Order. The ten horns or kings are the ten Regional Groupings, which will become reality in the globalization drive when the Antichrist rises to power. ‘These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.’ (Rev.17:13) 37

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‘and ten horns’ are the ten U.N. proposed Political Economic Regional Groupings into which the world will be divided: 1-North America, 2-Europe, 3-Japan, 4-South Africa, Australia & New Zealand, 5-Soviet Union, 6-Central & South America, 7-Middle East & North Africa, 8 Africa, 9-Sub-Continent & South-East Asia, 10-China.

The harlot is ‘drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus‟ (Rev.17:6) All those she killed in the ‘double unto her tribulation. ‘Therefore shall her double according to plagues come in one day, death, her works:’ (Rev.18:6) and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord God who judges her:’ (Rev.18:8) THE LAST AND THE SEVENTH TRUMPET: The atomic war is the end of the 1260 days, the 3½ years of tribulation. In the world‟s darkest hour the „Light of the world‟ bursts through, as the seventh and last trumpet sounds to announce the RETURN OF JESUS. ‘And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a TRUMPET, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds..' (Mat.24:31) ‘In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at THE LAST TRUMP (the SEVENTH Trumpet) for the TRUMPET shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.’ (1Cor.15:52) 'For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the TRUMP OF GOD:' and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 38

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Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’ (1Thes.4:16,17) The difference between 'TRUMPET' and 'TRUMP' Trumpet is „salpisei‟ in the original Greek. Trump is „salpiggi‟ meaning war-trumpet. The last trump is the war-trumpet announcing that the battle of Armageddon is next. Nevertheless those that have gone up with Jesus will first have „the Marriage Supper of the Lamb‟. The seventh trumpet simultaneously announces: THE SEVEN VIALS OF THE WRATH OF GOD, or the nuclear aftermath. 'there shall be a time of THE HARVEST IS RIPE trouble, such as never was since there was a ‘A time of trouble, such as nation even to that same never was..’ - When the time: and AT THAT TIME nuclear bombs are flying YOUR PEOPLE SHALL BE and exploding, Jesus DELIVERED, everyone comes in the clouds to that shall be found gather in his children. written in the book.’ ‘after the tribulation.. shall (Daniel 12:1) the sun be darkened.. and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: (Nuclear aftermath).. THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:’ (Mat.24:29,30)

'Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.' (Joel 3:13; Rev.14:15) 39

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THE ANTICHRIST KILLS THE TWO WITNESSES The two witnesses have ‘my two witnesses, shall been in Jerusalem for prophesy 1260 days.. 1260 days prophesying when they shall have during the tribulation. finished their testimony, When the Lord returns, the beast shall.. kill then on that same day, them.' (Rev.11:3,7) the Antichrist kills them. ALIENS AMONG US Jesus said, 'They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.'(John 17:14,16) Can you see it unfold? The Lord‟s return that will be broadcast as an alien invasion, seeing Jesus picks up all these “aliens” who have died here before, and those who were still alive on the earth. The two “worst aliens” are the two witnesses in Jerusalem, whom the Antichrist kills. Everyone is happy that all the aliens are now finally gone or dead. Everyone shall see their ‘their dead bodies shall lie dead bodies 3½ days, and in the street of the great shall not allow their dead city, which spiritually is bodies to be put in graves.. called Sodom and Egypt, They that live on the earth where also our Lord was shall rejoice.. and send gifts crucified’ (Rev.11:8) one to another’(Rev.11:9,10) After 3½ days the Nobody dares to touch them, Spirit of life from God as they are portrayed as „evil entered into them, aliens‟ that lived among us. and they stood upon However, ‘after 3½ days.. they their feet; (Rev.11:11) stood upon their feet.. and ascended up to heaven.. great fear fell upon them which saw them..’ (Rev.11:8-12) Can you see how this makes the whole alien nonsense very credible to the world? 40

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CHAPTER VII IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH IN HEAVEN: THE MARRIAGE SUPPER ‘many of them that sleep in the dust ‘AT THAT TIME of the earth shall awake, some to YOUR PEOPLE everlasting life, and some to shame SHALL BE and everlasting contempt’ (Daniel 12:2). DELIVERED, Some will be ashamed. Will that everyone that be me? I accepted Jesus, but did I shall be found ever do anything meaningful for written in the him or anybody else? book’ (Dan.12:1) ‘And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.’ (Dan.12:3)

