the Antichrist

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The Antichrist During the last days there will be two specific individuals; the Antichrist and the False Prophet. This pamphlet teaches us how to recognize the Antichrist. The word antichrist in the original Greek is: αντί Χριστός, which is translated in the Bible as antichrist. Anti to us means “against” - Anti in the original Greek means “instead of”. Antichrist literally means: “Instead of Christ” or “Replacement of Christ”.

“He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son” (1John 2:22)

“He (The Antichrist) shall work deceitfully and become strong with a small people“ (Daniel 11:23) The “small people” are the floods of multitudes coming out on the streets in support for him. “A small people” can also translate as “a few people”. In this case it would refer to the few people who pull the strings behind the scenes and the social media. Most likely it is a combination of both, as he needs both to help him “to become strong”. He Starts Out with a Seven Year Peace Plan He will bring peace in a world of war, chaos and financial meltdown; “He will confirm the agreement with many (the UN) for seven years” (Daniel 9:27) * It includes a settlement with Israel and Palestine; * It is a “holy covenant” according to Daniel, so it will have religious implications. (Dan.11:31) * The Jews will be able to build their third temple and reinstate animal sacrifice. * Jerusalem will become an international religious capital for Jews, Muslims and Christians. * The pact will do away with nationalism and local currencies and the world will be divided into ten political economic regions; “the ten horns are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power in one hour with the beast.” (Rev.17:15)

John the Revelator saw the Antichrist as “a beast that was like a leopard with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion.” He does not just talk; he is a mover and shaker and takes the world by storm; fast “like a leopard.” (Rev 13:2) He gets on his feet during the collapse of the financial system, the bear market with the socialist ideology of Russia, the bear; while his The Financial Crash big “mouth of a lion” will roar with blasphemy.

He Brings Economic Recovery and Employment “He enters even the fattest places” (Daniel 11:24) The Antichrist will advise the fattest places, which are no doubt the World Bank, IMF and the big financial institutes. NONE ARE FATTER.

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“He’ll do what his fathers and his grandfathers have not done…he shall scatter... the riches” He is shrewd and to win people he will do what has never been done before by his fathers and his grandfathers of the financial families.

These families are behind the “fattest places” and have accumulated most of the world’s wealth; these are supporting him to win. “his grandfathers” To gain the allegiance of nations he will erase parts or all of their national debts. He’ll give support to those who have the RFID implant to win their loyalty. MONEY POWER rules. What Else is in his Bag of Tricks? * He has all the wisdom of the devil to wrap us around his little finger. “The dragon gave him his power, and great authority.” (Rev.13:2) “He is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.” (Jn.8:44) * He promotes witchcraft; “he shall cause craft to prosper” (Daniel 8:25) * He does away with the “God Delusion”; “blasphemy against God” (Daniel 11:36) * Promotes LBGTQ; “no desire of women” (Dan.11:37) * Gives robots positions of administration; “a god whom his fathers knew not.. he shall cause to rule over many.“ (Daniel 11:37,38) * He will give away land to gain solidarity; “he shall divide the land for gain.” (Daniel 11:38) * There will be major promotional drives for people to take the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) implant. (Rev.13:16-18) This will be proof of our world citizenship and that we are not “aliens” planning an invasion. Awestruck by this “Replacement of Christ” “And they worshipped the Devil and the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?” (Rev.13:4) While we are awestruck and in total admiration for this “Replacement of Christ”, he prepares the world’s worst tyranny, that we have ever encountered in all of history. Once we have the RFID implant, we will have to obey the party line, otherwise we can get abducted anywhere, anytime for either re-education or elimination. “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near” (Joel 3:14) Page 3

He Makes War to Enforce Peace in the Middle East; The first war he wins and gains a lot of wealth. “he returns into his land with great riches” (Daniel 11:28) With the second war he plans to invade Israel but retreats as Israel’s allies interfere. “the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return” (Daniel 11:30) (Chittim is the old name for Cyprus. Since Cyprus got her independence in 1960 the UK has kept two SBA’s (Sovereign Base Areas) there, from which the RAF operates together with the US.

