Putin - will history repeat itself?

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WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? Will Ukraine be Putin’s downfall?

March 1st, 2022. My son asked me on the phone if I had gotten anything about Putin and the situation in Ukraine. Well I did not, but the question made me think. The next morning I felt prompted to look up scriptures in Daniel chapter 11. I knew that Putin was not the Antichrist and that there had to be a change of leadership in Russia, before the Antichrist could come to power. I knew that verse 21 was concerning the Antichrist, so I started reading backwards. Then verse 19 seemed clear to me and that it was applicable to Putin and the Ukraine. See what you think? Putin is now the main leader of Russia, but did he overstep himself to get into this war with Ukraine? Page 1

We know that history repeats itself: A century ago in Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II overstepped himself with WW1. Wilhelm fled and we had a weak stand-in government, the Weimar Republic, which faced hyperinflation and this paved the way for the strong warlike leader, Hitler, to rise to power. We find a similar pattern in the French Revolution. After King Louis XVI went to the guillotine in 1793, France had the brutal leadership of Robespierre, followed by ‘Le Directoire’, which paved the way for the strong warlike leader Napoleon to rise to power in 1799. How does this apply to Russia’s situation? A prophecy in the book of Daniel (chapter 11:19-23), written 2½ thousand years ago, says that a leader “will stumble and fall, and not be found.” - Does this refer to Putin? Page 2

The complete verse says: “Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found.” Is Ukraine that strong ‘fort’ that Putin ‘turned’ against as he considered it to be ‘of his own land’ and part of the former USSR?

The Ukrainians are ready to defend their fort and country. Does the invasion of Ukraine become Putin’s downfall and his end? If so, then things are heating up from a Biblical perspective. Next we get a Raiser of Taxes The following verse Daniel says, “Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.” Next we will see a political leader who tries to save the economy and hyperinflation of Russia by raising high taxes, but the TAX-man won’t last long. Page 3

After the TAX-man, who is next? After the TAX-man we get again a strong warlike leader to pull the world out of the turmoil: “In his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.” He will not have the honour of being the official leader, whether Prime-Minister or President, but he is a smooth, powerful, persuasive speaker and weasels his way to the top, just like Hitler did. According to the Prophet Daniel this warlike leader will be “the king of the north.” That means north of Israel, which is Russia or one of the former Soviet Union states. “And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.” The government that is then in existence, will be overwhelmed by the powerful flood of support for him and gives up. He is “also the prince of the covenant.” and puts forth a seven-year peace plan. The Bible refers to this strong warlike leader as ‘the beast’ or the Antichrist.

“instead of”. Anti-Christ literally means: “Instead of Christ” or “Replacement of Christ”. Many will believe that this person comes as the final reincarnation of Christ.

αντί Χριστός The word anti-Christ in the original Greek is: αντί Χριστός, which is translated in the Bible as anti-Christ. Anti to us means “against” - Anti in the original Greek means

was certain he could prove that the code did not exist.. ‘It sent a chill up my spine’ Gans recalled.. ‘At first I was 100% sceptical.. I set out to disprove the code, and ended up proving it.’

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He is a mover and shaker: “And the beast was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the devil gave him his power, and great authority. (Revelation 13:2) He does not just talk; he is a mover and shaker and takes the world by storm; as fast as a leopard. He gets on his feet with the bear-market (financial collapse) with the socialist ideology of Russia, the bear; “the feet of a bear,” He has all the wisdom of the devil to wrap us around his little finger. With money he takes us down the path of enslavement and final destruction. For more details see: ‘A Man of Sufficient Stature’ - Link: https://johanpeters.in/wpcontent/uploads/2019/11/A-Man-of-Sufficient-Stature.pdf

Why should I believe the Bible? Michael Drosnin wrote in his book the BIBLE CODE that Isaac Newton was convinced that there was a hidden code in the Bible that would reveal the future. Harold Gans (Senior code breaker for American intelligence at the Pentagon)

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What did Nostradamus write? “Many scholars have interpreted Nostradamus' prophecies over the years. The common consensus is that the first AntiChrist, named Napaulon Roy was Napoleon, the second named Hister was Hitler and the third was named Mabus. We have yet to figure out who this last AntiChrist will be.” Link: nostradamusquatrainabout three antichrists - Search (bing.com)

“Send us a man, be he God or the Devil..” Paul Henry Spaak, (a founding fathers of the European Union and 2nd secretary of the NATO) said more than half a

century ago, “What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lead us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us a man, be he God or the Devil, and we will receive him.” The power-point “What is Next?” “What is Next?” explains Biblical details about this person, his seven year reign, his character, etc., and why he will be so admired. Please download a free copy from the homepage of https://johanpeters.in. Inform yourself how to make the right decisions so we can celebrate a happy ending together. Contact: info@johanpeters.in Page 6

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