'the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.' (Rev.10:7)

The believers are in heaven and are not caught in the nuclear aftermath. 'the marriage of the ‘His wife’ is ready. She has Lamb is come, and his passed the test. She is and wife has made herself will always be his faithful ready.' (Rev.19:7) dedicated wife. Nothing could pry her away from the promises of her husband to be. ONE MONTH OF FEASTING The prophet Daniel explains the one month or 30 days. 'And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days.' (Dan.12:11) 41

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This means that when the abomination is placed in the temple at the beginning of the tribulation, it will function for 1290 days. Jesus returns for his children after 1260 days. At that time he will gather his children, but not destroy the abomination or the image. (1290 days -1260 = 30 days) He does that 30 days later. These 30 days are for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. After these 30 days Jesus and the armies which were in heaven shall return to earth upon white horses for the Battle of Armageddon and they will destroy the abomination first of all. 30 days of celebration. What a union, what a love feast, a honeymoon with the King of Love and his Chosen Princess. He raised her up from among the sinners of the earth. She is now true Royalty forever. 'she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints'. (Rev.19:8) Their righteousness was that they knew that they had no righteousness, or goodness of their own. They relied solely on God's mercy, guidance, provision and protection. Their complete trust in Jesus was the only righteousness they had. It was not the religious, I‟m-better-than-you self-righteousness. Rewards will be given. There will be appetizing 'hidden manna', and they will be getting 'a new name' on 'white stones'. (Rev.2:17)

‘he said unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.. These are the true sayings of God.' (Rev.19:9)

‘Write’ this, because this is not symbolically speaking. These words are ‘the true sayings of God’. 42

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This is why people will hold on through thick and thin so they can be at the „marriage feast‟, as it will be 'time to celebrate!' If Jesus made lots of wine on earth as his first miracle, then there will be lots of fun jubilations. It‟ll be a time of cleansing, making up, maybe some trauma counseling, recuperating, appreciating, loving, singing and dancing. - a month to recover, to relax, to enjoy and to feast. ‘you have kept the The night before Jesus died he good wine until said: ‘I will drink no more wine now.’ (John 2:10) until the day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.' (Mat. 26:29) Jesus will have the honour to make the first toast; “A toast to my friends, who were not ashamed of me but stuck up for me no matter what; the true heroes of the universe!” ‘Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my Father which is in heaven.’ (Mat.10:32) ‘And I saw heaven opened, After this month of and behold a white horse; celebrating everyone and he that sat upon him.. is is refreshed and called The Word of God. And reinvigorated, ready the armies which were in for the next episode. heaven followed him upon Off to the stables to white horses.. and on his mount white horses thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF for World Take-Over. LORDS.’ (Rev.19:11,14,16) ON EARTH: THE NUCLEAR AFTEREFFECTS While the believers are celebrating in heaven, the Bible gives us many details about what takes place on earth, so everyone can clearly understand what is to be and make an informed decision. 43

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SEVEN VIALS OF THE WRATH OF GOD During the Marriage Supper the earth suffered the nuclear aftereffects called the „Seven Vials of the Wrath of God‟. However, it is not God who as a sadistic monster is eagerly waiting to pour out these vials. These vials are the after-effects of the nuclear war. This is 'mighty invincible us' not wanting anything to do with God. We bring these plagues upon ourselves by our own stupidity and idiotic stubbornness. THE FIRST VIAL: 'there fell a repulsive and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast,' (Rev.16:2) - Radiation frees the harmful lithium in the battery of the RFID chip. Lithium is flammable, and An excruciating it is potentially explosive when repulsive sore exposed to air and especially to water. The average adult human body is 50-65% water. Consequently the lithium causes an extremely painful sore in the right hand or forehead. THE SECOND VIAL: ‘the second.. vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every All marine life living soul died in the sea’ (Rev.16:3) annihilated The radioactive fall-out poisons the sea and destroys all marine life. This is not an ecological disaster, this is environmental wipe-out. THE THIRD VIAL: Drinking waters ‘the rivers and fountains of waters are poisoned became blood’ - 'they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them 44