War in Heaven is Won and Comes to Earth At this time “there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels with him.” (Rev.13:7-9) Satan possesses the Antichrist fulltime and multitudes will get demon possessed. The Antichrist survives an assassination attack. In order to have a buffer against any further attacks, the False Prophet will get people to make a human android to speak for the Antichrist. The False Prophet will “give life to the image of the beast and that it will speak” (Re.13:15) Under the cloak of science he will order demons to enter the image. If demons can operate Ouija boards, then they can manipulate the sensitive micro-mechanisms of the image and make it look like it is alive. As demons are operating the image it becomes a mouthpiece for them, Satan and the Antichrist, demanding mankind to worship it. Next is a Military Intervention The Prophet Daniel wrote, “in the middle of the seven years he shall stop the animal sacrifice and place the abomination of desolation...” (Daniel 9:27) After 3½ years, the Antichrist sends the peacekeepers into the temple to stop the animal sacrifice and place the abomination, which is “the image of the beast”. This is when we get a repeat of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. Page 4

This is When the Tribulation Starts! Jesus said, “When you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place… then shall be great tribulation”. (Mat.24:15,21) - ABSOLUTE MAYHEM COMMENCES This tribulation period is the second half of the last 7 years - 3½ years - It’s cited 8 times in the Bible as: ‘42 months’-‘time and times and half a time’ and as ‘1260 days’. (The Lunar calendar was used back then and counted 360 days per year. 1260 days : 360 = 3½ years)

“as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev.13:15B) And all this happens in the name of SCIENCE. If we refuse the RFID and refuse to worship that God-damned (it is damned by God) talking puppet as our god, it will give us the death sentence. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares “I will say to the reapers, Gather together first the tares” (Mat.13:30) The Antichrist’s assignment is to separate the tares from the wheat. Thus he is one of ‘the reapers’ - the grim one - and his job is to ‘gather together the tares’. He binds them in bundles with the RFID chip. When that job is done, his seven year tenure is over. The Lord gives him permission to make “war with the saints” to see where each one’s heart is at. We really don’t realize how important we are, but the Antichrist and the False Prophet* are to sort through each of us. “Who loses his life for my sake, shall save it.” (Lu. 9:24) *For more on the False Prophet see the pamphlet “the False Prophet” Link: FALSE-PROPHET-Print.pdf (

The Tribulation Trumpets To show that God is not pleased with the persecution of his children, the angels sound the seven tribulation trumpets*, to keep the Antichrist and his cronies busy and in panic with meteors and asteroids. *Please see the pamphlet “the Seven Tribulation Trumpets” Link: seven-tribulation-trumpets-print.pdf (

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War number three: “at the time of the end… he shall enter also into the glorious land (Israel) and many countries shall be defeated: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom (Jordan) and their chief.” (Dan.11:41) Their chief is probably still the wise King Abdullah II, who has been kind to the war victims. War Number Four is the NUCLEAR WAR. “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.” (Dan.11:44) Israel’s allies in the north are preparing for full scale war. Also an army of 200,000,000 is amassing in the east for the final Jihad. The Antichrist can’t face both simultaneously, so he presses the red button for an atomic first strike against Israel’s allies (USA? & UK?) Babylon is destroyed. Before the bombs reach, Babylon launches a retaliatory strike against the armies in Israel (Zech.14:12) and Russia (Eze.39:6). At This Time Jesus Comes to Gather His Children When the atom bombs are exploding it happens! “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: (nuclear aftermath) then they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:29,30) His children rise up to the marriage supper, while the world suffers the nuclear aftermath and gathers their armies against “the Alien Invasion” - Armageddon Taken from A Man of Sufficient Stature - Part 1 & Part 2 - FREE at What is Next? is a powerpoint that tells it all. FREE DOWNLOADS and No cookies! Contact:

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