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blood to drink; for they are worthy.’ (Rev.16:4,6) - The drinking water sources are contaminated with radiation and fall-out. THE FOURTH VIAL: 'and power was given to the sun to Ozone layers scorch men with fire.' destroyed The protective ozone layers are Extreme heat destroyed and the sun burns like fire. ‘men were scorched with great heat,’ - ‘and they repented not to give him glory.’ (Rev.16:8,9) Our cantankerous, stubborn pride kills our love and leaves us with nothing but emptiness. THE FIFTH VIAL: 'his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,' - 'blasphemed the God of Nuclear heaven because of their pains and Night sores,'(Rev.16:10,11) – Total darkness, sores, biting their tongues, cursing and blaspheming. Isn't there anyone left to call on the Lord for mercy? THE SIXTH VIAL: 'water of the great river Euphrates was 200 million dried up, that the way of the kings of the cross the east might be prepared.' (Rev.16:12) The Euphrates Islamic army of 200 million coming from the east for the Final Jihad, under the leadership of the Madhi, has now access to Israel and Europe. They are coming to fight the Dajjal (Antichrist) and his allies and to enact the Sharia Law worldwide. SHARIA LAW Europe and those that side with the Antichrist already have their armies in the Middle East to 45

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subdue Israel and to block the large army coming from the east. Can you see how both sides believe in the righteousness of this war? Europe will absolutely refuse Sharia Law, while the Final Jihad is to implement Sharia Law worldwide. Both will fight to the death. PREPARING FOR ARMAGEDDON The Devil knows that, when the Lord comes to gather together his children that he will return after 30 days to Israel for world take-over. So while the whole world is in absolute turmoil and suffering the aftermath of the nuclear war, the lying unclean spirits of Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet sway the kings of the earth by ’working miracles’, to come with their armies to Israel. ‘the three unclean spirits.. of Satan, the beast and the false prophet.. go forth unto the kings of the whole world.. working miracles.. to gather them to battle.. into a place called in Hebrew Armageddon’. (Rev.16:14,16)

They will assemble in Armageddon (original Hebrew is ‘Har-Magedon’ meaning ‘mount of Megiddo’).

Mount Megiddo overlooks the Valley of Megiddo and this is where „the war of all wars‟ will take place. „The war of all wars‟ to fight off the „Alien Invasion‟. Every chipped man will be drafted. 'The Antichrist and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse (Jesus) and against his army.' (Rev.19:19) 'The kings.. and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD.. saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’ (Ps.2:2,3) “Away with the restrictions of a so-called God.” 46

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CHAPTER VIII HEAVEN AND EARTH COLLIDE THE SEVENTH VIAL: 'It is done!! So mighty an earthquake every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. Hailstones the weight of a talent,' (Rev.16:17) A talent is 40-45 kg. – ‘the mountains shall be thrown down, and 'IT IS every wall shall fall to the ground.' (Eze.38:20) DONE’ 'the cities of the nations fell:' (Rev.16:19) JESUS ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES ‘And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount ‘‘Jerusalem, shall look upon me whom they of Olives, which is before have pierced’ (Amos 9:8) Jerusalem on the east, and ‘Behold, he comes with the mount of Olives shall clouds; and every eye shall cleave in the middle see him, and they also thereof toward the east which pierced him’ (Rev.1:7) and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.’ (Zech.14:3,4) In 1964 was discovered a crack, east to west in the mount of Olives on the fault-line. (10/2014) Jerusalem Post published an article warning of large upcoming earthquake. “It will happen for sure, it‟s only a question of when” says Shmuel M. (Prof. Geophysics Tel Aviv Uni)

HOW WILL ARMAGEDDON BE FOUGHT? ‘Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.’ (Zech.14:3) ‘Be not afraid, for the battle is not yours, but God's.’ (2Chron.20:15) 47

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First of all the abomination is destroyed. Next ‘the beast was taken, and the false prophet.. both were cast alive into a lake of fire..’ (Rev.19:20). ‘whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:’ (2Thess.2:8) THE ARMIES ARE NOW LEADERLESS. There‟s the unbelievable earthquake, totally off the Richter scale, beyond anything that has ever been. ‘the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places.. and every wall shall fall to the ground.’(Ezek.38:20) ‘great hailstones, the size of a talent' will pelt down (Rev.16:21) - a talent is 40 - 45 kg. 'every man's sword In the panic soldier kills shall be against his soldier – ‘every man’s sword brother.. I will rain shall be against his brother.’ great hailstones, Soldiers turning against their fire and brimstone’ (Eze.38:21,22) fellow soldiers. An incredible chaotic bloodbath! BLOOD UNTO THE HORSE BRIDLES 'I will rain upon them an overflowing rain,' (Eze.38:21,22) After 3½ years of draught (Rev.11:6) during the time of the two witnesses, we now have the cloudburst. They‟ll be slugging it out first in puddles, then pools of blood. It is such a slaughter that blood comes ‘unto the horse bridles’ (Rev.14:20). That is four to five feet deep – ‘by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.' – (1 furlong = 185 meter) This is 296 km. Most likely it is square kilometers. 48

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The battle takes place in the Valley of Megiddo, which is 380 km2, so most of the whole valley will be filled with blood, four to five feet deep.

'the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth.’ (Rev.19:21) – ‘the sword.. is the word of God:’ (Eph.6:17) Jesus will speak to them, but they will not receive. The years of dark propaganda have blinded them to the Light and they would rather destroy themselves and each other than submit to the loving authority of Jesus. ‘You shall not need to fight in this battle.. stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.. when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushes.. everyone helped to destroy another.. they looked unto the multitude, behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and NONE ESCAPED.’ (2Chron.20:17,22-24)

‘You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you, and all your bands.. and I will give you to the ravenous birds.. You shall fall upon the open field: says the Lord GOD.’ (Eze.39:4,5) ‘I saw an angel. . Saying to all the fowls that fly.. ‘Come that you may eat the flesh of kings, of captains, of mighty men and, of all men..’ (Rev.19:17,18) 49

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COMPLETE CIVIL WAR Back home it is also to the death. ‘neighbour People are going berserk with hate; against religious venom and killings, vicious neighbour’ gangs, break-ins, lootings, etc. ‘In that day a great tumult (panic) from the Lord shall be among them. Everyone’s hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.’(Zech.14:12,13) Everyone is demon possessed going crazy with killing each other. SATAN SHUT UP 'I saw an angel.. a great chain in his hand, he laid hold on Satan and bound him a thousand years.. and shut him up' (Rev.20:1-3) Good riddance of bad rubbish. Aren‟t you glad that he is shut up? No more foul-mouthing out of him for a while. 45 DAYS CIVIL WAR The prophet Daniel writes, ‘Blessed is he that waits, and makes it to the 1335 days.’ (Dan.12:12) The Battle of Armageddon started after 1290 days. So this is an extra 45 days. After 45 days of anarchy and slaughter the civil war comes to its end. The bullies, the arrogant and 'them which destroy the earth.' (Rev.11:18) - have now destroyed each other. The people who hid in the jungles and wilderness, away from this war insanity are blessed and can now come out, because they waited till it was over. 50

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CHAPTER IX THE MEEK INHERIT THE EARTH The Battle of Armageddon is settled. These words of Genesis will then ring true, 'Whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.' (Gen.9:6) ‘The meek come out of their hiding places and they shall inherit the Earth.' (Mat.5:5) ISRAEL - AS GOLD IS TRIED ‘When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall have purged the blood from the midst of Jerusalem.. by the spirit of judgment, and burning.’ (Isaiah 4:4) ‘In all the land two parts.. shall be cut off and die.. I will bring the third part through the fire, and refine them as silver is refined, and.. as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them.’ (Zech.13:8,9) ‘I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob’ (Zech. 12:10) PROMISES FOR JERUSALEM ‘In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen . . and I will build it as in the days of old.’ (Amos 9:11) ‘the law and the word of the LORD shall go forth from Jerusalem.’ (Isa.2:3) ‘Jerusalem shall ‘the saints of the be safely inhabited.’ (Zech. 14:11) most High shall Jerusalem will no longer be, take the kingdom, ‘the great city, which spiritually is and possess the called Sodom and Egypt’ (Rev.11:8) kingdom forever’ (Dan.7:18) She shall be ‘the camp of the saints.. and the beloved city..’ (Rev.20:9) ‘the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God.. The Prince of Peace.. 51

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of his government and peace there shall be no end’ (Isa.9:6,7)

‘And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, even upon them shall be no rain.’ (Zech.14:17) ‘That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.’ (Phil.2:10) ‘and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.’ (Rev.12:11 & 20:4)

BUT FIRST THE CLEANUP: 'seven months shall the people that remain in Israel be burying the dead.. The stench of the dead bodies 'shall stop the noses of the passengers.' „and the weapons shall they burn for seven years.. There will be a clean-up crew as, ‘people will be continually employed in cleansing the land.' (Eze.39:9.11,12,14) ONLY FEW MALES REMAIN Isaiah writes that after Armageddon and the civil anarchy that hardly any males will be left. Almost all men are 'I will make a man more precious destroyed in the mayhem, war than fine gold.' and havoc. The remaining men (Isa.13:12) will be ’more precious than fine gold.’ - 'in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, ‘We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: (we will do our own shopping) only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach.’ (Isa.4:1) 52

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WAR, NO MORE.. NO MORE WAR! The Millennium of peace has arrived where love and forgiveness will reign. Weapons shall be beaten into farming equipment. ‘Neither shall they learn war anymore.' (Isa.2:4) No more military recruitment and training! Peace will be enforced, as 'every knee shall bow.' (Isa.45:23) We have the advantage that the Devil, who at present keeps deceiving the people, will be locked away, but we still will have our own stubborn will. So the rulers will in all probability be judging cases like: differences with the neighbours, land disputes, education or child neglect, etc. The Prince of Peace will reign. ‘And he (Jesus) shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people.. nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.’ (Isaiah 2:4) Here we see that the big cases between nations will be judged and settled by Jesus himself, so hopefully we don‟t have to worry about those. Thank God, war is no longer an option. GOD‟S KINGDOM HAS COME The animals will be no longer ‘the lion shall eat carnivores and humans will also straw like the ox.’ become vegetarians. (Isaiah 11:6-9) People might miss their steak, but then there might be a meat-replacing fruit that tastes ten times better than any steak. We probably wonder how we could have ever killed and enjoyed eating the flesh of one of God‟s creatures. ‘VIOLENCE SHALL NO MORE BE HEARD IN YOUR LAND.’ (Isa.60:18) 53

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‘They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.’ (Isaiah 11:9) ‘they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.’ (Amos 9:14) ‘In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.’ (Zech. 14:20) HEAVENLY PEACE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS! (Rev.20:4) THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM 'And when the thousand years are ‘Satan deceives expired, Satan shall be loosed out of the nations’ his prison.. And shall go out to deceive the nations' again. (Rev.20:7) After the thousand years of peace and living in a world that we can only dream of now, Satan is released for a little while and, can you believe it, he deceives everyone again, just like he does today: “We have had one party rule too long. I will be the opposition party. Let's get rid of these tyrants who are forcing us to behave, we want freedom. Let us break their yoke, so we can do what we want.” It will be again a time of sifting to see whether we will stand for love, or prefer to be swept along with the lies? ‘Satan shall go out to deceive the nations.. to gather them together to battle.. the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints’ (Rev.20:7-9) They will all come against Jerusalem, the camp of the saints. 'fire came down from God.. and devoured them' 'the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire.' (Rev.20:10) He is now with his cronies, the beast and the false prophet. They‟re hot under their collar. 54

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PAY- DAY 'For God shall bring 'I saw a great white throne.. every work into And I saw the dead, small and judgment, with every great, stand before God; and secret thing, whether the books were opened: and it be good, or whether another book was opened, it be evil.' (Eccl.12:13,14) which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.' (Rev.20:12) 'the sea gave up the dead.. hell delivered up the dead. Whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.' (Rev.20:13) Those of us who did not respect life and did not repent of our dark deeds or killings, are not, and cannot be written in the book of life, as we refused to value life. 'whatever we sow, that is what we will reap.' (Gal.6:7)

OUR FILES Our memory faithfully records everything we do and say; our words, our motives, loving and unloving deeds and although we sometimes try to erase these memories, or would like to forget certain things, they are there documented forever. Now 'Judgment Day' is here; we are standing before the whole world, before all the people that admired or hated us, and God hits the playback button of our memory for all to see on the big screen. You can‟t argue about the evidence. You can‟t say that you did not do it. You can‟t say, “I did not mean it like that” because you are presenting your own evidence. You are standing there simply naked as a human being. There are no cover-ups of religion, no cover-ups of power, nothing to get you off the hook. 55

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No lawyer to twist the truth that is presented by you, no judge to bribe. Just you and you can‟t crawl under the table! ‘As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live;’ (Eze.33:11) Please do yourself, and your loved ones, and everyone, including God, who values you even more than his own son, a favour and save yourself this incredibly shameful, humiliating experience. God does not want the judgment day to happen. He does not want to humiliate you, he wants to forgive you and not hold your sins against you. That is why he sent his own, only son to take the punishment for us, so you and I don‟t have to stand trial. If you have a son, then you know what kind of sacrifice that took. Jesus is eager to erase our memory file, so it can no longer be used against us. Whew, what a relief! However this is something that only he can do, hence we have to accept him and ask him, because, ‘We all have sinned, and fall short’ (Romans 3:23) We all failed in keeping his commandment, which says, „a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another.’ (John 13:34) We all failed in loving others and that puts us all on equal footing: all sinners. .. ‘and the payment for sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus’ (Romans 6:23) Thank him that he gave his life for your sins of selfishness. Ask him to hit the delete button, which he will and you will no longer have to testify in the witness stand on Pay Day against yourself. Unbelievable! What an offer! 56

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TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE There will be two kinds of people in that day. Those that say, “I am so sorry, would you allow me to apologize to those that I have hurt, could I ask you to please forgive me. You gave me a free will, but I really muffed it and I am just so, so sorry.” And then there are those that say: “I had a horrible life God. I did my best. Don‟t blame it on me! It was YOU who allowed this mess. I did not chose to create myself.” Sorry friend, we are all creating and recreating ourselves by the decisions we make. What will you do? Will you blame others and God? Or will you say, “Yes Lord, I am the one who made those decisions. You tested me and I failed. Please be merciful, because I am a sinner.” The ones that are truly sorry, repent and apologize to the ones that they hurt and who want to come clean will be allowed to live on the new earth. NEW JERUSALEM ‘Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God’.. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.. Then he who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’.. And he said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful’’ - These words are true, this is no figure of speech, these words will happen. ‘And he said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts’.. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son’. Yeah, the overcomers are rich, the gold, the diamonds and the pearls, it's all theirs. But it is worthless compared to the love that was received in the sacrifice of his Son. ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” A tabernacle is a tent, or the shape of a pyramid. If it is pyramid shaped, then it looks like someone who has zero originality is copying this symbol again – see the dollar bill. ‘And the city lies foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth.. twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.. and had twelve gates’ (Revelation 21) LET‟S DO A LITTLE MATH: New Jerusalem is 12000 furlongs (1 furlong is approx. 185 meter) or 12000 x 185 meter = a little over 2200 km length as well as width. Surface is length X width or 2200 x 2200 = 4,840,000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom with England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is 242,900 km2 land area. 58

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The base of New Jerusalem is 4,840,000 divided by 242,900 = roughly twenty times the surface of the complete UK land area. India is the seventh-largest country in the world, with an area of 3,166,414 square kilometers, so it is 1½ times the size of India. And that is a reasonable piece of real-estate. It is however also 2200 km high. An airplane flies with an altitude of 10 kilometers. The city is most likely divided in into floors. Let‟s take a generous guess and say that each floor is 10 kilometers high then we end up with well over 200 floors. This city will not be overpopulated. There will be plenty of space for all the believers of all ages. No monthly rent, no water, gas and electricity bills, no council tax, no state tax, no income tax, no wealth and property tax.


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


CHAPTER X ROYALTY In God‟s eyes, people who love and respect him are his royals, as it reads: „you are a chosen generation, a ROYAL priesthood.. called out of darkness into his marvellous light.’ (1Pet. 2:9) ‘You made us unto our God KINGS and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.’ (Rev.5:10) ‘the saints of the most High shall take THE KINGDOM, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.’ (Daniel 7:18)

WHIPPING BOY In times past royal princes had a „whipping boy‟. “The whipping boy was the child, brought up with a prince or with a young king, and punished on his behalf, when the prince or king was naughty: crucially the royal and his proxy were friends so any pain was vicariously felt.” Link:

www.strangehistory.net/2015/07/07/whipping-boy-origins-of-aroyal-institution (access date: 15/08/2017)

“whipping boy: a person who is blamed or punished for the faults or incompetence of others.” (Dictionary) To truly show our imperial importance and royalty, Jesus moved from his heavenly dimension into our four dimensional realm to present himself as our Whipping Boy. ‘he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.. for the transgression of my people was he stricken.’ (Isa.53:5,8) 60

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Jesus became our „Whipping Boy‟ in the hope that we‟d behave as royals, his future kings and queens. So we would truly learn what it means to serve, to teach, to love, to forgive, to wash each other‟s feet, to give guidance in wisdom, honesty and humility. Thus learning to filfill the ROYAL law ‘the ROYAL law according to the scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (James 2:8) WHAT ARE YOU WORTH ? When we go to the market to buy something, then we make sure that what we purchase has more value to us, than the price that we pay for it, otherwise we got ourselves a bad deal. Some of the smartest business men are from the Jewish community and they would definitely not pay more than what it‟s worth. Jesus was Jewish, the oldest child in a family of at least seven children. He had four brothers, ‘James, Joses, Juda and Simon, and his sisters’ (that is at least two) (Mark 6:3) He was a carpenter helping his old man, Joseph, make ends meet, so he definitely knew the value of things. Yet he, being Jewish, bought us with his life and blood, which shows that in God's eyes, we have greater value than the value that he puts on himself. That is how important we are to him. May we never, ever boohoo the importance of our life here on earth? THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE ‘the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.’ (Mat. 11:12) Grab hold of the Kingdom in your heart by faith and fight for it against fear. 61

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‘The man said, ‘Let me go’.. But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go, unless you bless me.’ (Gen. 32:26) Hold on and don‟t let go of your birthright. The birthright of being a son and daughter of God. People die daily for the four horseman. We give our lives in demonstrations and prisons for the first horseman of political and religious causes. We die as collateral damage in the hell of war for second horseman of the military machine. We sell our souls for the third horseman with crooked business deals, withholding payments and exploiting the poor. We surrender to the fourth horseman by ending our lives with suicide, shoot-outs, religious killings, euthanasia, massacres, ethnic cleansing, genocides, etc. Why not give your life back to God, who gave it to you in the first place and live forever.. “and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your heart and mind through Jesus”. (Phil.4:7) All it takes is a decision and say, “Dear Jesus, I give my life back to you, do with it what you think is best.” It will determine your future when we cross over from here into „forever land‟.


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


‘the kingdom of heaven is like a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: when it was full, they drew to shore.. So shall it be at the end of the world..’ (Mat.13:47-50)

At present we feel safe in the protection of the Kingdom of God, the net. Many times the Lord said, ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.’ Alpha is the beginning for us, Genesis 1 – The Creation, or the start of the net of God‟s Kingdom on the one side. If you have questions concerning Alpha please read ‘In the Beginning…. then What?‟ This gives scriptural, scientific, sound evidence for our origins. Next, for us as believers, is the Omega or the end, the Lord‟s Second Coming. This booklet is the scriptural alternative to the many confusing theories. Don‟t let the net of God‟s Kingdom lose its strength and drawing power on your heart by eliminating either the beginning, or end of the net, with the theories and ‘the wisdom of man that is such foolishness to him.’ (ICor.3:19) Is he still the Alpha and Omega for us? ‘When the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?’ (Luke 18:8)


‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Part 2


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How the Future unfolds

The first 3½ years of the Antichrist’s 7-years tenure

Ever since childhood I wanted to know why and how it all fits. I was one of those youngsters that pesters grown-ups with the question but why? I still pester and probe to discover some out-of-the-ordinary answers.

Major events of my life


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